54. When God Feels Distant


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“Why does God sometimes feel distant? Why are there times and seasons when it seems like God is either aloof or further away from us than at others?” --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theshepherdsprodcast/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theshepherdsprodcast/support


55. Bank Collapses and Good Investing

Welcome back to the broadcast where we prod the sheep and beat the wolf. This is episode 54 when
God feels distant Why does
God sometimes feel distant Why are there times and seasons when it seems like God is either aloof or further away from us than at other times?
As a pastor, I've received various versions of this question over the years questions like why does
God feel distant from me? I know that I'm saved. I've have assurance of that from the scriptures.
But why do I go through periods of deadness and dryness? How is this true?
And why does this happen? I am NOT really changing anything about my routine I have the same
Bible plan that I've always had I dedicate the same time every morning to prayer I'm repenting and I'm doing everything that I know to do pastor.
So yet why? Why is it that sometimes God feels nearer to me?
While at other times I feel like that he has left me and I am all alone Why is that?
Now there is undoubtedly many reasons why this phenomenon may occur such as our own sinfulness our rebellion the quenching of the
Spirit of God or even God's chastening of his children When those things happen
God will often withdraw the experience of his presence from us Which is meant to lead us to repentance
He does not however Remove his presence entirely from us since the
Bible tells us that there's now therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ his spirit
Remains in us yet at the same time While God is fully present with us through the spirits and dwelling.
He's fully present in all places through his omni presence There are times when he veils our capacity to comprehend his presence
Allowing us to experience distance from him darkness even in shadows Now as we said before this occurs often because of habitual indwelling and unrepentant sin
But what happens when that's not the case? Do we have any examples of that in Scripture? How do we explain the other occasions when we are in the word?
When we're repenting fasting praying singing mortifying the flesh we're doing everything that we've always done
That seemed to bring us closer to God and yet For some reason we're now filling the absence of God His distance is more palpable even than his presence.
Why how do we explain that? well, these are questions that I've also asked myself countless times before and unfortunately,
I've Not been really given a biblical reason from Scripture to account for such occasions instead
I've been taught that my relationship with God is sort of based upon this quid pro quo
Relationship and rule where if I repent of my sins and I do all of the right things then
God is going to Automagically reward me with the gift of his presence now this actually caused a lot of Dysfunction in my relationship with God because it encouraged me to have a performance oriented faith
Where I believe that my experience of God the nearness of God was wholly dependent upon me and Yet I did not have someone come alongside me and tell me that this is not what we see in Scripture Now take for Job for example the
Bible tells us that he was a righteous man that he was exemplary among the men of his time and yet God allowed him to experience awful suffering and the diminishing of his presence take
David for instance There's another one His Psalms are riddled with with pleadings and beggings of God that God would draw near to him that God would
Allow him to experience the joy of his nearness. Once again, you think about another example in Jesus Who never sinned and yet in the garden felt such agony and distance from God that he wept tears of blood
How do we account for those situations? Now to answer that question today,
I would like to share 13 things that I wish someone would have shared with me along the way that I've now
Praise the Lord been able to learn and some of those things I've been learning over the years some of those things I've learned just even this week
Now what I'm not gonna do is I'm not gonna be diving too deeply into the the question of why
God is distance Distant from us at times there. There's a lot of mystery in the scripture on that and frankly
We can't know the decreative secret will of God. We can only know what's revealed in the text
So what I would like to do instead of answering the question of why is God distant? I think that's a great question.
But instead I would like to answer How are we to think about the distance of God?
And then what can we do about this reality? So I want to think about those two things
Actually, I think that that will help soften The tension that we feel from the why question.
Why is God distant? Well, I think that's the wrong question How are you to think about his distance? And what are you to do about his distance?
Those are the two things that I'd like for us to wrestle with today now in the rest of this episode
I want to offer six reflections to consider When you feel distance from God and I'd also like to provide seven that's 13 total things seven biblical remedies for you to employ
Should you ever experience distance from God so part one How are we to reflect upon the distance of God?
Number one. I want you to reflect upon God's rights Here's the principle
God has every right and ability To give and take away the experience of his presence as he deems appropriate
One of the greatest doctrines that we often recoil from is the doctrine of the sovereignty of God Sovereignty entails that God has every right ability and power to accomplish whatever it is that he wills
And since everything that occurs is under the canopy of God's will Then every pain displeasure and discomfort comes about first by divine knowledge and by divine permission
Therefore nothing happens outside of the will of God nothing Job says this fact poignantly in chapter 23 verse 16.
He says it is God who has made my heart faint And it is the almighty who has dismayed me.
You see what he's saying here He's saying this is not accidental. My heart is not faint by happenstance
It's God who willed it to be so jeremiah is a man who's also acquainted with with great grief and he's heartily concurring with with uh
Job in lamentations 3 2 through 2 and 8. This is what he says. God. He has driven me
And made me walk in the darkness and not in light even when I cry out and call for help
God shuts out my prayer Now while these verses may rub the inner drama queen inside of us the wrong way.
Do we really? truly Have a cause to be angry about it
All of us at some point or another have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God Most of us have sinned this very minute
Well that includes job And jeremiah, but it also includes us God said to all of us who have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God that the punishment for that sin would be death
He says that in the day you eat of the tree you shall die and yet look at how long we live
The very fact that you and I are alive today means that God Has been exceedingly generous to us
It means that he's not given us what we're owed but is instead offered to us unmerited mercy beyond comprehension
Beyond this if you're a christian and you're listening to this you've received unfathomable grace
Now remember grace is not just being spared from the punishment that you earned that's mercy But grace is receiving blessings comforts and joys that don't belong to you
That you couldn't pay for In your sin you and I should have suffered eternal torment and terror forever and yet god sacrificed his son
To rescue you Instead of us suffering he watched his baby boy undergo emotional
Spiritual and physical anguish To offer to you and I grace
Our salvation even if it were the only good thing that ever happened to us Would be infinitely more than we could ever ask for or expect
And it's yet it's not the only good thing that's ever happened to us Tell me Can you count the blessings and the graces that god has given you?
Can you count them? Are you are you gonna forget some of them? Of course All of the joys that he's imparted to you and I through family and friends and children through a lineage and a heritage
He's given us wealth being in one of the richest nations the richest nation probably in the history of the world He's given us food wine safety security vehicles means
Think about it like this. Has he ever answered any one of your prayers? Has he given you oxygen to breathe or organs that work without your direct involvement or management?
Has he given you a physical copy of the bible which if you think about it from a historical standpoint you are blessed
What about other blessings that are stacked up as high as heaven blessings upon blessings
Gifts upon gifts that you and I overlook and forget You see when we add up the mountain of kindnesses that we have received from god
And we compare that to the eternal torment and suffering that we deserve It is shocking how much we actually complain to god
I want you to think about this clearly if we've received nothing But our salvation from god and if our temporal lives were filled with nothing
But heartache and misery and unimaginable suffering
And if we never once felt the comfort and the nearness of god's presence
Then we would be inconceivably and unreservedly blessed remembering that We should not be surprised whenever god feels distant from us
We should actually be surprised that so frequently he act he feels near We should be shocked that such an immense and pure being would persist for so long with such petulant peasants
And if we should ever walk through a period like this where we feel that god is distance our first reaction ought to be
Gratitude we shouldn't feel like we've been slided. What do we even slided from? This same god who is working out our salvation is also working out this
Situation that you're going through right now for good Whether right now you're in a season of blessings or whether you're in a season of discomfort depression and pain
God has given you that for your good and for his glory
And because he is sovereign over all things. He's perfectly and we know that he's perfectly good in all things.
We can trust him In all things whether you no matter what you go through every conceivable
Nanosecond of your life Is a gift from god that you ought to praise him for there is simply no reason for us to ever complain
And ever feel sorry for ourselves and to ever feel bitter when we think about these things rightly
We can rest knowing that we are more blessed than our minds could ever conceive Which I believe will help us patiently endure
The hard times that we walk through until our situation or experience improves now
Number two, we need to also not just reflect upon god's rights Which is
I think if you get that point If you understand the first point in this then you you really kind of the whole thing
Opens up for you It's like 80 percent of the point if you can get point one
Then all of the rest of this is sort of application on that But the second thing beyond the sovereignty and the providence peace of god's right to do with his presence as he wills
The second thing that I want us to reflect on is we need to reflect upon our understanding of righteousness Here's the principle our righteousness
Our obedience and our sanctification in christ Do not obligate god to give us an experience of his nearness
They just don't The book of job proves this the book of job is predicated upon the fact that job is a righteous man.
Job 1 1 throughout the pages of the book Job himself announces the fact that he's blameless that he's guiltless that he's righteous.
Look at job 27 6 for another example and God himself doesn't disagree with this.
He actually Says that job is blameless in the beginning of the book in chapter 1 verse 8
This book then Is a fascinating thought experiment and a case study on what happens?
Why and how do the righteous suffer and experience distance from god? and according to the book of job sometimes righteous people experience
Distance from god not because they lack righteousness Job certainly didn't god admits this but because they have it
And so the book of job Which was an entirely foreign concept To job and his friends at that time
You see at that time the prevailing wisdom, especially among job's shoddy friends
Was that good people obtained blessings and favors because of their goodness? At the same time they believed that the wicked were going to suffer because of their wickedness
To that culture the world operated along strict rules of reciprocity good people were rewarded
And bad people were punished The obvious conclusion from such a philosophy was if you are suffering
Then you must be wicked which contradicts god's own words at the beginning of this book
With that the book is not about how good people are blessed and bad people are cursed that's that's wrong
The book invites us to explore why god sometimes Causes blameless righteous and even people that he has commended
To undergo the loss of intimacy with their creator Notice how job recounts his sufferings
He doesn't describe it entirely as the loss of material and physical wealth and health and all of that He does describe that but his most poignant remarks are not about his material losses in his in his
Mental losses or any they're all spiritual. Listen what he says This is chapter 23 verse 3 and then verses 8 and 9
Oh that I knew where I might find him. That's god that I might come to his seat behold
I go forward, but he is not there and backward, but I cannot perceive him When he acts on the left,
I cannot behold him. He turns on the right and I cannot see him in addition
To job's constant declaration of his rightness and fairness. He is also describe describing
What he considers to be the the brunt of his problem his righteousness
Did not secure for him intimacy and fellowship with god. He thought it would
He thought that because he was good then god would bless him You see job is far less vexed actually over the loss of physical material blessings instead
He's broken -hearted that god feels like a million miles away from him
Job can't conceive of a world where a man like him is actively pursuing righteous living
Who is doing all the right things and god knows everything so god knows that he's doing these things
And yet god still withholds his presence from him. Job can't conceive of that That's really the complaint
That job has all throughout the book How is this possible god that i'm righteous and you are treating me this way.
That is what job is saying Now just like job had to learn his lessons and get his licks in the end
We too need to expand our view of god Like job, we must understand that works of personal righteousness
Individual obedience and dedicated work in holiness by the spirit of god cannot guarantee the experience of feeling near him
God doesn't operate Under the terms of reciprocity or quid pro quo or vending vending machine spirituality
He grants the awareness of nearness as he deems fit
This is not based upon our schemes This is not based upon our effort or machinations
There will be times in our life when god graciously allows you and I to experience an abundance of his presence
And yet there's going to be times when he doesn't And we need to become familiar with that and comfortable with that remember
God is sovereign over all things Recall that our sanctification and our growth and righteous living do not indebt god to us
And then rest in the fact that god is using everything even periods of perceived distance deadness dryness and spiritual
Lack of intimacy he's using all of that for his good and for his glory job says in verse
Or chapter 13 verse 15 though god slays me yet. I will hope in him.
It's a great verse to memorize number three beyond looking at the rights that god has and beyond looking at Our own righteousness.
We also need to reflect upon our past record. Here's the principle just because god
Has given tremendous experiences of his presence in the past Does not mean that he's obligated to repeat them in the present
Psalm 44 begins this way Oh god We have heard with our ears.
Our fathers have told us of the work that you did in their day in the days of old
For by their own sword, they did not possess the land and by their own arm They did not save them but your right hand and your arm and the light of your presence has favored them
The psalmist is seeking to remind god of the days of old
Those days when his presence was powerfully with his people and it went ahead of them and delivered them Safely into the land that god had promised the reason that the psalmist is issuing this reminder is telling because He's saying that this current generation is not experiencing those same things
Even though they had not violated the terms of the covenant The psalmist tells us in verse 17, even though they have not turned aside into idolatry verse 18 and 20
He's telling us that god's heavy hand was against them Their enemies were defeating them and making a mockery of them among the nations which led to incredible confusion
They were wondering to themselves if god's people of old experienced him in such and such a way
Then why aren't we having the same experience they believe that the experience of nearness with god was a repeatable phenomenon
The psalmist cries out in verse 9 and then in verse 19 you have rejected us And you've brought us to dishonor
And you do not go out with our armies yet you have crushed us in the place of jackals and you've covered us with the shadow of death
Do you feel the weight of their confusion there They essentially say god
We're doing the same things that our forefathers did we're not dishonoring you
Which warrants the question that they're asking god Why are we not getting the same results that they did?
and surprisingly God does not answer that question. He leaves it hanging
But what this psalm does teach is as profound While the psalm offers no insight into why this generation was suffering at the hands of their enemies
That's verses 9 through 16. And while it offers no reason as to why god was pulling back his presence
It's verses 21 through 25 It does however clarify and it confirms
That god's past record of graces that he gave to one people does not guarantee
That he's going to act in the same way at a different time with a different people it just doesn't
Graces are non -repeatable events His presence and how he allows us to experience him
Are deeply personal and they're and they're intimate and they're peculiar in particular to different people at different times in different seasons if god
Dispensed an experience of his presence and i'm not talking about the truth that's revealed in scripture here Because truth is truth.
It never changes. But but how god Impresses his spirit upon unique individuals
If if we were to look at that and say god if you dispensed your presence Because I followed step a b c and d and if I did that Then I would feel near to you.
And if I did not do that, then I would not feel near to you what we've done Is we've reduced experiencing god down to a formula that you can that you can complete like a checklist
In your life, you may have had moments of blissful intimacy with god, but those weren't formulaic There may have been a season when he was especially near to you pressing his love down upon you
Enlivening your eyes giving life to your bones, but it wasn't because you did step a b c and d it was because of his grace
There's also times You know them you've heard about them from other people where they've experienced god in ways that you can only dream of Maybe they have stories that you don't have where god moved and did things in the past in their life or maybe he's doing that in their lives right now in the present and you're like God, why has that not happened to me?
What am I doing wrong? This is what the this is what the generation in psalm 44 was asking Beloved remember this
Past records of god's grace Do not guarantee that he will repeat them in the same way in the present
God is personal He's not a robot, which means that he gets to decide
How near and how far you get to perceive him to be? That is what makes a relationship with god so dynamic and so wonderful and allows us an occasion to praise him
Since we would never ultimately adore a god who acts like a vending machine We know this is true.
We don't we don't treat our wives or our or our husbands that way We we don't treat them like if I do these things then you have to show affection to me we're dynamic beings
Nobody loves a vending machine Nobody would love nobody would ultimately love god if he were like that we would find him useful
But we would not find him beautiful, which I think is a quote from tim keller Number four
We need to reflect upon the way that we think we need to reflect upon our reasoning The principle goes like this our perspective on experiencing god is finite and lacking
We fail to account for the myriad of ways That god can use distance dryness and deadness in our soul to sanctify and bless us
In job's opinion god had slighted him You can hear the tone in his bombastic appeal.
Let's look at job 13. We're going to read verse 15 17 19 23 through 24 Job says this nevertheless.
I will argue my ways before him Listen carefully to my speech. He's talking to god.
Listen carefully to my speech And let let me declare let my declaration fill your ears god
Behold now i have prepared my case And I know that I will be vindicated who will contend with me
How many are my iniquities and sin god Make known to me my rebellion and my sin
Why then do you hide your face and you consider me your enemy? You see job is appealing
To god and he's basically saying lord if I really am this righteous man, and there's no sin that I can remember
Then why are you treating me like I am your enemy What gives god?
Job is assuming that the only thing that can separate him from god is in His an experience of god's nearness is unrepented sin and he's saying that doesn't apply to me
He has no memory of a time where he has an unconfessed sin his entire paradigm for how to be near to god has been blown
And he's saying god you must submit to my judgments you're not being fair that's what job is saying
Job obviously Failed in many ways here. He finds that out later
But but the main way that he failed is that he failed to account for the complexity Of what he was talking about he had a very simple view of the world if I do good god gives me him if I do
Bad god withdraws that is far too simple and the world is far too complex and beautiful for such simplicity god
Has a myriad of reasons for allowing distance in a relationship to occur job In fact his view was far too simple
In the same way there are countless reasons why god may allow you And may allow
I to experience distance in our relationship with him It's not a simple topic
See like job. You don't need to have all the answers and know all the reasons why? Because our brains our finite capabilities and understandings just can't go there
If god has not revealed to you why he is pulled back from you
Then you don't need to know why Now if it's obvious you have habitual indwelling unrepentant sin repent
But if it's not obvious to you and god has not revealed it to you Then the question of why is god pulling back from you is not yours to judge
That's what got job in trouble as he thought his judgments Were somehow more sophisticated
And more fair and more right than god Remember we are not required to have an infinite knowledge of god's secret will on things
Our reasoning like job is flawed we're incapable of understanding the mysteries that god has revealed That's deuteronomy 29 29 all you and I can know is what scripture tells us
Scripture tells us that god is sovereign That god is good And that whatever happens to us whether it be good or whether it be perceived by us as ill
It comes from his loving and kind hand so that we can trust him Brothers and sisters rest in that Receive that Lay down your human opinions and reasoning and remember what the psalmist says
He says this to himself. Why are you in despair all my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me hope in god?
For I shall again praise him for the help of his presence number five
We need to learn how to reflect upon the ruins We need to learn how to reflect upon God's rights our righteousness
Our record of the past our reasoning we also need to be able to reflect upon the ruins
Here's the principle our problems pain and experiences of trouble Do not obligate god to relieve us in any way
One of the most consistent cries that you see In the psalms is for god to arise and to aid his people when they are suffering
Now as we've mentioned before when we are living righteously when we see other people getting A different experience than we're getting and when all the powers of our reasoning would say that god owes us his presence
Sometimes god will surprise us and he'll allow us to feel distance This isn't because god is capricious on the contrary
Whatever god does he does because at that moment It was the very best thing that he could do
There is never a moment where god doesn't do absolute perfection Where something is less than god does not sit up in heaven grieved that he made a wrong decision
Sometimes and I say that sort of tongue -in -cheek Every time
Even though we can't explain it The distance that god sometimes causes us to go through is the very best thing for us
If that were not true, then god would not have chosen for you to go through it Again god doesn't make mistakes
Nowhere in the bible is that tension more perplexing and more poignant
Than in times when people are going through suffering See we expect god to come to our aid when we're in pain
Unexpectedly, those are the moments. Sometimes god seems the most distant Here's a few here's a few examples from the scripture on how this
On how other people in the psalms or other people in the bible have experienced this psalm 10 verse 1
Why do you stand far off? Oh lord. Why do you hide your face in times of trouble?
God right now is the time I need you. Why are you distant? Look at psalm 13 1
How long oh lord, are you gonna forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me
Especially poignant is psalm 42. It's one of my favorite psalms It's by the sons of korah.
They say this in verses 1 through 3 as the deer pants for water
So my soul pants for you Oh god My soul thirst for you god for the living god when
I When I when shall I come and appear before god? My tears have been my food day and night while they say to me all day long.
Where is your god? Do you see the picture that the writer here is painting for us?
He's casting himself as the character of a deer That is on the verge of death
Panting frantically for water Before she falls under the crippling weight of dehydration
In this psalm, you have a deer that has gone a long time without a refreshment Even a drop of water upon her tongue in the same way
The psalmist is saying to god god it has been a long time since i've seen you It's been a long time since i've heard you
It's been a long time since i've experienced you and I am dying here The salty tears that I lick off my glisten cheeks are the only drink and food that I have.
Where are you god? Where are you Now like the psalmist there's going to be times when you and I walk through tragedy
And disaster, but that's not what the psalmist is talking about There's going to be times like it
Like where we're going to feel like count rugen and the princess bride where we've been locked away in the in the pit of despair
But again, that's not really what he's talking about He's talking about aching
Because he's not near god Because the experience of god has been taken from him
In those times and if you've experienced them if you've experienced the weight Of the departure the the distance if you've experienced that especially in juxtaposition to a time that you had before where god felt
Especially near maybe right when you became a christian and and god felt near to you and and every part about the relationship was fresh
And it was good. And now it feels like you're walking through through the pits of despair if that if you can feel that and What I want you to do is for a moment,
I want you to allow your heart to settle I want you to allow yourself to rest
Before your mind goes on reeling and I want you to understand that these moments of distance do not prove
That god doesn't care for you they do not invalidate his existence. In fact, they actually reinforce it
You see like a wise parent god does not always give you what you want If a mother did that she would soon have a a miniature monster on her hands instead of a child much the same way dear ones
Sometimes god brings relief when we ask and yet sometimes he doesn't Sometimes he allows us to knock and then the door flings wide open and then there's other times
Where we're outside standing for a little while knocking When jesus says in the new testament knock and the door will be open that verb actually is
It's not like a one -time event like where you knock and then it's over That verb is is what in greek you call continuous aspect and it says knock and knock and knock
That's what it means If you continue to knock god's going to let you in but sometimes you're going to stand there a little while Not forever
Not eternally Because you're his you're his child but temporally
There's going to be times when that door doesn't open as quickly as you were hoping it would And there's going to be times where you're going to stand there a lot longer than your flesh can endure
Where despair and complaining is going to rise up inside of you? I want you to remember that god is in control
The situation you're walking through is challenging. I don't want to diminish it And it is stretching you beyond your ability to handle it gracefully
That's okay. God's allowing it for a much better purpose
God is allowing it because he wants to accomplish more in your life than if he gave you what you want
Remember God often uses our pain to sanctify us and grow us.
Thank god for that And trust god in that Number six the last reflection that we're going to give is we need to also reflect upon resilience
We need to reflect upon what resilience actually means Here's the principle just because we have reached the end of our rope
Does not mean that we have reached the end of god's The psalmist says in psalm 88
One through three. Oh lord the god of my salvation. I have cried out by day
And in the night before you let my prayer come before you incline your ear to my cry
For my soul has had enough of trouble And my life is drawn near to she'll the psalmist is saying
I had enough I'm ready to tap out god Wish everybody's had that moment, right?
We've all had a moment where we thought we've reached our breaking point Where all of us we've went so far, maybe some have gone further than others, but there comes a point when everyone breaks
And everyone taps out And everyone gives up We see this in sports when the body breaks down and the athlete just can't go anymore we see this in mental health when
One too many tragedies one right after the another Eventually causes pretty stable and normal people to have full -blown panic attacks
We all reach a breaking point But what we do not see in scripture
Is when we reach that breaking point that god is somehow obligated to relieve us We don't see that scripture says actually god is faithful And he will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you were able
That's the closest verse you've got if you think that When I tap out when i'm done when I when
I throw in the towel Then god has to do something for me then god has to respond if you have that expectation
You're going to be frustrated in your relationship with god because god often doesn't do that The passage doesn't say what you think it says.
It doesn't say god will never give you more than you can handle. It doesn't say that Instead it simply promises you
That god will be with you and that he will aid you and that he is faithful in helping you defeat your temptations when they come
But that is not at all the same thing is that god will never give you more than you can handle There are going to be times in your life when god gives you more than you think you can handle
I don't know about you But every day that I serve as a pastor I have more On me than I think I I can handle in my flesh or ability praise god for that Because I shouldn't be serving in my flesh or my ability
My life and i'm assuming yours is the same way is one event after another where I have to depend upon god
Because the task is too big for me And that's consistent All throughout the scriptures of how god interacts with his people
He doesn't uh, he doesn't allow them to have a comfortable squishy road. Actually. He causes them to walk on In the valley of the shadow of death
As far as I can tell from scripture god never allows you and I to define what we think we can handle
If that were the case then we would never grow because we're pain averse and avoidant people If we got to decide
Whenever We could throw out the stress card If we got to decide whenever we whatever whenever we could say no to something that oh, we can't handle that We can't face that we would become fat sick
Spiritually lazy weak and miserable creatures with no strength no grit and no backbone
Because we'd never face anything we would opt out of everything Praise god
That he forces us into pain Thank the lord that he doesn't accept our excuses
Glory be to god that he doesn't allow us to walk through Pleasures every day, but he causes us to go through the deepest aches and to pant like a deer through the most expansive wildernesses because We wouldn't go there on our own
And as a result we would not become the kind of people that he wants us to become Again Our opinion on how much we can handle is irrelevant our opinion on how near Or on how far god feels to us is not god's primary concern for your life
He is primarily concerned with making you holy And not relieving your discomfort
Now it's not to say that he doesn't relieve discomfort i'm just saying it's not his primary purpose in your life Remember Remember what paul says in the second letter to the corinthians and I want you to find comfort in that Second corinthians 4 17 says for this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison praise be to god
That's part one What are we supposed to reflect upon those are six truths?
That don't answer the question of why but the answer the question of how How am I supposed to think about the fact that god sometimes is distant from me?
Now part two this is a little shorter section we're landing the plane here
But part two is what are some things that I can do When god feels distant
What are some things that I can do from the scriptures number one repent of your repentance? God may feel distant to you right now
And you may not know at all where to begin perhaps you feel like that you've confessed every sin that you're aware of and you are
Listening to this podcast and you're saying what do I do now? Well, I would say begin by repenting of your repentance
Now if you have known sin in your life repent of that first, but then after that Something that you can always do is repent of your repentance
Because like everyone our repentance is too shallow And it's too superficial
We don't look at our sin and our life like god does we've not repented in the way that that god
That god would have us to repent We overlook millions of egregious sins that offend the spirit of god and those sins lie hidden dormant inside of our hearts and our minds
And they rarely see the light of day because we've either suppressed them because they're uncomfortable for us
Or we've overlooked them because we didn't think they were a big deal In fact knowing this we should be shocked that god ever feels close to us every time that god
Feels near to us every time we enjoy the comfort of his presence. He is he is overlooking billions
Of unconfessed sins on the basis of the finished work of jesus christ The miracle of the gospel is that christ?
Did it all for you? As you did nothing instead of Skipping repentance now as a christian because jesus has done all of this for us and that's true.
We believe that But because jesus has done all of that for us now, he's equipped us and he's empowered us to grow in our repentance to to have better repentance
Our repentance this year ought to look better than it did last year where we were repenting for Pretty obvious things now we're repenting for nuances in our heart and our mind
Motivations even that that are much harder to identify idols that are deeper down than they used to be
We need to repent Of the old shallow ways that we've handled repentance
We need to say along with king david if we really are in the place like job Where we don't have a single unconfessed sin that we know about Well, we need to say with king david
Search me. Oh god, and david's not saying search me. Oh god, because he thinks nothing can be found
He's saying I can't find anything else. God search me And know my heart
Try me And know my anxious thoughts and see if there's any Hurtful sinful way in me and then lead me
To the path of the everlasting way David knew that there was stuff in there inside his heart
And he knew that he couldn't find it. He knew that he couldn't build a
Microscope powerful enough An x -ray machine detailed enough. He knew that he couldn't find it.
He needed god To search him Maybe your first step today As you're thinking about I feel distant from god.
I feel dead in my walk I feel dry. I feel like the deer that's panting for water
I feel Thirsty, I feel hungry. I feel famished. Maybe your first step dear brother and sister
Is to repent of your repentance To Give up trying to find sin in your life and say god, where am
I offending you? Where am I hurting you where am I grieving your spirit lord
And then lead me Encourage to lay those things down so that I can join you in the everlasting way
Invite god to examine your heart and reveal your offense and then confess and repent to the lord. That's the first thing
The second thing is to remain steadfast because we know That god's not obligated to show up just because we improved in our repentance
Jeremiah speaks a profound word to everyone living in this microwave and 5g generation that we're living in right now
Where we want things done quickly, but then jeremiah is going to come and he's going to give us a word That's going to help us understand not to look at things quickly, but to but to how to approach things rightly
Lamentations 3 verses 25 and 26 and also verse 31 and 32. Jeremiah says the lord is good to those who wait for him
To the person who seeks him It is good that he waits silently for the salvation of the lord
For the lord will not cast you off forever. But though he causes grief He will have compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love jeremiah is saying don't use your energy to complain and to grumble and to be
To and to sit down in your bitterness and oh how easy it is for us to do that all of us jeremiah saying remain steadfast
Use your energy to patiently wait upon the lord seek him Wait on his nearness to return
You may feel like god is far from you right now But dear brothers and sisters those are just feelings they are not facts
God is in you through his spirit He is with you because of his covenantal love expressed through christ
And your experience will improve This is not an eternal situation for you.
It is a very temporal Reality that is meant to cause you to run back into the arms of your father
Wait for god's timing Echo david in psalm 27 14 where he says wait for the lord be strong Let your heart take courage.
Yes wait on the lord today. Will you wait? If you're in a particularly difficult season, will you be patient And hopeful
Even quiet As you wait on the lord to return and to fill you with his presence
That's number two remain steadfast number three It's okay to remind god of who he is the bible actually gives us
Warrant to do this After you've repented of your repentance and after you've waited patiently on joy
And god's presence to return back into your life. It's okay like david to remind god of who he is god appreciates that God loves it when we remind him according to scripture who he has revealed himself to be
Here's a couple of examples that you can use even maybe today in your prayer time rise up Be our help.
Oh god and redeem us For the sake of your loving kindness psalm 44 26 david is saying because we know that you are kind We're going to request that you rise up and you rescue us
Psalm 89 verses 33 through 34, but I will not break off my loving kindness from him
Nor deal falsely in my faithfulness my covenant. I will not violate nor will
I alter the utterance of my lips That's god speaking to the people of israel that he will not violate his covenant to david remind
God of that. It's not like god needs you to remind him of that But think about what happens
When you sit before the scriptures and you reflect upon who god is and then you pray that back to god
Look at the intimacy that you're building with your father As you Revel in who he is and remind him of who he is.
It's a beautiful thing So I would encourage you pray god's character and his attributes back to him.
That's number three Number four you need to remember who you are because who you are well
That's the problem After reminding god of who he is and all of his covenant loyalty and love don't forget to remind yourself about who you are
You are finite You do not understand the deep things of god at least not clearly at all.
You're looking at stuff through at best a stained glass window You get the wrong idea when god seems distant to you
You blame it on yourself. You blame it on others. You even blame it on god You could not possibly understand the depths and the beauty of what god is doing in his absence remember
You're frail And you're finite And you don't really know all that much
For a refresher course, I think the greatest chapters ever written in human history on this topic
Is when god deals with joe at the end of the at the end of his book in chapters 38 through 41 and he he makes job
Answer this litany of questions, which job can't answer. He says where were you when I created the the world?
Where were you when I divided the water from the sea? Where were you when I when I put the pleiades in the in the sky? Where were you in the mountain goat gives birth?
Where were you? Where were you where were you job and job says at the end of the book? I've spoken about things that are far too wonderful for me to even understand
I take back everything I repent of everything I said job in that moment knew
Who he was In comparison to an infinite and beautiful and holy god now
Read those passages job 38 through Through 41 and then even the beginning of chapter 42 where job responds.
They're beautiful. They're humbling even but also It's crucial for us to understand that every single time
That we feel bitterness with god every time every time we feel distance from god every time that we feel like God has slighted us or god has held back from us or god has not been fair to us
Every single time that happens We are the problem We are the problem.
Look at what the psalmist says in psalm 73 verses 21 through 26 When my heart was embittered he says
And when I was pierced within Then I was senseless and I was ignorant
I was like a wild beast before you nevertheless. I am continually with you
You have taken hold of my right hand With your counsel you will guide me out of my ignorance is what he's saying
And afterwards you will receive me unto glory Whom have I in heaven but you?
And besides you I desire nothing on earth my flesh And my heart may fail
But god is the strength of my heart my portion forever He's saying when
I was mad at you god, it was my fault when I was disappointed in you god, it was my fault I was ignorant.
I was stupid. I was the the bumbling beast who knew nothing And he even admits my flesh my heart may fail god
But at the moment of my greatest lucidity when I am at my best when I When I can see reality most clearly
I Understand that god is the strength of my heart and he is my portion forever
Beloved remember who you are you're weak And god is strong You are broken
But god can fix it number five
After you've remembered who god is and after you've remembered who you are. You need to reign over yourself And i'm not saying r -a -i -n i'm saying r -e -i -g -n you need to rule yourself
Your greatest enemy my friend is you Same is true for me
That internal chatterbox that is always running its trap speaking lies about you and discouraging you
And clouding your judgment must not be allowed to go on speaking
Instead of listening to yourself you need to repent Remain steadfast in your experience until it until it improves you need to remember who god is and who you are and then you need to rule yourself
Instead of listening to yourself and letting yourself rule you you need to begin by ruling you speaking to you commanding you and to hope in god and to believe that that god is going to Improve your experience by his presence.
You need to stop listening to yourself and all of the lies that you tell yourself And you need to start speaking to yourself with holy scripture and a good one
To begin with is psalm 42 5 Why are you in despair? Oh my soul see how he's questioning himself.
He's tired of listening to himself now. He's questioning himself Why are you in despair? And why have you become disturbed within me hope in god he's commanding himself hope in god
For I shall again praise him for the help of his presence he's commanding himself
If today As you've been listening to this and you realize that you're in the depths of depression despair or even if you're in good times and nothing at all is going on in your life and Every time you walk outside The the handles messiah plays the birds chirp like we're in new england and that doesn't happen to anybody
But maybe it's happening to you if that's no matter if it's bad or if it's good You've got to remember that you can't let yourself control you you've got to rule over you
You've got to mortify you the part of you that's trying to take over is your flesh
And that's the part of you that needs to be crucified again and again and again So that it dies Take control of yourself dear one
Speak to yourself command yourself to hope in god because You will again sing the praises
Because of the help of his presence number six rest in his plans As I stated before Remember that this light and momentary affliction that you are now going through or you will be going through Is going to produce an eternal weight of glory in you
Although that pain can be searing And the silence of god can at times be deafening
You are being prepared for something greater and more glorious than you could ever possibly imagine
I want you to remember that this what i'm going to read to you is your future listen to this
Your bad day doesn't nullify What god is going to do in you and through you this is your future
I want you to hear this Revelation 21 3 through 4 john says and I heard a loud voice from the throne of god saying behold
The tabernacle of god is now with men. He's saying god's presence is now with men And he will dwell among them
And they shall be his people and god himself is going to be Their god and be among them and he will wipe away every tear from their eyes and there will no longer be any death
And there will no longer be any mourning or crying or pain or distance from god. The first things have passed away
I love how the bible ends. You've got all these verses that we've shared with you today that that are saying
That sometimes god removes himself from his people for good reasons but in the end
When we enter into new jerusalem and where we live with god forever that reality stops
When sin and curse and death are thrown into the lake of fire You live with the presence of god forever and it's never pulled back again
You never have tears again never cry never mourn again that is your future
And while your present might look bleak And while your past may not be what you hoped it would be
Your future is better than you could ever dare dream Allow yourself to rest in that hope
And then number seven let's close out with this After you've repented of your repentance and after you've rested in or remembered who god is and remembered who you are and you've done all of the things that we've talked about you've looked at your record and you've and you've acknowledged the fact that those things aren't repeatable and you and you've died to your opinions and Your reasoning and all of that when you've done all of that rejoice
Rejoice in your suffering Rejoice in your pain Rejoice when you feel alone
Rejoice when you're in despair Rejoice when you feel abandoned Rejoice when you feel forsaken
Rejoice when you feel like god is a million miles away from you And rejoice when he feels near Do not forget
To keep on rejoicing Especially in seasons of spiritual dryness and feelings of god's absence
It is the most important thing That you can do to lift your heart out of the out of the glum melancholy
Ditches of depression You may have more going on in your life right now than than you have at any other time
But you have also more to be thankful for More that you could remember to praise god for god has been exceedingly good to you
And your salvation and rescuing you out of your sin and he has a plan for every pain that you felt
Whether it's past present or future Whether you can see it or whether you can understand it.
You are more loved by god Than you could ever hope You are more cared for by god than you could ever dare.
No Do not allow bitterness and frustration to rob you of the joy that is available to you in jesus christ
And even follow jesus's example, it says for the joy that was set before him he endured the cross well
In the little crosses that you walk through today and tomorrow in the next day in the Crosses that cripple you in this life and pain you and hurt you
For the joy set before you endure them like christ God may feel distant to you today
But those are only feelings remember that they're not facts Repent of your sin
Repent of your ineffective repentance Remember who god is remember who you are reign over yourself reign over your reasoning reign over your old opinion of of the old timey record
And then rest in his plan and rejoice every day of your life whether in pleasure or in pain
And I want you to sing with the apostle paul the same apostle by the way who was shipwrecked multiple times
Beaten within an inch of his life several times bitten by a snake I mean he lists all this stuff out in philippians chapter 4 of all the the awful things that he went through And it's in that chapter that he says
Rejoice always rejoice in the lord always he says again.
I will say rejoice Rejoice Paul doesn't give a rip how many things that you and i've been through Paul is saying in light of who god is and in light of what he's done for you and in light of what you actually deserved
You've never had it. So good rejoice Rejoice in the depths of your pain and rejoice in the tops of the mountains where you're
Where you're singing god's beauty and his glory sing in both rejoice in both again
I say rejoice I know this was a longer episode of the podcast. This was a really important topic for me to cover
I have experienced depression in my life And I know there's many who experience depression and when those moments when when it feels like god is distant from you
Those are those are really difficult moments to walk through and i've spent a lot of my time before You know years ago even
Thinking that I was the problem that I was to blame and that I just needed to work work work work work
And then god would be pleased with me. Don't view the distance of god that way Listen to this episode a second time notice the kinds of things that i'm pointing out to you
Think through them and and put your hope on god and again rejoice Because these light and momentary afflictions are only here for a moment
And if you're in christ Your eternity is secure with him in his presence forever