#BigEva Is Trying (and Failing) to Serve Two Masters - Gospel Coalition, ERLC, SBC, PCA

AD Robles iconAD Robles


#NoDespair2020 #DontConsent


Alright, well, I hope you had a good weekend. I hope you enjoyed my video yesterday. I know it was a long one.
I know it was a little bit intense, but hopefully today's will be a little less intense, although the content is still very serious.
I try to, if you're new here, I try to be lighthearted and cheerful about things that are very serious, while at the same time not joking about them necessarily.
So hope you enjoy this content. I've got my son here, Noah. He woke up early this morning, and I was planning on getting this done early in the morning because I've got a really busy day.
So Noah, say hello. Alright, he's just a little bit confused as to what's going on.
So a couple things I wanted to talk about today. There is so much Big Eva cringe out there today. It's just unbelievable how often you'll come across Big Eva cringey tweets and stuff and virtue signaling and all this kind of stuff.
This is a tweet I saw from a blue checkmark. This guy's got a blue check, and apparently he's a
PCA minister. So this is my brother's problem. This is really not my problem, so I can just joke about it.
Here's what he said. This is his wisdom. This is his Tim Keller mixed with Rob Bell's wisdom.
He says, he probably says it like this. What if woke is really just biblical faithfulness?
What if virtue signaling is really just witnessing to the truth? What if SJW is really just someone trying to follow
Jesus? And I think this is worthy of some serious contemplation.
Hold on, earmuffs. What if doo -doo tastes like chocolate? Anyway, you know, this is the kind of thing that Big Eva is famous for.
They ask these stupid questions. They don't really answer them, but they're definitely putting forward an argument.
And Tim Keller's famous for this. There's lots of... Big Eva is famous for this. They're just asking questions here, but they're really putting forward a perspective.
From what I understand, that's exactly what Amy Byrd did in her most recent book. I'm not going to read that book, obviously.
So I don't know if she did that or not, but it would be very typical if she did, where she's just asking questions, but she's really putting forward a perspective.
It is the lamest, most limp -wristed, most effeminate, most annoying, most dishonest way to put forward an argument.
Because someone will come at you with counter -arguments and you're like, well, I'm just asking questions here. It is so terrible.
It's so terrible. Anyway, so let's talk about something serious, because, you know, last week
I did a video where I basically said farewell to the woke church. And I said, if you're sold out to this wokeness thing, then you're just in a different religion.
I consider you an unbeliever at this point. We can still talk, but it'll be an interfaith dialogue, which some people don't even like to have interfaith dialogues, but hey, that's okay.
And I've been thinking about that for a long, long time. I've been thinking about that for months, and I felt that way for a while, but I just didn't have the conviction to say it.
Maybe the courage really is what it is. I'll be honest with you. But then I was emboldened.
I was emboldened by John Harris's video about why are all my friends Marxists? That's a really good video.
I highly recommend you watch it. Conversations That Matter podcast. And the day after I did my video, which was the day after John did his video, there was a deluge of people saying, look, this is a religion.
And I'm not saying that I was the one who opened the dam. What I'm saying is that the events of the last week or so in Big Eva had made it very abundantly clear that these people are actually trying to syncretize a pagan religion with Christianity.
If you're pushing these racial reconciliation narratives, these woke narratives,
I'm not saying if you're saying things that sound kind of wokish, I'm saying if you're pushing the narratives, then you're trying to syncretize pagan religions with the religion of God.
This is what the Israelites were doing when they were worshiping Yahweh and Baal, Yahweh and Asherah, Yahweh and the golden Catholic.
This is not OK. God's not OK with mixing ideologies, mixing truths. And that's what critical race theory is.
It's its own truth. It's its own mythology. It's its own religion. It has it has it has rituals.
It has atonement. It has all these things. It's got every aspect of a fake religion in it.
And Christians, Big Eva celebrities are pushing it. And we could not have predicted.
I mean, God is doing a mighty work. He's doing a mighty work to reveal this stuff. We could not have predicted how overt these people of a different religion are going to be.
Let me just set the stage for you, because what God did is amazing. God shut down worship in many churches for months because of this coronavirus thing.
Now, I've been I've not listen, I've been doing video church for two months. I went for the first time on Sunday.
I was against doing that personally, but I supported my pastor in that because we have a we have a older church and he wanted to take an abundance of caution and all that kind of stuff.
I didn't really think it was necessary, but I supported him. I'm not a scofflaw and all that kind of stuff. So so anyway, lots of churches aren't meeting.
Lots of churches aren't meeting for fear of the coronavirus. And we're being told that that's how you love your neighbor, by neglecting the the the meeting of the saints in order to protect them from coronavirus.
OK, fine. That was last week. And this week, we're still not meeting for church.
But many churches encouraged you to participate in the Black Lives Matter pagan church service that was held on Sunday.
These rituals, these marches, these these these essentially they were services. They were church services for the
Black Lives Matter critical race theory woke church cause. This is an article from the Capstone Report where it talks about how
David Platt said we should march and pray and sing with other followers of Christ from churches across D .C.
tomorrow at 2 p .m. This was Sunday, the Lord's Day. But at the same time, his church was still closed for worshiping
God. His church was still closed for worshiping God. His church was still closed for worshiping
God. But what they did do is gather together to synchrotize God's worship and the worship of this
Black Lives Matter movement, this pagan ideology, complete with people kneeling before blacks, people, moments of silence, all kinds of rituals that God did not command that were being synchrotized with the worship of Jesus Christ.
Here's David Platt encouraging you, forget about coronavirus. That's not a thing anymore because the worship of Yahweh, that's less important than saving people's lives from coronavirus.
But the worship of these demon gods of intersectionality, way more important. This is not a small deal, guys, like this would be like like he's forgetting his entire job.
David Platt is forgetting his entire job to go to go to go bow before these idols. This would be like if I left all my children, including this little cute, adorable one.
Hi. This would be like if I left all my children at home for the day, I forgot to be a dad and went to go to the ridiculous
Black Lives Matter march here in New Hampshire, which had like one car in it. It's not it's not an oopsie.
This is not like an oopsie doopsie. You know what I mean? It's not like, oh, made a little mistake. This is like abject.
How do I put this? This is just a this is abandoning your post, your entire job.
This is this is saying I'm not going to do my entire job and I'm going to go serve this cause over here.
Seriously, it would be like me leaving my kids at home for a day alone, not being a dad, but going to the
Black Lives Matter march. This is not an oopsie. This is not like, oh, I had a lapse in judgment. This is ridiculous.
This is absolutely ridiculous. If you're a pastor and you're not holding worship services because the coronavirus is too scary.
But at the same time, you're going to go ahead and worship at the altar of Black Lives Matter and you need to find another job and you probably need to be converted.
Yes, baby. Anyway, there's there's definitely an a undercurrent of abandon your post
Christian that's going on here, promoted by people that are supposedly Christian. I saw a tweet here.
This tweet basically said, I'm not interested in another great awakening where souls are being saved and black lives are still enslaved.
I'm interested in the sort of revival where salvation and justice sprout up together. Whatever happened to God, your will be done. Whatever happened to your will be done.
Because here's the thing you might not be interested in. OK, fine. But if God chooses to have another great awakening where souls are being saved and lives are being enslaved, whether they're black or otherwise, well, that's his prerogative and we got to say glory to God for that because souls are being saved and that's
Jesus's primary mission. And so whether or not I'm enslaved or if I survive, that's much less relevant compared to what
God accomplishes in his mission. Whatever happened to that? The Beth Moore liked the tweet the other day that said, don't treat the protest like a mission field.
Don't don't don't don't don't treat the protest like don't tell anyone about Jesus there. That's not the point. The point is
Black Lives Matter. They don't they're not interested in hearing about Christ and how they're all made in the image of God and how Christ loves his people and all that stuff.
Don't tell them about that. There's an undercurrent here, guys, that I want you guys to pay attention to in Big Eva.
These Big Eva people have the bona fides. They've written so many gospel centered books and all that kind of stuff.
But right now they're abandoning the gospel in droves. Do not consent.
Do not consent. Right. They don't consent.