But God Who is Rich in Mercy


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You'll turn your Bibles with me, please to Paul's Epistle to the church at Ephesus Ephesians chapter 2
Ephesians chapter 2 Before we look to God's Word together
Let us pray and ask for his blessing one more time Our Grace Heavenly Father indeed as we gather this day.
We do so with anticipation of Encountering your truth in your word
But we know that unless your spirit comes and gives direction gives light gives guidance
Opens our hearts and minds and we can accomplish nothing And so we pray that even now the ministry of word and spirit you will once again as you have down through the ages
Bless your people that are gathered in the name of Christ in this place for it is in his name that we pray.
Amen There are Many sermons being preached today about shepherds and stars about incarnation about Bethlehem and all those associated things and that is perfectly appropriate and I have no problem with that whatsoever and Just on Wednesday evening, for example, we looked at a number of texts from the book of Isaiah Concerning the one who would come
Emmanuel what that meant and the the prophetic testimony over numerous events in Israel's history testifying to the reality of the prophetic word concerning the
Incarnation and the one who would be born and all the things associated with that all of that is
Wonderful, and there are sermons that are talking about the deity of Christ today and that's vitally important in our day when so often
The Jesus that is presented is little more than a a moral teacher or a babe in a manger
Rather than the incarnate Son of God the one who had power by his very speech over the very forces of darkness
It would flee at his command. All those things are true and wonderful and proper but I wanted to Not avoid anything like that.
I didn't want to avoid what would be called a holiday sermon I consider this a holiday sermon but I want to try to Not not bring correction but balance to what is often and I think an imbalance in much of the proclamation at this
Season and what do I refer to? Well here in the book of Ephesians, we we know how this book begins
We know the book begins in chapter 1 with an extended long sentence of pronouncing blessing and honor and glory
For what God has done But it is addressed specifically to God the
Father Blessed be Our God and Father the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing it's it's all about what the
Father has done and though when you think about the The Advent season the coming of the
Lord Jesus Christ When you think about that in in the back of our minds as we consider it we we do think of the
Father I Mean he's he's there, but I think a lot of us will have to be honest with ourselves that Most of what we think about is focused upon the
Son. He is the one who comes he is the one who's tremendous condescension we celebrate
When you think about what it was like to have eternally been in the very form of God Laying that equality you had with the
Father aside and entering into human flesh the the condescension the humiliation
The great love that is demonstrated all that that all of those things are very very proper to consider and to think about no question about it
But I'm sometimes concerned that we that we lose a proper balanced
Trinitarian understanding Now very often we have to defend the doctrine of the
Trinity and we have to consider the the things that are relevant to that doctrine and sometimes sometimes we're a little bit hesitant to to be bold and speaking about a
Trinitarian understanding is I don't want to have to get into a conversation of all that and you know this person might have this objection
Or that objection, but if we believe What the Bible teaches then the only true understanding of what
God has done is a Trinitarian understanding a Unitarian understanding a binitarian understanding is going to at some point or another end up causing us to diminish or ignore or to twist elements of Scripture and so at This time as we consider what
God has done in Christ It is appropriate to think of the tremendous love that Christ has shown, but I want us to consider today the fountainhead the fountainhead of all of redemption the fountainhead of of everything that took place on That night that we consider the beginning of that perfect life
Let us not forget what Scripture tells us the priority that it actually assigns
Consider the great words of Ephesians chapter 2 beginning at verse 4 but God but God After starting at the beginning of the book of Ephesians with this tremendous
Section of worship for all the blessings that God has given to us. We then have the discussion of of man's sinfulness
Man's deadness and sin his rebellion being sons of disobedience and and Doing the desires of the flesh and of the mind and and being by nature children of wrath even as the rest
Oh the bad news The reality of man's condition I'd like to suggest there really is no meaningful
Discussion of the reality of what we celebrate at this time of year that does not include
Fundamentally the proclamation of man's need before God in fact,
I'd like to suggest to you that much of the warping and the perversion of The Christmas story is because it has been disconnected from the
Redemption story Which itself has been emptied of the proper emphasis of God's wrath and man's sin
It becomes an unbelievable story or it has to be reduced down to just simply a morality tale
If there is not some amazing reason why would the second person of the
Trinity? The Divine Son have to enter into human flesh Live as he lived obedient to his father
Why would that have to happen? Well, we understand We know that the reason for this amazing story is the need that had to be met
You had to have one who could take on the sins the world you had to have one to whom the elect could be joined you had to have the
God -man and So there had to be an incarnation, but we needed to have a perfect righteousness so he couldn't just pop into existence and jump on the cross and shed his blood and then pop back to heaven as if somehow
That was going to truly satisfy The demands of God and truly demonstrate the justice of God and so he lives a perfect life
He has to enter into he has to become one of us he has to take on flesh
But why? because of the great need of redemption
And in our day when no one will even use the term evil anymore
Even when faced with horrific evil When you can't use words like sin wickedness rebellion trespass
It's very easy to see why so few in our society have any Appreciation of the depth of what it is.
We are saying when we are actually saying that God entered into his own creation without that element
It simply has to be reduced down to a morality tale But even in the midst of a discussion of that rebellion in the midst of that discussion of that fallenness of man the
Text does not direct us to ah But man will find a way ah the indomitable spirit of man no
It speaks of man being very children of wrath
We just as the rest and verse 4 doesn't point us to Mankind's solutions mankind's religions mankind's efforts but God But God God is the one
Who provides in his own way by his own will?
Perfect means of redemption and he does so not as some grudging
Unwilling unfriendly unkind distant
Unknowable being but Paul says but God being rich in mercy
The first thing he thinks of He describes this God who breaks in and who we're gonna see in the rest of the text
He's the one that's engaging in all these things. He's the one who makes us alive together with Christ He's the one who raises us up with Christ seats us together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus He's the one who demonstrates
To the coming ages of surpassing riches of his grace toward us in Christ Jesus God is the one who does all of this
Nowhere in here. Is there any type of Synergism, is there any type of well, you know,
God sort of started the ball rolling But now it's up to us and let's all get on God's team and push the ball forward
It's not what you have But God being rich in mercy what a description
That's not the kind of description that you have of the gods of antiquity
The gods of antiquity who who sat upon Mount Olympus Who were served in the various temples in all of the cities in which?
Paul had ministered and certainly in Ephesus the Ephesians well knew all about the teachings
Concerning the deities of the people remember this is written to a small minority of people
There's only a small number of Christians in Ephesus and in the surrounding area they well knew the gods that demanded the sacrifices and Describing them as being rich in mercy would have been laughable
They were deities But they were so much like mankind They had the same foibles and imperfections.
That's not the God that Paul is talking about Paul's a monotheist. He believes there's one
God has created all things that in of itself was a horrific heresy in that day Was considered to be very politically incorrect and in fact unloving
What an amazingly unloving thing for you to say That your God is the only true
God If you really want people to believe your message, you're gonna have to get with the program here.
History's gonna leave you behind Heard that one before nothing new
He's he is presenting that one true God, but he says that that one
True God who has made all things He's rich in mercy Of course you and I as believers
We're awful thankful that the loving -kindness of God the mercy of God the grace of God It's not limited.
It's not it. It's it's not something that we go. Well, you know, it's Coming up on 2 ,000 years.
I have a feeling the supply is getting pretty low. We we may run out Because you and I know how dependent we are
How dependent we are upon the regular display of that mercy
God being rich in mercy that is the fountainhead when you consider the shepherds coming when you consider the story of The wise men coming from the east however many there were we don't know
Just because there were three gifts doesn't mean there were three guys Looks good on a
Christmas card, but we don't know but as you consider all of the appropriate discussions about what these things meant they're in the scriptures for a reason you
Must understand you must remember What lies behind all of this?
the God who is rich in mercy and And Yes, we can use that in a general sense of talking about God being rich in mercy
And so we see that that Jesus is rich in mercy and the spirits rich in mercy and the father but in this context
Paul is specifically talking about the father now if our worship of God was a zero -sum game if it was the idea was that Sort of like a lot of socialists in our day ago
You know it's a zero -sum game if if you give something to somebody then you have to take something from away from somebody else
That's how socialists think well if we apply that to worship, then we're always sitting here trying to go well.
You know If I give worship to Jesus and that means I have to give less worship to the father
And and we're trying to sort of divide stuff up. It doesn't work that way That's that's not how it works when we
Give thanks what the Sun has done for us. We need to realize there's only one
God God is being glorified. You're not detracting from someone else, but we can be imbalanced and I've seen that I've seen that in in Christian thinking in solid
Christian churches Where immaturity leads people to think well, you know sure
I am thankful for the Sun because you know He came along he really showed us the friendliness of God and the love of God and the grace of God And he sort of got in between us and that wrathful father you know whose whose wrath was burning against us, and I'm sure thankful that the
Sun saves us from the wrath of the father as if somehow There is a contradiction between the motivations and intentions of the father and the son
You can't get that from reading the New Testament There is no New Testament writer that even for a moment contemplates the idea
That there is a greater Deeper love on the part of the Sun than there is on the part of the father
Because when he is described as being rich in mercy knows what says because of the great
Love which with by which with which he loved us It's talking about the father and Everything that comes after this
Eve, you know, it talks about our being dead and a trespasses and sins, but all these verbs He made us alive together with Christ by grace.
We have been saved raised us up seen us in the heavenly places That's what the father did in Christ and because of his work
But it's what the father did. So when
I hear Christians who it's obvious They have the feeling that the father is distant and That that that there's still some type of an issue of wrath there and and there is a fear obviously, we need to fear
God, but there is a Fear that is directed toward the father. That's not directed toward the
Son of the Spirit Then I really have to wonder if that person has understood how
Central the father's love for us is to everything else
Because of the great love His great love
Which he loved us Repeats the term twice the noun and then the verb the great love with which he loved us
I Say well, wouldn't there be a more efficient way of expressing that maybe?
But I like the fact that Paul repeats it. He wants to make sure we know that the father's love for us is the root and the basis of all that he has done sometimes
I Sometimes I fear that us Calvinistic folks Because we've heard
Imbalances In other people's presentations, you know when you're I've used the illustration many time but when you're in a tug -of -war and We're constantly having to do warfare against what well that the tendency of many people is to focus upon mankind and man's roles and man's power and To take away from God's glory in salvation and so man's always trying to insert himself into the gospel and find ways of controlling the grace of God and it happens all the time and We'll hear people talk about the love of God in an inappropriate
Unbiblical fashion we've all heard the great -grandfather -in -the -sky sermons
You know Or basically, it's it's Santa Claus without the red and You've got the big white fluffy bearded guy up there that just loves everybody equally and Doesn't really know what he's doing.
It doesn't really have a plan or a purpose, but he's up there and we react against that Undifferentiated unbiblical not connected to God's holiness concept of love and we react appropriately
It's not biblical Nobody who reads the redemption story
Considers what God did with the people of Israel considers what God has done in Jesus Christ Can ever hold that together and so we don't we don't want people to be given an inappropriate understanding of God's love
There's no question about that But the same time because we're pulling that direction
Sometimes I just have to wonder are we somewhat fearful of talking?
about God's love About the depth of it the greatness of it because of the great love
The great love which which he loved us yeah, it's specific I Mean if you follow that us back
There is a distinction that is made made all the way back to the beginning of Ephesians 1
It's talking about believers here, he's talking about those have been chosen from before the foundation of the earth
We don't know who they are in the sense of being given supernatural revelation to where we can discern who the elect are and who the elect are not just by looking at them, but we know
God has his people and We know they're from every tribe tongue people and nation, which is why we can proclaim the gospel freely to all
Leave the results in God's hands But God's great love toward his elect people
Cannot be limited Cannot in any way be diminished and nothing that happens to his people
Can change the fact that his love is being demonstrated toward them is it but look at look at what his people have gone through Look at how they're being persecuted even today all around the world
Look at what's happening in North Korea in China in many Islamic nations his people trodden underfoot and Down through history off the persecution the sufferings of God's people
Well that certainly makes us realize that The love of God that he has for his people
Is not a love that promises them ease in this life but it does promise to them the fact that they have been seated together with Christ in the heavenly places and That is what has always given
Christ's people Their strength their joy even in the midst of the worst persecutions or if in God's will
We walk through trials and difficulties in our personal lives Could be being betrayed by others
Deep personal hurts physical malady and suffering
No matter what our calling the biblical reality is that Everything that God has done.
He's done because of his great love for us That doesn't detract from the fact that yes verse 7 says
God has a purpose God has a purpose. He is going to demonstrate
In the coming ages the surpassing riches of his grace in Kindness toward us in Christ Jesus there is going to be a demonstration of God's justice and his grace and his mercy
It's all going to be laid out God makes that promise. He's wrapping up all things in Christ Jesus Yes, there is that Overriding element that God is demonstrating his attributes to us and That in eternity to come in some
Fantastic way we are going to be able to see in greater depth than we can see now
Everything that God did and how he was right in he in his so doing in his so decreeing.
That's all true But I sometimes get worried That as we defend that reality that vitally important reality
That God has a purpose in all things. He's working out his decree that we lose sight of the fact that that Demonstration of the surpassing riches of his grace is an act of love and we
We are the ones who are loved It's not just some general love. I'm awful glad that there is a a pronoun there a direct object
He loved us He loved us even when we were dead in our trespasses
So it's it's not that we earned it. It's not that we did something to deserve it
He loved us When we were dead in our trespasses, he made us alive together with Christ the only thing we
Contribute here is death We contribute our trespasses and our spiritual death and our rebellion
Our being children of wrath even as the rest that's our contribution Doesn't take much work
We being dead He made alive together with Christ there is tremendous beauty in Recognizing the biblical teaching
That God is the one who saves not just in the sense of setting up some type of system
But it's an exercise of divine power You didn't save yourself.
Oh You may look back upon your life and you may be able to chart the work of God You might be able to say well, you know
This person came into my life and that person in my life I began thinking about this and this terrible thing happened and that made me start thinking about eternity and you may be able to think about things like that and It may be very natural for us.
We're looking down from below and we're limited by time To see things in a particular fashion, but the scripture lifts us up from all of that and directs us
To a recognition of the fact That we were dead we were dead in our transgressions and It was
God Who made us alive together with Christ?
that act of resurrection From the grave the first fruits of them that slept but we being joined together with him
We experienced that same resurrection power and it's God who made us alive.
We did not make ourselves We were not a dead man that said I'd like to become alive and then you have
Three words by grace you have been saved They'll be repeated again down in verse 8 with a little expansion through faith
But here Through faith isn't included it will come later on. There's always the balance that's given, but that's not his point here
That's not that's not the the emphasis here. This is what God has done What God's done results in that act of faith as we would see later on but He made us alive together with Christ by grace you have been saved.
I don't understand Why anyone would want to add anything to that? I don't understand why anybody would find that insufficient in and of itself
Paul's assertion is that that grace that grace which is going to be demonstrated and and and illustrated in the ages to come is
What has brought about the current condition of our? Salvation it's not a joint work
It is God's work That's why it's all to his glory By grace you have been saved
And that is why we can sing Amazing grace. That's why we can look forward in eternity itself to constantly
Learning new things about God, but always no matter what we learn about his vast creation and his power and his purposes
It doesn't matter We will always Be singing praise to him for his grace
Because it is that grace that has brought about our salvation He made us alive together he saved us by his grace and and he raised us up and He seated us in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus Once again we have this
Now and the not yet There is a true and real sense in which you have been raised up and seated in the heavenly
Places in Christ Jesus the fact that he stands at the father's right hand
Interceding for you and because you have been joined to him in the sovereign act of God the father
Because of that that reality is a present Reality and yet you and I We know our daily existence we know our daily struggles and so there is the now and the not yet there is the reality of the work of God in Christ now and Yet we know that our body's grown for that day of the finality of our adoption
Entering into that final state where we'll be free from the presence of sin and what?
Grounds that hope what gives reality to that? Hope is that our forerunner has entered in in our place remember
Hebrews that beautiful terminology that is used there his presence
There before the father guarantees Our Current peace with God and the fact that we will have that peace in eternity as well
Even when the final state is rush is ushered in He's the one who raises us by his power
He's the one who seats us in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus not because of anything we've done
Not because of any addition that we make It's all
God's power, that's why when you when you consider this well of course is by grace
You've been say it's it's all of God. There's nothing we could have added to any of this and So we have the father acting
The one who is rich in mercy who has such great love for us. He's the one that makes us alive
He's the one that raises us up and seats us in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus And in that day that is going to come in that eternity that is going to come
We are not going to be floating around On clouds Plucking on harps that individualistic idea
That people have I can understand why? Why the lost world
I? I've told you the story before but I remember once we were out of Mason.
I was talking to a Mormon missionary And of course Mormons think they're going to be married and raising kids
For a new planet that they're gonna be the God of that's what they're gonna be doing in heaven Which makes you go?
That really is totally different. Yes. It is yes It is and besides all of that I really feel somewhat sorry for the
Mormons because Joseph Smith said that Jesus was actually born April 6th, so I'm not sure what that does to this time of season for them
But anyway that happens to be when the Mormon Church was founded as well so I guess that's probably why it goes together, but bit as it may he was we are talking and and He says what do you think you're gonna be doing in heaven floating around on clouds plucking on harps
You know I thought you know if I had a God like the Mormon God That would be a real problem
I mean if your God is an exalted man and and You don't have a true deity in the sense of the one who's made all things
It's eternal and timeless and totally unlike us since your God's just a big exalted man
I yeah, that would be a real problem to think about that the eternity would be sort of boring if you're not like getting worshiped
Or something I get it But if you have the biblical God if you have the
God who has created all things who holds this vast universe in the palm of his hand and Yet has chosen in eternity past to bring about this tremendous drama of redemption with these these creatures that he makes in his own image and He wants to demonstrate it literally could be amongst the ages to come
So it's not just on that final day, but there's a there's a continuing demonstration of the surpassing riches of his grace in Kindness toward us in Christ Jesus, I don't know what that demonstration is going to look like I Don't think that in this life.
We can even begin to start Getting a sense of it. I really don't
But he has a purpose. It's a purpose born of love. It's a purpose born of mercy and And in the ages to come we will still be seeing the praises of his the riches of his grace and Kindness toward us in Christ.
Jesus some people get the idea that well, you know once Once it's all wrapped up then you know once we're saved we have our tickets punched then
That's it, I mean that's all there is to it isn't there well Even in eternity to come it says in Christ Jesus in Christ Jesus You see the union of the elect with their
Savior does not end after the resurrection That's what's amazing when
God chose to take on that that human nature and Then chose to join a particular people to himself through the
Sun That doesn't change in eternity to come It's so easy for us to have this very individualistic idea about heaven and you know, we're just gonna do our thing and and but in reality, it's its union with Christ and it's
It's it's so much deeper than anything we can even begin to conceive of We cannot even begin to conceive of it
But it's always gonna be marked by grace Kindness mercy and love so Why call this a a
Holiday sermon well because When you think
About these words but God Rich in mercy
Great love made us alive. You see I don't want any of us leaving here this morning
Influenced by Worldly imbalances we want to have a biblical
Balance and considering what God has done in Christ Jesus and we thank our
Lord and Savior for his Condescension and the great love that he has for us
We thank the Holy Spirit for being with us and for being our comforter
Just as Jesus was comforter to the disciples. We have another who has been sent.
That is the Spirit But I don't want us to be amongst those Who so often have an imbalanced unbiblical view of the father as distant
Wrathful almost as if we don't really believe that Christ's work was was totally finished because well if it really was then wouldn't the father be
Propitiated and we still have that idea of that that distance We Need to recognize the biblical teaching father son and Holy Spirit absolutely united in the eternal covenant of redemption the eternity past and that means the depth of the love of the son is
No greater than the depth of the love of the father just because it's the son it becomes incarnate does not mean
That there is some lesser nature To the father's love or the spirits love they take different roles
But it does not mean that the father's love is any less vital and deep
Truly in the giving of his son in our behalf and here we have it directly said to us all of this
It's because of the father's love is he is his very nature rich in Mercy there might be one or two here this morning and you may say to yourself.
I am so very thankful That the father is rich in mercy
Not just that he was rich in mercy in the days of Paul. I Need him to be rich in mercy today.
I Need that mercy. I Know my own heart. I know my need for grace.
I Need a father who's rich in mercy You have one if you believe in Jesus Christ Because all of this did you notice how often verse 5 in Christ verse 6 in notice how each each verse ends in Christ in Christ in Christ Jesus It's a lovely message that we have
You see what the world wants to do is lop off that last part We want a
God that we can edit and we want a God that doesn't have demands for us And so we we just want a
God who's rich in mercy and love, but we don't have to worry about the sin part we don't have to worry about the atonement part the sacrifice part the faith and repentance part now
The beautiful message of this Merciful loving
God is that he has demonstrated That his love is real by acting he acted in time
Bethlehem took place at a particular Place upon the globe and a particular time in history.
It's not mythology The Sun entered into human flesh
He's demonstrated his love and we cannot say to him. No, we want some other way
It's in Christ Jesus But may we truly be filled with thanksgiving and joy that father son and spirit
Love us so To have brought about such a perfect perfect redemption
Whatever you may be Hoping for this season. Maybe there's something you really want to get.
It's nothing in comparison to what already is in the possession of Every person that believes in Jesus Christ.
Let's pray together Indeed our gracious Heavenly Father.
We thank you for being rich and mercy we thank you for the great love with which you loved us and Lord may we recognize that if in our hearts we truly understand those words
That there could be nothing in this world No physical situation no loss of relationships friends or family
That could change the amazing reality of Your love for us the love you set upon us in eternity past.
Oh Lord may anything may any of the physical things in this world
Pass into obscurity may we see them for what they are in comparison to the great love with which you loved us
Thank you being rich and mercy. We are a people who need it May we rejoice truly in what's truly important?
Thank you for this time, thank you for the gospel. Thank you for the Word of God that reveals it to us