Are Women More Easily Deceived Than Men?

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Paul uses the point that Eve was deceived by the serpent as an example of how all women are more prone to deception. This is used as part of the reasoning behind why God does not allow women to be pastors. However in our increasingly feministic society you are simply not allowed to acknowledge the fact that God has designed men and women with specific strengths and weaknesses. Find out on this latest episode why women are more prone to deception.


Warning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include, but are not limited to, professing Christians who never read their
Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone, and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin, and the wrath of almighty
God is hanging over our heads. They will hear his words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed and they will perish.
God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended, and became a man.
And when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, their house will stand.
All right, Tim, the question for today's episode is, are women more easily deceived than men?
Yeah, this is a Twitter conversation that I had with someone who was basically saying that women are not prone to deception, more deception than men, period.
And the problem though is that as you read through the Bible, one of the things you're going to realize is that in 1
Timothy 2, Paul essentially is mentioning the fact that women are not to teach or exercise authority over men, but to remain quiet.
And he gives two reasons for this. So the first reason he says is for Adam was formed first. And then he says, and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.
So the issue is that Paul seems to be grounding the fact that women are not allowed to be teachers in the very nature of Eve herself, and that Eve was given over to deception in that moment.
And so this is a reason given why women are not to be teachers or exercise authority over men.
So it seems like the Bible at this point is saying, yes, women are more prone to deception than men, despite the fact that this is currently scandalous to the minds of so many people.
I, I would assume most people probably hear what you're saying as women are, are more stupider than men, right?
Yes. What is that? Like that little kid, you know, saying that, that people would always saying like, boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider.
Is that basically what you're saying? But instead of boys as girls. Yeah. Well, you know, the, the idea of being more prone to deception really doesn't have anything to do with intellectual ability.
And this is some of the comments that people made along these lines, when they have an, a difficult time trying to separate these two concepts, meaning like, if you, if you say that Eve by, you know, nature of her ontology being a woman, like there's something about her makeup that is fundamentally more prone to deception.
So, so much so that, you know, Paul doesn't permit a woman to teach her exercises already over men, meaning she's not made for it.
Meaning she has certain inbuilt kinds of limitations or temptations in there in the minds of many people, they go exactly where you are saying they go, that they understand that to be some sort of slight on like women's intelligence, but that, that really like these two concepts are very different concepts.
And what I mean is that, um, you know, in, in the middle of the, you know, pandemic or whatever you want to call it, uh, there, there's a great many intelligent people who made like choices that weren't, um, very wise in those moments.
So it didn't, it didn't reduce to like, it wasn't just about intelligence in the role. It wasn't just about like raw, like facts, cold, hard facts and logic.
There's a lot of other things that seem to govern people, uh, besides just the facts of the matter or how well you'll be able to score on a standardized test or something along those lines.
And so, you know, all the, all the data out there shows that women and men are equal in terms of intelligence.
It just is funneled out into different areas of interest in different kinds of abilities.
So men are generally better at math and women are generally better in, you know, verbal kind of areas, which is,
I mean, no shock. I mean, you know, women typically have, you know, a lot more words than men in general, and, you know, you think about like something like chess, uh, chess, uh, all the chess masters are men, uh, with, you know, almost no exceptions.
There's one lady who maybe can compete, but other than that, she's not competing at the top level. It's just like, the way it works is that intelligence is the same.
It's just found out in different ways, but then not everything is a moral problem. So, you know, the, the issue is that men and women are two different types of creation.
Man is a different type of creation than woman. And, you know, because of the fact that woman is a weaker vessel, like, like some of this is related to just her makeup, but then some of it's related to just her, um, like in terms of her emotional makeup.
And some of us relate to her physical makeup. So, because women are smaller than men physically, and men are significantly stronger than women, you know, part of what that means is that experience in life as a woman is very different than experience in life.
As a man, as a man, I've never, like literally never been afraid of being raped, for example, in my entire life.
Yeah. That's just, I've never had that fear, but then this is a frequent and recurring, you know, element of life for women is something that is running around in their background of their mind, you know, pretty regularly.
As you talk to women, this is something that they're concerned about and there's something they're planning against. And so women in general, because of their smaller size, they are more fearful than men.
Like, so they're more fearful than men like in terms of, um, um, like as a brute reality of being the weaker vessel living in a falling world, despite all the
Marvel movies that exist in the world. But then, um, like if you like, they're also more prone to worry, they're more prone to anxiety, they're more prone to depression.
So they're more prone to worry, anxiety, depression, and fears. And like all of that factors into this idea of deception in general, uh, meaning like, you know, if you're undergoing a massive worldwide events like this pandemic and all that, there are many people who respond to that in a fearful way.
And so women typically respond to the same situations as men prioritizing different concerns.
So a woman is going to prioritize the concern of safety much more than a man is going to prioritize those certain concerns.
And like, that's a feature like that's a design feature that God has built into the system, which may mean that they, you know, have more tendencies to be helicopter moms than men are.
Right. Yeah. So they may fall like they may like, you know, on a scale, they may be more prone to certain temptations like fear and worry and, and which will lead them to latch onto certain unrealistic solutions or over the top kind of solutions, kind of like we've seen in the pandemic, like that doesn't like that's, that's, um, that's just an obvious reality that everyone knows about that no one's allowed to talk about, but we all know,
I mean, if you're married, even just a few months, you'll realize that your wife is definitely prone to be much more fearful than you are.
Uh, just look at YouTube videos of men on the internet and they're constantly doing stupid and crazy things.
And the reason why is because they've been given an overabundance of courage and women have been given an overabundance of caution.
Yeah. You know, there's actually a whole subreddit on, on Reddit that's just called hold my beer.
Right. And it's all men doing idiotic things that are hilarious to watch, but they look pretty painful.
Yeah. Or the Florida man stuff, right. The Florida man memes. I mean, but that's all just like abundance of courage, you know?
And so then, um, um, and, and so, but what I mean is like there are certain temptations that come from those kinds of things.
Um, you know, I, like the, the, the Godliest women I know in my life, they're the God, this woman, I know, like they really still don't have like a stomach for, um, like doing church discipline or having hard conversations with people or rolling their sleeves up and doing these messy kind of things.
And, you know, like the Godliest woman in life, they almost will unfailingly think the best about people in a way that you can admire, but then you can say,
Hey, that's kind of naive. Right. Yeah. And, and the reason why is because they're governed by compassion much more than men.
So we're different. Like, that's the point. Now, if you have a person who's prone, like more governed towards fear, caution, safety, compassion, you put all that together and that leads to, you know, maybe temptations to be naive in certain ways that you see, like you just read that, watch the news.
You'll see like that women are prone to certain deceptions along those lines where they really do think that if, you know, we were to all just sat down and had a nice conversation with Hitler, we could have sorted it out without all the bombs because he's just a real nice guy.
And, you know, and, uh, it seems to, um, you know, say some nice things and all that. And there is a kind of naivety that can come from, you know, unfailingly thinking the best about people, but, you know, you, you, you said, you mentioned that example and I immediately thought of,
I haven't thought about this since, since I first saw it, but, um, there was a video that came out right as the, you know,
Russia and Ukraine stuff was really ramping up. Uh, and it was this some girl,
I don't, I don't know who she was. She was just some girl from online who basically she, she recorded herself reciting,
I guess, like a poem she had written basically saying, Hey, if I had, if I had been
Putin's mom, none of this would be happening. Because I would have shown you the love that you needed or whatever.
And everyone, everyone, I mean, everyone laid into her over that, over how naive it sounded.
But then it's just proving your point, right? It is. Yeah. I mean, it is proving my point and everyone knows it. And I mean, this is why, you know, fathers have a role to protect their daughters from all these scoundrel men.
And it's like, how many, how many women have like in tears, you know, after the relation and I'm not trying, I'm not laughing at this, but I mean, after the relationship is over and she's like,
Hey, you know, I thought he loved me. You know, how many times have women been taken, you know, by a man and deceived by a man because a man, like he said, he loved me.
He said he cared about me. You know, he listened, he really listened to me and whatever else. And, and it's just like, you know, like, like that compassion, that's great.
You know, like women are much more compassionate than men, but that can lead them to just not at times see the obvious, that there are evil people in the world and you can't just write a poem and, you know, convinced.
I really need to, I need to link that to not go to war, you know, it doesn't work that way.
I mean, in all the police brutality kind of discussions, I mean, like, like there are women who've just never seen terrifying man strength and they think that you can just have a cup of coffee and sort it all out and say nice things and used to de -escalation techniques.
And it's just like there are types of deception that come from having a more compassionate, tender, refined nature.
That really doesn't know anything about aggression, you know, male aggression, like, and male stubbornness and, you know, and just unfailingly thinks the best about people.
And I just, you know, I, I, I can't tell you how many times in my life I've had these kinds of discussions with like women in particular, where you have like a effeminate man who's flagging being a homosexual or whatever.
And, you know, unfailingly it's like, it's like, he's gay. You know, it's like, you don't know that. Right. And it's like, well, he's telling you is.
Right. And then, you know, then months later he comes out and they're, they're shocked about it.
It's like, how could you be shocked about this? Yeah. He, like, he literally is talking like a woman walking like a woman, you know?
So like the issue though, is like, none of this is about intelligence. You know, there's none, we're not talking about intelligence.
What we're talking about is we're talking about a sensitive, compassionate nature that often is overly cautious and prone to fear that can lead to some sort of like built in naivety.
Now, when you say that, like what people don't have a category for, it's like an all or nothing proposition in their mind.
And this is what's frustrating about these kinds of conversations. It's like an all or nothing kind of thing. So it's like, yes,
I mean, obviously if you're married to a woman, you know that she more prioritizes emotional considerations, like the emotional impact of any decision over and against what you are going to do.
But it's not like I said, men are a hundred percent logical and women are a hundred percent emotional and just incapable of like a logical thought in their brain or something like that.
It's just, they have tendencies. Like, you know, if you think about this, like the percentages, I don't know what they are, but I mean, men, let's say men are like 95 % logic, 90 % logic, you know, 10 % emotion or something like that.
And women are 75%, 70%, you know, logic, 30 % emotion or whatever.
It's just like, that's we're talking about something like that. You're not talking about zero or a hundred. Right. And so like now what you want to do then is you want to, like if you're going to have like a leadership position, you're going to have a teaching position.
Like what you do, what you don't want to do is you don't want to have like, um, like you want to have a person who is the least prone to deception in that position.
Right. Right. Yeah. Especially when, especially when the position is so, uh, is, is responsible for, you know, defending the flock against things like false teachers.
Right. And rightly dividing the word of God. Right. Right. And that's the way God, God's made men to have an overabundance of courage and he's made women to have an overabundance of compassion.
So you put those two things together and the lady is going to rub off on the man and make him more compassionate than the otherwise would be.
Right. And he's going to rub off on her and make her more courageous and, um, realistic at times than she would otherwise be.
Right. So like they're both going to make each other more realistic, meaning she's going to rub, rub off on some of that reckless courage on him and make him more realistic.
Right. He's going to rub off on that naivety on her end and make it a little bit more grounded in, um, um, like we have to take godly risk at times.
Right. But then what you want to have happen is you want the man in the position of leadership and the woman rubbing off on him, pulling him back.
You don't want the guy trying to push her forward. You get what I'm saying? Yeah. Because there are like real situations in life that require real courage.
Like, so, you know, if you're storming the beach, the beaches of Normandy, you want the guy there who basically can look at that and shut off all, like it has the capacity to shut off all the emotion and say, what do we got to, what do we have to do here?
Right. Yeah. And like a man is much easier able to do that than a woman.
Right. Now, but then you want her in the background, keeping him from being just a total harsh steel wall.
Hold my beer. Yeah. You want her doing that, but he's going to be better equipped to say, all right, like we make this move, we lose 10 ,000 young men.
Right. Like, and so that's what you want. Like you want her in the background helping him not to be a reckless fool.
And then at the same time, because you know, like he couldn't bear to come home to her weeping or he could, he couldn't bear to die on the battlefield and have her left, you know, a mess of tears, you know, for the next, like, that's what you want.
But so he's built to be strong and tough. She's built to be sensitive and caring. And that's why, you know, women are designed to take care of children.
And that's why men are designed to do the hard physical labor, go fight the battles. Like, and so we're just made differently.
And so when you're talking about this prone to deception thing, yeah. I mean like women, because of their nature, they can, they can certainly be more naive.
They can certainly, be a little bit more prone to think the best about people in a way that they shouldn't.
Right. And like, that's a good thing. Like that's a good thing and that's a creative feature, but I mean, it's just not an all or nothing proposition.
So, you know, what people hear when you say something like that is, Oh, they're just hopelessly naive, you know, airhead, never had a logical thought in their brain, you know, might as well just don't talk, you know, that kind of thing.
Yeah. Yeah. And it's just like, that's like, yeah, that's not what anyone's saying. That's not what the
Bible is saying. And there's no reason to go there with it in your brain. You know, I saw that,
I saw that Twitter thread where you were, you were having that conversation and I thought probably the most, the most ironic thing about this conversation is at some point someone jumped in there who, who was basically saying,
Hey, what, you know, women aren't, aren't more prone to deception than men. Right.
That's what they're saying. And then you go to their Twitter profile and in their bio, it says, maybe even their name said this too, but basically said they were a woman pastor.
Right. And it's like, okay. So the, so the person who doesn't even understand that the
Bible can very clearly condemns female pastors, even in the passage that is being mentioned in this conversation is saying, you know,
Hey, women aren't more prone to deception. Right. That was kind of the thing. It was funny.
I mean, it was the most illogical kind of conversation with her that you can possibly imagine.
Like there was no logic or reason. It was all just emotional arguments on the other side. She couldn't even see it, you know?
Right. Like she's just proving the point like that. I mean, in her case in particular, define irony.
Right. Right. Okay. All right. Well, fair enough. This has been another episode of Bible bashed.
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