Sunday, March 20, 2022 AM


Sunnyside Baptist Church "Covenant Faithfulness" Pt 8 Daniel 9:1-27


Alright, good morning everyone. It's good to be together worshiping together this morning.
A few announcements as we get started for our day today. Come back this evening for our evening worship service at our regular time 530 and then looking ahead to Wednesday all the regular activities there our meal at 545 and then at 630 prayer and tag for the kids and then looking ahead toward the end of the month we have on Sunday the 27th communion during the morning and then truth group is after the evening service that night.
Also I want to remind you guys this Thursday we've been invited along with a lot of different congregations around the city to participate in a psalm sing down at the state capitol that's
Thursday at 10 a .m. put on by free the states and abortion abolition group so if you can come they're gonna be using the
Psalter that we have recently introduced here at Sunnyside and sing the Word of God to our state legislators.
Also Operation Christmas Child continues to go on thankful for your giving toward that throughout the year.
Also I wanted to let you know Joel reminded me that he's just finished putting all of the
Sunnyside podcast that have you not read up to our YouTube channel so now there's an additional avenue that you can find those instead of going to a particular podcast app if you already go to Sunnyside's YouTube channel to watch messages from Sunday morning or Sunday night you can find those podcast episodes there so hopefully that'll make your life a little bit easier.
Any other announcements this morning before we get started together? I'm gonna read the fighter verse and then after that Dwight will have a time of prayer and then
Dwight will come up and open us together in prayer. This week's fighter verse is from the Psalms Psalm 86 verse 11.
Teach me your way O Lord that I may walk in your truth. Unite my heart to fear your name.
Father what a blessing it is to come together in the name of your son the Lord Jesus just to give you thanks and praise and glory and honor for who you are for a
God who is merciful and gracious slow to anger abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness and who forgives we thank you and praise you for your son the
Lord Jesus who shed his blood on our behalf that we might be forgiven and that we can confess our sins and you are faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so father we come together this morning to worship you to sing your praises to pray to teach your word and to preach your word
I pray as Michael comes to preach your word that it would go forth in the power of your spirit and accomplish your perfect will and that we might grow in the grace and knowledge of your son the
Lord Jesus in his name I pray amen would you stand with me for our call to worship our passage this morning is found in Psalms chapter 76 we'll be reading verses 6 7 through 12 read with me together but you you are to be feared who can stand before you when once your anger is roused from the heavens you utter judgment the earth feared and with steel when
God arose to establish judgment to save all the humble of the earth surely the wrath of man shall praise you the remnant of wrath you will put on like a belt make your vows to the
Lord your God and perform them let all around him bring gifts to him who is to be feared who cuts off the spirit of princes who is to be feared by the kings of the earth
I'm going to sing this very passage in our Psalms for worship hymnal page 76 a we'll sing verses 3 4 and 5 inspire me in your mind watch your anger as it can hold others to me for your sight you from heaven spoke perfect and the earth in fear was still save me all the earth afflicted
God arose to do his will win what's left from earth your burden you have wrath he'll praise you still give,
O Lord, your good, your promise and fulfill your vows sincere let all those on earth be tribute to the one to be revered he brings love upon the princes and the kings of the earth is feared and in our same hymnal turn if you would to page 98
B to the Lord O sing a new song and I'd like to read just about five or so verses out of chapter 98 in Psalms sing
O sing to the Lord a new song for he has done wonderful things his right hand and his holy arm have gained the victory for him the
Lord has made known his salvation he has revealed his righteousness in the sight of the nations verse 4 shout joyfully to the
Lord all the earth break forth and sing for joy and sing praises verse 8 let the rivers clap their hands let the mountains sing together for joy before the
Lord for he is coming to judge the earth he will judge the world with righteousness and the peoples with equity and this is the tune is you'll know it joyful joyful we adore thee to Psalms 98 to the
Lord O sing a new song for the wonders he has done his right hand and his holy arm have gained the victory for him the
Lord has made known his salvation he has revealed his righteousness in the sight of the nations he has revealed his righteousness in the sight of the nations scripture reading this morning is from Isaiah chapter 19 verses 16 through 25
Isaiah 19 16 through 25 this is the word of God in that day
Egypt will be like women and will be afraid and fear because of the waving of the hands of the
Lord of hosts which he waves over it and the land of Judah will be a terror to Egypt everyone who makes mention of it will be afraid in himself because of the counsel of the
Lord of hosts which he has determined against it in that day five cities in the land of Egypt will speak the language of Canaan and swear by the
Lord of hosts one will be called the city of destruction in that day there will be an altar to the
Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt and a pillar to the Lord at its border and it will be for a sign and for a witness to the
Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt for they will cry to the Lord because of the oppressors and he will send them a
Savior and a mighty one and he will deliver them then the Lord will be known to Egypt and the
Egyptians will know the Lord in that day and will make sacrifice and offering yes they will make a vow to the
Lord and perform it and the Lord will strike Egypt he will strike and heal it they will return to the
Lord and he will be entreated by them and heal them in that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria and the
Assyrian will come into Egypt and the Egypt the Egyptian into Assyria and the
Egyptians will serve with the Assyrians and that day Israel will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria a blessing in the midst of the land whom the
Lord of hosts shall bless saying blessed is Egypt my people and Assyria the work of my hands and Israel my inheritance this is
God's word would you pray with me heavenly father you are indeed the
Lord of hosts the one who comes to those who oppress your people and say you are now my people the one who takes a
Saul of Tarsus and makes him Paul the apostle Lord you know rebellious people and because you know them they know you because you love them they love you people like us
Lord you have shed us mercy and grace given us Lord not what we deserve but something we do not deserve and that is through your son
Jesus Christ through whom we have redemption and reconciliation to a holy
God we who are sinful people and father you harden whom you will harden and on whom you will have mercy
Lord you will have mercy and we thank you and we praise you for having mercy on us
Lord and your son Jesus Christ who is the radiance of your glory in the image
Lord of you and in Christ's name we pray our next two songs are for the cause and fairest
Lord Jesus I want to thank all of you who've been praying for our family and joining us in prayer and rejoice with you by answers to prayer let's go to the
Lord together father I thank you for the day you've made thank you that you are faithful and that you are good to hear our prayers receiving them by the merits of Jesus by the ministry of the
Holy Spirit and that you as our Heavenly Father know our needs before we ask and even have your answers on the way the entire time that we pray so we thank you and ask that today you would help us to worship you in spirit and in truth to rejoice in the truth of your son
Jesus Christ made clear in your word help us to sing the song of the redeemed and to follow the lamb wherever he goes it's in his name that we pray amen
I invite you to open your Bibles and turn with me to Daniel chapter 9 we will be reading verses 24 through 27 in a moment
Daniel chapter 9 reading verses 24 through 27 last week we considered
God's surprising answer to Daniel's prayer God was very kind to Daniel assuring him of his goodness that Daniel was beloved of God and that his prayers were favorably received that even while Daniel was praying
God's answer was on the way Gabriel the angel has been sent to Daniel to provide understanding to Daniel so that he would he would understand what this new vision was all about Daniel has been praying for the restoration of the
Old Covenant signs he sees the miserable condition of the people of God and and the desolation of their mountain and city and temple and he confesses sin and shame that the sin of his people the shame of his people that God was right in bringing the judgment upon them but now
God has made a promise in Jeremiah of 70 years and Daniel implores the
Lord isn't it time are we are we ready to be returned to our land will you act now
God answers in a surprising way not only does he confirm that he will act according to his promise of 70 years but he does more he he promises more than simply the restoration of the people's covenant mountain covenant city and covenant sanctuary
God answers with a promise of more than 70 years he promises 70 weeks of years that will ultimately bring about the new covenant in the
Messiah and the passing away of the Old Covenant shadows and this is
God's surprising answer to Daniel's humble and faithful prayer here is
God's faithful generous answer if you will stand with me I'm going to read
God's answer to Daniel's prayer verses 24 through 27
Daniel 9 this is the word of the Lord 70 weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city to finish the transgression to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and build
Jerusalem until Messiah the prince there shall be seven weeks and 62 weeks the street shall be built again and the wall even in trouble sometimes and after the 62 weeks
Messiah shall be cut off but not for himself and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city in the sanctuary the end of it shall be with a flood until the end of the war desolations are determined and he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering and on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate even until the consummation which is determined is poured out on the desolate this is the word of the
Lord may be seated there once was an entrepreneur who built a brand new business from the ground up he was actually building the building for his new store and it caused all sorts of problems for the surrounding businesses and community they were very upset with all of the disruption that this construction was causing and so he figured what he needed to do was let everybody know the timetable and at the same time advertise for his business so he put a sign out by the road that said 90 days to our grand opening he figured that that would help you know modify the complaints it always helps folks to know how long they have to put up with a nuisance which is why we came up with term limits finally the great day arrived and he was so happy to have the grand opening but it wasn't as big as he was hoping it would be all along he had been very diligent to go down to the sign and manage that countdown 89 days 88 days 87 days to the grand opening grew a little tired of that having to go out there and change the sign every day so he began to do it week by week and then finally one day he had even forgotten about the sign he found it blown over and I go
I mean I got to get back onto this sign this is my my big advertisement for people to come to my store so he put it back up but he ended up forgetting about it even then after the grand opening he was wondering why his business was not faring so well and eventually one day a man wandered in with a surprise look on his face and he said are you open the man said well yes of course we are we've we've had our grand opening we've been open for a month the man says well the sign down at the road says you're going to be open in seven days what will the entrepreneur do will he not immediately run down to the road and remove that forgotten overlooked sign the
Old Covenant is that sign Daniel prayed for God to restore the components of the
Old Covenant the sign had blown down there was no longer this important picture of Messiah and all that God had promised and so Daniel said so God says to Daniel yes of course yes of course
I'm going to put that sign back into place the Covenant Mountain will be restored the
Covenant City will be rebuilt the Covenant Sanctuary the temple will be put that back together in the worship of God restarted yes of course
Daniel according to my promises of 70 years I will put all of that back into place but when it has served its purpose as sometime after the grand opening of the
New Covenant the sign will be removed once God had kept his promises in Christ the shadows of Christ were necessarily removed and in this we are reminded that God's covenant faithfulness manifests in Christ for all the
Saints Daniel's Old Covenant prayer in verses 1 through 19 of Daniel 9 is answered by God's New Covenant promise in verses 20 through 27 we've already seen how
God answers prayer in verses 20 through 23 but now the details 70 weeks have been determined God says to Daniel through his angel
Gabriel these are the details and even as in the other chapters of Daniel where there are promises of God upon the horizon visions of what is to come so also here like in chapters 2 7 and 8 so also here in chapter 9
God diverts attention away from other concerns to his son the
Messiah that's where he wants the faith of his people to be focused in chapter 2 we saw the passing the rising and falling of empires but it all gave way to a mountain which fills the whole earth the mountain of Christ in chapter 7 a terrible terrible fourth beast and its bombastic little horn we discover are not to be feared for the
Son of Man receives the everlasting kingdom in chapter 8 we hear about Antiochus Epiphanes and his unforgettable abominations but he shrivels up and dies because he opposed the
Prince of Princes here in Daniel chapter 9 the prophet is in many ways rightly concerned about the mountain and the city and the sanctuary about the people of the
Old Covenant but God redirects his attention again to the Messiah as the meaning and the goal of it all it's as if God says to Daniel 70 years oh my promise of 70 years yes of course very good
Daniel but not quite there here look at these 70 weeks of years verse 24 70 weeks 70 weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city 70 weeks are determined for your people and your holy city now that time frame grabs our attention does it not it should the term weeks is simply the
Hebrew word for a seven basic math what is 70 seven 490 and recall the context
Daniel has read Jeremiah's prophecy about 70 years now
God takes that number 70 that complete time period and adds another whole dimension of fullness to it 77 and just as the 70 years that God promised to Jeremiah would be accurately and meaningfully fulfilled so also will these 490 years be accurately and meaningfully fulfilled as we talked about at the beginning of Daniel chapter 9
Daniel was praying about the 70 years because there's more than one starting point to start counting 70 but the countdown began and so also the
Bible makes clear to us how to count to 490 the
Bible clarifies it the 70 weeks are our attention let's think of this time table think of the time unit and let's think of the time focus what is the time table well of course 70 weeks when does it begin look at verse 25 know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and build
Jerusalem until Messiah the
Prince there shall be seven weeks and 62 weeks so 69 in all from the moment from the start of a decree concerning the restoration of Jerusalem to the time that the
Messiah is revealed 69 weeks or 69 7483 years there's the timetable begins with a decree and we mark it by the arrival the the manifestation of Messiah when you go and look and you read in the
Old Testament about decrees that were issued about the restoration of Jerusalem you find four of them the one that matters is found in Ezra chapter 7 verses 12 to 26 the decree from Artaxerxes in 457
BC if you count 483 years after this you arrive in Luke chapter 3 verses 1 and 2 the 15th year of Tiberius John the
Baptist begins his ministry and shortly thereafter baptizes Jesus who is revealed before everyone as the
Messiah God's anointed exactly 483 years remember in Daniel chapter 2 the rock who is
Christ crashes into the tower that the the statue of empires he doesn't come during the
Babylonian Empire the head of gold he doesn't come during the Medo -Persian Empire the silver arms and chest he doesn't come during the
Bronze Empire that of the of the Greeks he comes during the fourth
Empire the one that has iron legs and feet of clay and iron and he crashes into the feet where those ten toes are and the rock particularly crashes into the third toe not
Julius not Augustus but Tiberius this little piggy named Tiberius the rock crashes there that's what
Luke 3 1 through 2 says that he was revealed as Messiah during the reign of Tiberius 483 years on the dot so that's the timetable what about this time unit why is
God speaking in weeks why is he not speaking about years wouldn't that be simpler for everybody we of course remember that God created everything in six days and he rested on the seventh day and ever since that history began we have this idea of seven meaning a kind of fullness there's more to it than that look again at verse 25 look how
God takes those first 69 weeks and breaks them up into a set of seven and a set of 62 this is helpful for God's people it's giving them a trajectory of faith and hope
God is helping them know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and build
Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there should be seven weeks and 62 weeks well what happens in the seven weeks well the street shall be built again and the wall even in troublesome times and that's interesting the temple is not mentioned as being rebuilt is it that's because the temple and the wall and the street or the wall in the street were built at within these 49 49 weeks the temple was built prior to the beginning of those 49 weeks in 515
BC that's when Ezra's temple was built later on came the ministry of Nehemiah remember
Nehemiah remember they had to build the wall had to build a wall with swords and strapped to them troublesome times to buy and send ballot difficult times but they rebuilt the wall and they rebuilt the street and the and the city was restored during those first 49 weeks of that countdown that God gave to Daniel they were assured by this were they not troublesome times are ahead but there will be success
Jerusalem will be rebuilt Daniel you're praying about the restoration of the covenant mountain the covenant city the covenant temple well good news is going to happen good things are on the horizon even if they're going to be difficult times and then
God says after the seven weeks there's 62 more weeks what happens during the 62 weeks well that's
Daniel chapter 11 and then attention is given in the 70th week the most important week the week of Messiah and verses 26 and 27 both you'll notice begin with a focus upon the 70th week that last set of seven years these verses split the last week into two sets of three and a half years but together they make the week of Messiah so there's the timetable there's the time unit weeks what is the time focus notice what
God says notice what God says 70 weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city so these 70 weeks are not about Russia and Ukraine they are not about Tel Aviv and Tehran they're not about Western democracy in the
Arab Caliphate God says these 70 weeks are about Daniel's people Daniel's holy city of course that's exactly what he's been praying about this whole time he's been praying about his people he's been praying about his holy city and God says
Daniel 70 weeks are determined for your people and for their holy city Daniel's been praying about the covenant mountain the covenant city the covenant sanctuary and 70 weeks are determined for these according to Jeremiah but there's also 70 weeks determined 70 weeks determined not just 70 years but 70 weeks determined for these same covenant symbols so when you read after verse 24 verse 24 says 70 weeks are determined for your people and your holy city you get the program of six things that are determined in these 70 weeks and then verse 25 through 27 talk about Jerusalem they talk about Jerusalem Street they talk about her wall they take about her troubled times they talk about her sanctuary they talk about the sacrifices and offerings that are made there but you know what these verses speak of most verses 25 26 and 27 what's the main theme what's the central theme in every one of those verses it is the
Messiah it is Christ it is who he is and what he came to do so verse 24 declares that there's going to be 70 weeks and gives us a six -fold program of what's going to happen by the end of the 70th week versus 25 to 27 breaks down those weeks into seven weeks and 62 weeks and one week
God says this is how we're going to handle this I want to talk to you about the seven weeks Jerusalem will be fully restored walls and all within these first seven then there's 62 and at the finish of the 69 weeks the seven in the 62 in the 70th week
Messiah will be revealed now what will happen what will
God accomplish concerning Jerusalem and the Jews by the end of that 70th week notice he says six things and every one of these things is elaborated on by the following verses so verse 24 is the general declaration verses 25 to 27 explain more about how that's going to happen the verse 24 gives us the entire program
God says 70 weeks six things are going to happen within these 70 weeks later on we find out how those weeks are broken up later on we find out the details of how some of these things come to pass but everything that they needed to know if they're going to memorize a verse about what is to come they would have this verse right there verse 24 to know the full program what's the first thing
God says to finish the transgression 70 weeks are determined for your people in your holy city first of all to finish the transgression
God has determined that this transgression a word translated as revolt the revolt will be finished now this regards
Daniel his holy people and his holy city God says concerning your people
Daniel concerning your holy city I have determined that by the end of 70 weeks the revolt will be finished recall that when
God sent his son Messiah to Israel the ruse of the Jews those wicked tenants of the vineyard revolted and killed the air and cast his body outside the walls they said of their rightful ruler we will not have this man reign over us they said in their rebellion we have no king but Caesar they said in their high -handed transgression his blood be upon us and upon our children when did that happen right in the middle of the 70th week three and a half years into the revelation of Messiah three and a half years after the
Messiah's anointing so they continued in the revolt against Christ until their city and their sanctuary were desolated by a war a judgment of God a war that lasted three and a half years until his determined consummation so God says by the end of the 70th week the transgression will be finished secondly he will make an end of sins by the end of the 70th week
God is determined to seal up is the word the same word that is used later on to talk about vision and prophecy in the same verse to seal up sins by the end of the 70th week
God has promised focusing upon Daniel's holy city and Daniel's people that by the end of the 70th week
God is going to seal up sins now we are told that Christ was manifested to take away our sins and in him there is no sin and that he was manifested for this purpose to destroy the works of the devil and what he is finished in his death and what victory he manifests in his resurrection and ascension that certainly spells doom for sin that the vital work was finished within these 70 weeks however the terms used here point in a different direction to another truth the word seal up does not have the same meaning as expiation the removal of our sins afar as far away as the
East is from the West that's not the meaning of that word it doesn't mean propitiation that God's wrath was satisfied concerning our sins it doesn't have the word isn't the meaning of sanctification that we are cleansed and purified from our slavery to sin this word means to seal up to sew up to bottle up and it's important to remember that the word sins in the
Hebrew 40 % of the time is used to refer to the sin offering rather than the sin act and you just have to read the context is this about the sin offering or the sin act same word is used for both 40 % of the time it refers to a sin offering isn't it true that Messiah in his vital work was cut off for his people not for himself that he was sacrificed as God's Lamb and thereby made all other sacrifices and offerings obsolete did not
Christ seal up bottle up sew up sacrifices sin offerings did he not do that did he not in the middle of the week bring an end of sacrifices and offerings to God that they were no longer recognized received by God and by the end of the 70th week by the end of the
Old Covenant there was no more offerings being offered in Jerusalem because there was no more temple there thirdly by the end of the 70th week
God promises to make reconciliation for iniquity within those 70 weeks
God had determined to make propitiation for perversity atonement for sin
God had passed over the sins previously committed but he would demonstrate his righteousness in the blood of his son
Messiah who verse 26 says he was cut off but not for himself he bore our transgressions
God made Christ who knew no sin to become sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in him where the blood of bulls and goats were not efficacious just shadows
Christ's blood has sufficed once for all time and he bore his own blood into the
Holy of Holies in heaven knocked into a copy upon earth we were cut off from God in this world dead and transgressions and sins unfailingly tangled in the perversities of our passions slaves of the devil but Christ has provided reconciliation brought us to God by his death upon the tree at one meant atonement that is my testimony is that your testimony you've been reconciled to God by the death and resurrection of his son fourth thing that God is determined to do within these 70 weeks to bring in everlasting righteousness to bring in everlasting righteousness we read by the end of the 70 weeks a new rule a new dominion will be brought in an everlasting righteousness which regards
Daniel's people and his holy city whereas God has brought their revolt to an end he will also establish something new there will be a new order of righteousness that is established and the people under that order will be defined by their
King and their King is righteous Daniel's been reading Jeremiah so let's read
Jeremiah Jeremiah 23 verses 5 through 6 behold the days are coming says the
Lord that I will raise to David a branch of righteousness a king shall reign and prosper and execute judgment and righteousness in the earth in his days
Judah will be saved and Israel will dwell safely now this is his name by which he will be called the
Lord our righteousness and these are the new covenant promises in Jeremiah we've seen in Daniel that the empires of men are all corrupt savage beasts full of grotesque horns and they rear up and they fall apart one after another and yet in contrast time and again we see a kingdom that is everlasting there is a that there is a standard there is a rule there is an authority there is a righteousness which will never pass away there is a mountain there is a city there is a temple there is a people which are founded in Christ who is the mediator of the new covenant and these will never be shaken so Daniel 244 says
Daniel 714 Hebrews 12 18 through 29 this is the testimony of the word all the kingdoms of men pass away and their laws never bring about justice there is a king of kings however and of Christ's dominion there shall be no end in his actions there is no wrongdoing he reigns today and he reigns forever according to all the righteousness of God the establishment of his kingdom was in righteousness the spread of his kingdom is in righteousness the culmination of his kingdom shall be righteousness what about you do you hunger and thirst for righteousness
Jesus says if you do you will be satisfied you follow the lamb wherever he goes and he will nourish you with righteousness the fifth thing that God is determined to do within these 70 weeks a program of hope and promise to Daniel and his people to seal up vision and prophecy the fifth thing that God is determined to do to seal up vision and prophecy by the end of the 70 weeks
God has determined that for Daniel city and for Daniel's people he will seal up bottle up sew up vision and prophecy that by the end of the 70th week there'll be no more need for new visions and new prophecies all that had needed to be said will have been said by that time and it has been supremely said in Christ God the word who became flesh and dwelt among us
Hebrews chapter 1 begins this way God who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets has in these last days spoken to us by his son do you hear the writer to the
Hebrews the preacher to the Hebrews what does he say in these last days he has spoken to us by his son his last days the writer of Hebrews in the time that he lived and his first audience those he's first wrote to and and spoke to their last days what was that time it's the last days of the old covenant which was obsolete and ready to pass away that's what he says in a was 813 he says the old covenant is obsolete and ready to pass away in these last days after all that God has said during the old covenant the mediator of the new covenant has come and he has said it supremely and notice in Daniel 9 verses 26 and 27 how this prophecy is laid out in the first half of each verse we have a parallel verse 26 begins this way and after 62 weeks
Messiah shall be cut off but not for himself you bore our transgressions right he suffered bearing our sins he was cut off but not for himself but for us verse 27 says that he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week and in the middle of the week he shall bring it in to sacrifice and offering again this speaks of the beginning of the 70th week and then talks about the middle of the week so verse 26 begins and says let's talk about the 70th week let's talk about after the seven in the 62 after the 69 has passed let's talk about the 70th week what happens what happens is
Messiah comes and he dies upon the cross he's cut off for our transgressions he brings an end to sacrifice and offerings in the middle of the week after a three and a half year ministry so then is that not what we read in the
New Testament four times over in all the Gospels so the first half of verse 26 parallels the first half of verse 27 well that means that the second half of verse 26 and the second half of verse 27 might parallel let's read them and see if there's any themes that repeat and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary the end of it shall be with a flood until the end of the war desolations are determined now let's read the second half of verse 27 and on the wing of abomination shall be one who makes desolate even until the consummation which is determined is poured out on the desolate desolations and desolations so the second half of each of these verses parallel the same themes and talks about what now
God has said 70 weeks are determined Daniel for your people and your holy city right he's already said that the transgression will be finished ended the revolt will be brought to an end he says in verses 26 and 27 he talks about a city and a sanctuary and a people who is he talking about in verses 26 and 27 who is going to be desolated what's going to be destroyed he's already said your people your city your sanctuary
Daniel and and we find that these will be destroyed and God says a flood will be instrumental in the destruction of the city this word flood is used throughout
Isaiah and Jeremiah to describe armies of foreign nations and in fact it is used four times in Daniel chapter 11 to describe just that armies of foreign nations and how was
Jerusalem destroyed in AD 70 after a three and a half year war a flood of Romans combined with other nations that they hired to destroy the
Jews if the first half of these verses speak to the first half of Messiah's week in the second half of these verses speak to the second half of the
Messiah's week after all God said 70 weeks are determined he talked about the seven he talked about the 62 and now he's talking about the 70th in verses 26 and 27 so we're seeing two halves now the first three and a half years are about the ministry of Christ's redemption the beginning of the new covenant this is the new covenant in my blood he says the second three and a half years are about the manifestation of Christ's reign as he ends the old covenants three and a half year ministry of Christ three and a half year war between the
Jews and the Romans now astute mathematical minds among us will note that between 80s 27 through 30 and 80 67 and 70 there's a 40 year gap separating that last week yes
Jesus said there would be in the Olivet discourse he said there would be and he called it and described it as a merciful opportunity from a long -suffering
God so the gospel will be preached to the nations beginning in Jerusalem and this 40 year interim between this first and second halves of Messiah's week are the last days in which the
New Testament was written everything written in the New Testament was composed in the passing shadow of the
Old Covenant think about what the Apostles say again and again these are the last days it is the last hour we upon whom the end of the age has come time is near how many times do you read that in the
New Testament do you read it allegorically the feeling
I get in the time which I live do you read it experientially that's how I feel do you read it by newspapers oh yeah look at those newspapers how do you read it what if we took them at their basic honest face value that they were the last days that they say again and again of the age of the age of the age what age was about to end the
Old Covenant was about to end the New Covenant has been established by the blood of Jesus his spirit -born
Apostles wrote the New Testament each of them had this heightened awareness that he lived in the last days indeed the last hour and at the end of the
Old Covenant would come with a cataclysmic conclusion they echoed their masters own prophecies and foresaw the end of the
Old Covenant and listen once it passed away there was no more need for further prophecy and visions they were sealed by the end of the 70th week this is not to say that all biblical prophecies have been fulfilled prior to 80 70 that is not true those regarding Daniel's Old Covenant people and their
Old Covenant city have been fulfilled additionally as we labor in this
New Covenant kingdom of Christ we rejoice in all that Christ accomplishes in the world and we look forward to all that he's going to do and ultimately we look forward to his glorious return we look forward to that we're going to be caught up together with him and we have all the prophecies we need in the scriptures regarding that blessed hope and there's a lot of them there's a lot of them do we know them do we rejoice in them and do we revel in God's completed his completed word breathed by his
Holy Spirit illumined by his Son that there is no more vision and prophecy that we have to add to it that we're not bound and accountable to somebody who just bought his apostleship online and comes to us with a vision about how if we give him money we'll be blessed no the vision and prophecy has been sewn up sealed up for the
New Covenant was written prior to the end of the Old Covenant what a mercy of God that it was to call many to repentance and many did repent the sixth thing on the list in verse 24 which is the most important thing that God is determined to do before the end of the 70th week by the end of 70 weeks
God is determined to anoint the most holy that's the most important thing out of all this list everything on this list is pertaining to that but the most holy was anointed and he follows that most important thing by speaking of Christ in verse 25 and 26 and 27 so so do you see
God's answer to Daniel's prayer what a Daniel pray for all the way through Daniel chapter 9 we looked at it very carefully
Daniel has prayed for the restoration of his holy people his holy mountain his holy city and his holy temple and God answers that by saying we're going to anoint the most holy we're going to anoint the most holy yes your people yes the sanctuary yes the city yes the mountain but no we're going to anoint the most holy what's better than the restoration of the
Old Covenant holy shadows after 70 years how about the anointing of the
New Covenant holy substance after 70 sets of seven years that's why in the
New Testament Jesus interprets all of God's promises as yes in him yes in Christ this is why the
Apostles you read it for yourselves this is why the Apostles locate the holy mountain and the holy city and the holy temple and the holy people in Christ again and again the
Apostles say where's the holy mountain look to Christ where's the holy city look to Christ where's the holy people look to Christ where's the where's the temple look to Christ without fail all of them in agreement
Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ he is the son of the living God he is
Messiah he is the anointed one the anointed in the Old Testament shadows the
Old Covenant shadows who were they prophet priest and King Jesus is the fulfillment of the substance of all those anointed ones he is the most holy the great prophet the high priest the king of kings
God anointed him prophet with the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the 70th week the beginning of his ministry the beginning of the three and a half years of preaching and teaching this is my beloved son in whom
I am well pleased all were to listen to him as the great prophet who declared the full meaning of God's word in the middle of the 70th week
God manifested Christ as the perfect lamb the appointed high priest who shed his own blood and carried it into the true holy of holies by the end of the 70th week
God had manifested Christ as the anointed ascended king of kings and the sign of Christ's high heavenly position at the right hand of God was displayed in his judgment upon Daniel's city and Daniel's people as the old sign was removed for it had served its purpose if anything else comes through in chapter 9 we need to wrestle hard with the obvious question
Daniel goes to God in fervent humble prayer asking
God to restore the mountain in the city and the sanctuary that's what he asked for they had been laid waste they were desolate and the people were miserable because look all the old covenant shadows were laid waste and torn down and Daniel goes to God and says look you promised 70 years and you were going to restore this and God says yes he keeps his word he restores that the temple is rebuilt the city is rebuilt the mountain is restored to use the people of God are regathered there in Jerusalem all according to God's promise but then watch him answer
Daniel and he says yes we're going to do that within the first seven sets of the 70 weeks but watch after all these old covenant shadows are restored for a time all of them are destroyed do we see that in the text verses 26 and 27 what happens to the holy city what happens to the holy sanctuary what happens to the holy mountain what happens to the to the holy people what happens to them
God says of all these things that Daniel has asked to be restored he says here's my answer by the time
I'm done all these things are destroyed and what kind of answer is that I mean what are you doing
God he said what he's doing in verse 24 he's anointing the most holy he's anointing the most holy grand opening has come and gone there's no more need for the sign especially a sign being tended by such covenant breakers as the scribes and Pharisees with whom
Jesus contended and condemned it's all about Christ's preeminence when we interpret any or all of the scriptures
Christ's preeminence is the necessary lens through which we see it all
I want you to think about this very carefully think about the weightiness of Israel the weightiness the significance the gravity of Israel their land their mountain their city and their temple these things that that Daniel is praying about think about the weightiness and the gravity of Israel if her prophets and her priests and her kings and her land and her mountain and her city and her temple if the full weightiness if the entire glory of Israel and all of God's old covenant dealings with her is merely the shadow of Christ shadows don't weigh very much and what are we doing if we pick up the
Word of God and read it through our own personal experiences that read it through the times we now live hold the
Bible in one hand and doom scroll with the other what are our personal experiences and the little life lessons that we have learned and the little tidbits of wisdom that we pick up are those proper lenses for interpreting the
Bible or anything else in life if the entire 42 generations of the old covenant in their total significance were never meant to eclipse the glories of Christ but had their entire meaning anchored by their orbit around his preeminence then what about you what about your significance you're made in God's image you're designed to live for his word and you live in the 2022nd year of our risen and reigning
Lord Jesus Christ you are in orbit around Jesus Christ everyone is you may be having a screaming fit about that or you may kiss the
Sun and find refuge in him now may you be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding that we may walk worthy of the
Lord fully pleasing to him being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God strengthen with all might according to his glorious power for all patients and long -suffering with joy and let us give thanks to the
Father he has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light he has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the
Son of his love in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our sins and let us confess that Christ is the image of the invisible
God he is the firstborn of all creation for by him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created through him and for him and he is before all things and in him all things consist and he is the head of the body the church who is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in all things he may have the preeminence let's pray or become before you and we are humbled by your glory our
Savior and our sovereign Jesus Christ what we know that everything really is about you and that is important and significant and precious and and weighty as Israel was there all about you and so are we so what
I pray that we would live our lives in light of your kingdom in light of your reign in light of your glory in light of your will and your desire for us
I pray that you would help us to as you are the light of the world as we are caught up with you in our growing into you our head of the church as we abide in you or that we too would be the light of the world pointing to you thank you for loving us we thank you for saving us pray these things in Jesus name you stand with me for our song of interdiction all that in all things
Christ might have the preeminence let us sing let the earth resound for the one who set these star in place to stand upon us to the one whose life is victory yet whose mercy never ceases as the tapestry of history tells the story of His race
King, immortal, faithful God, Round His throne original,
Let the heavens and the earth be sung With songs of praise to You.
Let the earth be still before the sight Of a
Father's sacrifice That revealed the death song of divine
In the face of Jesus Christ. Through a life of full obedience
And a death in agony, He renewed the rebel's punishments
And He set the prison free. King, immortal, faithful God, Round His throne original,
Let the heavens and the earth be sung With songs of praise to You.
Let the earth resound with songs of faith That all sin and death...
Father, in the grace of the Son, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all. We are dismissed.