“The National Observer” – FBC Morning Light (5/8/2024)


A brief bit of encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today’s Scripture reading: Psalms 64-66 Music: “Awaken the Dawn” by Stanton Lanier


Well, a good Wednesday morning to you. Here we are in the middle of the week. I hope your week is going well thus far.
Well, today we're reading the Psalms of David, Psalms 64 through 66.
I hope you're enjoying these readings in the Psalms. You know, earlier in this year, we were,
I don't want to say slogging our way, but sometimes it feels that way, you know, when you're reading through Leviticus and Numbers and some of those passages in Chronicles and so forth.
And yeah, you know, it's just, it can be kind of tough sometimes.
I get that. I understand that. And though there's great benefit in all of the Word of God, sometimes, you know, getting to the
Psalms is like a, it's refreshing. There's some refreshment in it. I hope you find that to be the case.
Well, anyway, today I want to zero in on part of one verse in Psalm 66.
I want you to think about the nations of the earth, specifically, not in general.
Think of some specific countries and the leaders of those countries and how you view them, what you see as their character.
All right. Think about the leader of North Korea. What do you think of him?
How about the leader, Putin, of Russia?
What do you think of him? How about the leader of China? What about the president of the
United States? What do you think of him? About Trudeau up in Canada, what do you think of he, of him?
And then we can go on. There's the nations of Venezuela, Colombia, the leader of Mexico, all of these different nations, variety of leaders in countries in Africa, some who are very, very dictatorial, shall we say.
How about the leader of Iran or Iraq for that matter, Saudi Arabia, et cetera, and so on and so forth.
Now, when you think about these nations and the leaders that you've seen in the news at one time or another, all of them have something in common and that is a sense of pride, a sense of power, as if they don't need anybody, they're not answerable to anybody, that they're all it, right?
But here's this passage in Psalm 66, there's one part of the verse which says this, that he, the
Lord, rules by his power forever, his eyes observe the nations.
I want to encourage you with that today, I want to remind you that regardless of what you see on the news and regardless of how vocal and vociferous the saber -rattlers might be, there's something they're not taking into consideration, the
Lord observes them in their rebellious defiance against him sometimes, in their arrogant attitude toward their neighbors or toward other countries or nations of the earth, and remember, after all, there is no truly
Christian nation, right? But in all of those nations of the earth that think they are so powerful, so independent, so apart from and outside of any divine control whatsoever, let's always remember, he observes the nations, the
Lord observes the nations, and all of these leaders that puff themselves up and pontificate and act so arrogant, they are really just powerless and insignificant in the eyes of the one who observes them.
So let's keep that in mind when you watch the news tonight or you read the paper or however you catch your news on a news feed through your browser or whatever, however you get your news and you read about the nations of the earth, always remember that he, the
Lord, observes the nations, and we thank you, Father, that you do, and we thank you that we can trust you to do all things well in your sovereign, providential working in the nations of this earth and the leaders who lead those nations.
Thank you for the confidence that we have in you in this world, in Jesus' name, amen.