Gorgeous Goatskin Greek New Testaments, 3 Mormons, Open Phones
Started off showing off my new Nestle-Aland 28th Edition Large Print Greek New Testament as rebound in gorgeous turquoise Italian goatskin by Post Tenebras Lux Bible Rebinding, run by Jeffrey Rice. I had Jeffrey call in and talk with me about his work. Now, I know some will think I am just causing everyone else to covet, but, I know my audience is probably really into super well done Bible rebinding, so I just wanted everyone to see what could be done. It truly is beautiful! Then we talked a little bit about the lengthy Twitter thread I posted today regarding John MacArthur’s initial comments on ethnicity and the gospel, looked at a few more minutes from the 3 Mormons, and then took calls, including a lengthy (ten minute) discussion from a recent convert to Romanism on sola scriptura. Visit the store at
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- 00:37
- And greetings welcome to the dividing line somebody's trying to spoof me on a bad call right to start the program
- 00:43
- How's that? Welcome to the dividing line. It is a Tuesday and we're gonna start off with a little bit of a
- 00:51
- Little bit of geekiness, I guess if you if you don't mind When I was in Bible College, I was poor as a church mouse and yet despite that Especially when
- 01:05
- I started taking Greek I Really really wanted to have a nice Greek text and I've told the story before Back, then someone was involved the ministry that was in the sort of the printing area and They had a friend who was one of Jehovah's Witnesses But he did
- 01:30
- Leather covers for books and stuff what we would call Bible rebinding today, but this was
- 01:39
- Middle 19 Early 1980s and so it was a while back and I don't know how
- 01:49
- I paid for it. But this is the the first Greek New Testament that I had made and It says along the the spine
- 02:02
- Gia said I am the Alpha and Omega. This is a UBS third not corrected UBS third
- 02:09
- And I still have it. It still has I loved those see that that's that sticker in there
- 02:15
- You know, it does the rainbow thing. I still love those that rainbow stuff They had that in the in the in the
- 02:22
- Christian bookstores back then, you know It's a little Jesus fish and stuff and and I and I as a kid
- 02:27
- You know the little the little you'd get these little Bible stickers for getting doing your memorization or whatever it is
- 02:34
- You did, you know, I still I think I bet you I could go in the other room and find a packet of these still in Over there.
- 02:44
- So yeah, anyway, so no no marker anything, you know, this was just you know, just Basic, but it's what
- 02:52
- I started with then You Know I had a bunch of others man.
- 02:57
- I had some stolen once my my Truck was stolen out of the Phoenix College parking lot once and they got both a
- 03:05
- Hebrew text and a Greek text You know, they're moldering somewhere in the Phoenix City dump somewhere, but eventually at some point in seminary
- 03:14
- I had this beast made now you can get the Biblia Sacra now from UBS And So this was before then and this was our first attempt to do page edging it was
- 03:33
- Anyway Well, okay, but gotta keep one thing in mind They were two different sized texts because this was the small
- 03:41
- Bibli Hebraic astute cartesian. I think this isn't the No, this is still UBS So as a
- 03:47
- UBS Text put together with was which which UBS text is this?
- 03:53
- This was up to the third edition corrected now who are getting up and up the years now. We're Edition five now
- 04:01
- So anyways, this had this had some markers in it and you know a
- 04:06
- Biblia Hebraic and for a long time there were people looked with some level of Jealousy Because you know, it's really nicely made.
- 04:19
- It's got both the Greek and the Hebrew yeah, we we lost some of the notes alongside the Hebrew text to get it down to the size of the of the
- 04:27
- Greek text, but Hey, it's it's all the text is still there. That's the important part. And so if you've seen this sitting back here
- 04:40
- Anyway, so getting Especially original language texts.
- 04:46
- I've got some real nice Bibles I've got a Allen rebind
- 04:51
- New American Standard, you know, that's top -of -the -line type stuff and Let's just be honest the vast majority of the time
- 05:03
- I'm going to be you know, I just I just did the past two Sundays at PRBC and I I preach have an iPad and it's an iPad
- 05:13
- Pro. It's twelve and a half inches size huge screen massive fonts
- 05:19
- I can back away from the pulpit and and see the Greek from three feet away and you know it's it's really hard to get a
- 05:31
- Printed text that can even get close to that as far as actual visibility Is is concerned so a couple of I don't know a couple weeks ago month ago month and a half ago two months ago
- 05:45
- I don't know when it was All of this you can blame on Kofi Because I follow
- 05:51
- Kofi on Facebook and Kofi puts posts this picture of this this beautiful Bible now
- 06:01
- There used to be I used to have contact with this guy at a at a
- 06:08
- Bible binding place down somewhere in down south and I don't know when it was it was it was
- 06:17
- Just over two years ago, maybe they they bound a Quran for me and Just did a beautiful job.
- 06:27
- And so I thought you know, I'd really like to have the new Nessie Allen 28th and I'd arranged they did
- 06:33
- I think they had actually ordered one in and then I lost all contact every Email phone call everything just gone.
- 06:41
- I have no earthy idea what happened I mean, I normally stick with somebody once I find somebody enormous sick, but lost all contact
- 06:48
- They said poof I'd call I'd leave messages. I did emails gone And so it's like oh, well, okay never get to do that.
- 06:58
- So I saw Kofi's post and I I saw this, you know who had who had done it post tenebrous
- 07:09
- Lux Bible rebinding and I'm like, wow, that's that's really nice.
- 07:14
- And so I clicked on it and went over and and Like the page and and then sent a message and at the time all
- 07:22
- I was really thinking about was And I still Might want to do this
- 07:30
- Was I was ordering a Triple the large print triple the
- 07:36
- Book of Mormon doggos program price and They only make them available in Mormon colors black brown and red
- 07:47
- You know, you know, there's this there's this friend, you know and Barring.
- 07:52
- Oh, yeah, and so I actually first wrote and said, you know, I I Have this project
- 07:58
- I'm thinking about doing and I you know, I don't want I don't want to offend anybody by making you bind heresy You know a type of a situation and but would this be something you know might be possible.
- 08:09
- Well turns out that the That the fellow knows who
- 08:14
- I am and so we started talking and Basically yesterday
- 08:22
- This Okay, get okay this arrived in in the mail now many of you have seen the pictures of this and I cannot believe
- 08:35
- It's almost like this leather it came from a chameleon
- 08:41
- Because this looks completely different here in the in the studio Than it did in my house that it does in the sunlight the the this is goatskin
- 08:52
- I believe I'll ask Jeffrey in just a moment and It just it just like changes colors you'll notice the
- 09:00
- Alpha Omega embossing there on the on the edge You've got
- 09:06
- Novum Testamentum Grechii 28 then now. I'm a little concerned PTL, you know sounds like You know a copyrighted television program
- 09:15
- But it's not It's it's Latin. I think that's how you get away with it. Is it? No. No, I'm not to comment.
- 09:20
- It's Latin actually So it's written in another language but check out
- 09:26
- Check out that edging now that was sent out to do and they did an incredible job.
- 09:32
- But look at that I mean look at that reflection right there. It's reflecting the the Screen and right there.
- 09:38
- Well, I mean I had to separate the pages You know just like you do with and that's just so much fun with the new
- 09:44
- Bible, you know, but it's the only Greek text that I've had that has the gilded the gilded pages on it and of course the full yap and then get it really close you can see the on the edges there the the
- 09:58
- Sewing along the edges of of the apps got three Three markers in it.
- 10:05
- And as you can see it It's not stiff, but it's not you know, we're just It's it's got a really really good
- 10:15
- Feel to it. And of course, it's as soft as butter I mean it is just and then of course the ridging along along the back very very classy classical type thing and Believe you me.
- 10:26
- There isn't there is not another Nestle Allen 28 edition like that around and so I thought hey
- 10:35
- We won't spend too much of his time because hopefully he's gonna be so busy with so many other people but I asked
- 10:43
- Jeffrey Rice to call in. Hi, Jeffrey. How you doing? I'm doing great. How are you? I'm doing real well.
- 10:49
- So I assume you've been listening and the description that I gave here so This particular volume first.
- 10:59
- What what would you like to say about it? What were what were the challenges and what did you what did you what did you enjoy doing with this one?
- 11:09
- Well first, I mean we had that conversation Where you went on your bike ride and you said if something was to happen to you that I could keep it
- 11:16
- Well, you know, I might will try to read it and then I open it up and it was like staring into a human brain
- 11:25
- Realizing that that's that's not what I can do. Okay. Well, that's all right Yeah, it's a beautiful text and I Like that it had a rounded spine
- 11:40
- Okay, that that makes it easier for you well, I think it gives a better look a lot of times
- 11:46
- I'll put like a Wrap around hubs Bump on the back of the call hubs, right?
- 11:54
- I'll put a wrap around hugs But it's got a rounded spine. You really don't have to you can still lay the bottle flat and see the hubs right, right now you particularly like doing the
- 12:07
- Stitching along the along the app what what what you have a hand hand stitching around the perimeter?
- 12:14
- that's kind of something I'm known for and What does that do for it or is it just a an aesthetic thing?
- 12:23
- Well, I mean it does make it beautiful. I mean, I think it looks really good to have it stitched
- 12:29
- Yeah, man, it'll make it to where like if a Bible will last you 20 years Hand stitching will make it last 50 to 75.
- 12:37
- It's something if you have it done, you can truly pass it down through your generation Now what now this is this is was it
- 12:45
- Italian goatskin that we used? Yes. Okay, Italian goatskin and I had said
- 12:51
- I had Mentioned to you the kind of color I was looking for and you sent a picture like I said
- 12:57
- Maybe you had the same impression, but it doesn't seem to be the same color any two times.
- 13:03
- I look at it Now every time I took a picture of it was different. Yeah. Yeah, it is so Amazing.
- 13:10
- I've got a guy, you know, you you directed me to him making a guy husband -wife team making a slipcover because I want to be able to carry it with me, but traveling and and and putting stuff in and out of Your bag at TSA checkpoints and stuff like that is just especially with that beautiful edging is is just Absolutely destructive.
- 13:35
- So I've got to have some way of Protecting it, but I definitely want to have that to be able to Take to debates.
- 13:43
- I'll have that for the debate in Florida Obviously because I think the vast majority of the focus in the debate when
- 13:50
- Michael Brown and I are Debating on the subject of homosexuality against two homosexual advocates Will be on the
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- New Testament And so I would imagine once you get to see the the video of that there will be flashes of whatever color it ends up being
- 14:06
- During the course of the debate. I don't know what kind of what the temperature of the lights in the room are So who knows what color will end up being but it'll be somewhere between a green and a blue Right now it's it's a beautiful beautiful turquoise, but I I swear at home.
- 14:19
- It was green. I just It's like the Navy with it. Oh, yeah.
- 14:25
- Oh, you mean as far as yeah, the the there was There's a couple different. So there's two navies and a turquoise and then the
- 14:34
- Navy Inside so so what do you I'm not sure? Okay, so yeah the
- 14:40
- Navy that so the inside of the cover is a navy color that matches the stitching
- 14:46
- But then the first page is is a black Thing a black so you've got blue and then black.
- 14:52
- Yeah, okay, so So I hadn't actually shown that part. So just just an incredible Incredible volume.
- 15:02
- It's it's beautiful. Now. I've seen a lot of your other work. I saw brother Melton down in prior
- 15:08
- I saw his preaching Bible and you With the solos on the spine.
- 15:15
- Yeah, and that now that was a pretty Thick Bible, I'm not sure what kind of a
- 15:20
- Bible that was but it was an Allen Bible. Really? Yeah, I've rebound three
- 15:28
- Allen's and probably six Skyler's Wow, I'm telling you what man like I have an hour and a
- 15:33
- Skyler here with me now I actually have four Skyler's but I have to rebound rebound
- 15:39
- But you can hold one of them in one hand and hold one of mine in the other and if you can
- 15:45
- Honestly say if the Allen or the Skyler feel better I will give you Yeah, that's that that's amazing
- 15:59
- I loved I loved what you did with Kofi's work and then My preacher brother down there and prior had the solos on the on on the
- 16:11
- And of course, you got to plan all that out obviously way ahead of time There's a lot of thing is, you know, like what like the whole imprinting the
- 16:22
- Bible That's probably what I hate the most But I have to do it so much
- 16:29
- Yeah, and you got to do it very carefully because one mistake you get that you get to start all over again.
- 16:35
- So yeah I don't have to bend down.
- 16:43
- I don't have to move in some weird way So, I mean, you know back when
- 16:48
- I first started I had it, you know on the tabletop and it was tough man Oh, I imagine maneuver myself
- 16:57
- Well, great so obviously other people have found you before I did and so I Am very thankful that that Kofi, you know now that I think about it.
- 17:10
- I I think I may have seen that preaching
- 17:15
- Bible and just didn't put two and two together or didn't see the links or whatever else It might be I'm not I'm not sure but in any case obviously a lot of the people that watch this program have similar interests to me and so how do they how do they get hold of you if You know,
- 17:35
- I've a lot of folks either Have a Bible they really really really like and they they want to do the rebinding things they can keep the text
- 17:45
- Or there's just a lot of folks that just want to have a really really really really cool looking Binding job on on their
- 17:53
- Bible and I want to keep it for a long time. So I Know that obviously you're on you're on Facebook.
- 18:00
- Did you just pop into Twitter recently? Yeah, Kofi actually tell me man. You need to get you a
- 18:05
- Twitter account I Yeah, cuz cuz when I started following you,
- 18:11
- I think I think yesterday or the day before yesterday You were my first follower. Oh, well, there you go.
- 18:16
- There you go. I Okay, all right, well seven seven years
- 18:24
- I'll take that So they can I told my I told my wife I said man I really like to get a
- 18:30
- Bible and James White's hand and this was months ago right when the preacher's Bible came out Arthur and Then you said you didn't read from from a
- 18:39
- Bible and I was like Yeah, yeah, I know I know but when it comes to the
- 18:46
- Greek text I Will do that because it's a little bit easier to look at the notes and stuff in a in a paper version that it is the electronic version so especially in debates,
- 18:57
- I very frequently do carry that but But be as it may so Obviously Facebook Twitter Facebook I have an email.
- 19:06
- I mean, I'm not email. I mean, yeah, I got email, but I got a website and Bible rebinding calm
- 19:13
- PTL Bible rebinding calm Yeah, cuz it would be a long it'd be very very long to have post tenebrous
- 19:22
- Lux and no Yeah, no, baby. I'll spell it and they'd never find you. So that yeah You know like I want it
- 19:31
- Only get very obvious and we were a reformed family Company, you know and and we wanted to everyone to know that But that God has brought life and immortality the light through the gospel and that's only found in Scripture Great a way for us to express that and to have it out there.
- 19:54
- Well, that's great. I I hope that Those people who've been looking for someone that'll do a great job for him.
- 20:03
- Well, we'll look you up and get in touch with you and Hopefully we'll keep you busy for for a long long time to come and eventually
- 20:10
- I'll get around to Figuring out what I want to do as far as that that triples concern. But right now
- 20:16
- I'm just just very happy to have Have this beauty and I just hope no one ever decides to try to make it walk away from my debate desk
- 20:26
- I Appreciate it. Well, thank you Jeffrey for calling in and All right
- 20:38
- Well, I appreciate that very much keep keep listening and we'll love we'll keep sending people your direction
- 20:44
- All right. Thank you. All right. God bless. Bye. Bye All right. There you go Please do not be contacting the ministry going.
- 20:52
- I've got a great company, too That's that's not the point I Know this audience and I know that there are a bunch of people sitting there looking at that going
- 21:05
- That's not fair in fact the look you're giving me right now as you're looking at the television screen or at the at the
- 21:14
- Computer screen is the same look that that King James only fell. What was that King James only fell in London?
- 21:21
- A Jack Jack Mormon Mormon not
- 21:26
- Mormon Mormon Down there is my 15 fit is our the ministries 1550
- 21:33
- Stefanos right right there at the end of my finger. There's the 1550 sponsor right there and when
- 21:39
- I took that to our debate in 2011 February of 2011 in in London the televised one and I'm sitting there holding that in my hand the look on his face is exactly what a bunch of you are doing about my
- 21:53
- Greek New Testament you Shouldn't have that I should have So I'm telling you right now
- 22:04
- If if any of you are thinking Present for my pastor ladies if you're thinking present for my
- 22:17
- Husband or guys if you're thinking present for my wife Christmas is gonna be here before you know it and something tells me
- 22:28
- That that's probably be a busy time for brother Jeffrey. So if I were you I'd sort of think ahead
- 22:35
- Along those lines what I did. I'll tell you straight up. I am I got his address and just had the
- 22:42
- Greek text I spot the Greek text and had sent there Because I did not have a large print na -28 that is a large print it is readable to me still not as big as the as the as the iPad and I'll still be preaching from the iPad, but When it comes to needing to be able to get between texts look at possible text of variants and stuff or just simply to take a text up to The up to the the podium or the lectern or the pulpit or wherever I am teaching
- 23:12
- Yeah, that that baby's gonna be sticking with me for for a long time I just I'm just doing how
- 23:17
- I worry about is TSA guys I literally had them rip a Bible out of my bag the last time
- 23:23
- I traveled we can't see through it You can't see through a book I'm unimpressed if a book can hide things
- 23:32
- But that's the only thing I'm worried about is because I'm gonna tell you something the edging here is just yeah, perfect And I like the silver with the turquoise,
- 23:43
- I think that that goes great so there's a 23 minutes of geekiness But I just I know my audience and I know a bunch of you are like What I would give for a buttery smooth soft perfectly bound gorgeous
- 24:01
- Greek New Testament or by the way, let me just mention I just saw
- 24:07
- And I just pre -ordered from Hendrickson If this is has nothing to do with any of this
- 24:15
- Hendrickson is putting out a Reader's Edition Greek Septuagint, it's based on Ralph's so it's not gonna be you know, it's not like the
- 24:24
- Göttingen critical text or something like that, but You know, it's it's a it's a free text basically, but it's generally accurate but it's it's
- 24:33
- Ralph's edition of the Greek Septuagint Reader's Edition and if you've not seen
- 24:39
- Either the Reader's Old Testament or Reader's New Testament. It's really nice back and back in my day
- 24:46
- Which was shortly after the Apostle Paul died we had Seke Kubo, which was a separate volume he carried
- 24:56
- That was in canonical order and it assumed that you had a 50 word vocabulary.
- 25:01
- In other words, not just 50 words it's about 306 actually, but That you knew all the words that were used 50 or more times in the
- 25:09
- New Testament and if it's used less than 50 times in canonical order, so if you're reading
- 25:15
- Galatians chapter 5 verse 6 You'll be looking at Galatians 5 6 and any words in that Verse that are used less than 50 times.
- 25:26
- There will be a gloss a brief definition. It's not in -depth It's meant to allow you to read with pace read with speed.
- 25:33
- Well That was great at the time but you know you had to Greek New Testament had to be looking back and forth and then they came out with Reader's Editions and They're really nice because you've got the text you've got the same information
- 25:46
- Basically at the at the bottom of the page and so you're just looking at one page You can read even faster than they came out with a
- 25:53
- Reader's Hebrew Is that what that one is, I think that's yeah,
- 25:59
- I think over there in the corner and that I had rebound to Is the
- 26:06
- Hebrew and Greek with the Reader's stuff that one up on the the thing above it might be a little
- 26:12
- Bobby right there and that's the the company that I lost track of but they did a real nice job on that and So you've got the
- 26:20
- Reader's Editions of those and now the Greek Septuagint and the Septuagint That's gonna be
- 26:27
- I think really helpful to spend a little time each day doing some reading in that Just because of the the deep interaction of the
- 26:35
- Greek Septuagint with the New Testament I think that'll be extremely useful extremely useful. So There you go.
- 26:42
- All right, I Knew I'd go a little bit longer on that. But hey, it's it's geeks are us
- 26:52
- So Supposed to be untagged for something People posting some pictures and things like that I posted a
- 27:05
- The longest thread anyone has ever seen on Twitter this morning In fact, I did not know that there was a maximum number of tweets.
- 27:14
- You can put into a thread. I think it's 20 Yeah, I Had to ask for ask for help more than once you can't you cannot respond to anybody with a threat you can only start a thread on Twitter on the website and Then once you post something there will be a little plus and you hit plus it opens up another window for the next one
- 27:35
- Then the next one the next one next that's that's how you do it And what's nice about it is you cut and paste and it'll outline in red what goes over the limit
- 27:44
- So you can just go back easily cut that out go back to your thing cut paste the next part It takes time, but at least they're making it somewhat easier to do
- 27:55
- And so that's That's what I did this morning. And what I did is
- 28:00
- I I saw various people posting this thread
- 28:08
- And It was in response to John MacArthur and As most of you know, dr.
- 28:16
- MacArthur began a blog series yesterday It was just a prologue it was just the the forward the introduction
- 28:26
- But many people could not restrain themselves to Find out to wait until the entirety of the presentation was was made
- 28:40
- People like Dr. Anthony Bradley Immediately talked about him face planting into a pile of conservative ideological.
- 28:51
- What was it? I forget what it was, but it was anything but respectful. It was extremely disrespectful dismissive
- 28:59
- Dr. Bradley has written a few books on the subject and so he does seem to think that he's the only one that can really
- 29:05
- Talk about the subject What's interesting is every time he said well go watch this
- 29:11
- I'll go watch the video And then when I ask questions about I don't get answers well read my chapter and okay
- 29:16
- I did so then I wrote back Don't get any answers Maybe that's just his way of getting me to read his stuff and watch his videos, but maybe someday
- 29:25
- I don't know but I have invested the time. Anyways, there were there were these responses now this response
- 29:32
- That I responded to was not Vitriolic but because it wasn't vitriolic unlike so many of the others
- 29:42
- That made it useful, but also I think somewhat dangerous in this sense If you read my response and I posted it as an entire thing.
- 29:51
- It's about five pages long actually on Facebook I Analyzed the thread
- 30:01
- Presuppositionally and that doesn't mean that I have a candle lit in front of a portrait of Van Till I've Emphasized on this program literally for decades and there are some of you
- 30:18
- Who either were you may not have been listening back then but now that you've gotten hooked in you've gone back
- 30:24
- Into the archives there are certain and those people will testify. Yeah, you have been consistent in emphasizing this for years
- 30:34
- That you must listen to arguments and identify the underlying presuppositions
- 30:42
- We live in a day where we don't teach Logic I I was a seminary graduate before I took a class in logic
- 30:54
- Thankfully one of my fellow elders now, he's one of my fellow elders Jim Callahan taught logic at Phoenix College for years.
- 31:02
- And so I took logic with him and That was extremely valuable obviously, it wasn't the first time
- 31:10
- I was encountering a lot of those concepts But we just don't we just don't teach people to think rigorously and to examine
- 31:20
- Argumentation rigorously. In fact, there's a mindset amongst many people that amongst Christians if you rigorously analyze a sermon
- 31:28
- For example that you're being unspiritual and you're being unkind to the individual delivering the sermon.
- 31:34
- I Find that incredibly dangerous now if you're so immature as a
- 31:40
- Christian that you cannot Engage the critical thinking side of your mind without also engaging the
- 31:51
- Emotional attack dog nastiness side of your mind. Well, okay But if you are an adult you should be able to Control the emotional aspects of Of your thinking and be able to Presuppositionally analyze what's being said if we don't do that, we will always be controlled by other people and That's the greatest danger that I see in the younger generation
- 32:24
- Looking at the educational methodologies being used in the public education sector is it is purposefully creating a
- 32:32
- People who can be manipulated and controlled by others That's what's creating that's where we are and That's why the older generation older generations are so out of step with the younger generations is we weren't raised that way and So we listen to a politician
- 32:49
- I can listen to a politician and go I appreciate that that and that but that that are you? kidding me and those the
- 32:55
- Fundamental issues. These are the foundational things. These are leather things and so I can prioritize those things Millennials Generation Z What's prioritized?
- 33:06
- What's foundational? What's fundamental? it's all about emotion and feeling and me and all the rest that stuff and and that's why we are we and it's all
- 33:16
- Purposeful folks. It's all Purposeful it Didn't just happen overnight
- 33:22
- You don't hijack the entire educational system without having a goal and an aim in so doing but Anyway, how'd
- 33:32
- I get on to that sermon? I apologize. Um, so I I wrote a lengthy tweet thread in response where I point out the presuppositional foundations of what is being said the assumptions that are unspoken but are necessarily there or or the statements don't make any sense and So that's that's on my
- 34:01
- Facebook page and you can find the lengthy tread tread thread on on Twitter This is just the beginning
- 34:12
- There are people that I'm so tired of this. Yeah, I get it. And that's exactly how
- 34:18
- Progress or regress is being made culturally is the fact that The other side recognizes that eventually you just get tired about because this isn't this isn't what
- 34:30
- I wake up thinking about But it is for certain people and they will come at it every single day and seek to accomplish their ends
- 34:40
- When we get tired and abandon the the defenses There are clearly
- 34:48
- Things that may be coming out over the next couple of weeks that are going to Result in conversation and discussion and As that happens my my true desire is
- 35:06
- That we would not see the kind of knee -jerk reactions that we're seeing right now That we would not see
- 35:15
- Either side just simply condemning everybody on the other side to the flames of perdition
- 35:23
- There is nothing wrong in hearing what someone has to say as Long as you hear accurately and as long as you test everything
- 35:36
- By the Word of God and by a consistent hermeneutical approach I'll mention quickly last night
- 35:46
- I Listened to think it was last night. I got up very early this morning.
- 35:52
- I listened to cross -politic and They had
- 35:57
- Jonathan Merritt on I Would have used the mute button a few times
- 36:06
- Because he just start talking and just And it was plain that's what he had chosen to do that was that was what he wanted wanted to accomplish was was that But That was um, that was something else and I just mentioned last night
- 36:26
- I was listening to him filibustering and But the main thing was the sources from which he's drawing his argumentation
- 36:36
- As a fuller grad I'm like, oh Reading a lot of Brueggemann these days, huh? Okay, and I mentioned this last time, you know
- 36:42
- I talked about Brueggemann when we went over his interview with Andy Stanley came up again on Cross -politic and T.
- 36:50
- Wright things like that. And by the way, there isn't the the only thing that a lot of these people hold have in common is
- 37:00
- An interesting view of the authority of Scripture, I mean NT Wright would have the highest view of all the people that he mentioned
- 37:07
- But even he has made reference in the past according to others anyways to that silly
- 37:13
- American doctrine called inerrancy. So He he is and an
- 37:19
- Anglican along those lines bit as it may it was Educational listen to and Troubling at the same time.
- 37:29
- You need to understand Jonathan Merritt is an advocate for a particular brand of I Can't call it evangelicalism
- 37:41
- Whatever you want to call it it is he is an advocate for a position. He's not just a
- 37:49
- Journalist he is advocating for a position and I think needs to be seen As as an advocate along those lines, okay
- 37:58
- Let me that's not the one that I wanted And let me maximize that I think this is close to where we were
- 38:08
- I would like to get back for a little while anyways to Responding a bit to the three
- 38:16
- Mormons. I have not seen any Replies from the young people
- 38:24
- It Looks like They've been at this for a while.
- 38:29
- And so maybe they have a production schedule or Schools probably just starting for a number of them
- 38:35
- I'm not trying to say they're running and hiding or something right along those lines. I even suggesting it but you know, maybe that's why
- 38:42
- There hasn't been any response at least to me. I I would Maybe there has been to apology and they haven't told me that or something like that yet.
- 38:51
- I don't know But I'm hoping that there will be some interaction I have promised to send them
- 38:59
- Copies of my books on the subject if they would like to because as we have documented on the last program
- 39:05
- They they do not understand Some of the issues that they are rather confidently addressing and we saw for example the misrepresentation of the
- 39:12
- Doctrine of the Trinity Three beings that are one being it's not we believe and that's such a basic thing that You Know it would be good if if they would take the time to increase their knowledge of these things
- 39:27
- That's always a positive thing. So we were looking at a video where three
- 39:35
- Mormons were talking about can men become gods and so I wanted to pick up with some of the comments there and We will press on let's hopefully this will work as we didn't really test this out.
- 39:49
- But We'll find out don't worry about being a god because we need to be worrying about is the present
- 39:57
- Am I in a state where if God were to meet me now what I feel comfortable? Yes Yeah, you know and if I don't feel comfortable that means
- 40:05
- I'm not progressing to be like that Mm -hmm. I think that's like what's so important and why we're here is to progress, right?
- 40:10
- We're always progressing and we're learning to be remember how many times the Apostles spoke of progression never
- 40:19
- It's it Again I read from the
- 40:27
- Celestial marriage manual You are you were never created.
- 40:32
- You're not a created being You cannot be destroyed in Mormonism God men and angels are all the same species of being and So there is such a foundational
- 40:45
- Fundamental at the heart difference between Christianity and Mormonism That and I'll say this for the three
- 40:53
- Mormons. That's why I've said many times before Islam is considerably closer to biblical
- 40:58
- Christianity than Mormonism is because Islam is monotheistic there at least you have a self -existing deity who has created all things in Mormonism you have a literal literally unlimited number of deities and The deity of this world was once a man lived on another planet and the deity
- 41:21
- He worshipped was once a man lived on another planet and your mind is wearied with the generations going back and back and back
- 41:27
- To quote from I think that was Orson Pratt anyway so Such a foundational fundamental thing that so you you hear this and you hear these young people using terminology
- 41:41
- That we automatically attempt to to define it from our lexicon
- 41:47
- But the lexicon is completely different it has a completely different meaning to it and That is what normally disrupts conversations
- 41:56
- With Mormons as you you think you're communicating and all of a sudden it seems like they took a left or you took a left
- 42:02
- Or something when the reality is you hadn't been communicating all along Because of the the language barrier
- 42:08
- Like you know our Our father in heaven and to learn responsibilities like the power of procreation is like a small
- 42:16
- Taste of like the power of creation, right? Yeah, the power of procreation The ability to bring little children into the world
- 42:25
- Remember what makes God God and Mormonism the power of the priesthood and the power of procreation and you go
- 42:34
- What How the priesthood power the power create procreation that's what makes that's ultimate exaltation
- 42:42
- Everybody who's not in the highest level of celestial kingdom in Mormonism is damned damned in the sense of damned up in their progression to that highest level and so what makes the people in the highest level of exaltation different than everybody else is
- 43:01
- The power of priesthood the power procreation. That's what makes God God instead of just an angel You just go
- 43:08
- Yeah, that's I'm telling you it is so far removed from Christianity that it's it's stunning
- 43:15
- I mean I can say with absolute confidence Nobody except maybe origin in the early church
- 43:23
- Would have done anything other than gone away from me heretic if they had ever encountered anything
- 43:30
- That looked like Mormonism and I say origin because you know origin was just a little weird
- 43:35
- You're to learn to control that power and to control like the gift that we've been given, you know, even
- 43:41
- Jesus Christ himself He says be perfect even as the Father in heaven is perfect And then when Jesus Christ is resurrected, he says be perfect even as I am perfect So this idea
- 43:49
- I think that one actually the second one comes to the Book of Mormon, but in in any case In the
- 43:56
- Sermon on the Mount he does say that and that is in the context of Completeness of what of who you are.
- 44:03
- So God is perfect complete God We are called to be his creatures That does not mean that we are called to be him and again presupposition being in their mind well,
- 44:14
- God himself is of the same species he was once a man like us and The reality is that he says that's not true action isn't just spirituality.
- 44:24
- Is it just overcoming sin? It's the idea of it's a being it's a state of being. Mm -hmm You know,
- 44:29
- I think a modern -day idea of heaven is lounging around bowing or ever to God okay now at this point
- 44:36
- I cannot help but remember Conversation on The sidewalk outside of the
- 44:47
- Easter pageant and it was down toward The west side
- 44:56
- Of what did we call that was that corner? Two or three or four?
- 45:02
- I've lost track of which one it was but it was the one down near the stage where people would come in down down that side, so maybe corner four and I Was talking with a
- 45:15
- Mormon missionary and I don't know why given At least 5 ,000 such conversations.
- 45:21
- I'm not sure exactly why this one Stuck with me But Maybe because it lasted a little bit longer and and we got into this very subject, but you will find a
- 45:35
- Consistency amongst Mormons on this particular topic They cuz they'll they'll bring it up But he was talking about what you know
- 45:46
- What do you think we're gonna do float around heaven on clouds plucking at harps all day long with angel wings, you know and the point was that He could not conceive and that's what they're good.
- 46:00
- That's what they're talking about here. You could not conceive of How worship of God Could be something that Through eternity would be a
- 46:17
- Fulfilling thing and And You know,
- 46:22
- I understand that Because if God's just an exalted may have another planet and we're the same species
- 46:30
- You can say thanks for a while, but yeah, how could you be absorbed in prayer and praise?
- 46:39
- Mormonism does not have a true God Mormonism has an exalted man that lives on a planet that circles a star named
- 46:47
- Kolob From a fictional book that Joseph Smith made up in his mind based upon Egyptian funerary documents that he couldn't read a single word of and so When Joseph Smith said we have imagined and supposed that God was
- 47:06
- God from all eternity I will refute that idea and take away the veil so that you may see Joseph Smith separated all of his followers from the
- 47:16
- Christian faith forever So if you don't have a God who has been
- 47:21
- God from all eternity From everlasting to everlasting Psalm 90 verse 2 then
- 47:27
- I can understand why you'd go. I don't know. I'm not sure I really want to you know Cogitate upon a future that would be so boring to me
- 47:38
- Whereas a Christian goes I can't imagine we can't even begin to conceive of Not our exaltation but coming to know more and more about the object of our
- 47:56
- Passionate worship and love because the greatest commandment is love the Lord your heart soul mind and strength sin keeps us from being able to Do that once sin is removed.
- 48:04
- We will be able to love him completely and if he's just a
- 48:11
- Fellow redeemed. I mean if one of these two young men becomes a god someday then they were fallen now, right?
- 48:19
- They were ignorant now, right and so someday you're gonna worship somebody's gonna worship them
- 48:29
- There is such a chasm that exists such a huge huge chasm that exists between Christianity and Mormonism been down are you just kissing
- 48:39
- Jesus's feet forever? But there's work to do this progression. You have to you're gonna continue to learn we are
- 48:45
- Eternal intelligences and we continue to grow. It's amazing Obviously, there's not enough time in the world to talk about this subject.
- 48:52
- It's a great so we just like touch the water It's just gonna right. I gotta ask a question We get planets you get your own planet.
- 48:58
- Yeah, cuz if so, I there's a Google Doc I signed to get Jupiter, you know, I want to put a guy.
- 49:04
- Do you get a planet? Well, you know it's a it's a perfectly fair question and there is in the history
- 49:14
- Of the development of Mormon thought a fair amount of divergence, I mean You can document very very clearly
- 49:26
- The reality that there was disagreement between Mormon leaders over whether Well, it can be illustrated by do we do we call it the law of eternal progression or the eternal law of progression
- 49:47
- Because there's a subtle difference between those two Some Mormon leaders,
- 49:54
- I think this does go back faithfully to Joseph Smith believed that Eternal progression meant just that that that God would continually
- 50:04
- Continue to progress which would mean he has not yet Reached an ultimate state and how could he because there's always a
- 50:11
- God ahead of him the sort of the the train track idea Where you can't get ahead of the people that are you can't get ahead of the cars that are ahead of you on the on the track
- 50:20
- But then there are others. They're like no no once you know, God eventually reaches the full status of Godship and it's just as much
- 50:29
- God as anybody else and Mormons will on the one hand go.
- 50:36
- Yeah. Yeah, I like that But then as we've seen these young people say well, you know, I'm always you know,
- 50:42
- God's always gonna be my God I'm always gonna look up to him. Well, that's the train track one So which which ones which you can't have your cake and eat it, too
- 50:52
- But Mormon theology does do the cake and eat it to thing. Yes I was gonna say that what
- 50:58
- I'm finding interesting and watching this is the fish The fish no, not the fish the
- 51:05
- We have a choir we have we hello We have a maybe Mike Mike's not working right here or the third the first vision picture that they don't publish anymore we have a chart that you made up many many many moons ago and on the
- 51:21
- Law of Eternal Progression and What as I'm listening to this it's like, you know what folks it's we have it on our sermon audio channel
- 51:29
- It's also on our YouTube channel where you can download it All you got to do is go put that chart in front of you and listen to these kids
- 51:39
- It's as if they're following the very chart. Yeah Yeah, well how many times we had you you were there in at KTKK?
- 51:49
- Yeah But how many people how many times have we? Said this kind of stuff even out in Mesa as you're starting to talk to a
- 51:58
- Mormon you're explaining This is what Mormonism teaches and believes and they look at you that you're crazy. No, nobody ever believes this that stuff
- 52:05
- Are you crazy? You're making this up and If you think we're making this up folks get that chart follow these kids and It's right there as plain as day we ain't making this up No, no, we're not we're not making any of it up and what
- 52:21
- I was gonna say is we had we had done a radio program on KTKK in Salt Lake City and After after the program one of the people that's on the program had had said, you know,
- 52:35
- I You know appreciate that you all, you know Try to accurately represent we're saying and you've y 'all been really consistent down through the years in in your objections to Mormonism, it's not like There have been times when certain large
- 52:50
- Well -known ministries sort of gone aft after one thing and then off after another thing and there be changes and stuff
- 52:56
- We've been saying the same things about Mormonism since I first started teaching a class on Mormonism in Wow 1982 it was fall of 80 was a fall of 82 maybe spring of 83 somewhere around there is when
- 53:17
- I started teaching a class on Mormonism at North Phoenix Baptist Church and I've still got the I've still got the notes.
- 53:22
- I know which I know which Notebook in the other room the the orange one with all those same type of flashy stickers on it
- 53:30
- That I've got in the front of that one over there rainbow stickers Not that kind of rainbow the refracting spectrum type things anyways,
- 53:40
- I've still got in the other room and Stand by what we said then hopefully know more about it now that we did then
- 53:47
- Because we've done a lot more studies since then but yeah, we've been consistent So we press on but like we're saying like we believe we can become gods and we can
- 53:55
- God We believe that God created the universe, you know, you believe that God organized the universe. This is one one criticism.
- 54:02
- I have is that they're definitely co -opting Christian language here in such a fashion that It miscommunicates the realities of Mormonism the
- 54:16
- Mormon God cannot create anything The Mormon God himself is not eternal but matter is eternal and all the
- 54:24
- Mormon God can do is reorganize matter He cannot create matter.
- 54:30
- He cannot say let there be and there is Anything that exists that matter
- 54:37
- Did not come about because of the exercise of Elohim's will Remember there was a
- 54:43
- God that had to organize the plant that he lived on While he was a man and so on and so forth So I wish they'd be a little bit clearer at this point and and not use the language we use because we believe crash
- 54:54
- UX and helo God creates out of or into nothing and Is not dependent upon anything else and there is no category for that in classical
- 55:03
- Mormon teaching just just Read teachings of Prophet Joseph Smith read articles of faith.
- 55:10
- It's it's right there. It's it's right in front of you We're gonna do a few more minutes of this and then we'll go ahead and open the open the phones if that's okay eight seven seven seven five three three three four one eight seven seven seven five three three three four one is
- 55:28
- The phone number that you can call will try to get some calls in today After we do a little bit more looking at the three
- 55:35
- Mormons Logically, if you believe that we're going to be like God in every shape way and form
- 55:40
- We will be able to create create. We have no idea Yeah, I just don't want to touch the idea of you know, if you got four planets, you're a better God than I am
- 55:49
- Well, it's funny cuz actually I have rings. Oh, yeah. Well, you know, it's it's it's funny that they joke about it, but There there is a discussion, you know in if you go read the
- 56:00
- Journal of Discourses Of levels of exaltation and of The extent of one's kingdom and power and and so on and so forth and if you've brought a
- 56:14
- Hundred million gods into existence and somebody else has only done ten If you have 30 billion people worshipping you and someone else only got 10 million people worshipping them
- 56:29
- You know once you make godhood Once you make the existence of God men and angels a spectrum
- 56:38
- Isn't there a possibility of that kind of thing? I mean again has nothing to do with the
- 56:43
- Bible the Bible knows nothing of anything like this But there you go, like a really nice planet single
- 56:51
- Planets are from Brooklyn. So, uh, and I guess we just want to emphasize to like we believe that we're becoming like God But we will never be our
- 56:58
- God. He will always be our God and we will always Look okay. Now if that's true if that's true this causes a severe problem because that means that Elohim is looking up to another
- 57:12
- God and Jehovah evidently is looking up to Elohim and the Holy Spirit's looking up to the both of them,
- 57:18
- I guess We don't know but the point is if God will always be their
- 57:23
- God That means that his God will always be his God So the
- 57:29
- God that they worship is worshipping another God This again bumps right into I mean that makes sense on the train track analogy
- 57:39
- It doesn't make sense on the final exaltation analogy, though. The final exaltation perspective is more common today.
- 57:45
- So which is it? They don't know They don't know depends on which Mormon you talk to Before me there is a
- 57:53
- God for him there should be none after me. That's what God said for direction He will always be our Heavenly Father. Now.
- 57:59
- Does this mean we're polytheists? Yes Yeah, no, it does.
- 58:04
- Come on guys Plurality of gods Did you want me to read you what
- 58:09
- Joseph Smith said plurality of gods is polytheism You have God the
- 58:15
- Father he begets that's Elohim. He begets Jehovah And you guys are really confused about who the
- 58:22
- Holy Ghost is Holy Spirit is all the rest that kind of stuff There's all sorts of weird stuff on that one, but that's three right there first vision two separate distinct that's that's two
- 58:32
- That's polytheism right there. It's maybe a form of he no theism, but it's still polytheistic and Do I need to quote?
- 58:40
- That you know God has a God before him until the mind is wearied in the successive generations
- 58:45
- You know, I can go grab the Journal of Discourses if you want me to read them their prophets and apostles you ain't
- 58:51
- Makes perfect sense. You know, that's why that's why I was reading from the King Follett funeral discourse
- 58:59
- So yes, you are polytheists. This is this is not even a question. This is not even a debatable issue even if you
- 59:07
- Stop with just a God of this world. You got three. Okay, that's
- 59:12
- Poly right there. This is unit. That's poly. You've got three and We only have one the
- 59:19
- Bible only has one that's Yahweh 534 times in the Old Testament. It's the compound named
- 59:25
- Yahweh Elohim Jehovah Elohim That's why Deuteronomy 435 says to you shown that you might know
- 59:31
- Jehovah. He is Elohim. There's no else besides him You all don't your leaders didn't understand this they were
- 59:40
- Joseph Smith was illiterate as far as Greek and Hebrew were concerned. He made all sorts of silly errors linguistically speaking pretending to do stuff that he could not actually do as an alleged prophet and in 1916 the first presidency a little over a hundred years ago
- 59:58
- Came out with a statement identifying Elohim as a father and Jehovah as a son now When I had my dialogue with Alma already a few weeks ago, even he admitted.
- 01:00:06
- Yeah That wasn't much of a that's not what Joseph Smith taught Joseph Smith did not have the
- 01:00:13
- Elohim Jehovah distinction, but I Don't know if you guys have been in the temple I think you probably have but if you know the creation scene
- 01:00:21
- Then you know that Elohim sends down Jehovah and Michael to organize not create organize the earth one two
- 01:00:28
- Then you got an angel. So that's polytheism right there. So it's not a question This is that there's you know, let's just be straightforward about this is a
- 01:00:37
- Paul this Mormonism in its purest Orthodox form is the most polytheistic religion
- 01:00:43
- I've ever encountered the Some religions
- 01:00:49
- Hindus Allegedly have 330 million gods But I have had well -read highly connected
- 01:00:59
- Mormons say there are an unlimited number of gods Not in this universe.
- 01:01:06
- That's why they start using pluralities universes But that's the most polytheistic religion man has ever even conceived of And you'll find that in in Mormon writers.
- 01:01:18
- We do not worship more than one God We worship our God who is our Heavenly Father So you don't worship
- 01:01:25
- Jesus, you know worship the Holy Spirit What sir, yes, sir, I don't know you're you're oh
- 01:01:37
- I Mean I I know you've obviously had conversations about this, but I'm sorry even the
- 01:01:42
- Book of Mormon says you do that and The Book of Mormon was written before this stuff developed
- 01:01:48
- So it's sort of hard to hold it all together, isn't it? Because Joseph Smith was a modalist back then But anyways, it's sort of confusing.
- 01:01:54
- I realize that oh any you know Any idea that we pay attention to that we have names for other gods.
- 01:02:00
- It's false. It's baloney It's fake news we believe in our
- 01:02:06
- Heavenly Father and that's who we serve and Jesus Christ and The Holy Ghost, right?
- 01:02:13
- That's that's three. They're gods, right? And it is the first Principle of the gospel to know for certain to the carrot of God No, we may converse him as one man converses another and a godfather was man just gonna live on the planet
- 01:02:28
- You know, so who created that planet? Don't tell me this stuff is Just speculation. It's not just speculation
- 01:02:37
- Have you all spent much time reading in the Journal of Discourse, I mean, I haven't read all of them I wouldn't want to it's a majority was boring, but I've read enough to go.
- 01:02:44
- Yeah. Yeah This is this is what the this is what the Mormon apostles and prophets were teaching on with Jesus Christ Something really really interesting about this doctrine is that it was given to us in light of the restoration so we know this because of the restoration but and of course there was no need for a restoration because the
- 01:03:01
- Biblical teaching is that the church would exist until Jesus Christ returns and that God would be the one that would accomplish that just so you're aware of that It really is an eternal truth.
- 01:03:11
- And if you want to find and quote some early Christian church fathers, they're there Saint Arrhenius an early
- 01:03:18
- Christian theologian and church father said this we were not made gods now You'll notice he's reading from a phone he ain't reading from the early church fathers and this is where I would
- 01:03:31
- And I had mentioned this When we did The Apollygia stuff what on earth?
- 01:03:40
- What did I there it is? Isamara my brother has an entire section on Theosis becoming a god
- 01:03:52
- That deals with the issues regarding some some of the early church fathers and things like that But gives you a lot of references so you can go back and as I mentioned on Apollygia The key issue here for these young folks to recognize is you cannot show me a single one of the early church fathers that believed that God was once a man who lived on another planet and so all the texts that talk about our becoming gods are spoken by a
- 01:04:27
- Monotheist talking about the gracious act of God in giving to us eternal life and taking us to heaven and Having made us in his image, which is not a physical image and the exaltation and well actually it's not termed exaltation glorification that will be ours by grace that never
- 01:04:46
- Changes the reality that there is only one true and eternal God who has eternally existed.
- 01:04:52
- We have not eternally existed Therefore we can never be God as God is God so you can play around with Athanasius or Irenaeus Some of us have taken the time to actually read them in their entirety and know what they actually taught
- 01:05:07
- We're not reading something off of a little screen that we got off a website someplace I would highly recommend that you do a little bit more fair Analysis at at that point now, there is a you can go ahead and take them down.
- 01:05:20
- There is a another video We'll get to was God married I have it queued up here, but we want to be able to get to I did say we take some some phone calls
- 01:05:30
- So we want to be able to do that. We will Get to that in in time and eight seven seven seven five three three three four one eight seven seven seven five three three three four one is the phone number and so Well, that's interesting
- 01:05:49
- Okay, let's talk with Joe in Charlotte. Hi Joe Hey James Charlotte I'm trying to set up something
- 01:05:58
- Maybe just keep an eye on on November for something there in Charlotte.
- 01:06:03
- Will we be in the University area in Charlotte? I don't know
- 01:06:08
- Charlotte well enough to tell you that but we're looking at trying to put together a Dialogue there in the
- 01:06:15
- Charlotte area, so it it'll be one of them. They're controversial kinds. Oh Oh boy with Michael Brown.
- 01:06:22
- I know he's in the area. So well, Michael would be involved if it works. So yes, okay Cool looking forward to it
- 01:06:29
- Okay, what can we do for you? Yeah, my question, um has to do with Soul scriptura and I've just noticed and Watching you debate
- 01:06:43
- Roman Catholics. They tend to bring up. I know the Common argument.
- 01:06:48
- Well, how do you know this Bible and this book belongs to Scripture and You seem to rightfully point out that it's
- 01:06:56
- God who inspires Scripture and not any church But where I get lost after that is
- 01:07:03
- They always bring up this onto ontological versus epistemological distinction that yes ontologically
- 01:07:10
- Books of the Bible are inspired by God not by the church, but epistemologically we come to know what's part of the canon
- 01:07:16
- Through the church. And so I was wondering what is the Protestant understanding?
- 01:07:22
- That's not priest or maybe it is pre -propositional. It's only that's the only way you can do it That you know that God and ontologically inspired that particular text and not that one
- 01:07:34
- I tried it very concisely Awful, but that's kind of a hard question. So well, so I'm going to assume that You've not seen my book scripture alone
- 01:07:47
- No, I haven't read it, but I have seen you discuss this topic. Yeah, there's there's there's two chapters in there and then
- 01:07:54
- Michael Kruger No, I haven't read his books. Did you see the Video that he and I did on the canon of scripture at the g3 conference this year
- 01:08:06
- I might have I'm not entirely sure. I'm not very familiar with Kruger. So yeah, so well
- 01:08:12
- He's he's gonna be the one to I mean if you really want to go in depth on this
- 01:08:17
- He's he's the one to to look at right now but so There's there's a lot of stuff there and it lays behind What you have heard for example in the debate with Peter D Williams Just a couple months ago in Belfast this came up as it comes up almost every time and In this context,
- 01:08:41
- I was able to sort of turn the tables on him and and demonstrate in light of What's going on with Pope Francis and his?
- 01:08:52
- Obviously not being you know sort of making fun of the joke is the
- 01:08:58
- Pope Catholic. Well right now We're not really certain about that They've able to basically demonstrate that his presupposed epistemological certainty based upon The statements of the church is not an epistemological certainty
- 01:09:13
- Historically, for example, there's a difference between the canon lists that have been promulgated by various Church councils in the early church and later church councils, for example
- 01:09:23
- What you have it Carthage and Hippo as far as the Old Testament books is different Than what
- 01:09:30
- Trent? promulgates in 1546 so There are those historical issues
- 01:09:36
- But I was able to point out that the fundamental difference that we are seeing now thanks to Pope Francis is that the issue is of ultimate authorities and the nature of Scripture as they are new stars over against the church as not being
- 01:09:52
- They are new stars an ultimate authority by its Nature has to be able to bear the weight of being an ultimate authority
- 01:09:59
- God can because he is God because his nature is Infinite is able to bear the stress and strain of being the epistemological ultimate reference point and if scripture is the honest us that is
- 01:10:14
- God breathe that is the very intimate voice of God Then it cannot appeal to an external source for its authority and people say well, that's just the ontological aspect
- 01:10:24
- Well, that's why I have made dr. Kruger obviously uses Fancier terms, but I've Illustrated over the years by just simply canon 1 and canon 2 canon 1 is the canon as it exists in God's mind
- 01:10:40
- That is once God has inspired a single book, but he has not written all books a canon automatically comes into existence
- 01:10:48
- God knows exactly what he is inspired and what he is not And so God has this this perfect knowledge of the canon and that is canon 1 and that is not dependent upon any human being
- 01:10:59
- The question that they raise then is well, what good is that? If you don't have canon 2 which is human knowledge these things
- 01:11:08
- I say well first a You must admit God could have inspired a perfect body of revelation for us and then told nobody about it
- 01:11:17
- The canon would still exist and nobody would know about it And so the question becomes does scripture itself tell us that there is a purpose that there is a reason
- 01:11:28
- Why God has given scripture to his people that therefore would have him utilize means so as to Make sure that the church
- 01:11:39
- Possesses what he has provided for them in the inspired words and the and the very act of inspiration and I argue in Scripture alone.
- 01:11:48
- I think I think I also Yeah, I did also address this in the Roman Catholic controversy and then you can get it in fancier form from Dr.
- 01:11:58
- Kruger's works that God is going to extend exactly as much divine power to make sure the church possesses scripture as he did in the inspiration of scripture because The inspiration of scripture had a goal or a purpose in his degree to create to fulfill and We have to be able to have it for it to fulfill that decree.
- 01:12:23
- And so he can then use means But you see if you don't start with the nature of scripture and Rome by the way
- 01:12:35
- Technically wouldn't Rome even agree with that position that God is actually accomplishing that through the means
- 01:12:43
- Well No, I don't want to get sidetracked on that no, I would
- 01:12:49
- I would say no because when I say when I say accomplishing his decree Rome's doctrine of well, okay
- 01:12:58
- Rome has all sorts of different doctrines, but I'm afraid we sort of like a Thomas might be okay with that Thomas might be okay with that But the
- 01:13:06
- Thomas are not in ascendancy right now And I would I would I would have to say looking at the
- 01:13:13
- Jesuits Right now in the College of Cardinals That if you found two or three in there, they would even get close to that.
- 01:13:21
- I'd be somewhat surprised. So It I'm sorry Something something
- 01:13:31
- You just disappear I'm sorry. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Now you can but you do disappear there for a while So the
- 01:13:38
- Catholics while not all of them may hold to this view that you're explaining here, for example a
- 01:13:43
- Thomist They have a means by which they can receive this epistemological knowledge
- 01:13:48
- You know, not that's a predominant, but you know, they can receive this knowledge, you know through the church Where that that's a presupposition on their point that you know, the church is the church
- 01:13:59
- For a Protestant does that mean the presupposition lies on I'm a part of I'm part of God's people and God will ensure that I get
- 01:14:06
- Scripture no, no, no. No, it's okay. There's there's no the assumption the part of the part of the assumption here is that The Roman Catholic concept of what the church is can actually carry sufficient water here
- 01:14:22
- We obviously have very very different views of what the church was in the early centuries they connect the church to apostolic succession of Office we connect the church to apostolic succession of truth
- 01:14:40
- And so we focus upon the actual true body Which is known to God and it is
- 01:14:46
- God's intention that that true body of true believers, which only he is knowledgeable of the exact membership of that that Logically certain that you are a member of that true body.
- 01:15:01
- You can't be epistemologically certain of the canon No, because you're assuming that that that this is an issue that somehow remains open to our day
- 01:15:12
- If it's been God's purpose that his people down to the ages possess his word
- 01:15:18
- Then there's no reason unless you believe that the church ceased to exist or or something.
- 01:15:23
- There's there's no reason to believe that There is any level of uncertainty left.
- 01:15:31
- I mean, why would he why would he leave? 1 ,500 years worth of of the church
- 01:15:38
- Without the scriptures that doesn't make any sense I mean there's the same type of time period between the the final writing of the scriptures and their recognition for The New Testament as there was for the old
- 01:15:51
- But that didn't cause Jesus any problems and holding men accountable for knowing what the scriptures were then without some infallible church to tell them
- 01:15:59
- What what it was? God had been able to work with even the less than Well, I mean the progenitor is the
- 01:16:08
- Pharisees He had been able to work with with the Jewish people in that context to bring about a canon without the utilization of some external
- 01:16:16
- Authority that was binding upon everybody in the days of Jesus and it's pretty much the exact same time frame that you have for the recognition of the canon of Scripture But again, the that the point is not to remove the process from history or even to not recognize
- 01:16:33
- God's use of means It is to recognize that the canon itself by nature is the artifact of Revelation that then had
- 01:16:45
- God had a purpose in making sure that his people possessed it It's if once you lose either one of those two exactly.
- 01:16:53
- I think I think All types of Christians agree on that. Um, the thing is is for a
- 01:17:00
- Protestant, but not I don't I don't think all types of Christians believe agree on that Okay Okay, many at least
- 01:17:08
- I think no the Roman Catholic Church really does see a canonical authority in Ecclesiastical councils, it's not that it's not that the church makes it canon.
- 01:17:20
- It's not barred. It's not barred The aspect the fact that when God inspired scripture
- 01:17:27
- That creates an ontological canon that doesn't not just because they believe those
- 01:17:33
- Epistemological certainty in councils does not mean that the ultimate of The where inerrancy comes from is from God.
- 01:17:39
- It doesn't doesn't those aren't mutually exclusive ideas well, no, they're not mutually exclusive ideas, but the creation of The idea that canon itself is based in the nature of the documents
- 01:17:59
- You might get some Roman Catholics to agree to that today, but until we started bringing that up You never heard that in any of the conversations there that they were that they were having
- 01:18:10
- Catholic answers never said a word about it I don't know if you could um, it'd be really interesting to write an article sometime documenting that because Well, I don't know.
- 01:18:20
- I just find that I find that amazing. I just don't find that plausible that they would actually Say that the inspiration comes from the fact that the church recognizes it not from the fact that the
- 01:18:31
- Holy Spirit has inspired it No, but they would say but they would say it the only no, they would say it the absolute only way that any individual
- 01:18:39
- Can have any knowledge whatsoever is because the church has said so it's canonical that that canonical authority is
- 01:18:46
- Invested in the allegedly infallible church and once you once you make the church
- 01:18:54
- Determinative of what is the anus toss you have inverted the proper authority determinative implies ontology
- 01:19:03
- The church isn't determining the scripture in the sense that they're creating it. They're recognizing it infallibly and That that is their their
- 01:19:11
- God -given role and right? Yeah, which which you agree with you just don't think it's the
- 01:19:16
- Catholic Church. You believe it's a more Church, no, I did not I I never said the church has canonical authority
- 01:19:24
- No, no, I mean that epistemologically as Christians we come to Be benefactors of God's decree for his people to have the canon, right?
- 01:19:35
- God has a God as a church being a member of the church God We are yeah, God has a purpose
- 01:19:40
- So let me say so let me ask you Joe since you seem to hold that position How did the believing Jew 50 years before Christ know that Isaiah and 2nd
- 01:19:48
- Chronicles description? I? Mean, I guess I could talk about that. It's not really
- 01:19:53
- I'm more interested in your view on Because the Roman Catholic position doesn't have an answer.
- 01:19:59
- That's why I do it doesn't have an answer that one Well, you seem to be a Roman Catholic. So No, I just why just joined the church this last year actually call.
- 01:20:08
- Yeah, we could tell earlier Yeah, we could tell and you enjoy enjoy enjoy you don't enjoy you don't have an answer that question because there isn't one
- 01:20:15
- I mean, I'm sure I could I'm sure I can go I have yet to Dispect that question.
- 01:20:21
- I think I've heard you mentioned it once I just kind of put it on the back burner to be honest Yeah, but you know,
- 01:20:26
- I mentioned a number of times actually You have okay. Well, I think I heard you say at one time and haven't really looked into it much further.
- 01:20:34
- So, sorry Alrighty, Joe. Well, we've we've spent 15 minutes on that one and I appreciate hearing your answers.
- 01:20:42
- So Thank you. Okay. Thanks for calling. All right. Bye And it only took me about You know seven or eight minutes to figure out we were we were actually getting a the argument from the other side
- 01:20:55
- Not just a question about it Let's talk to Monty Hello Monty Hi, dr.
- 01:21:04
- White. Hello. Go ahead. Hello Hi, I Have been reading and listening to the various discussions going on relating to the revoice conference and one thing that I hadn't heard mentioned, but kind of strikes strikes me as being a possible connection would be the
- 01:21:31
- Refusal on the part of the LGBT Those those aligning on that side of this type of a discussion the refusal for them to acknowledge that the nature of God's Saving work includes a changing of our person not just a
- 01:21:55
- Declaration they seem to be very tied up in the identity issue and I haven't heard any comments from anybody on either side of this about The connection may be between that and the
- 01:22:08
- Lordship salvation controversies that were such a war a couple decades back Well, no,
- 01:22:14
- I have There there has been a lot of discussion of those who
- 01:22:21
- Claim that Their same -sex attraction has not been in any way Altered and that is the whole concept of of identity that this is this is how
- 01:22:32
- God made me and This is the way I'm going to stay there is no way of changing this and that is something
- 01:22:41
- I have heard a lot of discussion of There are many who would say well
- 01:22:48
- Such were some of you, but you were washed, but you were sanctified you were justified and in the
- 01:22:55
- Spirit of God and the Lord Jesus Christ and so There are some who take a rather bold position that if you're truly born again
- 01:23:03
- Then all those desires will be done away with Many others would say it that there would be a small number of people that that possibly
- 01:23:11
- Do continue to experience that kind of Attraction and should seek to mortify those things and Then there are others who would say if that's your your natural that that's where the orientation stuff comes in.
- 01:23:28
- That's your natural orientation then that's how God's made you and then therefore you should live in light of some sort of Modified understanding of God's law or whatever else it might be so I have heard
- 01:23:40
- That it is part of the conversation going on amongst a lot of folks about the revoice conference and and I think there was a little bit more of it in in the past revoice just sort of Stirred things up for a while and until there's another revoice or another conference of similar
- 01:24:01
- You know, that'll probably end up dying down for a while It seems to go in cycles as far as I know
- 01:24:07
- But yeah, there there there have been there has been a fair amount of discussion of that. And yeah, clearly how you view the
- 01:24:14
- Lordship salvation issue and whether you believe in a radical transformation and regeneration or just sort of a realignment of Priorities type view that's gonna make a big difference as to how you understand it
- 01:24:30
- Sounds sounds like the aliens are invading up there Monty. Really? Yes Yeah, we've got sounds like sounds like someone's a buzzsaw trying to go through your line
- 01:24:48
- Alrighty, thank you money. You're you're breaking up on that. All right. Thank you. All right It did sound a little bit like Yeah, something like that maybe somebody stole another plane up there and is flying around I mean that was that was wild oh great
- 01:25:07
- Great Alright Jack in Kentucky. We're running out of time. So we'll try to keep it brief
- 01:25:13
- All right, I'll do my best Just real quick I know you said keep it brief But I just need to thank you for what a blessing your ministry has been to me
- 01:25:21
- Especially with starting my first year of college soon Be good you grounded me in a way that Other people just couldn't so well,
- 01:25:29
- I'll tell you I don't it almost doesn't matter what college you're going to you're going to be challenged in in many many different ways
- 01:25:38
- So we'll hope that that foundation is good and firm Well, my question regards a specific
- 01:25:45
- Hebrew scholar by the name of Michael Heiser. Are you familiar with him? Yes, I am I was wondering
- 01:25:51
- What you thought of what he teaches and if you believe that what he teaches is grounds for exclusion from the faith grounds for exclusion from the faith
- 01:26:03
- But he breaks one of the primary issues. Yeah No, I am
- 01:26:08
- If you if you look up Dr. Heiser's name at a omen org. You'll find at least a couple of Articles fairly lengthy articles primarily looking at the concept of the
- 01:26:21
- Council of the gods and especially Psalm 82 and I very firmly disagree with the
- 01:26:29
- Council the gods Theology that he that he presents. I don't think that that is a
- 01:26:38
- Definitional issue in the sense of excluding somebody from the kingdom of heaven. I know other people that agree with him in general about certain certain aspects of The nature of Jewish monotheism or something along those lines and I I cannot see how that would
- 01:26:59
- How anyone could consistently say, oh that means you're you're not a Christian it's it's not it's not a specific gospel issue
- 01:27:07
- And obviously he would would claim to be a Trinitarian and a monotheist
- 01:27:14
- I would just find that the applications that he makes are
- 01:27:20
- Problematic and and difficult and I I don't agree with them and I've warned against them for a long time but we don't make it a big, you know big focus and I I certainly would struggle to identify such a person as a
- 01:27:35
- False teacher in the sense of identifying a false teacher as a person who does not themselves possess eternal life
- 01:27:43
- That's the real the real big issue. So I guess my answer would be no, I don't think that it's excludes someone in that way not that I have the authority to determine such things but on the personal level in looking at the priority of Truths and so on so forth.
- 01:28:00
- I don't think your interpretation of the nature of Old Testament Monotheism in particular passages is definitional of your of your faith in Christ.
- 01:28:10
- So I would not Exclude dr. Heiser from the from the fellowship.
- 01:28:15
- No, I mean he couldn't he couldn't teach at my church We ain't inviting him in to do a seminar at my church, but That's a that's different thing.
- 01:28:26
- I think the elders of a church have responsibility to you know Oversee what is being taught?
- 01:28:33
- In that context, so that's that's different thing. I Those are other issues and I think my
- 01:28:43
- Presbyterian brothers are are Saved and we have differences on on even more fundamental issues in regards to baptism.
- 01:28:50
- So there you go All right. Well, thank you so much for taking the time. I am NOT gonna waste any more a bit
- 01:28:56
- You have a wonderful rest of your day and God bless you. All right. Thanks a lot. Jack. God bless. Bye. Bye All right, let's wrap it up by talking to Nathan hi
- 01:29:05
- Nathan Hello, dr. White. Can you hear me? Yes, sir All right, so I promise
- 01:29:12
- I keep this brief Are are are you aware of the the so -called
- 01:29:17
- Christian group World Mission Society Church of God? That's ringing a very faint bell
- 01:29:26
- But I've certainly don't claim any expertise Okay. Well, it's
- 01:29:32
- As more curious it kind of related my question I run into their I guess you could say missionaries on my college campus quite often.
- 01:29:40
- They're often not evangelizing and their their beliefs are not difficult to to refute from the scripture, but Every time
- 01:29:52
- I've talked to them, they always get to a point where they basically pull a trump card and say well You can't understand
- 01:29:59
- These scriptures that we're trying to tell you without the Spirit of God, right and and they'll point to you know
- 01:30:06
- Jesus quoting Isaiah and Matthew 13 and Paul saying, you know, the natural man doesn't know what the revelation where the
- 01:30:15
- Angel brings a scroll and says who's worried to open it. And so they basically always just tell me well you need our
- 01:30:22
- Basically, they're their founder on song Hong. You need his spirit to understand and What when
- 01:30:29
- I find myself arguing against that idea it It seems similar to what
- 01:30:36
- I would say as a reformed person about the depravity of man and the nature of scripture
- 01:30:41
- I mean, is that not similar to what a reformed person would say in not being able to understand the things of God well
- 01:30:50
- Except that it would the the there's a major difference and that is Romans chapter 1 says
- 01:30:56
- You have natural revelation and then you have special revelation natural revelation man is suppressing and is in rebellion against God and that is the reason for the necessity of spiritual regeneration and the role of the
- 01:31:10
- Holy Spirit not only Not so much to understand What scripture says but to desire to obey?
- 01:31:19
- What scripture says that's that's a difference So if someone's position is so incoherent that they say well until you believe us and you'll never understand it
- 01:31:27
- That's that's not what we're saying. We're not saying I can explain exactly what scripture teaches to someone
- 01:31:33
- I've debated atheists that had a better understanding of what the Bible taught Then a lot of Christians that I knew they just didn't believe it and would not submit to it
- 01:31:43
- So there the reality that there is a spiritual element To man that needs to be freed from rebellion to be able to be obedient to scripture
- 01:31:54
- It's not the same thing as saying I can twist scripture into any pretzel I want and until you agree with me and allegedly as a result receive some spirit or something like that Then you can't you can't argue against me.
- 01:32:09
- That's That's not what we are saying to the natural man. We're not saying
- 01:32:15
- That the claims of Christ are unknowable That that monotheism is unknowable or even the
- 01:32:21
- Trinity is unknowable. I know I know atheists that can accurately define the doctrine the
- 01:32:28
- Trinity just fine, but they will not bow in adoration They will not see the beauty of Christian truth.
- 01:32:34
- They will not make application in their lives They will not find contentment in God's truth. These are the spiritual aspects that are required.
- 01:32:41
- It's not that That there is some statement that says well, you know, the scripture is just gobbledygook until you
- 01:32:50
- Until you get born again If that were the case we would why would we be preaching the gospel in the first place?
- 01:32:57
- Why would we be even why would Paul be going out into the into the marketplace and and proclaiming the gospel and reasoning with people?
- 01:33:03
- or anything else No, we recognize that that the primary issue is is man's rebellion
- 01:33:11
- And what's the source of quelling that rebellion? and That does not mean that what we are doing with the scriptures is somehow
- 01:33:21
- Not what they actually meant to the original audience, I mean when I preach
- 01:33:27
- I'm Intent upon explaining to people what do these words mean their original context?
- 01:33:32
- What the original author intended mean what the original audience understood them to mean? But I recognize
- 01:33:38
- I can get all of that just right and until there is a spiritual change That a person will not embrace those things.
- 01:33:46
- That sounds like what they're saying is well, you just can't Understand these things that we we embrace all sorts of contradiction and inherent error
- 01:33:57
- But then just once you get the spirit that's gonna make all that go away That's that's not what we're saying and at all
- 01:34:03
- Yeah, it's sort of like it's sort of like, you know, the Mormons and every cult group will have their quote -unquote
- 01:34:09
- You know spiritual aspect to try to get around obvious contradictions and and that's why
- 01:34:15
- I I'm very hesitant to utilize the term mystery as quickly as some people are
- 01:34:21
- I think God's truth is is is understandable It's just not going to be it's not going to be applied by the natural man because of the rebellion that continues to exist in his heart
- 01:34:33
- Okay Okay, that that makes a lot of sense. It was just and I guess
- 01:34:38
- I was just trying to respond maybe not as clearly as I should have but it just seemed in my responses if I was
- 01:34:47
- Also, like I was arguing it kind of reformed understanding. So Yeah Having having an intersection with a small element of reformed truth or biblical truth is not the same thing as having an intersection with And this is something
- 01:35:03
- I've been saying for a long time now it is it is the wholeness of biblical truth It is the the beauty of all the strands of divine revelation that come together none of the cults can ever have that because the only way that they can they can exist is by doing away with that unity and emphasizing only certain aspects of things and so it'll never be in balance.
- 01:35:23
- It'll never be in balance and That's that's where the problem is. So thanks
- 01:35:28
- Nathan Alright, God bless. Thank you very much Alrighty a little over there, but that's okay hopefully got through to some good calls and hopefully that information was useful to the three
- 01:35:43
- Mormons and to all of you who are still experiencing a certain level of of envy
- 01:35:52
- I just want you to know that Even at the debates. I'm gonna be keeping a very close eye
- 01:36:00
- Don't even bother trying You will you will draw back a bloody stump as my mom used to say at the dinner table
- 01:36:07
- If you if you try to take this and oh, yes. Mm -hmm. Yeah, it does.
- 01:36:13
- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Italian goatskin. I Can almost hear the goat now.
- 01:36:18
- Oh, yeah, it's bleeding right now. Yes. Yes Ah Everything I just said
- 01:36:28
- I just ruined it all huh? He's weird. He's a weird. Oh, there it goes. Yeah. All right
- 01:36:33
- Well, Lord, well, and we'll be back on I think it's supposed to be Thursday. We'll see if that all works out