Announcement: Special Black Friday Book Deals!

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Hey everyone, hope you're having a wonderful Thanksgiving and a great holiday weekend. We have much to be thankful for, even amidst the trials of 2021 that afflict all of us and those that perhaps are unique to your situation.
There is still so much that God has done. We are supposed to be content even with just food and shelter, but he's done so much more.
And for those of us in Christ, we certainly have a lot to be thankful for. And so I just wanna remind everyone of that and I'm gonna be busy this whole weekend.
So I decided it would be good right now since I had the opportunity to step outside the festivities going on in the house right now with my family to talk to you just for a moment about a special deal
I have running. And you're not gonna see this deal again. This is, we tried to do as good of a deal as we could possibly do to get the books that we think are gonna be helpful to you in as many hands as possible.
So Christianity and Social Justice, Religions and Conflict, a book I wrote this year about the social justice religion and how
Christians should respond to it is on sale. It's 10 bucks at Christianityandsocialjustice .com,
$6 for shipping and handling. And that's an autograph copy. I normally charge $25, but I'm scaling it back as much as I possibly can to get it in as many hands as possible before Christmas.
It's a great gift for your pastor or for Christians who just wanna understand this. You can also go to Amazon. Kindle editions are 6 .99
right now. It's 9 .99 to get the book on Amazon. So you might wanna check that out if you wanna go that route, but it's available in both places at a very reduced price.
You can also check out the first book I wrote about the social justice movement, which is called Social Justice Goes to Church, the
New Left and Modern American Evangelicalism, socialjusticegoestochurch .com. I'll put the link in the info section.
And that's going for 12 .50 for an autograph copy plus $6 shipping and handling. And of course, if you order both books, it's just $6.
No matter how many books you order, $6 for shipping and handling. It's a flat rate at the website, worldviewconversation .com.
That's where I'm selling all these books. Of course, christianityandsocialjustice .com will get you there. socialjusticegoestochurch .com
will get you there. And then there's one other book that I wanna mention to you, and that is E .D. Robles' book.
I didn't write that one. E .D. Robles, my good friend, wrote that. And it's just a great book. It's really practical, and it's called
Social Justice Pharisees. And so it also tackles this issue of social justice from a Christian perspective.
And you go to worldviewconversation .com, go to the upper right -hand corner, and click on shop or books.
I think it might say books. And you'll figure it out. It's right there. And you can go get that book for $10 as well.
Again, plus $6 shipping and handling. So check those deals out if that's something that interests you, or if you wanna get copies for your pastor or for friends, this is the time to do it.
So the deal is gonna be running from now up until Cyber Monday, and then that's it. So God bless you all.
I hope that this helps put the book into more hands, any of these books, really. And I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend.
And just focus also on the things we have to be grateful for, because there's so many of them. And as we get into Advent and the
Christmas season, keep the things that are important the things that are important. And of course, the things that are important are what
God has done in our lives. And most of all, in sending his son, Jesus Christ, to take the sins of the world, to take our sins, the sins we've committed against him onto himself, and to put us in a right relationship with him.
And so we are thankful for that this Christmas season. More content coming soon, next week after the holiday weekend.
And I appreciate all of your support. I'm so thankful for that. That's one of the things that I have been thinking about is so many of you, and I don't have time to personally reach out to everyone, but there's so many of you who
I'm just so thankful for. You have made these books possible. You've made Conversations That Matter possible.
You've made even all sorts of other things you don't know about possible. And like Enemies Within the
Church, and so many other little documentaries and conversations that I've been able to have with pastors, because you've been supportive.
And I appreciate your prayers. I appreciate your support. And God bless all of you. And we will have more content coming soon for you.