Romans 10:18-21



But, as I said before, if I trip over myself, I do apologize. I wrote, it's typed out quite well, but I wrote a lot of my notes with this pencil, and it's quite small.
So, as we normally do, we're in chapter 10. We're finishing up chapter 10 today.
But as we normally do, we'll start back at the beginning in verse 1. Romans chapter 10, verse 1.
The ESV says, Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved.
For I bear them witness that they have zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For being ignorant of the righteousness of God and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God's righteousness.
For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
For Moses writes about the righteousness that is based on the law, that the person who does the commandments shall live by them.
But the righteousness based on faith says, Do not say in your heart who will ascend into heaven, that is, to bring
Christ down, or who will descend into the abyss, that is, to bring Christ up from the dead.
But what does it say? The word is near you in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the word of faith that we proclaim.
Because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.
For the scripture says, Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame. For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek.
For the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For everyone who calls on the name of the
Lord will be saved. How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed?
And how are they to believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?
And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written,
How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news. But they have not all obeyed the gospel.
For Isaiah says, Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us?
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. But I ask, have they not heard?
Indeed they have, for their voice has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.
But I ask, did Israel not understand? First Moses says, I will make you jealous of those who are not a nation.
With a foolish nation I will make you angry. Then Isaiah is so bold to say,
I have been found by those who did not seek me. I have shown myself to those who did not ask for me.
But of Israel he says, All day long I have held my hands to a disobedient and contrary people.
If you remember, chapter 10 is one of those three that we spoke of, 8, 9, and 10, right in the middle where he is dealing with something that he's mentioned beforehand in chapters 2 and chapter 3, and that is sovereign election of God's people.
And what Paul is trying to make clear is number one in chapter 8, the sovereignty of God in election and how those who are elect ought not worry about a thing because if God is with you, who can be against you?
In chapter 9, he reiterates the sovereignty of God and how
God saves his people, the church, but also towards the end he laments about his own people, the
Jews, and how they aren't responding to the call of the gospel.
Paul continues to express his sadness at the beginning of chapter 10 due to the fact that they confused what the scriptures said and instead, as he said before, pursued it by works rather than faith.
We spoke last week about how the gospel had gone out to the whole of Israel and beyond its borders and how there are, see, sorry, and how there are prerequisites that must take place in order for the
Holy Spirit to do his work. So Paul now goes into an explanation concerning the
Jews of those particular prerequisites that we talked about last week. So in 16 he says,
But they have not all obeyed the gospel for Isaiah says, Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us?
This is reminiscent of 14 where he says, How then are they to call upon him in whom they have not believed?
This is
Isaiah 53, verse 1, by the way, for those taking notes. They had not believed
Isaiah. They had not believed any of their prophets.
And when it came to Christ, they didn't believe him and they weren't responding to the gospel call given by the apostles.
Yet the apostles were doing exactly what they were told to do, exactly what they were propelled by the
Holy Spirit to do, which is to spread that throughout the land of Israel and beyond.
They did not spread it with a sword. They did not spread it with hatred or anything like that. They spread it as we should spread it today with all loving kindness, even for those who chased them trying to kill them.
When you share the gospel, the law is part of that. The law and the gospel.
This is the presentation. The law says you are guilty of sin. You hold it up as a mirror to the person.
You're guilty. And the gospel says,
Believe on Christ Jesus for your salvation and no one else and you will be saved from God's wrath against you because God's wrath is most definitely kindled against you in your sin if you are not in Christ.
It is absolute and utter foolishness to Gentiles. It is.
What do you mean a guy that died can save me? That makes no sense.
To Jews, it's a stumbling block. It's utter blasphemy to the
Jews. Wait, what do you mean this guy is the Messiah? What do you mean we murdered him?
He's God? You notice every time this comes up like they're immediately tearing their clothes, they're ripping their clothes, picking up stones to stone the apostles, to stone
Christ, right? It's utter blasphemy for them. It's a massive stumbling block.
But even though salvation is a free gift and is the easiest thing to have, it's free.
It costs you nothing. Literally says work's already been done.
You don't have to do anything. Christ already did it. People, including the
Israelites, in their hubris, say, no. There's no way that it's that easy.
It's not possible. I'll do it myself. I'll figure this out. I got it. I don't know if you know this, but this is also a business principle.
When you sell things, or you've been in sales for a while, you learn that you don't give anything away for free.
Why? Because you would think, oh, that would be a good thing. Give something away for free every once in a while.
It brings customers to your door. It does the exact opposite. It's very weird. I knocked doors for a roofing company for several years.
And when you offer them a free roof inspection, the first question is, why?
Why do you want to give me a free thing? It immediately makes people very suspicious.
Which is why most companies don't offer free services. They offer discounted services.
Or discounted products when they're trying to get rid of something. Because free things don't sell. They don't.
It is against seemingly natural human nature to take anything for free because there's got to be a catch.
There's got to be something I have to do. In the foolishness of the gospel, there's nothing.
There's nothing that you have to do. And this is a major stumbling block for a lot of people.
One of the better analogies that you'll hear, that I've heard about the gospel, is the parachute gospel.
Are you familiar with the parachute gospel? Trusting Christ as you would trust in a parachute if you're falling through the sky.
So what most people do, including the Israelites here, is say they're on a plane.
They're jumping out of the plane. And there's a guy next to the door and he's holding a parachute. And people are just running past him out the door.
And some people stop and they look and they go, no, I got this. And the person with correct understanding, the person who's been grabbed by the
Holy Spirit, they go, parachute, got it. And they put it on and they jump. They fall for a little while, they pull the ripcord, they trusted the parachute, they trusted that it would open as it should.
While they're floating down, everyone else is flapping their wings, their arms as hard as they can, going,
I got this. That's what everyone unsaved is doing.
Trusting in their own merit. This is what the Jews were doing, trusting in their own merit to do something that was utterly impossible.
The word was going out as Christ had commanded. But as I said before, they had not obeyed
Isaiah. They had not seen where the Messiah had been prophesied, his death had been prophesied.
Isaiah 53. His life, death, resurrection, all of it is in Isaiah 53. How many people noticed?
Not many. But Paul continues, he says, so faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ.
The hearing of the word is what is necessary, as we discussed last week, to create the conditions for the
Holy Spirit to do his work in the heart of the elect. It is the primary means by which men and women are converted.
And the gospel goes out by and from the command of God.
It goes where he wills it to go. Just as the prophets of old understood, the word of God must and will be proclaimed regardless of the outcome.
And Isaiah is lamenting, Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us? This is the beginning of Isaiah 53.
How many missionaries continued their work knowing that possibly in their lifetime no one would listen?
How many more quit because they think they're not effective?
And yet Isaiah stands, who's listened? All of the prophets had prophesied the word of God to this people for thousands of years and very few ever listened.
The point is that the word is proclaimed. God will cause people to respond when he wants them to.
God commands that his word be preached and he sends it where he wills and people respond as he wills.
Think of Jonah. He didn't want to go to Nineveh as God commanded.
God made him with a fish. With a fish. And what happened?
Jonah preached the word of God for three days across the city of Nineveh and everyone in the city was saved.
God caused all of the people of the city to respond. Those horrible
Ninevites who Jonah hated. And yet God caused them to respond.
It was his will that they be saved. So what is happening in Israel?
They've had the prophets. They've had their forefathers. Abraham, Isaac. What is happening?
Why? Why are Gentiles responding to the gospel more than the
Israelites? Paul says, but I ask, have they not heard?
Back to how are they to hear without someone preaching? Have they not heard?
Indeed they have, for their voice has gone out to all the earth and their words to the end of the world.
This is Psalm 19 .4 that he's quoting from. They had most definitely heard.
Paul, in this passage, about general revelation is figuratively comparing with hyperbole the work of the apostles to spread the gospel with the work of God in general revelation.
General revelation went out through creation and conscience. It is apparent that there is a creator.
Right? The whole world screams of it. And with that hyperbole,
Paul is saying, the apostles have, we have gone out across all of the world and proclaimed as far as the world is.
The apostles worked extremely hard to spread the gospel far and wide in the first century and were indeed successful in that work by the grace of the
Holy Spirit. This is why the gifts were so plentiful for them.
Specifically, the gift of tongues, the ability to speak in actual languages that were not as yet previously known by the apostles.
Let's make that very clear. Actual languages that they could not speak before. So that they could go wherever they were commanded to go and they could speak to whoever they needed to speak to to deliver the gospel.
It didn't matter what language they spoke. They were able to deliver the message. They did this from Cedosia to Spain and from Egypt to Thrace.
They were able in the first century to spread the gospel that far.
Think about that for a second. We finally, in the fullness of time, had
Christ during the Pax Romana at a time in history that didn't exist at any other time when these men could walk from Thrace to Egypt or from Cappadocia to Spain.
So it's Asia to Spain and from Thrace which is north of Italy to Egypt.
All of that. They walked all of it. Maybe some horses, donkeys and such.
But again, they were able to spread this as far as they did.
In an age without the internet or the telegraph or email or phones, these men took that good news of Christ and His work to all of Israel and then to all of the
Roman Empire and then beyond it. And 2 ,000 years later, the word is exactly the same and it continues to go forth.
So then Paul says, But I ask, did Israel not understand?
The word had gone to them. Paul makes that very clear. He compares it to general revelation, to creation.
Yeah, it went to them. So did they not understand? 1st Moses says, I will make you jealous of those who are not a nation.
With a foolish nation, I will make you angry. This is Deuteronomy 32, 21.
And it did. It made them very angry.
It made them very jealous. All the problems in the 1st century that they had with Judaizers and the circumcision and the uncircumcision and all the things that Paul has talked about in this very epistle dealing with these ethnic problems that they kept bringing up.
This very epistle, we've talked about it for 10 chapters now. But where did the gospel go first?
Jerusalem. To the Israelites. And then where did the gospel go even in the Gentile world?
Where did Paul, Barnabas, James, where did all of them go? Rome. They went to the synagogues.
That is the first place they went when they entered the town. They were to seek out someone who was trustworthy and a good, right, upstanding man with a family who would do what a good
Jew ought according to their tradition and their law and then go to the synagogue.
And that's what they did every time. So not only was the gospel given to Israel first, but it was persistently given to the
Jews first. And when they had rejected it, then came the
Gentiles. And the Gentiles flooded the church again and again that we see in the pages of Scripture how infuriating the
Jews were at the fact that these elect Gentiles were now being called the people of God.
Acts 22, 22 is a perfect example of this. Now, this is Paul giving testimony to the tribunal about his participation in what he's done, his ministry.
And he's specifically talking here about Stephen. And it says, When the blood of Stephen, your witness, was being shed,
I myself was standing by and approving and watching over the garments of those who killed him.
And he said to me, meaning the Lord, Go, for I will send you far away to the
Gentiles. And it says, Up to this word, they listened to him.
They were listening. They were engaged. Up to the point where he says, I will send you to the
Gentiles. And then they raised their voices and said, Away with such a fellow from the earth, for he shall not be he should not be allowed to live.
How dare Paul say such a thing. That God would pick dirty, nasty, uncircumcised
Gentiles before his own people. But then
Paul says, Then Isaiah is so bold as to say, I have been found by those who did not seek me.
I have shown myself to those who did not ask for me. There it is in the scriptures from Moses, from Isaiah, the entire time
God is saying, I will have them. We read before, two weeks ago, where Christ is talking about his flock and how there are two flocks.
And upon his return, they will come together and there will be one flock.
Jews and Gentiles. Two flocks. By the spreading of the gospel, they become one.
One flock. One church. But what
God says here is true. The Gentile world had never asked or sought for God. Why would they?
Many had never heard of him and those who considered, who had heard of him, considered him no greater than any of their false gods.
He was the God of Israel, bound by the borders of that nation. That's how they treated their gods.
The Greek gods didn't go into Italy and the Italian gods didn't go there. And the Thracian gods didn't travel down to Egypt.
The Egyptian gods stayed in their place. That's how it was. It was treated geographically.
Which, unfortunately, is how a lot of people look at it today. The Jews were the only ones who understood that there is one
God. Now, the people around them also understood that because they'd lived by the Jews for a very, very long time and also understood that there was one
God and that you don't mess with the God of the Jews. But for the most part, the
Gentile world hadn't a clue. Read Paul's sermon on Morris Hill as he's trying to explain to these people who
God is. Now, while all natural humans do pursue the things that are offered, the benefits that are offered by God through the gospel of eternal life, perfection, healing, up there, to reign over the earth with Christ.
Well, to reign over the earth is what they seek after. Those things are offered in the gospel.
Those are benefits of being elect. But while people seek the things, they don't seek
Him. They don't want Him. If you remember from chapter one and chapter two, no one seeks after God.
No one is good. No, not one. Before, the
Gentiles weren't the people of God. They were unclean, uncircumcised, godless. But God said through Moses and then through Isaiah that He would graft them in.
And this is also exegeted from the Old Testament by Christ Himself and by the apostles. Multiple, multiple, multiple, multiple times.
And yet, they would not listen. They had had the
Scriptures, but by their own sin and hubris, they'd ignored it.
One thing that I want you to apply to yourself is this lesson from history.
In the history of Scripture and in the history of the world, the worst punishment that God can levy on a person or a people is to leave them in the lusts of their flesh to give them exactly what they want.
To let them go on in the belief that they are correct. There is hardly a sin
I can think of that is more damaging than hubris. The pride of a man or a people is always and in every way their absolute and utter downfall.
It is. And while correction and being humbled is an absolutely wonderful thing, it is.
If you can read through Scripture and God sees fit to correct you through the Word, take it.
Because the other option is absolutely terrifying. Ask Job.
Job was already a humble man, but the Lord giveth and the
Lord taketh away. And while we, as it says in chapter 8, no longer worry about condemnation, you should worry about correction.
You should absolutely worry about that. What will be given?
What things has God given you? What has He blessed you with? What can be taken away?
What can be taken to humble you? And I don't want you to think of this person over there or your boss that wronged you or that person over there.
You. What is your hubris?
What is your pride? What is your arrogance established upon?
I know you have it. I know that I have it. We're human beings. We live in the flesh. Our spirits are renewed, but we drag these corpses around and they'll be with us until the day that we die.
The poison that they seep still affects us. I do not say these things out of hate or out of a want to make you sad, but out of love to point it out.
That it might be pointed out by the Word of God and by the work of the Holy Spirit.
That you may correct pride and arrogance by way of wisdom and the Word through your prayer rather than the losing of someone or something.
The Jews in their arrogance assumed that they were the only people of God by birthright.
It is no wonder that they became as angry as they did when they were told this was indeed not the case. The people of God are the ones that He chooses and He chooses them not only from among the
Jews but from the Gentiles. Because His people aren't a nation, they aren't an ethnos, but they are from all over the world and from throughout time.
But of Israel, He says, all day long I have held out my hands to a disobedient and contrary people.
The image that we are given here is that God is standing with outstretched arms and an open invitation of embrace to the people of Israel.
And yet, they walk by in defiance and rejection of God's free gift.
And this is what consistently happened. As we read before in Hosea, God says
He's going to do what? He's going to destroy them. Meh, we don't need to listen to Hosea.
Meh, we don't need to listen to Daniel or Ezekiel or any of the other prophets.
They didn't listen to Christ and they didn't listen to the apostles either. They had rejected the prophets, they had rejected
Christ, they had rejected the word outright multiple times. They just lost it.
It was gone. And it took the providence of God and His grace to have someone find it and go, oh no, what have we done?
But did you know that to this day Israel is one of the least evangelized countries on the face of the earth?
One of the least. I think maybe the only other place that has had less evangelists than it's
Antarctica. Maybe the Arctic Circle. We send missionaries to the
Zambezi, we send them to Canada, we send them to the islands, to the
Congo, we send missionaries everywhere. And yet, several weeks ago
I told you I was only able to find a few ministries that are in Israel itself to evangelize the
Israelites and the Palestinians there. Not very many.
The word goes where God commands it. But by God's sovereign command they have been left to themselves and the lusts in their flesh for this season.
And so while the elect are of the Jew and the Gentile and the gospel continues to go forth and collect the
Gentile and by the grace of God the occasional Jew it will continue in this pattern until we find out what happens in the next chapter.
Paul is making it very clear that the gospel had gone out that it would continue to go out and he has also made very plain how the elect are to be found and how they are to be brought to the kingdom.
Paper. A few questions here. You don't have to answer they're rhetorical.
So how are we to find the elect? How are we supposed to do this? By using what is undoubtedly the most important thing that we have to cherish.
It is what gave the Jews the advantage in the first place over the rest of the world and formed them the Messiah to come.
It is what fed them. It is what is continuously compared to the manna. It is the
Word. And I know I quoted this last week but I'm going to quote it again because it's true.
Obviously it's the Word of God. 2 Timothy chapter 4 verses 1 and 2 he says
I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is judge of the living and of the dead and by his appearing and his kingdom preach the
Word. End quote. This is the last command other than grabbing a few things on his way to Rome that Paul gives to Timothy in his ministry.
He doesn't say do this or do that. His final command to Timothy is preach the
Word. Non -established programs or pet doctrines from which to sell your things or protest or take command of civil magistrate preach the
Word I've heard Timothy the
Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. It is the only power of God that we are given unto salvation.
There is nothing else. Take away everything else all of the doctrine all of the theology all of the books all of the buildings so long as we have the
Gospel we're good. We have all of it. I don't know if you know this but in the late 16th and early 17th century this is a time that we know as the
Puritan age the Puritans some people may know them as the Pilgrims the ones that came over here but you know what else this time was called?
Thanksgiving It's called the golden age of preaching. The reason is is that the
Puritans took these words from Paul to Timothy extremely seriously and they set them above absolutely everything else.
They preached more than 90 minutes most times most of the time it was more than 90 minutes so it's not my fault but they preached in pulpits they preached in public they preached in other churches and they preached generally
Monday through Friday maybe Saturday and Sunday was all day long.
You might have four or five people with sermons on Sunday. Church was an all day event. This was the last truly meaningful revival that the church has seen.
You can think that it was the televangelists and the salesmen from the 50s and 60s all you want.
The 16th and 17th centuries were the last meaningful revival that the church has seen because they preached the word in the fullness of the gospel and spared no one.
They put an absolute emphasis on the theology of the word on the doctrine therein and the sin of the people listening and what
Christ offered to them. Now in contrast we live in a time where I can post something and a person in Nibibia can see it and comment on it.
That's a wonderful thing. How wonderful would it have been for Calvin to post his institutes and then immediately be available?
In all honesty probably not a good thing. Probably not a good thing. But if you're involved in social media and reformed social media and what not as we are you realize very quickly when you get in on this this wonderful technology it is that we can talk to people on the other side of the world and we can immediately convene with those that we really don't know and share opinions and share doctrines and do all this stuff but you very quickly realize that there is a whole lot of nonsense.
A lot of it. There are groups that have pet doctrines that they push.
There are groups that alienate each other if they don't agree absolutely 100%.
Especially when they're backed by an echo chamber. That's a huge thing.
That's something that I advise everyone to stay away from is massive groups of people online or in general that affirm absolutely everything you believe.
Do not do that. Because very quickly with groupthink it can go the wrong way.
Ask any cult in the last 50 years groupthink.
The other thing we have is the idolization of the elders of other churches that we don't belong to.
This is a very big thing. There are so many people who either don't have a good relationship with the elders in their churches so they seek out other teaching because they're not being discipled or you have unchurched people who refuse to join a church that doesn't agree with them 100 % so they seek out those people that tickle their ears and agree with them and they listen to them.
There are many examples of people like that. To be honest with you the vast majority of the internet in general is really just a cesspool of absolute nonsense and for quite many a massive waste of their time.
There's wonderful wonderful resources that we gain through this thing that we call the internet but there are way more places where you can just waste away.
The past several days we had a storm right? We had this hurricane come through and the past several days we have had no internet connection.
Do you have any idea the amount of things I've been able to accomplish in three days with no internet access? A lot.
I had no internet resources to write this message. I went through all of my hardback commentaries and it was wonderful because I retained a lot more of it reading.
Now I do obviously read it on the internet things
I don't have it was a bit frustrating but by and large it was a massive relief.
My phone wasn't dinging every five minutes the internet wasn't going off we didn't have shows going on we had the radio over there on and that was it.
It was quiet and we were able to do things. I miss the 80s.
Now computers are awesome and I like computers oh come on and I say the 80s because we had computers in the 80s late 80s computers are nice but I guarantee you you could get rid of the internet tomorrow and it would not hurt the gospel ministry one iota.
Not a bit. It would actually probably help because rather than going online and ranting about things people would actually go well now
I want to go outside and do it and then their elders would go no you cannot do that because you're not trained and they would have the time to get the training because they wouldn't be watching videos online so they would get the training and they would train up and then they would go out and proclaim the gospel.
It's a massive distraction and the church in general ought to get back to what it ought to be doing well we have forgotten sharing of the gospel making it possible for godly men and their wives to go forth for those men to preach the word for them to edify the body in local churches and for them to complete missions.
Just for reference what did Christ commission Peter to do before he ascended? He asked him three questions
Peter gives him three answers and one of them he says feed my sheep feed my sheep doesn't refer to the sharing of the gospel it refers to the edification of the body the training up of saints raising them up feeding them those in the church but what else did he say?
To all of them go forth and make disciples in all nations make disciples not have church and give an altar call make disciples this is what the apostles did they went out they preached the gospel god had people respond by the power of the holy spirit to the gospel call to respond to their shepherd churches were established and the bodies of those churches were raised up and edified this is what happened this is what has been happening and what is what ought to continue to happen until Christ's return but what of the
Jews? What of the Jews to which Paul has been referring? Are they left to founder?
Has God forgotten them? The answer is no but that's chapter 11 and we don't start chapter 11 until next week so in the meantime you can read ahead but that's all