Spiritual Identity (Joshua 2:1-24, John Lasken)

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Spiritual Identity Joshua 2:1-24 John Lasken


willing to separate yourself from a prior identity and declare your identity. Today God calls us to be identified.
He wants my heart. He instructs us to be identified with him.
He wants us to be willing to be identified with him. He calls us to be separate, to be holy.
Now here's the key about identity. God wants us to know that it's more important to know who
I am than who I was. God wants us to know that who
I am is more important than what I do. Pastor Jeff, I love you as a pastor, as a shepherd, but I would think that your more important identity is a child of God than as a pastor.
What you are is more important than what you do and it's more important than what you run across and the circumstances of life.
Romans 8, 15, and 16 declares us as adopted sons, as adopted children.
And 1 John 3, 1 expands that by telling us that we are loved by God. That's agape, unconditional love and that we're not to be of this world.
Three questions. What's my identity? How do I declare my identity?
And is that even important to declare my identity? In John 17,
Jesus' priestly prayer, he asks not that we be taken out of this world.
We're in the spiritual identity is of vital importance.
Now with that theme we're going to turn into Joshua. We're going to go through a book of Joshua. Just as a quick setting, the nation is out of Egypt.
They had a chance at Kadesh Barnea to get into the land. They didn't succeed. They've wandered for 40 years.
The generation has died. They're now on the east side of the Jordan, getting ready to go in.
They've been promised this land. And so in Joshua 1, several weeks ago we looked at the beginning of Joshua 1, the commissioning for Joshua, and Joshua understood that he served at the pleasure of Yahweh.
And then at the end of the chapter, the people get involved. And looking at the picture of Gad, Manasseh, and the half -tribe of Reuben, we get to understand that God's call is more important than my priorities.
So now we go into Joshua 2. So here are the people, and they're on this side of the promised land, looking in.
And the first thing that's going to happen is that they're going to send spies. Now, what we're going to do is we're going to get a look at the significance of spiritual identity through the eyes of the spies, through the eyes of Rahab, and through the eyes of the king of Jericho.
Let's pray. Lord, as we open your word, teach us. Open our hearts. Teach us what it means to be confident, to be assured, to be proud of our identity in you.
Let us understand the significance, the impact, the power that it has as we open your word, we pray in Jesus' name.
Amen. Joshua 2, verse 1. And Joshua, the son of Nun, sent two spies secretly from Shittim as spies saying, go view the land, especially
Jericho. And they went and came into the house of a prostitute whose name was
Rahab and lodged there. Okay, now just some things to remember.
The nation is there, and they've been given direction to go. And they've been given promise that they will succeed.
And Joshua was promised that he would be protected. And so Joshua initiates the action, and so Joshua now tells the spies to go.
Here's my first question. With all of this, why spies? They're already told that the land is theirs.
They're already told that they're going to see. They're already told that they're going to be protected. Why not just go?
Why did they send spies in the first place? I want to bring three thoughts to that. One is, they're going to get to experience what
God has got in plan for them. His spies are going to go in initially, and they're going to see what's there.
God can do what he wants with us, but he wants us to be his people. So he's going to give them the experience.
The second one, though, I think, is they're going to see the difference.
They're going to experience the difference. Remember what happened at Kadesh Barnea? They sent in 12 spies, and it didn't work.
And so now he's going to send in spies, and they're going to get to see what happens when the heart is devoted to God's spiritual identity.
And then the third is, they're going to get to see and actually observe through this experience and through the spies the amazingness of God.
They're going to hear some things when they're in Jericho that are pretty amazing. And so God is giving them this opportunity to experience.
He could have just done it and just had them go in, but he's giving them this opportunity. Now their mission, as it's recorded, is go view the land, and especially
Jericho. Go back 40 years. The spies were there.
Why didn't they go into the land at that point in time? It wasn't that the land wasn't good, and it wasn't that they didn't think that God was sending them there.
It was they were afraid of the obstacles, those big giants, the Amalekites. It's a land flowing with milk and honey, but they're giants and we're grasshoppers.
This charge to these spies mentions nothing about those bad obstacles.
Now he does say, look at Jericho. They're going to get to see what's there, but there's no warnings about these giants.
He just says, go see them and go especially see Jericho. And so they go into the land and where do they go?
Jericho. And where do they go? Rahab. That's the second question.
Why Rahab? Who was Rahab? According to scripture, she was a prostitute.
So why Rahab? Well, pragmatically, it was a good place to get information. Quite frankly, the local tavern, the local brothel, there's going to be a good place to get information about the land.
Pragmatically speaking, they can blend in anonymously, but I think spiritually speaking,
God had big plans for what was going to come down. And so he sends them and sends them to Rahab, the prostitute.
And that's all we know about her at this point in time. She's a prostitute with all of that implies about her lifestyle.
Now let's look at the Kings, verse two and following. And it was told to the king of Jericho, behold, men of Israel have come here tonight to search out the land.
Then the king of Jericho sent to Rahab saying, bring out the men who have come to you, who entered your house for they have come to search out the land.
Now let's understand a little bit about Jericho. The nation of Israel is on the east side.
Jericho sits briefly across the river on the west side, just north of the
Red Sea. In fact, if you go to Deuteronomy 34 .3, it's the end of the
Pentateuch. It's the end of Moses ministry. God takes them up on the top of Mount Nebo.
The Mount Nebo is located just above the shores of the
Red Sea and to the west. And God has some lookout over the plain of the land that was to be. And he says, especially take a look at the city of palms and that's
Jericho. It was a strategically important city.
It was a fortified city. It was the representation of worldly power and worldly strength.
And so that's where they are. And now this king of Jericho is saying, bring them out.
He understands that when this large army enters this land, he's their first stop.
So why is he concerned? Well, again, practically speaking, there's a very large army and we're going to learn through Rahab's profession later on.
They're aware of all of the victories that this army has had as they've been progressing through the wilderness.
So practically speaking, there's a threat. There's a threat coming. But spiritually speaking, an analogy has to be made at this point in time.
I don't think it's a stretch to say that as we have the nation of Israel preparing to come into the promised land, we can look at the life of the believer who is about to walk into life in the
Holy Spirit. And the world with all of its flesh and with all of its obstacles and all of Satan's distractions and all of his deceits are going to be in the way.
And as the nation is going to take and settle the land, so we are going to take life and undergo the process of sanctification.
And so the first obstacle in this journey is going to be Jericho. That will be the first spiritual test that would be out there.
Now Philippians 2, the beginning of it, clearly says that right now, prior to salvation, we serve the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.
And we're still in the flesh and we know that from Paul as he writes to Romans. We still battle this flesh, but this process is going to go on.
And so now we have here the king, he says, bring out those spies. Really amazing picture of Satan being threatened by the
Christian who is ready to walk into life in the power of the Holy Spirit, seeking sanctification and the strongholds of Satan that are there are going to be threatened.
So the king says, bring him out. There's a confrontation coming. In the book of Joshua, we have the children of promise.
In the promised land, we have those who are in opposition. And so what were the spies doing?
At this point in time, they're observing and they're learning. They're not a real threat at this point in time so much as what's coming could be a real threat.
And so the king knows he is in the way. For that analogy, the believer is empowered by the
Holy Spirit. You're empowered by the Holy Spirit if you are a child of God. We are in a battle with the flesh.
If you are a child of God, it is real. And the strongholds in your life and the temptations that Satan put in way are so strongly represented by everything that the nation is going to have.
There will be in your life, there should be in your life, spiritual confrontation.
And if there isn't, you got to ask yourself, why not? Are the things that you're doing so conforming to the things of this world that you're not willing to confront them anyway?
But if you're walking in the spirit and if you're entering that promised land, there will be spiritual confrontation.
But here's the good news. For every believer, victory is available through the Holy Spirit. But don't be deceived.
The flesh is going to hold on with all urgency. And so the king feels threatened.
And let's be honest, Satan feels threatened. Back to the spies. Starting in verse four.
But the woman had taken the two men and hidden them and she said, true, the men came to me, but I didn't know where they were from.
And when the gate was about to be closed to dark, the men went out. I did not know where the men went.
Pursue them quickly, for you will overtake them. But she had taken them up to the roof and hid them in the stacks of flax she had laid out on the roof.
So the men pursued after them on the way to Jordan. As far as the fords, the gate was shut as soon as his pursuers had gone out.
Things are happening in Rahab now. Get this. Things are happening in Rahab.
She understands that there's a threat going out there, but she is starting to perceive something about these spies, these men, so that she's willing to put them up in her roof.
Now, having done that, what does she do? She lies.
There still is this level of self -reliance. There still is this level of taking care of it as she could.
There still is this level of perceiving the here and now. Now, she's willing to understand that there's something special about the spies, and she's willing to take this risk, but she's going to lie.
And so the next question is, why does God use a lie to protect the spies?
Now, it's not like he can't do otherwise. If you go to Acts 12, Peter's in prison, and the believers are praying, and the doors are open, and Peter is set free.
Or if you go to Acts 23, Paul is in prison, and there's a worship service going on in prison, and the shackles are released, and the doors are flung open.
How about Elijah and the servant in 2 Kings 6? Surrounded by a fierce army,
Elijah says, open the eyes of my servant, and he sees the host of angels. God could have done this without Rahab's lie.
So why Rahab's lie? Well, again, pragmatically, protect the spies. But I think we're starting to make a development.
We're going to see the depth of the transformation that is going to occur in Rahab. Because at this point in time, what do we know about Rahab?
We know she's a harlot. All the things that go on with that lifestyle. And we know she's a liar, and she takes care of things on her own.
But there's this sense, there's the sense of seeking, there's a sense of realizing that perhaps something else is going on.
So now we start in verse 9. Actually in 8.
Before the men lay down, she came up to them on the roof and said to the men, I know that the
Lord has given you the land, and that the fear of you has fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land melt away before you.
For we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea before you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to the two kings of the
Amorites who were beyond the Jordan, to Sihon and Og, whom you devoted to destruction.
As soon as we heard it, our hearts melted, and there was no spirit left in any man because of you.
And I get this, Rahab confesses. For the Lord your God, He is
God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath.
She's perceiving now. This prostitute, this liar who takes things into her own hand, she now is starting to get it.
She's starting to understand. Now where she gets this understanding, clearly not from her surroundings, clearly not from Jericho, clearly not from her lifestyle.
This is from God. This is God giving her a perception, and her eyes are opening, and she comes to accept and to proclaim a testimony.
I know that He is Lord. It's no longer
I want, I do, I need all the things that the world can bring her.
Her confession has now turned into a testimony. I know that the
Lord your God, He is God. Her testimony is that Jericho is in fear.
Her realization is that the world is absolutely no match for the God of Israel, and so her identity change is taking place.
She goes from being under the protection of Jericho to accepting and declaring God. She now accepts the accounts of everything that the nation has done is true to the glory of God.
There are no fabricated stories. There is just a true confession. Her identity now has become one who professes the true
Lord and God. This prostitute, this liar, is now professing
God, and so now she seeks protection as we go on in 12.
Now then please swear to me by the Lord that as I have dealt kindly with you, you also will deal kindly with my father's house, and give me a sure sign that you will save my alive, my father, and my mother, and my brothers, and my sisters, and all who belong to them, and deliver our lives from death.
And the men said to her, our life for yours even to death. If you do not tell this business of ours, then when the
Lord gives us this land, we will deal kindly and faithfully with you.
Her identity is complete. Now I want you to catch something else here.
As a prostitute, most likely her relationship with her mother, father, brothers, and sisters was not all that good.
It was not an honorable profession. Probably for a prostitute to go up and say, hey dad, hey mom, stuff is happening.
You got to come into my house. Maybe not so much. So why can she do this?
She's got confidence in God. Her identity has changed. Yes, she was the prostitute.
By the way, go to Hebrews 11 .3. Who's mentioned there and who's commended for her faith? Rahab. And she has enough confidence now to proclaim, my mother, my father, my brothers, my sisters, and all of those, they're going to come into my house.
And she's told that they will be protected. Rahab has now been transformed.
It's no longer who she was. It's no longer what she had done. And it's no longer how she had lived.
It's who she had become. And she confesses, I know that the
Lord your God, he is God. And so her life has changed. Now she has to put a scarlet cord in the window.
So she's now going to proclaim her identity. Do you catch when she puts the cord in?
Now. Not while they're walking around for seven days and things are getting really interesting.
I'd better put that. No, now. Now she puts it in. When did
Noah have to go into the ark? Before it rained. He had to go into the ark before it rained and then
God sealed the door. When did the Israelites have to put the blood on the lintel?
Before the angel of death came. When did Abraham have to plunge and be willing to sacrifice his son?
Before the angel stopped him. Our identity has got to be there and we have got to be willing to proclaim and live our identity now and not wait until the challenges come.
Identity in Christ is a lifestyle. So despite who she was, despite what she had done, her confession of faith now defines who she is.
So now the spies are going to go back. In verse 22, they departed, went into the hills and remained there three days until the pursuers returned and the pursuers searched all the way and found nothing.
Then the two men returned. They came down from the hills, passed over and came to Joshua, the son of and they told him all that had happened to them.
And they said to Joshua, I love this now, go back into numbers and compare it to this.
Before they said the land is flowing with milk and honey, but we're like grasshoppers in the eyes of these giants.
Now they say, truly the Lord has given us the land into our hands and also all the inhabitants of the land melt away because of us.
The confession is God's power. People that are devoted, people that identify with God have a power.
They have a power. 40 years had passed since Kadesh Barnea. An entire generation had passed.
Now we don't know the age of these spies. We don't know if they were alive as young children at that time, but we do know that the generation of accountability at Kadesh Barnea had died in the wilderness with the exception of Joshua and Caleb.
Moses is, it's a different story, but these spies were not of the age of accountability, but they had heard this story.
They had heard this story. Now that land was plentiful before, it's plentiful now. The cities were there before, the cities are there now.
And I think the inhabitants that were there before are there now. So what changed? Their devotion to God is different.
So they told all. They told about Rahab. They told about the people's fear because of what the
Lord had done. If you read that passage, notice how often it's the Lord did, the Lord did, the
Lord did. They told of the king who was afraid, but the inhabitant's heart melts away.
And so their profession at this point in time is that the Lord has given to us.
Now no battle has been fought yet. They haven't crossed the Jordan yet. In fact, they don't know how they're going to cross the
Jordan yet. That's another fun story. But they know that this is going to work because the
Lord has given it to us. When you're facing life and when you're facing these spiritual struggles, and again, if you're not facing any spiritual struggles in your life,
I ask you to pray about it. Maybe Satan has already pushed you to the side, but when you're facing these spiritual struggles, it's going to feel like the flesh is overwhelming.
It will because Satan is crafty and he's persistent. But I want you to remember an assurance that God is the key.
So let's go back to the original questions. What is your identity? For the spies, the identity was confidence in God.
So much so that as opposed to the Kadesh Barnea, they could look at the same thing and they could say, surely
God has given us the victory. For the king, his identity was unwilling, afraid.
He saw the same things that Rahab saw, but with no change of heart.
The king is just lost and he knows that judgment is going to come. But for Rahab, the harlot, the liar, she is an amazing, amazing woman of faith at this point in time.
She experienced the change in her life. She identified with God.
She put that scarlet ribbon in her window. And so now the spies go back.
It is so important for you to know and to proclaim your spiritual identity.
Be ready with it in anticipation of times of stress. Be ready to give your testimony to a world.
Be willing to go the course that we're going to go through. Now we have opportunities all over the place to give our spiritual identity to the world because the world watches.
At the same time, Satan prowls. But I want you to remember that he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
Oh, by the way, what about baptism? We're going to be having a baptismal service here in about six weeks or so.
A tremendous opportunity to tell the world about your faith. Now we are, or I say we should be, engaged in a spiritual warfare.
This process of sanctification, the removal of the old, the claiming of the new. If you don't feel any conflict in your world, then maybe
Satan has already succeeded in distracting you. If you feel defeated in this conflict, then maybe
Satan has succeeded in discouraging you. The solution is go back to God in prayer and confess him.
Remember the spies reported all that they had. I'm going to ask you right now, are you like the spies?
Are you already a child of God and are you going into the land with confidence in anticipation saying,
I know that the Lord has given me? Is that who you are? Are you the king?
Afraid? Or are you like Rahab? Who you were has what you have become.
Who you were is not who you are now because you have become a child of God. I'm going to ask that if you're like the king this morning and you're hearing this message and you're understanding that there is a powerful
God out there and all you are is afraid and you haven't accepted that he is the answer,
I ask this morning that you talk to Pastor Jeff, myself, one of the elders about it because there is a way for you to have confidence in your spiritual identity will rock the world.
So if you're like that king and you haven't made that decision, if you haven't taken the step that Rahab took, now could be the morning for you.
Take your spiritual identity seriously. The world will notice it.