Paula White Is Teaching THIS False Doctrine!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about a sermon clip from Paula White. Now Paula White Cain is probably most well -known for being the spiritual ambassador, of sorts, to former
President Donald Trump. She's also a hyper -charismatic preacher who promotes what has become known as the prosperity gospel.
She is overly focused on helping you develop wealth, health, and success in addition to other things.
And of course, in typical hyper -charismatic fashion, she preached a sermon about how to get your personal breakthrough.
Specifically, we'll be offering a biblical analysis of her sermon entitled, quote, Your Battle is
Setting Up Your Breakthrough. This sermon has over 110 ,000 views on YouTube, and unfortunately, it is filled to the brim with false teaching.
Watch this. And you've got to be able to build yourself up in the spirit, man. And so,
David, we know, does this, and we learned that sometimes it takes a Goliath in your life for David to come forth, or it takes a pit in your life, talk to me,
Joseph, to be positioned for promotion. So here Paula emphatically says that, quote, sometimes it takes a
Goliath in your life for David to come forth. The idea here is that Goliath is a problem in your life, a trial that you can't seem to figure out, and David is the person you've always wanted to be, a faithful, strong person.
David, in other words, is your best self. And Goliath, well, he's your biggest problem. He's going to bring out your best self.
But we must understand that this has nothing to do with the biblical story of David and Goliath.
This is fundamentally a man -centered message. It is really almost blatant humanism. As per usual,
Paula White is making this passage all about man. That's what false teachers do. But again, that's not what the passage says.
In 1 Samuel 17, 47, David himself says that these events will transpire that, quote, all this assembly may know that the
Lord saves, not with the sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord's, and He will give you into our hand.
According to David, who did the saving here? God. According to David, who gave
Goliath into their hands? Again, it was God. If you read 1 Samuel 17, you will find that there is no record in the text of David suggesting that this great, magnificent event originated within himself deep down.
David did not assume that there was a great man within him waiting to be brought forth all along.
That would be prideful and presumptuous. After all, how would he know this beforehand unless he simply assumed that he was amazing?
And more than this, in 1 Samuel 16, just one chapter before, we can see that David was anointed as the next king of Israel by the prophet
Samuel when he was nothing but a humble shepherd. 1 Samuel 16, 13 says, quote,
Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him David in the midst of his brothers. And the
Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward. So we can clearly see that David didn't raise himself up through battling
Goliath. That's not how it happened. Instead, God raised up David long before he ever saw
Goliath. In other words, David didn't raise up the faithful and courageous man who was always waiting deep down within him.
No, God raised up David according to God's will. It's that simple. Thus, it is obvious that Paula White has this story completely and totally backwards as per usual.
But there's a second problem with Paula's teaching here. Remember what she said, quote, Sometimes it takes a
Goliath in your life for David to come forth. But this demonstrates that she does not have a biblical anthropology, or what we might call a biblical understanding of man.
She phrases this in a very deeply concerning way, making it sound as though David, a faithful person, is always living inside you, at all times waiting to be, as she puts it, brought forth.
According to this view, you're not changed from a totally sinful person with a heart of stone into a faithful person with a heart of flesh.
Rather, you've always had a faithful person in your soul waiting somewhere deep down. And God's going to use trials in your life and you overcoming them to bring out that person and bless you immensely.
This is what Paula White believes. But this is how motivational speakers talk about people, not how the
Bible talks about them. Let's contrast this with what God's Word teaches about man. First Corinthians 2 .14
says, quote, The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.
So you can see there is no David living in you all the time waiting to be brought forth.
You are naturally spiritually blind, such that you cannot even see the things of the
Lord without being first given sight. We don't even understand spiritual things without the Lord first graciously enlightening us according to His will.
So if, in fact, we all have this super awesome special David person living within us all the time, then where exactly is this person, and why can't we seem to find him?
But look at what else the Bible says, Romans 3 .10. It says, quote, As it is written, none is righteous, no, not one.
Paula White wants to tell you that there is a righteous and faithful and courageous David who's always been waiting deep down inside you to be brought forth.
But the Bible says nothing of the sort. By contrast, the Word of God makes it very clear that you are not righteous deep down.
You are sinful deep down. After all, that's why you sin. More than this, 2 Corinthians 5 .17
tells us, quote, If anyone is in Christ, he's a new creation. The old has passed away.
Behold, the new has come. We need to see the huge difference here because it's very important.
Christian motivational speakers are telling you that there's a faithful David waiting for a Goliath in your life to bring him out.
The Bible, on the other hand, tells you that you are born sinful, depraved, darkened in your heart.
You cannot even understand the things of the Lord. And by definition, no part of you is faithful, not even deep down in your soul, because you don't have any faith without God's regeneration.
The only David -ness that could be attributed to you must come externally, specifically through the son of David, who lived a perfect life.
We need to be fundamentally changed by God and sanctified by Him progressively. We need to be made new.
In other words, we're not being recognized as someone we always were deep down inside. But instead, we're being made into someone we never were by the grace of God.
Paula White says that God put a David in you and is waiting for Goliath to bring him out.
But the Bible refutes that clearly. Biblical teaching tells us that we have no faithful man hidden somewhere deep within, and after we are saved, we are changed into someone new.
To put it simply, it's not a good man being brought out of us, it's the Spirit being put into us.
We are born again as new people led by God, submitted to Christ as Lord. This is so important, because there is a world of difference between God bringing out who you are and God changing you into someone new.
It is the difference between a motivational speech and real biblical teaching. It is the difference between following the
Word of God and making up myths. And unfortunately, Paula White is doing the latter. Her preaching is dangerously false and not doctrinally sound.
And therefore, we must lovingly mark and avoid her as a false teacher. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
And let's pray for Paula White, that she would stop this false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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