The LGBT Is God's GIFT to the WORLD! | #PrideMonth TikTok | Pastor Reacts

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Hey friends, it’s Pride Month and that means Progressive Christian Tik Tokkers getting out the message and spreading horrific theology and awful exegesis! Need I say more? Let's get right into it. Wise Disciple has partnered with Logos Bible Software. Check out all of Logos' awesome features here: Seats are filling up for Summit Georgia! Don't miss out, get your student equipped in a biblical worldview this summer! Go to: and use code WISE24 at checkout. Get your Wise Disciple merch here: Want a BETTER way to communicate your Christian faith? Check out my website: OR Book me as a speaker at your next event: Check out my full series on debate reactions: Got a question in the area of theology, apologetics, or engaging the culture for Christ? Send them to me and I will answer on an upcoming podcast:


Any Christian who says that being a part of the LGBTQ plus community is inherently sinful is full of crap and he should just disregard everything that they're saying.
Welp, I've been had guys. Time to close up shop on Wise Disciple. Good night everybody, I gotta go.
You shouldn't need a book to be a good person. If you don't want to lay with a man, don't. But I will. Follow with more gayness.
No thanks. We need to hear in this pride season the true message of the gospel, which is that LGBT people are a gift to the church and a gift to the world.
My head, my head is going to explode. These folks are in serious trouble and they are in desperate need for their eyes to be opened so that they can repent and understand the true gospel.
It is pride month and that means progressive Christian TikTokers getting out the message and spreading horrific theology and awful exegesis.
We're about to get into all of that, but first, welcome to Wise Disciple. I'm Nate Sala and I'm helping you become the effective Christian that you were meant to be.
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July. Summit is equipping the next generation with a strong biblical worldview with a huge two -week conference.
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Hey y 'all, it's June 1st, first day of pride month. And this year to mark the start of pride,
I felt like I needed to say something that I think doesn't get said often enough to my
LGBTQ plus siblings. I'm sorry. So that's interesting.
He just called the LGBT his siblings. We normally speak this way about other
Christians within the context of the church. So, you know, you'll hear me very often talk about my brothers and sisters.
And when I do that, I'm referring to other Christians. It's just interesting that he says this.
I suppose he's implicitly suggesting that it is possible to be LGBT and Christian. Let's see what this goes.
I'm sorry for every hate -filled Christian who has ever told you that you were an abomination.
I am sorry for every Christian who has ever tried to beat you up with a
Bible or worse with their fists. I'm sorry for all of the churches that will mark this month by ramping up the hate that they preach from their pulpits, including tomorrow morning.
So this is a very reductionistic take on how traditional churches, and by that,
I mean the churches who adhere to the word of God, who don't play games with it, who don't seek to treat it like it's nothing less than the
God -breathed Theonoustos that was ultimately authored by the Holy Spirit, on how these churches talk about the
LGBT. Notice he said Christians and churches will call them an abomination.
But then he forgets to mention where Christians got this idea from. Leviticus 18 verse 22, you shall not lie with a male as with a woman.
What is it? It is an abomination. By the way, I'm reading from Logos, and I very often use an awesome feature in Logos called
Factbook. Factbook lets you type anything into the search, and it will direct you immediately to the scripture as well as to commentaries and other pieces in your own library that touch on what you're looking for.
I highly encourage you to start using Logos more and use Google less. You want to know why?
Look at what happens when you type these words into Google search. So look what I've done. I've literally typed in two words, homosexuality and abomination, and look what we're getting here.
The Outreach Guide to the Bible and Homosexuality. This is a pro -LGBT website.
Then we have the National Institutes of Health, the Bible Stance on Homosexuality. Again, it seems a pro -LGBT paper if you click it and you start to read it.
We got another number three. These are the top searches that Google will find for you and curate for you.
Leviticus 18 .22, queer Bible hermeneutics. So yeah,
Google is not your friend if you're looking for a biblical understanding of these issues. And that's not a surprise.
We all know how Google works to curate the right kind of information, wink wink, nudge nudge, and suppress the wrong kinds of information, right?
Just use Logos, guys. It will not steer you wrong. I promise you. Anyway, back to this gentleman.
He seems to leave out the part where Christians get this idea of an abomination from.
It's the Bible. Now, are there people who use these texts in order to clobber people, to abuse other people?
Yes. But does that mean that this text does not exist? That Leviticus 18 does not exist? And that God somehow affirms the
LGBT? Absolutely not. You just have to read the Bible and pay close attention to what
God is saying in it. I'm sorry for all of the people who, because of some misguided understanding of who
Jesus is and what Jesus is all about, have told you that God doesn't love you or can't love you or God hates you.
And as sorry as I am for all of the people who have told those lies, I'm even more sorry for all of the
Christians like me who know that those things are lies but haven't spoken up.
There are Christians like him. Where are these people? More importantly, where in the
Bible does it say that a Christian is somebody who affirms sin? Who affirms things that are clearly taught in the
Bible as sin? 1 Corinthians 6, 9 says, Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Don't be deceived, neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
And such were some of you, but you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. You see how the flow of thought works here?
The Bible teaches that those who practice LGBT activity are unrighteous, period.
Why? Well, because the acts in and of themselves are unrighteous. And also because those who have not submitted themselves completely to Jesus Christ, repented of their sins and sought to live for him and not themselves, they are condemned already.
John 3, verse 18. Look at this. Whoever believes in him, in the son is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only son of God.
And this is the judgment. The light has come into the world and people love the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.
That's how the Bible talks about sin and its effects. And one of the sins that runs completely counter to, it's completely antithetical to God and his desires for mankind is
LGBT activity. Now, what happens to those who call sin good?
Here's what the Bible says, Isaiah 5, 20, woe to those who call evil, good and good evil.
Woe to them. They should not do this very thing. And, and what should we do when we see people, particularly people in our own ranks, right?
From within the church who start to stray from the truth of God's word. Look at this. James chapter five, verse 19.
My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.
See, I think we're starting to touch on the heart and the motive behind a lot of Christians who seek to speak the truth in love when it comes to the
LGBT. We're not sugarcoating the Bible by any stretch. We're not downplaying anything.
On the contrary, we're hoping that folks repent of their sin and follow after Jesus the same way that we did the same way that everyone has in the history of Christianity.
Why? Because that's what everybody needs. Ladies and gentlemen, if the wages of sin or death, right?
That's Roman six. Well, then Jesus is what everyone needs. I'm sorry for the ways that we have failed you.
I'm sorry for the ways that we have let other people abuse you and have not stepped up and said, no.
I'm sorry for all of the times that we have not taken a stand against the hate in our own midst.
I'm sorry for all of the times that we have not stood with you. And I'm sorry for all of the times that we have said that we stand with you, but we didn't stand close enough to protect you from getting hit by the stones being thrown by people like us.
For all of those things, I am sorry. I wish you a happy and joyous and blessed pride month.
Right. It's very easy to watch somebody like this and think, you know, wait, maybe there's a point here.
Because it's true that a lot of people, and I'm not even talking about Christians only, but a lot of people have been unloving and unnecessarily vicious in their condemnation of the
LGBT. The fact is the Bible teaches Christians to speak the truth in love.
It's not just truth. It's truth in love. That means that we should say difficult things that must be said because they're true, but do it with the proper motive of ultimate restoration.
See, when God says this, look at this, 2 Peter 3, 9, the Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient towards you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
That's an indication to all of us that we should also wish for the repentance of others.
That is what should undergird our interactions with non -believers. But that's not what this man is talking about.
You know, when he talks about hate, when he talks about not standing with the LGBT, he means affirming the activity and the lifestyle.
And that absolutely should not be done by any follower of Jesus Christ. To do so would be to violate the teachings of God's word and allow these people to continue to reject their creator instead of appealing to them so that they can truly know him.
Hey everybody, it's Rev Raya and it's the first Sunday in June. And I want to wish you all a very happy pride month to all who celebrate.
And I want you to know that you are so deeply loved by God, no matter who you are, how you love, how you identify just as you are, you are loved by God.
And I also want to. You are, you are loved by God just as you are. You are loved by God just as you are.
So when Romans chapter one says this verse 21, for, although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Look at this. For this reason, God gave them up to dishonorable passions for their women exchange, natural relations for those that are contrary to nature.
And the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
That's interesting. I was actually looking for the verse that says, and God loved them as they were.
It doesn't say that though. It says that God gave them up. Do you, by the way, did you notice?
It's interesting. Three times in this passage, the Bible says God gave them up to the lusts of their hearts, to impurity, to dishonorable passions, and to do things that ought not to be done.
It's all right here. You know, it says he gave these folks up three times.
That doesn't sound like God loves you just as you are. As a matter of fact, if God loves you just as you are, which is to imply that you should not repent, why would he expressly forbid
LGBT activity? Remember Leviticus 18 .22, you shall not lie with a male. As with a woman, it is an abomination.
If God loves people who do that, why is it expressly forbidden? Why does the
New Testament affirm the same biblical teaching here? Maybe it's because God does not love when people sin and folks who prioritize elevating themselves and being led around by their own desires are justifying their decisions in spite of biblical teaching, not because of it.
To apologize on behalf of the church, on behalf of clergy, for the harm that the church has done to the
LGBTQIA plus community. The church has been harmful and detrimental in so many ways, but I want you all to know...
What is the harm though? I mean, just so I'm clear, what is the harm that is being caused?
Again, it's very easy to sweep with a broad brush here and include violence and other things that the
Christians are absolutely not taught to do. But is harm also talking about what the scripture teaches?
Relaying the verses as they are written? I mean, is that harm?
And if the answer is yes, which I think they would probably say yes, how exactly does that cause harm?
How exactly does telling people the truth in love cause somebody else harm? What if I was a doctor and I had to tell one of my patients that they had six months to live, but if they turned around their lifestyle, if they performed a radical series of treatments, they had a chance to completely reverse their diagnosis.
Is that causing harm to the patients? To tell them difficult truths like that? Wouldn't it actually be harmful to not tell people the truth when their very lives are at stake?
What if their very souls are at stake? Wouldn't it be eternally harmful to just sit back and do nothing and say nothing to people?
That those voices don't speak for us. Those are not the only Christian voices out there.
And I want you to know that I love you and that God loves you just as you are.
And I hope that you continue living into the fullness of who you are and celebrate that this month and every month to come.
Yeah. Yeah. If you do not repent of your sin, if you continue to do what you're doing and live out the fullness of who you are, you're going to die.
Romans 6, verse 23 says this, for the wages of sin is death. The wages of sin is death.
But the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Notice even here in this passage, although it's all over the place in the
Bible, you are not supposed to stay who you are. When you get saved, look at this, verse 22, but now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and it's end eternal life.
Notice the list of new realities in Christ here. You're set free from sin, but do you stay who you are?
No, you become a slave of God. You even become a slave of righteousness, you know, as verse 20 suggests up here.
And the fruit you get leads to sanctification. You become holy. The Holy Spirit deals with the sins in your life and you stop committing them slowly over time, making you fit for God's kingdom and for heaven.
There is no reality here, friends, where God saves you so that you can just continue to keep doing you.
That's not God's desire for you. Hi, everyone. It's the first day of pride month.
And this is your yearly reminder that any Christian who says that being a part of the LGBTQ plus community is inherently sinful, is full of crap, and he should just disregard everything that they're saying.
Welp, I've been had guys. Time to close up shop on Wise Disciple.
Good night, everybody. I got to go. It turns out I'm full of crap. Nothing, nothing to see here.
You know, just disregard me literally reading what the Bible says and letting it speak clearly in a sea of garbage theology and intentional confusion.
Those folks need to go back and reread their Bible, which is about God's love for us as children of God with inherent worth and dignity.
Right. The Bible, it only talks about one characteristic that God has, guys.
It's love. Our creator doesn't have any other attributes to speak of. He's not holy.
He's not angry. He's not just he's pure love. Of course, what does this mean?
But you know, what does the man mean when he says love, right? What is the definition of love according to this pro
LGBT person? Because here's how the Bible talks about it. First Corinthians 13, four, love is patient and kind.
Love does not envy or boast. It is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way.
It is not irritable or resentful. It does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.
Okay. Wait a second. What is wrongdoing? Is that sin?
Is that wickedness that does not align with God's desires for us? Yep. And by the way, what is truth?
Is that what the Bible teaches is truth, whatever aligns to God's desires for us?
You know, there's an interesting Psalm that touches on this very issue. Look at this Psalm 37 forward, delight yourself in the
Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. What God wants us to do is spend time with him and delight in him.
Why? Because the more we spend time with him and love him, his desires will become our desires.
All of a sudden his concerns will become our concerns, but wait, how do we spend time with God in his word?
That's why he gave us a special revelation. It reveals God's will and his desires for us, the people he created for his good pleasure.
That's why the Bible needs to define love for us. Why? Because it reflects
God's definition, not mankind's. Be who God created you to be. Be authentic to who you are and happy pride.
Hi everyone. Yeah. Yeah. There it is again, right? Just do you guys, you know, don't, don't change.
Don't repent of your sin. Just be who you are. Even if you're heterosexual, that is the worst advice that anyone could give you.
And it's one of the most antithetical concepts to being a Christian that I've ever heard. Boy, thank you so much for watching this video.
Did you know that the majority of people who do watch are not subscribed to the channel? If this video is blessing you, would you do me a favor and like and subscribe to the channel?
It just really helps me to get the word out about this ministry. I greatly appreciate it. Hey everybody. So it's June, happy pride month to you.
And every pride month, the haters are going to hate and they're going to clobber us with the clobber texts.
And so well, you know what we're going to do? We're going to non -violently clobber them right back. Are you ready? First Corinthians was written by a man named
Paul and he wrote it in Greek. And in first Corinthians chapter six, verse nine, he uses a new word, arsenekoitai.
We don't have any evidence that anybody used this word before Paul. And it is used very infrequently after Paul.
This makes this word very difficult for us to translate. False. False.
Look at the passage real quick. We just went over this first Corinthians six, the righteous will not, the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God.
And part of this list of the unrighteous are men who practice homosexuality. Now this breaks down in the
Greek into two types of people, but that's the passage.
It's true that this word, right? Arsenekoitai is not common. What's not true is that this is difficult to translate and for a couple of reasons.
Okay. But one that is totally obvious, Paul is a Jew, right? Somebody can go fact check that one for me.
Paul is a Jew and therefore Paul knew his Torah, probably by heart, which is a lot more than, you know, can be said for a lot of us in the church today.
Well, guess what's in the Torah. Yep. You guessed it. This passage, Leviticus 18, 22, you shall not lie with a male as with a woman.
It is an abomination. That's in the background informing Paul's shaping this word in the
Greek. Now, let me just say the same thing using different words. Paul is using the
Greek language to speak like a Jew. In other words, Paul is putting together a word, but not out of thin air.
He's describing Leviticus 18, 22 and Leviticus 20, 13 as well. So it's incredibly misleading to say that it's very difficult for us to translate what
Paul is talking about. The word in the Greek literally puts together male and bed.
That's literally, and that's precisely what Leviticus 18, 22 is describing. Now it comes from two different words.
One meaning arson, meaning man, and koitai where it comes from a word that means bed.
So basically we think this means man better. Now, many conservatives say that this is a denunciation of homosexuality and many conservatives would be wrong.
And I'm about to show you why. Please. Yes. Show us how we're wrong, but make sure you do so either exegetically or semantically or both.
And we'll be listening closely. Many scholars today think that Paul got this word arsonikoitai from the Septuagint, which is the
Greek version of the Bible that was written around 300 BC. Now Paul may have looked to biblical passages like Leviticus chapter 18, which has arson and koitai relatively close together.
And he just put those words together to come up with arsonikoitai. Here is Leviticus chapter 18 in the
Septuagint. So here we have Leviticus chapter 18 verse 22 from the Septuagint. And here you see the word arsonos, a man and koitan down here in a marriage bed.
Ah, I think I know where this is going. Do you, can you guess what this man is about to say?
Let me know in the comments. I'm curious if you know what's about to happen. Um, cause I think I do, you know, there, there are really only a few ways that a person can exit gymnastics their way out of the obvious reading of the
Bible on this issue. So many conservatives will say, there you go. Paul was referring to Leviticus chapter 18, which uses arsonikoitai and clearly arsonikoitai is only about homosexuality.
Well, well, and guess how we got there because we don't just have the
Greek guys, we have the Hebrew and the Hebrew is a much better descriptor of the activity itself.
That's why the more literal translations from the original Hebrew say it this way. It says, do not lie with a male as with a woman.
You see that the same way you would do, uh, you would with a woman don't lie with a man.
That's what the Greek is reaching for. And that's what it's attempting to describe by pulling together the word arsino and koitai.
Conservatives will be wrong on many levels, including the level of the Bible because arsonikoitai is used four other times in the
Bible. And it doesn't refer to men having sex with men. It refers to men having sex with women.
One place we find it is in judges chapter 21 verses 11 through 12.
Okay. Let's, let's take a look at it for reference. Let's keep up with them. Judges 21, 11, this is what you shall do.
Every male and every woman, here it is. Every woman that has lain with a male, you shall devote to destruction.
Okay. So what is being described here? Is it a woman having intercourse with a man?
Is that what's being described? Someone who has had intercourse with a man, a woman. When you look at verse 12 as well, um, and you see, uh, the, the idea of virgins, that's exactly what's being described here.
This is referring to women who have had intercourse with men. I'll take it back to Leviticus 18, uh, just for a second.
What's being described here. Is it a man having intercourse with another man? The same way that a man would have intercourse with a woman, a man is forbidden to perform the same act with another man.
Isn't that obviously what's being described. You have judges 21, 11, which talks about a woman knowing the marriage bed of a man or a woman knowing the arsenic.
The other place in this up to agent where a woman knows an arsenic is in numbers 31, 17 through 18 here in numbers.
It talks about a woman who knew the marriage bed of a man or a woman who knew the arsenic.
So this is so bad. Oh my gosh.
The word in both places, uh, in judges and numbers is not our scenic white days.
It's actually flipped around to coit Tain our Sanos. Look, look for yourself.
He's pointing right at it. He coit Tain the marriage bed and our
Sanos of a man, by the way, the marriage bed, you have to understand the
Hebrew language, which again, the Greek is trying to capture is a pictorial language. So when it's referring to intercourse, it really just gives a picture of a bed.
What does a marriage couple do in bed together? They have intercourse, they produce children, right? Which Oh, by the way, takes us right back to the mandate given by God in the creation account, right?
Be fruitful and multiply become one flesh. That's what's being described in judges and also numbers.
It's a woman who knows the bed of a man. It's an idiomatic expression to refer to having intercourse with a man.
So, I mean, there's, there's nothing contradictory here to Leviticus because the elements of Paul's word still works as it is arranged appropriately referring to a woman with a man.
Now the question is, why did this person try to make us think that are seen a quite taste is used in judges and numbers when it's not, it's because he's trying to cast doubt on the word as it is used by Paul in first Corinthians six, which is weird because he started this whole
TikTok video by saying that Paul created a new word. And now he's trying to get us to think that the word is used multiple times in the old
Testament. It's not the elements of the word are, but the word, the way
Paul puts it together is not. So here we find that the word that Paul used in first Corinthians six, nine is not homosexuality as we understand it today, because our
Senate coy tie in the sub two agent can mean men who have sex with men. And also it can mean men who have sex with women.
And there it is. There's the claim, right? And that's utter garbage.
It trades on an awful reading of the original language. So what does the word are Senate quite I mean, well, we know that it doesn't mean homosexuality as we understand it today, but we don't know for sure what it means, but we do have some very good guesses.
We know what it means because the context helps us actually look at this, or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God do not be deceived.
Neither now watch the parts of speech here, fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers.
What kinds of parts of speech are these? There's a pop quiz for you. Didn't know that the English teacher was going to ask you a quiz question.
Okay. What parts of speech are these particular words fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, their nouns describing certain types of people who perform certain types of actions, right?
Now watch this, nor here it is Malik house and our scenic white days.
Okay. Malik hosts refers to men who are the passive partner in a same sex relationship.
So it's not just our scenic white days that we see here. It's men with men it's
Malik hosts and our scenic white days, our scenic white days. In other words, both of these words, both of these nouns are describing certain men performing the same act.
That's why in the ESV, it translates as men who practice homosexuality. They understood what was happening in the
Greek that Malik hosts and our scenic white days are describing the men who performed the same act.
And they just put it together. And guess what? That actually tracks along Leviticus 18.
Doesn't it a male who lies with another male, right? As they would with a woman, both of these types of men are unrighteous and both will not inherit the kingdom.
By the way, Paul says the same thing in Romans one men with men, remember this committing shameless acts that's verse 27.
So it's, it's not difficult to understand Paul at all, unless you're committed to in trying to, you know, reinterpret the
Bible to justify sin. Then all of a sudden, Paul's very difficult to understand. I can give you many verses in the
Bible saying that being a homosexual is a sin. Very gay father here. And let's discuss, does the Bible mentioned being legitimate qua premium specifically gay?
Yes, yes, it does now, but originally, well, no, see the belief is it was around the late 1800s.
Germany has credit among others for the first use of the word homosexual. It was in 1946 that the
RSV revised standard version or really rather selective version conveniently added the words to that magical book.
And fun fact, it's believed that the original text in multiple languages that famous saying that has ruined so many lives translates to man shall not live with boy, not man.
So this is in reference to again, first Corinthians, right? Also first Timothy.
So I don't think it's necessary to go back over this, but this person is correct about the introduction of the word homosexual in the
RSV in 1946. However, what this person, well, it's certainly something
I could have paused on. What this person leaves out is that everyone already knew what
Paul meant by simply looking at the old Testament and the original language connections that we've already discussed. Okay.
As a matter of fact, it would be helpful to see how the word was translated before 1946 so that you can understand what
I'm talking about. Let's just say there are some very descriptive words that I probably cannot repeat.
Um, but it just goes to show everyone knew what Paul meant, including the early church.
It's only pro LGBT folks like in the last few decades who all of a sudden are claiming this is a very confusing word guys.
Now it's true. If God came back for a reunion tour, like we all went backstreet boys and instinct to do in 1946, then you would have an argument, but that book was written well before 1946.
Yet it was treated like a physical Wikipedia page with updates that were just taken as fact. I can print out the original patent for the telephone and put my name on it.
Doesn't mean it's accurate or should be followed as truth. Let me, I don't know. I don't know what this person is talking about.
I don't know what God coming back in 1946 has anything to do with the overall point or the phone book.
Like what it, I think this person has lost the thread. Maybe crystal queer. You shouldn't need a book to be a good person.
If you don't want to lay with a man don't, but I will file with Morganas. No thanks.
One of my favorite biblical stories to help celebrate pride comes from John chapter 11. It's the story of Jesus raising his best friend,
Lazarus from the dead. In this story, we're told that Jesus's friend, Lazarus dies. And when Jesus arrives to mourn with Lazarus's family, he is heartbroken, but then
Jesus does something extraordinary. He approaches the tomb, asks for the stone to be rolled away and declares in a loud voice,
Lazarus come out. And as he says that Lazarus raises from the dead, emerges from the tomb, wrapped in burial cloths.
And his friends come around and begin stripping the cloths off of him to set him free from the burial wear. And Lazarus is raised to new life, walking out of the tomb, walking out of death, walking out of darkness and into the light of life.
This story is a powerful metaphor for LGBT people who have been wrapped. What he, he had me,
I was tracking with him, you know, the story of Lazarus is amazing. Amen.
And then he said, what the it's, it's a metaphor for the
LGBT people. This story is a powerful metaphor for LGBT people who have been wrapped in burial cloths by the church who have been told that our sexuality, our gender identity is flawed and broken and an abomination.
And we've been told that we need to lock it away in a tomb, keep it dead. You know what this is?
This, this is spoken word beat Nick poetry, laced with LGBT and social justice theory disguised as Christianity.
You know what? This is not biblical or exegetical at all. That my friends is alive.
The church is wrong. Jesus stands at the door of our closet and declares, come out, come forth, step into the light of life.
Be who I made you to be because you are made queerly beloved in the image and likeness of God as an LGBT person.
Let's take a look at the story of Lazarus for a moment, because Jesus was actually teaching people something, but what is it?
Right? That's the question. John chapter 11, verse 14. Then Jesus told them plainly Lazarus has died.
It's Jesus talking to his disciples. And for your sake, I am glad that I was not there so that you may believe, but let us go to him.
Jesus arrives verse 20. So when Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went and met him, but Mary remained seated in the house.
Martha said to Jesus, Lord, if you'd been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you.
Jesus said to her, your will rise again. Martha said to him, I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.
Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.
And everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this? She said to him, yes,
Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the son of God who is coming into the world.
Ask yourself, what was Jesus teaching his disciples? What was he teaching
Martha, right? Was it that they needed to come out of the closet because they were LGBT or was it something actually more gospel related?
Look at this verse 40. Jesus said to her, did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God? So they took away the stone and Jesus lifted up his eyes.
And he said, father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this on account of the people standing around that they may, here it is, believe that you sent me.
Then he raised Lazarus from the dead and called him out of the tomb. But notice the crowds did learn something that day.
Watch their response. Many of the Jews, uh, therefore who had come with Mary and had seen what he did, believed in him.
Why did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead? What was he teaching the people around him? Clearly it was about his identity and about showing that he was sent by the father.
It was about the exclusive role that only he has in giving people eternal life.
You know, later in chapter 14, Jesus says, I am the way, the truth and the life. Nobody comes to the father except through me.
And when he said that, I'm sure the disciples immediately thought of Lazarus. That's the lesson that Jesus was teaching.
It is only the most arrogant self -centered type of person that takes the story of Lazarus and steals
Jesus glory and turns the whole thing, uh, the lesson about his identity, his, his giving people eternal life and making it all about celebrating and affirming sinful lifestyles.
That is as Votibachum would say a lie from the very pit of hell. And the way you would know that is if you just stay close to God's word and take it seriously.
Jesus already tells us what raising Lazarus is all about. It's about him.
We need to hear in this pride season, the true message of the gospel, which is that LGBT people are a gift to the church and a gift to the world.
I'm I'm my head. My head is going to explode. He just said the message of the gospel is that the
LGBT are a gift to the world. Is that what he just said? God's image. Our love is holy.
Our identity is holy. The way we express ourselves in the world, though it is different. It is unique. It is good.
God declares the same words over us that he declared to Jesus at his baptism. You are my beloved child, and I am pleased with you.
This metaphor of being brought out of the closet of shame, the tomb of death, of being liberated from the burial cloth of the lies that the church has spoken over us.
This is what pride is all about. This is why we celebrate pride. It's interesting that word pride.
I think Jordan Peterson just commented on this recently. It's a very telling use of the word.
And LGBT folks will say, well, you know, we're not using pride in the way the Bible defines it.
OK, but why not take a moment and reflect on what God thinks about pride? Right.
Like it's all right there in his word. Why not instead of just coming up with this term that now describes the whole month of June?
Right. It's pride month now. Why not stop and think, wait, what does
God think about pride? Proverbs 8, 13, the fear of the Lord is hatred of evil, pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech
I hate. OK, take a look at this, 1 John 2, 16, for all that is in the world, the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life is not from the father, but is from the world.
As a matter of fact, James chapter four says this, but he gives more grace.
The Lord gives more grace. Therefore, it says God opposes the proud. God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
Here's what's super ironic about all of this. We're told by pro LGBT folks that,
I mean, really what this issue is, it's about love. It's about letting people love each other. You know, love is love, right?
That's what we heard. Just let people love who they want to love. And really, if you just accept that at face value, how can anyone really argue with that?
I mean, like rhetorically, that statement is persuasive, except again, we should be thinking about these things in light of what scripture teaches.
And the question is, do these two things go together? Pride and love, love and pride is that, is that like, how does the
Bible talk about this? First Corinthians 13 verse four, love is patient and kind. Love does not envy or boast.
It is not arrogant or rude. You know what that word also means? Arrogant.
It means proud. The Bible says love is not proud. It's not filled with pride, true love.
The love of Christ does not seek to satisfy your own desires, but to satisfy God's desires and let that flow through your interactions with your loved ones and everyone around you.
It's a time of liberation, a time of stepping into our true identity, a time of putting shame behind us and silencing the voices of the lies and receiving the truth of God's good gospel.
You are beloved. God takes pride in you. I hope you receive that and have a blessed pride.
This young man's teaching is going to lead a lot of people astray and it probably already has.
He is, as Jeff Durbin said, a wolf in sheep's clothing, teaching a false gospel and glorifying sin.
Even worse than that, he's, he's stealing the glory of Jesus in order to make it all about himself and people like him.
And that is just so dangerous. And you know what, like, I'm not even mad right now, honestly, like I was getting a little worked up there earlier and a little lively out of a deep concern for God's word, but these folks are in serious trouble and they are in desperate need for their eyes to be opened so that they can repent and understand the true gospel.
And you know what, that's my prayer as always that these folks repent, you know, in the same way that I did.
I had to turn from my ways. I had to follow after Jesus. I had to die to self. That's my prayer for them.
Would you join me in praying for these folks? That they would follow Jesus all the days of their life.
Not the Jesus of their own making, but the God of the Bible who has given us what we need to understand him and to live according to our purpose.
It's all right there in the scriptures. Amen. Join me in praying for these folks, please.
It's not too late for them. There's still time for them to know the one true God. Okay, now it's your turn.
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