Disturbing Things Are Happening in TONS of Churches
I was shocked to hear about Voddie Baucham, Joel Osteen, Oprah Winfrey, Taylor Swift, TD Jakes, Whatever Podcast, Nicki Minaj, Chase, Keeko, Mike Todd, Brandan Robertson debates Apologia Studios, Philip DeFranco, bodittle, King Charles, Kristin Chenoweth, Church of England, Rick Warren, Justin Pearson prays to Mother God, United Methodist Church, and drag queens.
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- 00:00
- And not only that, this rebellion is no longer covert, but it has become overt.
- 00:08
- It also says women shouldn't be pastors. It says women should be silent in the church.
- 00:15
- Just wanted to point that out. You get out of here. I'm not the minister. Go home.
- 00:20
- This is the church pushing me. This is the church pushing me. No, I'm not the church. I'm not the church.
- 00:27
- I'm just asking simple questions. I've not rose my voice once. And he's assaulting me now.
- 00:34
- It is out there, and it is in our faces. The last time that I was in Christianity was with my ex -girlfriend.
- 00:42
- We used to go to church every Sunday. And none of your pastors or priests said anything about your guys' voice? Our church loved us.
- 00:48
- Really, really inspired us. They are true Christians that realize we're all sinners, and no sin is greater than the other.
- 00:54
- They just don't follow the Bible? They do follow the Bible, and they follow the Bible because of the fact that they are not there to judge.
- 00:59
- And unfortunately, it is being urged along by people within the church.
- 01:07
- I've come to the conclusion that Leviticus 18 is not talking about loving consensual same -sex relationships in the way that we're talking about it in the modern world.
- 01:13
- Who are essentially arguing that love is always righteous.
- 01:21
- Love is always godly. Love is always appropriate. Because God loves everyone, and God loves everything.
- 01:31
- Would you mind going ahead and praying with me now? Mother God, creator God, loving God, holy
- 01:36
- God. Take this your servant made from dust. Good morning. The holy and queer one be with you.
- 01:45
- Good morning, and welcome to worship. My name is Caroline Camp.
- 01:51
- I use she, they pronouns. I am the communications coordinator for Duke Divinity Pride.
- 01:57
- And I am ecstatic to see this worship space so full and so vibrant with color.
- 02:05
- God is gay. God is a lesbian. God is trans.
- 02:11
- God is gender non -binary. God is straight. God is cisgender. God is black.
- 02:17
- God is white. God is Middle Eastern. God is Asian. God is differently abled mentally and physically.
- 02:25
- God is able -bodied. God is you. And you are
- 02:32
- God. Because you are a reflection of God's divine image. Do either of you have any questions for Ms.
- 02:38
- Pentecost? I like your eye shadow. Oh, thank you. Yeah, you like her eye shadow.
- 02:44
- That's great. Yeah, maybe she'll let you borrow it. When you're older, when you're allowed to wear makeup. Of course.
- 02:51
- Yeah. Well, one of the things I think is great about Ms. Pentecost is she reminds us that we follow a
- 02:57
- God who calls us to not conform to things of this world. That we're supposed to be transformed by the renewal of our minds.
- 03:06
- And that means that what I think today may have to change tomorrow if I continue to renew my mind.
- 03:11
- And it's so cool that we serve a God that calls us to continue to grow and continue to change into something new and to not be bound by the ways that the world confines us sometimes.
- 03:24
- That we're supposed to live differently. Her name is Britta Filter and she is the Queen of New York!
- 03:43
- Pride isn't a place, it's a feeling of being proud. The pride flag represents being proud of who you are.
- 03:50
- We fly to show pride and support of our LGBTQ friends. Let's start with gay.
- 03:57
- Someone who's gay is attracted to people who are the same gender as them. Like a man who's attracted to a man or a lady who's attracted to a lady.
- 04:05
- Loving creator, holy one, and diva of the world.
- 04:14
- May your word shine upon us like glitter under the stage lights. May it pop like a death drop in a crowded dingy basement.
- 04:32
- We confess that we have demanded too much from the earth. We confess to the sins of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, fatphobia,
- 04:47
- American imperialism, and Christian supremacy. And right here, the
- 04:54
- Bible says, do not love. There are some loves that are out of bounds.
- 05:04
- There are some loves that are unacceptable. In other words, there are some loves that are not truly love.
- 05:17
- Something very disturbing is happening in supposed Christian churches, particularly in Western cultures.
- 05:25
- We just saw some clips of some of the worst blasphemy to ever occur in supposedly
- 05:30
- Christian churches. This kind of blasphemous support for the LGBTQ lifestyle has been embraced by some very large denominations, such as the
- 05:40
- Church of England. The Church of England is now woke! Or however Fox News would want to talk about it.
- 05:46
- And this because the church is considering using gender neutral terms for God. Which as it turns out is actually more consistent with its long held belief that God is neither male nor female.
- 05:52
- And some priests have already changed prayers to switch He to God or They. And have started the Lord's Prayer to Our Father and Mother. Though this isn't even the biggest progressive step the
- 05:59
- Church of England has recently taken. Because it just voted to allow blessings to same -sex couples. Though notably the church isn't fully changing its position on gay marriage.
- 06:06
- They still can't marry in the church, they can just receive God's blessing after a civil marriage or partnership. And clergy members can opt out of using the prayers.
- 06:11
- But many still see this as a moment of hope for progress for the church's future. And the United Methodist Church. Which has split and lost an enormous number of churches.
- 06:20
- That decided to uphold what scripture teaches rather than embrace the depravity in the culture.
- 06:26
- Over 2 ,300 congregations have left the United Methodist Church since the last general conference.
- 06:32
- And the number is rising. In February 2019 was the UMC's yearly general conference. And a vote was taken on whether to keep certain words in their book of discipline.
- 06:41
- Particularly this part. The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching.
- 06:47
- Therefore self -avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates. Ordained as ministers or appointed to serve in the
- 06:55
- United Methodist Church. Different plans were made on how to deal with this wording. And also how to deal with a potential breakup in the church.
- 07:01
- Seeing that everyone knew that this would be a contentious issue. Something very interesting that happened recently.
- 07:07
- Was when the radically progressive Christian Brandon Robertson. Was stopped from preaching a pro -LGBTQ sermon.
- 07:15
- By lightning and a power outage. Maybe the future of the church and of our world. Is truly in the hands of what
- 07:22
- Martin Luther King Jr. called the creatively maladjusted. Maybe minorities, sexual and gender minorities.
- 07:29
- Have something to teach the church about dying to self. About new life. About. About preaching.
- 07:45
- That was unnecessary God. That is not a sign of God's judgment.
- 07:51
- Okay. Did you catch the man who said. That was unnecessary God.
- 07:57
- And Brandon replying with. That is not a sign of God's judgment. Well whatever the exact meaning of the lightning and power outage.
- 08:05
- We know for certain. That God will certainly judge Brandon. For his heretical teachings.
- 08:11
- Unless he repents of his sin. We know that there is something very wrong. With many supposedly
- 08:16
- Christians in America. When unrepentant celebrities. Such as Nicki Minaj. Taylor Swift.
- 08:23
- And Kristen Chenoweth. Proudly talk about their faith and Christianity. Yet also proudly support sexual immorality.
- 08:31
- Abortion. And the LGBTQ movement. I think just like. Like my pastor and be like.
- 08:43
- Can you just pray with me. And I can't see another commercial. And see her. Disguising these policies behind the words.
- 08:53
- Tennessee Christian values. Those aren't Tennessee Christian values. I live in Tennessee.
- 08:58
- I am Christian. That's not what we stand for. Make no mistake. I am a Christian. I believe in God. And.
- 09:05
- I don't believe he makes mistakes. So I believe that being gay is not a sin. And in fact it's how you're made.
- 09:12
- Of course. It is absolutely shameful. For professing Christians to support and celebrate.
- 09:18
- Behavior that the Bible clearly teaches. Is sin. But there is another group of Christian pastors.
- 09:24
- Who. While they do not openly support. And celebrate the LGBTQ agenda. They basically refuse to condemn
- 09:32
- LGBTQ behavior. As sin. That must be repented of. And they sound apologetic.
- 09:39
- And ashamed. Whenever they are asked about it. Here's Pastor Mike Todd. Of Transformation Church.
- 09:46
- Communicating that he wishes God revealed something different. In the Bible. God decided.
- 09:54
- Male and female. No, no, no.
- 10:00
- I'm not. This is not a bad. I need y 'all to hear my heart on this. This is not a bashing.
- 10:06
- This is not. He. If I was there. Maybe I would have told him. Is there something in the middle you could do?
- 10:12
- Like kind of a like a little maybe. If somebody. While I was born like this.
- 10:17
- I don't know how I feel. I feel you. And I wish.
- 10:23
- That there was an option. Of other in the kingdom. And here's
- 10:28
- Mike Todd. Refusing to take a stance. Concerning gay marriage. As well as refusing to call people.
- 10:34
- Within the LGBTQ community. To repent of sin. No, I'm serious.
- 10:40
- As a pastor. What do you think about gay marriage? I don't know. Why he decided to do it like this.
- 10:52
- I don't know why you're wrestling like that. And I don't know what to do to help you. But to stand with you. And pray with you.
- 11:00
- And not. And you're welcome at Transformation Church. Trans is in the title.
- 11:07
- Transformation. You can be here. Oh God. And here's Joel Osteen. Saying that he tries to avoid talking about LGBTQ issues.
- 11:16
- And that there are good Bible believing Christians. On both sides of the fence. Well, you know.
- 11:22
- I think I have an important voice. But I'm very. I think I've been good. I think part of my. If you want to call it success.
- 11:28
- Is I've stayed in my lane. And my lane is lifting people's spirits. And there are issues that good
- 11:34
- Bible believing people. See on both sides of the fence. The problem with what Joel is saying here.
- 11:39
- Is that the Bible is more than clear. About this issue. And it is extremely unloving.
- 11:44
- To not call people who are clearly in sin. And who need to repent. That maybe they can choose not to repent.
- 11:52
- And still be saved and right with God. So don't let anybody tell you. That it's not loving.
- 11:58
- If you stand flat footed. And speak the truth about this issue of homosexuality. What's not loving.
- 12:05
- Is to look someone in the eye. When God says they are in jeopardy of an eternity in hell.
- 12:11
- And merely wink and nod at their sin. Because you're afraid of being called names.
- 12:18
- Speak the truth saints. In fact. Pastors like Joel Osteen and Rick Warren.
- 12:23
- Do the exact opposite. When they communicate on national television. That members within the
- 12:29
- LGBTQ community. Can be saved by simply believing in Jesus. Without mentioning at all.
- 12:36
- Jesus called for people to repent of sin. Will a gay person be accepted into heaven?
- 12:41
- As you see it. Well I believe they will. Are gay people going to hell? No. Not because they're gay.
- 12:47
- Everybody. We go to hell because we choose to reject the grace of God. The only way you can go to hell.
- 12:53
- If a gay person accepts Christ. Jesus Christ. Okay. He's going to heaven. Okay. Without a doubt.
- 12:59
- Okay. Fair enough. And trust me. I've talked to enough LGBT. They are not all the same.
- 13:05
- Oh for sure. No. No. But how do we. First of all.
- 13:10
- Has your thinking evolved on this? Evolved and evolving. Evolved and evolving. Thank you so much for watching.
- 13:16
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