Christians Being Motivated by Fear

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Well, happy Saturday We made it Yeah, it's good.
It's good. So I've been thinking about yesterday's video for a few hours now especially that part about fear if you remember the progressive woman who was talking about how
Christians, you know live in white Christians live in fear and What she was talking about was just sort of like, you know,
I hope they don't even have the Christian position on guns I mean a lot of them own guns. A lot of them are against an open immigration with no restrictions
I mean, how could you be against such things and the idea being that those are things that you do in response to fear?
Like you're stewing in fear and living in fear, you know, and she kind of tipped her hat like yeah some things should you know, you should be afraid of some things, but you just can't live in fear and You know, she probably had in mind, you know conspiracy theories and prepping and stuff like that and in the video yesterday
I said, you know, don't don't pay attention to progressives when they say this because this is just something that they say to basically, you know
Nullify all of your biblical beliefs, you know, there's a biblical position on guns But she doesn't like it.
So she's gonna say well you're living in fear perfect Love drives out fear and that's a Bible verse, right? But obviously, you know, we don't listen to progressives when they quote
Bible verses because they don't even understand their right hand from their left I mean, you know They read where it says, you know
I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man and somehow it translates in their brain
Oh great. Let's have some women pastors and professors and stuff. So Anyway, so obviously
I don't pay any attention when progressives say stuff like that But you know, this is something that thing about fear though a lot of conservatives bring that charge and I'm talking real conservatives
Not Russell Moore or that other dude with the French that guy I'm not talking about fake conservatives
I'm talking about real conservatives. They they'll often use this kind of rhetoric as well So I think it's worth paying attention to and I've been thinking through it
So help me think through this as well because here's what I here's what I'm kind of coming to right so Fear is a good motivator actually
In fact, it says in the scripture the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge
So we should fear we should respect we should honor God enough to do what he says in every circumstance, right?
That's the beginning of knowledge fearing the Lord, right? So being motivated by fear is not necessarily a bad thing when it becomes bad is when you're motivated by fear and what and in response to that you
Start doing immoral things because you're so scared that all of a sudden Immorality is sort of justified in your mind.
Let me give you an example So you should be afraid to starve, right? You should be afraid that your family will starve and things like that and that fear should motivate you to work, right?
like you should you should get to work on Monday and you should you know, Give it your all and and and seek to improve and and seek to make yourself indispensable These are things that it's okay that the fear to starve
Motivates you to do that because all of that falls right in line with scripture, right? We're we're required as men
We're required by God to provide for our families right to provide for ourselves to love our wives and protect them and feed them
And things like that. So so we We're we're fearing God ultimately and so yeah, we're gonna work our tails off to provide for our families and to protect them right and The same thing would happen in the example the famous example
John Piper I can't believe he gets this wrong But you know he thinks he's holier -than -christ right because he wouldn't defend his wife to the death if an intruder came in the middle of the night to Try to ravage her and to try to to try to take her or hurt her
He wouldn't defend his wife because he's holier -than -jesus because you better believe that Jesus is and does
Defend his bride, right? He defends his church and he'll do it to the death And so the reality is that that that's a
Christian man who defends his family with a weapon Yeah, there is a certain fear there
But he's not breaking God's law in order to do the things he has to do In fact by defending his family he's fearing
God and so yes The intruder comes in you're afraid and if you shoot him dead the law of God actually has stipulations for you
Regarding this you see that the trick is is the fear driving you to fear something above God in other words
Is the fear driving you to break God's law if you're afraid to feed your Of your family starving and so you go and steal right you go steal your neighbor's food
You go see like see that's when you're living in fear in a completely inappropriate way when you're breaking
God's law because you're so scared. You're so fearful and it's like if I were to be afraid
Of somebody hurting my wife. Let's just give me an example the same example that that John Piper somehow screws up If I was to be afraid of somebody hurting my wife, and so I shot dead everyone who looked at her wrong
Yeah, that's inappropriate that's living in fear you see that's breaking God's law because of your fears
We ought to fear God and therefore obey him in every circumstance no matter how what else is happening
We need to obey God in every circumstance. That's what it means. I think when it says perfect love
Drive drives away fear right perfect love. What's love? Well. It's love is an action right in fact the law of God is
The law of love so obeying God is that perfect love if you can do that perfectly which of course none of us can except For Christ, but if you can obey
God's law you're being that love drives out fear right because now when something happens
And it's it's a fearful thing my first instinct is not okay I mean, how do I how do I break
God's law in order to stop this no? No, my first instinct is I got a fear God. That's the beginning of knowledge and so That's what
I think is really happening here and by the way We actually have a good example that you could throw back in Dumas's face
I don't really know anything about Dumas, but her ilk right her kind of progressive liberal state worshiping
Christian Here's an example fear led them to shut down their churches and By the way guys most of us aren't innocent fear led us to shut down our churches
And that was an example of letting fear take over an inappropriate fear and not fearing
God enough because here's the thing you either feared kovat Too much, or you feared the state too much because in both circumstances you say
I feared kovat More than I fear God when you shut down your church because God told you to assemble
God told you to meet with the Saints God told you to encourage the Saints and to lay hands on the sick and all that Kind of thing and you said nah.
It's too dangerous. It's too dangerous kovat scared You feared you feared kovat more than God or some of you didn't fear kovat more than God rather you feared
Caesar More than God Caesar said shut down your church, and you said okay, sir I you know
I'm fear you got to do what you say And it's like you see in both of those cases That's an actually a good example of letting fear take over your politics and letting for letting fear take over your actions in a completely
Inappropriate way you feared Caesar or kovat more than God many people are still doing this fearing
Caesar or kovat More than God owning a gun is not an example of that Prepping is not an example of that because what you see when you think about prepping for example
The media has done a good job of looking at showing preppers and and and presenting preppers as irresponsible, right?
Like they're taking care of prepping you know they have a fallout shelter, but their whole rest of their life is a disaster, right?
They're not taking care of their kids their house is in disrepair That's the image of preppers you get from the media right, but but preppers that I know they're prudent
They're taking care of all their responsibilities over here They're God -given responsibilities, and then they're also considering the future hey the future might not be like the past and so I got to prepare
For alternative things situations scenarios and things like that and be ready for that's actually prudence that the
Bible talks about that We talked about this yesterday a prudent man sees trouble sees evil ahead and hides himself from it protects himself from it prepares for it
The idiot sees evil ahead and doesn't do anything and says oh, I guess everything's always gonna be
Jimmy crack corn or that doesn't make Any sense zippity -doo -dah, and I'm gonna be fine, and then they pay the penalty they pay the penalty
It's prudent to prepare. It's not living in fear. That's actually fearing God So maybe you know in a way it is living in fear fearing
God because we understand that God has Guaranteed certain things and God will not put up with our insolence and our disobedience and our complete rejection of him as a country for Very long so it's guaranteed unless something were to happen
We were to repent that this things aren't gonna be peachy keen in the future as they were in the past and so I think that help me think through that I think that's kind of where I'm at It's about what the fear makes you do if the fear makes you disobey
God It's inappropriate because the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. That's who you should fear
That's who you should act for that's who you should respect not Kovat not Caesar when he says shut down your church is too dangerous to sing songs unto the
Lord Like that you have to say you know with all due respects or because Caesar is do a certain amount of respect
But with all due respect I fear God more than you you got to do what you got to do
I got to do what I got to do. I don't know help me does that make sense I'm trying to think through this kind of as I'm saying it
But I think that's really what what's what the issue is with living in fear. It's not about the fear itself
It's so it's more about what it makes you do what it drives you to do. I hope you found this video Enjoy your weekend guys.