Did God Actually Tell Her To Do THIS?

The Holy Nope iconThe Holy Nope


The Holy Nope Breakdown. This is the story of the Cartwheel Preacher. This video has well over 200,000 likes on TikTok. And it's because most of those who call themselves Christians today are biblically illiterate and spiritually ignorant.


This is an amazing testimony. The Lord tells her to do a cartwheel.
Or is it? I posted this holy nope on TikTok and people were confused as to why I noped this particular clip.
Comments like, How is this a nope? An atheist was converted because of how God showed himself to her in a specific manner.
You are just bound by religion. God might be speaking to you and you don't even hear it. And then of course the classic, my favorite,
Don't put God in a box. Now stories like this are not uncommon and they do a great job at stirring the emotions but if you stop to think about it and you hold the light of scripture up to it, it becomes unbelievable.
This is the story of the cartwheel preacher. It's only about 90 seconds. Watch this and then we'll break it down and explain why this is a nope.
What happened was she was getting dressed and the Holy Spirit told her to put on some leggings, right?
And she's like, why would I do that? I'm wearing a dress. That doesn't make sense, right?
She's like, I'm not doing that. I'm not doing that. So she started getting dressed. She's about to walk out the door. Holy Spirit tells her put on these leggings.
So she's like, okay, okay. Say no more. I'll do it. So she goes out.
She started preaching in the middle of her preaching. The Lord tells her to do a cartwheel.
Makes no sense. It makes no sense, right? But the Bible talks about how he used the foolish things, right?
To confound the wild. Right. So she said, okay, I'm going to do it. She did a cartwheel, right?
A family stood up and said, Lord, you're real.
So she was like, come on up. Like, what's going on? The man said, look,
I'm an atheist. I was atheist, but I told, I prayed to whatever
God this was. And I said, God, if you are real, the preacher is going to do a cartwheel today.
She did the cartwheel. Now he's on fire for the Lord. Bought millions of people to Christ.
And it's just the simple act of obedience, like you were saying. So I just wanted to share that. I don't know about you, but I see a lot wrong with this testimony.
First of all, what we have to understand is that the Holy Spirit speaks to us in the word of God.
And contrary to what you may have heard or to what many Christians have been taught, the Holy Spirit is not telling you which specific outfits to wear when you open up your closet doors.
The Holy Spirit instructs women to dress modestly. 1 Timothy 2 9 -10
The word of God says this. Women should adorn themselves with proper clothing modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works as is proper for women, making a claim to godliness.
We must take what the Holy Spirit has said in God's word and submit to that as the authoritative revelation by which we are informed about how to dress.
And that applies to every area of life. Now, there are two avenues of interpretation for this story. The claim is either that the
Holy Spirit told her to put on leggings under her dress in light of the cartwheel to come so that when she does it, she doesn't expose herself, or to put on leggings instead of the dress.
It's not absolutely clear from this guy's telling of it, but for the benefit of the doubt, we'll go with the first option.
Leggings under the dress, nothing immodest about that until she does a cartwheel. But it doesn't change the fact that the
Holy Spirit does not speak to people in this way. If anyone is speaking to you and starts with,
God told me, they better have a chapter and verse following that up, and if they don't, you are not bound by what they say.
When people either don't know or are not satisfied with the scripture, they will easily believe that their inner monologue is the
Holy Spirit speaking to them. The Holy Spirit is not your inner monologue.
So she goes out, she starts preaching. So what's interesting about that passage in 1
Timothy 2 we just read about women dressing modestly is that the very next verses say this,
A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness, but I do not allow a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man but to remain quiet.
So now we have a contradiction. This man says that she said that the Holy Spirit said not only that she should put on leggings, but that she should preach in them, while the
Bible says that women should not preach. Who should we believe? It's common for people to object and say she can preach as long as she doesn't do it authoritatively, or if she does so, under the authority of another male pastor.
But what we must understand is that scripture cannot be preached or taught in a non -authoritative manner.
It is by nature authoritative. Rick Warren recently said that not ordaining women to preach is the biggest regret of his 53 year long ministry, and that by itself deserves to be on the holy note.
Scott Daniels says this in response, Some may argue that the passage only prohibits authoritative preaching, and therefore preaching under the authority of her pastors is permissible.
But this argument fails both grammatically and logically. Grammatically, the or in this verse indicates that these are two separate activities that are prohibited, and logically, the preaching of God's word is always, by definition, authoritative.
So if there's any truth to this story, it's that this woman preaching is in sin. So she goes out, she starts preaching.
In the middle of her preaching, the Lord tells her to do a cartwheel.
Makes no sense. It makes no sense, right? The Bible talks about how he used the foolish things, right?
So she said, okay, I'm going to do it. She did a cartwheel, right?
She stops preaching and does a cartwheel. The verse he references is 1 Corinthians 1, verse 27.
It says, But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame or confound the wise.
Is this verse talking about cartwheels? Well, in verse 26, the Apostle Paul has begun a direct address to his audience saying,
For consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, that is, among you, the church at Corinth.
The Christians Paul is writing to are not necessarily from high class or high learning, and yet God has chosen the foolish things to put the wise to shame.
So it's these weak, even uneducated individuals by whom the Lord confounds the wise and all their worldly wisdom puts them to shame or even calls them to salvation.
But does the Lord use these individuals by telling them to do cartwheels? Is that the foolishness that the passage is speaking of?
No, of course not. Verse 18, For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
God uses regular people to confound the wise men of the world with the foolish gospel.
It's the word of the cross, not cartwheels or somersaults or jumping jacks for that matter. But listen to the clip.
What is being reported as the catalyst for this atheist supposed conversion?
She did a cartwheel, right? A family stood up and said,
Lord, you're real. So she was like, come on up.
Like, what's going on? The man said, look, I'm an atheist.
I was atheist. But I told, I prayed to whatever God this was.
And I said, God, if you are real, the preacher is going to do a cartwheel today.
And she did the cartwheel. What's missing from the atheist testimony? How about knowledge of who
God is, or conviction of sin, or recognition of Christ as the eternal son of God come in the flesh, or understanding of his life as meritorious and his death as sacrificial, and his resurrection as the securing of justification for those who believe?
No, that's not what made him believe. It was the cartwheel. And that's why we have to ask, what exactly is he believing?
That there is a God? That doesn't make you a Christian. Everyone knows there is a God, especially atheists.
Now he's on fire for the Lord, brought millions of people to Christ. Well, where are they?
Where are these millions of people this one man has brought to Christ? That's my question. But also, how could you possibly know that?
The only way a statement like that can be asserted is with a fundamental misunderstanding of the biblical doctrine of conversion.
This means that assuming this story has some truth to it, this former atheist has had millions of people repeat a prayer after him or raise a hand, and these decisions have happened in a context in which they can be counted and reported.
And so he's employed a pragmatic, unbiblical method of so -called evangelism at best.
And so that statement, therefore, is presumptive and speculative and ignorant. This testimony is silly nonsense, but this video has well over 200 ,000 likes on TikTok, and it's because most of those who call themselves
Christians today are biblically illiterate and spiritually ignorant. And all of that is why this clip deserves the holy nope.