Jesse Duplantis’ Prosperity Gospel EXPOSED!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about a sermon from Jesse Duplantis. Now Jesse is a charismatic prosperity gospel teacher from New Orleans.
His teaching ministry is called Jesse Duplantis Ministries, whose website claims that they are quote, reaching people, changing lives, one soul at a time.
And that sounds great and biblical and sweet, the only problem is that they're not actually doing it. You see,
Jesse's ministry is so focused on materialism, money, and success, it's hard to remember when or even if he mentions
Jesus. The fact is, Jesse has twisted the Bible in order to get rich, that's the long and short of it.
And one primary example of that is the sermon clip you're about to see. This clip was taken from a sermon entitled,
Desires, Treasures in Waiting, which has amassed over 80 ,000 views on YouTube. Watch this.
Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, would you please underline the word desire?
Do that. What things soever ye desire, watch this, when you pray, believe that you receive them.
Didn't say when you get it, didn't say when you need it, didn't say when you receive it.
It said when you pray, believe that you receive them. And you shall, it didn't say you might, it didn't say if it'd be his will, like the church world or religious world says, he said you shall have them.
Now the church world, look at me for a minute, the church world says, well those are spiritual things. No, you just limited,
God limited yourself. I'm going to deal with that in a few minutes. It can be spiritual, it can be physical, it can be financial.
The reason why I know that to be true, because God recorded spiritual, physical, and financial things in his scripture.
So there you have it. Jesse Duplantis just butchered that passage from the gospel of Mark right in front of your eyes.
And in this video, we're going to offer a biblical critique and show you how he did it. But in order to do that, we need to watch the first part once again, check this out.
Believe that you receive them. And you shall, it didn't say you might, it didn't say if it'd be his will, like the church world or religious world says.
He said, you shall have them. So first here, he quotes Mark 11, 24, in which
Jesus says, quote, therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.
And Jesse follows this up by emphasizing that quote, it doesn't say if it'd be his will, like the religious world says.
And this is unbiblical for several reasons. First off, this is an argument from silence. Just because this particular section of Scripture doesn't say if it'd be
God's will, that does not mean that saying if it'd be God's will is inherently unbiblical. And secondly,
Jesse Duplantis' statement here contradicts what the Bible teaches elsewhere about the will of God and prayer in the
Christian life. For example, in the Lord's prayer offered by Jesus himself, it says in Matthew 6, 9 through 10, quote, pray then like this, our
Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
You see, Jesus is the same man who spoke the words of Mark 11, 24. And he also tells us to pray that God's will would be done.
Additionally, 1 John 5, 14 says, quote, this is the confidence that we have toward him that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
So here, John tells us to pray in a way that acknowledges and submits to God's will. If we ask for anything in the world, he hears us, provided that we ask according to his will.
So how do we understand these things? Well, we must first understand that when Jesus says we can receive anything we desire if we believe that we have received it, he's speaking within a particular worldview.
Jesus does not contradict Scripture because God cannot contradict himself. So Mark 11, 24 is not an excuse to pray without considering God's will.
And we shouldn't take it that way. Instead, it is further instruction on how to pray in addition to what
Jesus has already said regarding God's will. And it's worth noting that Jesus blatantly contradicts the message of Jesse Duplantis while praying to the
Father himself in the Garden of Gethsemane. In Luke 22, 42, Jesus says this, quote,
Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done.
Again, this is the very same person who spoke the words of Mark 11, 24, the words which
Jesse Duplantis is using to support his prosperity gospel nonsense. The fact is, we should pray according to the will of God.
And the fact that Jesse tells you to do otherwise is nothing short of false teaching. So with that, let's watch the next part of the clip once again.
Watch this. Like the church world, the religious world says, he said, you shall have them.
Now, the church world, look at me for a minute, the church world says, well, those are spiritual things. No, you're just limited.
God limited yourself. I'm going to deal with that in a few minutes. It can be spiritual. It can be physical.
It can be financial. The reason why I know that to be true, because God recorded spiritual, physical, and financial things in his scripture.
So here, Jesse responds to a particular controversy that has arisen in reaction to the prosperity gospel that he preaches.
Many Christians have suggested that Mark 11, 24 does not primarily or fundamentally refer to asking
God for physical things, like a nice car or an expensive house, but rather to spiritual things like sanctification, faith, wisdom, patience, etc.
Jesse Duplantis says that when you say this, you are, quote, limiting God and limiting yourself.
He goes on explaining that, quote, it could be physical, it could be financial. The reason why I know that is because God recorded physical and financial things in his word.
This is yet another extremely weak argument. God talks about money and material blessing in his word, he says.
Therefore, if I ask for infinite amounts of money and material blessing, God has to give it to me, because Mark 11, 24 says so.
That's his argument. But the actual passage itself makes no argument in favor of this, none at all.
And there's another obvious problem here. You see, even a prosperity teacher, even the most passionate among them, would have to admit that the whatever -you -ask -for here that Jesus is referring to is limited, at least in some way.
For instance, I cannot ask in prayer for God to commit a sin and be granted that request, because James 1, 13 says, quote,
God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. For another example,
I cannot ask God to make me into a god. Why? Well, because in Isaiah 44, verse 6, the
Lord says, quote, besides me there is no God. So again, we run into the same issue.
Even the most committed and passionate prosperity teacher would have to admit that Mark 11, 24 does not literally mean that you can ask for anything in the world and receive it.
Even they would have to admit, if they're honest, that some requests cannot be granted because they violate
God's will. So if that is true, then why does Jesse Duplantis tell his audience these things?
Why does he say that they can literally ask for anything they want, with no parameters, even materially and financially, and they're going to receive it?
In fact, they definitely will. Well, the answer to that is simple. It's because it gets him more money.
That's really what it all comes down to. This is one of the defining characteristics of prosperity gospel preachers.
You can get whatever you want, they say, as long as you have enough faith. You can receive anything in the world, as long as you are perfectly sincere.
And there are no limits to how this applies to your health, wealth, and success. And many people will hear this, and it will appeal to them greatly.
I mean, who doesn't want more money? And then they believe it. And inevitably, the first question they'll ask is this.
How do I know that I'm truly sincere, then? How do I know, how can I confirm that I have truly believed that I will receive these things to the degree that I actually get them?
And the ever -so -convenient answer is that a great initial test of your sincerity is,
I don't know, donating to the ministry of Jesse Duplantis. What a coincidence. You see, according to him and many other charlatans, this is sowing a seed which will grow and increase into an even greater financial reward for you in the future.
And it is using this method of deception that they have swindled thousands of people, many of whom are desperate and confused, into giving them millions of dollars.
Many vulnerable and misled people shell out their limited resources as Jesse Duplantis and his friends get rich.
This demonstrates something that has always been true. The only people who the Prosperity Gospel truly works for consistently are the charlatans who teach it.
This is the danger of the Prosperity Gospel, and it needs to be utterly exposed. So stay away from Jesse Duplantis and teachers like him.
Certainly don't give them your money. Lovingly mark and avoid them as false teachers who are not doctrinally sound.
I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
And let's pray for Jesse, that he would stop this false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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