Response to Darrell Harrison - Just Thinking

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All right, all right. Let's get started today. I hope you're having a good is it
Thursday? man, I Don't know man lately the days have just been blending together, and I just don't even know what day it is
I think it's Thursday. Let's I'm hoping it's Thursday. I'll tell you that much But I wanted to do a quick video today.
You know yesterday Daryl B Harrison of the just thinking podcast he posted something about the election
Previously so the thing about abortion with Ohio, and you know now it's a part of their you know state constitution that you know
The ability to kill your baby is a human right or some something to that effect Anyway, so in response to that he posted something and I actually did a short like you know minute and a half two minute video
About it on Twitter if you don't follow me on Twitter follow me on Twitter I do a lot of these little short videos
But I thought I'd expand here on YouTube because I think this is important enough to do a little bit more on so Daryl B.
Harrison says says this Again, this is about the election on Tuesday He says the fight as some have termed it after yesterday's election
Isn't political. I hope y 'all y 'all are starting to realize that now that's what he said and Now There's there's part of me that I appreciate what
Daryl is doing here Because Daryl is very big on of course the spiritual realities of our problems
And these are without a doubt there You know what I mean like you have to really it's really difficult
And it's really not fun to put yourself in the mindset of someone who is so seared conscience wise
The spiritual condition required to celebrate you know the enshrinement of baby killing into a constitution
That that's a very dark place spiritually some of us have been in that place in fact well in some degree all of us have
Been in a place like that so we can sort of identify But as you're kind of changed by Jesus you're changed by Christ over time
It gets harder to kind of put yourself into that mindset, and it's no fun
It's not a pleasant mindset to be in and so Daryl's 100 % correct. You know the problem is spiritual you know fundamentally
But the thing is what he doesn't say is that the fight isn't merely political
He just says it isn't political and so while I appreciate the sentiment to some degree if I autocorrect it
And I add the word merely there The way he's written it and quite frankly a lot of Daryl's you know takes on politics do this it almost disregards the actual nature of the fight because yes, it's spiritual, but it's also
Very deeply political and in the video I kind of said this would be like if the if the people of Israel you know they've they've been told by God to go and slaughter the
Canaanites because they're just so wicked and God says you're gonna cleanse the the land of the
Canaanites and the Israelites. You know think to themselves, but God This is a spiritual problem.
It's not a it's not a physical problem I mean they would never have even thought to say that because they would understand that while yes the
Canaanites have an evil demon God that they worship Deeply spiritual problem. There's also the physical realities of their perversions
You know at being acted out in real time and so God prescribes the Israelites the the the the
Task to go and cleanse the land right and so they're gonna do that and they're gonna go and they're gonna slay
Everyone down to the last man. That's what God tells them to do So it's a physical fight.
It's an actual fight. It's a war They're half they're gonna have steel and they're gonna be you know stabbing and all this kind of stuff
But it's also a spiritual war as well. So we can't deny One of those aspects.
It's both it's both And So Daryl's Harrison's thing here.
It definitely Misses that you know, the political fight actually does matter
God cares very deeply about our laws and our just laws and The the political fight the political war that's at them in play here
Of course, we can't disconnect it from spiritual spirituality But we also have to recognize that it is deeply political as well
And this comes through very clearly in the Great Commission as well Because the Great Commission, of course is about saving souls, you know
We baptize them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit their souls are saved But we also can't forget the second half of the
Great Commission, which is something we talked about on this channel all the time Go therefore baptize, you know
Baptize all nations in the name of the Father Son the Holy Spirit Teaching them to observe everything
I commanded So there's there's actually you know stuff that they do now because they've been taught to do what
Christ commanded and those unjust laws Are part of that whole thing and so just laws Which Stephen Wolf here says is the product of politics that is good
Whether people want it want to agree with it or not whether people want to do it or not whether in their heart
They're really say this is the thing like if we desire murder in our hearts We really that's what we deeply desire
The fact that we outlaw murder is good whether you desire murder or not Whether you want to murder or not
The whole point of the law and the whole the way it's presented It assumes that there are some people that no matter what the laws say they're gonna do whatever the heck they want
And so we've been prescribed certain punishments right in the Old Testament We've got we've got restitution if you steal you make restitution and then we've got execution, you know
That's another penalty that we can prescribe. You know, if you murder you get executed you rape you get executed
You know things like that These are all the law itself assumes some people are just not gonna have the hearts inclined to do it
And so the law itself is is good And so that's that's one aspect of it
But then Daryl Harrison responds to Stephen Wolf He says what good is just law apart from hearts that are inclined to obey these laws
We talked a little bit about that just now, but but here's the other thing that I think Daryl and guys like Daryl Often forget about the nature of law itself
So so like on the one hand, you know, yeah, I mean obviously the law that good laws is better than bad law
So we want to punish evil doers. That's part of what God set up the government for the government is a servant of God That's what it says in Romans 13 a servant of God Executing God's vengeance on the evil doer and so okay
There's gonna be people that our hearts are not inclined to obey God But if we have good law, we know how to deal with those people, right?
It's a spiritual matter but it's also a Matter in the material realm in the here and now in the physical
God cares about what we're doing right now the physical the material World he's got a lot to say about that But then the other part of this is the fact that the law is a teacher the law teaches what's legal and what's
Allowable and what's illegal and what's disallowed tells the people something about how they should be behaving
How and it actually affects how people behave, you know when there's a law against murder
People know and and and in general don't murder. In fact murder. That's like the worst thing
Most people can imagine, you know what I mean? And then when things are made legal
People start to act in kind because they because they recognize that the and even if they don't recognize it deep down they do
They recognize that God's Delegated his authority his vengeance with the civil governing authority
And so they fear the civil governing authority And so if they're gonna go and they're gonna do some crimes, whatever the case may be
They're gonna hide it from the civil governing authority. They're not gonna do it openly They're not gonna boast about it. At least normal people won't most people won't
They fear the deacon of God whether they acknowledge the God that made him deacon or not and they understand and the law
Itself teaches people how to behave it teaches them You know what the right thing to do is and what they should be doing what that civil government
Governing authority should be doing. This is why I'm a Christian nationalist It should be teaching them to observe everything
Christ commanded. That's what the Commission says So the civil governing authority is a deacon of God a servant of God executing
God's vengeance on the evildoer That's what the Bible says. It says I will repay says the Lord vengeance is mine says the
Lord by the way The civil governing authority is my Avenger. It literally says that in the scripture.
It's the Avenger of God So people recognize that it's so what what what that what the civil governing authority
Makes legal versus illegal has a teaching effect on the people that is one way not the only way but it's one major way
To make disciples of all nations baptize them in the Father name the Son of the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe
Everything Christ commanded that's the teaching part. The law is part of the teaching part of that Commission It's a major part of it.
This is this is natural People behave according to how they're taught and The law is a teacher.
And so we should be teaching a law That is what Christ commanded that is based and fun is the foundations of what
Christ commanded That's why Christendom is the goal because we want to have a civil governing authority.
That is Self -consciously the Avenger of God because that's what they are whether they're conscious of it or not
But we'd rather than be self -conscious about it and and making law that teaches. What does it teach?
Everything that Christ commanded So here's the thing
We all kind of know this already that the law Teaches here's a little meme that I always find hilarious.
It comes out every June There's a few variations of it there's one that's you know,
Disney's doing this now but it has This black guy who's like right in the in the in the ear of another black guy and he's got that face on He's like I said we gay today, you know what
I mean every company during Pride Month is we know we're gay now We're gay. You know what I mean?
And it's very easy to see that that everything in the law is it no no, we're doing the gay thing now
That's what the civil governing authority is saying. And so what do the people do they respond in kind, you know the
Obergefell decision and and various kinds of you know executive things and the various the various Various government entities that they just decided that now we're preaching that that gay is good
Being gay is actually good. That's what we're gonna preach now Will the people respond in kind and now people that would have hidden the fact that they were gay because they understand that the law
Is a teacher Now they don't hide it anymore now they're proud of it now we've got
Pride Month now we've got pride parades now We've got you know Disney's is gay and everything's gay and you know, the company's just celebrated and so the people respond in kind and so people are now their degeneracy is out there for everyone to see and people don't let in a lot of normal people don't like what they see because they understand
That we're not gay now We're not but the law itself has taught people that this is not something to be ashamed of This is not something to keep to yourself.
This is not this is something to be loud about to spread This is a gospel that you should spread that people should just be themselves and you know
Love is love and all these kinds of things. The law has taught us that and it's and it's evil
It's an evil law that has taught us that but the law has taught us that and so when when they make you know the sexual orientation, you know a protected class and in all of these things in every movie every institution celebrating homosexuality and and gives you this rosy picture of Homosexuality when it's really not just it's all fantasy, but but but they give you this
The people respond in kind The people respond in kind they they've they've learned from the teacher
They've learned from the law that should be and we all understand even though they're not they're not crap all that they should be
We fundamentally know that the civil governing authority is supposed to be a deacon of God a
D They are a deacon of God. We know that they still are Joe Biden That's his role.
He's he's a servant of God But he's acting evil He's decided to invert that and so we we've got this like mixed signal where we've got this civil governing authority that that should be the
Avenger of God executing Vengeance on the evildoer promoting what is good instead. They're executing vengeance on what is good and promoting what is evil
So we've got this perverted inversion that confuses a lot of people and if you don't have your head on straight
If you're not grounded in the Word of God at a good church with people Encouraging you and and all of this kind of stuff this world will chew you up and spit you out by that confusion by that inversion and So we see people, you know, you know, they were solid yesterday and they gay today, you know, you know what
I mean? the law has taught us and So if an evil government can use evil law to teach
Absolutely, we understand that a good government a Christian government can use
Christian law to teach good law Just law is worth fighting for In and of itself because it honors
Christ But also because it teaches the people we can have laws that teach the people that it's good to be a
Christian That it's good to do Christian things that we should set apart time for For the worship service on Sunday, we should set apart
Time for people to be Christians and we should privilege Christians We can use the law to teach that now the law can't it doesn't have the keys to the kingdom
We understand that we understand that but when we don't make that We don't make that that mistake where all of a sudden another laws that the civil government authority is saving people
No, no, no. No that that's not what they do But the law itself can be Christian and The law itself can can advantage
Christian worship So the law and the civil governing authority and the church should be working different roles different missions
But they should both be working for Christ This is the civil governing authority should wield the sword for Christ Because that's their role whether they want to admit it or not.
That's their role That's what the Bible says that when Paul wrote that in Romans 13 Caesar was in charge
And to some degree every government still does this to some degree. I mean our government still punishes most murderers
Not the way they should and not as many as they should but they still do it And so sure this the civil governing authority is an avenger of God in many ways
And so it's not a complete wash is why anarchy is no is no good But But This fight this political fight for just law as Stephen Wolfe says it matters to God It's not that it's all it doesn't matter because our problems are spiritual our problems are spiritual and that's why it matters
That's that's the ironic part it's like no that's why it matters because our problems are spiritual and And so a just law would help would serve the end of those spiritual problems
It would serve the goals that we all have in church when we're when we're evangelizing the nations and we're preaching the gospel and we're converting
People to Christ and we're baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son of the Holy Spirit Then we're teaching them to observe everything
Christ commands. You should get a lot of instruction at church But the civil governing authority should be instructing you as well it should be teaching should be using their sword
To be an avenger of God Executing vengeance on the evildoer and promoting what is good
That's their role and they better be doing it as Christians because if they're not doing it as Christians And they're promoting some other kind of good versus evil or other kind of law
They're confusing people and they're they're they're they're they're a huge vehicle our civil governing authority is a huge vehicle for promoting the eternal destruction of souls
Our civil governing authority with that with all this gay stuff, and there's many other examples.
I mean the abortion example. He's so many examples When they say when we gay today we take today.
I can't even say it like that They're they're shepherding people to hell with how they teach and how they use their sword where they're supposed to be a deacon of God They're ending up pushing people into hell more and more every day.
It does not have to be that way It doesn't have to be that way the civil governing authority
Can be used to promote a good law and punish actual Evildoers and promote what's actually good and it's not taking the keys of the kingdom
But it's actually shepherding people to the church pushing people to the church so they can be shepherded
I should say By pastors and by elders who actually do have the keys of the kingdom
This we can work this in tandem, this is not about forced conversions This is about just laws that do what all laws do
And that is to teach people. I hope you found this video helpful. I hope you found it encouraging.