Mass shootings and open Q&A | Apologetics Live 0007 | CARM | Striving for Eternity


Women in ministry were the opening topic:  Some very helpful references to learn more about Women in Ministry is on the CARM website: The chat moved toward “TAG”:  Study the "The Transcendental Argument for the existence of God” at A review of the frequent topic of Free Will was discussed. There was a great deal of chat in regards to Monotheism and verses of Scripture which may need to be examined carefully. The conversation naturally progressed to the understanding of the claim of Deity as made by Jesus and the rejection of the claim by some at the time. A chat participant who would not come on the microphone and who identified themselves as “Most Holy Family Monastery” failed to take up the various and repeated invitations to participate in audio. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community: Support Striving for Eternity at Support Matt Slick at Check out all of the great apologetic resources at Please review us on iTunes Give us your feedback, email us [email protected] Like us on Facebook at Join the conversation in our Facebook group at Watch subscribe to us on YouTube at Support us financially at Get the book What Do They Believe at Get the book What Do We Believe at Get Matt Slick’s books


You want me to announce it or you want to go? Well, well, how about if I give it a shot?
Hey everybody it is November 11 or November 8th 2018 we're listening to apologetics live.
This is the seventh one. I guess apologetics live 007 so that's good.
We get a lot more going and Welcome. So if you got questions, you got comments you want to talk about something give us a you know jump in the room here and also
I'm going to put the link up for the I'm gonna do it myself the
Video Then I can watch it and see if anybody is is texting and various whatever we talk about commenting.
Yeah So how you been man? Not too bad. Yeah, just been busy
Plugging away with work and all that but I just had today off and yesterday off.
So I just Kind of chilling out relaxing Good Yeah, but looking forward to tonight and like I said,
I already gave the link over to The Roman Catholic page.
I don't know if other people gonna show up, but we'll see we do have right now
Tanya On right now with us. She's muted, but I did
Tanya or Tanya. Well, it's it's to in Hey, oh, she's gone.
Yes left. Oh Somebody did not like that.
But anyway, so I'm going through the apologize life Facebook group page where all the questions are at and There is one question from Nancy Jackson that that did call
I did right She says okay folks. Here's my question. Women are not to serve as pastors or elders and And to teach men in church and the husband as spiritual authority over the wife then
What are women allowed to do everything? Besides teach other women and children.
How does this affect teaching the lost including men about salvation? well, they can make sandwiches for the guys and Yeah, I Love doing that I guess myself.
Yeah, I know. No, I just say it's trouble taking myself a whole No, they could do anything and everything in the church except for being teaching authority over men, that's what it is
There's lots of things in the church that people do men as well there's Music there's janitorial.
There's cooking. There's cleaning their setup. There's takedown. There's visitations there's a
Helping out with deaconate kind of thing in that giving out canned foods There's all kinds of stuff that can be done for just teaching authority.
Exactly in my church, you know, we have female deacons, you know deaconesses
Which I I don't have a problem with at all. I think that that'd be fine. They can serve in that manner I usually just narrow it down to the point where it's like I Feel like women
Within the church, it should not be able to teach behind the pulpit. That's for sure Yeah, I know there's also yeah, so I mean that when you narrow it down that way it kind of opens up More opportunities,
I think for women to see and seek but you know women can still preach the gospel They can still teach and you know, they can still
Be in classrooms and and be able to share their you know their knowledge It's just yeah
Back in seminary. We had a week I mentioned survey now and then we had a week where it was open. All the classes were opened up to the public and I supposed to go get this one woman who's gonna speak.
I forgot I was embarrassed but She came and they flew her in from someplace to teach a class during seminary
For on the topic of what can women do in the church? And I thought this would be great I need to go to this.
What an awesome topic. The place was packed and I was the only male in the entire class and that was a real problem, so Let's see to look doctors are grace match looks presence is weak and his speech contemptible.
Yes. He is in good company I don't know who that is No, it's a tulip
No, he said it was a tulip doctrines of grace, okay, that's slick's presence is
Weak and I don't know what he's referring to anyway, so, um okay, so yeah, and it was really it really bothered me a lot that the it was
There weren't any other men in the church and this was you know classes for people being pastors, of course you want to go there
So I think some of the guys did not like the idea of a woman teaching them I have no problem with that, you know, they can teach they have lots of stuff to teach us
They just can't be in teaching authority of men in the church and a seminary without the church That's all
So, right All right. Yeah with us tonight. We actually have
Chris Kdub Williams which he was there the other the other week when we had the vocab alone with us and Chris actually showed up along with his friend brother
Jay and after dealing with Chris and Being having
Chris around I've really taken a liking with his ministry that he's been involved with he's been doing the the black keeper is like it's in fact, he recently just had a debate
Matt with with one particular black keeper is light and Who's the
That would be Chris right here the guy who's in our Hang out where's the baited him good.
Yeah, Chris debated just one black keeper is a light guy and so the funny thing was in Chris put a highlight video of it and the guy the black keeper is light actually
Chris how did he how did he word it? He said something like The the words of Paul are inspired, but they're they're not
God -breathed. Is that what he said? I can't remember what it was. Go ahead. He was he was trying to make the argument,
I guess that Paul's Post letters are inspired but they're but they're they're lies
Essentially is what he said and so they're inspired and their lives. Yeah, that's My next question and then he proceeded to tell me, you know, that's why white people are deceiving me.
And so I was like How would he know if white people are deceiving him because he'd be deceived he wouldn't know he's being deceived
So, how would he know? Yeah, there's many questions You know based, you know, we were having a debate on justification
But you know, I was arguing we're saved by faith apart from works Romans 328, which he said is false and so yeah, so he said
Paul was a liar, but he's still a good brother and Well, actually was Paul black
That's a good question to ask because he probably would say yeah, but uh, he said Paul was a liar
Peter was a liar and Luke was a liar What do you know that they're liars, how does he know this well
Yeah, that's a good question. Well his Because of his misunderstanding of the Old Testament and so any anything new
Can't be true from you know from his perspective, you know, you can't you can't add to what has already been said.
Well, I Guess Christ's got to be a liar, too. I mean Yeah, wow
It's funny cuz he actually was saying something the fact of Paul was not an apostle Right, even though his letters all said that he was but he was he was saying you find another apostle who claimed
Paul to be an apostle and Peter said that Paul's writings were inspired exactly.
That's what that's what Chris brought. Yeah He said well, it was a silly argument and that I think
I showed how he said he didn't say it was scripture He called it a letter Yeah Well That's that's good because that's exactly what it is
So he's agreeing with the apostle Paul and Peter that it's a letter and he said it was inspired
So I would ask him what inspiration means it means it's without error. That's what it comes from God So if it's inspired, but it's lies then
God inspired lies. So he's accusing God of sin Yeah, that's I mean I did ask him, you know, how can you have inspired infallible lies?
If you admit that it's inspired and it's you know, the author is ultimately God not
Paul essentially yeah, you would be accusing God of of You know inspiring lies preserving lies.
I mean there's there's a whole bunch of can of worms that comes from that What's the just remember in inspiration that can record lies?
So, you know the Satan lied other people lied and deception so it'll record them That's different than saying
Paul the Apostle was teaching lies, which I'd like to know is like, okay So he's inspired of God to teach
Lies, right not recording a lie as in someone else said it but he said but God is now inspiring him to do this that's
Yeah, well, I would say to him this is what you got to do this apologetic technique Dude, I mean Chris you gotta do this.
You gotta say take your right hand and put it in front of your face Yeah I should have tried that one because this guy was well he since then, you know going to say that I put words in his mouth and all his
Cult followings are accusing me of actually saying I was saying Paul lied. So he has quite a bit of a cult following So much heresy so little time.
Yeah very much. Yeah much Hit Matt so while he while Chris is here.
Do you have any questions for him about? About any of the Black Hebrews light stuff or I mean
Shave man. I mean look at that Brody there. Yeah shade the night
Me too. I'm a little We have you met yet, yeah,
I was in the last weeks With the Black Hebrews light and we met when you came to Texas and debated
It was Small -e and they'll haunt a bill hunting.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I was in the audience for that. Sorry, man. I remember Memorable face, so it's all right
You know, it was traumatizing there Which which debate were you at?
I was at the Dilla hunty debate. Okay, and You think that went
I thought it went. Uh, I thought it went. I thought it went great I mean, I mean he has no argument for solipsism.
Oh to me so You don't wanna he doesn't want to go down that route, but he doesn't have any answer for it
What's it gonna do? All right, that's right Okay, there we go.
Turn my phone off to get a charge better Yeah, I haven't done any debates for a while because my wife's been not feeling well.
So She actually is certain to just this past week starting to Seem a little bit better and doing stuff.
But anyway our topic but but yeah, so maybe we'll be getting back into stuff I've got to put the house up for sale in March I'll probably get a commission for another six months to maybe even a year.
Who knows before I get back into doing debates and stuff So, I don't know whatever but where do you live?
I live in a Texas. I'm in the Dallas area No, Dallas area. Okay. I used to wish my balls when
I was a kid. Oh Yeah during 1964 man, it was a gnarly
In through there. Oh, man, it ripped things up and I remember seeing it to other bedroom window.
Thanks It's bad news It's dangerous. All right
What's that say it's dangerous over there? I just you with living in Texas Tornadoes are scary.
So Ready comment. I mean I got nothing about the BHA. Okay, okay
Yeah, you know any questions about that? I can go back to the apologetics live Facebook group and see if there's any other questions
Or a Chris if you have any questions for Matt that'd be In the chat room.
One of the guys is asked about partialism. I wanted to explain and stuff So I could talk about that really quickly
Partialism deals with the the doctrine of the Trinity or the nature of God in saying that the
Father the Son the Holy Spirit are three parts and That each one is not fully and completely divine and God but that the three in totality
By each other parts some summed up are what God is and that's a heresy
So that they it's like saying that That when they're okay
This way when each part is with the other part all other two parts then
God is complete and God is totally what he is. So partialism would negate the
Seity and indivisibility of God by saying that there's parts that come together to become
God and That you're living God. That's that's heretical bad news Okay Another question that I come across here in the apologetics live thing.
Would you object to a female? military chaplain That's a tough one, you know, you know generically speaking
If I were in the military and a female chaplain I Would probably not recognize
Ecclesiastically her position but they usually have rank of an officer and up so You have to recognize their authority in that context so it'd be a tight line to walk but I Would have problems with it and dealing with it, you know bit by bit would be interesting, right?
Yeah, you know I've served in the Navy and we never had a female chaplain that I did come across but but It's funny because some of the chaplains that I've that I've had under me
While I was in the Navy, it was pretty funny that but you know one some, you know There's one or two that I had that were just really good examples but I remember there's one guy that was a chaplain of my first ship and he was one of those kind of weird guys who
Who just like, you know? Just really didn't
Live like a chaplain. He didn't have a very good example I mean he'd hang out with the other sailors smoking cigarettes with them and you know
Swearing and all that kind of stuff. And I was like, man, what the you're a chaplain Yeah, I Thought about going into the military as a chaplain
I had my bachelor's at the time and I was thinking about doing that and entertained it for a while, but never did
But I would have I would have gone in as I think they started a lieutenant I'm not sure how it works, but which branch
But never did I knew that there'd be a lot of problems because I'm so biblically minded That the compromises were not something
I'd be able to do. So I decided not to I think that's what it was But anyway for those who can you know, they do that.
They serve their people. So that's good Yeah, I'm surprised.
No one has showed up yet. What the heck is going on around here? That's all right Yeah, well
What the heck I like myself. It should be right on apologize live .com
Actually that forwards to a page on karm Link is there the participation link is there should be there.
Yeah, I refreshed it It says yeah participant link and it's highlightable. You can click on it and okay join so surprised
Get in there bring their questions Yeah, I'll do that so as you know, you guys have heard about the shooting right in,
California I Heard something about there was a shooting down there
I just saw a headline out of it. I didn't really read the details, but Was it a school shooting or what?
Was it a bar? Wilson bar and this guy killed 12 people and well people over 300 people have
Been killed in shootings so the left is going to use this as Another reason to get rid of guns altogether.
Oh, yeah, and but what gets me is They keep asking the question and they're too stupid to know the answer
They ask the question. Why do these things happen? and they don't realize that Secularism does not provide a guard over the heart but Christianity does
They took God out of schools God out of the workplace God out of politics
God out of our entertainment God almost out of churches and It's certainly out of society and when you have godlessness there what happens is that void is filled by relativism
Immorality various sins and forms of sins and so Wicked things happen and then the what the the left does
Try and pass more laws in order to stop the problem that they themselves are contributing to And this is really a to me.
It's it's real simple what they need to do is get religion
Christianity back into our country, of course, they will never want to do that. But that's what needs to happen
Anyway, it's just I was looking at I was really engrossed with it for a little bit once that's why I was a little bit late getting in here tonight is
You know just another shooting. Oh, and of course in California and not that I'll be careful.
I would say this but You know here in Idaho you can carry guns anywhere and except for federal buildings
And so I carry everywhere I go And one of the things you don't hear about in Idaho is mass shootings
It gets really happen, I mean somebody could take you know plot shots from places there's plenty of places in Boise and things like that but you know, it's when
We know this when guns are removed from an area and bad guys have got guns. That's what's gonna happen, you know
Anyway, it's just something you know, a lot of people are thinking about it. A lot of people are dealing with it. It's it's unfortunate
You know Yeah, so some look at he says biblical Christianity says in Australia it hardly happens it was mass shootings and I Guess that's true
So what did the same thing happen here in America if all guns were confiscated I Don't believe so personally, but People do crimes and country running other guys are from marine.
I think yeah, he was yeah, he's a former Marine. I Enjoyed the discussion with Ryan on the atonement.
Oh on the radio today. Yeah Andrew Graham.
Okay. Anyway, so what do you guys want blab? Okay, so there's more questions or issues on the Facebook page.
I Am looking here and there is one here where someone Chris Hudson asked earlier a few days ago
I have a question in regards of the kind of positions in the church when I was sharing the gospel yesterday there was a guy who
I interacted with who said that he was right with God since he
He was the president of his church I'm not sure what religious group he was part of so I was wondering if Anyone in here would know
So just because you're a president of a church doesn't mean that you're you're right with God The only president
I know of a so -called churches the Mormon Church the president is the prophet Right.
Yeah, I was gonna say I've never heard of a president of a church. I know there's pastors and assistant pastors and elders and and such but yeah, yeah
Yeah, I don't know. It's whacked. It's a weird. Yeah It's a strange phrasing
Let's see, what else is there So what do you guys think of this? you know something is I'm gonna have to do something on tag here pretty soon and I was hoping that one of the atheists would come in and Discuss tag the transcendental argument for God's existence
They've been saying that it's been refuted But it has not been refuted and I keep on the atheists
It's not been refuted and I invite them and I still am inviting them to come in here and have a discussion on the issue and see if they can defend their position, but They don't do that.
It reminds me when I was down in May and a Phoenix area
Vocab Malone, I think was vocab who took me. I think it was vocab.
I don't know if he was even in the room because sir a professor who is an atheist who was
He had a weekly meeting in his house They discussed all kinds of things I had all kinds of people come in and talk and we went there and it was it was great but a great discussion
And Remember something about that with the tag came up and one of the guys was a philosopher there said tag had been refuted and I said really how and He couldn't articulate how it had been refuted because It hasn't been refuted
But I was hoping some atheists would come in and want to discuss that but I guess they're not going to Point to slow night tonight isn't it a little bit?
Yeah Yeah Yeah, I mean they've been saying that for four years now,
I mean ever since you had your conversation with Alex Malpass I don't know how long ago that was got two years ago two and a half years and You you know, there was a lot of going back and forth
There was a lot of misunderstanding and there's a lot of talking past each other during that that conversation
And so I think because of that they all think oh see Alex You know, he he schooled you and then all that kind of stuff
But I think there was a lot of miscommunication once after talking for like two hours You guys finally did
I understand what he was getting at? yeah, you finally understood what was happening and then you know, then it kind of went on from there, but But it never really went anywhere beyond that because you know, we had a in the show, right?
Um, so it's kind of frustrating that you guys didn't really get together again But ever since then though they said oh by Alex, you know, he he defeated you and all that I was like, no, he didn't there was no there wasn't any any um
Counter argument, you know, you didn't give him a chance, right or he didn't really give you a chance to counter
Right. It's uh the view the way he put it that he says man. What you're saying is this and uh
It was either god or not god. So it create is a necessary precondition for intelligibility So it's either a or not a so it's not
Uh a so therefore it's not a Uh, or no, no, it was you have a or not a uh, so just do this way g or not g god or not god and uh
So the not not god means it's god That was that was the argument.
So he says that makes it um, what's it called? He called it. Um trivial so you have You have uh, i'll go back to a because that's how it was it was a or not a
So you have two things a or not a but when it's not Not a the not a position is negated.
Therefore a is left over He says and that's just uh repeating itself. He says so that's not a valid argument
That's how he says supposedly refuted tag Seriously And the atheists say it's been refuted.
Uh really And if I remember correctly when I talked to alex asked him, um
Tags, you know said the argument still it's not been refuted. He goes. No, it hasn't The argument he did he says it was the issue of how it was worded in that sluggish form.
That's what it was If I remember I thought maybe i'm not remembering it correctly, but I remember him
I thought I remember him saying that no, it's not been refuted. I remember asking him. Let's not be refuted has it?
Uh, you know from your perspective and I think he hemmed and hawed a little bit and acknowledged that it hadn't but um so,
I don't know I I keep waiting for these guys to to approve, uh, there's that That you can have transcendental absolutes logical absolutes without god
Show me how you know and uh, no one's done it yet. So You know, you only have two options god and not god
To account for the laws of logic universal transcendent laws of logic The not god position doesn't work.
What's left over is the god position, right? That's it, you know And that's it and they say no the not not god
By default means it's god i'm going exactly That's correct. What's the problem? They say no that makes it trivial and it's it's a false whatever it is and doesn't work
How does it not work and so I could never get that out of them, you know Kato you you dealt with a lot of atheists, too
Didn't you I mean you have some videos that deal with with talking to them, don't you? Yeah, i've done uh quite a few conversations with atheists as well
It's always uh enjoyable Dealing with people dealing with dealing with someone who you know has no objective no no foundation for Any any objective thing they're gonna say or morality and yet they
Gonna tell you god doesn't exist or he's immoral. You ought to do something. Yeah, right
Might makes right Yeah, yeah Yeah Yeah, i've come across so many different atheists too that that just will not stand will take a stand on anything
They don't have any foundation. They don't want to make any claims. That's their that's their secret Is is that if they make any kind of claim then then they have to defend it?
Well, but that's that's how they get around it is they don't make any claims whatsoever
They want to make sure that you make the claim about god So it's it's rather fresh
He did that was his uh mo To never really make an assertion, but I got him to have to defend an assertion in our debate in dallas and so uh right because of the dill hunting dodge yeah, we called it the dill hunting dodge when he said, uh, um, one of our first encounters he said, uh,
There's a third option. I said, well, what is it? And he says I don't know what it is Actually technically that's right the way
I was saying things. Uh god Or the universe of the is the creator of the laws of logic
And um, he said well, it could be a third option. I go. Well, then what is it? Um, but he couldn't provide one but the logic of what he was saying,
I understand and I think there's some point in it, but um, uh, he still wouldn't provide the issue and so It's because of that conversation.
I actually said i'm gonna go to a false dichotomy Uh destructive syllogism format on this and stuff
So actually what happens is when I talk to atheists, they help me perfect my arguments even better Just like malpass has helped me think through this issue even more and um
I'm going to be writing something on it a little bit later when my brain wakes up a little I got too many things going on all the time but uh, you know that's the the great thing about apologetics is that when we force ourselves into a position where we can actually converse with other people such as atheists or muslims or mormons or What have you?
Um That's what gets us kind of hopefully our brain kind of clicking and and just and and pushes us to actually want to To do more research and be able to answer it in a more efficient and and more biblical way
Yeah, yeah, so we got in our group here we got david david showed up here, so uh, you are
Available or well, I presented you inside here. If you have any questions for matt or chris um
But from now on though you guys can start calling me. Um, j -dub, I think uh, since uh chris here, he's known as I can't do that.
I mean Since uh, chris is known as k -dub,
I thought maybe I could be uh, I could be as cool as him and I could be known as j -dub How about no hair?
No. Yeah, no heretics have claimed k -dub yet. So that's why it's all right You know, j -dub ain't a good look
David do you have anything to say or are you uh kind of in and out?
Is he muted? Yeah, he's muted even though he's should be
I don't know. I'm trying to unmute him. Oh, wait. Yeah, he's he's okay. Uh Away from the keyboard for the moment.
Okay, so he's he'll be back Uh, so Any catholics
Yeah, david david david is part of the uh, the council. He's cool. Okay Good.
How's the council thing going? you know, we uh eventually, I would like to get the uh into a podcast form
And uh to be able to actually be on the christian podcast community at some point.
Um, I just have to probably you know, talk to andrew and just kind of work out the kinks and uh
Yeah, but I mean other than that though, you know, we're still hanging out on discord a lot of the times And just discord.
I never find anybody. I stopped going Yeah, it's it's There's we've moved around So you probably won't find us
Uh in the whatever group that we were in before Yeah, I guess not. No Unfortunately, yeah, it's it's kind of been wonky over there but uh, it uh
It's working. I mean we're still Able to communicate with one another but we haven't really had a lot of discussions
So much I did join this one group that dealt with uh atheists, um
And matt yester was in there Last week and oh man, he just schooled him.
He's like he just totally just Blew him up It was great. It was really good stuff um
So what's going on matt? Oh, there's david. Hey, not a whole bunch just uh hanging out.
What's your reading lately? uh nothing i'm writing
That's not mad slick Yeah, that's uh, no i've been writing. Uh, we're doing an outline writing modifications for the second novel
That's where I do my spare time now. Okay And then I just do like a like a web kind of brainstorm deal and then
Go in after that For a novel I have to write a detailed outline with with locations
Days hours Who does what keep track of of multiple characters write personality outlines of the characters?
I would love to see your outlines. I bet they're crazy detailed they get detailed and uh
So i was working on it last night till about 10 20 because the second novel I was writing I started realizing that um
That it's getting too complicated and uh I was talking to my wife about how many characters
I have and how they have to enter interact interact And so I was telling
Sure about this at that minute I went wait a minute I had one less character in there than I did than I do in this one and so, uh
You know, it's like okay. So anyway, that's what i'm doing and a detailed outline Detailed and I got some fun stuff i'm doing too with it.
Like i'm getting the names mean things Oh cool numbers mean things and Yeah, and various stuff means things
So, uh symbols and stuff like that in there. I like that. That's kind of cool stuff Do you uh, do you like to include your eschatol eschatological views in your books like as far as novel
Okay, so All right This one the first one the influence
That was just designed the idea. I got years and years ago Um 10 15 years ago, and then
I just sat for a while. I decided to write it But it's a novel. It's the biggest warning a biggest track evangelism track you've ever seen
It's like, uh, I don't know 130 000 words And it's in a suspense novel between demons and angels and people and there's attempted murder
There's possession and there's all kinds of stuff and terror demons and prayer and war and fighting redemption and um
So I dealt with the wise Uh, you know, why is it evil in the world? Why is there to fall in the second novel?
I'm going to be dealing with the heresies in the christian church Where I have a particular
This will be for fun. I can say a little bit here, uh liberty independent evangelical seminary liberty independent evangelical seminary lies and um
I'm going to use that as a backdrop of a preacher and stuff like that out of that To teach the positive confession word of faith
Uh stuff he's going to be making claims and things like this and that's where I was stuck last night is integrating that into the manifestation of the angels the demons and some other characters i'm going to What you're going to juggle a lot of stuff when you write a novel i'll tell you
I have a two -part question if you don't mind Uh, one is is the time frame of the of the novel like present day.
No No, what what is it? Oh it is Okay. Okay. I thought you said no and secondly, what what resources do you use?
Uh to inspire you on your uh view of demonology and angelology experience and um
Scripture and then just wild imagination Okay Because I used to be involved in the occult
And so i've had experiences about what darkness is. I remember its feel
I remember it least and so um And then what i'll do is you've seen movies and stuff where they have demons sure
And so what I did in the first novels, I described them Uh, you know like translucent skin with a tear in the chest and looking into it and you see a moving smoke inside the carcass the rotting carcass of this demon
And it's you know, its jaw comes out forward and i'll describe it like that and uh the forked tongue it whips out saliva
At that's what the main guy and it It moves in an arc and it falls down through the floor and goes back down into the abyss where this creature came from describing its face how it moves and things like that and um,
Um one time I was talking in the first novel. Uh, it's my one of my favorite stories about it
There's a scene where kathy the wife of the main character Uh through a series of circumstances is terrified in her father's house
He's in the hospital and she's there and she's going to the house with a knife Uh, because she's something's wrong and there's a terror demon that had been sent to torture her, you know
And um, so a friend of mine was reading this she was She said her house alone in the dark
Sitting in a chair with a single light on and she was reading this stuff. I get really detailed, you know
Kathy the the character walks down the hall and she can't see the demon that's there
And she walks right through it and she feels the chill, you know, and it whispers into her into her ear
You know murder rape and and she's getting you know, all this stuff. And so um So, uh, my friend diane she's passed away.
She said that she was reading this particular scene Next to a bookshelf.
She's reading this totally engrossed and a book just fell Right by her.
She said she jumped out of this chair. It's basically screaming She was so into it that's what happened.
All right. So anyway, let's go into more light topics But i'm working the second novel in the same vein and i'm introducing a uh, um a black character and there's going to be an issue of prejudices from both
Uh the white and the black guy and but he's going to become a a uh hero figure
I don't know why I want to do that. But that's because of the first novel Something happened the first novel like I gotta put this in here this one
And so that's what it kind of took it. That's what people say when you write these things the characters Um, you have to argue with them.
Sometimes I I invented you shut up sit down. I'm not sitting down and uh, You have to put words in their mouth and they go no i'm not doing that and it's kind of weird, you know
Because you know how the character is now the character wouldn't say it that way You wouldn't do it that way and you kind of get a chuckle out of it because you're arguing with yourself
And so I don't know if that's healthy or not. But um So that's what happened with the second novel is the first the first uh novel had this
Issue in it Real brief and I borrowed that and that's because you know in some stuff and that's why it's it's taking me a little bit
Extra work to work at all. Okay, i'm wasting everybody's time. Sorry, I would love to play dungeons and dragons with you
I never have You'd be amazing So what kind of experiences have you had with uh, like uh angelic?
beings, um You say you derived anthropology from experience. I'm Curious on that I haven't had any that I know of Angel experiences, but I have most definitely had demonic ones.
Okay. No, but um, if you want I could describe stuff but uh, I'm on my experiences
Uh, you guys want what you want to talk about something else if you want to tell you what happened, but whatever it's up to you guys
Because it'll take five minutes. We do have rc Apologists that came in go for it
Yeah If you want to go speak sure, um, I did I did have like a question concern like Something that I don't know why this is like something that's becoming a thing
But it kind of bothered me and part of what inspired me at this point in working on a documentary about this partially um, but There was this a group that I heard about Called the red pill religion group um
And the what I gathered from it is that the way they go about And most of these are people who claim to be christians, even though they are mostly robin catholics and eastern orthodox
Um, they say the proper way to respond to atheism today Like, you know with the richard dawkins sam harris and all these other kinds of stuff to people that are inspired by that kind of um generation
Is to while being christian if you're truly, you know going to be a follower of christ
Insult these people cuss them out use profanities mock them insult them pretty much described as Doing what richard dawkins said at the reason rally once by saying mock them ridicule them in public
Even to the point of saying don't do business with them and all that kind of stuff if they're atheists in your house, uh kick them out and just you know, don't ever let them back in unless they
Do you know follow back to the faith or something like that? I mean this kind of idea.
What do you think of people that are saying that we should be like insulting antagonizing? Uh to people and show no grace whatsoever
Um, I think there's actually some biblical precedents for that in the book of second maronicles
I was like, uh, don't know if i'm with you on this one man But I set you up and you laughed that's right, that's right
Yeah, second maronicles. Yes It's a big book too but uh
I mean, where do they get this, you know, let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth
Second john and you know, um, but what that means is second john Uh, I need to get into that group and starts, you know cracking some heads, you know
And uh start saying guys you got to stop this because second for example second john You don't ask them in your house because they don't understand the culture
When there would be a village say there's 100 people in that village and you know Five miles down the road three miles down the road.
There's another village 100 people and you know, there's sporadic villages and they're agrarian well the villagers became very very um
Dependent upon one another and they might have their problems and arguments But you know, they were very much a community and reputation was very important.
Now, you know, it'd be a variable variation on this. Let me drop some memory you know the thing where it says
Jesus gives the account of the man who has a visitor coming to late at night. So the man goes and he
Knocks on his neighbor's door and says give me I forget what it is It's like a big loaf of bread bread.
That's right bread to give to his his friend, you know And because of his persistence the man gives it but There's a variation and this is a long time ago
I could look it up because I got the book behind me I'm, just gonna find the exact reference I could look it up but take me a few minutes
But at any rate there's a textual variant or some play on words about the word persistence with in greek with the word shame
And it was really interesting because i'd never heard this before but Uh, you go to that village and there's a visitor goes to that village.
He goes knocks on someone's door And in that village if he's treated badly That he's going to go to someplace else and talk about that village their reputation
Was extremely important not like it is here because you don't like me So what I got friends 20 miles away.
I got friends eight miles over that way. I got friends That's not how it was there You had to live in their community and your reputation of the community had economic value
Because if you were considered to be rude and not hospitable people would avoid you You didn't want that in that kind of a society.
So reputation was extremely important. All right so In the context of second john when someone would come to your home uh, what normally would happen is
Uh, you're a traveler you need a place to stay you're the reputation of that village is at stake so you better invite him in and Provide everything he needs for his journey so you would feed them clothe them bathe them whatever was necessary because you were a
You were essentially approving Of what he was doing By helping him that much and what second john is saying is don't even let him in the house
When they're talking antichrist stuff You don't want to show them the kind of help that will encourage them or support them in their evil thing
That's what the context is That's what it is. It's a long way to get around. I didn't remember a lot of stuff
But yeah, that's what the problem is. They don't understand that Right. Yeah, they get there's a on their youtube channel.
Uh, they always give out the link to their discord. Uh, that's open that I think that's the only thing but uh
I think they've been trying to be open about getting other guests. So I don't know. I mean if you want to try to Comment or try to get in way of contact with them that I mean that if you want to if you say you want to trick
Would they cuss me out? uh, I guess it would depend because I mean I was in there in the discord for a bit all
I mentioned was that there's you know justifications by faith alone and sola scriptura
And I was met with all kinds of things. I was called a harasser. I'm i'm According to them i'm accused of being a demonically possessed stalker and uh the guy because of what because I you know, i'm
Critiquing these guys on like, you know, their stance of being ecumenical like they've allowed muslims to Uh, they're mainly just trying to be an all theist thing and they'll be willing to defend islam
Even though they're supposedly christians on there and I pulled them out on all this stuff Oh, yeah I called them out on all their stuff and they are accusing me of like being a stalker harasser
Claiming that they're going to get a restraining order against me even though they don't know where the heck I live or what my real name is so it's
I guess it depends really it's bob Okay Oh, yeah, so they don't they do not have all their paws in the litter box
Cat jokes I got him Yeah, they'd like me they'd kick me out of there in a few minutes when
I call them on the carpet I say you are not acting like christ He called people whitewashed sepulchres of your father the devil, but he did of the religious leaders
And he was making spiritual judgments upon them um But he what you know, the bible says let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth
So they're to follow that unless they want to justify themselves being like christ And and equal to him and their and the ability to judge
You know, that would be really interesting to see if they could pull that off I the closest i've heard was like they go to matthew 7 6
I believe we're just like talking about do not cast pearls before swine's like swine is the same equivalent of saying
You mother effer apparently according to them, which I don't know where they get that But that's where they go to try to justify saying well, he called people swine
And dogs that means we have the right to call him whatever we want Well, he did call people some pretty uh tough stuff
Swine was an unclean animal dogs was considered unclean Scavenger, so it was an insulting thing to call them to call them that Yeah And it was um, what are you going to do?
That's what it was But would you say that's like on the same level as trying to just be? Derogatory and insulting to the point of like, you know using the slang that they use
No, because in the context when christ was doing that he's god in flesh making judgments upon people
He has that ability to know and identify what they are But these guys they don't have that ability
Now what they would have to do is go with scripture In order to justify anything, but they're not going to be able to do that because the scriptures don't support your position
In that area, it'd be an interesting discussion I probably would not last very long in there because they would quickly find out that i'm um as You know, i'd be labeled like you except probably worse
Yeah so anyway, um So much heresy so little time
You know Yeah That's right, I need to start my own cult Oh matt sometimes buddy, no, really
I should start my own cult. Uh, but the thing is it'd be full of orthodoxy What are you doing
So it's kind of pointless, you know I joined the matt slick cult really it's a cult.
Yeah What's he teach the trinity salvation by grace alone through faith alone in christ alone? Really? How's it a cult? Well, um
He teaches us how to slap ourselves outside the head that's a ritual He says people don't have all their positive litter box
Put put that in one of your books first, let's let's try it out In fiction first before we apply it in real life.
Just try to yeah, it could be dangerous here so Yeah, it's uh, you know, it'd be nice to be a cult leader.
Maybe get stuff You know But i'd be like no don't give me that. I'll let me help you Thing I would not be a good cult leader
That's the thing You know, you know, let me help you what do you need i'm gonna help you out, you know
Anyway else have any questions Matt what would what would be your pope name?
Oh, come on What would be your first name
Matt I mean You could change it john john slick or how about richard slick dick slick
Whoa, whoa Hey, my dad's name was richard my brother's name is richard, so there you go, but yeah pope nope
Not gonna dig any further Oh, man, you know even the thought
Just the thought of seriously, you know entertain different things in your mind sometimes but the thought of Teaching a false doctrine on purpose to try and get what
I want is so Repulsive scary to me
That I I mean the judgment of god would be like an axe waiting to fall
Do you believe that some some of those leaders do it ignorantly or do you do you think that they do it, uh, okay
We see here the question necessitates that kind of an answer. Do you believe some do it ignorantly?
Okay. Yeah, of course Uh, if you said all do it ignorantly the answer would be no So let me ask you a question if you jump high enough, can you touch the moon?
If you jump high enough, I guess you can otherwise it's not high enough simple logic question
Yeah, that's right he has his paws in the logic litter box good All right for now what we can talk about you and kittler
Kittler whatever happened where you and flowers supposed to do something else I I think flowers he's not pursued me anymore since our last discussion.
I think he I don't know. Maybe he had enough. I I don't know uh But he couldn't answer the difficult questions and the last the last few minutes
I thought really, uh Cornered him, you know the compatibilism a free will issue that jesus exemplified
I heard that they really were Discussing that the next day or two or three trying to come up with answers and um
I haven't heard them but if someone wanted to show me what they said I could deal with it, but um
I thought it was really good. I didn't know anyway, so he's not he's pursued me. Hey, what are we gonna debate? We're gonna get not anymore.
So I don't know Yeah, I thought it was interesting, um,
I I forget what What he said, um in regards to you asking about propitiation and he really didn't he really didn't know what propitiation was
I was I was really shocked at that, you know, um I mean
Soteriology 101 and you don't know. Yeah, right Yeah, and colossus 214 the time we met before That stumped him too for those who don't know what that verse, you know
Having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees which was hostile to us He took it out of the way having nailed it to the cross.
So jesus canceled the sin debt at the cross Well, if you cancel it, you can't go to hell for a sin debt that's canceled. Who do you cancel it for everybody or not?
everybody What do you do with that? and He did not do well in that response either
So he wanted to do the free will thing and he didn't in my opinion did not do well in the free will thing either you know, but uh
I was thinking of something today. Uh because Usually how the argument is, you know brought out is free will the ability to do good or evil
You know, but if my question kind of would be for for layton or anyone else if god restrains you is is he taking away your free will
You know if if if you know like abimelech, you know in genesis 21, I believe, uh you know, he he's uh, abimelech says, you know, it's god that you know,
Pretty much says, you know made me not sin, you know, and so Mm -hmm how would
I i'm just curious how they would even see that because If free will is true, it almost seemed like god could not
Do that He could not you know restraining from a problem They can't you're right.
They cannot answer these kinds of questions um But here's here's another one think about this inspiration
Now what I could do I could unearth a file And I could read to you guys some statistics and stuff out of the file.
Let me see if i've got it real handy here um Yeah, is the bible inspired?
And let me show you something i'm going to read some things i'm going to do it quickly I'm not going to waste you guys time, but the bible is inspired now if it's inspired
It means every detail comes from god, but yet it's through the free will choices of individual people
So how does that work? Well check this out um
Give me some statistics and some stuff here Okay, let's get to it.
I've got the file open. It's a thing I did at a conference in Okay, here we go
The genealogy of jesus in matthew the number. Okay. Everything is divisible by 72
Or excuse me by seven. Okay, the number of words the number of nouns The word the how many times it occurs the different forms of the word the
The number of greek words before the deportation the number of of words, uh of those of those 49 words before the deportation
Uh the words that begin with a vowel Of those the words that begin with a consonant also by there's 21.
These all these numbers are divisible by seven. There's Of those 49 words the number of the letters is 266.
That's how many letters there are Well, that's 38 by times seven of those 256 letters the number of vowels is 140 20 by times seven of those 266 letters the number of consonants is 126 or 18 times seven
Uh of those 49 words number of words that occur more than once is 35 5 times 7 of those those words the number of words that occur once is 14 2 times 7 and it goes on like this um
The number that are nouns the number of words which are not nouns the number of nouns that are proper names the number of male names a number of times that the male names occur the one city of babylon is mentioned as it's gematria is uh seven divisible by seven so It's by everything's by seven by divisible by seven all these patterns.
You can't do this by sitting down on a piece of paper with a calculator and expels Spreadsheet and try and figure this out and write out a genealogy with a total number of words
Is 72 the number of nouns is 56 Which is eight times seven the number of greek words the is divisible by seven all these but this is why seven
Okay Now what i'm trying to show is this is just not something a human being could just think up It can't happen.
You could write a paragraph with 72 words That's not a problem but then you have to have the nouns in that paragraph be divisible by seven and the word the that occurs has a total divisible by seven um
The total number of letters have to be divisible by seven the words that start with a vowel divisible by seven the words that start with a
Consonant divisible by seven the number of syllables divisible by seven you can see after a while It's going to be basically impossible and I tried it
I actually tried doing this a few weeks ago And I got stuck within I think 10 minutes.
It was done. I could not make it work The mathematics behind this is just incredible.
All right Now i'm trying to prove that these very words in the genealogy are inspired and are in order specifically
Now, how do you have that in pure libertarian free will? There has to be an influence of god upon the free will
That moves the person to write exactly What is necessary in order for this to make sense and be what it is?
But the people of their own selves could not do it. It was not possible It had to be god's influence on them.
But how does he do that in pure libertarianism? This is another confirmation of compatibilism
God's determination with man's freedom. God can determine that they write these things because there's no other way it could be done
This proves another way of compatibilism, which I want to talk to him. We're out of time stuff Anyway, you see what i'm saying?
It says matt to himself now no one's listening. I don't care. Oh, that's right.
I heard a snoring But you see what i'm saying, i'm i'm actually reading the genealogy right now so Good.
Yeah And get this Matthew's account of the birth of jesus. This is i'm assuming this is the greek right?
Like obviously Yeah, right Yeah, yeah and matthew 1 18 through 25 check this out
The birth of jesus the number of words is 161 which is 23 times 7 so again, each one of these the
Number of the total is divisible by 7. So the number of words the number of letters uh
Let's see the 161 words occur in 105 forms, which is 15 times 7
Of the 105 forms the number of verbs is 35, which is divisible by 7 the gematria
Gematria is I don't you guys know but abc 1 2 3 we have two letters Two sets of characters for numbers and letters in greek.
They only have one set for both So when you write a letter, you're also writing a number So every time you write a word in greek
You also have a numeric value like the word for fish in greek is ichthus and its value mathematically is 1224 1224
And yesu christos jesus christ is added up to 888 So it's called a gematria at any rate so, uh the gematria the value of those words is
Divisible by 7 exactly the gematria of the value of all the letters is also divisible by 7
Six greek words are found. Uh nowhere in that genealogy nowhere else in the bible and their gematria
Divisible by 7 the total letters The total letters of those six words divisible by 7 the number of proper names is by 7 the number of these letters uh
In those seven names, uh emmanuel occurs nowhere else in the new testament It's gematria divisible by 7 but speaking of joseph the number of words the angel uses is divisible by 7
The gematria of those words is divisible by 7 This is not an accident
This is the inspired word of god There's no way they could do that on their own
It had to be directed By god that are free will So that they did what god ordained for them to do
Libertarianism Here's the this the uh proper theological terminology to describe
Libertarianism, it sucks canal water What do you guys know does not work how do you explain this
They're just good guessers. Yeah I uh, i'm pretty sure that's just the
Understanding of how Inspiration works in terms of uh, um, wow verbal plenary
Well, then they would have to say if it's if it's a dictation, okay, yeah
Then that violates a free will sure they're just okay if it's an inspiration through their free will then there's no
Yeah, that's right if it's dynamic there's no there's no use for god Like there's no in terms of uh
It you could chalk it up to the person's experience. Like there's no real They're just writing what they think if it's if it's purely dynamic
Yeah The holy spirit at that point. Yeah, exactly, right But you if that's the case you can't account for these mathematical things inside the letters.
Yeah, that's what i'm saying verbal plenary inspiration seems to be The way to go because you have yeah, you have a the personal uh style uh visual writer you have the
You know all of his little quirks all of his little ways of all of his sayings and um, you know different ways to express things
Yet you have the spirit of god um Almost just like it's
I love the way timothy puts it. It's it's it's as if it's just breathed out right like it's Yep starts with god through the author and you can kind of see that in your mind, you know, like right?
there's this there's this beautiful interplay of uh Compatibility that happens there where the holy spirit
Everything that the holy spirit intends to put on paper is breathed out through the human author.
Amen And how do you have that if it's pure libertarianism
Because in libertarianism what libertarianism is is actually anti -compatibilism
Compatibilism is the biblical position Because it means god's sovereign even over our free wills and can direct our free wills and Yet not violate our free wills or some issues that I could talk about sometimes
How would you test that too? Like you it it would just be scripture pretty much No, i'm saying like if if you wanted to hold to a purely libertarian author uh
Inspiration because at that point it's like well, uh, he guessed really well
Yeah, we think that this is what god does Yeah Well, they would have to come up with something to say.
Well, there's a profit right? Like why why do we trust a prophet? Why? Because we're inspired
But what does that mean? If if it's not that's exactly the right question sort of um tangible inspiration on the person themselves uh from god it would because it would just result in you know the
Bunch of guessing I guess i'm with you Hey, I know how they would account for that that'd be good good discussion to have with them.
How do you test it? Right? You know Yeah, hey david I need to um, yeah interfere and just become a tech, uh techie right now.
Yeah, whatever you need Yeah, the people in the uh, the youtube group are seeing only your image wow so and people are saying
I want to see mass beautiful face and i'm like I know that's that someone's lying What do
I need to do? Uh, well, you know, I the only thing I think of is is your name on the bottom, right?
Do you have a white highlighted box around your your name? No Yeah, I see it.
He does Let me click on. Uh Chris oh my oh, there he is. That's right.
Yeah scary. It just Caught me off guard. Let's see if that helps that changes it i'm clicking on it.
Maybe i'm an admin Maybe there you go. So chris is on right now Okay, yeah,
I think matt is in charge Of the hangout, right? Right. Okay. Okay. Let's get a pretty girl on there.
Why did they look at us? We look like we've been hauled by a pack of dogs Click on yourself matt
Click on seeking Nebraska is a beautiful piece of meat
Oh boy, this is going off the rails Yeah, that's right, that's right.
Yeah, um, so anyways, I was just wanting to see if it fixed that okay guys I'm, sorry, go ahead and uh continue on with your little happy little discussion here
Yeah, um, I was having this I think I was having this discussion with john yes with john the other day
Uh who I think you've met before john johnson ironic pelagian. Oh great. Yeah, and we had this
We we rehashed an old, uh discussion about inspiration And it it went in the same vein he
I had to explain the the terms and like what does it mean that the bible is inspired? What is what does that verse in timothy mean?
um and through his explanation Uh, we landed on that.
He holds to somewhat of a dynamic theory and uh Uh, and that's because he wants to so tightly hold to um god pretty much staying out of the affairs of uh man in terms of choice but at the same time holds very much to a
Doctrine of providence. So I don't I don't know how those two are I wish he was in here um,
I don't know how You can I would be interested on how a libertarian free will expositor
Justify or harmonizes providence and uh
I guess what contra causal Retro free choice. Yeah, it'd be interesting.
Yeah, I had that discussion with him too. Yeah, but I guess um Is it like with our
Like what if what if do we get the chance to say god you can't do that? I mean just the thought of saying that to god.
I but like you would have to come up with some sort of I don't know like maybe he limits himself in Um molinism somehow, you know by choosing that uh
World to actuate I guess is it's like an action of limiting. I I don't know how how you can be providential in the affairs of man yet right
Because it ultimately it just sounds like deism to me, you know, um here let me create all this stuff and good luck to you guys
Yeah, I agree. It's problematic in the in the afterlife Yeah, get somebody in like that and we can have a discussion with them and see what happens.
I think it'd be worth doing. Yeah So no No, okay, that was fun now what
Man i'm gonna try to get him in here. I I really want to hear his justification of dynamic theory again.
Perfect Whatever, uh, you got going on on the the video just don't don't mess with it because it's now it's working now.
Yeah Yeah, I don't know what I did I uh, yeah
Went exploring a little bit so in all the controls, I I don't know. All right So I invited a bunch of atheists on discord and All they gave me was a link to their discussion group and I was like, well, no,
I don't want to be on there Hey, I go into discussion groups. I'll go in there and have some Discussions.
Yeah, it's on discord. So maybe i'll give you a link They're gonna actually have a discussion
Yeah, yeah, no kidding, uh, yeah, they call themselves the uh, atheist hotline
Atheist hotline. Yeah, I thought it's pretty funny. Yeah, i'm gonna go to atheist hotline for help. It's a 100 number
It's a 100 900 number That's what
I need I need a 900 number so that people can talk to me. Hi, are you mad slick? Why don't you tell me something? Hypostatic union
Give them theology turn credit card number first, please. Yeah credit card number first and then I could talk sexually to them hypostatic
Yeah They go hey, this is bad.
Yeah, I know this is weird. Yeah, that's very Um, so we got um seeking that came in seeking the
My vision is so terrible. I can't even read that Anyway seeking a narrow way.
Anyway, she um she hopped in I don't know she's willing to speak up or ask a question, but uh, go ahead and unmute your mic if you want to seeking and see what uh,
Hi, hello, um, I had some questions about revelations and I know that's kind of off what you guys were talking about um
It gives me one moment to find a scripture again I'm not a revelation expert.
So by any means so I don't know if I can help but Maybe we can all go together I caught your radio show a couple of days ago or it might have been yesterday.
I don't remember but you're talking about how the um Evil people were going to be taken first.
That's what the bible says Um, and yeah, I remember this scripture it's uh revelation 14 starting at verse 14
Um, and it's talking about reaping the earth's harvest And the way it reads it sounds like The saints are harvested first because the first um
Angel uses their seat their sickle And then the second one when the second angel uses the sickle, uh, it talks about god's wrath
Uh being poured down poured down on them So the order
Angel, let's see. Look at the white cloud Okay David another angel came out of the temple crying out
With a loud voice to him and said on the cloud put in your sickle and reap Well, the hour to reap has come because the harvest of the earth is ripe put in your sickle to reap and reap
Verse 16 and he who sat in the cloud swung his sickle over the earth And the earth was reaped and another angel came out of the temple, which is in heaven and He also had a sharp sickle
Then another angel the one who has power over fire Came out from the altar and called with a loud voice to him who had this sharp sickle saying put in your
Sharp sickle and gather the clusters from the vine of the earth because her grapes are ripe so the angel swung his sickle to the
The earth and gathered the cluster from the vine of the earth and threw them into the great wine press Which was the wrath of god?
And the wine press was trodden outside the city and blood came out of the wine press up to the horse's bridles for a distance of 200 miles
Actually, it looks like it's kind of consistent with what I was saying earlier. Um In that they are gathered to armageddon, that's what it looks like out of 19 and 20
Because out of there the blood it says they're gathered Put a sharp signal gather the cluster from the vine of the earth because that's the wicked and so it says
Uh verse 15 Put in your sickle reap for the hour because the harvest is ripe
Then he who sat in the cloud Sown a sickle over the earth and the earth was reaped another angel came out.
But but what is the reaping? um, if I were doing a study on this to teach it
I would have to Right, I would make what I do is I take the verses I put them in an outline form on word
And you know 15 16 17 18 and then I analyze and I indent and I put comments questions and issues under each thing
I really get into it And one of the things I would ask Which you know try and find the answer is
Who or what is reaped? You know because one of the things i've learned about eschatology is don't make any assumptions
It kind of seems as though the implication might be the rapture, but it doesn't mean that it is it could be
But not necessarily then it says the harvest of the earth so what I would do is say what's the harvest of the earth
And so I would look at that because the word harvest is used and that would force me to go look at the word harvest
Uh in eschatological contexts and see how it's learned how it's used And I would expect this what
I do. I do this just like i'm telling you i'll do this and i'll learn as I go And I go
I don't know what i'm gonna find i'm gonna find something Um But then he's so i'm trying to figure it out as I go here and i'm not sure what to tell you
Then he who sat in the cloud swung a sickle over the earth And earth was reaped And another angel came out temples in heaven
Sharp sickle and another one power fire came out sharp sickle close to the fire now
Here's a question Does the word reaping and harvesting occur in this second set and it says another angel
Sharp sickle and grapes are ripe gathered
But it doesn't say harvested or reaped So that would make me
Look at the both the harvesting and the reaping eschatologically to see if it only occurs in reference to the christians
Is you see what i'm saying? I do I do so long story short. I don't know what it means I don't know but it's interesting
But i'm actually curious to know how the word harvest would be used So what i'll do what I would normally do is just go to Matthew type in harvest for a search find the first word harvest
And then what I do is really simple I find the greek word two three two six I have it all set up here and then
Whoops. Come on. Come on you slime ball uh Two three two six
It occurs. Oh interesting That's interesting.
Wow The word harvest occurs 13 times Why am I saying that's interesting?
Does anybody know? We don't know how your brain works I'll tell you why okay
Um years ago when I did research I started studying uh numerology Now the gamatria.
Okay. Let me review gamatria is um We have in english a b c one two three two different sets of characters
For alpha and numeric in greek. They don't have that they have one set in hebrew.
They don't have it. They have it one set Yeah, so both hebrew and greek the same letters are used for writing words as well as numbers
So every word in the entire bible in hebrew and greek has mathematical values and equivalents
Now I I don't know how to verify this because i'm not good enough at hebrew to be able to do this but I'd read in some books.
So I got lots of books. See my books up there folks Look, see how many books I got see all that. There's that's just some of them.
Okay um And I got some books up there that talk about this kind of stuff and Years ago
I read that whenever in the old testament There were pericopes about satan
And it gave two or three instances a pericope is a section of scripture talking about satan the
Gamatria values total is always divisible by 13 So 13
Is the number of sin? So I think it's fascinating to me
There's 13 occurrences of the word harvest In the bible I would have thought 14 or 12
Because 14 is 2 times 7 now i'm kind of given my you know
Some stuff that I i've searched over the years that kind of caused me to think things like this So 3 is the number of the trinity 5 is number of grace 6 is the number of man
And that's because man was made on the sixth day What's the name of the answer? What's the well the gamatria of the antichrist is 666
Now notice he's gonna be a man and the trinity You know, i'll go i'll tell you guys some stuff.
Okay, here we go getting into it I may have to uh type some stuff in I wonder if I could do it this way
I'll tell you what i'll share my screen and um I'll type some stuff in All right
You guys want to do this a little interesting Go ahead. We also got like three other people are joined in.
So, oh, okay. Never mind. Yeah, never mind Because I could teach about this kind of thing and show you some mathematical relationships that are really there
But if people got why don't we just make it a night? Yeah, we should just make it a night. We need to because it anytime you get into a big topic like this
You can't do it just okay, right, you know, let's do it minutes. You know what i'm saying? Let's do it. We'll do a show on that.
That'd be great. Okay, let's do it really get into it Yeah, all right. It'll be good. That's a good idea. That'd be great I wasn't paying it.
I kind of get lost in my thinking process and one thing connects another so it's all um
It's all uh seeking the narrow path fault. It's her fault. Not mine She just triggered it.
Okay. I think we have a roman catholic who's going to come in here We got the holy most holy something something something of the family.
Anyway, she I just asked you a question. Why is matt afraid to accept my
One and one -on -one debate challenge, so most wholly
I just went ahead and unmuted you or um Or got you in the show here. So go ahead and speak up and ask matt
Hello I guess he's afraid to debate me right now,
I guess so. Yeah, he's not afraid to say. Yeah. Well Hello, he did leave a phone number and an email address
Oh brother, okay. Well, then i'm gonna boot him out. Who is this guy? I don't know. Who is he speak up and debate what?
It's on the side shot there. I don't it says, uh, why is matt afraid to accept my one -on -one debate challenge?
Well, first of all Who says i'm afraid? so he's Begging the question. He's assuming
I think he's trying to prove and ready to debate now. Who is this guy? And debate on what?
And so He's here. I don't know why he won't speak up the floor is yours man Hello Do you think he's unmuted?
He might be muted Okay, he's no he's not muted. No, he just left.
Okay. Well, thank you very much. You're Well, yeah, it was fun
Yeah, yeah. Okay. Next guy. We have jay jay go ahead and you're in the broadcast here.
I want to go ahead and Have you in so go ahead and feel free to unmute your mic and prepare to battle
Oh, what do you oh wait, I I just joined in off a link so Oh, okay.
Okay. Okay. Jay. Well, I mean if you have any questions for matt, that'd be great. But if not, uh, yeah You can just uh, hang out and listen if you want, but we also have a youtube.
Let's see Can we ask questions about scripture or anything like yeah, we can this is apologetics live so you can all right.
Okay Whatever you need Okay, so uh, my question is about the divine council and I want to know
What would your uh opinion be about that? Um, does the bible acknowledge?
uh many gods or does it Deny many guys is god the most high or is he?
you know, um, or is he you know, like, uh, Or just only one god meaning that you know strictly what
I guess uh theologians of the old times and believers in old times,
I guess, uh, you know in the fifth century sixth century above, you know, pretty much described to a monotheistic religion, which people most likely know as Believe in one god and no other gods.
Uh, so Um, so referencing specifically for everyone that wants to know psalms 82 uh, another one is
You give me a lot of stuff here. So let me uh, Let me let me address uh monotheism first, okay
All right. So i'm gonna read some scriptures. Isaiah 43 10 You are my witnesses declares yahweh
And my servant whom I have chosen so that you may know and believe And understand that I am he before me.
There was no god formed. There will be none after me. I even I Am yahweh and there is no savior besides me.
That's isaiah 43 10 Now i'm going to go to isaiah 44 Six thus says yahweh the king of israel and his redeemer the lord the yahweh of hosts.
I am the first I am the last And there is no god besides me
He says there's no god besides me uh, this is Isaiah 44 8 do not tremble and do not be afraid have
I not long since announced it to you and declared it You are my witnesses. Is there any god besides me?
Or is there any other rock I know of none That's what god says.
He doesn't even know of any others. There's none Let's go to isaiah 45 5. I am yahweh and there is no other besides me.
There is no god So when we go to psalm 82 verse 6 what we're seeing here in psalm 82 in particular is an imprecatory psalm
And we can go to that we can read it's very short psalm And all I gotta do is read it and you can check it out and understand what's going on there and um
It's counsel to god's things is nothing more Than a cleverly disguised paganism trying to infiltrate into the church
Now this is what psalm 82 says god takes his stand in his own congregation. He judges in the midst of the
Rulers now the hebrew word here is elohim Well, wait a minute. The word elohim automatically means god, right?
No, it doesn't Because it can mean all kinds of things just like the word agape A lot of people think the word agape means divine love it does not
Because in luke 11 43, I believe it is. Uh, jesus says you agape your high seats talking to the pharisees
Words mean what they mean in context and that's the point And so what we have here Is an imprecatory
Song a psalm against the unrighteous judges. That's his historical context god takes his stand in his own congregation he judges in the midst of the
Rulers as the nasb says, uh the esv come on esv
Says, uh in the midst of the gods he holds judgment so What we could see is that god recognizes, you know, i'll go i'll do this galatians 4 8
However at that time When you did not know god you were slaves to those
Which by nature are no gods So the bible recognizes other gods existence
But they're not really gods, but they call them god, but they're not they don't have any existence However at that time when you did not know god you were slaves to those
Which by nature are no gods. They had other gods that they served Maybe a council of the gods.
Maybe it was zeus. Maybe it was whatever but it says which by nature are no gods so In one part what's happening is in the idea of gods
Yeah, there was a plethora of gods a pantheon of gods in various cultures and things like that, but they didn't have any ontological
Actuality and so what would happen is that god would sometimes speak among all the gods I'm the greatest because of all those gods
He's not saying that they actually exist because we know it's a new testament revelation. Galatians 4 8. They do not exist
They don't Back to psalm 82 god takes a stand in his own congregation.
He judges in the midst of the rulers. How long will you judge? Unjustly and show partiality to the wicked this can't be gods
In any way shape or form because he's talking about the people there who are judging unjustly. He's talking about the individuals
He's not talking about some gods the ethereal thing because galatians 4 8 says there aren't any
Verse 3 of 80 psalm 82 vindicate the weak and the fatherless do justice to the afflicted and the destitute
Rescue the weak and the needy deliver them out of the hand of the wicked. He's talking about the unrighteous judges
On earth and how they should be doing what he's saying that they should be doing vindicate the weak etc
They do not know nor do they understand they walk about in darkness All the foundations of the earth are shaken.
I said you are gods And all of you are sons of the most high nevertheless, you will die like men
And fall like any one of the princes arise. Oh god judge the earth for it is you who possesses all the nations so That's the whole psalm psalm 82
So nevertheless, you will die like men and fall like any one of the princes now Wait a minute. If there are gods out there some council of the gods, how can they die like men?
Men are biological gods or not how they die like men they can't So it is you know to say that psalm 82 in any way supports this counsel to god's
Idiocy is ridiculous. First of all isaiah 43 10 44 6 44 8 isaiah 45 5 refute it along with galatians 4 8
Clearly refutes it and the context of psalm 82 is not about some council any place anywhere out
There is talking about the unrighteous judges as is clearly contextually warranted Okay all right, so um
Okay, so that makes sense. Um, I wouldn't um Disagree with you on that.
I guess whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Wait, you disagree. You mean there are actually other gods out there? No, he said he would not oh it would not
Okay. Sorry misunderstood you my apologies, man. I was gonna jump all over that like a monkey in a cupcake
Okay, so I would so okay, that's an image So Can you speak up i'm having trouble hearing you
I'm, sorry. Can you hear me a little bit better now a little bit better? Yeah, go ahead. Okay. All right, so, um
All right, uh, so I guess i've been misled a little bit because yes what of course, uh, so um, because I know in the old testament how it doesn't necessarily like Uh, well i'm talking about more so in deuteronomy more so because how i've seen it
Uh breaking down was pretty much off of deuteronomy most likely and that's what they allude to around that so um, if like and then i've also heard like but what verses
You see what they're doing. You can understand something. Here's a principle. There's a short principle And it's a really important one um when groups so to speak
I say this group is doing this but When people spend more time in the old testament to prove doctrine in the new testament, that's a problem
Because the thing is the old testament is certainly inspired and it's very valuable But it is the new testament that interprets the old testament.
It's never the old testament that interprets the new testament That's right New testament writers will quote the old testament and say this is what is meant by the prophet blah blah blah blah blah
And they'll they'll tell you what it means so when Someone is in the old testament a lot
Well, the deuteronomy says and then these verses and then the council of the gods the psalm and blah blah blah
That's how can we know about this? Well Go to salt go to glacians 4 8. There's only one god and those other ones by nature are not true gods.
So What do you want to do now? You know, they don't want to submit themselves to the new testament because they have an agenda
The agenda is not scripture and revelation. The agenda is a concept. They want the scriptures to fit that's
Typically is what happens when those people are in the old testament more than the new testament in order to establish doctrines
Not always but but pretty typical. Okay, go ahead. That was my point Okay. Yeah, and so, um
Okay, there's an example here, uh, what's up rc, uh, but anyway, um, so Uh, let's see.
There's an example. Um Uh Oh no, no, no, uh
You said you said deuteronomy 7 -1 or did you say? Uh, I was taking a different verse that wasn't deuteronomy 7 -1.
It was another one. Sorry. Go ahead All right. 17 -1 I think Okay, hold on for a sec
Well, that's not it either. Dang it Oh that got that's something different. Anyway, I got a lot of verses in my head.
I missed them mix them up sometimes accidentally You're flippin, Matt. Hey, I'll be 62 in a month.
I'm up there. Jay, are you thinking about the the passage in Matthew where Jesus addresses the
Pharisees and calls them gods? It's in Matthew and it's also in John 10.
Yeah. Verse 34 -35. There you go. John 10. Yep. Let's do it. Oh, that's easy. And so, the reason why, and what's unique about that scripture is, is that, like, he is likening himself to the
Pharisees that he's talking to. So that's what interests me. Because, obviously, they thought it was blasphemy.
You know what I mean? But, like... Talk about John 10 .30 -34? Yeah. Mm -hmm.
Okay, let me offer an explanation of what's going on there, okay? Yeah, I'm listening.
All right. Now, the Jews pick up stones again to stone him. That's verse 31.
So where's the first mention, or is the prior mention of them wanting to kill him? John 8 .58
and following. Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.
Therefore they pick up stones to throw at him. But Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple. That was
John 8 .59. Now what we do is we go to John 10 .30. I and the
Father are one. The Jews pick up stones again to stone him. So, from John 8 .59
to John 10 .31, in between those verses, there's no mention of stoning rocks or anything.
This is it. So what is happening is, when he says, I and the Father are one, they want to kill him.
What do they want to kill him for? He's going to ask him. Jesus says, I've shown you many good works from the
Father. For which of these are you stoning me? The Jews answered, For a good work would do not stone you, but blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself out to be
God. Now, what I'll often do with this pericope is
I'll say, what was it that Jesus said? And show me the verse. I'll say, what was it that Jesus said that caused the
Pharisees to think he was claiming to be God? It's really an interesting question. It's a little bit of a side note for those people listening, because you're talking to Jehovah's Witnesses, you're talking to Christadelphians, you're talking to others who deny the deity of Christ, Aryan variants.
And this really becomes a good apologetic, because if they don't understand where it was that Jesus said what he said, to make the
Pharisees think he's claiming to be God, then the people don't understand the text. And I can tell you where the verses are,
John 8, 58, John 10, 30, because he's claiming to be the I Am, and the identity with the
Father, I the Father are one. He's claiming this. It could be a reference out of Deuteronomy 6, 4,
Israel, the Lord God is one. And there probably were some puns and some things about that going on, at the time.
But nevertheless, they want to kill him because he's claiming to make himself out to be God, right?
Now, so the Pharisees did not believe he was God. So I asked the J -dubs, do you agree with the
Pharisees that he's not God? Now we have another discussion. Nevertheless, Jesus answered them, has it not been written in your law,
I said you are God's. Notice he says your law. He doesn't say the law.
He doesn't say God's law. He says your law. He's talking to the
Pharisees, these Jews, who are hypocritical, and they want to kill
Jesus. They're denying who he is. And they, of course, are unrighteous, just like Psalm 82 judges are.
They're not doing what's right by God's standard. They know what
Psalm 82 is. They know that Psalm 82 is an imprecatory Psalm. An imprecatory
Psalm, an imprecation, is a statement where you wish harm, excuse me, where you wish harm on somebody, to imprecate.
I wish you would just break both your legs tomorrow when you go out skiing. You know, I hate your guts. It's an imprecation.
So it's called an imprecatory Psalm, and there's several imprecatory Psalms where basically the
Psalm says, God, get them. So they know Psalm 82 is an imprecatory
Psalm because it says, I said ye are God's, or you are God's. He's quoting Psalm 82 .6.
Now, he's being really slick here.
What's happening is he's quoting an imprecatory Psalm where God is mocking, so to speak, and condemning the unrighteous judges.
And he's quoting it in reference to them when he says, your law. He's applying it to them.
And then he says, if he called them gods, talking about God called them gods to whom the word of God came, and the scripture can't be broken.
It's always true. Do you say of him whom the father sanctified and said to the world, you are blasphemy because I said,
I'm the son of God. It is very well packed in there. He's asking a huge set of questions here.
Says, you're saying that I'm blaspheming. Notice what he says. Did you say of him, that's the
Jews saying of Jesus, whom the father sanctified and sent into the world. So you say of Jesus, you
Jews say of Jesus that Jesus is blaspheming because, and then Jesus says about himself,
I am this because I'm the son of God. Now in John 5 .18,
God says, Jesus was calling God his own father, making himself equal to God. He said, he's a son of God, but there's terminology in the old
Testament, sons of God, because sons of the gods could be angels. And so he's, what he is doing is referencing something that they can't just sit there easily and give a yes, no to.
Because he says, because what he's doing here back to verse 34, your gods, he's quoting an imprecatory Psalm about unrighteous judges, and they know that aren't any other gods.
That's clear. And he's applying it to the, Jesus is applying it here to the present situation. That alone should piss them off.
Then he reasons, but God's calling them gods. Cause that's the word in Hebrew, Elohim, because there's unrighteous rulers, because they end up placing the power of God, which he's implying is that their position as they're leading others astray, but the scriptures can't be broken.
He called them gods, and I'm just saying the son of God, and you're complaining about me.
Why is that a problem with you? You see how clever Christ was with that? What are they going to do?
They're going to start saying, well, we get to argue scripture now because that's what he's doing. He's bringing up the word of God.
And now they got to argue with the word of God before we were to justify their actions. Make sense?
Yeah. Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. Going back to Deuteronomy, it's 32 verse eight.
That's the original one I was talking about. Okay. 32, eight. When the
Most High gave the nations their inheritance, and he separated the sons of man, he set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel.
Okay. Yeah. Or you could say, well, another version would also say sons of God.
So my only question is, and this is not like a gotcha question or nothing like that at all.
It's like, well, who do you think the sons of God are? That's all. I just want to know that. Who do you think that is?
Or who is that represents? Is it angels or whatever? You know what I mean? I would have to do a word study on it and see.
Okay. That's fine. Seriously, I would. It says in Hebrews, I'm looking at the interlinear folks, so I don't think
I'm reading the Hebrew. I'm going to learn it, read it again though. So the sons of Israel.
I can still read Hebrew. How about that? So that's what it says. Sons of Israel in there, but some manuscripts, my note says compare
Dead Sea Scroll, Septuagint, Masoretic Texts, Sons of Israel. So I'd have to do a study on it to see what's going on and see what the
Septuagint says, because I'd have to do that in Masoretic Texts and then compare them.
But at any rate, even if it says sons of God, what is meant by it? Because the term, so I go back to Genesis and Control F.
Oh, I'll do it this way. Bible program's awesome. So I'm going to do is type in sons of God and it occurs 53 times.
The sons of God saw the daughters of men were beautiful. They took them in for wives. It appears that the sons of God there are fallen angels.
Nephilim, when the sons of God came into the daughters of men, Genesis. Well, that's interesting.
How about that? I love the Bible. It is awesome. So that was Genesis 6 .2
and 6 .4. The next time the term sons of God occurs isn't until Job 1 .6.
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came among them. Now, does that mean that there was all the angels bad and good?
I'd have to check it out. Or is it only in reference to the bad that those are the questions you'd have to ask? The next reference is 2 .1
of Job. The sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord. Okay. And Job 38 .7,
and all the sons of God shouted for joy. That would seem to be the angelic realm and the good side. And then at the son of God and the next sons of God is
Matthew 5 .9. Let's throw the peacemakers for these shall be called sons of God. And the next sons of God, almost done.
Oh, there we go. Luke 20 .36, they cannot die anymore because they're like angels and are sons of God being sons of the resurrection.
And I'm going to take this opportunity to teach you guys something as far as studying goes. There's another one for all who are being led by the spirit of God.
These are sons of God anxious for long, long in creation, which eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.
So what I'm doing is looking for the sons of God, Galatians 3 .26. We all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
And I think that's the last plural sons of God.
Yeah, that's it. So what I would do is take the terms, if I were to answer your question in Deuteronomy 32 .8,
I would go and do a study on the phrase sons of God and see how God uses it in the entire
Bible. And there's 20 or so of where it's plural sons of God, not just son of God.
And we can see that it seems to be of angels. It seems to be a fallen angels.
It seems to be of people and it seems to be of Christians. We've got to be careful.
We don't want to commit what's called illegitimate totality transfer. And what that means is that a word has a variety of meanings.
It's a semantic domain, has a variety of meanings. And we don't want to take the meaning in one context and transfer it to another context.
It's called illegitimate totality transfer. And so we don't want to say that in Deuteronomy 32 .8,
that the term sons of God means Christians, because it wouldn't make sense there. So we have to look at it in its own context, but we can see how
God uses it. As I just did a really quick cursory study, you find out that the term sons of God occurs so many times in the
Bible, has different reference meanings. And so it may or may not help us when it comes to this passage to see if there's any contextualization over the overall usage that would shed light on this.
In other words, it's a big study. Can I say something real quick?
Okay. By the way, thank you for clearing it up. I really appreciate that.
When I listen to people talk about different biblical scriptures, I like to ask people from multiple viewpoints before I ever come to a decision on what
I believe. So this is nothing to attack or anything, but I wanted to make a few points.
One of them is, basically, I feel like I got caught up on the semantics of what besides me mean.
So the way I see it, I'm a semantic person. I love definitions. I love to figure out things and to understand it in a way where, okay, if we look at this definition, how could we look at this context and draw a conclusion from this?
So at first, what it seemed to be for me when it says, no other gods beside me, that meant that nobody on my level.
That's how I interpreted it. Well, how about this?
Isaiah 47 .8, I am, and there is no one besides me. Isaiah 47 .10,
I am, and there is no one besides me. Yeah, and that's what I said. I think that definitely denies all possibilities of any other
God existing. That's right. But when he says, I don't even know of any others, that should clarify it.
I don't even know of any others. Okay, got you. See, and that's a very wise.
Now, my denier, my personal one, when I was talking to somebody, an individual, he didn't really have a response.
But if we can jump into 2 Kings 5 really quickly, it's the story of Naaman, who had leprosy.
It begins at eight, and I think it ends around 13.
And I'll just read the key verse real quick, because I don't want to read the whole thing.
All right. But it is 2 Kings 5, and it starts at eight.
Here we go. It's 15. It says, then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God.
He stood before him and said, now I know that there is no God in all the world except Israel, so please accept a gift from your servant.
So that's him confessing after being healed from leprosy and having a little bit of a disagreement with Elisha or whatever of the prophet of God.
And when he had that disagreement, and then someone, I think, counseled him or advised him to go ahead and do it. And so that was my other denier.
But thanks for showing me 4310, and you clarified anything. And if you want to continue to expand on that, you're welcome to.
But I really appreciate it. I'll look into that too, by the way. All right. Sounds good, man. We got the
Catholic back again, if he wants to speak. The set of a Catholic test.
Peter Diamond or whatever the other Diamond Brother thing is. Most holy.
Family monastery. I keep getting told that I need to debate this guy by some furry
Catholics, if you can believe that. Furry. Anyway. If you're on now, we're trying to talk.
You're on, man. Yep, you're on. Floor is yours. You can speak. Hello.
Which one is the Catholic? He goes by Most Holy Family Monastery.
So floor is yours to speak now or never. Speak now or forever.
Hold your silence in peace. In five, four, three, two.
And hey, I knew it. I knew it. Maybe he's having a problem. I did want to do a quick shout out, if that's all right, to Tyler Vela of the
Free Thinker podcast. He does a lot of research in that area, specifically on terms like Sons of God.
Just a fantastic scholar. He's a great friend. Presbyterian, which is forgivable.
Whoa, dude. I'm Presbyterian, man. That guy is automatically right on.
I'm as Baptist as the SPC, brother. Oh, you're sly. But yeah.
Anyway, great scholar. I don't know if you know who that is, Jay, but he runs a podcast called the Free Thinker podcast and talks extensively about stuff like that.
So we'll get into definitions and word meanings and everything and just good stuff.
Okay. Thank you. I really appreciate it. Absolutely. Um, so Mandoa Mom.
Mandoa Mom. I think it's Mandoa Mom, right? Yes. Mandoa Mom.
Floor is yours. Yeah, this is, I don't know, asking for a friend.
So if you've met, married your husband in the church or a spouse, let's say, and, um, you know, all of a sudden over the years, things have grown very toxic.
Your what have grown toxic? Things. The relationship has grown very toxic. Um, and, you know, you try to take it through the church and do counseling through the church.
Um, but this is somebody who, you know, brow beats you if you don't attend church, but maybe you watch it online.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm getting confused. Um, so I'm really paying attention and focusing.
So that's why I'm getting confused. So it's not you. It's somebody else. You know, my husband.
Okay. You guys. Okay. That's all right. So he's brow beating you. And the kids to go to church.
Well, uh, the children would be punished sometimes if they don't go. Um, so your husband, your husband goes to church.
He does. Okay. We did use, we used to together with his job.
Then it became impossible for him, which I understood. Um, and then I would try to go.
Um, but at this point, the, where we are, and I'm not coming at it as a perfect person, is that he is, he attends a church.
If he speaks about God, it's great. And it's on point. Um, but, uh, his actions and his behavior and how he interacts with us is very, um, uh, different from the biblical teachings.
And you know what I, you know, understand a husband and wife should interact as.
And so my question is, is at this point, it's been 15 years and it's been so negative.
It's causing problems for our family. It becomes daily day toxicity, um, negativity, um, false accusations from him.
And it's just not healthy. But I, you know, he hasn't cheated on me. So I know that divorce is not one of my options.
I would like to support him, but this is just too negative. And it compromises everything as a witness of God.
So what kind of church are you going to? Oh, a Calvary chapel. You talk to the elders about this?
Um, I, not the elders we've gone through counseling there. But he refuses. Wait, wait.
So you've not talked to the elders? Uh, I didn't know we had elders at this one. We're in a small.
Okay. Okay. It's a church. I attend Calvary chapel. Normally they have elders, but sometimes they don't.
So if they don't have elders, you need to go to the pastor. And the pastor had us meet with marriage counseling.
Okay. So you're going to the elders then. And who's the marriage counseling? Um, she's in the church.
She's yeah. The same church? Yes. Through the same church. She's got her degree, um, but she serves as marriage and family counseling.
Um, but she chooses to dedicate her, um, profession through the church.
So it's done. Uh, that's the only way she does counseling is through the church. All right. Would your husband be willing to have a
Skype meeting with you and him and me? Uh, yeah. He's a huge fan of yours actually.
I mean, not that I am as well, you know, but yeah. He is or is not. He's a huge fan.
I am as well, but I'm sure. Well, that just shows you that you're both really intelligent. That's, that's great.
Right. Exactly. That's all. That's all that means. That's kind of obvious. Listen, I listen to Matt Slick.
I'm smart. See? Um, well, let me tell you something. I do marriage counseling.
I guess you know that, right? I do. And, uh, I've counseled 35 couples over the years and that couch right there.
Normally what happens, uh, you don't live near me, so you can't do it, but normally what happens is, um, is they come over and then we talk.
And the shortest time I've ever spent talking to anybody has been three hours. And we talk because I need to hear, see, and go through stuff.
Now, 35 couples, 31 of them, it's been the man who's been the main problem. And it, there's a problem in, in, in biblical manhood.
When I counsel people, I tell them that, um, if they've gotten to me, it's because things are bad because I know what it is and I know how to fix any marriage.
If you believe the Bible and you trust in Christ, you claim to be Christian, it's going to work.
It's going to work. Because that's the promise God has given to those who are covenantally faithful one to another.
And then what I do is I teach theology and I teach the woman's place and the man's place, and they have to know their place.
And the men often misunderstand what their place is. And so, um, they need to be servants greater than their wives are.
That's hard to do. But, uh, because they're the head, they don't understand what that headship really means.
But at any rate, if he's willing to, um, I'd be willing to, you know, talk, we'd get in the Skype thing and we'd just go at it for a while.
We'd just talk. Yeah, absolutely. You'd have to both be on camera. Okay. Where I could see you both at the same time.
Okay. You know why? Because I, I would assume it, you, our reactions and our facial expressions will also give away some of, you know, if, if I'm not being honest, you can maybe see it, things like that.
Yeah. Yeah. Um, and then I can mock people later when I, you know, when I talk to my wife. And then, um, no,
I don't do that. I'm just teasing you. My wife, in fact, what I tell people is they'll say, would you tell anybody else?
And my wife will say, how'd it go? And I say, it went well. And she might say, well, who's the main problem? I'll say, usually it's the guy.
And what was the issue? Uh, he was a little domineering. And did you give him stuff? Yeah. And that's about it.
I don't, I don't give details. And I don't mind hearing from a Christian woman's perspective either. She doesn't know anything.
She married me. You can't trust her. Oh, come on. She married me.
You can't trust her judgment. So that's just off the table automatically. Apparently your wife is not in the house right now.
She's downstairs. So I'm safe. I just want to publicly say online that I don't condone that statement.
So my wife doesn't hear it. You are going to get me in trouble, Matt. Once my wife and I were having an argument.
I love my wife. She is beautiful and precious and smarter than me. I'm going to go on record saying that.
Very much. Is she standing there with her hand on her hip? That kind of thing. Giving you the look. Nope. You better say that.
It doesn't mean like you're trained pretty well. She's great. Anyway, go ahead.
Yeah, no, I think that I think that would be great. Thank you. You know, I had a couple other detailed base questions on this.
But if you're going to meet with us, well, I don't want to taint your opinion one way or the other because it's just me here right now.
So ask how old you are. I'm 42. How old is he? He's 37.
How long have you been married? 15 years. How many kids you got? I have one from a previous relationship before I found
God. Yes. And then we have one, a 14 -year -old together.
Okay. All right. And he's willing to talk. Let me know. Yeah, absolutely.
Email me, okay? Just email me at mattslick at gmail .com and hopefully I'll see it.
I've got in there. I'll put something crazy in the thing up top. You want a million dollars because we open all of those, right?
I probably, yeah. I always, yeah. That's why my screen flickers. Yeah, just type in something heretical and then, you know, something will snap.
Oh, yeah. There you go. But then there is a true prophet. Okay. Just kind of secreted a little bit of some stuff there.
Get into my brain, you know, my spiritual Tourette's is going to kick in. Oh, no.
Okay. Well, thank you. And as holy, did he come back on? I really want to hear what he's got to say, but. He did, but I booted him out because he's not going to take.
He's not going to take. He's like, yeah, come on. Yeah. I mean, he's got the confidence to pop in and say, hey, this is what's going on.
I want to hear it. You know, if this guy's right, we're never going to hear it, right? He says it, he says it, he says it.
What I do is I say it like it is, period. Yes.
Yeah. Sometimes they both usually get it, but usually it's the guy.
Eh. Yeah. It is. Yeah. I mean, I've had people sit on that couch and guys have said stuff.
I'm like, I've said, are you stupid? Are you really that stupid? Say that about your wife right there.
I mean, I've said that and we're going to go, we're going to duke it out right now. You know, but at any rate, if you put that up on YouTube, I'll watch it.
I'm kidding. I mean, I've said one guy, one guy, his wife is, was overweight.
I'll actually tell you, this was, I've counseled him several times. I knew them. And she was definitely, she could have lost 80, a hundred pounds and he was complaining about her weight.
She was actually pretty. And, um, you know, she lost weight. She'd have been gorgeous. And so, you know, he's, he, he's complaining, look at her.
She's right there. She goes, look at her. She's so big. She's so fat. It's just unattractive. And then it gave me, and, you know,
I said, well, she's had your kids too. That does something to her body, you know? And yeah, but she doesn't. But I go, look at you.
You look like a Neanderthal. You have a big brows. I watched you come up here to the stairs.
You drug your knuckles. Oh my goodness. I mean, it's a troglodyte.
I mean, you don't ever get a banana and wave it. You go, oh my gosh, good gravy.
I'm here. I love it. Appreciate everything that you've had to share.
And I will email you. Thank you guys. But I'm sure others are waiting. And I don't want to monopolize everything.
All right. We're going to be wrapping up shortly. But yeah, we just got a couple more people in here.
Guild, I think it is. Go ahead and unmute your mic. I think it's Guild.
Can I take a break and use the restroom here? Oh, sure. One minute.
Sorry. I'll be right back. Dance for us, monkey. Dance, puppets, dance.
Hey, before you do wrap tonight, I wanted to drop a link in for Seeking.
She was speaking earlier about reaping and so forth. I don't know if she's got her chat window open.
But I posted a link in there that might be something she'd be interested in looking at.
I believe she's on a phone. So you want to probably do the external hangout chat.
So not the internal one like we have right now.
Yeah, I didn't know the phone didn't have the chat window. She just said
I'm here. Okay, okay, okay. Well, she's here. But did she see the link? I'm assuming so.
Yep, got the link. Thanks. Wonderful. There you go. Perfect. Okay, just don't pay attention to me then.
I don't know anything. I love when technology works. Yeah, it does.
So while we're waiting for Matt, maybe we'll just, I don't know, sing a song or something. I would certainly get anybody got a favorite hymn.
Yeah. What was that again, Charlie? I would certainly be booted if I sang anything.
Yeah, yeah. All right.
Okay, Gil, if you can unmute your mic. And ask away if you can.
And I don't know. I see her. I think she's cut her audio. Yeah, we see your video.
We don't see or hear you. Gil, can you say anything?
Hello? Can you wave? I'm kind of scared right now. Yeah, okay.
She moved. She's definitely, hello? She has to unmute herself, right?
Yeah, I think so. She doesn't know how to do that. You know, if you see your own window there,
Gil, the little microphone with a slash through it, click on that microphone. And that's one way,
I think. The other way is to put your mouse at the top of the window. And you can see the figures, the things up there, the icons.
And one of them will have a mute, which is red, see?
So if you click it off, it looks like you might not have your microphone set up on your windows, either.
Possible. Or you can just type in your question. Yeah, on the right -hand side, there should be a little text box for you to ask a question.
Oh, Gil's goal, seven videos from Ph .D. Catholic apologists who know the Biter better than any of us.
So Gil, are you Catholic? Just nod your head if you are. You Catholic? Okay, as you can hear me.
You know, yeah, are you Catholic? Move on.
Because seven Ph .D .s doesn't mean anything. You know something? Let's see,
I've got this book. I've got so many books all over the place. Oh, I have a book of 50 priests who left
Catholicism and became Protestants. So, you know, I mean, seven
Ph .D .s who say this or that. About my 50 priests who left Catholicism. I've got the book someplace. I just have too many books.
I don't even know where it is. So that really doesn't mean much.
I guess you can't hear. Anybody else got a comment or question they want to say or ask? Apparently, Gil is giving us
YouTube links that she wants us to view. Well, this is a talk show kind of discussion.
So this is where you actually come on and discuss things with Matt and ask questions.
And we're not here to watch videos. Would you be interested in what you think the
Catholic Church knows better of the Bible than, say,
Matt or another Protestant? Yeah, I'm looking at one of the links and let's get it.
Steve Ray, are you born again? A Catholic response. She asked, who has the authority to interpret the word of God?
Christians. So here's a common thing that Catholics will say and what they do, they don't understand that they are begging the question or assuming that authority is necessary in order to interpret scripture.
So that's why they ask who has the authority as though authority is necessary to interpret scripture. So I'm going to put in a verse and I'm going to see if we can interpret it.
Now, we're Protestants, so that they would say we don't have the authority.
So here we go. This is the verse. I'm going to put it in the text. I'll show you. Oh, hold on a sec.
Here we go. There we go. There it is.
John 11, 35, Jesus wept, the shortest verse in English in the Bible. Now, this is in the context of Lazarus had died and he went to the tomb and he wept.
I'm going to interpret this and see if you guys agree with my interpretation. What I think it means when it says
Jesus wept is I'm going to interpret to mean that he had tears.
He was crying and he wept. That's my interpretation. What do you guys think? Am I right or wrong? Oh boy, that's a tough one.
So Gil, am I right? Is that what it means? Do I need the authority of the
Catholic Church to interpret that? I don't need the authority to interpret that. I don't need the authority to interpret the next verse either.
That's what this verse says. So the Jews were saying, see how much he loved him. The Jews were saying, see how much
Jesus loved Lazarus. I didn't need authority to interpret that. Nobody needed authority.
When people say you have to have authority to interpret the scripture, they forfeited their own right to look at the word of God and read it for themselves.
Furthermore, look at this. Watch this.
Here we go. This is
Romans 14, one through five. That's what it says.
Now, except the one who's weak in faith, but not for the purpose of passing judgment on his opinions.
Opinion? Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Opinion. Like I'm Presbyterian. I believe in infant baptism, but not for the purpose of salvation.
I believe in covenantal baptism. I don't think anybody else in here affirms that. That's my opinion. Their opinion differs from mine.
It's not an essential doctrine of the faith. One person has faith that he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats vegetables only.
The one who eats is not to regard with contempt the one who does not eat, and the one who does not eat is not to judge the one who eats, for God has accepted him.
Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls, and he will stand if the Lord is able to make him stand.
Verse five. One person regards one day above another. Another regards every day alike. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind.
If the authority of the Roman Catholic Church is necessary in order to interpret scripture, why does Paul the Apostle say that each person must be fully convinced in his own mind?
Because that would imply then that they have the authority to read the Word of God on their own and come up with different opinions, and that's okay.
Paul the Apostle says. So when people tell me, you know, you've got to have the authority to be able to interpret the
Word of God. Authority, schmority. You don't have to have that authority.
Does the Roman Catholic Church have the authority of God? No. Jesus summoned his 12 disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits to cast them out to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.
Matthew 10. 1. Verse 10. No, it's verses. That's 10.
1. So the authority that they had in the Roman Catholic Church claims that it has the authority from the apostles.
And so the authority from the apostles is to be able to cast out demons and to heal.
All right. Now, I did an article on this recently. I'm going to, I don't have it all memorized yet.
Does the Roman Catholic Church have the authority of Christ? That's the article on CARM. And I'll put the link up here.
You can see it. Now check this out. Because what it says is in Luke 5, 24 -25.
But so that you may know that the Son of God, Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.
He said to the paralytic, I say to you, get up and pick up your stretcher and go home. So in order for Jesus' authority to be vindicated by Jesus' own words, he made a command of healing and the guy was healed.
Then Jesus, Matthew 10, 1, I already read. He gave the authority to the unclean spirits to the disciples.
And verse 8. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons, freely you receive, freely give.
Now, Jesus raised the dead on command. He said, touch the coffin.
And he said, young man, I say to you, arise. Peter raised the dead on command. Tabitha, arise,
Acts 9, 40 -41. Peter healed on command in Acts 9, 34. Peter said to Ananias, Jesus heals you, get up and make your bed.
He immediately did it. Paul healed on command at Lystra. A man was sitting, blah, blah, blah. Stand upright on your feet.
And he leaped up and began to walk. Now, the authority that Christ had was on command to be able to exercise healings and various things.
In Matthew 10, 1, Jesus gave the authority to the disciples. And he gave it in verse 8 of Matthew 10 in order to go out there and heal the sick, raise the dead, do the lepers, the whole bit.
Peter and Paul did this on command. Peter, the Roman Catholics would say, had the apostolic authority.
Then let's see the Roman church exemplify the same apostolic authority.
She's unmuted now, so I don't know if she can talk. Okay, let's see the Roman Catholics exemplify the same authority that they say they have that's given from Christ down to the apostles.
We see how that authority is exemplified and carried out by Jesus and the apostles. And the Roman Catholic Church doesn't do it.
Now, the Roman Catholic Church says, well, we have healings on command. And even if it did,
Matthew 7, 22 and 23, many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, do we not prophesy in your name, cast out demons, perform many miracles?
I never knew you'd get away from me, you workers of evil. You see, the Roman Catholic Church has got a problem because it wants to say it has the authority, but the authority is not testable.
It's just a claim. But you don't need authority to interpret scripture. But yet it says you do.
What? So you have to go to the Roman Catholic Church with its authority to tell you the truth. Now, before I'm done, one last thing.
How many verses has the Roman Catholic Church officially interpreted in 2 ,000 years?
The most I've ever heard is 15. Yeah, we don't hear you.
You'll turn up your sound. I'm not even sure. Yeah, she has a microphone. Maybe she just doesn't have a microphone.
The microphone is unmuted, but I think it's muted on her computer.
Yeah, we're not hearing her. If you're using Windows, the bottom right -hand side of your
Windows screen is called the tray. You'll see the date or the time, and to the left of that, you will see a speaker.
Right mouse click on that speaker. Go to open sound settings.
Right mouse click on the speaker, the bottom right, and then it'll say choose your output device. And hopefully...
Input. It's the microphone. She needs the microphone, so it's input device. Yeah, input, not output.
That's right. Choose the input device, not output, you're right. Yeah, on input, it says choose your input device, and then make that...
If you're on a laptop, use your laptop microphone. Yep. Welcome to Tech Tonight with Matt Slick.
Incidentally, one of my favorite things to do, period, is to build a computer from boxes, packages, and everything all the way up.
It's a rush. I know, it's fun. It's a rush. What's that? You would love my computer.
Oh, I'm very much... Oh, no. Okay, we're gonna do this.
I'm here. I have an MSI X299 Carbon Gaming AC with a 1080
Ti graphics card, 64 gigabytes, G .Skill
Trident Z memory. DDR5, right? DDR5? Oh, DDR4. Yeah, at $3 ,200,
I have... Awesome. That's like a $60 video card, isn't it? Yeah, it's pretty expensive.
Yeah. Corsair Hydro Pump for the
CPU cooler. Oh, I have an 8700X CPU.
Hey, you've got a faster machine than I do. I have an i7, and my motherboard's...
My MOBO is three years old, but I got 32 gigs of DDR3 in it.
But it works fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have two 27 -inch 4K monitors with a 32 up there as well.
You're rocking 4K? What's your graphics card? It's a $280 graphic card, a 580
AMD, because it has to have FreeSync on it. And you're rocking 4K?
Wow. I'm doing 4K right now. That's right, because I spent all day on this computer.
So... And I have a 500 gig SSD. In fact, here, check this out.
Look at this. Look at this. 500 gig
SSD. That's what I got. 500 gig SSD. 500 gig
SSD. 500 gig SSD. And one in the computer. And I got hard drives everywhere.
You know, two terabytes, nine. If you're constantly uploading stuff, I highly recommend getting
M .2 storage. It is insanely fast. It's so fast.
I got a terabyte of it. Wait, wait, wait. M .2? Yeah. It's so fast.
It's lightning fast. It's like 15 times
SSD. It's crazy. Yeah, it's so fast. I put all my games and stuff on there.
It's lightning. I only do writing and research, you know? And even then...
Oh, and I use my speech recognition program. And even then, it's not fast enough for me. I want... That's why
I got this. I'm going to be building myself a new system. So I'm going to be moving this stuff over into a new system.
I'm going to get an elevated mobile and... Huh? Oh, yeah. I'd love to help you. Man, I can tell already, you and I, if we had all the parts...
Oh, yes. Oh, we're going to build this baby up. Put some, you know... It'd be like delightful.
I mean, I love doing it. I like to put the motherboard and rub it on my chest. Oh, yeah.
Do I need to get the fire hose out? I want the computers on. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I love it. I'm out of touch with a lot of the new stuff, though. But because, you know...
But I used to be a computer tech at Hewlett -Packard. Anyway, okay. Okay, we're done.
Anyway... Yeah. Check this link out. You should not have told me this.
It's so fast. Oh, is it RAM? No, it's
SSD. But is it for the RAM purpose? It's an NVMe, non -viable.
Or... Something, yeah. Oh, it's just so fast.
I mean, no. Because like an SSD, you know, you got so many rewrites before it's no good anymore. Oh, no, it's all flash.
You can do it as many times as you want. There's no disk. Oh, so it's flash. Yeah. Got you.
Oh, I see what you're talking about. For the RAM configuration, because that's a
SIM. Oh, wait a minute. That's a weird... What kind of SIM ending...
Dude, I need a motherboard that fits that now. It's a lot. 3 ,400 megabytes per second.
Writes 1 ,500 megabytes per second. Just ridiculous speeds.
That's faster than I think. It's pretty cool. Somebody should say, well, it's not that fast then, is it?
I'm massively distracting this. I'm sorry. Any other questions? Man. So wait, this can serve as RAM?
But it says SSD. Okay, we'll have to talk another time. Okay, good. Oh, yeah.
Yeah. So I want to get an aquarium for you. We need to get another MOBO first.
That's step one. I need to get you a DDR3. Well, you got four now and I want to do up.
But I just need research for high graphics. I don't play games except for chess and things like that.
It doesn't take... There's nothing in there. So I just need complete research. But if I can get something that's so fast,
I might do some game entertainment because these monitors can handle that. It cranks. Oh, yeah. All right.
All right. You know, we've been going at it now for two and a half hours and we're not able to seem to...
I mean, Gil, we appreciate you coming in here and all that, but it makes it much better for you to actually speak so we can actually converse with you back and forth and have a dialogue.
And unfortunately, we're just not able to. Your links, we'll check out.
And anyway, we'll go ahead. Okay. Apparently...
Amanda mom has 30 more. Amanda mom has like 34 more questions. You know what?
I've been looking at this little bit of this video stuff. I know. I've heard so many Catholics twist the word of God and twist and just put lies into their stuff.
I know I can refute every single one of these guys. Unless you're talking about the Trinity Accord.
You take the authority to interpret the word of God away from the Catholic Church.
They're screwed. Yeah, exactly. So they're going to fight tooth and nail for that, right? They have to.
It's us. Salvation's in the church. It's in our authority. We'll tell you what it means.
Where do you want to come to? I hate that. That's what the cults do. It's just not possible for me ever to become a
Catholic. Can I also say that I swear they have like a script because the last question you just wrote is, where do you think the
Bible came from? I swear they use the same thing all the time. They don't think.
I know. They view the Bible. Even if you did, which I don't concede, even if you did, my next question is, then why don't you obey it?
Yeah. How many works they got to do as a Roman Catholic? You know, paragraph 2068 in the Catholic Catechism clearly says, it says that you attain salvation through faith, baptism, and keeping the commandments.
I could talk all night on that. Faith, baptism, and keeping the commandments.
You keeping the commandment? No? Well, then you can't be saved. Oh, you got to try. That's not keeping them, keeping them, not trying, keeping them.
And what the Catholic Church says you got to do for salvation is blasphemous. Blasphemous.
It is the biggest gate of damnation of any religion on the planet because it's the biggest religion on the planet.
And it's going to play a part with the Antichrist in the end times. I do not like Catholicism.
Maybe one day I'll do a thing here. I'll share my screen and I'll go over material and I'll teach on Catholicism. And I will show you how utterly bankrupt it really is, how corrupt it is.
But it teaches about Mary. It's blasphemies about Mary. How Pope Pius XI, oh,
I could read you what Pope Pius XI said, guys. I don't know if I've done this in years. It is so blasphemous what he said.
It's just ridiculous. I could do that easily. I do not like Catholicism because I do not like the
Pharisaical attitude, the Sadducee attitude that they have of being the ones who are in control, being like the unrighteous judges of Israel, like the
Pharisees in the time of Christ, leading the people who want to trust and hope in them, leading them to damnation because they lie to them, believing their own lies.
They spread those lies down to the people. The darn
Catholics are going to rot in hell because of the lies of the Roman Catholic Church, that apostate whore of Babylon.
I hate Roman Catholicism. I hate the doctrine. I hate what it does.
I hate how it blasphemes God. I hate how it presents the masses a re -sacrifice over and over again, how it makes you submit to the authority of the
Roman Catholic Church, how it puts burdens and burdens upon you. You can't even keep and says, you must go to the priest to be forgiven over and over and over and over and over again.
Your salvation is tied up in that harlot. You have to go to that harlot to get your fill, to get your feed of grace that comes to you because grace to them is a substance that's infused into you.
And the more you get through the sacerdotal system, the more righteous you are before God. So your salvation depends on the authority of the
Roman Catholic Church. That authority is a blasphemous thing from the Roman Catholic Church.
It's demonic because it means that they are the ones who could tell you what God's word means.
You can't even go to it yourself. Even though Paul said each person must be fully convinced in his own mind, that refutes flat out what the
Roman Catholic Church says about coming to it and its authority. What Paul's saying is you can read the word of God on your own and get it.
You don't need any sneaking authority. I've studied so much of the cults, so much of Mormonism, so much of Jehovah's Witnesses, so much of Islam over the years.
I see the same thing in Roman Catholicism. You got to go to that group, that restored gospel, in this case, the original gospel.
You have to go to their authority, their prophet, their priest, their king, their Pope, their whatever, in order to be saved, in order to have it given to you by their wisdom and their knowledge, their authority, all the while leading you to the gates of hell.
So that you can drop into the abyss and rot with the enemy of the gospel forever.
That's what the Roman Catholic Church is about. That's what the Roman Catholic Church does. And in the end time, when the
Antichrist comes, it's going to work with the Antichrist in order to foment more deception.
In fact, a lot of people don't know this. It's already courting Islam, trying to say that Islam, in fact,
I got a quote. They say that Islam serves the same God as the Christians. This is what the Roman Catholic Church says.
How stupid, how stupid could you be? For anybody to say that, idiocy, blasphemy, filth, lies.
That's what the Roman Catholic Church is to me. I mean, listen to these Catholic priests talk about stuff.
I could rip them to shreds because they don't stand on truth. They don't stand on God's word. They stand on misinterpretation, half -truths, logic fallacies, and the authority of the
Roman Catholic Church. They are just as much deceivers as the enemy of the gospel is because he's working through them.
Can I get a mic drop? That's one thing about the Catholic Church, and it needs to repent.
It needs to repent and stop teaching its heresies. It does.
You know, I mean, I'll talk to Catholics, but, you know, when I talk to them, I'm going to ask them questions. You know, it's just ridiculous.
I know plenty of Catholic priests that know the whole lot better than you. Really? How much do
I know? Do you know how much I know in the Bible? How many verses have they got memorized?
You know how long I've been studying the Bible, Guild? You know how long? You know plenty of Catholic priests that know it better.
If that's true, does it mean that they're right? Because all I got to do is go to the word of God. We maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.
Romans 3 .28. Or I can go to Romans 4 .5. The one who does not work but believes his faith is credited as righteousness.
Oh, let me go to James 2. James 2 .24. See, a man is justified by faith alone. Oh, yeah.
Hey, there's a dirty word I'm going to say to you guys. You ready? Dirty word. You ready? Context. Let's read the context.
I'll call the Catholic priest out for what he really is. A servant of the evil one. And he needs to repent.
Holding up a monstrance after his sorcery, saying that he does a certain thing with a wafer and a certain thing at a certain time.
And it changes from the wafer into the actual body and blood of Christ. It actually changes when he does this certain ritual.
It's called sorcery. Then they put it in a monstrance and it's the body and blood of Christ. And they worship it.
This is paganism. And then they bow before Mary and they worship Mary.
Here, hold on a sec, guys. Watch this. I'm telling you,
Catholicism makes me mad. Just like Mormonism does.
This is what it says. This is the Catholic Catechism, paragraph 841. This is what the official
Roman Catholic theology is. This is official in the Roman Catholic Church. The church's relationship with the
Muslim. The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the creator. In the first place, amongst whom are the
Muslims. These profess to hold the faith of Abraham. And together with us, they adore the one merciful
God. Mankind's judge on the last day. You know what? That's a true statement. It is true.
The Muslims and the Catholics do worship the same God. Not the one
I worship. The one I worship teaches salvation by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone.
Paragraph 171 in the Koran denies that Jesus Christ was even crucified.
It denies a doctrine of the Trinity. It denies that Jesus Christ is God in flesh. That's what Islam does in the
Koran. And look what this idiot, stupid statement says. The first place amongst us are the
Muslims. These profess to hold the faith of Abraham. Together with us, they adore the one merciful
God. They adore the one merciful God. They adore the Trinitarian God with the incarnation of Christ. Well, they do not.
And yet they get this wrong in the catechism. What is wrong with them?
See, I would take a priest and say, is this true? Come on, Mr. Priest, is this true? Do you and the
Muslims share the faith in the same one merciful God? Because in Islam, Allah is not merciful.
And it's called Inshallah. That means if Allah wills. And you could be perfect in your law keeping according to the
Koran. And Inshallah, if Allah wills, he'll send you to hell. He's arbitrary.
He's not merciful. He's untrustworthy. This blasphemy of the
Roman Catholic Church. Guild, if you are in it and you believe Roman Catholicism, you are in a state of damnation and you need to repent.
You need to come to faith in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone. That's whose salvation is in.
It's not in the authority of some group, some person, some anything other than Jesus. He has the authority.
But it's not in some church authority, some church structure, some church anything that some stupid group goes around saying, we have the authority of God.
We are the ones. Hey, folks, we have the authority. You don't have the authority to interpret God's word. You can't tell us what
John 11, 35 means. Jesus wept. You can't do that. We have to tell you what it is.
How many verses you've interpreted? 11 in the entire 2000 years. So they've not interpreted infallibly.
99 .997 % of the Bible. And they get one verse every 200 years. And then they change their stuff.
And then they say that Mary can be worshipped. And I have the documentation on my shelf right back there. Mary's worshipped.
And Mary is the one that you have to go to in these stupid apparitions of Mary. God. Catholicism is a bankrupt piece of crap.
It's a false religion. It leads people to damnation. And every Protestant should be standing against it.
It's vile teaching. It's false teachings. Every Christian should be against that whore of Babylon.
It may or may not be the actual whore of Revelation. But it certainly is a worthwhile contender.
I'm going to do this a little bit more since you guys are letting me go. This kind of stuff makes me mad. I'm going to read some apparitions that the
Roman Catholic Church says really is Mary. This is what it says really is
Mary. The Roman Catholic Church has officially said this is really Mary. 1531,
Guadalupe, Mexico, appearing to Juan Diego. This is what the apparition says. Know for sure, my dearest little one and youngest son, that I am the perfect, the perfect and ever -virgin
Mary. That's what the Bible says. She lost her virginity. He kept her virgin until Jesus was born.
Matthew 1 .25. But hey, who cares about Scripture? This is another apparition from Guadalupe in 1531.
I am truly your merciful mother. Yours and all the people who live united in this land and all the people, other people of different ancestries.
My lovers who love me. Those who seek me. Those who trust in me.
Here I will hear their weeping, their complaints, heal all their sorrows, hardships, and sufferings.
So now the apparition is saying all those who come to me, who seek me, who trust in me. The Holy Spirit bears witness of Jesus Christ.
The Father bears witness of Jesus. The prophets bear witness of Jesus. The Scriptures bear witness of Jesus. Jesus bears witness of himself.
What does this apparition do? Come to me. Those who seek me. Those who trust in me.
That's not the Spirit of Christ. Another apparition appearance in Guadalupe, 1531.
Am I not her? Excuse me. Am I not here? I, who am your mother. Are you not under my shadow and protection?
Am I not the source of your joy? Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, in the crossings of my arms?
Do you need anything more? The implication of the rhetorical question is no, you don't need anything more than Mary.
You don't need anything more than being in her shadow. Her protection. She's a source of your joy, in the hollow of her mantle, in the crossing of her arms.
You don't even need Jesus because you got Mary. Blasphemous pig doctrine. This is 1917,
Fatima, Portugal. May 13th, incidentally. Are you willing to offer yourself to God to bear all the sufferings he wants to send you as an act of reparation for the sins by which he's offended and for the conversion of sinners?
Now, wait a minute. The apparition is now saying that these three children here, what they have to do is suffer to make the sins that God's offended by, make them better.
That's blasphemy. That is blasphemy. That is blasphemy.
Jesus' blood is what cleanses of our sins. Nothing we can do can contribute to the work of Christ.
Nothing we can do. The best we've got are filthy rags before God, Isaiah 64, 6.
And here this false apparition, which the Roman Catholic Church can't even tell the false apparition.
And why can't it? Because it has its own authority and it puts its authority over the word of God and it reads its tradition equal to authority.
And it has a tradition. So it tells you what is equal to scripture. And it has to falsely interpret the scripture of God in order to make its blasphemous teachings be consistent with its blasphemies in his churches on a weekly, daily basis.
This is what it says. Jesus wants to make me known and loved. He wishes to establish the devotion to my immaculate heart throughout the world.
I promise salvation to whoever embraces it. These souls will be dear to God like flowers put by me to adorn this throne.
So wait a minute. So this apparition in Fatima, Portugal, 1917, Jesus wants to use you, these children, to make me known and loved.
Really? Jesus says, come to me and I will give you rest. Matthew 11, 27, 28. That's what he says.
He didn't say to go to anybody else. Salvation is found in Christ, not in Mary. Because this apparition, this false demonic apparition, says he,
Jesus, wishes to establish the devotion to my immaculate heart. Are you freaking kidding me? The immaculate heart of Mary, devotion to it?
What, there's this heart? I'm going to have devotion to it? Are you kidding me? I promise salvation to whoever embraces it?
What's the it? The devotion to an immaculate heart of Mary. The apparition promises salvation.
What does the devil do? He lies. He lies.
This is lies. And how do I know it's lies? Because the scriptures don't teach this.
The scriptures don't teach this. The scriptures speak against it.
There's one mediator between man and God. The man Christ Jesus, 1 Timothy 2, 5.
Jesus says, come to me, all who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11, 28. Here's the third apparition.
The third apparition of Mary in Fatima, July 13th. Sacrifice yourself for sinners and say often to Jesus, especially whenever you make sacrifice, oh
Jesus, it is for the love of thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the immaculate heart of Mary.
Now they have to make reparations for sins committed against Mary. Anybody who's filled with the
Spirit of God would recognize the demon speaking here. And how do they recognize the demon speaking it?
Because they know what the truth is. The truth is Jesus. Jesus says, come to me. Jesus says, he's the way.
He's the truth. He's the life. He's the bread. He's the door. Jesus is the way.
Never do you find anybody, a prophet, God the Father, Mary, the
Holy Spirit, scriptures, the apostles, you never find anybody pointing anybody anywhere except to Jesus.
These false apparitions, which are demonic manifestations, they're demons, fallen angels that are pretending to be
Mary. Now, in order for that to happen, there has to be a door opened. A door must be opened in order for the occult to get through.
Doors have to be opened. I know I used to be involved in the occult. I can teach on it.
You have to have a door opened in order for demonic forces to be able to get in. This happens in Portugal, heavily
Catholic area, heavily Catholic, which is heavily superstitious. You wear medallions.
You wear those cloth rags. I'm so angry. I can't remember. Someone will type it in.
You wear those things. You go to the priest. You pray to Mary. You serve Mary.
These are all combinations of opening up a door, occult door, because it's necromancy, contact in the dead, praying for the dead, having the dead intercede for you, having the false teachings of worship righteousness go in, having to go through the authority of a priesthood that worships objects like the monstrance and that re -sacrifices
Christ. I know that's a representation. No, it's a re -sacrifice because they say it's propitiatory, and they do it all the time.
This is called opening up demonic doors, and this is exactly what's happened in Portugal, and it's exactly what happened in Guadalupe, Mexico, because of their paganism, their animism, their various forms that were already in the land, and what
Roman Catholicism does is not seek regeneration in the heart. It seeks indoctrination of the mind, not regeneration of the heart, where it points to Christ who then saves you.
It teaches salvation is to be obtained through participation in their sacramental system that they have the authority to give to you, and what that means is it's salvation by ritual.
It's salvation by doing. It's salvation by incantation, the exact same thing that was already present with the people groups there, and so they are ripe and ready to walk right into the occult system of the
Roman Catholic Church, and in so doing, what's happening is the occult doors are simply open, and we have these demonic manifestations, and the
Roman Catholic Church says, hey, it's really her. The Roman Catholic Church has no authority whatso stinking ever.
It does not represent Christ. It does not represent the truth. It represents demonic forces and demonic teaching in its false doctrines, and I bet you,
I personally believe, this is my opinion, I believe that in the Vatican are demons walking the halls, whispering into the ears of their servants, the priests and the bishops, teaching them what to say, and then putting upon them and within them demonic doctrines in order to deceive millions of more.
Now, we need to have more men who get upset like this, who know the truth of God's Word, who stand on the
Word of God, and like Luther, I'll say, it's the Word of God I stand on, I can do no other, as the
Roman Catholic Church sought to kill him, to murder him. It did so many others, because he stood on the
Word of God, because he would not agree with what they said that the Word of God meant, but they don't have any authority.
They can't even discern truth from error when it comes to their mariolatry. Little by little, the mariolatry through the centuries has grown and grown and grown, so that now she's worshipped, and I've got the documentation, and she's deified.
She's deified because she can hear all prayers of all people in all languages that are thought, that are spoken, simultaneously, all over the planet, and she can answer them.
That's merry? Where did they get that?
Not God's inspired Word. They did not get it from God's Word.
They got it from their sacred tradition. What is sacred tradition?
Sacred tradition is that tradition that they say is sacred. What tradition?
Where did the tradition come from? Does Pope Bob say to Pope Frank in the Vatican, hey, do you hear the one about Mary walking down the road, and then it becomes codified later on in 200 years because everyone starts believing it?
Where did it come from? How do they know? Oh, the Church has the authority. How do you know it has the authority? It has the authority to interpret tradition.
It is tradition and Scripture are equal. Why do they say tradition and Scripture are equal? Because they are elevating themselves, tradition, to the level of God.
They are the unrighteous judges of Psalm 82. You see, look, inspired
Word of God. Inspired. Tradition of man. Not inspired. Roman Catholic Church has authority.
Hey, it is inspired. Who has that tradition? We do. Who tells you what their tradition means?
We do. Who tells you what the Word of God means? We do. That's how can we know? Mary appears, and you can pray to her, and she can hear everything.
That's why they call her the All -Holy One. The one who is second to Eve. You can entrust your cares to Mary.
Devotion to Mary. Have Mary pray for you. Mary is worshipped. No better way than to look to Mary.
Entrusting ourselves to Mary in prayer. Mary sits at the right hand of God. Mary is second only to Jesus.
Mary taken into heaven. No one goes to Christ but through Mary. Mary is the advocate, the helper, the mediatrix, the mother of the members of Christ.
She's preserved from original sin. Mary is the queen over all things. Mary brings us the gifts of eternal life.
Mary, the advocate, the mediatrix. Mary helped make atonement for our sins.
Mary crushed the head of the serpent. Mary delivers souls from death. Mary brings the gifts of eternal salvation.
Mary is preparing a home for you. Mary hears your prayers. The idolatry of the
Roman Catholic Church is so perverse and pervasive that those people who are inculcated to teach by repetition, who are inculcated into the
Marian cult inside of the Roman Catholic Church, have been given over to the judgment of God upon them.
They're believing the lie. And then, according to Romans chapter 1, verse 31, they promote it and encourage it to others.
And that's what the Roman Catholic Church is doing. It's a servant of the evil one. And they need to repent.
All right. I can go on, but you guys got to go. That's what
I think about. Thanks, man. All right.
Yeah, we'll go ahead and call it good there. Just so you know, this is what happened when
Charlie Spine, Charlie in the room here, in 1980, when we first met, and I only met him one week earlier, he read to me the quote from Joseph Smith, where he boasted he did more than even
Jesus to keep a church together. And it made me so mad that I started studying. Partly the anger
I have against the lies of the devil that bring people to damnation.
Partly that anger, that hatred for that lie, motivates me to study and to expose the lies of the enemy.
And then when I die, all I want to do is bow my face before my Lord. That's it.
And just say, Lord Jesus, you receive all the glory and the praise. Period.
That's all. All right. Now I'm done. Amen and amen.
All right. Yeah, you have control. So you can go ahead and shut it down anytime you want there, Matt. Okay. All right.
Why don't you give us the true gospel of grace alone and faith alone. Amen. Yeah.
You know, I should have done that, but you're right. Let me do that. We've heard the lie. Let's hear the truth.
The truth. Oh, the truth is wonderful. The truth is a blessing. The truth is in the garden. When Adam and Eve sinned and they hid themselves and the pre -incarnate
Christ killed an animal, animal skins, shed blood and covered them.
They did nothing but hide, nothing but their sin. And God acted upon them. The euangelia, the protoangelium, the first mention of that gospel right there, that first enacting, that message and that type has been repeated throughout the
Old Testament till the time, and I'll skip the types and representations, but we get to the
New Testament and we find this person, Jesus Christ, God in flesh, who kept the law perfectly.
First Peter 2 .22, God in flesh. John 1 .1, verse 14, Colossians 2 .9.
He is the one who did all of everything that we need. And he took our sin in his body on the cross.
First Peter 2 .24, he fulfilled the law that we can't do. He took care of the sin that we could never take care of.
He, he's the one who took our place,
Isaiah 53, four through six. He let us whip him, beat him, falsely accuse him, make him carry that cross, go to the place of Golgotha, and with his back ripped open, he spread his arms, they nailed his wrists to the wood and lifted him up.
And his bones dropped, I mean, the joints popped, the bones were out of joint, blood down his back, his face, his body, and he stayed there.
We know about the law. We can't keep that law. Don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, love
God perfectly, love your neighbor perfectly. That's the standard of the law, Deuteronomy 27, 26, gotta keep it perfectly. We know we can't, and yet he did.
And we understand this intellectually, but what we often forget is that that man, Jesus Christ, God in flesh, what he allowed us to do to him, to injure him, to let us, mankind, lie to him, lie about him, falsely accuse him, and then make him go to the place where we should have.
And he stayed there so that he could redeem the ones like us. And he died with our sin in his body.
And three days later, that body with holes in it, rose from the dead, retaining the wounds of his crucifixion, retaining the wounds of his torture, his agony.
And then he forgave and he gave of himself freely so that all who simply trust in what
Jesus did, not what they can do, not what I can do, not what you can do, not what baptism does, not what church authority does, not what church membership does, not what keeping commandments does, but what
Jesus did alone on that cross is complete and sufficient. And the only thing we can do is trust in what he did by faith, because that's all we've got left, because everything we believe and do and touch, everything about us is touched by sin.
Even our belief isn't perfect enough, but yet he grants that we believe, Philippians 1, 29, works that faith in us,
John 6, 28, 29. And faith has its power because of who it's in. And so if you put your faith in your power, excuse me, you put your faith in Christ alone, it has great power.
And faith has that ability because it connects with God through the blood of Christ to save us from our sins, to have the righteousness of God reckoned to our account,
Philippians 3, 9, so that we can be made before God. Salvation is to be saved from the righteous judgment of God.
Salvation is to be saved from God. Salvation is to be saved from going to hell. And the only way that can be done is to trust in what
Christ has done. And for you to add or for anybody to add anything they do to supplement what
God has done on the cross is to say that what he did is not sufficient, because he said it is finished on the cross and everything he did is necessary for salvation was finished there.
And all we got to do is all we can do is drop before that cross on our knees in the dirt, drop our hands down, raise them up into the air with our heads facing down and ask
Jesus to forgive us. It's completely up to his mercy and his grace, not our works, not our ability.
The gospel is simple. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ alone for your salvation, because he alone is the
Savior. He alone can save and you can't add anything. And to do so in any way is to accuse him of being insufficient and saying he didn't do enough and you got to do the rest.
And that means you're not trusting in him, but him and yourself and you are not good enough.
Trust in Christ alone. Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins. Ask him.
Don't have to go to a priest, go to Jesus. Don't have to go to the sacraments, go to Jesus. Don't have to go to church, go to Jesus and ask
Jesus to forgive you of your sins. Ask Jesus, trust in him.
He won't point you to anybody else or any place else. He'll point you to himself. That's where salvation is in Christ, in Christ alone.
Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you very much.
I'm long -winded tonight, aren't I? Yeah, you're on fire. Wise of the enemy does that to me.
All right, I guess I'm going to step out. So all right, guys, I'm going to close it in five seconds.