2024 09 15 Apologetics RCC 3 Part 1
September 15, 2024 - Adult Sunday School
Faith Bible Church - Sacramento, California
Apologetics: Catholicism - Section 3 Part 1
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- Okay, does that sound good? Okay. Sorry. Yeah That's that's why all right.
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- Uh today is I believe it's the second to last one because if we just keep going at Apologetics overall there we we might go on like forever because there's there's so many topics right like from their view of baptism from their view of communion the
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- Eucharist and Mary And various Saints I'll go over Mary next week because it is a huge topic especially in Catholicism But today will be papacy
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- Papacy here. I'm not looking at every Pope. I'm just looking at the main one who brought about the doctrine of papal infallibility
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- Which means the Pope does not make error when he makes a statement for the faith whether moral or faith really from his official position
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- So we're going to talk about that because papal infallibility Really Sets the
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- Catholics apart from the Protestants because the only thing the Protestants would say is infallible is
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- God and God's Word and God and God's Word kind of go together because God is the
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- God who speaks So we'll go over papacy today. I am NOT going over all different types of Popes and anti Popes and when when
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- Vatican or the Roman Catholics had three Popes and they didn't know what to do with that for a while until the council stepped in there's there's there's tremendous history and Fascinating events with all different types of Pope's Some did not even consider themselves to be
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- Pope's as and they didn't call themselves Pope's They didn't act like it and that's more on the earlier side
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- Right, they might have said I'm just an I'm just a bishop in Rome, right?
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- I'm just an elder in Rome, right? And we will go over one text in which the
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- Catholics love to go to which is Matthew 16 And I'm going to actually take a look at Matthew 16 with the lens that Peter is the rock because that's that's how that's how the
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- Catholics Would say that's what Jesus said on this rock. I will build my church I'm gonna look at only
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- Peter being the rock yet Still if you go along that path, you can't get papal infallibility
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- All that right successive succession of the Popes or Apostolic succession we can't get any of that even
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- Interpreting the way that all the Catholics do Right, so I will pray for us and then we will start
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- Father, we're grateful that you have revealed to us your truth the true religion of the gospel of Jesus Christ help us to Understand and appreciate and defend the gospel because people souls depend on it and help us to Defend the faith and share the gospel with Catholics around us so that they may be saved that they may be
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- Rescued from the burden of Works Salvation through works, even though they say it's works and faith in Jesus name.
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- Amen All right, so papacy Huge history
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- There and and remember it's it's developed over millennia
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- Right. There were times in which one Pope said this and the other Pope said that We can't go over each time.
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- The Pope was wrong we just don't have the time we're gonna just go over the theology behind it and And what scripture says how we ought to read scripture so papacy the
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- Common word you will hear is the word vicar the vicar of Christ Vicar here means like a representative
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- Almost like Yeah, someone who represents
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- Christ on earth, that's that's what it is and I quote it I Put it in quotation because I personally don't think he's the vicar of Christ Pope means a
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- Really father. That's that's what it means, right? Papa Pope and This kind of really goes against Matthew 23 when
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- Jesus himself right says how the disciples ought to view themselves and I will read the whole context because You got to read scripture in its context, right?
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- Because I Know explain why so Matthew 23 8 through 10
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- But you do not be called rabbi for one is your teacher the
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- Christ and you're all brethren Do not call anyone on earth your father for one is your father he who is in heaven and do not be called teachers for one is your teacher the
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- Christ and This is important because it comes in the context of Jesus rebuking the religious establishment right
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- This is big in the context These Pharisees and scribes they take
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- The high seat wherever they go They love the long greetings and they love their titles and they they make their garments
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- Noticeable, right? They they they want you to know who they are but in Contrast to that Christians followers of Christ must not
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- Pursue that they must not pursue Feeling superior or being superior to other believers so that's the context of This passage they must not be called rabbi because there's one teacher that's
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- Christ There is not one person who just knows Right Christ better and needs a specific title for that, right?
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- Same thing with father. Obviously, this is not about don't be called father Don't call your biological father father, right in the context.
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- That is not at all in the context. It's don't use a title for another believer that Places him higher than other believers
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- Nothing to do with biological relation yet the Catholic Teaching would say well
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- That's what this means. You know, you can't say we you can't take that literally Right that that's their argument you can't take that literally because obviously you you can call
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- You know someone biological father father No, it actually means don't use a title or any form of status symbol that sets them higher than other brothers
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- And in our case, I I would say pope Is specifically that To be called the father
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- To be called your holiness Right among many things that is
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- Inherently against what jesus warned against right
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- No one no mere human being Ought to be called the pope or father or your holiness
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- Uh, I mean Let's even think about this does the pope represent christ? Well, if someone were to represent jesus uh, you would expect that person to Do what jesus did?
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- almost Live like jesus did Here's an example. Uh, well vicar of christ.
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- There's the papal tiara uh, it's kind of uh modern days of By joseph ratzinger
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- He was the one who recently resigned remember and benedict
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- Whatever the number is now, uh took over joseph ratzinger was Uh the german cardinal
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- Right. He was more on the conservative side of the catholic church, but he resigned for some health or unknown reason really
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- But he's he stopped wearing the tiara so you might not have seen Uh pope
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- The current one benedict, right? I want to say 13th or 14th. We're one but Let's see what it looks like Uh, jesus wore crown of thorns.
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- That's the only thing that we know from scripture what he wore and that is not um
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- It's not a pretty crown Right. It's it's probably made him bleed
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- Uh, and it's uh, one would argue that it's it's it's the crown of the curse right
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- Thorns and thistles grabbed guru from the ground after adam and eve rebelled against god And then we have the papal.
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- Uh tiara. I mean beautiful heavy Uh ornate right and here's what it says
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- Receive the tiara adorned with three crowns and know that thou art father of princes and kings ruler of the world vicar on earth of our savior jesus christ
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- To whom is honor and glory forever and ever Oof, I don't know about you that that I mean in that context
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- I wouldn't be able to call him the father or pope the pope If that's what he receives
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- That's that's the papal tiara And I i'm sure joseph ratzinger did not want to have that in the modern world that wouldn't fly too well
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- Right looks bad Next papal palace uh they have their own palace with many many many rooms uh and the irony of course is the one that The pope is allegedly representing
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- Had no palace on earth Right. He in fact he says the son of man has nowhere to lay his head
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- Foxes have holes birds have nests but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head.
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- Are you willing to follow me? Right. That's what jesus said. Um And this is the papal palace
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- I mean That's just for him living. This is this that's not the sistine chapel, right?
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- which also is huge and Magnificent It's called the apostolic palace uh
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- How does christ I mean, how does the vicar of christ? How did he how does he travel until 1978?
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- It was seria, uh, gesta toria I don't know if i'm saying it right i'm not italian
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- Uh, or I don't know if that's latin Then we uh, they have the pope mobile right
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- Uh, jesus jesus actually just walked in sandals Wherever he needed to go
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- He wasn't carried He could have been carried if he wanted to he had a large crowd following him he was well respected
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- But uh, he walked Uh, and uh, that's that was that ended in 1978, but they had 12 men carry the pope
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- I mean, that's That's something I mean Hard to think that jesus would ask to be carried by his 12 apostles
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- Uh Current would be the pope mobile and you know, they he's you know, that's that's how he travels
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- Now we're going to look at uh, matthew 16 18 through 19. Um And I can't go over every possible
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- Interpretation i'm only going to go over the catholic interpretation And by going along with it showing that their application of having the pope having a apostolic succession of papal infallibility
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- Uh would be wrong right, uh, so instead of going this
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- This is the right way because even among protestants there are different ways to interpret i'll share each one without going into detail
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- But it centers around the word rock Uh, this comes after peter's
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- Confession of who jesus is he's the christ. He's the messiah the chosen one the son of god so Jesus says and I also say to you that you are peter
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- And on this rock, I will build my church and the gates of haiti shall not prevail against it
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- And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven And whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven uh
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- A lot of ink has been spilled over how to interpret this how to translate this, uh
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- I mean, I even even the verb will be bound and will uh will be loosed
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- They they're like books and essays written on this Uh, is this even the right verb tense to correctly translate into english because ancient greek doesn't have time
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- Incorporated into the verb tense except the future tense, but this is not the future tense
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- It's the perfect tense. So it's like does it need to be future? Does it need to be past right?
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- It's like So i'm not going to go over that but one thing clear rock
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- That's what I do need to go over. What does it mean? Where is jesus building the church?
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- Who is this rock or what is this rock? Here are the four options that are common first is peter the rock being peter, uh second is peter's statement the peter statement that You are the messiah the son of the living god
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- Uh third is peter's faith fourth is jesus himself I can't go over all four.
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- I'm only going to go over the first one because that's what the catholics do In fact some protestants to believe this too that it is peter yet They come out with no, it's not episodic succession but rather It is the apostle peter just because he had the right faith but Ultimately, he is not the primary apostle because by the time you get to matthew 18 and 19 uh all the apostles, uh get
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- Uh the leadership role and we'll go over that too Yeah, and I I think that is um, it's an important context like it shows that peter is not infallible
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- Right. He's not infallible, right? He does. Uh he does try to uh persuade jesus to Get to uh his messianic kingdom without the cross right and all
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- Immediately just jesus rebukes peter, right? So I think yeah that that helps to know that well peter was not infallible right uh now
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- I I will only go over the first one because that's the catholic view and yet My argument is you can't get epistolic succession or papal infallibility from that And that's important if their way of reading it won't get you there then no scripture can
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- So this is it peter is the rock He is the first pope papal infallibility epistolic succession
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- We don't have really historical record that peter Ever became the bishop of rome
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- It's not in the bible right in fact Uh peter really
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- Didn't end up in rome until his execution Right presumably under nero.
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- Uh, same with paul uh And anytime we see peter it's in the context of one city and it's jerusalem
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- So that's important to think about scripture doesn't place peter in rome
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- In fact, he's often in jerusalem Uh the reason why the roman catholics interpret this other than that's
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- What drives their papal doctrine? The word peter also means rock there is a play on word here.
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- There's a pun Uh cephas is aramaic kephos, right? Means also rock that's his aramaic name, right?
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- So they would uh use that to say see it would make sense upon this rock peter
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- I built my church Uh, here's the problem so I for the argument's sake
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- I am taking their argument as true Even if peter is the rock because he confessed jesus to be the messiah
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- You cannot get epistolic succession from this text or the bible what that means is.
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- Uh this idea That peter's apostleship the office of apostleship, uh, even after his death continues
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- Um First of all nowhere in scripture. Do we get that? It's not an office that continues right, uh, in fact
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- Who's the successor of the apostle john or who's the successor of the apostle thomas? We don't have that Uh, and you also cannot get papacy from this text that there is this one bishop in one city
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- Who is superior to others or more significant to other bishops elders pastors?
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- You can't get that from uh, matthew 16 that there's an office for that uh, there's also no,
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- I mean in fact in matthew 16 you would get An argument against papal infallibility because peter is wrong after this
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- And you also cannot get uh The primacy of peter as in peter was the more important apostle from the bible and i'll explain why first Uh peter is uh an apostle who's equal to the other 11
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- Yes, it is true. Peter is one of the leaders of the early church. He does speak uh the first Section of acts revolves around peter but the rest revolves around paul
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- That doesn't mean The other apostles were less important than peter or paul
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- Uh, his apostolic office, of course is not greater than others Uh after all in acts 8 peter and john are both sent by the other apostles uh you
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- Wouldn't send the greater one If you're less than him Another thing is that jesus promises loosening and binding power to the church as well
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- It's not just peter who receives that. Uh, right in matthew 16 he received that but uh, matthew 18 18 i'll turn to it and read it
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- And it this one is in the context of reconciliation Surely I say to you whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose
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- On earth will be loosed in heaven. Oh, I think those two keys have been
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- And binding and loosing it sounds confusing, but I think it's figurative language for anyone who knows christ to be the messiah jesus to be the messiah and who knows the message of the gospel has
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- The ability To share that life saving soul rescuing message so that they are able to Right bind things in heaven.
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- What does that mean people who would hear the gospel can have the chance to Be part of heaven
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- Right in that sense, that's why peter held the two keys not literal two keys
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- But the keys to the kingdom the the the access to salvation Because he understood who jesus was and so does the church so does the church in uh this context
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- Binding and loosening is not just for peter, but anyone who has the gospel right uh
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- It's not about Peter's inherent authority, but it's really the authority, uh given uh to Anyone who belongs to christ and in this case for chapter 18 is uh, the leadership the church of the church, right?
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- next one is that uh jesus promises Uh, the rest of the 12,
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- I mean all of the 12, uh thrones so 1928
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- So jesus said to them assuredly I say to you that in the regeneration The resurrection when the son of man sits on the throne of his glory you who have followed me
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- Will also sit on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of israel In this sense the new covenant is superior to the old covenant and then the apostles
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- Because they understood and saw jesus more clearly than anyone else in god's redemptive history uh have primacy
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- Not just peter but 12 thrones Right. So all the apostles
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- There is a question on who's the 12th apostle now that judas is gone That's another debate, right?
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- some say paul the others say the one chosen in acts one, but There's nothing about peter having a greater throne
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- Right. They all are important Not because there were some inherently brilliant minded theologians
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- Although after the holy spirit came down they were powerfully used but because they
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- Were handpicked by christ that really that's the reason right? That's why they get to do it not because they were okay
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- You guys are the least sinful people in jerusalem or judah.
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- That's not why they were chosen next uh
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- We do want to make sure that we do know it's it's that peter is fallible.
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- He uh is prone to error peter is
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- The only one who denied jesus three times when jesus was arrested Right.
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- I mean the other apostles weren't uh Really examples of courage either because they scattered too, but peter is the only one who denied jesus three times
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- Not only that One could argue. Well, maybe because peter didn't have the holy spirit, right?
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- It was pre -panic cost Well, this happens in galatians 2 11 when peter is wrong, too
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- Pete, uh galatians 2 11 peter stood condemned before paul
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- And paul rebukes him. Uh galatians 2 11 Uh, but when cephas that's peter came to antioch.
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- I opposed him to his face because he stood condemned because peter was trying to Uh operate under that old law in which there is a distinction between the jews and the gentiles
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- Right that was the first controversy, uh in That was the first controversy in the early church
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- It's this idea that do the Gentile christians do they need to uh fall under the jewish law just like we did before You were really part of christ's new people
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- Right because after all all the apostles were jews They all practiced dietary
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- They grew up not eating Unclean foods, but the gentiles they grew up eating unclean foods
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- So do they have to change or is the gospel of christ that you believe that he died for your sin?
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- And and suffered on your behalf on the cross and rose from the dead. Is that enough for the gentiles to be included?
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- in the church That's the first controversy in the church and that's written in galatians yet peter wanted to operate under that and he
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- Moved himself from the gentile believers Right, uh when they were eating together
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- And paul said well if you a jew can't be a jew Why are you putting the extra burden on the gentiles?
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- right Right peter, obviously you were saved by christ grace alone faith alone because you yourself weren't perfectly a jew
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- Then why put that burden on the gentiles? For them to be saved or for them to be sanctified, right?
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- So, uh, yeah peter is fallible Next is peter the only foundation uh, not according to scripture, uh, if you turn to first corinthians 3 11, uh, this is the
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- Uh text that people use to argue that the rock that matthew 16 is talking about is actually jesus himself rather than um peter
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- So 3 11 for no other foundation. Can anyone lay than that which is laid which is jesus christ, right?
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- The foundation is jesus christ So, uh, even if you believe that the rock is peter in matthew 16 ultimately you have to Agree that only because jesus is the
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- Most important foundation. There's no other foundation Than jesus christ peter without jesus is nothing right
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- Uh, if issues 220 the apostles and prophets in jesus being the chief cornerstone
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- So it's not just peter singled out. It's the apostles too Right and the prophets the old testament prophets
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- And revelation 21 14 the foundation of new jerusalem, they're the 12 apostles
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- So only in matthew 16 peter is singled out and the reason being he's the he's the one who boldly and you know
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- Jumped in there and said you're the christ and you know what? Yeah Praise god that peter understood that and in fact, that's what jesus does
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- He thanks the father right because uh, the father revealed that to him but ultimately it's not because peter was inherently better it's
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- Because he got to see who christ is and ultimately the other levandew too minus judas
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- And they end up being the foundation of new jerusalem, too right So he's not a special Apostle or the or the only foundation
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- The question is then who truly represents christ and I actually would argue that it's the holy spirit
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- Ultimately no, man or woman on earth represents christ the way
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- That the spirit does And what what do I mean? Every man woman is fallible
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- If you're gonna perfectly represent christ, you gotta be perfect And I would say it's the spirit and the reason being uh, john 14 26, uh after when jesus is uh speaking to his disciples of uh his departure
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- This is the farewell discourse His reassurance and encouragement to his believers his disciples his apostles is not
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- Don't worry. I'm putting peter in charge Right but rather But the helper the holy spirit whom the father will send in my name
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- He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you
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- Ultimately, there's one teacher and that's the holy spirit and that's why when you get to read revelation two to three
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- The the urgency is not listen to the bishop of rome
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- But rather listen to the spirit hear what the spirit has said to the church over and over again
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- Anytime there was a local church there, right from ephesus to laodicea right anytime
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- They messed up really badly rebelled The command is listen to the spirit
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- All right The holy spirit represents christ and that's because not only the father sends the spirit
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- And i'm going to be stepping on the greek orthodox toes today Uh, the son sends the spirit and that's in scripture 16 7 john 16 7 nevertheless
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- I tell you the truth It is to your advantage that I go away for if I do not go away
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- The helper will not come to you. But if I depart I will send Right, I will send him to you
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- Both the father and the son send the spirit to the church Right. Uh, so in one sense the catholics are right about this doctrine, right?
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- Both the father and the son send the spirit not just the father the greek orthodox believe that it's just the father
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- And that's what caused the split and I think 1054 Right over that one phrase and the son
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- The western church added that hundred years after the nicaean creed and then the eastern church Wasn't involved in the discussion and they said, uh, you're gonna
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- You're gonna accept that or I'll we'll kick you out and then they're like You didn't discuss this with us.
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- And no we don't agree with that Well, then I excommunicate you and then the bishop of constantinople says no.
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- No. No, I excommunicate you So they excommunicated each other. That's the great schism Over the phrase and the son, but I I believe the catholics have it right here.
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- The western church has it, right? jesus sends the spirit to What that means
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- The true vicar of christ is actually divine And that makes sense if you want god
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- To be represented on earth Who other than god himself?
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- Right And and think about this. I think the protestant church has this right? If you want an intermediary between you and god the best intermediary between you and god is god himself god the son
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- Because the intermediary represents god really well Because he's god if you want the representative who uh points us to christ who reminds us of christ teaching who
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- Helps us to discern christ's will god's will Who other than the very spirit of god?
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- Right who knows the mind of god And And again the true representative christ then ought to be the spirit whom jesus uh
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- Graciously sent along with the father For the church so that the church would never be left alone
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- Right and in fact jesus himself says it is to your benefit It is to your advantage and a lot of people like scratch their head.
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- What do you mean? It'd be nice to have jesus down here Right But think about this more people can have personal
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- Experience and interaction with jesus christ because the spirit can indwell in so many right
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- It was hard for a lot of people even in judah to access jesus because there was a crowd following him
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- What are the odds that even us in the united states would ever be? going to judah to Right To see that one man, too
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- But with the holy spirit, it's to our advantage Because every one of us who believe in jesus christ can experience his love
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- And his saving atonement And his teaching through the spirit Right, that's the doctrine of the indwelling of the spirit
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- He's the true representative of christ Now the question then becomes where did all this papal infallibility start
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- Ultimately, it gets built up over time just like um All the catholic heresies it didn't start out
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- You know this way right The popes over time the bishop of rome right pope and the bishop of rome they're
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- They're interchangeable They over time grow they become extremely powerful and popular uh, because rome
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- Becomes christianized right after constantine emperor the emperor. He makes rome a christian empire, right
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- As in christianity is no longer persecuted christianity can be openly practiced christianity, right
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- Uh, I mean that that that was in one part it was a great thing like yeah, like you we wouldn't be killed right uh, the problem became
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- When politics married the church right All over time these bishops of rome became more than just the theological religious figure
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- But a political figure right over time They started having power over monarchs kings queens emperors
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- In fact, right, uh who crowned napoleon right the french dictator?
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- the pope The pope did What? Right, basically the ruler of vast europe
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- Has to bow down before the pope. Yeah the politics married into religion
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- Uh and over time, uh, they started lifting up the roman bishop because rome was the most
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- Powerful city for a long time, right? It's kind of like the new york city of our days, right?
- 38:04
- If you want to know the best trending fashion, not that I recommend it people would go
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- Look at new york city. What is new york city doing? Right? That's what they're or paris, right? What are they doing?
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- What's the most popular thing go to the big city, right? And and I mean the mayor of new york has
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- Higher budget than some countries right Because that's that's that's what happens uh in a big city, uh and imagine you're the bishop of rome and you have tremendous power over these elected officials of rome or Emperor of rome, right?
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- That's when it became really popular this fight starts, uh
- 38:57
- Really, uh, it it's it's been ongoing since uh for centuries not even after rome fell
- 39:04
- The the the fight was gallicanism versus ultramontanism, and I will explain what they are
- 39:11
- Gallican gallicanism comes from the word gaul. Does anyone know where gaul would be?
- 39:17
- France that's right Uh, I forget diane is a francophile, right?
- 39:23
- She's uh, yes france gaul france Uh, what happened was in the medieval times think the 13th century.
- 39:32
- There's this idea What is this? That this you know
- 39:37
- The french people why do we have to answer to this one man in rome?
- 39:43
- Right. So gallicanism is this idea. Let's be ruled by the people of of our own gaul
- 39:51
- Right, we have our own king Why? Why right? So there's this idea of like we want to be ruled by our own people
- 40:01
- And there's ultramontanism ultra means Beyond right ultra right montanus would mean mountain what mountain am
- 40:11
- I thinking of? What what mountains in mountain ranges in europe? think
- 40:21
- Yeah rome said on hills But what mountain range uh really divides europe really well
- 40:28
- The alps right right the sound of music right the alps Why the alps?
- 40:33
- Divides italy from right from other parts of europe ultra montanist would say
- 40:41
- We love having the roman bishop the pope ruling over us
- 40:47
- Beyond the mountains right go beyond the mountains. That's that's the fight, right?
- 40:53
- No, we want our people ruling over us. No, we want the Ultramontanist we want people beyond the mountains right ruling over us
- 41:02
- And then we have pope pius the ninth he is I think to this day the longest serving pope uh
- 41:11
- He started out somewhat liberal. It wasn't uh, when I say liberal I mean like he wasn't strictly like we gotta get catholic power back, right?
- 41:21
- It he wasn't driving that point home Uh, so he started out that way he wasn't known to be a conservative pope in the beginning
- 41:31
- Right. He wasn't trying to accrue power for the catholics ironically, uh some of his
- 41:37
- After some of his early reforms fail Uh, he has this personal crisis of like what am
- 41:45
- I doing? as a pope and he turns ultra conservative in terms of the catholic sense that Catholicism must prevail
- 41:55
- So in his reactionary response papal infallibility
- 42:02
- Uh becomes reality papal infallibility was not an official doctrine of the church until the 19th century
- 42:09
- We have to remember that This is the guy uh pope Italian man, right pope pius just like most of the popes italian man
- 42:20
- Uh, very well dressed now Without the cardinals remember the cardinals they're like the archbishops.
- 42:29
- They're they're there's the college of the cardinals They get to vote on who the pope ought to be right?
- 42:35
- That's why we have the electoral college, right? We have representatives for directly voting for the president not us we vote for the cardinals,
- 42:45
- I mean we vote for the Uh electoral college representatives, right who's going to vote which for which candidate on our behalf?
- 42:54
- So without their consultant he issues in a fabulous deus which
- 43:01
- Uh in 1854, uh seals into the catholic doctrine immaculate conception of mary born without original sin
- 43:10
- Um Again, that is also a recent doctrine too. It's not like the catholic church held that for millennia.
- 43:18
- No, no, no just about two centuries
- 43:25
- Uh when we're going to go over why that is not a not in scripture, but b
- 43:31
- Logically, then you have a an eternal generation of a line that's born without original sin because original sin is passed on Like everyone's born into sin
- 43:42
- Unless you're conceived of the holy spirit Right, which mary wasn't?
- 43:50
- And then he uh writes Publishes syllabus of errors and basically he condemns evolutionism naturalism liberalism and separation of church and state
- 44:01
- And you know what for most of us we would be like amen to all of that except through the last one uh separation of church and state uh
- 44:10
- Basically means the state doesn't get to tell the church uh What it ought to be doing?
- 44:17
- Uh, we get a corrupt view of the separation of church and state as in the church can't speak out against all the corruption
- 44:26
- That the state is doing right because like if you say separation of church and state in our modern corrupted understanding
- 44:34
- Then no pastor can speak out against abortion Right. It's it's it's the law of the land in california, unfortunately
- 44:43
- The separation of church and state is actually to protect the church for to worship freely without the state's intervention
- 44:51
- That's what it is. Not the other way around Um And he uh, he heavily criticized protestants.
- 45:01
- He calls them heretics and uh schismatics, which means dividers Uh, if you're a heretic, you're not going to heaven.
- 45:08
- That's that's important Heresy or heretical is not a word thrown lightly, right?
- 45:15
- It's not like oh you believe in This but you're you're still our brother and sister.
- 45:20
- No It means you are just dead wrong and you're condemned So that's his reactionary response
- 45:31
- And this is also driven by the political context why would papal infallibility be widely supported in the 1800s
- 45:40
- Well pope loses to a king victor. Emmanuel the second of italy, right? I don't know if you're related victor, but King victor.
- 45:50
- Emmanuel the second basically takes away all the land of the pope except for the vatican city
- 45:57
- Right remember until then popes They had their own army
- 46:03
- Right like they were powerful forces there back then they owned a lot of land
- 46:09
- Right I mean they were wealthy now when this happens all of a sudden the pope looks like a trapped bird and there's a huge rise in the
- 46:19
- Sympathy for the pope. It's like oh no our pope right our pope is trapped, right?
- 46:25
- He's he's he's a poor man, right? And because of that when he starts a financial campaign the pope actually becomes richer than before Because people are just like we got to support the pope, right?
- 46:38
- Uh, you can see that. Oh the pope and also the catholics they start to see that The papacy is under attack from all forms all sources
- 46:52
- All the secular powers right darwinian evolution is rising, right? Liberalism is rising atheism's rising all of that and even protestantism.
- 47:02
- They see them as a threat So they're like the pope needs our help even even the king of italy, right?
- 47:09
- Conquered his land. How dare he so He's getting all this popular support and that allows him to push papal infallibility
- 47:25
- So he convenes vatican one council in 1869 And notice what it says this doctrine is to be believed and held by all faithful All catholics need to believe in papal infallibility according to vatican one
- 47:42
- Uh, I know it is hard to uh, get the catholics to agree on what they believe
- 47:49
- Because a they don't know it and b they don't want to know it. See they don't want to publicly claim that but According to their doctrine.
- 48:01
- They have to hold on to the papal infallibility um What does that mean?
- 48:06
- You gotta believe peter's primacy or your anathema, which means accursed you're condemned
- 48:12
- You gotta believe that peter is number one You gotta believe peter's succession as in peter's office of apostle for some mysterious reason passed on You gotta believe that or you're condemned
- 48:27
- And you gotta believe that the pope has authority over the whole church the universal church, right?
- 48:34
- Uh, you know one could argue like pastors and elders, right or if you're anglican like bishops, right or It makes sense like yes, you have the authority from scripture as long as scripture says it you can
- 48:52
- Tell people hey, don't be getting drunk every friday, right? You have the authority to tell them that uh
- 49:00
- But it's not your authority. It comes from scripture, which is god's word, right? But what this is saying
- 49:08
- Is like it's not just that local church that you're pastoring but the pope can do that all over the world
- 49:16
- Right That is I mean just unheard of in scripture Right, there are local elders and pastors in scripture
- 49:25
- But not one that reigns over all Right, that's actually uh, we call him jesus
- 49:32
- Uh, he's the only one who reigns over all the universal church So vatican one, uh goes on 1870
- 49:41
- In 1870 they passed this doctrine 533 to 1. I mean, it's overwhelmingly popular
- 49:52
- What does that mean? This doesn't mean that the pope says everything, right? Rather the papal utterances on faith or morals given ex cathedra ex cathedra means
- 50:03
- Out of from from his chair cathedra being his chair x means from From his chair, so it has to be a decision on behalf of the church in his official.
- 50:16
- Uh position and uh, so it cannot be Uh pope benedict, what do you who do you think is going to win the u .s
- 50:25
- election and he says, you know, whatever right? And let's say he's wrong Uh, you can't say oh i'm telling you he's not infallible, right?
- 50:34
- I'm telling you he's he's fallible. No, no People infallibility is specifically on when he speaks on moral and faith issue from his official chair that's that's what it is, right so, uh, he could tell you the wrong direction to the uh,
- 50:52
- Pizza parlor in rome and you can't you can't accuse him of that, right? Now it gets changed in vatican 2 1962 through 1965
- 51:06
- Uh The tune changes because uh The catholics want to seem more peaceful and loving
- 51:15
- It's a different time. It's a different culture, right? And uh, the catholics have lost a lot of power cultural, uh influence by this time
- 51:25
- So what do they say? The protestants are not I mean, they don't say we're not heretics because they can't go back
- 51:33
- But they're separated brethren So the the the tone and the attitude, uh mellows out a little bit after uh, pope pius the ninth
- 51:45
- Yet they do strongly affirm. Uh people infallibility. So that's not done away with But they do put the limit.
- 51:53
- Uh, the pope cannot get rid of the Episcopacy, which means uh, the bishops the popes cannot get rid of uh, the bishops in general
- 52:03
- Right all of a sudden a pope can uh Sit on his chair and say
- 52:10
- I don't want any of the cardinals anymore Right. I'm getting rid of all of them.
- 52:17
- Now, then the bishops have the power to uh, Overthrow that pope so that's the limitation they do put yet According to vatican 2 the pope is still christ's head on earth, which is a bizarre thing that christ's head on earth
- 52:36
- Especially christ wasn't decapitated and he still has a head. He's in heaven and he has a physical head
- 52:44
- Why does this man get to claim that Now let's talk about the true head of church the true head of church is jesus christ
- 52:54
- I quote Westminster confession and this is the confession that the presbyterians many presbyterians go with There is no other head of the church, but the lord jesus christ
- 53:08
- Nor can the pope of rome in any sense be thereof. They make it clear uh, and In the end only one man spoke infallibly all the time on earth and that is jesus christ the only and true head of the church
- 53:26
- And only one infallible word exists in the scripture alone none of the people are bulls or encyclopedias encyclicals encyclicals, right it's uh, that's quite important and uh, no wonder a lot of people
- 53:44
- Uh believe That the antichrist will come from rome like a lot of them believe that for this reason.
- 53:52
- It's like You have a man and the whole office that's trying to say that they're gonna they represent christ and they spew out all this stuff that's
- 54:03
- Not in scripture, right um What is it?
- 54:09
- I the new voice? Magazine, I don't know if it came here. It might be my office.
- 54:15
- Yeah, there's uh, there's a great article written by charles reyrie Uh, he passed away in 2016 and I did not know that right?
- 54:25
- And I read that and I thought he was speaking about modern day It's it's that's how uh uh almost prophetic it was like it was just He he he did his research like he he knew scripture and he he understood what's going on in um the modern times
- 54:45
- But it was written in the 1980s Yep But yeah, he he wrote about how like, uh, both babylon and rome could be in play here.
- 54:56
- Uh Before the coming of antichrist almost like the antichrist at first it's not the antichrist ruling that universal right heretical religion, but rather that religion that babylon is
- 55:14
- Giving the influence and power to the antichrist where and you know later the antichrist betrays that but uh
- 55:23
- And and we kind of see what's happening now, right? Like there's a popular popularity, uh with catholicism
- 55:31
- Universalism right and it's all Tying together for the end
- 55:37
- Right, so I I recommend reading charles reyrie. I thought he wrote it like this year, but I found out no he's
- 55:45
- He's been with christ since 2016 right, so, uh that one
- 55:51
- I I read it really, uh, well, and I was like, wow, I didn't know A lot of this
- 55:57
- All right, i'll pray for us and we'll get going Father, we pray that you would use this time uh this knowledge to save more and more of The catholics out there father