Is Joel Osteen Merely Not Recommended, Or Is He A False Teacher?

Justin Peters iconJustin Peters

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Recently a Christian YouTuber said that while he does not recommend Joel Osteen because of his prosperity theology and weak preaching, he does not consider Osteen to be a false teacher because he has an orthodox statement of faith. Though I understand this brother's sentiment behind his statement (not wanting to call everyone with whom we disagree on secondary issues a wolf), I do not believe Joel Osteen fits into this third category of "Not recommended but not a false teacher." Joel Osteen is very much a false teacher and one of the most dangerous ones a


Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today
I want to thank you so much for joining me for this podcast. I've never done an entire video
Just on Joel Osteen before I've mentioned him a number of times I did one video
I believe maybe one or two where I talked about Joel Osteen interviewing Kanye West Had him into the church
Lakewood Church, but the primary Focus and emphasis of that video is not so much on Joel Osteen, but rather Kanye West that was when he supposedly got saved and maybe
I'll do another video on that later But at any rate this is going to be talking about Joel Osteen Let me say a couple of things up front number one firstly
To any staff member of Lakewood Church I know what you're going to try to do
Because you did this with the end of the video that I did talking about Kanye West and his appearance at Lakewood You're going to file a copyright claim with YouTube and you're probably going to be initially successful in taking this video down but as with the
Previous time you try to do that. I fought it and I fought it successfully because I am well within Well within the parameters of the
Fair Use and Copy Act which allows for people to use Segments of copyrighted material if it is for the purpose of teaching and education, which this video absolutely is
And another thing all of the video clips. I'm going to show in this video are simply from interviews that Joel Osteen has done with others with Larry King with the view with George Strombolopoulos, I'm not sure if I'm saying his name, right, but you'll see a little bit later
So none of this is Lakewood material this is material that belongs to all of the other interviewers who did these interviews, so Don't don't file a copyright claim if you do you're going to lose because I am well well
Within the parameters of the Fair Use and Copy Act So all that having been said
The reason I am doing this video is because not long ago a week or so ago
I heard a man talking about Joel Osteen he was being interviewed and He said that unfortunately,
I'm paraphrasing here. He said unfortunately in the Christian discernment world even though I don't call myself a discernment minister, but I Do emphasize discernment, of course, but he said within that world
There's unfortunately says there's only seem to be only two categories of preachers
Those are the ones that you recommend and then there's the heretic
So in other words if a particular YouTube person Doesn't recommend a particular preacher then that means that that person is automatically a heretic and He said we need a third category we need a third category not for Necessarily people that we would endorse but also they're not false teachers wolves heretics either and In principle,
I agree with what he's saying In fact, there absolutely is a third category and there certainly is with me there are a number of preachers that I Do not recommend to people
But nor would I call them a false teacher or a wolf or a false prophet either and just as a couple of examples
David Jeremiah, I don't I don't call him a false teacher but would not recommend him to people either because of his previous appearances on TBN Actively raising money for TBN literally arm -in -arm with Paul Crouch obviously before Paul Crouch died
Praising Paul Crouch praising TBN actively raising money for TBN So and also that he has he has had
Roman Catholics on his pulpit Roma Downey and her husband
Mark Burns when they were doing their films and the Jesus films son of God all that kind of stuff so I For those reasons
I would not recommend David Jeremiah as preachers not someone that would be on my
Recommended list, but I'm not Gonna call him an objective false teacher either
Robert Jeffress is another one that I would not necessarily call I would not call a false teacher, but I'm not going to recommend him
For several reasons for one he has kind of done the same thing that David Jeremiah did he had
Sean Hannity Behind his pulpit up on the stage on the platform on Sunday morning talking about worship and the things of God and blah blah blah well
Sean Hannity is a Roman Catholic and Robert Jeffress used to be very strong on Roman Catholicism used to rightly call it a cult and it is a theological
Call that is its doctrines are antithetical to the gospel used to be very strong Rightly so against the
Roman Catholic Church the theology but now since he's become very active with Fox News and he's interviewed on Fox News pretty frequently and Came closely connected with Donald Trump and all that once he became real political now
Roman Catholics are our brothers and sisters in Christ and Pope Francis is a wonderful Christ follower
Pope Francis Who is the Deepak Chopra of Roman Catholicism, so he did a complete 180 -degree turn on the
Roman Catholic Church. I have no respect for that none at all. So Do I call him a false teacher yeah, it's pretty close but He is definitely not someone
I would recommend. So there's there's a number of Preachers out there like that that I do put into a third category
Now All that having been said This individual whom I saw interviewed.
He said as a great example of this third category would be someone like Joel Osteen and I was really surprised to hear that He says that the he doesn't like Joel Osteen's prosperity theology
And he doesn't like it that he rarely talks about sin if ever, you know doesn't confront people in their sin
And he doesn't like those aspects of Joel Osteen and his ministry But he said he he looks at a statement of faith and he has an orthodox
Statement of faith. Well a couple of points about that Every evangelical church will have a basic Orthodox statement of faith a statement of faith that will pass a basic doctrinal smell test, but that is
I Don't put a whole lot of stock in that because a lot of these statements of faith are just Copied and pasted.
In fact, there's one statement of faith out there that literally thousands of churches of almost all denominational stripes
Baptist Methodist Presbyterians Anglicans Charismatic and all it's just a statement of faith that's out there that churches thousands of them literally
Copy and paste and put on their website and in all likelihood. I mean they didn't they obviously didn't write it
And in all likelihood a lot of the pastors and staff members of the church that haven't even read it
It's just a copy and pasted statement of faith. So I don't put a lot of stock into a basic Statement of faith which
Joel Osteen has it's a very basic, you know romper room Play school crayon kind of statement of faith
I like detailed statements of faith detailed doctrinal statements but at any rate
So the statement of faith doesn't mean a great deal unless it's very detailed and you tell that church wrote it themselves but Joel Osteen Does not
Fall into this third category Joel Osteen is a false teacher period and He is leading millions of people
Straight to hell and he's doing it under the name of quote -unquote Jesus But it is a different Jesus than the
Jesus of the Bible is very disappointed when I saw This individual characterized
Joel Osteen is a third category. He's not a third category. He is a top -tier False teacher and in my view he is one of the most dangerous false teachers out there today surely
Simply because of the size of his ministry He has one of if not the largest quote -unquote churches in the
United States of America And he is he is with little doubt one of the most popular preachers on the planet because of his false gospel message, so We're going to look at Joel Osteen and I'm going to go through and I'm going to show you a number of clips from Several different interviews that Joel Osteen has done and this will culminate towards the end of the video into Joel Osteen's denial of the
Exclusivity of Jesus Christ as the only way to be saved So this is the first clip we will look at this is from an interview that Joel Osteen did with Larry King Way back in 2005 and Larry King is going to ask
Joel about gay marriage and abortion How about issues that the church has feelings about?
abortion Same -sex man, yeah, you know what Larry? I don't go there.
I just You'd have thoughts though. I have thoughts I just you know, I don't think that a same -sex marriage is the way
God intended it to be I don't think abortion is the best. I think there are other you know a better way to live your life
But I'm not going to condemn those people. I tell them all the time our church is open for everybody I don't think gay marriage is the way
God intended it to be. I don't think abortion is the best Homosexual marriage is an abomination a
Homosexual marriage does not even exist Technically because marriage is an institution created by God not the
United States Supreme Court God created marriage God defines it so Regardless of what the
United States Supreme Court has decided back in 2015 with the Oberger felt decision
Homosexual marriage isn't even a thing in God's eyes We may have codified it into law on paper here in the
United States other countries, of course But it's not actually a thing God defines marriage
Not the United States Supreme Court, but it is it is an abomination and it is a sign of God's judgment on this country
So he says he doesn't think that that's the way God intended to be and then he says I don't think abortion is the best
The best Abortion is murder Abortion is murder
That is just appalling that he would say he doesn't think it's the best Unbelievable and You know, you may be thinking.
Oh, well, he was, you know, he's just kind of caught off guard by Larry King And as he was on, you know national television, he just kind of clammed up a little bit and These are not difficult questions, okay, these are softball questions
These are the equivalent of a softball sitting on a tee at Little League or whatever you knock that out of the park.
Those are not difficult questions and as a pastor He should be more than ready to answer those easy easy questions, but he's not and you'll see as we go through this
You see how Joel Osteen he knows that he's got to give at least something some semblance of a biblical answer
To these questions. He knows he's got to to keep his people following him
But boy, it pains him to do it. He doesn't like it. He doesn't like to talk about it
It's like pulling teeth to get him to plant his flag on these issues. He really does not like talking about it
Don't call them sinners. I don't that a word you don't use. Oh, I don't use it
I never thought about it, but I probably don't but you know, most people already know what they're doing wrong
You don't call them sinners. Is that a word you don't use and he says, you know, I don't I don't use that word
You know, I've never really thought about it But I probably don't most people already know what they're doing wrong If you've listened to many of Joel Osteen's interviews that he's done
I mean that phrase that what you just heard in that clip is repeated over and over and over and over Practically word for word and we'll see some of that as we go along in this video.
He hasn't changed over the years He has not changed. He says the same things over and over again
He does by his own admission. He does not preach on sin by his own admission.
He doesn't preach on sin Well, how do you preach the gospel if you don't preach about sin you take sin away and the gospel is meaningless the gospel is nothing more than just a slightly baptized version of self -help philosophy
Tony Robbins kind of stuff and Lest you think I'm being hyperbolic. We'll see as we go along that Joel Osteen basically admits that his message is
Motivational speaking self -help now watch this exchange as he is on the view several years later
I'm sorry. I just want to ask you a controversial subject Although I know you stay away from try to stay away from controversy
But the last time you were here you said that homosexuality is not and I'm quoting you God's best
Did you catch that? So he was on the view before this particular occasion?
He made a first initial appearance and he said that homosexuality is not God's best.
It's the same thing that he said With Larry King a number of years before I said several years, but you can tell by the videos
I don't know exactly but it's probably about 10 years after He did the interview with Larry King and 10 after he's had a decade to think about it
He still says well homosexuality is not the best And now the ladies on the view are going to ask him about some pastor in Georgia Evangelical pastor who apparently came out of the closet
He was married had kids But it didn't came out of the closet and said he was gay and they're gonna ask him his opinion about that And recently a pastor of an evangelical church in Georgia named
Jim Swilley came out and said that he's gay He's married. He has children, but he's gay What's your feeling about that?
Well, first off Barbara. I should finish that sentence. I should make it clear I don't think it's God's best for your life
I don't think it's not God's best making us as far as that pastor is concerned I don't I don't know that I don't know that individual situation
I I think that I believe the scriptures teach us that a Pastor in leadership like that is it's not going to stay in a
Christian church like ours But I don't I don't know if he's you know, whether he should come out or not. I believe maybe being open you see the tortured response when
Joel Osteen tries to hold on to some loosely held semblance of a
Biblical worldview on sexuality, but then he completely negates it by saying, you know I don't
I don't know this individual this pastor's situation, you know as if God's standard changes from one person to the next
Your friends that that's the whole point of the gospel. God's standard does not change for anyone
It doesn't matter who you are doesn't matter Where you're from what culture you're in what language you speak how much melanin you have or don't have in your skin how much you
Possess materially or not how rich or poor yet. None of these things matter God's standard is binding
For everyone and it does not change Christian Church should he get out of the Christian Church if he's gay, you know,
I think that's a that's totally up to him I don't know. I don't know literally one of his
Favorite responses, I don't know Listen throughout the rest of this video how many times you hear him say,
I don't know I mean the main thing Barbara is we are four people. Sometimes we get stuck on. You know, it's not a choice pastor
It's not a choice. And therefore I don't think that God would look askance at homosexual Ality in that way because it's not a choice.
They're born this way people are born this way. They are what they are Well, I think that's so the Christian churches should embrace that notion.
Well, you know what? Wouldn't reject somebody who had a deformity. Yeah. No, I agree But if you came to our church joy, you would see people from all walks of life
We don't we don't have it the sign at the door. No gays. No drunkards. No people on drugs We're for everybody and so we're not against people.
We're we're not against people. We're for people That's another common refrain that you will hear from him over and over and over We're not against people or for people or for everybody, you know,
I'm not against anybody and and you see just how Uncomfortable he is.
He knows what the Bible says But he's embarrassed about it. He's ashamed of the gospel.
That's what he is. He's ashamed of the gospel He knows what's in the Bible. He knows he's got a hold to some semblance of some kind of biblical orthodoxy
But boy, he sure wishes he didn't have to That's Joel Osteen, he is embarrassed by what the scriptures teach he is ashamed of the gospel
And we're going to shift to another interview that Joel Osteen did with a man named George Strombolopoulos, I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right
His name is long. I think his last name has 17 letters. It's maybe the longest last name
I've ever heard so George Strombolopoulos, and he's going to he's going to ask Joel about some of these issues homosexuality and Abortion and And Joel Osteen should be ready for this, right?
I mean every single interview he does He's asked about those two issues and he's never ready for it.
He knows they're coming and he's never ready He always gives these tortured responses watch
This is a question I know that my audience our audience really connects with as well and in the abortion debate which abortion same -sex marriage became really the big ones
Not everybody who's against abortion is a Christian There's lots there's that is an issue that you can see why people have different opinions
I've yet to hear a good reason as to why same -sex couples can't get married from my own family from other pastors
I've interviewed I've yet to hear a good reason Does your church have a position on that? Well, you know
I've taken a position on that and it's not my it's not my focus and I hate to get into it because then you just Get labeled as haters and stuff like that.
But no, it's just I Don't I don't know that. I have a good answer for you as well
I just go back to my faith is based on the scripture and I you know, I see there it's it's
You know, the marriage was between a man and a woman not against anybody else He literally said
I don't know that. I have a good answer for you. My faith is based on the scriptures
There's your good answer that That is I'm just sometimes at a loss for words with Joel Osteen I don't know if I have a good answer for you.
You know, my faith is based on the scriptures. There's your answer Your faith is ostensibly based on the scriptures
Matthew 19 verse 4 and he answered and said have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and Female and said for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one
Flesh so they are no longer two but one flesh what therefore God has joined together.
Let no man separate There's your answer There's your good answer.
I mean you see how Joel Osteen is so Tortured when he's asked these questions same questions over and over and over and he
He cringes at it. He knows the questions are coming and he's he's Man up,
I mean dude man. I got no respect for Joel Osteen none nada zip
He is he is ashamed of the gospel. He knows what the Bible says
I mean his father John Osteen was no expositor at all, but there was much more of the gospel in John Osteen's preaching than has ever been a
Joel Osteen's preaching But here's the thing Joel Osteen is John Osteen's son. He listened to his father preach for decades
I mean, he knows what the gospel is Intellectually, he knows what the
Bible says. He's just ashamed of it He is ashamed of the gospel and Friends a man like that who is ashamed of the gospel
Not only has no business being a pastor Um any man who is ashamed of the gospel is not a
Christian He is not a Christian Joel Osteen is not a
Christian oh You're gonna object. Yeah. Oh, well, he's got that doctrinally, you know
He's got that basic statement of faith and he affirms all the basic elements of the gospel.
Of course he does. It's a church It's an evangelical quote -unquote church. He's got to have that My friends it doesn't matter what a person professes to believe how one carries himself how one
Teaches The gospel how one handles the scripture all of these things are are fruits good or bad as To what you truly believe deep down in your heart in any person who is truly a
Christian is Not ashamed of the gospel Romans 116 right
For I am NOT ashamed of the gospel For it is the power of God and the salvation for anyone who believes for the
Jew first and also to the Greek The Apostle Paul was not ashamed of the gospel Any true
Christian is not ashamed of the gospel Joel Osteen is Ashamed of the gospel.
That's why he doesn't preach it Herein lies the rub so it's okay to have that position But that position on mass tries to influence politicians to prevent other people from having the right
Well, I guess my thing is that's one reason I stay out of the fight, you know when I'm one vote
I'm not you'll never hear me from my pulpit You know only time this comes up is on interviews or things like that The only time that these issues come up abortion and homosexual marriages when he's being interviewed never at his church
You know why these issues don't come up in his church Because he doesn't preach the scriptures.
Here's what Joel Osteen does He takes a verse here and there Lifts it out of its context and he reads into that his own preconceived theology his own
Meaning into it. And if you do that, you can make the Bible say whatever you want it to say I mean his his theology is is
The it's all here's what it is You take a verse of Scripture out of its context and you put it in a fortune cookie
Literally if you were to break open a fortune cookie and read any fortune cookie at random Whatever came out of there that that would probably be you know, a pretty good theme for Joel Osteen's next sermon
It's it's fortune cookie theology Cotton candy. He just takes a verse here and there takes it completely out of context and uses it in his own preconceived way to make it say what he wants it to say rather than what the text actually says and That is someone who has
No regard for the Bible none and no regard therefore for the
God of the Bible Joel Osteen is not a Christian He's not a
Christian and I stand by that Because here's the deal friends Joel Osteen by his own admission says in fact, he's been asked about his testimony.
He says that he's always believed He's just apparently came out of the womb Believing he's always been a
Christian. He's got no conversion testimony If this man has truly been a
Christian, he's I think he's almost 60 years old And I think maybe 59 59 or 60 years old now For let's say let's just be generous 50 years
If you're indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God for 50 years
You should be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within you you should be ready to answer these easy softball questions
If the Holy Spirit of God is strong enough to save us. He is strong enough to deliver us out of deception
All of us start off as baby Christians all of us do but the funny thing about babies is that babies don't stay babies
Babies grow up and if you're truly a Christian you are indwelt by the third person of the triune
God in The Holy Spirit is not a weakling Okay, he's not a girly man.
If he's strong enough to save us. He's strong enough to deliver us out of deception he is strong enough to sanctify us and Grow us in the grace and knowledge of the
Lord Jesus Christ Joel Osteen doesn't he doesn't even give answers that a baby
Christian would give This is there's no sanctification in this man's life. Oh You know, he comes across as very nice and very affable and you know, he smiles a lot
But sincerity is not the issue Truth is the issue This man is not growing in Christ.
He's not indwelt by the host. He is ashamed of the gospel Obviously ashamed of the gospel and that is not a
Christian No Christian is ashamed of the gospel But you know, it's a it's a difficult issue with the whole faith community back in back at home back in America I guess anywhere but it's a difficult issue
No, it's not a difficult issue Homosexual marriage is not a difficult issue
Abortion is not a difficult issue. These are not difficult issues to give an answer for if You are truly a
Christian and if you believe the Word of God, no, these are not difficult issues. They're softball issues
Now watch this clip from the same interview as George Stroumboulopoulos Makes a very interesting
Observation about Joel Osteen. This is fascinating watch Archie and Jack Archie and Jack argued for years whether Jesus was black or white
Archie was certain Jesus was white But Jack was just as certain he was black as fate would have it
They both died on the same day and raced to the pearly gates to see who was right. St.
Peter They shouted is Jesus white or black about that time. Jesus walked up and said buenos dias
You're back here with Pastor Joel look that's a funny joke, but what was the point you're trying to get across there? Yeah, the point just you know, don't worry about it.
You know, love everybody Buddhist of you. That's the whole thing, right? When I watched your sub I was like, he's doesn't does he know he kind of sounds like a
Buddhist So George Stroumboulopoulos says Stroumboulopoulos says to him, you know, how very
Buddhist of you you sound like a Buddhist Friends if you're a
Christian Pastor with a very large public platform and people can't tell the difference between you and a
Buddhist You're doing ministry wrong Can you imagine can you imagine?
Anyone ever John MacArthur has been interviewed on a lot of different public platforms Fox News Larry King other venues
Can you imagine anybody? Asking MacArthur saying to MacArthur, you know, you know
John I listen to you preaching boy you you sound like a Buddhist Not in a million years
That would never be asked of John MacArthur would be never said of him would be never said never be said of Paul Washer or Steve Lawson or Jim Osmond or Mike Riccardi or Phil Johnson or or any or any any faithful Christian pastor no
Faithful Christian pastor in a million years would ever come across to anyone as a
Buddhist but Joel Osteen does It's a journey for you, too Yes, so you don't like you obviously no one has all the answers
So what's it like to counsel people when you're not sure about everything? You know what? I just one of my favorite answers that I don't know and I think that's important to realize that we don't have all the answers
One of my favorite answers is I don't know Indeed when you listen to Joel Osteen in interviews that that I did those three words are repeated
Over and over and over and over. I don't know. I don't know. It's Jesus only I you know, who's going to have? I don't know.
I don't know. Well, you're supposed to know You're supposed to be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within us and indeed friends.
These are not Difficult questions. These are ground -level Basic play school romper room
Christianity 101 ground floor questions and The best he can come up with I don't know.
I don't know Now watch this video clip. This is rather insightful This is a fascinating little peek kind of behind the curtain so to speak with Joel Osteen watch this
But you had the system right because you were inside look at this clip here You're thinking about all these details here
John show him that reverse shot. That's a that's a great shot. That's a you know
It's saying a lot by just saying, you know what? There's a lot of people there gives me credibility when I speak and so those things are important to me so we choose the right angles and stuff like that just to You know, whatever we can do to get the message across.
I think when somebody flips by that they think well You know, he's got a lot of people there. Maybe he's got something to say
Isn't that interesting Joel Osteen see his background was? video production video editing
He was the guy behind the camera before he was in front of the camera and he said I love that shot
You know because it shows all these people behind me a full Coliseum and you know It gives me credibility makes people think that I have something to say dear friends.
Let me tell you something a preacher has nothing to say outside of Scripture The only credibility the only authority that comes comes strictly and solely from the
Word of God as The Word of God is rightly handled taught with precision
Taught with unction that is that is the only authority that any preacher has
I have no authority in and of myself the authority that comes with preaching comes in so much as the
Word of God is Exposited rightly taught rightly
The authority is in Scripture He thinks the authority he thinks the credibility comes
When people see that he has a big audience that he's preaching to that is just a stunning thing to say it
It's very revealing. Actually, it is quite revealing As this as is this next exchange.
Oh watch this Where's you and I recognize how difficult this is to answer because you're on television and you don't really know me and it's strange
But what are you struggling with? Like what's the thing that you can't figure out right now that you know is weighing you down You know, there's some things
I look up and I think you know what? I don't know what the right position is now, you know The Bible is not necessarily clear on it to me, you know, it doesn't speak directly to it
And so, you know that that I don't know if I'm struggling but I thought you know I would love to have clarity on that so that I know that I'm taking the right course.
How do you figure that out? I don't know. I think you just pray you wait you'd be sensitive to what you're feeling in here
How do you figure out what is the right course or what is the right position to be on a particular issue or question?
How do you figure that out and Joel Ouncey says well, well, yeah, I know I don't know. I just pray and I and I look and you don't see what
I'm feeling in here What? you look to see what you're feeling in here and No Dear friends truth is external to us
Truth is binding on all of us because it is it is external it comes from God God is the source of truth
What Jesus prayed for his disciples sanctify them in the truth. Thy word is truth If you want to find truth, then don't look in here
Look to the Word of God That's the source to which we look not internally externally to God's truth
Now we're going to switch to another interview that Joel Osteen did on I think this is
CBS's show Sunday morning and this is going to get to see the interviewer is going to ask him about why he does not preach on sin or hell
With wife and co -pastor Victoria leads Houston's Lakewood Church It's now the largest congregation in the
United States More than 40 ,000 members show up every week to hear Joel Osteen's message of hope usually delivered with his trademark smile
God is not in the condemning business. He's in the restoration business His sermons are relentlessly positive and that's made him a target of critics who say
Osteen Sometimes sounds less like a preacher and more like a motivational speaker You have to take the hand you've been dealt and make the most of it.
You know, you've been criticized for Church light. Yeah, that's right for a cotton candy message
Do you feel like you're cheating people by not telling them about the hell part?
No, but I really don't because it's a different approach, you know, it's not hellfire and brimstone
But I say most people are beaten down enough by life. They already feel guilty enough
They're not doing what they should do raising their kids or that, you know, we can all find reason So I want him to come to Lakewood or our meetings and be lifted up to say, you know what?
I may not be perfect, but I'm moving forward. I'm doing better. And I think that motivates you to do better She asked him.
Do you feel like you're cheating people for not telling them about the hell part and he said no
No, he doesn't You know that that in and of itself Completely disqualifies him from being in any kind of ministry
It disqualifies him from even being a Christian because he obviously doesn't understand the gospel.
Is he cheating people? Yeah, cheating is not even the word He is leading people dear friends to hell.
He's leading them to hell By not telling them about Hell You know, do you feel like you're cheating people because you you're not telling about the hell part?
Well a Joel Take a cue from this lady who's interviewing you.
She knows more about the gospel than you do No, no, no. No, I take that back because you do know the gospel
It's not that she knows more about the gospel than do you? But she at least has enough intellectual integrity
To challenge you on it because she knows it's in the Bible You know, it's in the
Bible. You just choose not to teach you choose not to talk about the hell part well
Jesus did Jesus talked about the hell part repeatedly on many occasions dear friends
The mercy of God does not make any sense until we first understand the wrath of God It is only the wrath of God that makes the mercy of God Precious and by not talking about sin by not talking about God's wrath by not talking about The hell part which is very real
Joel Osteen is completely negating and making meaningless
The mercy of God and making meaningless the cross the cross of Jesus Christ has no meaning
It has no power apart from understanding the righteousness the justice and the wrath of God Joel Osteen is preaching a different Jesus.
Oh, he's using the same name Jesus But he's preaching a different Jesus and he's preaching a different gospel
And he is leading millions upon millions of people straight to hell
And when he says Oh people he actually says his goal in preaching is that people leave his service feeling better about themselves than when they came in If you're a pastor and your goal in ministry your goal in preaching is to make people feel better about themselves
Get out of ministry. I mean get out Get out of the pulpit before you heap any more condemnation upon yourself.
Yes, there's the the love of God and the faithfulness of God and the compassion of God, but these things
These things are promises for the believer If you're not a believer in Christ if you're not a
Christian Then you know, the last thing you need to do is to feel better about yourself
It is only the wrath of God that makes us come to at the end of ourselves and Joel Osteen says that that That out, you know people already know what they're doing wrong.
That's not true That is emphatically not true. I Mean people have some vague understanding that they're not perfect.
And yeah, they've had some oopsies here and there but I guarantee you Guarantee you because I've done this
I mean you go out and Ray Comfort does it all the time you go out and you ask a hundred people at random on The street.
Are you a good person? I Guarantee you 99 if not a hundred of them are gonna say yeah I'm a good person because what we like to do is we like to compare ourselves to other people we think the the standard of goodness is just found amongst humanity and Sure.
Yeah, if I were to compare myself to Saddam Hussein or Polpot Hitler Adolf Adolf Hitler Benito Mussolini, you know,
Joseph Stalin Jack the Ripper, you know, yeah.
I'm pretty good old boy. You know, I've I've never done any of those things But the standard of goodness is not found amongst humanity
The standard of goodness. The only standard of goodness is God's Standard of goodness he defines goodness and none of us compared to God is good
None, there's none righteous No, not one Now, let's go to another interview this one.
He did with Piers Morgan along with his wife Victoria He in Victoria being interviewed by Piers Morgan.
This was their second appearance on the Piers Morgan Program and we're going to revisit
Gay marriage as all of his interviews do watch this a lot of controversy since then
More states have endorsed same -sex marriage. It's becoming much less of a
Prohibitive kind of issue than it used to be. What's your view? Now, you know peers it really never changes because mine was mine's based out of the scripture
That's what I believe that the scripture says that that homosexuality is a sin So, you know, I believed it before and I still believe it now again.
I would just reiterate what I said I'm not after I'm not mad at anybody. I don't dislike anybody, but you know, you know respecting my faith and believing, you know
In what the scripture says that's the best the way I can interpret it So I included that to show you that yes when push comes to shove he will
Finally say that homosexuality is a sin But he says it because he knows he has to he knows the
Bible is crystal clear on this and he's got to say it to keep his following But again, you see how pained he is that he has to say it he's ashamed of the gospel now watch this
This is a very interesting question from Piers Morgan as he asked them he actually asked
Victoria, would you attend a Homosexual wedding if these two homosexuals go to your church
Fascinating watch. I mean, what do you think of it all this the gay marriage debate? I mean, could you ever imagine?
Attending a gay marriage between two people who come to your church, for example, if they invited you Well, I think if it was that easy
That we would have figured it out by now But it's been overthrown states go for it and then they overthrow it
So it's very difficult accepting an invitation is easy So would you accept one or not to what
I accept to gay people who attend your church invite you to their wedding? Um, sure,
I would go you would well, I don't you know, if I had time If they were friends of mine and I respect them
I would certainly go so Victoria says yeah Yeah, I would go, you know If I had time I would go to a to a homosexual wedding the two homosexuals that are in our church
I would go and Joel Osteen affirms. Yeah, I would go to Respect them. Here's the rest of it.
You would watch two people you think are sinners committing the ultimate sin Well, I'm looking at it
I don't think it's the ultimate sin, but I'm looking at it from another point of view of respect to that person and you know
It's you know, it gets convoluted, but I'm looking at it as respect to that person. Could you could you in your position?
Actually actively encourage people to go through a same -sex marriage. Could you be seen to do it?
Could you be photographed at such an event? Well, I would not cause you problems Well, you know if there's such a hypothetical and I'm talking about really because you said lots of gay people go to your church
So it might happen Well, I haven't been to many weddings lately to begin with but I'm talking about somebody that was you know
Just a brief interruption. You you see again. His head is down and you it just It pains him to have to answer these questions
Biblically, he's ashamed of the gospel He's ashamed of the gospel
Not only is that not a pastor. That's not a Christian Christians are not ashamed of the gospel
Dear to us. I'm not going to disrespect somebody that's dear to us and say, you know what?
You're not good enough for us or something like that. That's the way I would see it now I'm not going to just run off and go to attend
You know Certain marriages just to make a statement because that's not who I am and that's not what I stand for and again
I don't look down on those people so he says he would attend a A homosexual marriage of two homosexuals in his church
So as not to disrespect them to you know to show his respect for them.
He would go and attend that quote -unquote wedding Romans 14 22
Blessed as a man who is not condemned by what he? approves and if you show up at a homosexual wedding
There to show your respect Then you're giving your implicit approval to something that is an abomination to God and Not only is it an abomination to God, but if your motive in going is to show respect to these people
Joel Here's how you show respect to them. Here's how you show them Love the most loving thing you can do for someone is to tell them the truth is to tell them the truth and Piers Morgan Has enough just like the lady reporter for CBS this morning or Sunday morning
Piers Morgan has he's lost But he's got enough intellectual integrity in Intellectual honesty to challenge
Joel said no way wait a minute You would go and you would you would attend something you would give your approval to something that you believe is a sin
He's got enough intellectual honesty to connect those dots Joel Osteen, huh and Joel Osteen is held to a far higher standard because he actually knows what's in the
Bible It is just an abomination It is appalling
Joel Osteen is not Does not fit into the third category He's not someone that well, we wouldn't wouldn't necessarily recommend him, but I'm not gonna call him a false teacher either
I'll call him a false teacher Anybody anybody with a with a
Biblical worldview here should have no hesitation at all
Calling Joel Osteen a false teacher If you want to show love To two men who are about to get quote -unquote married or two women about to get quote -unquote married if you want to show them
Love then love them enough to tell them the truth love them enough to say don't do this
Come to Christ Repent of your sin place your trust in Christ lay your works down.
They will profit you nothing Come to Christ and in Christ you will find freedom You'll find forgiveness all things will pass away all things will be made new
Love them enough to tell them that love them enough to tell them if they don't repent Then they will perish for all of eternity
Spend all of eternity in the lake of fire The most loving thing you can do for someone is to tell them the truth
The most hateful thing you can do is to know the truth But don't tell them if you really want to hate somebody do that Know the truth.
Don't tell them so I don't care how much Joel Osteen smiles I don't care how much of a you know, all sucks kind of attitude he may have
Joel Osteen hates homosexuals He hates him because he knows the truth and he doesn't tell him not only does he hate homosexuals
He hates all of his followers Joel Osteen hates Every person that follows him and Lest you think that sounds harsh
French friends. It is the inescapable conclusion to know the truth
But don't tell them that is the very definition of hatred now we're going to jump to another interview this one by By Larry King, but this is a different.
This is a interview that was done a number of years After the first interview with Larry King watch this
Now your fan base is not just Christian, right? I understand you have Muslims even atheists.
How do you explain that? You know, why would an atheist be a well? I think what they like Larry is when you know, the principles that we teach are from the scripture
But they help they can help anybody, you know to reach dreams or to forgive or to have healthy
You know good self -image. So so Joel Osteen all but admits that his message is not a distinctly
Christian message it is self -help. It is motivational speaking. It's it's a self -help message
That's just sprinkled with a little bit of Christian lingo here and there a Bible verse taken out of context here and there
But there's nothing distinctly Christian about it. It's just self -help motivational happy talk psycho battle that He believes can affect and help anyone
Christian or non -christian alike You know, I know I'm not a traditional pastor in terms of I'm just going down teaching scripture by scripture because you know a lot
Of my you know, what I would teach would just be more how to live a great life Well, there was a
Freudian slip He says, you know, I'm not a traditional pastor that just teaches the scripture verse by verse, you know
I there's scripture by scripture, you know, I'm not that kind of a pastor Well, that means you're not a pastor at all
Because that actually is what real pastors do that's what a biblical pastor
Does he teaches the Word of God verse by verse? That's what an actual pastor does
You're not a pastor Joel Difference Joel Osteen is not a pastor He's a wolf and he's a hireling a lot of people turned off by religion.
Yeah, why? Well, I think in the past You know or just in general sometimes religion is about you're doing this wrong and you're doing you know
You can't measure up and you know I get people criticize me because I want people to leave church feeling better than they were before I think people already have enough guilt and condemnation or beaten down by life
So, you know I think a lot of people at least the ones I talked to that grew up in a church where they just you just felt more
Guilty you could never measure up So he acknowledges that he gets criticism and he knows exactly what the criticism is and yet he never
Changes, he doesn't change. He doesn't change his message He continues to preach the same false
Jesus and false self -help motivational psycho babble gospel
That is devoid of any power to save so he's well aware of the criticism.
He knows what the criticism is He just doesn't care full steam ahead doesn't care Continues to lead people to hell and then he he says people people already know what they're doing wrong, you know
And the people he said I want people to leave the service feeling better about themselves and when they came in We've heard this before already
Again, if that's your goal in preaching stop preaching get out of the pulpit and get saved
You know, he says well people I don't want people to come and you know, I always feel like they just can't measure up Joel That's the whole point of the gospel
We can't measure up We can't That's why the cross was necessary.
That's why Jesus who existed before the world was came to this earth took on a
Robe of human flesh took upon himself a human nature So as the
God -man he could live a perfect life to the perfect satisfaction of God and give his life as a perfect sacrifice
To perfectly satisfy the perfect wrath of God Because we can't measure up Again, there is none righteous.
No, not one. There is none who understands. There's none who does good. No, not one All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God None of us can measure up.
That's the point of the gospel But he misses it Completely misses it friends.
You can be wrong about any number of secondary or tertiary issues
You know, you can be wrong in your view of eschatology You can be wrong and who you think wrote the book of Hebrews you can be wrong and whether or not you think
Matthias was a true apostle you can be wrong about the date of the Exodus, you know you But you can't be wrong about the gospel you cannot be wrong about the gospel
Joel Osteen is He knows the truth. He just refuses to teach it
And listen to this as Larry King asked Joel Osteen again about homosexuality
What are your views on homosexuality? You know, they're the same that they've been that I don't
I believe the scripture says that it's a sin But I always follow that up by saying, you know what?
We're not against anybody If you're calling it a sin How could it be a sin if we don't know what causes it?
We don't know why you don't know why you're heterosexual No, you don't know why you're heterosexual. No, and there's a lot of things
Larry that I don't I don't understand So, you know, I don't I don't preach on it. Don't preach about it.
It's only comes up during the interviews So once again Joel Osteen, you know, I don't know. I don't understand and you know the
This he's Embarrassed by the gospel. He's ashamed of the gospel and he says these issues never come up except in the interviews
The reason they don't come up in his church is because he doesn't preach the gospel.
He doesn't preach the Word of God He doesn't do exposition He doesn't have a church
Lakewood Church is not a church He's not feeding the sheep. He's entertaining the goats
That's all he's doing and he's trying to have both the favor of the world and the favor of God.
He's trying to Come across as this Christian pastor and yet have the favor of the world to curry the favor of the world
You can't do both you cannot have Both the favor of the world in the favor of God choose one or the other because you cannot have both
Now listen to this as Larry King asked Joel Osteen about what happens
When you die, what do you think happens when you die? What do you think happen? You don't you can't know
No, you can't know but what I believe again being a you know, a person of faith I believe that there's there's a heaven and then there's there there's a hell as well.
There's an afterlife So it says yeah, you know, I believe there's a heaven. I believe there's a hell
I believe there's an afterlife you see how sheepish he is how embarrassed he is
You know, so so yeah, he he says he believes in hell He'll but that's just to throw a bone to to the evangelical world
That's all he's doing. He's got to say that to maintain his following but you see how embarrassed he is by it
You know, I yeah, I believe there's a heaven. I believe there's a hell believe there's an afterlife I'm just not gonna tell anybody how to get there.
You know, I believe there's a hell I'm just not gonna tell anybody about it or how to escape it and Lest you think because I know there's my critics out there and you're gonna jump on that Why well
Joel Osteen after every sermon he says and I quote Friends, we never like to close a broadcast without giving you an opportunity to make
Jesus the Lord of your life If you want to know Jesus just pray this simple prayer Lord Jesus. I repent of my sins
I make you my Lord and Savior friends. If you just prayed that prayer we believe you got born again That's what he says
That's at the end of every sermon. That's what he says. Just a very basic Throw in some lingo.
Yeah, throw in the word repent Don't ever talk about repentance ever
Don't ever talk about sin Ever don't ever you know, yeah,
I'll throw those two words in Literally the only time you'll hear me use the words sin and repent is that little short little vacation
Bible school First grade little Christian ditty of a sinner's prayer But I'll never talk.
I'll never preach about sin. I'll never define it rightly. I'll never talk about what it is I'll never talk about how it's an affront to a thrice.
Holy God that incurs his righteous wrath. I I'm not gonna talk about repentance. I'm not gonna tell you what that is
I'll just use the words without ever defining them in this short little ditty that you can repeat after me at the end of my sermon and just like Dorothy and the
Wizard of Oz clicking her heels three times saying there's no place like home and she's back in Kansas you just repeat this little prayer and friends if you prayed that prayer we believe you got born again
How many millions? Millions of people listen
To this man week in and week out how many millions of people?
Have repeated that little mantra after him without any understanding of what it actually means or supposedly
Represents and they just repeat that little ditty and now they think they're in the club
You know friends we either believe these things or we don't I? Actually do believe there is a real heaven and there is a real hell
And I believe that people who trust a false Jesus and a false gospel gospel Will go to that very real hell where there will be wailing weeping
Gnashing of teeth the worm will not die. The fire will not be quenched The smoke of their torment will go up day and night forever and ever and it will never end
It's what the Bible teaches it's what God teaches How much do you have to hate someone?
To know that and to believe that claim to believe it and yet don't tell him Joel Osteen, I don't care how much he smiles
Joel Osteen is one of the most evil men on the planet
To claim to believe what he says he believes to claim to be a Christian to claim to believe the
Bible and Yet he says nothing about sin nothing about hell
Nothing about righteousness. Nothing about God's justice. Nothing about God's holiness.
Nothing about repentance Nothing about God's wrath. Nothing about these things
How much do you have to hate someone Joel Osteen hates his followers Joel Osteen is not a
Christian We're back with Joel Osteen his new book is break out
Five keys to go beyond your barriers and live an extraordinary life. We discussed salvation on my own show
Do you still believe it's up to God to decide who goes to heaven? Is there a decision point you think you go?
You don't well, I believe that. Yeah, I believe that's true ultimately, but of course it has something to do with us, too
But you know, God is the ultimate judge you fear death. I don't fear death. You've got to be kidding
Well, I don't I really don't I don't I don't fear it I don't I don't want to die now, but I don't I don't know that I fear it
You know, I just I don't I don't feel like I fear it. Don't wonder about it No, I don't
I don't wonder about it. I don't I really believe in but you do believe you go somewhere I do believe
I believe how tragic Larry King asked Joel Osteen, you know, do you do you fear death and Joel Osteen said?
No, no, not really. Oh, come on. No. No. Well, you know, Larry King feared death, obviously
Larry King was an agnostic He knew that there are believed that there may be something out there, but not a not a personal
God He just didn't you know, he didn't know where Life and the universe came from he's agnostic about it and but but his conscience
Convicted him he was afraid of death as any lost person should be
Afraid of death and Joel. I mean Larry King is all But begging
Joel Osteen to give him some hope Almost like the the Babylon B guys, you know when they interviewed
Elon Musk Elon Musk was all but on his hands and knees begging these supposed Christians to explain to him
The gospel give him some hope and they didn't they made a mockery out of the gospel Same way same way
Joel Osteen just makes a mockery out of it. Here's a man who was genuinely wanting To know the answers and Joel Osteen has the answers up here.
He knows them intellectually But he doesn't truly believe them because if he did
He would share the gospel. He would share the truth with Larry King Joel Osteen has been interviewed multiple times by Larry King on not one of these
Interviews and not one of these interviews on not one occasion has Joel Osteen ever shared with Larry King the gospel not once How tragic
Larry King is dead now and Larry King barring some Deathbed conversion of which
I am not aware Larry King right now is In the lake of fire, he's joined the rich man in Luke chapter 16
He's probably wondering why? this pastor of the largest church in the
United States on multiple occasions refused To give him the gospel to share with him how he could escape this place
Tragic truly is tragic Now let's change jump to another interview that Joel Osteen did this one with Oprah Winfrey Well dear friends did get a copyright strike, but but not
Well friends I did get a copyright strike but not from Joel Osteen I was actually in the process of uploading this and just finished uploading and The checking process was in process and Oprah Winfrey filed a copyright claim now
I have challenged it, but I don't want to wait. It could be a week could be a month before this is
Finished so I'm gonna go ahead. I am taking this part out There's a screenshot, but I mean my use of this comes well within the fair use and copy
Parameters, but nonetheless in the interest of just getting this up so you can go ahead and have this
Information I took the video out so In this clip what you would have seen and you can look for it yourself on YouTube Look up Joel Osteen Oprah Winfrey You can see this but Oprah Oprah Winfrey says to Joel you have 16 ,000 people show up at your services and there must be at least some gay people there
Will they go to heaven and Joel Osteen yet says yes, I believe they will
So there's the clip that or that's what was said in the clip that I had to take out So Oprah Winfrey asked
Joel Osteen will gays will homosexuals go to heaven and Joel Osteen responds in the affirmative
Absolutely, he says this in direct contradiction to the clear teaching of Scripture First Corinthians 6 9 through 11 the
Apostle Paul writes or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God Do not be deceived neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor homosexuals
Nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor revilers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God Difference the
Bible could not be more clear Homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God Joel Osteen says they will
God says They won't is it the unforgivable sin? No, it is not because Paul continues in verse 11.
He says for such were some of you You were those things, but you're not anymore
You were sexually immoral, but you're not anymore. You were a reviler. You were a drunkard
You were a swindler But you're not anymore. You were a homosexual
But you're not anymore But you were washed You were sanctified you were justified
Dear friends. There is freedom in the gospel of Christ For everyone who believes for the
Jew first and also to the Greek there is freedom in the gospel of Christ for the homosexual
There is freedom and forgiveness And if you truly come to Christ You can join the ranks of the such were some of you
Okay, dear one. So now we're going to begin the final section of this video in which
I will show you how Joel Osteen denies the exclusivity of Christ This is what
I teased kind of at the first part the front end of this video and now we're going to get to that section
So now we're going to go back in time if you will back to 2005 and I'm going to show you a number of clips several different interviews in which
Joel Osteen denies the exclusivity of Christ this from Larry King interview back in 2005
What if you Jewish or Muslim and you don't accept Christ at all? You know, I just I'm very careful about saying who and wouldn't wouldn't go to heaven
I don't know. I think only don't believe you have to believe in Christ. I believe they're wrong. Well, I don't know if I believe
They're wrong. I believe here's what the Bible teaches and from the Christian faith This is what I believe, but I just think that only
God can judge a person's heart I've spent a lot of time in India with my father and you know I don't know all about the religion, but I know they love
God and I don't know I'd have to let you know I've seen their sincerity. So I don't know I just I know for me and what the
Bible teaches I want to have a relationship with Jesus So Larry King asked Osteen he says what if you're
Jewish or Muslim and you don't accept Christ at all You know, if you don't they're wrong, aren't they in Joel Osteen responded by saying well,
I don't know if I believe they're wrong You don't know if you believe they're wrong John 14 6
I'm the way the truth in the life No man comes to the Father but by me and then Osteen says, you know
I know for me in what the Bible teaches. I want to have a relationship with Jesus I know for me and what you see you see the the relativism there
Well, what's true for me is that I want to have a relationship with Jesus But what's what's true for me may not be true for you.
You see that's relativism truth is relative dependent upon the individual not upon God and In then
Joel Osteen says this he says I've been to India with my father and he said
I don't know all about their religion But I know they love God Dear friends. He's talking about Hindus Hindus do not love
God because they don't know God. How can you love someone? That you don't even know
He says well, I've seen their sincerity You know sincerity is not the issue
Truth is the issue. So he just told everyone on international television that Hindus love
God Hindus have What like three million gods and hey a
Hindu is all too happy to put a little Quote unquote Jesus up on the shelf with all of his other
Three million gods and make Jesus the three millionth and first God You know three million and one
I suppose Using round numbers here. They believe in millions of God. So they're all too happy to put
Jesus up. There's just another one That that's a different Jesus than the
Jesus of the Bible. He says I've seen their sincerity. I know they love God No, they do not love God they do not love
God and Then a caller called in On same broadcast a lady who heard this from Joel Osteen and she had a question for him.
Listen Phoenix, Arizona. Hello Hello, Larry, you're the best and thank you
Joe Joel for your positive messages and your book I'm wondering though why you sidestepped
Larry's earlier question about how we get to heaven The Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the way the truth and the light and the only way to the father's through him
That's not really a message of condemnation but of truth. Yeah, I would agree with her I believe that you is not going to have no
Well, here's my thing there is I can't judge somebody's heart, you know, I don't know only God can look at somebody's heart
And so I don't know. I just to me. It's not my business to say, you know This one is or this one isn't
I'm just saying here's what the Bible teaches and I want to put my faith in You know in Christ and I just I think it's wrong when we go around saying, you know, you're not going you're not going
You're not going because it's not exactly my way. I'm just I'm not gonna be your way. I believe my way
I believe my way with all my heart, but there's someone who doesn't share it. Well, he's wrong
Well, I don't know if I look at it like that I would I would present my way, but I'm just gonna let
God be the judge of that. I mean, I don't know I don't know So this lady from Phoenix, Arizona calls in and she rightly pushes back on Joel Oseen and asked him why he was unclear about whether or not
Jesus is the only way to be saved and Larry King asks him about that and he has again like the other interviewers.
He has enough Intellectual integrity and intellectual honesty to push Joel and say well look if you believe that Jesus is the only way to be saved
Then all these other people must be wrong, right? You know and and Osteen says well,
I would have you know, I would agree with her But you know, it's just not my business to say who will and who won't go to heaven
You know again, he is ashamed of the gospel. He's he's trying to have his cake and eat it, too
Yeah, I believe that Jesus is the only way to be heaven to go to heaven But but I'm not gonna say these
Buddhists and Hindus are wrong I'm not gonna say they're wrong and I believe in Jesus only way but I'm not gonna say they're wrong and Larry King says wait
Oh, wait a minute Hoss Paraphrasing Larry King here. Wait a minute. You can't have it both ways, but Joel Osteen wants to have it
Both ways his feet are planted firmly in midair He is ashamed of the gospel and again friends
This is I mean, it's not like Larry King asked him to parse a Greek verb here I mean that these are these are very simple basic Christianity 101 ball sitting on the tee
Kind of questions. I mean is Jesus the only way to be said it doesn't get more basic than that But Joel Osteen says,
I don't know. I don't know So you make no judgment on anyone? No, but I put out atheists.
No, I just you know what I let I let someone let I'm gonna let God be the judge of who goes to heaven and hell and I just again
I present the truth and I say It every week, you know, I believe it's a relationship with Jesus But you know what?
I'm not gonna go around Telling everybody else if they don't want to believe that that's gonna be their choice God's got a look at your own heart.
God's got a look at your heart and only God knows that what a disaster And it was a disaster for Joel Osteen in the evangelical world because that made a lot of news and a lot of news
So he Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church went into full damage control mode now to his credit sort of he came out with an apology now say sort of because I Know someone who used to be on the inside of this church and they told me that this
Apology that he wrote was not even written by him. They actually went to What do you call it like a public relations?
Business firm or whatever that kind of helps people in the public spotlight to Rehabilitate their image in that kind of thing.
So they they went to this Firm to help them craft some kind of statement and this is it but in fairness
They did post it on their church website So I want to read it to you and Joel Osteen came out and he said and I quote
It was never my desire or intention to leave any doubt as to what I believe in whom
I serve I believe with all my heart that is only through Christ that we have hope in eternal life
I regret and sincerely apologize that I was unclear on the very thing in which
I have dedicated my life I believe that Jesus Christ alone is the only way to salvation however
It wasn't until I had the opportunity to review the transcript of the interview That I realized that I had not clearly stated that having a personal relationship with Jesus is the only way to heaven
It's about the individual's choice to follow him God has given me a platform to present the gospel to a very diverse audience in my desire not to Alienate the people that Jesus came to save I did not clearly communicate the convictions
That I hold so precious well You know
Okay, that's that's good. I suppose in and of itself He does apologize unequivocally that he was not as clear as he should have been
That he did not clearly communicate the convictions that he quote holds
So precious a couple of points though two big points one is
Again, friends. This is not a high -level discernment here. This is this this is
Christianity 101 this is the gospel 101
I mean the ball sitting on the proverbial tea. It doesn't get more basic than this if You cannot go on national television and be clear about the exclusivity of Christ Then you have no business being a pastor at all.
I mean it just doesn't get more basic than that. So That should have disqualified him from being in in the pastorate at all that that debacle that theological debacle and disaster that was the
Larry King interview but people say and even Al Mohler came out and wrote a piece on his blog about this and he was thanking
Joel Osteen for his needed apology and he praised it for being very clear and and He's and he did say other concerns
Assuming I assume he's referring to his prosperity theology said other concerns we can save for a later date
But he was he was quite He praised Joel Osteen quite a bit for making such a clear statement and Apology and affirming the exclusivity of Christ Well, remember
I said that this was not written by Joel Osteen and it didn't last very long Because Joel Osteen has been asked about the exclusivity of Christ since then and he's not done any better I'm going to show you a couple of different clips this one from that same interview with Oprah Winfrey Listen carefully to what he says here
Okay to your ones another short clip of Joel Osteen's interview with Oprah. This one was only 20 or 30 seconds or so But nonetheless,
I'm taking it out and in this clip you would have heard Oprah Winfrey Asked Joel Osteen.
She said okay, so there's one God you say there's one God but there are there many ways to this one
God and Osteen says well, you know, I believe that Jesus is the only way to God But there's many different ways to Jesus and he said
I think Jesus could reveal himself to different people in different ways That's what you would have heard had there not been a copyright claim.
There's a screenshot, but that's that's that's the clip That's what you're missing. But again, feel free to go to YouTube search
Joel Osteen Oprah Winfrey. You can see the whole thing yourself That's the source from which I got it. So anyway, there you go
So Oprah asked him or are there many different ways, you know to the one true
God and in Osteen says well I believe there's only one way to God and that's
Jesus, but there's many different paths to Jesus What does that mean?
many different paths To Jesus well, there's but one gospel.
There's one Lord one faith one baptism There's one gospel and that is to repent of sin and place your trust in the risen
Lord Jesus Christ lay your works down. They will profit you nothing. They are filthy rags before a thrice.
Holy God repent of sin place your trust in Christ That's the only way
It's so on the one hand he affirms that it's yeah, there's Jesus is the only way to God But there's many different paths to Jesus.
No, I Mean that is confusing at best But what
Joel Osteen really means when he says there's many different paths to Jesus is there's really many different Jesus's because He's already said that Hindus love
God and he's seen their sincerity. So Just as long as you affirm a
Jesus but not necessarily the Jesus Now I want to show you another clip
Because that I mean some some of you defenders of Osteen and some of my critics say well
I mean, that's you know, he did say Jesus the only way that was that was confusing what he said
That was confusing at best But let me show you this clip and this seals the deal this is an interview he did with Glenn Beck On the
Fox News program. This is after the disastrous interview with Larry King This was after he made that apology that statement that I read you
This was several years after that and you'll be able to tell that because in the in the interview
Glenn Beck References people who say oh well Jesus has denied or excuse me
Oh, Joel Osteen's denied Jesus in the gospel. You'll hear that So this is after that interview several years after that In fact that interview with Larry King was 2005.
I think this was going back was 2009 So four years count them four years after that watch
Joel Osteen is the senior pastor at Lakewood Church, and he joins me now. Hello Joel. How are you, sir? Hey Glenn be done.
I mean, I got a lot of mail having you on people said to me Well, he's denied Jesus Christ in the gospel, and I'm thinking to myself.
I've talked to him I know him. Yeah, I mean you're very rooted in the gospel again. I don't know.
I think some people are so There's people that are just very passionate about what they believe and there they want to stay open to anything else
And you know, of course, I believe in in Christ as the Savior and all but you know, I think to Glenn I've spent a lot of time in India, you know,
I've been with a lot of Hindu people They're nice kind, you know people that love God as well.
Okay, dear friends. That's bad That's bad. So here's Joel Osteen four years.
I believe after the interview he did with Larry King after that Theological debacle that was the interview with Larry King four years later
He's being interviewed by Glenn Beck and Glenn Beck Glenn Beck begins by referencing that and he says, you know when
I talked about having you on people are contacting me saying Oh, he's denied Jesus in the gospel and Glenn Beck says why
I've talked with him I know him you're very rooted in the gospel. So Joel Osteen knows exactly what
Glenn Beck is referring to This is four years later after that interview after the supposed apology and sincere heartfelt apology and clear affirmation of the
Exclusivity of Jesus Christ that Al Mohler was praised so much, you know after that four years after that and this time
He doubles down on it he doubles down on his Denial of the exclusivity of Christ and he's even more specific
It's even worse now with Glenn Beck than it was with Larry King because with Larry King in that interview
Joel Osteen did not Specify the Hindus he talked about India going to India and I mean two plus two is four
India is predominantly Hindu. So we know of whom he was speaking, but he didn't actually name the
Hindus Here he did He actually named the
Hindus and he said they're nice kind people who love God as well Dear friends
Hindus do not love God They don't love God they have false gods millions of them
They don't love God the true one and only
God That is It's even worse
That is a clear denial of the Exclusivity of Jesus Christ.
No, he didn't say well, there's many different, you know There's you can go to God through Jesus, but you can go through God in other ways
He didn't say that explicitly but that is in effect what he said by saying that Hindus love
God and by extension if I mean if Hindus love God than Buddhists love God and Muslims love
God and Mormons love. Well, he's already I mean, he's I don't have a clip in front of me But he's he's explicitly affirmed that Mormons are
Christians and they love they love Jesus to Denial of the exclusivity of Christ Sugar coat it all you want.
You can't put lipstick on a pig He denied the exclusivity of Jesus Christ when he affirmed again four years later
That Hindus love God it's a denial of Jesus no way around it now one final video clip and this is from George Strombolopoulos will finish with this video clip because it's
It's rather revealing and then I will have a final appeal to Joel Osteen and a presentation of the gospel
Appreciate it. Thank you kind pastor. How are you? Hey, everything's great. Great to be with you
You the the the on the accidental pastor now I am never dreamed I'd be doing this
Oh, in fact, didn't you just kind of avoid it as well? I did for well my whole life until I was 36 years old.
I worked 17 years You know, my dad was a pastor there in Houston, but I never wanted to be a preacher
I didn't think it was in me I think that's the main reason I wanted didn't want to do it because I'd see my dad get up there and speak in front
All these people and I think I don't have anything to say and I want to get up there It's not in you
Joel and you don't have anything to say Outside of the Bible you have nothing to say and you do not preach the
Bible You take a few verses Here and there lift them out of their context and you read a meaning into them
That is your own meaning your own theology your own preconceived Notion of how life should be it's it's motivational self -help talk
Happy talk just sprinkled with a Bible verse here and there that's not Christianity That's not the gospel
You are leading millions of people to hell Joel Do you have any idea?
The peril that you are putting people in do you have any idea of the peril that your own soul is in?
Joel I've said this before to other false teachers to Todd White to Benny Hinn to Kenneth Copeland to Sid Roth I've said this to them and I'll say it to you.
I do not hate you Joel. I do not hate you At all. I do hate what you're doing
Because you're preaching a false Jesus and a false gospel. I Hate what you're doing, but I love you enough to tell you the truth
And the truth is is that you have no idea
The condemnation you are heaping upon yourself By bringing this kind of reproach upon the name of Christ by preaching a different Jesus calling him the real
Jesus You have no idea The wrath you were storing up for yourself
James says in his letter chapter 3 verse 1 let not many of you desire to become teachers my brethren
Knowing that we will incur a stricter judgment Preachers of the
Bible are held to a stricter standard and a stricter judgment To preach the
Bible ostensibly and to present some quote -unquote gospel to that there
There is no greater task Than to get up and to rightly divide the word of truth to preach the
Word of God Accurately and it should terrify any pastor any preacher Every time he gets up to the pulpit knowing the weight of the task knowing that he is
Representing to the people he is presenting before the people this thrice
Holy God of infinite value infinite worth But you're not preaching him
You're preaching a false. God. You're preaching a false Jesus and Joel.
What's so terrifying is that? You know the truth You know the truth, you know of the wrath of God, you know of hell
You know these things intellectually and yet you just refuse to preach them. You are intentionally twisting the
Word of God You have no idea The wrath you are storing up for yourself, and I plead with you to repent
I Plead with you to step out of ministry get out of ministry
Joel the true gospel is this Is that contrary to what you have taught before 99 .9
% of people are not good 100 % of people are bad and you're a bad person
I'm a bad person Everyone is bad because we have all fallen short of the glory of God. We have all sinned against God We have transgressed his laws and the wages of sin is death
God sent his son Jesus Christ to this earth and Jesus lived a perfect life the
God man one person two natures He lived a perfect life to the perfect satisfaction of God And Jesus willingly laid down his life on the cross.
His life was not taken. He gave it and Jesus gave his life not so that we could have our best life now
Not so that we could have health and wealth prosperity healing Not so that we could have better relationships and you know, all of this stuff
That's not what the abundant life of John 10 10 refers to Jesus laid down his life on the cross
To bear the wrath of God this perfect person Offered his perfect life as a perfect sacrifice to perfectly satisfy the perfect wrath of God Died on the cross three days later bodily raised from the dead proving himself to be who he said he was
God in human flesh And the only way to be saved you use these two words, but you don't teach them rightly you don't teach them at all
Is to repent of sin turn from sin and place your faith in Christ in Real repentance bears real fruit
Repentance is not works. It's not human works real repentance is a work of God God grants repentance and when
God grants to your penance Your life will be changed Your mind will be changed your your desires will be changed.
Your affections will be changed You'll begin to love what God loves and hate what God hates and Joel if you truly repent
Then you will come to the sobering realization That you're not qualified to be behind the pulpit
That you're not qualified to be a pastor You will have this sobering and horrifying realization that you have been preaching a false
Jesus for 20 some odd years now and you have led who knows how many people to hell
You have brought untold reproach on the name of Christ If you're truly repentant, you'll realize that and the fruit of that repentance will be that you'll shut your ministry down You'll step out of the pulpit and you'll leave
Lakewood because that's not a real church And you'll find some other church a real church a biblically qualified church a doctrinally sound church that is led by biblically qualified men
And you won't be behind the pulpit. You'll be in front of the pulpit sitting in the pew learning and you won't be a pastor
Again That's what real repentance would look like same with Todd white same with Benny in same with Kenneth Copeland I want that for you.
I don't want you to go to hell, but that's where you're headed I want you to truly repent come to true faith in Christ That's what
I want and dear friends for everyone watching Joel Osteen is not this third category
He's not just someone that I wouldn't recommend but he's not necessarily a false teacher. He is a false teacher
Every bit as much as his Kenneth Copeland as his Benny in every bit as much different style different approach
But every bit the wolf the hireling It's not a third category.
He's to be marked and Avoided if he truly repents
We're to welcome him with open arms and encourage him in his new walk with the real
Jesus That's what I want Okay, dear ones, thank you very much for watching until our next time together