Mike Pence Uses Bible to Defend Legality of "Trans" Surgeries, After All It Says Love Thy Neighbor


Mike Pence comes out in favor of "Transgender" surgeries being legal because Jesus says we must love our neighbor as ourselves! What does one thing have to do with the other? Article link: https://disntr.com/2023/06/20/mike-pe...


Mike Pence says loving your neighbor means protecting their right to a sex change if they're an adult.
So this article is from the website known as the Dissenter, formerly
Reformation Charlotte. I'm going to reword the headline. Former vice president and professing evangelical
Christian Mike Pence uses the Bible to defend transgender surgeries.
Now I have to admit this is one of the most outrageous statements that I've seen in a long long time.
I think it was last year maybe that Governor Gavin Newsom of California, you remember this story, he paid for a bunch of billboards defending abortion and how did he back that up?
He quoted Jesus, if you can believe that. The billboards were put up after Roe v. Wade was overturned so now that people had to travel to California from other states to get an abortion,
Gavin Newsom put up all these billboards said you know come to come to our state and do it after all
Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself. Now listen
I believe in grace and I believe that people can be forgiven whether it's that or there's people who have family members who are you know claiming they're a man trapped in a woman's body and this is not you know you you love people and you want what's best for them
I understand that but this is outrageous what Mike Pence said.
I mean to defend and Gavin Newsom to defend abortion by quoting Jesus I mean that's just brazen but here's the thing
Gavin Newsom nobody actually thinks Gavin Newsom is a Christian like nobody believes that.
Mike Pence on the other hand he claims to be an evangelical and Mike Pence is fairly well liked by evangelicals or at least he was.
Mike Pence was a former Catholic many people think that he's Catholic but no he claimed to leave the
Catholic Church well first he claimed to be an evangelical Catholic whatever that is then he joined an evangelical mega church
I think the denomination was evangelical free Church of America something like that.
Anyway the last time we heard about Mike Pence he claims to be an evangelical
Christian well since when do evangelicals support transgender surgeries and just so you know every time
I use the word transgender I put it in quotation marks because nobody in the history of the world has successfully transitioned their gender.
The Bible is very clear in the beginning Jesus said this in the beginning God created them male and female male and female he created them but this is so wrong to use the
Bible to use the words of Jesus to defend trans surgeries you know
I'm really at a loss for words so let's read from the article it says Mike Pence the mainstream
Republican choice for quote being better on queer rights than other candidates and that's in quotation marks so I'm assuming that Mike Pence said that that he is the choice he's better on that stuff than other candidates anyways
Mike Pence has made it clear that sex change surgeries for children under the age of 18 should be outlawed okay so he hasn't caved into that yet of course you know how this goes the
Liberals keep chipping away and getting the conservative conservatives in quotation mark they keep getting them to compromise they keep chipping away chipping away chipping away and eventually you know they they they always end up caving in it seems so the article says okay great surgery should be illegal for people under 18 no argument with that they should be outlawed and I think you could make a pretty darn good case that all sex change surgery should be outlawed even for adults says the article especially if you're a
Christian who believes that unfettered sexual anarchy is destructive to society and garners the wrath of God which that is what the
Bible teaches that being said Mike Pence the conservative
Christian Republican candidate doesn't agree in fact
Pence says that loving your neighbor a biblical phrase typically abused by leftists to try to guilt people into supporting some social justice cause according to Mike Pence love your neighbor actually means protecting the rights of adults to have sex change operations remember when
Russell Moore former SBC ethicists yeah he's a terrific terrific on ethics right
Russell Moore told us that loving our neighbor means you must get vaccinated it means supporting open borders that it means supporting the right for Muslims to build mosques in city areas not zoned for such establishments or remember when
J .D. Greer former Southern Baptist Convention president told us that loving our neighbor means standing up for gay rights
Mike Pence is reminiscent of all of that in this kind of thinking or is this kind of thinking the leadership that conservatives need the clear answer is no okay so that's the article and now
I'm just gonna play the clip because there's somebody out there thinking why Mike Pence didn't really say that well listen to prohibit gender transition chemical or surgical treatment for children under the age of 18
I'd look at I'm I'm libertarian enough to say if you're an adult live while you live you know
I may not agree with decisions you make but we'll love you and and love our neighbor as ourselves of my faith requires okay so you heard it he says that children under 18 he's against that and you know he might not really agree with it but he supports you having the right he supports people having the right you know it should be legal for people to go through transgender surgeries because after all the
Jesus says love your neighbor I mean what does one thing have to do with the other let's play it again just one more time to prohibit gender transition chemical or surgical treatment for children under the age of 18
I'd look at I'm I'm libertarian enough to say if you're an adult live while you live you know
I may not agree with decisions you make but we'll love you and and love our neighbor as ourselves of my faith requires okay so that is unfortunate maybe he'll come out and clarify
I I hope he does I hope he apologizes for that anyone can make a mistake while talking and I think we need to be willing to say okay you didn't mean it you apologize forgive and forget and if he does that amen but that's what he said and just the whole thing sounded so weak like he's backpedaling and all man you know like he's he's on the defensive and I don't want to be happy you know how people get when these issues are are brought up here's the thing the
LGBTQ community or whatever you want to call them they they hate Mike they despise
Mike Pence you're not gonna get them to like you by compromising they are insatiable unless you agree with them 100 % they cannot be satisfied placated anything so why bother say this is what the
Bible says and I believe it and I'm not budging and that that's what you need but these guys are falling all over themselves to try to straddle the fence and play both sides and get everyone to like me you know he who desires to be a friend of the world makes himself the
Bible says an enemy of God I mean this is not something to play around with and to quote Jesus as your defense of why these surgeries should be legal it's it's outrageous okay so we have to ask based on that clip where Mike Pence quotes that Bible verse we have to ask what is the argument that he's making when he says love your neighbor
I mean what is he really saying here well it sounds like love your neighbor is just being used to say well you we need love our neighbor so we need to let them do whatever they want that's what it sounds like to me but let's look at this statement by Christ love your neighbor in context first of all it's a statement from God's law in the book of Leviticus but Jesus quotes it in Matthew 22 as a summary for the second half of the
Ten Commandments so before I read what Jesus said let me just say obviously Mike Pence is taking this verse out of context and the way he is applying it is the exact opposite of what the
Bible intends to communicate all sexual sin falls under the sixth commandment against adultery and Jesus uses the term love your neighbor to summarize
Commandments 5 6 7 8 9 10 okay so everything here is backwards
Mike Pence whether he's intentionally doing it or not it doesn't matter this is a twisting of God's Word it's out of context and the meaning is twisted to basically communicate the opposite because God's law is against this
Jesus would not support trans surgeries obviously so to use the words of Jesus to say they should be legal it's backwards let's look at Matthew 22 24 through 40 and again you might have a family member who's dabbling in that thinking about that or maybe even gone through that you know in the other side wants to say well you're just a hater okay no this if you really love somebody you want to tell them what's true you want them to be saved you want what's best for them so ignore people who try to say well you just hate hate hey that's all they can repeat the word hate well you hate
Christians so what's the you know or you hate the what the book of Leviticus is so you know Jesus loved righteousness and that is our goal we should be like Jesus and love righteousness and hate lawlessness first the book first chapter of Hebrews Jesus tells us that so let's read this
Matthew 22 24 through 40 but when the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the
Sadducees they gathered together then one of them a lawyer asked him a question testing him saying teacher which is the great commandment in the law and Jesus said to him you shall love the
Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your mind this is the first and great commandment and the second is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets gave the law and the prophets is just shorthand for saying the
Old Testament scriptures Jesus is not nullifying or violating or destroying the
Old Testament scriptures remember he did not come to destroy the law he came to fulfill it so Jesus is upholding the
Old Testament scriptures but he's summarizing the commandments that's what's happening so think about the
Ten Commandments they're written on two tablets of stone the first half of the commandments deal with man's relationship to God so we are to love
God with all of our hearts and we show that love by obeying him hence love is the fulfillment of the law as the
Apostle Paul stated the second half of the commandments deal with man's relationship with his fellow man so we love and show love for others by obeying these commandments and their practical application of doing good for your neighbor and looking out for their general welfare however when it comes to whether it's adultery homosexuality cross -dressing or you know more extreme things like surgeries especially especially for kids but Mike Pence is talking about surgeries for adults all of that all of that is strictly forbidden by God right everybody knows this adultery homosexuality cross -dressing this is forbidden by God's law not just because you know it's just well
God just said it and for no reason no because these things have negative consequences when people do these things there are negative effects it's not healthy number one for the individual adultery destroys families homosexuality there's the issue of disease there's a whole list of negative there's negative impacts these things have upon individuals and society and the family and this here's the thing yeah this is a commandment found in the
Old Testament but it's not just in the Old Testament these things are in the New Testament as well so does
Mike Pence really think that love your neighbor means that you just have to allow them to do whatever they want insert some other behavior that is currently illegal or not fashionable in society that you know let me just use like an extreme example that well you know my neighbor is a serial killer and I don't really like what he does but you know you kind of have to allow him to do it because after all
Jesus said love your neighbor as you see nobody would nobody would fall for that that's ridiculous well this is this is ridiculous too it only seems not ridiculous maybe because you just hear it repeated so often it's like who is the one who said that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth of course it doesn't really become the truth but that's what people have in their minds but this seems to be what
Mike Pence is saying that love your neighbor means you need to allow people to go through trans surgeries and like the article says people who make this argument they do it all the time it's not just Mike Pence it's
Russell Moore and J .D. Greer and some well -known evangelical leaders and if this is what evangelicals are advocating for or defending then the word evangelical really has no meaning these days but everything is totally backwards again if Mike Pence misspoke and he comes out and says hey
I don't know what that just slipped out I didn't mean that I'm against trans surgeries the
Bible that if he apologizes great I hope he does but as of right now it doesn't look like that's happened
I mean he clearly came out and said he he supports the right to do it so here's the thing if someone rejects the
Bible I mean just say so and a lot of people would say so yeah I know the
Bible is against this but I don't care I don't believe the Bible or I'm not a Christian okay know where you stand
I know where you're coming from but what really gets me upset is not that there's unbelievers out there or even that there are people and let's face it a lot of young people have been deceived a lot of young people who have kind of gone in this direction you know whatever they've been dealing with in their personal life their home
I mean I think we should have some sympathy a lot of people have bought into the lie and I think a lot of young people especially are victims but when someone who should know better twist the
Bible when a pastor or some high -ranking well -known evangelical comes out publicly and twist the word of God that's what makes me upset
I mean it's like Jesus Jesus was very compassionate when it came to sinners but he had no tolerance for people who should have known better twisting the
Word of God and I think that should be our approach as well compassionate to sinners but people that know better who twist the
Bible no way no way so this is the exact opposite of the truth and this is what the devil does in using the
Bible to defend sin right this is what Satan does he calls good evil and evil good he exchanges sweet for bitter and bitter for sweet the idea that a professing
Christian would affirm trans surgery because the Bible says absolutely outrageous Jesus said again
Matthew 19 that in the beginning God made them male and female if Mike Pence is going to defend sex changes and cross -dressing and use the
Bible to do it Mike Pence is definitely someone that I will never vote for and he's certainly somebody who does not understand the
Word of God but more important than that if he really loves these people in the true sense the biblical sense he would tell them the truth in love that they just like everybody else just like him just like me just like all of us we need to confess our sin change our mind about it and turn from it and turn to saving in Christ you know sanctification is a lifelong process nobody is saying that it would even be easy if somebody was living that way thinking that way and they wanted to turn away from it and turn to Christ nobody says that change is gonna happen overnight it's gonna be simple but to redefine love like this and to indicate that the