FBC Daily Devotional – August 3, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well, good morning a good Tuesday morning to you. Hope your week got off to a good start yesterday Oh reading in Luke chapter 18 today, and there's this
Passage that we come across that really can kind of leave our heads scratched a little bit. Can it I'm talking about where?
verses 31 through 34 Jesus Very clearly tells his disciples what's going to happen.
So in verse 31, he begins by saying we're going up to Jerusalem He says look disciples pulls him sight
He says look we're going up to Jerusalem and all the things that are written by the prophets concerning the
Son of Man will be accomplished Okay, so there's Old Testament prophetic scriptures that are going to be accomplished in Jerusalem Well, like what what's going to happen?
Jesus says glad you asked that question Here's what's going to happen The Son of Man is going to be delivered to the
Gentiles will be mocked and insulted and spit upon They will scourge him and kill him and the third day.
He will rise again Well, that's all pretty straightforward and very clear, isn't it
I mean how much clearer can you get than the language that he just used? insulted mocked spit upon scourged killed rise again very clear vivid language and Yet verse 34 says they understood none of these things
This saying was hidden from them and they did not know the things which were spoken So there's a couple of things in play there, aren't there?
It clearly this the verse tells us they didn't get it. They did not understand what
Jesus had just told them But we also have some insight as to why they didn't understand they didn't have understanding because it says
It was hidden from them So there is a there's a power here in play that is beyond the control of their own rational thought processes and That is that God the
Spirit did not give them eyes to see didn't give them ears to hear and a heart to understand what
Jesus was actually saying and we know later on after when the crucifixion came and They they they seemed like they were totally
Totally taken off guard by this and when the resurrection occurred they were not expecting it so they truly didn't get it now
I read that and what struck me when I read this is I Wonder I wonder how much
I wonder how many things there are in biblical prophecy concerning Eschatology the doctrine of last things that we're like the disciples, you know
God in his word has said some things and they're pretty straightforward but We just don't understand it.
We just don't get it. It's hidden from us And I mentioned that because when it comes to the doctrine of eschatology the matter of last things
There are interpretations and views that are all over the page on a lot of these things.
All right, for example, is There going to be a millennium a 1 ,000 year reign of Christ a literal 1 ,000 year reign of Christ is there or isn't there some say yes some say no
Those who say yes, is it going to be? Is Christ going to come before that thousand -year reign or after that thousand -year reign some say before some say after Well, is there going you know, there's the
Bible talks about a tribulation period that's coming. Is that literal? Seven -year tribulation period or is that figurative of something else some say figurative some say literal
Is Christ and and is there going to be a rapture? Some say there is some say there isn't and those who say there is they say it's going to happen at the and before the tribulation period some say it's going to happen in the middle of the tribulation some say it's going to happen at the end of the tribulation and on and on we can go and my purpose here is not to go into all of those things and even to Even to express my opinion on my purpose is this simply this
I Can't help but wonder if when all that God and his word is prophesied that will come to pass at the coming of Jesus If when that all comes to pass
We won't be just like the disciples here in Luke chapter 18.
Well, actually after the resurrection Look back at this conversation the disciples did look back at this conversation and said, oh
So that's what he was talking about. I got a good feeling that when Jesus comes again and All these things that the
Bible prophesies will come to pass We're gonna look back and say oh
So that's what that meant it was so clear why didn't we see that why didn't we get how come how could we have missed that Isn't that an interesting thing to think about and to wonder about?
well one thing we don't have to wonder about and that is Jesus is coming again
He said so and it doesn't matter the eschatological view about the Millennium or the
Rapture All those different positions. I'm not saying none of those things matter but what what is important is that everybody across the spectrum of those different views
Agrees with this one thing Jesus said he's coming again He's coming again.
He's coming again, and it could be today Are you ready?
Are you waiting? Are you looking? Heavenly Father we thank you so much for your word and even the prophetic passages of Scripture that In our finite minds aren't so clear to us right now.
No, we think we got so much of it figured out but Father surely it's gonna be a thing when all is fulfilled.
We'll look back and say wow what a wise What a wise God you were and how much you told us that we just couldn't grasp
But now we see Father we will see when Jesus comes again. May he come quickly.
We pray in Jesus name. Amen All right. Have a good rest of your