Is Gospel Coalition On The Side of Tyrants? (God Help Us)

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Singing unto the Lord is too dangerous to do. #NoDespair2020


So we certainly live in interesting times, you know. I've talked to a lot of pastors. I've talked to a lot of, you know, lay people and just Christians of all varieties.
And one thing is very, you know, common in the conversations that I've had. People are ready to get back to church, you know.
Yes, some people are scared of the coronavirus, even though it has a death rate that's very similar to the seasonal flu.
Some people are scared of it. And listen, I understand Drudge Report has been pumping fear. All the mainstream media has been pumping fear.
Most of your Facebook friends have been pumping fear. And when people are just hitting you with fear again and again and again and again and again, it's hard to maintain a level head about it.
It's hard to not be scared, you know. I've even said myself, I've gone out and worn the hospital mask when
I've been shopping and stuff like that. So anyway, the point is, though, that people are ready to get back to church. They realize that Zoom church is not adequate.
They realize that all this stuff is, they're glad to have it, but they're sick of it.
And so some people are just engaging in and planning on engaging in civil disobedience. God bless them. Good for them.
And I hope that God is with them. Some people are suing the governments, which is another valid tactic as well.
Sue the government for their unlawful orders of prohibiting religious worship on Sundays.
Some people are writing letters to their governors and saying, hey, look, you know, I want to, you know, submit to my governing authorities, but it's time to let us go back to church.
All of those are valid approaches in their time. What's gospel coalition doing? You might ask?
Well, gospel coalition is actually handing our tyrannical overlords the playbook for how to keep us in isolation and away from each other, worshiping indefinitely.
Oh boy. Oh boy. But gospel coalition always seems to manage to, to, to outdo itself.
Here's an article called is congregational singing dangerous? And I'm not going to read this whole article.
I just don't care enough to do it. I've already read it, but I'm not going to read it on this video. It's not, it's not going to be good video.
But the basic premise of this article, let's, let's start out. I'll start, I'll read the first paragraph here and you'll see where this is going right away.
And I'm not going to read it on this video. I'm not going to read it on this video. This is written by a, by a worship pastor, I believe, whatever that's supposed to be. He says, many of us have heard about the dangers of choral singing, especially because of the
Skagit Valley chorale, chorale, chorale. I don't know how to pronounce that word. I went to public school, you know, in Mount Vernon, Washington, the choir held a careful rehearsal in March.
It's members each standing six feet apart. Later, 45 of the 60 attendees contracted the virus and two died.
So the idea here, the fear that this man wants you to feel in your bones is that singing, congregational singing is extremely dangerous because look, there were, there were these 60 people that went to this core chorale concert, not concert practice, and 45 of them contracted the virus, 45.
Now he acknowledges, at least he had the decency, as long as he's pumping you full of fear, at least he had the decency to acknowledge that actually he has no idea where they got this virus.
He says there could be a host of reasons for the quick spread of the virus that day. And he honestly, he doesn't even know if it spread that day.
It's just obviously assumed, but whatever, let's just say it's all true, right? Not forget about the fact that this happened very close to the original epicenter of coronavirus.
You remember in Washington, that's the only place that had coronavirus for a long time, at least of any numbers and significant spread.
Don't think about that. No, these, these ladies went to go sing to the Lord and they all caught the coronavirus and two died from the coronavirus as well.
So clearly you should be scared to sing. And the rest of the, the next part of this article, he talks about the five reasons why you should be deathly afraid of singing because singing produces a big aerosol cloud.
And the more virus in the air, the louder you sing and the deeper you breathe, the more you deep breathe the virus in.
And then if you have an air conditioner or some kind of HVAC system, it spreads the virus everywhere.
And so the singing you see, the singing is really the problem. And so, and so while lots of people are saying, you know,
I miss my brothers and sisters in Christ. I want to sing with my brothers and sisters in Christ, Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to the
Lord. I love the Lord. I want to sing with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Gospel Coalition is giving the tyrants the playbook to continue banning the church from worship while allowing other things.
Oh yeah, you can go to Walmart. No problem. You can go to the porn store.
You can go to the liquor store. You can go to, you can maybe even go to a brothel. I mean, there's no singing in brothels typically, right?
So you can go to all those other stores, but you know, churches are especially dangerous. Maybe concerts too.
Well, you know, we'll, we'll give them a concert. We can't go to the concert. You can't go to the Drake concert either because you know, they're singing there too.
So we're not, we're not singling out the church necessarily, but, but Gospel Coalition, they're a bunch of idiots.
You understand what I'm saying? They're just a bunch of idiots. Everyone's desperate to get back to church and Gospel Coalition is saying, here you go, governor.
Here's how you keep us banned. Singing is dangerous. All the while pumping the people of God full of that fear, man.
If you go and sing songs unto the Lord, you will, you might die. You might die.
If this is somebody that worked for me, I would call them into my office and I'd say,
Hey, Hey there, Ken. I saw that article. I saw that article you wrote in Gospel Coalition.
Yeah. It's very interesting. You know, the aerosols and all of that. That's, you know what?
Go over here close. I want you to hear this one. Keep your mouth shut.
I don't want you talking to the public anymore. You're spreading these things that, that, that you actually thought it would be a good, what planet are you on worship pastor?
It's a good idea in the midst of unprecedented levels of fear in our congregation to show you all the scientific research that you've done.
By the way, are you, are you a scientist? No, you're not a scientist. All the research about how deadly singing unto the
Lord could be. The next time you have an idea to write an article, an edgy, you know, edgy boy article on Gospel Coalition, do me a favor.
Keep your mouth shut. You know, better yet, take a hammer, put your hand on the table.
And the next time that those little fingers of yours get the urge to type out something, just give it all a nice, give it a nice whack.
Down boy down. This is insane. Am I the only one who thinks this is insane?
In the midst of the fear of the century, the church has never been so scared in the
United States for a century. We're having conversations. Should we require, should we require people if they're going to come to worship to wear
N95 masks? Should that be required? I mean, it's the weaker brother, right? It's the weaker brother.
Should we require an N95 mask? You know what, you know, maybe Ken, you know, Ken, let me, let me give you a suggestion for your next article,
Ken Bower. I'm thinking, you know, because certain diets are much more risky and much more prone to, uh, to illness, especially with this
COVID thing. I've heard that, uh, if you have high blood pressure or if you have high blood sugar or, uh, diabetes, even
I've heard you're more susceptible to death from coronavirus. Statistics have said it, you know, science seems to indicate that there's certain diets that are more unhealthy.
You know, why don't you write your next piece for your next piece? Why don't you write an article about how in order to be, uh, attending at worship, you need to have the optimal immune boosting diet, maybe ketogenic.
I don't know what, what does the research say? You do the research. I'm not the doctor. You're the doctor. Apparently you do the research and do the research into the article.
And then, and then we can make that a requirement for church membership. Yeah. You have to have a certain blood sugar number.
You have to have a certain triglycerides number. You need to have a certain cholesterol level. And if you don't meet those and we'll check you quarterly, we'll check you quarterly.
Let's not get ridiculous here. We'll check you. We'll do a blood work quarterly. And if you don't meet those numbers, you haven't been keeping up with your diet.
Well, you can't come to worship God. It's too dangerous. Next time your little fingers think about writing an article, just give it a nice whack.
Here's his solutions. The genius of gospel coalitions, Ken Bauer. Here's his practical solutions.
He says, singing isn't as dangerous as shaking an infected person's hand. So remember the other day
I wrote a, I did a video about how, uh, the stupidest thing you would hear Dr. Fauci, uh, saying you shouldn't shake someone's any hands anymore.
But, uh, I have a new winner. I mean, this has to be, this has to be worse than the Fauci thing.
Dr. At least you can understand Dr. Fauci, you know, he's a virologist. He knows probably things about viruses that I'll never ever know.
It's probably terrified him to the nth degree. Hold on one second. Yeah. Something like this,
Ken, the next time you little fingers, just give it a nice one of those. This is stupider than Dr.
Fauci. Let's just, let's just be honest about that. Here's his practical solutions. Singing isn't as dangerous as shaking an infected person's hands, but the studies above demonstrate it may generate more risk than normal speech.
So what should we do? Ken, you know, listen, the next time you think somebody wants to know what you think we should do in the coronavirus pandemic,
I got the hammer. Don't, don't forget the hammer. Number one, one obvious, but painful solution would be to avoid singing.
When we gather this option would be unpalatable to many Protestant congregations because song is knit to our understanding of Christian gatherings, but it's not unheard of persecuted
Christians around the world must keep their worship quiet regularly. In Germany, despite pushback, a ban on singing has been put into effect.
Even without singing, worshippers could still gather for scripture readings, a sermon and prayers.
You see, this is the thing, man. This is, this is why this is the stupidest thing
I've ever heard. This is, he's saying, well, Germany's doing it. Deutschland is doing it.
So we should, maybe we should consider it because, because we, we don't want to be too risky, right? Just remember the hammer.
Remember the hammer, Ken. Just let this little finger start getting a little itch to write something out. Just give it a nice whack.
No, don't hurt yourself. Don't hurt yourself. Just enough to teach it a good lesson. I mean, you know, maybe, maybe forget the hammer.
It's a little, this is a heavy thing. You just get a little smack, you know? No, down boy, down.
He's giving the, he's giving the persecutors the handbook. He's saying, look, persecuted Christians don't sing very loudly.
I mean, why would you, why would you say that?
Like, why do you think that's a good idea? Like he wants to put the church in America in a similar position to the persecuted church where we don't sing when we gather, even though it is commanded to sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.
He wants to give the tyrant the playbook because just in case he just wants to, just in case you weren't already thinking this,
Mr. Tyrant, which of course they were because tyrants love this kind of stuff. Gospel Coalition is ready right there to give you the playbook.
This is what you do. Unbelievable. Number two, another option is to delay opening.
One microbiologist concerned about the effects of singing has suggested delaying until other phase one activities demonstrate they do not cause outbreaks.
So, you know, porn stores, let them open, let that, you know, brothels, let them open because what we need to do is we need to, as a church, we need to see if the other stuff is okay and then we can go.
I mean, we're not essential activity. Let's let the essential activities go first just to make sure it's safe enough for the church of God who does not fear the sting of death.
That's the other joke about all this stuff. Death, where is thy sting? Well, a lot of people certainly seem to feel the sting of death and like, well, you know,
I don't even want to do anything that's even puts me at a risk of dying. Option three, we could use masks.
So when you're singing your songs unto the Lord, we can have require that the church wear mask. I also would say,
Mr. Ken, you forgot one. We should also require again, a specific diet. If you got, if you're, if your blood sugar is above a certain level, well, you need to take some time and eat a proper diet, get it down to a proper level under a hundred,
I think is the, is the cutoff point. And then you can sing unto the Lord, but until then isolate yourself better yet, you better get that hammer out.
I don't think a slap is going to do it. We could use masks. The CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain like grocery stores, pharmacies, especially in areas of significant community based transmissions.
Masks can minimize the airflow we shoot in front of us and the amount we take in no mask can eliminate all particles though.
Otherwise you wouldn't be able to breathe. But when one occurred electively by a group or population, they may reduce transmission.
Yeah, that would be fantastic. Let's go sing unto the Lord. I, you know, I've got a prepared, prepared a song for you today.
Sounds beautiful, huh? Wonderful. We might number four option.
Number four, practical option. Number four, we might consider some out of the box options, especially immediately upon re -entry as if we're re -entering the earth's atmosphere from outer space.
I don't have any medical studies to back up these suggestions, he says, but they might make sense for some churches could sing for a shorter period to reduce the amount of particulate spread.
The congregation could sing at the end of the service to reduce the length in which they sit in a larger aerosol cloud.
Some might consider gathering outside where the particles could more easily disperse or worship using
American sign language or hum. I was about to say, oh my goodness. I was about to say that this one's actually pretty good.
This is actually a pretty good suggestion. And then he went and those little fingers of his should have smacked him with a hammer.
He had to add the stupidity to it. He couldn't just leave a good sentence, a good paragraph alone.
No, he had to add the stupidest things that I've ever heard in my entire life. So the parts about maybe singing at the end, that's a good one.
Maybe reducing the amount of songs, that's a good one. Those are both good ones because you could still sing unto the
Lord as it's commanded in the scripture, but you do it in a smart way. Some people singing outside, that's another good one.
There's no need to worship inside the building. You could, of course, worship outside as well. Nothing wrong with that.
And then, of course, he said, use American sign language. Ken, genius.
I don't know sign language. I don't know sign language. Hammer me.
This is a safety precaution for your own good. Just smack your hand. Next time you get a little urge to type, type, type, type, give it a nice smack or hum.
That's what he wants you to do. He wants you to hum your songs unto the Lord. Unbelievable.
I saw somebody sent to me this article and sent to me someone who responded to it.
Hum, I love it. I think that there would be something so powerful about humming to keep everybody safe.
You still hear the tune, but it's different. It could be very sacred. Thanks for the suggestion.
Humming, it could be sacred. I mean, if humming is sacred, maybe we should just hum anyway.
You know, I sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, but why not just hum? Humming.
Guys, you know, I made a joke early on this whole thing about church season, how we should, every flu season, we should have church season where we don't, we don't meet for when it's not church season so flu season we we stop church because it's too dangerous and and and the singing is dangerous and everything's is dangerous about flu season now because you know if you might die and so we can't have church the way we normally have church we can't worship
God the way it is commanded in the scripture because it's too dangerous people might die I know though he die yet shall he live all that this death where is nice thing but but it's dangerous the way to love your neighbor is to make sure everybody is cushy and safe first and then you do church stuff like Jonathan Lehman said the other day guys this is this is this ain't it this is not how we think about these things this is not what we do yes we can take intelligent precautions like that one paragraph was actually pretty decent but to even kick around the idea you know what let's not sing let's not sing well while we're at it let's just not take communion well while we're at it let's just not meet at all that's the thing like these are the ideas that gospel coalition is putting in the brains of those who are plotting against the
Lord and against the Lord's anointed those who are conspiring together to try to destroy
God and they can't destroy God obviously so instead they destroy God's church so people are already doing that and gospel coalition is giving them more ammunition saying you know here's it's actually dangerous to me for other reasons just not even just the handshakes singing itself it is the aerosol spray it's everywhere yeah so I guess
I got triggered yeah but anyway the hammer
I think this is a good tool I'm gonna start using this tool for myself whenever I think about tweeting something untoward right in the hand now
I'll learn my lesson quick like a like a bad dog that got into the garbage anyway