Open Q&A with Matt Slick & Andrew Rappaport | Apologetics Live 0016


Matt Slick debates a Roman Catholic on the topic of baptism and is it necessary for salvation. Apologetics Live 0015 This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community: Support Striving for Eternity at Support Matt Slick at Check out all of the great apologetic resources at Please review us on iTunes Give us your feedback, email us [email protected] Like us on Facebook at Join the conversation on our Facebook group at Watch subscribe to us on YouTube at Get the book What Do They Believe at Get the book What Do We Believe at Get Matt Slick’s books


I'm you mentioned al moeller earlier Al I think he must have a man crush on me.
I don't know he can't quit talking about me. I'm not sure I Think Talk about him is cuz
Andy Stanley's got some problems Yeah, you know Matt. I don't know if you know that Andy Stanley wants to unhitch the
Old Testament He doesn't like the Old Testament. He thinks we need to unhitch the Old Testament from the
Bible What does that mean unhitch? Basically means that we should only focus on the
New Testament Well Jesus and the apostles go to the Old Testament So if we're gonna focus on the
New Testament, and then they caught the old then what do you do ignore what they did? Actually, do you every book of the
Bible of the New Testament does quote the the Old Testament except for one?
Either or at least quotes or makes an illusion I should say, you know, which one is the only one that doesn't
Peter Philemon It's Philemon and and he wouldn't like Philemon because that talks about slavery
That's one of the other things he doesn't want to talk about. Yeah All right
I'm Andrew Rapport from striving for eternity. We got Matt slick from karm .org and Matt you're working on a new novella a short novel.
Oh, yeah a novella a short novel I like doing short novels. It's about it'll be about 80 to 100 pages and I was watching a science fiction series and The comment was made that it's really hard to write a science fiction horror
I don't want it shouldn't be it's so I've had this idea in my head and I Started putting it a pen to paper.
I'm on chapter 9 now and I'm about a third of the way through I guess
And it'll be sci -fi horror just for fun
Something to do besides theology all the time So, you know, I read some of it to Anik today my wife and she got was disturbed
That's what I want so Disturbed So, you know, all you do is read it to a while.
I'm looking at her. She's looking at me and then the combo It's pretty bad Okay, looking at you is the horror part, right?
That's the horror part. Yeah, that's right. So yeah, even though yeah Yeah So for folks who want to get in ask questions
Obviously, we're referring to the non keyboard warriors out there that keep challenging Matt or I to discuss things
But they don't seem sure You know, I get a kick out of is our guy can beat you badly
So this is what you need to do Matt either contact him You need to arrange everything at his convenience and I want you to do this because if you don't do it method
You're a coward. But who are you? You know, that happens a lot They haven't called me come on the show you want to show we can talk whatever well, you're a coward what
Yeah stuff like that Well, I think I think that It's always interesting.
They people challenge you and I all week long and we keep giving the same invitation
But they don't show up. So this is a politics life opportunity for anyone to ask questions challenges
Folks there's a lot of Christians have questions about apologetics get stuck on things and this is a platform where unlike Matt's radio show
Matt's like live here you can have longer conversations and longer discussions
So you had last week the debate with the Roman Catholic on baptism
Yeah Refer to the diddicating Unless I missed that he was gonna prove that the diddication talks about Roman Catholicism or proves
Roman Catholicism Did he ever that's right? No. Oh, I don't know. He may have contacted me or emailing but you know
I get so many emails I miss things but We could go over the did I K a little bit? I wonder what areas
You know that I keep proves Catholicism it reminds me on Facebook as someone said that the reason
The reason I'm Catholic is because I believe I read the Bible and I'm going yeah, but you got to believe it, too You know, but you know,
I said show me in the in the you know, we're all this about Mary's in the Bible It's not so anyway
You know, we got to the diddicate I'm looking at it on karm, okay
Well, I don't you know, I'm scratch scanning through it, I don't know I read it before but Yeah, I'm trying to take a look myself to see where does it mention?
You where's it mentioned baptism chapter 7 but concerning baptism thus baptize ye having first recited all these precepts
Baptized in the name of the Father Son Holy Spirit in running water. Is that what Catholics do? No But if thou hast not running water baptized in some other water, and if thou canst not baptized in cold in warm water
So it should be cold running water Okay, but if thou hast neither pour water three times on the head in the name of the
Father Son Holy Spirit But before the baptism let him who baptizes and him who is baptized fast
Previously and any others who may be able and thou shalt command him who is baptized to fast one or two days before Is that what
Catholics do no, yeah, I actually thought he was going to try to argue that We talked about this efforts at the
I we thought he might try to argue to dedicate except sprinkling Which really would have been funny if he tried to make that argument because you're a
Presbyterian you wouldn't had a problem with the spring no, I believe it's biblical, but You know, it's that's only my position.
That's my position because I see scripture teach but not for salvation, of course It's a covenant sign but Check this out on the
Eucharist chapter 9 But concerning the Eucharist after this fashion give ye. Thanks First concerning the cup we thank thee our
Father for the Holy Vine David thy son which thou hast made known to us through Jesus Christ thy son to thee be the glory forever
That's not what they do in Catholicism. Anyway, and concerning the broken bread We thank thee our
Father for the life and knowledge which thou hast made known unto us through Jesus thy son to thee be the glory forever as This broken bread was once scattered on the mountains and After it had been brought together became one
Don't know what that means So my so may thy church be gathered together from the ends of the earth unto thy kingdom for thine is the glory and the power to Jesus Forever, but none eat or drink of your
Eucharist But such as have been baptized into the name of the Lord For of a truth the
Lord hath said concerning this give not that which is holy unto dogs hmm and After it's completed pray ye
We thank thee Holy Father for thy holy name Which thou hast caused to dwell in our hearts and for the knowledge of faith and immortality which thou hast made known unto us through Jesus Thy son to thee be the glory forever
Thou almighty master didst create all things in the name of Those who do all this stuff
So so how do you feel that you're the debate went because I know I know We saw the responses that the
Catholics thought that you got demolished. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. I got a kick out of that Yeah, I got yeah, what's his name?
He always says everything negative about me So much so that you can't even trust anything he says but There was an accident that did happen on that something right you accidentally had
I Closed it out when you were looking at your Dictate people said you were trying to end it because you got so demolished
Yeah, that's what happened, yeah Well, whatever, you know, I went right back in and the guy he heard me most of the time
I'm going oh crap what I did, you know, and and We get back on as soon as we could
I Still remember doing it going. Okay click. Ah, it was like that You know, so, of course, they're gonna say stuff like that, but whatever
But he didn't do well. He could not prove from the Bible and That water baptism is necessary for salvation
And what he did repeatedly was to take verses out of the context and only part partially quote verses
You'd like first Peter 321 see baptism now saves you see I read the whole thing and he wouldn't you know
Do it I had to go through and do the whole homework for him and put it in context and he you know fought me all the way and You know, then the issue of acts 238 and I asked him, you know
Repent we believe and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the name for the forgiveness of your sins And you shall receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit And I said, is that a formula he goes? Yeah. Well, where's faith? Oh, it's implied
I said, but it's not gonna be a formula if it's faith isn't in there what's implied So the formula has an implication of something, you know
It didn't make any sense. And then I went to acts 10 44 to 48 and showed him that You know people received the gift of the
Holy Spirit Before they're baptized then he went to Gamaliel Well, Gamaliel was by the
Holy Spirit prophesied sees you don't have to be a believer to have had the Holy Spirit I said notice what it says the gift of the
Holy Spirit in both act 238 and acts 10 44 to 48 and And stuff like that.
So, you know He didn't do well and Of course the Catholics are gonna claim victory and that's what they're gonna always do
You know, they're just they're so loyal to their church and their false doctrines that it doesn't make any difference But no, he did not prove his point.
He did not make his case and Yeah, that's what it is No big deal
So if any folks want to join in you can go to apologetics live dot com
Apologize live comm or org. I forget which one now actually Let's see last one there's a
Mormon. Okay, how about this? You have it up there dang, okay, you guys heard it here first met slick is a more clear it's apologetic
Oh, it was it went forward. Yeah But so yeah, so Apologize live comm there's a link to join there
And I know it works because cats in here. So I don't know if cat has any questions. She likes come in and Stalk us in here.
That's what I think. Well, you know what someone sent me something. It's worth looking at All right, the fourth degree oath of the
Knights of the color of Columbus I mean he said you got to hear this and usually he's pretty good about IDing stuff.
That's pretty whacked a Ton of you can go for that if you want or just people just come in and ask questions. Actually, I'm gonna go into Discord and Tell people hey, you want you want a piece of me?
Come on in here. Oh Two nights ago two nights ago was it last night?
I was talking a bunch of atheists I went into the discord and it's another chat thing and I just go in there. I just I'm into a room by myself
I'm whatevering on one screen. I look over and people are there. How'd they get there? You know, they know
I was here next thing. You know, there's 30 people in there and they're asking me questions. I get this It's one guy's atheist.
He's agnostic and He offered this scenario two worldviews
Everything's identical except for one thing Worldview a Says that worldview
B is wrong What can't be true? But we're worldview B says that both worldview a and B are true
And I said, sorry, it doesn't work. You can't have both things because we went over this for half hour
Well, he said yes, it's possible. I go show me how it's possible. He couldn't But this is the kind of stuff.
I've been having to deal with It's I'll tell you it's Well, so let me throw this out.
There's an argument that's being that's been made and I've heard a lot people respond but I haven't heard you actually respond to an argument that atheists have been or not actually just atheists, but people that are support abortion
Try to argue so here's the scenario you are in a clinic
There's a thousand frozen embryos and your own daughter. There's a fire on what and your own door
So it's you're with your daughter There's a fire you can only say you can save either your daughter
With a thousand embryos that they're so the argument that those embryos Christians would say are living our life
So do you save the thousand embryos or the one? daughter
I Save them both Well, if you can only save one Then I would what
I would choose to do then is save them both You got to choose one now
Yeah, I choose the one I choose is it is to try and save them both both sides, you know
Okay, so you try to save them both see I would argue that I have a responsibility as a father to take care of my daughter and So I don't you know,
I don't have a responsibility to save other people's daughters there. I could try But the art
I think the argument would be that the the doctors there would have to save them They're gonna make up a ridiculous scenario and there are no doctors and you're on the planet
Venus and Actually, what happened is there's a gravitational flux and so you only have eight point three minutes to To figure the lock and then now what are you gonna do?
That's just that they do that kind of thing I just say look I'll try and save them both If we can only pick one
Why not have like for me have my daughter save the embryos and I'll save my daughter win -win.
Hey Okay, there you go That is a good answer have my daughter save the embryos
I'll save her done Hey, that was brilliant Happens once every five ten years.
Well, I guess you're gonna restart the clock now, huh? Yeah, I'll be quiet It's a good answer
I like it. So let's see what we got in new articles on calm.
Ooh Matt slick you wrote something on toxic masculinity and Christian Let's go over that one because that's kind of an interesting topic these days with what the
American Psychological Association has come out. Yeah Yeah, let's see.
Yes. I did. I got tired of hearing about toxic masculinity masculinity is not toxic So let's let me just give the the link for folks if you go to calm orgs
Slash toxic dash masculinity dash Christianity. Yeah, I can't
Can't get internet it I locked myself out of my own website so I could have it's gonna take a while to get back in What's that?
No, once I've let it sit for a day or two I go back in I usually edit it but That's okay.
I already see I already see Or to see an error, I think I can do it over in this one on a lower level entry
I can get in there Yeah, let's see. No, I should I should go in and edit this and say bye
Andrew Rapsley. Yeah No, I can't edit on I have a
I have several logins and this one doesn't have as much Right, all right, let's let's go over this why don't you start may not everyone knows what happened with the
APA What give it see if some background what what ended up having with APA that on this whole issue of masculinity and then why don't we go over this paper that you have and Well, the
APA is basically Attacked masculinity And said that it can be violent and bad and all this stuff, you know the
AMA must be it's a bunch of leftist servants of Wackerness, I know what's up with them, you know, you'd think that they could think better than what it is that they do think
You backtrack and I'll show you something. So Trump wants to build a wall the southern border and people say the wall itself is immoral
Some people say that well No A wall is not immoral a wall because it's of stones and bricks and masonry and wood or plastic whatever
That's what a wall is. How is a stone immoral? It's not that it's the intentionality that goes along with it
So you have to separate the wall from the intention of the ones who would use or whatever forever purpose because that's where morality comes in Toxic masculinity is similar
And then what they want to do is designate masculinity with toxicity and Say that it's bad.
Well You know, it's not toxic mask toxic masculinity. It's bad behavior
That's all the issue is So what I did was I went and looked up definitions of masculinity.
I found four Got the links form everything having qualities appropriate to or usually associated with a man
Pertaining to or characteristic of a man or men having qualities traditionally ascribed to men as strength and boldness
Having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men having qualities traditionally considered to be suitable for a man
Okay So It doesn't make sense to say it's toxic masculinity because masculinity is not toxic.
We're not good. It's not bad It's just masculinity. So when the leftist moron wackos
Do this kind of a thing? They're not thinking clearly and that's you know, the AMA has already been going downhill over the years
It's politically correct propaganda in a lot of its Sexual mores redefinitions and things like that.
And so the issue is masculinity is not good or bad. It's just masculinity That's what I said in the article
But you know What they're doing with a couplet toxic masculinity is associating masculinity with toxicity.
That's a problem It shouldn't do that. But if there is toss toxic masculinity, then there must also be toxic femininity and toxic adolescence and toxic childhood
What do these things mean you just Assign toxic to something as they see so what they do is they redefine masculinity
Associated with toxicity and what they'll do is they'll say it has to do with being aggressive Sexually how messy oh, yeah, this is what the
AMA said how masculinity can hurt in its article how masculinity can hurt mental health
Really how masculinity can hurt why not say how femininity can hurt mental health?
Why not say how adolescents can hurt mental health? How about this title how the
AMA? the APA excuse me American Psychological Association can hurt mental health.
Why not that how about toxic psychology? How about toxic whatever how about toxic?
Democrats, you know, I'm not Democrat or Republican either but it's just this kind of thing is stupid.
It's a propaganda approach To a thing now Morality deals with the issue of the heart and so if something's going to be toxic who gets the right to say what is toxic?
What is good? What is bad? It's the leftist agenda that wants to attack masculinity and Well, I'll tell you
I am sure Tired of my masculinity being attacked by the media when
I watched commercials this gets me going. I was these Geico commercials Geico no, it's a progressive and They always have these guys who are wimpy
Almost effeminate, but not quite and that bothers me. I don't want to be associated with that and You know,
I'd rather be associated with that lizard thing, you know, at least you know and I Remember I've seen over the years
I've seen so many instances where men are are portrayed as buffoons as Idiots as incapable of understanding things where women have to be the ones controlling them
Women's have to be the one correcting them women have to be the ones teaching them and it happens over and over in television and movies and things like this and what
I see in the movies for example is is men are either buffoons or they're they're serial killers or they're you know hulking massive supermen who can do incredibly great things and these extremes of Masculinity are portrayed and an average guy like me.
Yeah It's a problem. I'm gonna say something. I'm going jumping around a little bit. Let me read something out of of all things psychology today
This I love this. This is what they said in no culture ever
Studied have women repeatedly preferred to mate with pear -shaped low -status tepid men possessing high -pitched nasal voices in No documented culture do women's sexual fantasies revolve around granting sexual access to unemployed
Unambitious men who occupy the lowest stratum of the social hierarchy instead women are attracted to toxic masculine male phenotypes that correlate with testosterone and they are desirous of men who are socially dominant who are strategically risk -taking in their behaviors and who exhibit patterns of Behaviors that will allow them to ascend the social hierarchy and defend their positions from encroachers
Of course, this does not imply that women are not attracted to intelligent sensitive kind warm and compassionate men the ideal man is rugged and sensitive masculine and Caring aggressive in some pursuits and gentle in others think of the male archetype in romance novels
Which is literary a literary form almost exclusively read by women. He is a tall prince and a neurosurgeon
He is a risk -taker who wrestles alligators and subdues them on his six -pack abs
And yet is sensitive enough to be tamed by the love of a good woman That's what
I said in psychology today. I can read my next paragraph I said Oh, no If I'm not a six -pack ab packing neurosurgeon who's in touch with his emotions is caring and can wrestle alligators and I'm in trouble
Wait, I'm autistic Asperger's have one ab and I'm afraid of alligators.
Thanks. I'm obviously somehow wrong as a man So but wait, I did get misty. I'd wouldn't just had to put my cat down which
I had to do this week It was not fun So, you know, anyway, you know the thing what which cat?
the orange one Finney He wasn't doing well It was not good. At any rate
So the thing is, you know, this toxic masculinity in my opinion is nothing more than it's an attack on masculinity period
It should be just bad behavior That's all can men act badly. Yeah, can women act badly?
Yeah Just call it bad behavior That's what you got to do
Not it's bad behavior. You know, it's another example of manly or male bad behavior
What happens to people when they constantly hear toxic masculinity they associate toxicity and masculinity
This is what happens first time I became aware of this kind of a thing where manhood was being attacked
Was a Volvo commercial if I remember it was a brand of Volvo was that's correct
I remember it is a beautiful girl woman in the driver's seat and the man was in the passenger seat
So she's in control and he was ignorant and she was explaining she was in control of everything
I remember looking going. Well, of course a woman could drive a car and and no more than a guy Of course, but it just it just it was like something just a light went on like wait a minute
This is here. We are again And I noticed and this is what started to be going I've seen this before too many times this pattern where men are incompetent men are dumb men are the ones who need to be corrected and tamed and Corrected by women and I'm not saying that some men don't don't need that but it was it's just too pervasive
I'd recommend if anybody's listening go to Netflix and watch I think it's called the red pill and Done by a feminist
I'm gonna watch it again. It is eye -opening it's extremely eye -opening what's happening in America and the attack on manhood and Masculinity is being attacked now in that same article.
I know I'm I'm going Christ is the perfect example of masculinity Jesus Christ God in flesh a man.
How did he exemplify his manhood? He loved he taught he wept he healed he welcomed children
He taught that we ought to honor and serve God. He overturned temple tables. He defended righteousness
He called people harsh things. He promoted self -defense. He condemned unrighteous behavior and beliefs and he sacrificed himself
Or just some of the things that the best example of masculinity Had so what gets me is what if you had a man like Jesus?
who never sinned never does anything wrong and he went through and he overturned temple tables and Or he went to a place a big church
Famous church and threw people out and got mad and called him names. That's toxic masculinity right there
And the problem is that the left will accuse people of things even when they're right
Any form of aggression any form of anything? They can call negative is then labeled by the leftist propaganda machine as toxic masculinity.
It's a problem in America What am I greatest greatest compliments my ever my wife ever gave me?
Was she said? Matt there's no femininity in you That's a great compliment to me it's not because femininity is bad femininity is great femininity femininity, that's my wife's job
I don't want her being masculine. I don't want that and that will destroy our marriage.
I don't I don't need that But you know, I'm a man and I'm gonna behave like a man. I think like a man.
I am a man I'm not I'm not ashamed of being a man. No problem But I'll tell you
I get sick and tired Of these morons on TV and all over the place
Just one other way of attacking Men, just just I wish they'd stop wish they would provide shows on TV that are positive
That have good men doing good things and sacrificing where they have wisdom
I mean Bill Bill Cosby show was great So yeah, I know he turned out to be wacko and some other areas and some stuff
But that show was great a good example of good masculinity. Why don't we have more shows like that on TV?
Why don't we have more stuff like that? Showing us how things ought to be but no, so the left and the wickedness of the world promotes all kinds of bad behavior and Publicizing bad behavior and then complains when people act badly
Hey Okay, I'm done. Okay, it helps if I actually unmute myself
So see I mean this you brought up the thing that I always found interesting is that they never want to focus on It's always attacking the masculinity not never femininity never attacking and really what it is is it's it's an you know a political agenda of the left to try to silence men silence
Christianity's Anything that disagrees with their leftist worldview? Yeah You know
Well, we're seeing this whole bunch of areas, but let's so Edison is here. I'm gonna add him in He said he has got some questions for you.
And that's you remember This is the fellow who is from the Philippines from Cebu, Philippines And I should mention
Snatching from the flames. I got to look for the date on this. This is when Justin Peters and I will be in the
Philippines and I gotta find out when that it Let's see
Find that of course, I can't find it right now But we'll be both
Justin Peters and myself will be in the Philippines on In I think
May and It'd be good if I had that like right in front of me for me to To talk about it, but we're gonna be will be in Cebu Will be in Manila for a week and then we're going to Cebu for three days
To do a discernment conference. And so anyone that's in the Philippines You could check that out.
I'll I'll put the link somewhere on my home page. So Edison How you doing?
Well, let's see. You're not muted Your volumes up Edison you there.
All right, he may have a problem with his mic We'll do is until when he comes in he could let us know we'll go to Andrew had
Andrew also came in So Andrew, what questions do you have tonight? You can unmute yourself
Yeah, just I'm muted. Sorry, Andrew No problem Andrew just got to think there might be a delay to Christianity is getting a bit stale the way
I Maybe the way I look at it I guess I'm trying to deal with that myself my church has gone through a whole lot of Problems of its own
Pastorship issues new pastor. We've got to meet and figure that one out where we go, etc with that got me considering I my own position within Christianity and wondering whether I'm Whether it's still viable and you know
Available Well, but I wouldn't say viable but whether I can believe it anymore
Why because people in your church are behaving badly No, just because I just see the whole not just in my church, but in just about every other church
I just to me to me the Bible like you read a song you can read about it
Pretty much quit the Bible I'm just wondering where can I go?
What sources can I go to for that? Let me ask you let's say you want to give up on Jesus.
What are you gonna put in place of Jesus? That's the thing. I don't know
How about atheism? What do you think? I've seen my brothers. No way
Okay, how about how about Islam? Nabil Qureshi, David Woods the way in the recent debates
Don't want Islam. I thought I'd replace it with I don't know So Islam it is out
Exactly. How about I don't know that we evolved from lower life forms of slime through incredible Mutational progression and what here we are
I Fortunately, I don't buy evolution either
I can't see what how you're kind of stuck You kind of yeah Look, I pick up we're gonna pick something else for you besides Jesus Who's God in flesh fulfilling the prophecies during your sin in his body rising from the dead and promising to return?
I mean you got to find something better than that. I Don't know. What are you gonna do if you leave
Christianity? It doesn't exist does it No, so you're looking at other churches and they're not behaving
So this is why you are considering is giving up Christianity because people are morons because they don't believe what
Jesus said No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's just that I just I just think
I'm going through a Questioning stage or a burnout stage. I think I've been
I've been doing it for a long time despite every church. I've been involved in I've been in the music team
I've Secret, I've totally believed it. I don't know if I want to cut it off. I I Think cutting it off is not going to be good
Let me ask you let's say you go to church and you may go there faithfully and and whatever and they're not perfect people
They mess up that whatever some good people some bad people, you know And one day to your utter incredible surprise the pastor gets up And he says instead of a sermon
I could ask questions He says he goes I don't believe in Christianity more. I don't believe in Christ I don't believe in this and I believe how many are with me and everybody's hands go up.
Everybody's hands go up except yours Mm -hmm. Would that mean that Christianity is not true?
No So what does Christianity deal with then? From my understanding deals with sin.
There you go. Are you sinner? Absolutely. Yeah So it's irrelevant whether anybody accepts or not this issue of Christianity how well they do and churches are not anywhere everywhere
That's not the issue. The issue is you're a sinner You know that you got to deal with that through Jesus Christ, and that's the only way you got if you're gonna
You know, what else you're gonna go to? Well, yeah, exactly Exactly.
Anyway, so I mean I just think I just needed to thresh it out to someone Yeah, I had to do the same thing to be honest a few years ago
I got to the point where it was just a lot of stuff going on and a lot of issues and difficulties and some things And and you know,
I'm constantly debating Unbelievers and their reasoning and their thinking and it's it can be pretty tough and there's always spiritual attack.
And I Remember thinking okay You know If I give up Christianity Where would
I go? And I went through the same thing. Okay evolution not happening Atheism, that's a joke
Islam. Forget it Mormonism, that's stupid Catholicism. That's just traditional legalism and I just know it's whacked
I kept going. Did you take I go? What would I give up Jesus for you know, I went through that iteration, too Mmm, okay
Yeah, thanks Well, there's actually that's me That's you.
Yeah, welcome to the club The other thing I was going to say is just in relation to the toxic masculinity issue uh that video before I got in and put my dislike on there there had been uh,
Uh, I think it was four hundred Thousand dislikes and 1 .5
million. I'm sorry 400 000 likes Um 1 .5
million dislikes I checked it this morning and it's 712 000 versus 1 .5 million
In the video on what what video there's a Gillette ad on toxic masculinity.
So most people are against it or for it uh Against so the dislikes are outnumbering the likes but the likes are catching it up slowly
Well, i'm not going to buy Gillette period I I've made a decision right away It's not their job to do that kind of a thing
It's not their job to engineer social structures And address these things their job is to produce a good razor and if they can't do it
Bye, and if they're gonna start preaching to me about what I ought to be doing. Screw you What's that I'm going to wall instead because shit aren't doing much
I'm doing a good job either Yeah, i'm tired of social engineering from the left and the wackos and the morons
Who want to tell me what to believe and don't have a right to make any judgments Uh, it's ridiculous Just put into perspective the same person who worked on the
Gillette ad also did. Uh, I think it was a female ad That was utterly hilarious too
I am so tired of being preached at by the left so tired of being told what is moral what is good what is right by the the intelligentsia
Who don't even know what is right or wrong who just lift their finger put it up in the air And then try and decide or discover what is true or false
Yeah um, you know morally based on on their opinions and social norms and the majority vote the idiocy of these people they get they assault christian thought
And then they want to support moral truth Where are they getting their morals from?
Man So, you know You know if you if you doubt christianity it happens, you know, but the thing is
I remember my wife and I were talking about this last night. Where would we go? To what
You know jesus has the words of eternal life Awesome Yeah Thanks for clearing that one up Are you better I don't want to have to come out there and slap you around and say stop it
You know, but don't You can you can ask dan to do it. Dan. Uh, Dan pallinson to do it if you want
Okay found the verse i was looking for john 6 68 So i'm going to read 66 67 68.
It's just it's important as a result of his many of this jesus teaching about um
Flesh prophets nothing. You can't come to him. Let's have been granted him of the father As a result of this many of his disciples withdrew and were not walking with him anymore
So jesus said to the 12 you do not want to go away. Also, do you and simon peter answered him lord to whom shall we go?
You have the words of eternal life That has ministered to me so many times. Well, what's better than jesus?
Nothing Yeah Yeah That uh song jumps into my head where else have we to go when you alone have words of eternal life
Yeah, I mean if I want to get replace jesus gotta be better than jesus Which for some reason
I just don't think is possible Yeah, it makes sense Spending time with my family though.
It's a case of uh, I go through about a month of depression Well, you know, uh
It can happen. How old are you? 40 now Okay So what you have to do is look for triggers look for triggers and make sure you're getting sleep exercise and good diet
Stay away from sugar Yeah, well Ironically, I also have aspergers.
Okay. Yeah, I do too. Yeah So it's yeah, it's not easy.
I was diagnosed when I was uh, 22 I think okay My time.
Yeah well uh I trust me I can relate and what
I would say is What helped me? Because people don't understand what what what you mean?
I understand because when you don't have social skills, that's what asperger's is among other things
Then when you go out and about you're always Doubting your ability to even relate properly to basically anybody
You don't know if you're saying the right thing or not saying the right thing if you're reading them right or reading them wrong And so what that can have an effect on you is to not do anything to not want to go anywhere
It can cause you to doubt your own sanity not necessarily sanity But your own ability to even communicate and relate to people and we need people we need that social interaction even aspies do yeah, and so So the two things that I did that helped me a great deal was
I studied body language Body language is and triggers. So body language is
I would learn. Um I did this when
I was younger very young. So if i'm talking to somebody they're looking away a lot They're not interested what i'm saying
And so I would change a topic or ask a question about them and it wasn't manipulation It was just a survival methodology and then after a while it became habitual and now i've learned by correcting myself
Oh, you got to do this. You got to do that and normal people do that too
I just had to do mine more cognitively and then triggers are those things that cause you to go into a state of depression
And so I figured for me anyway If you figure out what a trigger is Then what you can do is isolate the trigger and say this is simply a trigger for me it worked
And so now when I have something that hits me, uh, you know, that's there's always externals and pressures.
I go that's a trigger And it's just a trigger And then what I do is I look in the mirror and see how great
I am Yeah I also found dale carnegie's books to help the what dale carnegie
Dale carnegie. Yeah. Yes, believe it or not. Yes Not just how to uh win friends and influence people he has another one out the essential people skills effectively being assertive
Try the body language stuff Yeah, try the body language stuff. It's when I show people
I show some autistic people what I mean they go. Oh That makes sense and then they they get it that's why
Whenever andrew and I are together I manipulate him all over the place and he doesn't realize it because you know, he's
Yeah, well I also try several help groups, you know They were absolutely useless.
Basically. What I found was the aspie just wanted to do their interests in a different place That's what it is and you have to realize that you have to adapt to others most people are self -centered most people are self -centered and so You know, they're going to want to talk about themselves such as nature and um, you know, yeah, that's great
Thanks, all right, man All right. So edison has a question I'm hearing something
Hello Hey Sorry Who had the question?
Edison because maybe his mic's not working. Yeah something wrong with my mic. So here's his question Uh, let's type it in here
Okay, okay in line with omniscience of god and his sovereignty kindly explain this verse in jeremiah 19 .5
that says They have built the high places of baal to burn their children in the fire of the fire as offering to baal um, so something
I did not command or mention nor did I Did it enter my mind
So I guess he wants an explanation of jeremiah 20, uh, jeremiah 19 .5 in light of god's omniscience and sovereignty
Yeah, it's just an anthropomorphism when he says it didn't enter my mind it has to do with the context of him speaking Uh to to people, of course, he knows all things and he knows exactly what anybody and everybody's going to do
So when generally speaking when he talks about that did not enter my mind He's talking about the issue of look
It's not something that is considered as being a reality or what you guys are going to be doing And that's really what the explanation is
God will change his mind we see in scripture He will ask questions already knows the answers to for example when he went into the garden of adam and eve and they were hiding
Adam, where are you? He knows the answer so he speaks anthropomorphically to people and so when he says here nor did it ever enter
Uh, nor did it enter my mind. What's he talking about? They built the high places and incidentally i've been to a high place when
I was in uh, Israel, we went to near the border of syria. We went to a high place
And uh, it's really not what you think I could talk about it really fast. We went through this path along this creek
And we go up higher and higher and higher. It wasn't like 18 000 feet up it was just a couple thousand feet up and it was up near the top of a of a hill and um
And there was this this construction It was just made of old really old stones and it was a high place
Oh, that's what it looks like and about as big as uh, I don't know. Maybe 20 feet by 40 feet, you know something like that 20 30 by 20 at range
Um, anyway built the high places to burn their sons and the fires burnt offerings to baal a thing Which I never commanded or spoke of nor did it ever enter my mind and um so, uh what
Commentators generally understand this to mean is that It never entered his mind in the sense of something that he had desired or wanted it to happen in any way shape or form
Uh, he hadn't commanded it He hadn't spoken of it It was not there in his mind for those things uh, and that's
That's how I understand it All right.
Hey, let me uh matt i'll give a shout out to dennis wilson in youtube He says i'm delusional
I don't know where he is. He's delusional himself He must be because I said if he doesn't come in he's just a keyboard warrior
I love I love how people challenge us matt and tell us we're delusional and we can't win any arguments and they don't show
And are they hiding behind nicknames? I don't it's well dennis wilson could be a real name
Oh, okay Okay, usually they do usually they hide behind fake names and they don't want to give wait
The catholic guy didn't want to give his name Last week
I guess not when you were on No, he he didn't want to but he finally did
I think it was him. Yeah, he did. He did It's polite rather than calm people by the
You know Yeah, what's why are they afraid you know i'm asking fair questions come on let's you know
What's your name? You're not risking anything. Well, I prefer not to say okay. Bye I challenge andrew to pay for matt's dinner
There's no challenge I like jason manning. I think he's got a good idea
And it's gonna be i'm gonna have to start ordering some really Substantial dinners here
I was gonna let you buy dinner if you came to my daughter's wedding I was more than happy to let you pay for that, you know
Yeah, probably it was no option to pay or probably something was you had up your sleeve If if you had 10 grand laying around, you know, it's not like Yeah Matt pick a great restaurant.
Oh, we have we have picked some good ones. I got a suit In new york just saying okay
So now what are we going to talk about? Well, let's while we wait for dennis to to see if he's uh,
Well, we'll see if he's man or chicken, I guess. Um But why don't why don't we give a shout out to our sponsor my pillow?
um great pillows Um, you can order them Uh, they they constantly by the way they go you when you get them
Usually have some deals where you can get it like two four or four and get one free or three get one free sound like that, but Um, I would suggest doing it because once you try it you're going to want to replace all of your pillows
Or you're going to have like me you're going to have one that you sleep on And one that you travel with so you always have it in the bag
Because it is really that comfortable And so if you want to get one and and sleep the way matt and I do
Because we both have them you can call 1 -800 -944 -5396 5396 that's 1 -800 -944 -5396
You can mention that you heard it on apologetics live This goes to actually help support
Matt slick live the matt slick radio station or mastic radio show that is monday through friday five days a week
For one hour and you can get that link if you want to listen Those are always actually if you want to listen to it on podcast just do a search for matt slick
And you'll get that on podcast, but you can also go to carm and get the number to call in and of course charlie is dropping the links in in uh
YouTube because he's just that quick um But there's a bunch of radio.
I forget how many radio stations now that he's on But that is what it goes to support. So get your my pillow
And let them know you heard it here the the thing of other some other announcements is i've mentioned the um
The snatch them from the flames if you're in the philippines, you can go to need god .ph
need god .ph Slash snatch and that's going to have the details to register for both the manila conference
And the cebu conference both of them. You can register there. That will be
May 25th Is when we'll be in manila and may 28th
We will be in cebu uh, so all the details are there at need god .ph
slash snatch and so Matt you've been over in in the philippines and you really like that duck.
Uh that duck egg, right? Balut balut balut,
I don't I don't know. I'm not having it. I have it I I may have to get video of me eating it just to see your reaction
Just a thought of it uh balut is uh Developed like chicken egg duck egg where it's the embryos developing then you eat it at various stages
We'll have to ask edison to type in here what he thinks if it tastes good Yeah, it's not good
Okay, I wouldn't try it remember they were coming through like nope not happening Not doing it. Nope They're nice people there and stuff we rode around on mopeds a lot and uh
Um, it was fun. We had a good time All right, so dennis still didn't show up, uh, i'm gonna add john was in here
I don't know if he has any questions, although we don't see his picture now so um
It's nasty. I've uh He said I i've seen it when
I was in the philippines Yeah when I was uh in the navy way back in the day, um we stopped in philippines also and uh, yeah,
I I got to uh, see somebody eat balut, uh at first hand and uh
It is nasty It does not look good and uh, it smells awful
And uh, it is just disgusting. It's it's a dead. It literally is like a dead chicken inside of an egg
And what they do they crack it open and they suck it all out and it is gross
And you gotta move your mic just saying so You gotta you got any questions for matt today?
john um, you know, I um I I actually called in his show his radio show earlier today and um
Basically I had a question about that and I know that we got cut off with commercials
So I don't know if he expounded on that anymore. But my question was um about uh, the chromosomes of jesus when it came to his um
The amount of chromosomes that he had I heard this question on through another podcast and I thought it was such a good question where um
A human being has what 64? Chromosomes, uh 32 from from the mother and 32 from the father
So the question is this being that the father is spirit how did jesus inherit the 32 chromosomes from his heavenly father
Well, there aren't any 32 cor 23. Incidentally 23. I'm sorry I can't do math
Right. So 23 chromosomes and talked about I think it was radio today. We talked about it But uh 23 came from the mother not a problem and that would fulfill the requirements of biological descendancy
Through the messianic or through uh jewish lines and things like that and there's nothing wrong with god just creating chromosomes or Doing whatever necessary to form that he did it to begin with with dna just There we go dna thing and uh, so there you go he could do that not a problem
So in other words you're saying with adam and eve there was no I mean there there was uh
In their case they they didn't have human parents So they would have had all the chromosomes that they needed
Is your argument? Makes sense 46 to be human.
That's what it is. And so there you go. Um He's going to have 46 chromosomes just like normal god put this together.
That's what's going to happen And so he could 23 from the mom and he produced 23 uh
Makes sense one way or another God the father doesn't have dna so it doesn't work. You'd have to create it.
That would be the the thing All right.
So matt you got another article that came out this week on karm. This one may get people upset
Uh looking at just the title of this america the wall president trump and the bible
I'm triggered. Yeah Just so everybody knows i'm I did i'm not a republican.
I'm not a democrat. I'm a constitutionalist. I did not vote for trump and uh Okay, so I don't don't have any dog in this fight.
But the thing is Walls are not immoral. They are stones. They are constructions, you know the fence around my home.
It's not a moral Uh fence, you know, it doesn't uh argue with me about morality.
It's just wood So, um, it's the intention that people have for a wall, uh the left
The leftist I just I always had to say the leftist wackos the leftist, uh propagandists uh, the useful idiots, um
You should know what that phrase means from communist russia but uh
The intention of the wall Is the issue so my home? We have an alarm system we have locks etc.
Why? Because it's a form of a wall. What's the purpose when we go to bed?
We lock everything up but alarms are on all that stuff and um to secure our home to secure
Who is inside of the home and to separate those outside from those inside?
There's a reason for that and so It's a moral issue that I lock the door
Not the lock on the door is a moral thing. It's not it's what's the reason for me locking the door?
if People want to get into my home because they want to harm my wife and I lock the door Well, i'm doing that to protect her if someone wants to get in my home and uh well
You know my kid wants to get in my home and I just don't like her hairdo That's not a good reason to lock a door on her, you know, things like that but But the thing is there's good and bad motives for various things that we use the wacko leftist, uh, um liberals uh, the wls wacko leftists, um
What they'll do is walls are immoral. We don't need walls They don't need walls and then they go through their gated communities behind the walls and lock their doors at night
I got a question if uh, you know the wall for um between mexico and america
This is a question I have for the the wls wacko leftists um
If the walls are bad because they say walls are immoral I've heard the phrase by the leftists walls are immoral, but to put a wall up is immoral.
Really? Okay, then it's immoral to have a wall. Should we tear the what's down there between america and mexico?
Should we just tear them down? I'd like to know what their answer would be If they're immoral, they should be removed, right? But you want to destroy all that we have and the fences and the gates and everything and i've been through Tijuana, I used to live in san diego and we went down to for several times
I had to go down there and uh, there's a there's a fence and there's gates and there's
Uh the border patrol and you know on both sides And so I guess the left wants us to get rid of all of that Just open up the gate who cares let everybody come in and let everybody just uh, you know
Go to our stores and not pay taxes and then go back to mexico Let them bring drugs with them because there's no need to have a wall or whatever.
It might be to The the idiocy of walls are immoral should be obvious Now are there other technological systems we can use?
Well, yeah, but then how efficient are they etc, etc so yeah, I wrote about it because it was in the news and Walls are biblical as well and You know nehemiah built the wall wall around jerusalem and things like that But there's nothing wrong with having a wall.
The motivation is to protect the people behind those walls To protect them
Not to separate us because you don't like somebody That's not a good enough reason. We're to love god and love our neighbor, but if it's to Set boundaries of property boundary lines
Walls do that. That's good Walls keep cattle in so that our property is not uh to be lost.
That's good Walls are there for protection. That's good So having them is a good thing for the most part
Why would you want a wall between mexico and the united states to prevent an invasion of illegals now folks?
I used to live in san diego for close to 15 years And put a lot of spanish
Foreign So I had to speak spanish and work in um in the hospital registering patients and Ask all kind of things pregnant, you know, you know, you're sick and so Uh, I know what it means firsthand to see
Um illegals everywhere and uh You know, it was it was bad
Uh, my car was broken into uh, my wife's car was stolen found by the mexican border um
There was graffiti. There's gangs. There's drugs. Uh, I remember working in an emergency room and um
I think it was uh 30 people in there And I stood up and I counted how many were hispanic
And um, I think 27 out of 30 were hispanic And that you know, they come up to me and register and and uh
You know how long you've been in the country five years eight years ten years Are you legal and they would they wouldn't answer the question?
We and i'm not going to turn them in i'm not going to do that They need medical attention. Absolutely come and get medical attention. They need that.
No, they're not a problem No problem, and nobody's going to turn them in. We don't want to do that But uh, you know how long you been here, you know, five years eight years ten years you speak english.
No uh When I would just look at them, you know, you know, I couldn't question them but uh, you know
You're here Why aren't you learning our language? Why aren't you becoming enculturated to american culture in ways?
I don't understand that if I were to go to move to france My wife speaks french if I were to move to france
Say we're going to be there for four or five years for whatever reason one of the first things i'm going to start to do Just take uh french as lessons.
I'm going to start studying it first thing I'm going to start learning the language because that's the culture country i'm in but what happens with the issue of the illegals is uh
That they come over and most of them want, you know want just want a better life I don't blame them for that. Let them come in legally, but uh uh
You know It's an invasion And then the left what they do the wackos they give them driver's license to give them insurance to give them the right to vote
Well, who are they going to vote for? They're going to vote for the leftist socialists It's part and parcel in my opinion to destroying this country
If you want to come into this country, let them go through it legally Let them do it according to the laws
Nation of laws then no problem whatsoever. Come on in just do it legally. Let them be vetted and that's another reason
Is they need to vet who's coming across our borders. We know who they are and A lot of people don't know
But they're now finding prayer shawls or prayer rugs Uh on our side of the border now on the unguarded areas
That means muslims are coming in and We don't have to talk about how bad the potential is for that why they would be wanting to come in We know what's going on there
You know matt one of the things that my uh, my next door neighbor has a guy he does his landscaping He's from mexico
And he is very much against the illegal immigration why because and he still told me that many of the mexicans are against the amnesty and everything because Here he is.
He can't bring his wife in he can't bring his kids in legally like he came in Because they have too many illegals that are coming in And so here he is he's been separated from his family.
He goes back every every couple months to see his family Uh, and he can't bring them into america.
He's trying to work to to provide the living for them. He can't bring them in legally Because there's he said there's too many illegals here and so You know, it was he had a very interesting perspective
Being someone from mexico that was against it. And I think the real issue is You have people that are going to come into a country
That believes in uh, basically More open borders and this is the difference with america and europe europe has a welfare system
And so they had closed borders wherever you go in europe. There's the borders are closed. It's very strict immigration
Because they have a welfare system we had an open System, but we had capitalism. We didn't have welfare now that we're moving into more of a welfare system
We can't keep having the open borders Because what ends up happening is what we're seeing people who come in Because they can live on the welfare system better than they do where they are and not have to do anything
And that's the one thing you see around the world is that you don't have a country that has both a welfare state and an open border america is in this strange situation and you have people who are coming in to take advantage of that And you know, here's an interesting thing that happened when uh, who was it?
I think when when i'm trying to who was the republicans in office, but but when barack obama was president There was he wanted an immigration bill
And the republicans came up with the exact same bill except for one thing The one thing they did for the amnesty bill
Was that the people who got amnesty would never be allowed to vote Everything else they agreed with what barack obama had
And he vetoed it So it tells you what they're really about what they really want is, you know, they're looking to get uh to get that uh
We got josh who just came in um, I don't see
I don't see a picture for him, but you're you're now in if you want to unmute yourself.
Sounds like you did Do you have any questions here? Josh? Uh, yeah,
I was just wanting to ask a little bit about where it says in scripture about how
We need to be able like to stand or be in the presence of god And I guess it's part of justification
That we need to have uh, the righteous merit uh imputed to us and is like um before sinning and and and falling
Like how is there um a merit that you have
That you don't need imputed to you Okay, I don't even understand what you're asking
You're going slowly different directions as a gigantic question with all kinds of different Aspects, so i'm not sure
I can No, I just what I was wanting to know is where um, which I I believe in Uh the imputation, but I just kind of wanted more, uh scriptures where it says that a part of justification is to be uh having uh
Like where in scripture does it does it um show that and like, you know, what's the necessity of that?
Yeah, go to philippians 3 9. We have a righteousness. That's not our own. The righteousness comes from god through faith in christ
And we need to be justified Uh justification is a legal standing before god and we are justified before god by faith romans 3 28 romans 4 5 romans 5 1
Galatians 2 16. Galatians 2 21. So the bible talks about various verses of justification and righteousness before god and so we we uh, we need to have that and um
Uh, philippians 3 9 says we have a righteousness. That's not our own And so there you go that those would be the words the verses some of the verses that would be used for that Okay, and so like um, like before the fall
There there was a righteousness that mankind had Yeah, well it was his own or They they had not fallen.
They had not violated anything that god had said So I guess you could say in a sense they were righteous
According to the law of god because they had not violated I guess in my mouth here. They had not violated the law of god at all
So they had a natural standing of of of being right before god once they sinned that was
Not no longer the case and then since we cannot um Satisfy the requirements of the law deuteronomy 27 26 says the standard is perfection and paul reiterates that in galatians 3 10 but um
Uh, then we have to have the only way to achieve perfect righteousness is the perfect righteousness of christ
Imputed to us reckoned to our account and uh That's what we say Yeah, that kind of uh clears things up I guess
If sin is breaking the law of god first john 3 4 so when we sin we've And having a clean slate before god is not enough
You have to have merit right it's a catholic way you're saying things um
We have the righteousness of god imputed to us by faith and therefore
Because of that then we're we will escape his righteous judgment Okay And you uh, and that includes the act of imputation of the act of obedience
Do I have any clues No, does that include that because I know some people
I don't hold to that The act of obedience of christ is his uh fulfilling the law his passive obedience
Was being led to the cross where he let himself Did that now first peter 2 22
Says that he never sinned. So everything that jesus did was perfect And uh, there we go
So i'm not sure What else to say and I sure
I understand your question um, that was pretty much it it was just like clear clarifying about that because I know there's a lot of people that uh, don't uh
View what justification as just uh the expiations of sins but that it's also uh that god requires there to be um
A perfect merit Well, that's heresy. That's roman catholicism right
That's a heresy and the perfect merit is a stored Merit grace kind of warehouse in heaven that the roman catholics disseminate at their discretion upon people and uh, it's ludicrous
Yeah, I was uh, uh reading that Uh, the quinus thomas quinus said,
I don't know if he introduced that but he was basically Christ Can you hear me?
Yeah Oh the death of you know, like the death of christ was for original sin and then uh personal sins were um atoned through penance
Yeah, that's a flaming doctrine of the devil But do they still believe like do they still believe because I know thomas aquinas introduced
That like, you know, the blood of christ covers your original sin Yeah, that's that's a flaming load of they still believe that load of crap, that's sorry
Sorry It is it's just it's just uh, it's a heresy. It's catholicism uh run amok, um
What are those commercials they have those? People And whatever um, it's just bad theology all over the place and um,
You know original sin is removed and then you have to keep yourself right with god by your performance and penance in the roman catholic church
Give me a stinking break gonna go Yeah, I think the thing about like penance is that from man's perspective
The sin is so much more. Uh Offensive to god than it is to man himself
And so yeah, absolutely this way constantly offensive. So uh when you realize that then or I was reading something about um it was about like the satisfaction theory of atonement or no substitution, but You get to the point where you offended god
And then um You have you have a debt to pay
But and then also not just having the debt to pay but not being able to pay that debt in time and so that's adding on to it and uh making it even more of a
Offense not being able to you know what I mean? Like the time is I haven't seen that per se like that in scripture but uh
Any sin separates us from god because uh sin is just that's what sin does Just lost
Need to be right with god in the roman catholic system of salvation is apostate false damnable evil antichrist doctrine
I made myself clear I get a kick out of when people say to me
Catholics say matt I can just see the day when you're going to become a roman catholic
Yeah, right Anyway Josh are you are you a roman catholic?
No, i'm not i'm not at all
What church you go to? Uh, it's just a A bible.
It's like a bible church, but it's basically non -denominational, but it's uh
Uh, it's just monergistic Which is pretty much what matters to me
Well good for you i'd recommend go to karm and read up the articles in christian theology on justification imputation salvation things like that and uh
Study up on it, you know Oh, yeah Yeah, charlie's dropped a couple links in here on some of those things
Good charlie's pretty good He's quick with that that charlie guy No, that's you hey matt, do you see dennis in here yet?
Dennis Yeah, the guy that said that he can prove that i'm delusional I don't see him in there.
There's no proof necessary for that How about how about those catholics that said that uh, they can cream you in a debate?
Where are they? uh I don't know they're getting in line To cream me in a debate,
I don't know All right. So let's see cat's here.
Did cat you get any questions for mr. Slick? I still don't know why she has a
Hand Wait, that's the cheshire cat It's a tattoo not just a drawing anyways,
I think deep philosophical Theological questions matt.
Have you ever had a discussion with? brian head welsh of corn
And about his walk With god and coming out turning away from his sin and giving his life to god
No, I would love that. I'd love that right Yeah As therapy
I actually use it as a therapy Yeah, I heard that Yeah, it's it's good music.
I think that's the kind of music I like but it's hard to find great christian bands With the kind of sound but there are some good ones out there spoken and such.
But anyways, um, yeah Uh, it's I don't clown
See you see it all bottled up inside Yeah, it's clown clown
What is what matt does when i'm in his car and he wants to torture me? That's what corn is That is not true
Sympathy you know that I don't I don't uh, I think I had I'm not gonna listen to anything in the car I don't want anybody else to hear what
I hear because I don't want to force them to do that Everybody else has horrible taste of music.
I want to hear what they say what they want right I think I think Celtic stuff like that or something bagpipes and guys that are walking backwards with harmonicas in their pockets
I don't know. He's got some weird ideas Matt matt listens to like country music.
That's no, it's not happening. That's not my You guys like to be 52s
Oh, yeah. Yeah, I I didn't yeah oh and fieldy I have to call out fieldy too from corn because but because Uh, brian was witnessing the fieldy and fieldy turned his life away from sin to god as well
See i'd like to meet these guys for two reasons one is because I you know I could tell them look guys.
I have autism and I use your music as therapy. It's really helped me a great deal And that's i'm sure they probably what is that a challenge?
because i'll try to What's that? Let me teach you theology, let me teach you about the christian faith
That's what I'd say. Let me just teach you. Let me just sit there and answer questions. So it sounds like It sounds like cat is taking up the challenge that she's gonna get them on here
That you don't know them Well, yeah, I don't know them I don't know anything but see back when
I was uh, just out of high school underage I shouldn't brag about this. Um, but I was challenged by a radio station to Go into a nightclub where in hollywood where all these people were coming in for some big premiere of a magazine and um,
I was nobody didn't work for the station or anything just a fan of someone who's gonna be there and I took that Up and I went in and I met so many celebrities that night
Oh my goodness, so i'm like a facilitator in my life with the kids and girl scouts
Let me see if I can facilitate this. This is a good challenge Yeah, I would love to uh,
I went to my first concert ever rock concert ever was corn and rob zombie
I love that I'm just saying this is
Whether you're rob zombie or white zombie Rob i've seen them both. Thank you Definitely was rob zombie and uh, it was a blast we went with our daughters and I know that legalistic christians that slick and maybe
Like oh, I just wanted to go have fun and I did and it was a great time That's all it was
Well, not that I was with you, but when I went What's that? I said with really bad music
Oh, it was a lot of fun and people were great and it was just a good time And uh has enjoyed ourselves and so we launched pitch
You're not gonna get that idaho though, right? It was in idaho Oh, really? Yeah.
Oh, yeah yeah, like four miles from me and uh
So I could tell them that you know, I could tell the first River went to was corn rob zombie when they were here.
I use their music for therapy and um Uh, I want to teach them theology
I have not heard his full testimony, but just the snippets Oh my gosh it's so inspiring just to see you know, everybody's out there in the limelight and It's just that celebrity status that affects you when they turn to god and you're like what?
Wow Oh, yeah. All right. So matt we got a question coming in from youtube from tulip doctrines of grace
So I know you you love his name right off the bat, but here's an autism question for mr. Slick Are you able to form and maintain friendships in real life?
Are you able to interpret facial expressions and body language? And parentheses hope the question doesn't sound mean
Yeah, I have uh several friends I don't need as many friends as a lot of people do
And we you know, you had the same friend I do since you've been out here. Nathan Is a good friend of mine and um
He has issues similar to mine and we don't need to talk to each other every day but when we get together, uh, we're like brothers and um
I trust him with the life of my family and he trusts me with the life of his family. So we're close uh, and Then I have uh more, you know
Other acquaintances, you know, there's chad prigmore. We're friends and uh, he's a pastor here and we've done things together
And uh stuff like that so and then you're my friend real life we meet every now and then um, and stuff so Well, it's no problem.
I maintain friendships I think uh, and and you know, he mentions the the um facial expressions,
I mean one of the things That helps you is seeing people's face expressions. You may not recognize this
When people come in here and they don't put their camera on it's harder for you. I mean You know the thing that you have those who are your friends who are close to you have learned
How to how to read you and you learn how to read them um, like we know like we go to a restaurant
I could tell If the restaurant's going to be a hard place for you to sit in right because we've just we've been in those scenarios
Being able to see that and I think Let me ask you about that because we I don't like you know, it's not about me and all those things but You know, this has come up.
Okay, so you've seen me in different situations, right? And so tell people what
I have to go through and what it's like and and to be honest everybody Uh andrew we we tease each other we insult each other, but andrew's very good about being very accommodating
Uh, you know, he understands and that's where I appreciate that. But at any rate you've seen me in some situations, right?
Where i've had problems, right? Yeah, I mean You know you have you and I both have issues clearly, but they're a little different but we both have one thing that we do have in common when we go to restaurants, uh, you you
We go to a restaurant, especially if it's playing a lot of music Um, if there's a lot of people talking
At a table you you have trouble filtering at all. I can't process it all I have to leave, you know, yeah where like for me
You know, I hear conversations that are going on around and and this is the thing people don't I think always recognize
But when you're like with nathan or me we go out to a restaurant And we've we've had this where we have a lot of people at a table
I remember sitting we had maybe 8 12 people at a table And nathan and I were both there you were at the other end of the table from me
But I was able to quickly just look at nathan We both looked at each other and and basically there were like four or five different conversations going
And we can see that you were someone was trying to talk to you when you were shutting down and Nathan and I just kind of quieted the the conversations.
I think charlie was there he also just quieted down and you know, because we we
Those of us who know you and have been with you a lot. We we understand um And that you do focus on Facial expressions that's really
I think the main way for you how you can read people because there's times where You know if you can't see their face you have a harder time interpreting what they're trying to say
Yeah, I do it's a it's a it becomes harder i'm i'm better at tones now, too But but yeah, you know, we've been in places where it's just too much.
I carry my earplugs even nathan will carry earplugs Uh for me because sometimes i'll forget them and i'll get overloaded and you see me ever see me do this, right?
Where i'm sitting there close my eyes and put my fingers in my ears because i'm getting overloaded
In fact, that's the phrase i'll say with everybody is um, i'm getting overloaded and everybody understands
And they just know that it's nobody's fault. It's nothing. It's just I can't process at all.
I have to uh, things have to change or I have to leave and um, that's it and uh, so usually i'll just execrate myself and I don't want to I don't want to ruin anybody else's time and stuff.
That's not Terrible enough for folks who overloaded my car once I did Yes, what happened there?
I remember that one uh, you were we were I picked you up at the at the airport and we were just leaving and I decided to try to Have google maps on at the same time try to have some music on While you were in the passenger side and we got heavy on traffic and you just kind of said uh too much
And so I had to shut down everything so Yeah, sorry about that I feel bad about stuff like that, but everyone else can handle it
I I can't handle it and that's just what it is. But anyway, someone asked about the autism stuff and what it is and those are some of the stuff you
Really try hard matt to not have anybody feel uncomfortable with the issues you have you
I mean you always end up feeling bad about it when things happen and None of us that at least
I know you well never I mean we're we try to accommodate we know who we know you we know The issues and so it's it's never an issue for us.
But I you know it would be a thing for folks who don't know who Meet you for the first time they get all excited to meet you and they don't even know i've seen that that's actually the hardest
Thing for you I think is when you meet someone for the first time and you're you don't know them They don't know you and they're so excited
And yet you start getting overloaded and it becomes like too much and that's that's the thing um, you know another thing, you know, um, you're not a big hugger because of that You you know touch and things like that with people with with autism and and alls
Can be an issue um And and so you just have more of a sensitivity
Yeah, that reminds me there's a story I don't tell it very often but when I was in the philippines Um philippines, you're going to notice this when you go to the philippines.
It's just noisy period their idea of quiet is 60 decibels um
It's seriously, it's just incredible And so we're in a van and i'm sitting behind the driver and he's honking the horn and he didn't speak english
We had an interpreter there who was working with us a great guy a pastor and uh And so he's honking the horn because that's what you did
He just honked the horn and he had his radio on And then the guy in the front seats having a conversation with the guy behind me and two guys behind left were having conversations
And I also have 80 decibel ringing in my ears and it was road noise and so there was a sound that was coming up and I started
I I actually literally at one point had my fingers in my ears and I was rocking back and forth I did not want to ruin the trip for anybody, you know, we're going to go to a um
Another island and we're going to go to a ferry And I I was really struck okay, i'm gonna try the best
I can the best I can the best I can and um uh, I did this for about 20 minutes
Which is the most i've ever had to endure ever in a situation like that And I can still remember the van very very, uh clearly and uh,
I broke and um couldn't help it and um, I said gotta get out of the van gotta get out of the van.
I I was Going into shock and so, uh They they like I gotta get out and I was panicking and uh, it pulled over really fast
And I got out and I started running back to the hotel like 10 miles Because I was gonna
I just you know, wasn't thinking clearly and ran about 200 feet and then you know There was this wall.
I remember this wall. I sat down on the wall. I started crying. I mean heaving crying like a baby and uh
This guy comes out of the van and they already knew I had a couple sound issues because something had happened three days earlier
Three or four days earlier. I was at a mall and it was just too much. They're so incredibly noisy And I had to extricate myself.
So anyway, uh, he comes out and uh, he puts his hand on my uh shoulder and uh
And he saw that I was sweating and I was cold And he said to me matt you're in shock and I it took me 10 or 15 minutes to come out of it enough
To be able to function. So I I went into shock from too much sound and uh
Then no one in the van would talk Come on guys say something. I felt so bad
But that's what that's a true story It's uh, how about that? That's what it is
You know, it's it's something that uh, yeah look every every We all have differences.
Um, and we all struggle actually i'll give a plug Uh for a conference we're going to be having here in new jersey justin peters frank mollis
Colleen sharp from theology gals all going to be speaking. Yeah. Yeah Colleen's going to do a ladies breakout um
And what you end up with is we're dealing with the issue of sanctification through suffering.
It's going to be in freehold, new jersey Uh, the dates for that are march 15th 16th, and you could go
Should be a way to find it. I think it's striving for eternity. Let's see if we go to striving for eternity slash conference on or conference dash on Dash suffering so conference on suffering
It's called the sanctification through suffering conference um And so we're going to be dealing with issues because you know the reality matt
You're you're a little bit more open With the struggles that you have than most people are But a lot of people when they struggle they struggle alone they are ashamed of of the fact that They're struggling.
They're ashamed of the fact that they're um Feeling like they're different than other people and and yet the reality is is that Every one of us is going to struggle in different ways
And Your your struggle is going to be different than mine and you know We you and I can be in the same exact situation, but I can't understand how what it's like for you to go through that You can't understand what it's like for me to go through it because we we really do suffer alone
Because we're different people Oh, yeah It gives you more compassion and sympathy for people when people say they have little issues.
I just smile and go no sweat, man I'm with you Gotcha, no sweat.
No judgment on anything. Yeah, I got you Welcome to the world. Yeah Oh, yeah, you can say the same thing
I've had people approach me at church Particular one girl. She started talking to me and the other one came in.
I think they Crowded me. I felt my guards go up automatically. There was nothing
I could do about it and I just couldn't talk to her Right. And so what you have to do in a situation like that is is rehearse it in your mind a better way to react
And it takes a long time to rehearse But you do that and then you have to teach yourself how to focus on something else and deal with it
And so one of the things you can do is at least what i'll do. I don't look people in the eyes I look at their mouths and read their lips.
I practice doing that and Then what i'll do is is depending on the situation.
It might take half a step backwards And that's i'm showing them that their conversation is good.
That's okay And then if they want me to talk any further, they'll look at me And then, um, you know, it's a it's a struggle for uh for aspies it really is
It took me a long time when she was walking away. I finally realized I did something wrong Yeah, well, you know and you know
It also is good is to have friends who know you and love you and they're so to speak regular normals
And you just say hey when I do something that's not quite right. Just tell me That's right friends like that and And my wife and I would do that, you know be coming home from someplace and she'd give me pointers and Well, when you when you kick the guy in the nuts for no reason that was not a good thing.
It wasn't you know and she would uh She'd point out some things Almost happened for real there was a time at the the mormon temple.
Uh, so hey, let's uh, oh man. Yeah i'm gonna add in uh our friend here, uh deacon joseph
He is the I think it was ether nor eastern orthodox. I think it was but you can unmute yourself
Do you have any questions for matt? Yeah. No, actually I was kind of invited on Um, and I was planning on calling anyway, um, but for some reason we scheduled our show a half hour later
So you're invited on by who? I guess well The last two weeks have been interesting
A lot of people have told me how much I suck And one of them was telling me this, uh yesterday and he he came on today and said well matt's talking about the didache
The didache and saint paulie carp, and he's attacking the orthodox in general I said look I was gonna come on anyway, but I don't know.
Okay, fine, whatever so But um, yeah, so i'm here a little later than I wanted to be. I actually had my own purpose in calling back um, so that's uh, you know, but that was because I didn't there were some things that I didn't uh do too well, but um
Not too. Well, I just didn't answer and I feel I should have You have a question for matt?
Well, i'm curious as to what the orthodox discussion was earlier. Maybe I can help And we didn't have one today, yeah, we didn't have one so there was no discussion of the didache or paulie carp this morning
Oh, we were as someone said We got a casual comment. Someone said that the didache
Demonstrates catholicism or something like that. So I got Not really It definitely demonstrates apostolic tradition, but there's
I mean, where's the pope? There's no pope in it or anything like that There's no pope. There's no eucharist. There's no mary.
There's you know, there's technically a eucharist No, no, no, i'm, sorry. I mean the way
The catholic would would say it. Oh, yeah That's that well that was a yeah.
No, I would agree with that. I mean it does it mentions, you know The proper form of a baptism things like that.
There's some good stuff Yeah, there is it's it's really a one of my favorite line of this and this is one of the in my opinion
Now andrew, you're a you're of a jewish, uh background, correct? Yes Okay, one of the coolest things
I find in the didache. Um, well, I always pronounce the didache But I guess didache would be proper english, uh more properly english um, but it's uh
Eight one and it says and let not your fasting speed with the hypocrites for they fast on the second to fifth day of the week
But keep your fast on the fourth and on the preparation the sixth day So now obviously when they're saying the hypocrites are referring to Um, they're referring to the jews who did not believe because they're jews who do believe
And so they're kind of switching the days of the fast to wednesday and friday from monday and thursday
Um, so I thought that that's to me. That's one of the most interesting things in it because of the fact that you can see
There's like they kind of like are like well We have to keep that we're keeping the fast, but we're not going to keep with you
We're going to do it on wednesday obviously in in recognition of the you know, the day of the betrayal and the day of the crucifixion
Um as to the monday thursday, I don't know why that is you probably do but I don't And where was that in didache that's in uh, the chapter eight, yeah, i'll post it in here
Yeah Let them not hang out thing.
Oh, yeah, they passed the second and fifth day of the week Okay and so that was like the jewish practice and I looked it up and apparently it's in some jewish encyclopedia like during certain fast periods and They they do that sort of thing and I never knew that but apparently
That I know about wednesday and friday we do that But I never knew that it was a switch over from like you could see the direct change.
It's kind of interesting but um, yeah, so Yeah now anything but it is interesting
I'm, not trying to prove anything, you know Yeah, it's just there's no what do you do with it?
There's nothing really to do with it, but it is interesting well So matt for we didn't deal with this earlier but for folks who don't know what didache is why don't you explain what the didache is and why we
We do see it as valuable when we discuss christianity Yeah, I could tell my wife here for a second.
I can keep talking to you Well, i'm just do one thing like 30 seconds, but yeah So so what's what's the what's the purpose or the value?
Let me uh, I can tell you a little about it The didache is a first century document often referred to as the teachings of the holy apostles
And so it was kind of like um a collection of saying it was kind of a collection of oral traditions That were occurring at the time very interesting ones
Um that helped uh kind of establish things that were going on in the early church For example, um, we can see that by the second century
Um, they were following uh, they were following the psalmist dictates his praise seven times a day But here in the didache you can see they're still following the jewish tradition of doing it three times
So, you know, there's you can start beginning to see The kind of like separation of the christian church from the jewish temple
Um, and so that's really what it kind of records down. It's these early practices Yeah, some of them are very
So we're A helpful thing for folks when we look at we we get Basically kind of the instructions that they would have had in the early church
It's not it's not part of the canon. It's not part of the bible, but it's it's helpful.
It's it's no different than I would say um for the jewish people
The writings of the maccabees it's it's history, but it's not the bible Well, this is one of the things that um,
I kind of was uh, I kind of had a i've been on this protestant orthodox and catholic debate forum
And one of the things that I kind of had to explain because I realized that I was not totally clear In the past and we talked about the maccabees andrew and one thing that I I should make clear is that These the early writings that were approved by the church and the and the didache the didache would have been one of them
Um helped to relay tradition even if they're not considered canonically part of the word of god
And so they're still we still value them And so like in other words a person who doesn't value the books of the maccabees
Because i'm not even gonna lie. There are there were orthodox I mean look at saint jerome who rejected the greek canon initially and then eventually in old age came around to it
But the point is he still respected the other books. He just didn't know if they should be included in the uh, in the text of the church
Well, yeah, I mean there's there's plenty of books and things that we could see as valuable I think matt and I would agree when it comes, you know, we we could agree that you know
We have books of the bible. We have sections in a lot of bibles that are put in like archaeological information maps
That that's helpful enough for mormonism. They they wouldn't have a map right matt They mormonism doesn't have maps in the book of mormon.
Do they they actually I think they made up a map They made up some maps in some of them.
Well, they have uh Drawings of ancient papyri And they're hieroglyphics that look really authentic Yeah reformed hieroglyphics and uh, yeah, that's right as a debacle.
But anyway, yep Anyway, um, so yeah, no, I would agree that it does not prove catholicism.
There's nothing in there that proves catholicism I would say that you know, it demonstrates, you know proper orthodox christian practice
But you know, I mean this for you certainly wouldn't see praying to mary because for all we know she was alive when it was written
So, you know it that wouldn't make sense but um in any case one of the things is uh
What was it? So that was really the main purpose of me coming on Do you have any you have any because we have about 15 minutes.
So you got you have a question or topic of discussion? Yeah, actually I do I do. Um, and this is from this actually came from I was listening
To the last part of the debate with the roman catholic, uh last week And I I had a question for matt and then he brought something up and maybe you guys can help me with this covenant sign
What is that? When you get married you make a vow with your wife you make a promise a covenant
It's a pact or an agreement between two or more parties. It's a verbal verbal written, uh statement of commitment and usually a covenant has
Uh stipulations with rewards and punishments And so, uh, if you and I were to make a covenant that i'm going to mow your lawn, uh for 10 bucks, uh, well, yeah
I understand that but i'm trying the sign thing the covenant sign because you said that and I was like What is the covenant sign?
So I try to type it and I only found a couple of mormon sources on it So I know that's not it um, so So a covenant sign is a representation of that covenant.
So my my wedding ring here is a covenant sign It's a sign Public manifestation of the covenant.
I've made with my wife and she has a ring And so what we're doing is displaying our covenant commitment to one another that way
So the rainbow is a covenant commitment of god Circumcision is a covenant sign as well and things like that and baptism.
I believe is a covenant uh sign is it is not equated 100 but it's related to um,
Circumcision in colossians 2 12 and 13 So you would say that then the water and baptism is kind of a visible sign.
Would you say that of what is really happening? Yeah, um
Apparently god the pattern of god is to always have a sign with a covenant And so that's why i'm presbyterian
Because I believe that uh, a covenant is can be made between a parent and god regarding their children
And they can dedicate their children to the lord But that's a covenant And between biblically consistent you need a sign.
What would be the sign? It seems to be that the early church practiced infant baptism and there's some debates on it but it seems to be that that was kind of normative and um and so I hold to that but not because of the tradition and not because of that but because of I see this being a biblical thing because the abrahamic covenant was commanded to have children in it and the abrahamic covenant, uh
Genesis 12 3 in you all the nations shall be blessed. It's quoted by paul in galatians 3 8 and he calls he says it's the gospel
So therefore the abrahamic covenant still uh for today and children were commanded to be in that abrahamic covenant
So therefore the children need to be in the covenant today And because otherwise you have to find something in the new testament that excludes them from the same abrahamic covenant
And uh, if that's the case then what's the sign and it seems to be I don't have all the bugs worked out yet but it seems to be that baptism is a replacement of the covenant sign of circumcision because of the blood shed in the old testament fulfilled in the new
And uh in christ and so therefore the covenant sign has changed Now to be honest,
I think there's a little bit of inconsistency with some of my views on that Why would it be a covenant sign change because I don't see that in normally in scripture
And uh exactly what is the baptism representing and I haven't worked that out yet either and um
I have a question that leads me to another question now andrew. I don't know how you feel about covenant signs Are you on board with this?
No, I would have a different view than that Okay, the the reason I asked this is because I was fascinated by it
And i'll tell you why I was fascinated by it Um, and i'm not gonna here's no I don't do gotcha moments or anything like that But it got me thinking about uh, st augustine because he refers to an outward invisible sign of an inward and invisible grace as a sacrament
Now based on what i'm hearing it sounds like this covenant sign is effectively a mystery or sacrament
And since baptism and marriage were both listed would I consider would I be correct in this understanding? I'm not sure
I followed you In other words if there is an inward grace but an outward sign
St. Augustine describes that as a sacrament. That would be basically the orthodox teaching what a sacrament is
Different terminology, but it sounds like it's basically the same thing Well, the problem is with the term inward grace in catholicism.
Grace is like a substance. It's infused and they say an inward grace I'm just talking about I don't mean infused grace or I mean grace of god real grace
Yeah, so the undeserved kindness of god is certainly manifested all over the place and But a covenant sign isn't the manifestation of the of that Per se a covenant sign is a manifestation of a promise
Okay Well, that's that's what the word sacrament means. It means oath and it would be referred to between god and man
Well, that's fine. Um, I think it's a perfectly in that sense. Yeah So would you consider the like the eucharist a covenant sign?
Yes Okay. All right. Well, so okay. So so far we've got baptism the eucharist and marriage which is like I don't know
I don't consider marriage to be a a sacrament in that sense What a covenant sign
Well, there's all kinds of covenant signs where I see a rainbow, you know, it doesn't it's not a sacrament It's a covenant sign.
Well, okay. Well, that's okay. That was uh, that was my main question um only because of the fact that one of the things that I was not very complete with you guys is on was uh, the question of how does one
Become a christian live a christian life and I guess die a christian I got up to baptism and then we got sidetracked
Um, we've just mentioned the eucharist we mentioned marriage chrismation um, which is part of the baptism uh, and then you know holy orders and uh
You have I don't know if you guys have you have like healing of the sick like the anointing of the sick and stuff like that Yeah, we anoint people.
Okay, that's good. So that that's covered. Um, yeah, so Basically, so yeah, it comes it comes back down to the uh, the question of ordination and hierarchical structure
Just so you know within reform theology there are discussions of what's called the two sacraments baptism in the lord's supper
And there's discussions on the depth and the means and the extent to which participation in those affects the person and So I would say yeah, there's an effect.
Uh, I don't hold to the idea of of for example of um, The lord's supper as being just a symbolic sign
And I certainly don't hold to the roman catholic position of it's an infusion of grace and things like that I reject that so my and and lutheranism
Has a view if I remember correctly where there's it's actually a means of grace where grace occurs to you because of that sign
And that's where I get a little bit Uh cautious because I don't want to Have a formula for grace
If I do this, then I get grace. It's no longer grace. It's my formula And so I have a problem with some of the aspects of it.
It's you know So I haven't worked all the details. Like I said, i'm always doing everything else Well, yeah, no, definitely.
It's it's something i'd love to really, you know discuss more, you know in depth Uh, I did not get a chance to do that.
That's my fault Um, I had I had the time but I was uh, you know, I kind of got backtracked and all over the place um, but what else i'm trying to think no, that was my main question and uh,
I don't know if uh, If there's any oddities about orthodoxy that you guys have encountered lately or you know bothersome things i'd love to address them um myself if uh
Well, one thing i'm concerned about with any group is the methodology or how you become justified before the infinitely holy god uh
Come again, I didn't hear what the other guy said Soteriology Right soteriology.
How is a person made legally righteous before god according to that law? You know, which is concomitant with the forgiveness of sins
That's always the issue Okay Of any group I ask Or the ordo salutees
No, that's different The order salutees Has to do with the issue of the decrees of god bringing people into salvation
Does he know who's going to pick him then he picks them and he ordains them because of that these kind of questions and um
Did he call people before? Uh the foundation of the world after the foundation of the world
He'd look into the future to see who's going to pick him in his decrees Predestination sort of stuff and it's it's like that predestination elect did he elect before he predestined predestined before he elected like I mean, those are the kinds of questions that are asked and it was the issue of the order salute us
Interesting never heard of this order salutes, but i'll do more research on it You can go to a carm and you can read up on it and uh, so the calvinist, uh order salute is generally speaking is election first predestination then calling then
Regeneration then faith then repentance then justification and sanctification perseverance and glorification
The armenian position is calling the preacher preaching the gospel prevenient grace faith repentance regeneration justification perseverance glorification
The catholic is actual grace faith contrition regeneration at baptism penance glorification
These are the kind of of issues and things i've noticed that in in reading some of the stuff that Um the back and forth and learning a little bit about the history of protestantism is how much?
uh, there's this these discussions on Minutiae and I don't understand it, uh to some degree like for example, like, um, you mentioned the eucharist
And for example luther's position was radically different from calvin and they both went to different Uh papal theological schools before they came to the reformation that they kind of brought their baggage with them on that And it's all kind of goes back to this kind of mechanical scholasticism
That I don't fully get like for me when I think of the eucharist, I know it's really the body and blood of christ
Uh, you know, I don't I don't what does that mean? That's really the body and blood of christ.
Um Well, then if it is if it actually is yes But actually is his blood and actually is his body and it's got to have uh, dna molecules in there
Well, that's okay. Now. It's still the species of bread and wine Right But you said it's actually the body and blood if it's this is like you see this isn't
Actually a glass It is what it is. It's a glass. It's it's not my cell phone
So if I say it's actually a glass then it has to have the nature of glass So if the bread it's a bread and the wine are actually the body and blood of christ
Well, then there has to be human elements in it DNA, you know blood
There is there is Well, no, there is an element of life in both bread and wine
An element of life and bread and wine. Yeah, but see that's that's incredibly vague No, it's yeast.
It's not vague at all No, no, no an element of life That phrase is incredibly vague an element of life.
The point is that the food itself is living in both cases Okay So the point so But it's not it's not christ before him
So when we look at wine we could take a microscope and I could see molecules, uh cells, uh grape cells or Fruit of the vine cells a bread
I could see yeast cells and things like that. I assume Uh, but we look at the at the eucharist the bread.
Do you see blood cells or in the wine? Do you see blood cells human blood cells? You would want it to look
I mean in some cases sure, but that's not all the time No, the eucharist. Come on the it's a blood of christ if it's the blood of christ we have christ dna and in uh,
Right. Why you didn't say that you didn't say it's going to physically become Just my physical body like it's it didn't like when he gave it to the apostles.
It didn't matter like transform into like human flesh Well, wait a minute. You said it was his body.
It is his body. It's you said it's his actual body Now you're saying it's not his actual body.
No, i'm saying it's not his human body It's his bread body. So then how is it if it's not his human body?
Then what body is it the venusian the martian body? No the bread body So jesus is walking around as a loaf of of wonder bread.
I don't think he walks around as a bread Well, then how could it be? How could his bread be his body?
It's a mystery. It's what he declared That and it's funny because that same shock is precisely
What happened in john 6 54 and they said how can how can this man give us his body to eat?
And he uses the term and i'm sure you know this in the screen. He uses the term again
I say to you if you do not munch upon my flesh And drink my blood you will have no life in you
How does that work? Now think about that. Let's just assume You're right, let's say it's not really the body and blood of christ.
Let's just do that Okay If you are eating it Whether you call it a symbol or not
You have life in you, but if you reject it you don't Clearly, this is not normal bread or wine
Or would you agree? So are you saying that if I reject it as the actual body and the actual blood of christ that it can't be saved now?
Well, i'm saying if you reject eating it It says if you do not partake you will have no life in you. It doesn't say, you know I'm, my point i'm trying to make is that you have to partake of the eucharist
That's part of the reason why you listed as a covenant sign. I presume So yeah, it's a covenant sign because he says so Uh, but john 6 63
Jesus says in the context of all that The spirit who gives life the flesh profits nothing the words that i've spoken to you are spirit
And are alive he's talking in a spiritual sense So you can't are you saying that the bread isn't spiritual?
I'm saying the uh that when he's holding the bread in his hand Uh, he had not yet been crucified.
So let me ask you was that bread the sacrificed body of christ? The when you say it's the it's all the body of christ when he says it
Okay, was it the sacrificed body of christ when he gave it to them? Um, I guess well, yeah, if you're outside time
He's got outside of time. Okay, so Now he's outside of time and it was his actual body and blood so the problem i'm having with this kind of dialogue
Sure, I have it with catholics every now and then is they introduce science fiction And then they say this is how we're going to make it fit.
We're going to introduce sci -fi Uh science fiction outside of time. Uh, we don't know what that means. We can't relate to it
It's a catchphrase of of meaningless, uh symbols But it's part of the reason why you have these debates with roman catholics to begin with is because god says it's my body and my blood
And we doubt that why well, wait a minute. But what does he mean by it's his body and his blood Because it's literally his body and his blood that he's violating levitical law by having them
Eat blood which leviticus 17 11 forbids Yeah, except it's not the blood of an animal.
It's the blood of god It says no any flesh the blood of any flesh
That's what it says and we know the jews use that to not be cannibalistic and things like that Exactly my point matt.
That's why when he re -emphasized it the largest number of followers that he had left Because it was hard saying
Because they would not have considered it to be true that he would be wanting them to violate old testament law
And he let them leave And he did let them leave because they didn't understand the true meaning of what he was saying
Or because he really meant what he said Or okay, if he really meant what he said is as you like to say that phrase
He really meant what he said then the bread. Is it actually his body as you said it was right?
What does that mean? It's actually his body. It is his body in a form we can partake of That's not that's not it.
That's that's not what the actual it is It's saying the actual what is the actuality you're saying?
It's a form we can take that's that's not answering the question Oh, it's a form of his body. It's his body. What is the actuality?
This is my hand right now This is actually my hand. It's actually mine. It's actually part of me.
It has body It has flesh it has nerves. It has blood Muscles all that kind of stuff now
If it's this is actually part of my body Now did jesus say the bread was part of his body?
No Do you say it was his body? Is it the whole of his body? Is he saying the essence of his body is in the bread?
but yet he's right there and if it's If he's right there and he had not been crucified and had not been glorified.
He says this is my my body It can't be his literal body when you say actual you're not saying literal you mean something different and without clarifying what you mean
Your argument is useless Well, it's not really an argument. I'm just simply pointing out that that's the the teaching is that it is his body it is
In what's meant by that in the species of bread and wine it is there's no debate about that I'm, not going to even say like I see wait a minute
Jesus says he's a door. Was he actually a door? Um in some in a sense he was but not in a literal door
So was the body the bread literally his body? Well, he emphasized it. So i'd say that that's what he meant
Was it literally his body? He says it is it is he's the creator of the universe. So you're saying it's literally his body
So if we'd have taken that bread then we could have looked at it and seen human cells. I didn't say that You said it's literally his body.
What does it mean to be literally his body? It's literally his body because he says it's his body not because he said i'm gonna add some dna to it
So what no no, no if if something is literally what it is You can analyze it and see it has a properties of what it is
That's how you know, it literally is that but you're saying it's literally the body of christ, but it's not
Because we were literally saying it's actually his body But if we look at it, none of the attributes are there of of being his actual body
Well, I mean if you want to go into the uncomfortable history of the thing I mean there have been points in church history, which we've even preserved them where after you know
Somebody doubted whether it was his body and blood the figure on the altar the bread and wine literally changed into flesh and blood
Which obviously made them inedible? And they've you know been preserved in some place I don't go with superstition
Or magic tricks. Well, it's not a magic trick It's a how do you if you if a priest is saying something on an altar unless he's a great
Some great magician you usually can't make human flesh and blood out of the thing. So let me get this straight.
Let me reword it Okay, so you mean an unregenerate? So -called priest who's serving satan
On without even knowing it through his false teachings and his false doctrines goes through a ritual And it's changing and that means that it's true.
I don't think it's I don't even think it's that complex I mean, I think it's very clear. That's what happened.
I think this is it's an interesting thing I'll tell you another interesting story. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait stories.
I want to go There's this bread. Is it actually his what does it mean to actually be what does it mean?
It means that it is god Edible to give grace to you
God is now edible Yes Did no catholic say this to you?
Okay, so, um, so we can eat god. Okay. Yes. That's exactly my point
When does the element stop being god in our digestive track? Is there a point that they've gone that far?
um No, not really I mean because the lot The logical question i'm going to ask
I know what you're going to ask I know. I don't want to because I don't want to But you see the problem you're you're you're going to ask are you going to can you poop god?
Yeah, and i'm trying to be respectful of my lord and not Well, here's what here's what
I would say That if a person gets to the point of eating only the eucharist if they're at that holiness
They're usually not pooping much at all But that's beside the point the point. Yeah, but the thing is now you have a digestive track undoing the very nature of god
Well, it's not undoing the nature of god it's digesting the particles the species of bread and the spirit goes to your spirit
So, wait a minute The spirit is now increased into our spirit. This is I never thought about this
So then we got two issues the physical part of god. We're eating gods. We're eating him
So his godness becomes infused into our bodies Yeast by the way do become part of the digestive tract
I don't know. Yeah, but that's that's inhabiting not part of it's inhabiting
Overgo with the yeast because my but the point i'm trying to make is that which is spiritual remains and that which is not goes so the god part of the bread i'm going to be very very careful here when
I talk like this because I Do not in any way want to disrespect my lord accidentally So i'd be very careful.
I really appreciate that Well, I take this very seriously, this is a very serious thing um and so What i'm trying to understand
Is that you're saying this bread is actually the body of christ and his divinity
Or it just or is it divinity and humanity? I would say it's his divinity and it's a species of bread and with that we can't forget the without it
There's no life within you part because I want to keep that okay, so I'm, just working about one thing at a time.
So the actual molecules Of the bread are not human molecules
Right. No, they're bread molecules So, how do you have human nature
In a physical sense because that's what the body is How do you have the physical necessity of the human nature?
Not be in the bread In a physical sense yet, it's it's also the physical body.
Well when life is infused into a human when they're conceived The point is what their life is not part of their biology
And this is my point is that The bread is alive. The body and blood are alive um as god but they are not
Changed to the point where they become Human in other words. It doesn't become the god man on the altar
It becomes part of the divine nature of christ joins the bread, but not the uh, not the human nature
Although that has in ugly Periods where people doubted weird things have happened, but in general that's not supposed to happen
What's supposed to happen is god is you know is ingested for it's taken for our salvation or our condemnation as st
Paul points out because in some cases people were taking the eucharist unworthily and died Okay, I mean this is a serious deal yeah, it is and we should always be very careful about this topic, but um, so uh
If we had obtained back then super hypothetical Obtained a drop of christ's blood we could have looked at it under a microscope
We would have seen hemoglobin and cell cellular activity and things like that because part of what it is
Yeah, he was And so how do you have the actual physical elements of the bread be the actual physical body of christ
Yet that bread does not have any characteristics Of the actual body of christ. Well, that's part of why it's called a mystery.
He declares it so and it's so I don't i'm not gonna say i'm why I can't what am I supposed to say?
I can't your interpretation You're interpreting it as a declaration. That doesn't mean your interpretation is valid I'm, just working on the logic of where this is leading to You're having a non -sequitur you're having something self -contradictory
You're having something be itself and not also not itself at the same time and that violates the law of identity
This is kind of what kind of a follow -up to you know the difficulties we were having in the last discussion and the point i'm trying to make is
That when you're dealing with I hate to say use the term supernatural. I prefer the term miraculous, but when you're dealing with a world
Um, and this is something that you were even talking about with covenant signs that they're everywhere Um when you're dealing with a world of divinity infusing through the church um through the body of christ
Uh, the holy spirit throughout the earth. It's not going to always make sense It's I don't
I don't have any problem with mysteries. I don't have any problem with mysteries We don't use the term sacrament.
We use the term mysteries But that's a problem with mysteries or paradoxes. I have a problem with logical contradictions.
Okay So what you're saying really stressing you out here It's not stressing me on I just see a problem and I can never adopt your position because I see it be logically impossible
You're saying that the elements of the bread are the actual body of christ Yet the actual body of christ would necessarily have
Physical characteristics of a human body. So if you say it's the actual Even the glorified body
It's the same body he died in it's just glorified he had open wounds in his side the whole bit um, he still had skins
I was dealing for the manifestation to the disciples. I mean he didn't need to keep the wounds no, he
That's a potentially heretical statement on your part You may not be aware of the seriousness of the statement and I want to continue with this
But that's a serious thing that you just said. Okay. I hope I misunderstood you What's the
Are you saying? Okay, let me ask you this because I maybe it's understood you are you saying jesus is not a man right now?
No, i'm not. Okay. Is he a man right now? He's god and man right now. So he's a man.
Yeah, very good. Very good And so he was raised from the dead the very same body. He died in though was a glorified body, correct?
And the reason he appeared to the people was to prove his resurrection Uh, well the reason he appeared to yeah,
I would say that's that's one of the reasons yeah, okay Okay, I just misunderstood you then. All right, no biggie Back to the bread and water
You say that the bread is the actual body And yet the actual body would necessarily have to have
Cells dna and that's that's what it is to be the actual body Okay, and yet you say the bread which is the actual body does not contain those characteristics
Of an actual body it contains the spiritual characteristics It is really in that sense.
It is really a body is that it is a host for christ, but it is not And that's what we term host by the way.
What are the spiritual characteristics? of um Of jesus, uh
That's to be flippant hair, uh skin cells, uh hand whatever, you know physical body, okay physical body
What are the spiritual characteristics of the physical body? But those are the human parts.
They're the parts that are not spiritual the carnal parts. Well, the bread relates to the physical body, right?
No It does you just said it does it said it's the actual body that relates its physical body
I think we're I think part of our confusion here is that we keep on going back from actual and physical I do believe that the body and blood of christ are actually the body and blood of christ
I do not believe they are a human body on the altar Yeah, yeah, I know what you're doing. I mean,
I don't mean it in a in a I guess stretch my back here I know what you're doing. You're trying to explain and um, i'm going back and forth this
It's like shades thing to explain. It's it's it's a mystery. I'm not even gonna lie to you I'm not gonna say like oh well
I i'm not a scholastic. I would love to define it in easy parts the way that the papists do so on and so forth
I we don't do that yeah, um, this is part of Go ahead.
I was gonna say you're just you you um It's not a paradox. Uh, it's not a mystery.
It's a logical impossibility and um, You guys haven't thought this thing through apparently, uh, or you have enough and you you stop reasoning you stop thinking say
It's just a mystery that well, there is a point where we do do that Yeah, I understand that that's that's part of I think our faith it's you know,
I mean I hate to say it but Our faith is filled with paradoxes
For example that you know Take for example christ's resurrection It didn't make sense to a lot of people
Because people don't usually come back from the dead Right. I I got said that but we're but the bread you're saying the bread is the actual body.
That's what he He's no no no You know, he said that he also said i'm the door he said
I am the way he said I am the light He said lots of things that we have to understand You know aren't always necessarily exactly literal one for one and and uh, when you say he you know, this is my body
When he's saying this is my body Does he mean it's actually his physical body? Well, you mean his human body?
Yeah No So then if it's not his actual human body, how could it be his body because he declares it to be his body
No, how can it be actually his body? if It's not really his body
You see the problem. How could it be his body if it's not his body? You can't have both those statements be true
Let me see if I can make it a little more clear in terms of the nature of christ He has a human and divine nature, right?
Hypothetic union. Yep. Okay, great the bread has A physical nature.
It does not have a spiritual nature because it's bread unless you count the yeast which are alive, correct?
Yeah Okay The bread has the divine nature It does not have the human nature
That's hard But it is That's what we believe that it's not his actual body
We would say it's his actual body. No When jesus died on the cross his spirit was separated from his physical body the human aspect of his divine nature
So when I'm a human and when you're a human, okay, and we have spirits or spiritual separate from our body
We know that's possible. So it contains four. It's going to be technically the twelfth two. We know it's possible
So the essence of what I am as a human being is not limited in my physical sense The spiritual aspect of what
I am can continue without my physical body So humanness your humanness and my humanness is detected by the attributes of humanity
Not just whether we have hands and legs because amputees are still human. So humanity has a certain spiritual quality to it
That's separate from the physical and that spiritual quality can do more things in terms of movement.
I would assume Maybe maybe but that's a human now, what if you but here's a problem
You see the human nature by definition is only one place at a time even When the spirit is separated paul says
I think it was he referring to himself, but whatever I know a man 14 years ago whether in the body or out of the body do not know such a man was caught up In the third heaven.
He's talking about locality of the individual in one place He's defining the spiritual essence apart from the physical body and he's declaring that it's localized in one area
The spiritual act of the human essence apart from the physical body What you're trying to tell me that is the physical aspect the human aspect not the physical
But the human aspect of christ is in that bread No Then it can't be what you say period
Because if it's the actual physical body, you can't have it actually be the physical body because by logical necessity
The physical body has to have certain properties and characteristics to it If it doesn't have those properties and characteristics, it's not actually physical body
Okay, so what you're saying is that when he raised the bread up and said this is my body he didn't mean it
What did he mean by the phrase? I'm not saying he didn't mean it. I'm saying what did he mean? Well, that's a good question.
Well, here's another and i'm gonna follow that up with another question. I have again Why did people die if they received it unworthily in the scriptures?
Judgment upon them because they weren't understanding that was a sacrificial covenant sign representation
And they're going there because some people think that what the context was they're going to have these eating fests and they were abusing the blood of christ in that sense
The reason but the point is it occurred upon the eating of the bread That's why it doesn't talk about just the feast.
It says whoever eats this unworthily shall receive to their condemnation So why would receiving the bread unworthily if it's just bread?
Not uh, that's another that's another thing. What does that mean? But you know you're going to say it means you have to understand exactly what it means that his physical sense was there
But not his physical essence and the body was actually the bread was actually his body even though it wasn't actually his body
You're telling you The human essence of christ is separate from the body
Because it he continued on as a human after his physical death. What you're telling me is his physical body
His physical body is the bread Wait, now hold on a second. You just said something really kind of weird.
You said that his human essence is uh I guess you
I assume you're circumscribing it to his human essence, but what about his divine essence? The hypostatic union teaches that the human and divine natures of christ are permanently united That that's it.
So when the I know all this because I had to think through all this with annihilationism and But some other issues now, was it his human nature or was it his divine nature that changed the water into wine
Bible doesn't say there's another doctrine called the communicatio idiomatum and the personhood we can get into that another thing the thing i'm just saying is that um
When he died, uh, the physical body was in the tomb his human essence was elsewhere
And we could talk about that another topic be interesting Because Yeah, but they were united the human essence and the divine
The human nature and the divine nature were together. I don't know how that works in the single personhood of christ
Apart from his physical body at his death. You don't know how that works No, I don't know.
I don't know how that works Wait, but then why is accepting what he said in terms of the body so difficult for you?
uh I'm trying to explain it And so the physical body has its own characteristics separate from the humanness
Issue which can separate from the physical body and exist elsewhere So the physical body has its own set of characteristics by necessity
Physical characteristics i'm holding a back scratcher in my hand. My mom had this she said it for 30 40 years
I've got it now and certain characteristics is bamboo, you know, I think it's bamboo. It's bamboo It's got you know weight and stuff like that.
And you know, and I have a wallet here and uh, It's got certain characteristics. These are physical physical objects physical objects
Can god imbue those objects with spiritual power? with himself I know of no instance in the scriptures where that is the case except to say in the incarnation
Of christ, but that's not imbuing it with spiritual power. That's an incarnation. What about the handkerchiefs of saint paul
I brought up before Yeah, that's a that's a good point Um, i'm not sure how to respond to that from my context
Because there's something was going on there, but I don't know exactly what was going on If those handkerchiefs had power in and of themselves
Then you would think that what would happen is they whoever had those handkerchiefs You better hope that they maybe somebody's got one of those got one of those handkerchiefs to this day
And he's bought it for a kabillion dollars and he rubbed it on himself every now and then so he gets healed It probably wouldn't be a kabillion dollars, but that's why we keep relics
Yeah, relics. Yeah, that's another topic But that's I think you know The handkerchief thing is the only thing that I think is interesting
About that because i'm going to study that some more and and you know I don't have any problem admitting that because it's right there in scripture
But the thing is, you know The physical body of christ has to do with the divinity of christ and the humanity of christ united in that body
But the divinity have characteristics and the humanity has characteristics which are separate from the physical body the human characteristics are not the same thing as A single cell and hemoglobin because we know the human essence the human spirit can be separated from the body
And continue on afterwards we know that so therefore when jesus said this is my body He was not talking about this is my humanity or my divinity
Well, you you don't know that I'm just believing what he said
My body right let's go with that It doesn't say it's divine doesn't say it has human essence
That's my body if it's if he's saying it literally it's like what he says if it's literal like you say
You kind of move the goalposts you say well, it's actually his body But it's also not the case that it's actually his body
And what you do is you'll say it's actually his body, but it's a spiritual essence of the body There is no spiritual essence of a physical body
There is no physical spiritual essence of I happen to have a hammer right here I don't know why there's a hammer right here in my office
But this there's no spiritual essence to this this thing If god wants there to be there will be uh, if he wants to be there will be but um
That's it. That's kind of like begging the question. You can say well if he wants it He wants it here. He wants it there. He wants it there. He wants it here
So therefore that's how come we know where does christ bless hammers and say that you know, that's part of his body Well, he doesn't he only says it of of his body and i'm trying to understand exactly what is meant by the term
It is my body Because it cannot be that he's going to have them
Actually eat his actual flesh because it would violate the old testament law.
We covered this part and that's when the people left Yes, it would But he would not ask them to violate the law.
Jesus would not ask them to sin. Hold on I think andrew's got a point here Well, the the point is we went half an hour over the show the guys that they have to show are waiting to start
Sorry, we can go in there eight o 'clock um I'm gonna drop the link in here for the after show.
So if you guys want to just go in there Um joseph one question for you, yeah, you believe that on that passover meal i'm gonna go ahead i'll see you guys
Okay. Okay. You you believe that on that passover meal that That at that time jesus was offering his physical body and his blood, correct?
But his say he was offering himself i'm not gonna I don't get into the Blood of my covenant.
Yeah Yes, but it wasn't it was before the passover which provides unleavened bread. Yeah, so You're saying that you believe that he offered his blood as the covenant before he actually was the sacrifice
Well, I think that that's an interesting thing because he says do this in memory of me He clearly offers his blood on the cross.
There's no doubt about that and we believe It's before the cross But he's ordering his apostles to do it in memory of him.
Do you get what I'm saying? In other words, it's not so it's what i'm saying, which is nobody Yeah Exactly because christ is our passover, you know removing from that context, but the point being
Is your your argument is that he's offering the blood before the sacrifice of his blood?
That's a problem And that's what it's I'm, well, i'm not going to argue with the author of the scripture.
That's what it says well No, no, we're arguing about your interpretation of the scriptures.
That's the point. Okay. Well my point it's not an interpretation And may next week come in earlier we can discuss when it is we should take
The scriptures as literal as you're taking it and when you take it figurative You're not using the same hermeneutic when matt brings up the door right as you go with the blood absolutely
And you're right. There are differences Correct, and this would be another case where you shouldn't be taking it literal the way you are
Because clearly he can't offer his blood before the sacrifice
Well, you can do whatever he wants. He's god so It doesn't work.
I mean it goes into some weird thing I really I realize it's weird. I'm not I never said it's not weird.
Hold on. Let me get you I know what's wrong with that link. It's it's that I have to Copy it a different way.
Hold on matt. All right, so if you go to um And i'll drop a link for the after show.
It's basically going to be um, is this the council? Is the council? It's the same link
That's the same link that's the one that they gave me When I click on it it goes to Google hangout and then it says log in i'm already logged in And when
I log in was or try and click on one of my accounts to log in It says get started by calling or message a a friend below as it says if no one is in there
Okay, I got the same thing when I tried that link Okay We'll ask
Maybe we waited too long there Um I'm gonna click it anyway and start it see what happens and uh, see if anybody goes in there
No, it's a video call That doesn't make any sense
Yeah, see you calling john So, all right, well, we'll see maybe there won't be an after show tonight, um, okay
I'll come back earlier next week. It's my fault We started at 8 30 today, so we didn't finish till 9 30.
Well, we start at eight o 'clock eastern time Okay, I have a new link that i'll drop in here
Um, he just gave me a new link. So we'll drop that here Okay So that second link should be the good one um
So for folks who who are watching if you want to get these Every week we turn them into a podcast.
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On any podcast app should get you to the podcast version of this And that way you can listen to it over and over um as many times as you want to hear that catholic debate that was last week, uh, you can do that, so We this is a ministry of striving for eternity the ministry
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Um, the christian podcast community is going to be opening up to applications And therefore if you are interested, you can go to striving for eternity or actually you can go to christianpodcastcommunity .org
And get the some details to contact us from there So until next week,
I don't know we have a topic specifically for next week. It'll probably be open q a so folks come in early