Cultish: The Hindu Origins of Yoga


Join us as we take a look at the ancient origins of yoga & its relation to the gods of India. Is yoga just stretching? Is there a spiritually dangerous component that’s inseparable from its practice? Tune in to find out! Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get exclusive content like Collision, The Aftershow, Ask Me Anything w/ Jeff Durbin and The Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free account to receive access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Instagram: Check out our online store here:


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come be one of us head over to the cultistshow .com or follow the link in the show notes and click the join button directly support the work of this ministry as the mission is completely funded by you our listener all right welcome back ladies and gentlemen to cultish entering the kingdom of the cults my name is jeremiah roberts one of the co -hosts here uh andrew good to have you back on we are back with uh sandeep coming in from new jersey welcome back man thank you yes so as we know uh you may people have probably heard about your testimony in other episodes but um we are going to be talking about yoga we have talked about it before uh we had uh christine schwann who's actually now the assistant for the studio uh she does a great job behind the scenes talking about the spiritual dangers of yoga we had one as well too we had our friend amber aldrich who also had some experiences with kundalini yoga so a lot of times this is a conversation whenever you bring it up on social media it's very fiery sometimes it can be very polarizing even amongst christians people will ask can you do uh yoga and somehow and separate that from the scriptures like from not scriptures just from the spirituality behind it and some people think oh i can stretch it but not necessarily do the spiritual aspect of it so let's just kind of jump into it what when it comes to yoga we're we are doing a micro series of a bunch of different things when it comes to hinduism your background is a former hindu brahman from india came to christ you have immense knowledge of the different hindu scriptures the hindu gods where does yoga fit into all of this where's the best starting point where should we start in all of this in this conversation like when i was a hindu i remember i started doing yoga when i was like pretty young like i've told before also that there is no what we know as yoga today the poses you know the asanas in the bhagavad gita there are some names mentioned there is karma yoga bhakti yoga bhakti means devotional way yoga yoga is basically what we know as today is a connection with something and that is the brahman the cosmic god like i have i was telling that there is no hinduism without yoga and there is no yoga without hinduism if if someone from the west tries to tell that that there there is differences yoga is not connected with hinduism if a guru listens that who is sitting in an ashram in a place called rishikesh or in mayapur or in varanasi they would laugh by listening to that yoga when it comes to yoga there are four important scriptures you know you have to learn anything about yoga you have to like in all these ashrams you will see mostly the gurus if if they are asked what are the important scriptures they would say yoga sutra of patanjali written by the guru patanjali there is a shiva sahita there is garenda sahita and then the last one is hati yoga pradapika hati yoga pradapika is the most important one when it comes to yoga like physical when it comes to asanas you know all these different poses you know say the hati yoga is mainly related to the physical benefit from all of these poses and when we open hati yoga the very first verse you don't have to go to the next uh you know like a 10th verse or 20th verse you go to the very first verse it says we do this the the the writer is saying we do this yoga because uh to to have to show respect to the god adinath adinath as every hindu knows it's the god shiva shiva is known as the lord of yoga in the very first verse then also we have shiva sahita which is another important scripture for hinduism uh all mostly most of the yoga poses like simhasana uh badrasana uh kurumasana uh all of these yoga poses are believed to be a gift from the hindu god shiva so you get to see shiva and then if you read uh say yoga uh yoga kundalini upanishad you know kundalini is also a type of new age practice which is uh so popular these days here uh over there you get to see the the name of hindu gods like brahma shiva vishnu and then you raise the kundalini energy from the your base chakra which is also called as the muladhara chakra i know there's there are many chakras in the body there is uh ajna chakra which is uh believed to be the third eye chakra and the crown chakra is known as the sahasarada chakra so when you raise that serpent energy feminine serpent energy which is which uh lies in the dormant of in the lowermost chakra you raise that energy to the topmost part of the chakra through the nadis it's called the central the the central nervous system kind of which which helps the energy the serpent energy to travel to the crown chakra and then over there what happens is you read this in yoga kundalini upanishad is the most important the only i will say the only scripture for kundalini yoga whoever does kundalini you open yoga kundalini upanishad it's related it comes out from the vedas upanishads are basically part of vedas now vedas have different sections in the in the book okay like for example rig veda in the entire rig veda there is a part like the brahmanas which are the first few books there are 10 books in the rig veda the first few books are the brahmanas aranyakas uh samhitas and then the last last parts where are the upanishads but they are the part of the vedas you know upanishads are huge thing the vedanta you know the whole vedanta concept come from the upanishads and in yoga kundalini upanishad says when he when that serpent energy reaches to the crown chakra which is the sahasarada chakra over there shiva meets with parvati his wife and that's how the the person gets moksha that's the salvation so you get free of the karmic cycle you do different kind of poses like yoni mudra it's like a womb womb healing which is also so popular in the west i know many women you know they do this yoni mudra it is believed that if you do yoni mudra even if you have committed a murder like a sin like a murder that can be forgiven if you do that yoga so yoga is very very much connected to hinduism yeah and so even just saying let's just jump in here a second but if i understand them correctly that a lot of the basic when it comes to the the chakra alignment just also just defining terms define define what a chakra is and where does that where's the source as far as the hindu scriptures where that comes from because that's like part and parcel that's sort of interchangeable with with yoga and kundalini yoga what define chakra so so chakra is basically it's a it's a spiritual point in in in a human body it's like an energy center in the human body and and then so there are there are different chakras in the body and few of those chakras are like the muladhara the sahasrara the ajna chakra there's like seven chakras so chakras are the energy centers of the body it's a spiritual point in a human body through which the the kundalini for example the kundalini energy it travels from the it sleeps in the in the lowermost chakra that that's the concept that's the ideology so that that what you have to believe first when you start doing kundalini that there is a feminine energy which is inside your body and that feminine energy you have to raise to the crown chakra the sahasrara chakra and as you raise that chakra by doing meditation obviously by doing pranayama you breathe in and out you know by sitting in the padmasana position lotus position and as you are raising that energy when it reaches to the crown chakra you know that's the last chakra you know you you it's like your brain opens up you you know and then you attain the ultimate you know as they say that that's the ultimate reality that's the you are enlightened you know buddha he believed that you know he's enlightened so he's free from the karmic cycle and so again is it connected to hinduism absolutely yoga kundalini upanishad says that you know shiva meets the male energy the male energy meets the kundalini which is a female form which is connected to the hindu god durga or parvati and so they meet female and female female energy they meet on the crown chakra and that's how you attain moksha yeah andrew what questions do you have you remember we did the episode with christine schwan and we have a you know we think about the different poses and we talked just very briefly in that it was a couple years ago when we were talking about the different poses what they're doing and the different uh you know hindu gods that they're yoking with with with uh we're giving sandeep's knowledge of the hindu scriptures and where this is coming from what comes to mind regarding this yeah i just have a i have a question with regards to you growing up and um you said one of the first things that you learned uh as a child within this religion was yoga uh when was it expected of you uh to know all of these poses and do them and did you receive within hinduism that mokshi or yeah moksha uh so mokshi is like you have to keep on doing this for years you know a lot of westerners they go to india they take a 60 hour yoga lesson and they come to the west and they say all right here here i am i'm a yogini or you know i mean yogi 60 hour lesson yoga lesson from rishikesh or from in all these places uh that's not how you you do i mean yoga you know real yoga takes years and years you know you master the whole thing actually uh so when i was a child you know i remember in my school uh we used to have every day uh meditation session you know in india most of the schools and they have meditation yoga session every single day you know kids bending left and right you know you sit down in the padmasana position you do surya namaskar which is you know uh you're you know you're standing and you fold your hand looking at the sky that's a yoga position um so uh i was i was doing it but uh you know it takes years to achieve moksha moksha is like you you feel after meditating for say 30 hours you feel like uh some what meditation is actually you numb your you make your mind still you're not thinking you're just uh you just you're not allowing the body parts you know which god made you know god gave us a brain a mind uh you know uh for specific purpose you know um to to examine what it what you are thinking actually you have to uh so what are you thinking when you are doing meditation you when a krishna hare krishna guy does meditation he thinks about the god krishna you know that's that's called uh the uh gyan uh yoga you know you think about one thing that's the krishna uh so when i was doing meditation i remember yeah uh i was quite deep into it uh like i used to do with my uncle early morning we used to wake up before going to school you know he used to do the pranayama breathe in and out you sit in a certain position and he's a big devotee of the goddess kali uh so uh yeah what's up everybody it's the super sleuth here letting you know that you can go to shop cultish .com
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today and get your exclusive cultish merch talk to you later guys yeah what would be an example i'll show you just a couple of poses and this is just something that again they're the argument a lot of times is somehow you can separate the stretching and there's times where i've just done workouts and i feel like i end up sort of doing something that looks kind of similar right but i'll just throw out just a random one so you have people can do handstands i do i've done handstands before like i'm not not all by myself i usually need a wall up against it otherwise i'll be in trouble i'm not that agile but when you look at for example when they do that yoga handstand if you look at this one right here where they put their elbows down they pose themselves up right like what's like what's happening in that for example uh so um when someone does that uh thinking that they're doing yoga you know because you have to have a mindset actually you just can't uh just uh do simhasana you know and and like that lion you know position you just can't do that just like you're doing exercise if you're doing that it's like uh you're doing hinduism but basically but you're not doing real yoga like really yoga is you have to have in your mind that you're doing this uh for a higher connection yeah you're trying to get aligned with uh with some kind of higher power a superior power that's the brahman yoga is yoking you know uh so um so if that person who doesn't know that that's hinduism uh maybe down the years in a few years uh later uh he or she gets slowly into hinduism because uh it pulls you you know in the the more you go near the darkness the more it absorbs you the more you get nearer and nearer and near to it uh so so you right what do you go ahead and hold on so what do you what do you think about this uh sandeep if you go to holyyoga .net
this is what it says it says holy yoga embraces the essential elements of yoga breath work meditation and physical postures and all of these elements christ is the focus of our intention and worship holy yoga believes that there is only one god who exists for all eternity and three persons the father son and the holy spirit uh what do you think about that so it takes the essential elements of yoga breath work meditation and physical postures but then replaces the focus with christ is that possible you you just can't do that you can't make your own book you know i mean our hands are meant to you know while we eat we use our hands we don't use feet we you know we can since childhood our mom and dad teaches us these hands are meant to you know help us eating you know we hold the spoon or the fork you know to eat we don't uh you know a lot of people who don't have hands you have seen they eat with their feet you know they try since the childhood you know that's exception that's like they don't have hands but yoga is is meant uh yoga is meant to be connected with hindu gods you can't just take the verses out you know like in hatha yoga pradapika the very first verse anyone opens hatha yoga pradapika will see the very first verse goes shiva how can you take that verse out and you put jesus yeah it's just so funny you can't make your own book it's just you're you're trying to fool yourself and also fool the world and and like i have told you you're doing a 60 hour yoga lesson in india even if someone goes you don't become a yogini you know you read the scriptures you know uh so no that's not possible that's a lie my people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge right what about the also people make the argument too that in you can't necessarily yield yourself to evil or to demons or or anything or anything like that like there it isn't necessarily a spiritual danger unless you're saying yes i i completely consent to doing this for example like i remember a long time ago i was doing the p90x with tony horton and i was trying to get in shape and one of course one of the dvds is a is yoga and i'm just thinking oh it's just this and shivaj i liked i remember doing it back in the day and like i like the shabazz bar it felt kind of cool because you're working for i work i was doing the workout in that garage so it's obviously like sweaty at the end it's kind of it's like doing in arizona it was pretty much the equivalent of hot yoga but i'll give you an example this is kind of like western thinking and people who object to it and kind of make a joke out of it and again so babylon b you're familiar with them right yeah hilarious love them love the babylon b right so this is uh this came out in april 2016 right so this is a little while ago but this is a babylon b article says man accidentally performs yoga pose is possessed by horde of demons right they're kind of making a joke about it right but there is kind of like this argument where people would push back and say well okay yeah i'm doing this pose and that pose but i'm just i'm literally just stretching i'm getting the physical components like i'm and even i'm thinking about the psalms or i'm thinking about something like that right people would sort of say i can approach these stretches from like a form of neutrality right and i'm not trying to be superstitious you know i'm not one who's like superstitious who's like there's a demon around every corner but like what's how do you respond to something like that people say i can come to this like with neutrality like with these poses from your perspective as a former hindu like like i was telling before that you can absolutely do the pranayama the breathing you know sitting in the lotus position and you can do that meditation style the hindu meditation style or the simhasana the lion pose or the elbow position which you showed and other poses like the kurmasana position the tortoise the tortoise pose you can do that without i mean some people you know we know that they do it but you're not doing the real you know what yoga is meant to do in your body what yoga the whole philosophy you know of yoga is actually the eastern philosophy which believes that by doing yoga by doing yoga it's the most noble thing you're doing as a hindu you know and that helps you to attain moksha that's like you're breaking the karmic cycle it's it's a huge deep philosophy right so someone uh like who is doing yoga but telling that i'm not i don't believe in hindu gods or you know i'm not getting uh connected to uh those thing i he can he or she can keep on doing that but as we have seen number of cases like out of say 10 people seven six to seven people i would say in like within five years of time they have a soft corner for hinduism already they try to already have a a heart for hinduism you know yeah yeah well that seems to be the k andrew go ahead is it is it kind of in the premise that so i can understand how christians can get confused about this is it is it kind of in the premise that uh yoga itself is making your body an idol of worship right absolutely you're turning your body into the idol that we're not talking about uh meat sacrifice to idols because that's just meat we're talking about your body as being the form of worship and you're taking the form of idolatry yes uh yes absolutely uh most of the uh gurus in prominent temples in india like where i used to go by dinadham or any temple you go the gurus always sit mostly in the padmasana position uh padmasana is the lotus position you you you know you um you sit in that position so that's that's like a yoga right right over there you know that's a that's a asana that's a pose you know the very first pose you do before meditation so that's a yoga um so um yoga is uh so much connected with uh hinduism it's like you just can't take it out it just it's like a it's like a magnet you know i mean it's very much connected yeah let me ask you this so i mean a lot of times people a lot of times when people are sort of on the fence about a topic the first thing they'll do is they'll google it right and they want to find something to kind of like give some uh just get get to get some grounding as far as like where where should i really stand regarding this like what are people's thoughts in this so i just sort of did my own sort of mini case say let me just see what i uh end up on so i uh went to uh just typed in christian's practice yoga i end up on a website crossroads church and uh this is what the person says and this is just kind of interesting maybe you can kind of tell me because we're going to have an episode two talking about meditation right uh so the person is asking whether or not christians should practice yoga and the church website answers uh yoga is mostly associated with eastern religions like hinduism buddhism many who practice it in the eastern religious context use it with meditation as part of with spiritual goals of unity with god and nature as well as unity which is called your divine self trouble for christians is the bible says we are to meditate on god's word we are not divine in ourselves and god and nature should never be so can we still you know do these specific poses and you know people will then talk about uh can you actually meditate on god's word or can you sort of do these poses using like bible verses right or even like meditating like as a hindu you say meditate and now as a christian same you know skill in the language barrier those means fundamentally different things like is that is that compatible can a christian do yoga meditate elsewhere um different than a hindu than a hindu would if they were practicing yoga uh um no there's a huge difference uh in the old testament it says that you meditate on the word of god that that's a whole different concept that you don't have to sit in the padamashana position or in a certain yoga position you can meditate in the on the gospel at anywhere you're standing you you're on a bus on a train you can just read the bible and you think about uh you know god uh but when it comes to the eastern uh meditation uh like i was saying that eastern meditation is like uh totally uh like okay is again a part of vedas and in that in that scripture it says that you make your mind still you're not thinking anything you just uh making your mind still and you just think about yourself you know what you have done like i remember when i used to do meditation the guru is to say that think the entire day what did you do you know try to process the whole thing so it's like you're thinking about yourself or and when someone accepts a deity so that person meditates on that particular deity like the krishna you know it's a huge millions of followers harikrishnas it's a huge group actually it's a movement harikrishna movement uh so they meditate on krishna and in bhagavad -gita krishna like many places he says that meditate on me you know i'm the life giver of everything uh and we have bhakti yoga in the bhagavad -gita where by devotion you achieve and yoga is meditation is the is the first step for any kind of yoga you do any yoga position you just don't enter the yoga center and you just sit down on your yoga mat and you don't start right away you know stretching you know you just sit you calm down your body right and you sit in a certain position you chant some uh words like om you know you make all this noise and om is like you remember in the temple when we went to the temple the guy was saying om is a never -ending like it's the oldest it's a sound of god actually om is believed so that's why before any mantra any mantra a guru chants he always takes om he chants like this om so you're getting aligned with a higher power and that om is nothing more than brahman the cosmic god and cosmic god is nothing in many hindu scriptures like when when a when a yoga guru who is doing yoga for say 30 years all right uh we have seen a lot of uh yogis coming to u .s
also like the mahesh yogi who converted the beatles uh george harrison i believe if i'm not wrong the name yeah uh he wrote a song called uh my sweet lord and over there he takes the name of krishna and rama right and mahesh yogi he's dead now so uh if he was alive if i if you would have asked mahesh yogi uh uh guru who who do you think is brahman a person like him who has done maybe yoga for for decades and decades he would say i am that brahman that's why you know a lot of gurus or the rajneesh you know we see in the in the video god of the new age over there rajneesh had so many followers and devotees you know and people literally saw these gurus as gods you know and and gurus like so the uh sanskrit term like the aham brahmasmi aham brahmasmi means i am that brahman after you do yoga for years and years you start thinking that you are that ultimate reality you are that the self you know is it's going back to the same old scene pride the self you're elevating the self you think you are a guru and you should have devotees and you know they bow you'll see you know pictures you know a devotee bows uh in front of a guru you know equal to what the devotee does in a temple the same style of bowing folding hands and you know yeah yeah what um what about yourself personally i know let's jump in here a second but then for yourself personally you know in your other episode you were talking about um how you uh were going through this whole like faith crisis and you were kind of on the fence you had your reservations when you felt led to go into that church right and so then you're going you're comparing the bible with the you're also comparing the uh and the other hindu scriptures you're also comparing you know the life of krishna versus the the life of jesus looking at the historicity but and you mentioned even like in your walk with earlier walk with christ and you know in this process you're still holding on to that what was the necklace called again uh open and the thread white thread yeah so the white thread and but then what how did that work with you like you're you're doing yoga because you understand now that specifically is an act of worship and you were doing that almost your entire life from a very young age specifically in india not just a yoga not just like a yoga center that i can get on groupon right this is like at its core this is like 110 proof yoga right um what was the process like for you do you still like start doing it as you have like convictions about it later like what was the process like for you because i know you don't do it now but what was it like for you on your end um so uh when when i slowly started to know about christ you know it didn't happen overnight it's a you know for this past eight years you know i have even to this point i always seek the truth you know no matter i i try to have a balance you know when i read the bible i don't read it as like this book should win you know but i was a hindu i was i so much wanted hinduism to be more strong and win you know when i was investigating uh when i as i was coming out from hinduism slowly and it's like five six years you know i'm doing this back and forth back and forth reading the different scriptures you know uh trying to find that you know shiva who is you know according to hati yoga brother because shiva is the main guy you know main the main guy in in almost in every yoga centers i believe you will find a idol of shiva or a picture of shiva yeah and as i was coming out you know uh i started to study more about yoga and meditation scripturally like what does the text uh says what does the hindu book says you know and and and these these are nothing more than hinduism you know yoga is nothing uh like it's it's all about hinduism yoga you know the the the word itself is a sanskrit term yoga you know yoga doesn't mean like to yoke like to yield yourself it's yoking with a higher power now the higher power is mostly the name uh is that uh brahman that's the higher ultimate reality and we are after death the the whole goal is when you die your soul atman the the the soul atman it should connect to the brahman and you become one but again there like i was telling many hindu verses it contradicts you know you can never get free of cycle you know the devi bhagavata puran right uh says that you can't get free and isn't it interesting to and it's been a while i remember a while since we had the last conversation with christine uh friend christine schwan our assistant here at the studio but um the the last pose the chivasa like that's known as the corpse pose uh explain that because you're talking i thought about that because you're talking about like death and you know birth and rebirth and all that like the chivasa pose like how is that connected to hinduism reincarnation the hindu scriptures and like because for me when i understood that that was one of like the personal deal breakers for me when i was like um i don't think i can do this anymore uh like explain that from your perspective uh so the death pose uh which you were saying you know uh the the whole goal uh of of many hindus who are really hindus like who reads the scriptures and and who reads the vedas the gita the the whole concept like in hatha yoga pradapika is that uh shiva in the next verse the first verse says shiva right the adinath and we go to the next uh the second verse the third fourth verses it's it says that shiva did uh yoga to to uh to overcome death to defeat death you know so so uh the the uh death pose is basically you it's like you are you're it's just so much uh connected with the philosophy of hinduism that you you uh you just start thinking that death is the you know ultimate uh like the is the truth which you cannot escape so you try to get rid of that you know it's it's like you're scared so you try to defeat death you know uh which we see in the bible you know only jesus could do it right i mean yeah so shiva tried to do it here is one more thing in chandogya upanishad the hindu scripture why the pranayama you know the breathing exercise started is because their gods were even scared of death so there is so many uh like there's two verses at least we know uh from the hindu scriptures the hatha yoga pradapika right in book one verse uh i believe third and fourth from uh from second to fourth verse uh it says that you know shiva did this and other gurus like matsendra uh did it uh kapalika did it uh to defeat death and then we have in chandogya upanishad uh the gods doing this uh breathing exercise a pranayama to defeat death so uh yeah andrew what are what are your thoughts yeah so with with regards to yoga and in the united states it seems like uh we've we've taken yoga and turned it into many different forms like i've spoken i've spoken with people who are christians now who were part of transcendental like meditation or yoga trying to get a kundalini awakening and they they'd report to me that when it's about to happen they'd get a massive pain in their head and their body would be going through physical changes through these hours of like meditation they would feel it they could feel like this burning or this fire was going to awaken in their brain and it would scare them uh are there accounts like in india of like a specific types of yoga that actually cause people this uh asceticism like a pain to the body and does it you know does it like is there something weird occurring there right with this yoke like does does it does it open people up to demonic oppression uh and in india do you see that sometimes like people may be writhing on in the floor in pain or i think the shakti pot is like one of the terms i've heard before like through yoga obtaining a weird power or something like that yeah because this is real quickly and just to add on that is that you're seeing you know there's lots of case studies of involuntary behavior you have initially physical activity but then people end up acting involuntary did you see all the documentary of gods in the new age yes so you yeah so you remember the scene in where it shows the rajneesh doing that extended people are shouting yeah yeah but they're screaming yeah you get to a point where but you see certain people writhing on the floor and so it is very much in the same case with people who are in the new who have come out of the new age that i've spoken with where the ideas of chakras and and the base in the center of the spine this is not necessarily something that's coming out of a vacuum like this is not just something that would just sort of made up for the sake of making it up there's something that's spiritually real intangible that's going on with these practices but it's in many ways what ends up seeing like appealing and wonderful at first ends up turning on you um and i've seen that and so you see that with the rajneesh you've seen i've seen with people who end up getting yielding themselves where usually as much as the kundalini waking is hyped up it ends up being something that's actually very very terrifying i know what thoughts would you have on that um surely uh there's a demonic connection uh over there i remember when i i was uh i i was uh doing meditation i used to go to this yoga uh meditation center you know like some 50 60 people you know all indians you know we are sitting and the guru comes in the front and tells us the first thing you know before you stretch or bend like i was telling in yoga you just don't get inside and you start stretching and bending you sit you they try to tell you that you make your body calm you know peaceful stop thinking about anything think why you are here what are you doing with your life you know start you know uh and then you sit in the position and i remember the guru used to tell us lay down you know just just sleep so we used to sleep and and he used to tell us uh i remember uh start moving your hands you know uh so at the gods of the new age the video which i was i watched uh over there you see people screaming a lot of those things happens in yoga centers in the ashrams in india i have also read a few journals where people doing yoga and then they start uh acting different it's like they they're moving their hand in a certain position or they're making some noise which is like exactly you see like someone is doing an exorcism you know they're possessed with something and and here is the thing you know is this connected to the hinduism really hinduism uh or like any hindu scripture is there any connection in kuruma puran it's one of the major puran but shiva says that i uh i try to sometime take a form of animal of rakshas rakshas is demon i try to take a form of a demon even to achieve something so there's a whole connection of uh demonic uh um activities over there people really get possessed and and i remember when i used to meditate i remember you know your body feels uh literally warm and you feel something is happening within your body like some kind of power you know you start feeling you know and everyone has different feelings again everyone no one feels like exactly same way but you start feeling that there is something happening in your body your body feels warm you see your your mind you just can't think anything it's just like numb you know uh and yeah yeah uh well that's man there's a lot to really unpack here and as we just wrap up here we're gonna have more content available as well too we definitely have other episode uh where people can find out about your testimony and more things uh regarding hinduism the gods of the new age and links in our description but yeah i think for me well was when i was sort of fighting through this i remember i was i was just i was doing hot yoga and i was doing a lot of these practices like years ago as a christian and um i i remember even like reading the babylon b article and i laughed and i think i even shared it right and um and i think for me what just what changes is after i read stephen bankars's book second coming of the new age and just a small statement on yoga and i fought through it i wrestled through and i think for me it's it was there just a moment i saw a couple of you know gurus on instagram and i saw them doing yoga and all of a sudden it was like i saw it like at the fourth wall broke and i i understood and knew what they were doing they weren't just they were doing yoga so the moment i actually understood what yoga was and i saw them doing yoga i was like i can't do this anymore i did it was like a genuine like conviction you know so i'm not trying to be a legalist and anything like that so when it comes to the whole yoga conversation i would say for anyone you know take don't take our word for it like look at the actual sources and just ask yourself can i genuinely do this as a christian especially when it talks about making our bodies present our bodies as a living sacrifice can i do this as a christian feel the holy spirit is this something i can truly do um and i would just uh and that's something i would encourage you to do on your own that's a matter of self -government uh i would really just uh that's where i would leave anyone that anyone has objections or anything like that so uh all that being said uh thank you again for this episode we're gonna knock on a couple more here me yeah yeah this is not we're gonna knock on a couple more in uh episodes this has been awesome so if you all have enjoyed this episode this kind of jumping back into the world of yoga we always know that rouse the cages would love to get your thoughts that being said we'll talk to you next time on cultish talk to you all soon hey everyone we hope you've enjoyed this episode from our latest extended series on hinduism if you want to listen to the entire series right now commercial free go to cultishallaccess .com