Romans 2, What’s Your Excuse?, Dr. John Carpenter


Romans 2 What’s Your Excuse?


Romans chapter 2 beginning in verse 1 hear the word of the Lord Therefore you have no excuse
Oh man Every one of you who judges for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself because you the judge
Practice the very same things. We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who do such things
Do you suppose oh man You who judge those who do such things and yet do them yourself that you will escape the judgment of God Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience not knowing that God's Kindness is meant to lead you to repentance
But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath
When God's righteous judgment will be revealed He will render to each one according to his works
To those who by patience and well -doing seek for glory and honor in the mortality He will give eternal life
But for those who are self -seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness
There will be wrath and fury There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil the
Jew first and also the Greek But glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good the
Jew first and also the Greek for God shows no partiality For all who have sinned without the law will perish without the law in all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the
Law for it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God But the doers of the law who will be justified for when
Gentiles who do not have the law Do by nature what the law requires they are a law to themselves
Even though they do not have the law they show that the work of the law is written on their hearts While their conscience also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even
Excuse them on that day when according to my gospel God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus but if you call yourself a
Jew and rely on the law and boast in God and know his will and approve what is excellent because You are instructed from the law and if you are sure that you yourself are a guide to the blind a light to those who are in darkness an
Instructor of the foolish a teacher of children having in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth you
Then who teach others do you not teach yourself while you preach against stealing do you steal?
You who say that one must not commit adultery you commit adultery you are poor idols
Do you rob temples you who boast in the law? Dishonor God by breaking the law for as it is written
The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you for circumcision indeed is a value if you obey the law but if you break the law your circumcision becomes
Uncircumcision for if a man who was uncircumcised keeps the precepts of the law will not as uncircumcision be regarded as circumcision
Then he who is physically uncircumcised but keeps the law will condemn you who have the written code and circumcision
But break the law for no one is a Jew who is one merely Outwardly nor is circumcision outward in physical
But a Jew is one inwardly and circumcision is a matter of the heart by the Spirit not by the letter
His praise is not from man, but from God May the Lord add his blessings to the reading of his
Holy Word Well, here's a poem I'll start with a poem entitled all my great excuses by Ken Nesbitt I Started on my homework, but my pen ran out of ink my hamster ate my homework my computers on the blink
I tripped and dropped my homework in the soup My mom was cooking my brother flushed it down the toilet when
I wasn't looking My mother ran my homework through the washer and the dryer an airplane crashed into our house my homework caught on fire
Tornadoes blew my notes away volcanoes rocked our town. My books were taken hostage by an evil killer clown
Some aliens abducted me. I had a shark attack a pirate swiped my homework and refused to give it back
I worked on these excuses so darn long my teacher said I think you'll find it easier to do the work instead
Kids learn right away to make excuses because they think it's easier than doing whatever they were supposed to do.
What's your excuse? They're asked and quickly they learn to provide them when they grow up. They still like Excuses what's your excuse?
I don't want to exercise so I'm tired Or I'm sore
Or I'm too busy Too busy watching TV. What's your excuse?
I don't want to work on that job Has no future Doesn't pay enough
It's a hostile work environment When the reality is they would just rather live on charity.
What's your excuse? I don't want to study that subject is important. Anyway, I mean who needs algebra in the real world.
What's your excuse? I don't want to keep that commitment I made So it's their fault the people
I committed to they didn't hold up their end of the bargain people like to excuse themselves that way they get to do what they want to do and Still feel superior
What's your excuse Those other people are worse than me
Excuses work particularly well when they are comparisons, you know, I give or I study or I work
More than he or she does so I'm okay Even if I give or work or study very little
We like to excuse our bad behavior by comparing it to to worse behavior. I may have my faults
But I'm better than everyone else around me. I'm the best compared to them We were supposed to do 100 math problems, but no one did
I did the most? to This is true of large groups of people to Americans love to excuse themselves by comparing themselves to other countries
You know someone talks about the problems we have with with crime and sometimes inefficient justice system a huge debt
And some will automatically reply. Yeah, it's all true, but We're the greatest nation on God's green earth
Okay Now if that's an excuse for not dealing with the problems that doesn't really help anything Does it just makes us feel better now
Americans aren't the only one who does do this the Chinese do the same thing we're the Middle Kingdom they say, you know, we're halfway between the perfection of heaven and rest of you barbarians and on the earth
Americans and Chinese have that in common they have in common their certainty
That they are the best and almost amused that everyone else doesn't know that well, you don't understand that we're the best
Compared to everyone else so their faults can be excused. Yeah, we might have our problems We're a lot better than you people
That's the way they think so we're excused Romans 2 is for people who excuse themselves that they were much better than those people at the end of chapter 1
Romans 2 just flows naturally out of what came before even begins with therefore it's because of that So really we got to keep it in connection with chapter 1 the
Apostle Paul said there in chapter 1 verse 20 that people are without excuse
They should know better, but they've exchanged the truth about God for the gravel
That golden truth about God for the gravel of their own lust, but then starting in chapter 2 he turns from the openly immoral to the apparently moral
But some of the people when Paul was in into chapter 1 we're saying they like that they agree with everything he's saying
You know, they're they're shouting. Amen, brother. Paul tear into those perverts. Tell them the truth
They're smug. They're sure of themselves They're sitting back in judgment
Glad to hear Paul condemning those people Okay, because compared to them we're fine.
We're great. Then Paul opens chapter 2 speaking to these apparently moral people and says
You too are without excuse There are two kinds of people that he addresses in this chapter first the
Superior Saint and second the scrupulous Sophisticate both he says are without excuse
First he turns with a rude slap in the face against the Superior Saint in the first 11 verses
So you are without excuse there are Kinds of people these are the kinds of people who are just eating up what
Paul was saying at the end of chapter 1 It's he's it's rude in a way to them and shocking because it is he doesn't even bother at first to prove his case
But he just first asserts his Conclusion you are as bad as those people that you love to pour scorn on That you love to judge and to assume that you're superior to them
You judge but condemn yourself Because you do the very same thing
Of course, they would protest What are you talking about? No, we don't We don't do that.
We're superior to them. We don't do these things. You've listed we condemn them Just like you do but Paul is impassioned here for these first five verses.
He's really he's on fire tearing into them for this their sense of superiority their sense of Sainthood their assumption that they are the
Saints the Holy Ones much better compared to these These despicable people he was describing in verse 1 you practice the same things that you condemn in others in verse 2
You know, there is judgment. He talks about the day of judgment the day of wrath.
There is wrath There's anger of God in this day of wrath coming. That's the anger of God that he said is being revealed
Starting in chapter 1 verse 18 This is continuing the same theme from that God's anger is being revealed against those who live immorally
But in verse 3 you will not escape the same judgment in verse 4
You presume on the riches of God's kindness and patience But you don't realize his kindness and patience should humble you and lead you to repentance
That you need that kindness and patience because deep down you aren't any better than those sinners
That you condemn but instead your heart is hard. You don't repent You think you're superior that you're a saint one of God's special people above judgment like the rest of the world
Oh, you may say that you're not perfect that you have and but that you have an excuse sure
I'm not perfect, but I have an excuse look at how much superior I am to the rest of humanity
Sure, God may condemn them but compared to them. I'm so much better. He's gonna accept me But that's the problem
Paul just tears into that attitude. It's hard -hearted and arrogant It only makes God angrier and angrier with you that very attitude in verse 5 is causing
God to Store up more and more anger against you. It's like building up money in a savings account being stored up But this this time you're saving something that you don't want to ever
Withdraw what you are saving is God's anger is His wrath is judgment and when the day comes that day of wrath he talks about when
God settles all accounts And you've kept that attitude that smug attitude all the way to the judgment
I had to that you're a superior say you're better compared to those people Then you'll be swept away by the flood of God's lava hot anger
Explodes on you and those first five verses Paul begins just gushing out fiery warnings to the superior saint
Because of their hard and haughty hearts you have no Excuse this is what it takes to wake up such people from the delusions of their self -satisfaction
And he begins to explain in verse 6 that God will judge everyone according to his works
Now you might protest but I thought we're saved by grace Well, yes, that's true about salvation
Everyone is everyone who is saved is saved by grace through faith
But everyone who was judged is judged by works
Their life has opened up and they are shown that they deserve the condemnation they receive
There is grace for those who are saved. There is justice for those who are not in Verse 7 those who he says persistently that is with their life not just a passing
Interest that they have for maybe for a few years They go to church and they read the Bible and then they get tired of it and go do something else
But those who persistently seek for glory That is the manifestation of God himself.
They're seeking him and they seek honor persistently that is they take
God's approval that's the true honor and Immortality that is the unfading joy of God's presence
And they're not being fooled by the passing things of this world the mortal things the things of this world that should go strangely dim that the money and the things and the
Gadgets and all the vacations and all that but they're looking beyond them to what is eternal to those people
God will reveal the truth of the gospel and they will be saved by grace
So there's one kind of person he is seeking glory honor and immortality He's taking the things that come from God That require us to humble ourselves before God to pursue a
God whose glory just outweighs all the riches of this world That that's one kind of person. He's humble.
He's persistent. He's seeking Then there's the superior saint that this chapter is
Mostly focused on he thinks he's a saint But he is really in verse 8
Paul says in verse 8. He is self -seeking The previous person is seeking glory and honor and immortality
This self -righteous superior saint is seeking Himself what's to his advantage?
Oh, he may be moral At least apparently moral, but they think they're saints because they think they they live, right?
They think they're disciplined or conservative kind of people Homosexuals or adulterers or thieves or murderers or criminals of any kind?
They're not atheists. They're not irreligious There they are respectable They're conservative we would say they're in the
South They're good old boys They are he calls them here verse 8 though in reality
Self -seeking and the word there verse 8 comes from the word for for hireling as someone who does a job merely for the pay
He gets from it. He's an employee he's not a family member a hireling cares for the sheep because The owner the true shepherd pays him pays him some money to do it.
He loves the reward He loves what he gets for it, but it means he just loves himself. He doesn't care about cheap He doesn't care about the shepherd.
So these apparently moral people are only moral for the reward
They get from it for exactly the same reason That they openly immoral people at the end of chapter 1 are immoral for the reward.
They thought they'd get from it both decide They look at life. They weigh the pros and the cons and they both decide on what will serve them
What's to their benefit one decides that immorality is rewarding they like the sexual immorality
They like the drunkenness. They like all the drugs. They like the Whatever the party lifestyle they choose that because they think it's best for them.
The other looks at the same things and thinks No long -term. The moral life is better.
It's more rewarding Both are self -seeking Neither are God -seeking and so at heart
Both are the same You see a clear -thinking person Can see just look at life and see that what is best for them the most pleasant life in the long term
What will give them the most happiness the most comfort is? Morality when I hear the
Bible call of righteousness living Generally by God's ways It's the most profitable for them
They'll profit the most if they if they love their family They're faithful to their husband or wife if they don't steal they don't break the law if they at least are somewhat religious
Even if it means having to get up early on some Sunday mornings Okay, I don't particularly like those songs and that guy talks too long, but they'll sit through it
They'll make a rational to look at all the pros and the cons and they'll make a rational cost -benefit analysis and Conclude that being moral and law -abiding and decent more conservative is in their best interest they are self -seeking and That's all
Nowhere in that analysis. Does God enter in? They're not living morally because they love
God and just want to please him because they are earnestly seeking God's glory Glory honor and immortality that's not in it
God's approval Eternal life with him. No, they don't care about any of that.
They only want They only want what makes the best income
The best advantage for them Maybe what keeps the spouse happy so that they'll be happy what keeps them from hiring a divorce lawyer
What keeps the kids in line so that when they grow up? They'll get a good job and they'll be able to support themselves and they won't have to mooch off of me anymore
Yes, they're they're moral and they're decent and they make great neighbors and friends and citizens
But they couldn't care less about God. They hate God and God knows that God sees their heart.
He sees a total lack of interest in him, which is the definition of hate
He sees that they're that they hate him and God is angrier and angrier with them every day every
PTO meeting they go to Every Cub Scout function they support every little league team.
They help coach Every time they pay their taxes Every sacrifice they make for their family to keep their marriage alive or to send their kids to college
Every time they go to church and drop a dime and the offering plate without a thought about God But only because they've calculated they've analyzed life and calculated that all of that makes for the best life for them
Because they are self -serving superior Saints every time they do that They stoke up God's anger against them a little hotter here in chapter 2
We can be people who scorn others for their perversions their immorality
Look down on them because we're so much better. We're so much more disciplined We superior
Saints looking down on the people in chapter 1 and yet in God's eyes We are no better for He says in verse 11
God is not a respecter of persons. He doesn't show favoritism Particularly not on Ethnicity.
Oh, you're Jewish. Okay when you're in You come from the right ancestry You're American or you're
Baptist. You got baptized at the right age your ethnicity or your parents come in the right family
You're in You go to the church the right one Oh, you know some of us the
Bible because you think you're one of the superior Saints What's your excuse? Do you keep the rules?
To the T you're scrupulous. You're meticulous You're self -controlled You're respectable and verse 12
Paul turns to these Scrupulous sophisticates now the person who thinks he's sophisticated
Who's educated of a higher culture and upbringing than those other poor barbarians?
They're these are the moral people And versus in the first 11 verses, he probably first had in mind, you know to the
Jew first Speaking to the religious Jewish man Who looked on the rest of the world with scorn just look down on them.
They're immoral They're pagans. They worship idols and they get involved all this immorality and sure they understand
There's a there's a few moral people among them, but that's just kind of accidental were that we're God's people We live better, but there were also sophisticated moral
Greek and Roman people They were educated in all the philosophies of their culture particularly stoicism
They sought to live good and decent lives to rise above the passions that drove other people
Behind closed doors. They would just speak. Oh, so that that Nero he's so immoral with a disapproved of him and Also scorn the same indulgences and immorality of their own culture
Just like Paul did at the end of chapter one people who didn't have the revelation of God, but they they lived morally
They were cheering Paul on at the end of chapter one. Yes, tell him what it is
Paul What's your excuse the Superior Saint says in verses 12 to 16
I Have the law I'm religious that makes me special the
Paul says you've broken it And so you were judged by it Meanwhile the the person who doesn't have the law
You know the sophisticated educated Roman and Greek people the moral ones That's what
Cicero and these kind of Greek philosopher these Roman philosophers They don't guess they don't get off simply because they had no revelation from God.
They didn't have the law He's dealt with that already in chapter one that everyone is without excuse because there was enough
Evidence of God just in creation that they should know to seek after God From creation, but they don't instead they made the horrible exchange the gold for gravel and some of those
Some of those through themselves and to whatever lust or an immorality that they thought might give them a thrill
But others a few though understood that They should be moral people that they should be disciplined and controlled and that is more to their interest
Be scrupulous that's better for themselves Keep the rules the big decent life irrespectable
They emphasize virtue and discipline the long -term pleasures of family and marriage and self -reliance
They were sophisticated that is they were wise in a worldly kind of way
Now they demonstrated another proof of the existence of God what is called the moral proof You know that most if not all for that matter
Cultures have pretty much the same basic ideas about what it means to be a good person
You you honor your parents your loyalty your spouse you sacrifice for your children. You keep the law you control yourself
I don't know of any culture that denies any of those things They may have some different ideas about how you do them, but they all believe in basically the same ideals
You know, that's evidence that that fact That is evidence that God's moral law is written on our hearts
You know that every culture has them is proof that they come from a
God Who is there? Now because our religion taught us in Western culture when those other
Asian people they're totally different. Not really. No the stoic philosophy that was popular among the educated sophisticated people of the
Roman Empire and the Greek culture and the days the Roman the Book of Romans was written that culture that philosophy would exalt those good things teach people to be wise and just and courageous and Moderate that's self -control.
Let me be a just me be a person of justice. Don't be cruel and Just selfish in China the ethics of Confucius centered around what is called benevolence and I won't try you saying the
Chinese words this time benevolence Seriousness generosity sincerity diligence and kindness and Well in English best translated,
I guess it's filial piety That's a devotion to one's family fulfilling your obligations to your family
And it depends on your role as a child or a husband or a wife or a parent or a grandparent Be willing to give and to suffer and sacrifice for the greater good of the family.
That's the Confucian It's really now just the Chinese ethic. Did you know? Our Chinese people you every you go by all these strip malls, right?
There's always a Chinese restaurant there You know these people you think they just come from from China to the
US Start their restaurant have their own little nuclear family. They're only looking after the sales No Almost every single one of them if you looked into it is working and that's about all they do is work and They're sending some of their money that they make to some family back in China Almost every one of them does that They learn that from their culture which comes from their
Confucianism Confucianism was the original Focusing on the family. Sorry James Dobson.
They got it first and each of these cultures. There's this group of his people They're they're rule keepers.
They're conservative. They're moral. They're dutiful. They're hard -working family oriented
They're sophisticated Or at least they respect others who are sophisticated and educated
You learn the literature and the etiquette and the propriety they keep themselves above reproach and like the superior
Saints they look down on those poor barbarians who haven't been able to cultivate themselves like we have
Paul says about them that first on the one hand They're doing by nature what the law requires
Right, if they're Chinese or Confucius they're honoring their father or mother where do they get that from they're doing by nature what the law
Requires now in Singapore someone wrote in the paper there that Westerners are basically barbarians for neglecting their elderly parents
For how and how their families are falling apart and I wrote a reply One point
I was a regular letter writer to the Singapore paper. I wrote a reply a letter to the editor and in the paper
They're saying that what you call You Chinese Singaporeans what you call filial piety.
We Westerners call honoring your father and mother now admittedly, they they emphasize it more than we do because Well, after all we are barbarians.
Okay, you got us there We are but but then when people who aren't Christians exalt the things the
Ten Commandments talks about that's what they're doing, right? They're honoring the things are they're living according to the
Ten Commandments, even if they don't know them They show that the law isn't just the product of one culture
That's just the history of Israel and then we got into now in Western culture from from Christianity It's not just that but that God has written it on human hearts everywhere
And so people who have never read the Bible never heard of it never come in contact with Western culture still live
According to it because God put it in their hearts People have a conscience that tells them that they are breaking
God's law telling that they need to repent just as the law should tell those religious people those superior
Saints that they need repentance, but they have hard and impenitent unrepentant hearts making things worse
And so the scrupulous sophisticates often so proud of themselves for their their self -discipline
They're working and working and sending money back home and their moderation. They're pulling themselves up by their own moral bootstraps.
They excuse Themselves we're so much better than those other self -indulgent immoral people.
What's your excuse? I'm better than those barbarians I'm better than those perverts
I'm scrupulous. I'm Virtuous, I paid my way
I've worked hard I'm a family man or woman But Paul says in verse 16 that on the day when
God judges the secrets of people's hearts then We'll all see that underneath that sophistication that morality that whatever conservatism that hard work maybe the training of Stoic philosophy serenely suffering and control of all your emotions
Maybe the cultivation of the Confucian Mandarin who does his duty who serves his family gives himself to them
Maybe the cheery decency of the southern good old boy willing to do you any favor
Conservative moral you drive your car into a ditch. He'll be there and help drag it out Maybe the rational self -discipline of a
Jordan Peterson or a Tucker Carlson type telling you to take responsibility make up your bed study something you can get a job in doing accept reality and Of course be the sworn enemy of lying papacity smugness and groupfake all of that Will be stripped away and God will judge them
He'll expose every hidden sin every self -serving motivation that the real reason
You didn't steal Not because you didn't want to Because you're afraid of getting caught
The real reason you didn't commit adultery It's not because you didn't have a lot of lust because you're afraid of the trauma of divorce
The real reason you worked so hard for your family was because that was just what you were trained in doing
You didn't know any different kind of life The reason you went to church It wasn't because you love
God and you just long to hear his word. It's just what you were raised. You were supposed to do and then
There will be no excuses What's your excuse?
Well, it won't be because you're better than other sinners verse 16 says that God will judge the world that day of wrath
He will judge the world according to Paul's gospel by Christ Jesus now by there.
I think means not only is Christ himself doing the judging but that he is also the standard of the judgment
He's the standard of perfection So the Singaporean Chinese won't be able to say, you know, I'm gonna be perfect But I'm better than those
Americans as individualistic Americans the American won't be able to say that yeah We got our problems, but we're better than the rest of those.
We're the greatest nation on God's green earth No one will be able to say that. Well, we're the Middle Kingdom. We're halfway To heaven way above the rest of the barbarians
Halfway won't be Good enough The standard will be Jesus and if you don't match that You'll have no excuse
But what's the excuse Starting in verse 17. He turns back to the superior
Saints again. So the way I read it starts with these superior Saints he goes to the sophisticated People who think they're moral and then he goes back at the end to these to the superior
Saints They call themselves Jews they boast they have the law that that's what makes them Saints that they have this law that they're
God's chosen People they're only ones they're special Of all people in God's sight. They're the one set apart for him.
They have the privileged status It's what that is. They have a status If God's Word they're able to guide others.
They're able to instruct the foolish. They have the absolute truth They say they have all that But do their lives show it
Starting verse 21 you say you can teach others then why don't you teach yourselves? You tell others not to steal
But come on You steal here juice for us
This is applicable to us for Christians church members who live no differently than the world
Who have been told that they are you're among the superior Saints Now they prayed a prayer they got baptized their church members.
They've been told never to doubt their salvation Yet they live just like the world as we mentioned a couple of weeks ago professed evangelical
Christians have the highest rates of wife and child abuse now real Christians have the lowest rates
But professed Christians have the highest By the way, what why don't we take that profession away from them then
Why don't we take the membership away and tell them that they're not superior and they probably aren't even
Saints because you're certainly not living Like one. Why don't why don't we play along with this? Religion that's all about claiming as superior status
But we live in a religious culture here that has so much bought into all the things that Polly he is here attacking signs of a of a status
That give us assurance that give us a sense of smugness that we're a better than everyone else like baptism church membership prayers prayed
Assurances given And this culture has had made us to lose sight of the fact
That what matters like here is a new heart Talks about a verse 29 the inward change by the
Spirit Not by the letter that you keep some rules but a relationship with God Not respectability with people
What's your excuse We have a status We have today the problem of religion that specializes in dispensing a status
You're a superior Saint you prayed the prayer you've been baptized There's a kind of religion that dispenses assurance of salvation
If only you jump to the right hoop, you said the right prayer you've been baptized Maybe you don't even have to do that and some from some still tell you you are now the superior
Saint You've been conferred the special status and don't ever doubt it.
So now you can bank on God's approval. No matter how you live Just say yes to a few facts
Say it in a prayer and voila That status is yours.
Just like the superior Saints here thought that they they had the special status
They had it over the rest of the whole earth It didn't matter if they did the same things that they condemn and others or at least secretly wanted to do them
They had the status and so they thought God accepts us
No matter how we live or what's in our heart What that produces is hypocrisy
What's your excuse I Said the prayer I've been baptized. I have the signs of a special relationship with God of the status the mark of the
Covenant here circumcision for us could be baptism Signs of a special status.
I'm a superior Saint now. I can judge others You don't have that status Even if I don't live any differently maybe
I hide my sins beneath fakery and Religion, but when no one is looking
I'm living just as self -serving Lee as anyone else But you're a hypocrite you're an actor
Thinking that you are superior Thinking that you have this this status that's above other people
Even if you're you're scrupulous you think that makes you better That you're superior, but you're not
You're not a saint You're just acting and people looking at you blaspheme God in verse 24.
They say if that's what it means to be a Christian That's what it's all about. I don't want it
What's your excuse We don't have any We can have the signs of a special status with God we can have the mark of the
Covenant But if that sign doesn't arise out of a true heart for God, it's just if it's just a carnal thing
Just an outward thing Something we do for our own interest self -serving Lee we do it because we're scrupulous.
That's we've been told to we've been raised to do it We're the kind that likes to keep all the rules to the letter and Then we get to congratulate ourselves for doing so If that's all it's about Well, that's empty in that last paragraph from verse 25
Paul says that these things that you've been counting on to give you a special status your ancestry your
Ethnicity your sign of the Covenant for us baby baptism church membership a prayer you pray
That you've been told down gives you that assurance if that is not Done out of an inward
Change has not come from a new heart if your baptism in water
Does it come out of a baptism in your heart in which you were washed free of sin in your spirit?
well, then it's useless For some their excuse was their ethnicity
They were the chosen people right that they get excused by God Just because of who their ancestors are and some
Christians have even bought into this that yes because one is a Jew They get to be
God's people and they get some of the promises are just for them Just based on that this at the ethnicity that is being born as you is an excuse
It's a valid excuse to inherit some of God's promises but Paul here
Think about it Paul the Hebrew of the Hebrews. He calls himself He says here in verse 28 that no one is a
Jew merely outwardly what a statement no one Ethnicity is no excuse
God has no covenant children No people around a covenant with God just just because of who their parents are who their ancestors were a real
Jew That is a real a person who is in covenant with God who is one of God's people is one here
Inwardly he or she belongs to God's family because he or she has been born again
By the Holy Spirit the real mark of the covenant is not in the flesh It doesn't outward act like baptism the real mark of the covenant is a new heart the conclusion in that last verse
Takes us back to where we started in the first verse that rude slap in the face you apparently moral people
Are without excuse You're just the same as those immoral people as perverted people we talked about in chapter 1 just as Self -serving now sure.
Maybe you're more self -controlled and your outward behavior, but your heart is the same You must be made new from the inside out
God has to do something in you give you a new heart that wants to glorify him that longs for his approval that knows that comparing ourselves to others isn't an excuse
We need the grace of God we need on that day of wrath
To be seen not just better than the majority but seen wrapped in the perfect life the perfection of Jesus we need praise
From God for that perfect life. That's not ours, but his we need