Wolves In Sheep's Clothing - Theological Liberalism

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"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." -Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:15)


God said in the garden to Adam, he said of every tree of the garden you may freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat.
And then one day the serpent comes along and says to Eve, has
God indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? It's like, well no, that's not what
God said, but the question is phrased in such a way that it makes you stop and think about it.
And what did God say? And by then Eve is in a conversation with the devil wondering, did
I have that right? And then she repeats to the devil what God said, and she's correct. She knows what
God said, but you remember she adds a little something to it. Well, that's how Satan works.
He is subtle. Satan is clever. He's crafty.
He doesn't come right out and say initially that God's word is not true or don't listen to God.
Satan's servants don't come right out and tell you that the Bible isn't true. Don't listen to God.
Do evil. That's not the way that it works. They want to get you into a dialogue.
Satan wants to get people, as he did with Eve, into a dialogue. You see, he gets you questioning things, and the devil and his ministers are not going to come out with their real agenda until they already have their hooks in you.
You see, many of the things that they say are correct. They're just a little different.
Even the mainline apostate denominations and the liberal churches typically won't come right out and tell you that we don't believe the
Bible. The Bible is not true. They won't come right out, even though many of them, if not most, believe this, that Jesus was not born of a virgin.
They're probably not going to tell you that initially. Just think about that. If Jesus wasn't born of a virgin, who is his father?
Do you realize what that means about Mary? Do you realize what that makes
Jesus? I'm not going to say the word. The nice way of saying it is that he is illegitimate, which is exactly what his enemies said about him.
So you see the seriousness of this. So the false teachers, they come out and they will use flowery language, and they'll want to talk to you about things they think you'll agree with them on.
Well, what did Jesus warn about? False prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing.
What does that mean? They appear to be Christians. They are able to convince people of that because many, if not most, of the things they say are true.
Although they will use much of the same terminology, they just redefine it. So that's another trick that you have to watch out for.
But much of what they say is true. A false teacher can't tell 100 % lies.
95 % of what they say may be true. It's the 5 % that you have to worry about. So that's how they get their foot in the door.