Some Temptations To Consider While in the Fight

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, well, I didn't think I was going to do a video today. I think I might have flu
Rona or maybe it's just because I'm inverting the the food pyramid and I'm kind of got the keto flu a little bit.
I mean the same thing though. I mean everything's for Rona now, but in any case I did want to do one video.
There's just been a topic. I've been thinking a little bit about and actually I've been thinking about this for years at this point, but especially the last few days and you know, quite frankly, it's a temptation of mine that I I I'm pretty sure
I'm not alone, but I'll speak for myself and maybe you can find this helpful, but I have a tendency sometimes to be tempted to not draw distinctions between like the the evil the abject evil of our leadership and the powerful amongst us the liars, you know, we see all this stuff about about Fauci and what he knew before the the the before the the the pandemic started and he he knew about ivermectin he knew about some of this stuff and and and just the the lies and just how much damage these lies have done to people not only physically but also mentally there's just been people have been so twisted up and confused and then you see, you know,
Twitter here is is censoring the the project Veritas video that kind of describes all this stuff.
You can't watch it on Twitter and all of that and and you know that the powers that be are on the move.
They're making things happen and you just you know, you just the the anger just boils within you and you know, you just I just absolutely hate those who are just out there, you know for their own self -interest and their but they're just they don't care who they hurt.
They just they just have this psychotic desire for power and accolades and all kinds of stuff and they're just they're just demons and there's just nothing but but hatred for that whole process, right?
But the thing is I need to make distinctions though because there's those people people like Fauci people like the you know, the the
CEO of Twitter and all that kind of stuff. There are those people but then there are people that are promoting the same thing.
They're promoting the fear. They're promoting a lot of the great reset agenda, but they're doing it. They're just regular people like they're not getting anything out of it.
Like they're not getting payments out of it, but they're like you seen the meme with those weird guys are like, oh, you know, like that kind of thing and it's like, you know, like I don't like that either but I have to draw distinctions.
I can't just treat everybody the same and yesterday I posted a gap where it's like look when you know the scam that's being run.
It's impossible for the scammer to scam you be they look like an idiot. I mean, there's this one scammer that I watch on YouTube and he's a black guy and he he scams the black community all the time and he basically his scams all run like this.
He basically says well, you know, like us black people we've been cut out of this this industry, but but he you buy my system and we can make money in this industry and it's like it's all a huge scam like he did it.
He did it with crypto. He did it with like some kind of credit card scam. He did it and now he's doing it with like some kind of free gas card thing and all of that and you know, this is allegedly a scam, you know, just in case he's the litigious type, which he certainly seems like it plus also
I'm not naming him here. So it could be any one of those kind of scammers, but in any case, but so he's scamming people and I know the scam is running every time
I watch these. I don't know why I watch these videos. I get a little bit of entertainment out of it, but he sounds like a moron like he'll be like, you know was black people.
We've been we've been cut out of the oil and gas industry and it just makes millionaires.
It just makes wealth. It creates wealth and and those people out in Saudi Arabia. They ain't no smarter than you but but this just industry just creates wealth and it's like like it's if it's magic, right?
Like you and it just sounds like an idiot to me, but but what I can't then go and do and say and I also
I'm angry at everyone who falls for it because at the same time, yeah, maybe people should know better but you know the person who doesn't understand the scam that he's being presented, you know, you gotta
I think there's a certain amount of compassion that you need to have on those people and it's like, you know, because we've all been scammed at one point in in our lives.
I mean, I remember before I was a Christian my whole life was a scam. You know, I was I thought that I would be happy if I was able to do whatever
I wanted to do and you know date whoever I wanted to date and do whatever drugs. I wanted to do and you know that all that kind of stuff and and I was scammed by that.
We were all scammed at one point in our lives and we need to have compassion on those of us those who are out there and they're being fooled by let's just face it, you know, the guy that I follow on YouTube.
He's not that sophisticated but but you know this the power structures of propaganda and the way the media works and the way
Twitter works and stuff like that. It's like it's very sophisticated and it's like, okay.
Well, how could anyone still stay on Twitter? They know that they're being lied to all the time and and Twitter's manipulating the what they see and stuff like that.
And so their reality is going to be misinformed if they stay on Twitter. Don't they know that he you almost want to shake them like this and it's but but but okay, maybe they should know that but they don't and so let's have a little bit of compassion on those who are being fooled and it's okay.
You know, honestly the same time like a lot of these people are trying to hurt you as well. You got to defend yourself. You got to you got to take care of you know, you and yours you got to take care of your community your church and all of that do what you can right do the best you can with this fantasy world that is being promoted all by all over the place and a lot of our friends have been fallen victim to this fantasy world and it's just like like we do have to remain compassionate, right?
We do have to treat them in a way that we obviously care for their for their souls.
And I think that the reality is like like I try to draw these distinctions, but my big temptation is to make it like almost in my brain.
It's like well, I'm so much smarter than them. That's why I'm not falling for Fauci's obvious stupidity, right?
And it's like well, but that's a temptation that I just can't I can't condone that you're not smarter than them.
You know, the thing is like everything that you've had or everything that you know everything that every skill set that you've been given you've been given it right?
You didn't earn any of it. You didn't ask to be born. You didn't ask you didn't you didn't ask to be born in a certain way.
You didn't ask to have the certain skill sets that you have. I mean, you can't even force yourself to breathe if if if God so chooses to stop you, you know what
I mean? Like so everything is a gift from God and we need to recognize it as that and when you recognize it as a gift, you know, you really can't operate in this sort of haughty way where I look at all these people on Twitter and I'm just like what a bunch of idiots.
I mean, they're just they're they're signing up to be fooled. That's what it that's what they're doing, but there's doing it for a reason and I used to do it and we all used to do it.
So, you know those of us who are a little bit more shall we say awakened to some of this stuff red -pilled so to speak so to say
I just you know, I'll speak for myself. I I need to sort of make sure that I'm drawing the correct distinctions and I think that I've I've said this many times in my channel, but if you look at the pattern of Jesus, right, you know
Big Eva likes to wring their hands and like, oh you guys are so mean and you know, yeah,
I know Jesus said mean things but you're not Jesus and it's like right we get that but but we're also trying to follow
Jesus's example. That's something that a Christian ought to do. I mean, we are the name that we take whose name is on our head, right?
We're Christians. We're following Christ and if you see the pattern of Christ, you know, you know so many times you can see that Jesus has compassion on the crowds and there's even one verse in Mark where it explains why he has compassion on the crowds and and don't get it twisted.
It's like the people that were in these crowds. They weren't like good in and of themselves like they were engaged in all kinds of sins.
They were they were sinners. They were engaged in debauchery. They were engaged in all kinds of things and and in just what it says in the scripture that says
Jesus when he came out, he saw much people and he was moved with compassion toward them and here's why already because they were like sheep not having a shepherd and he began to teach them many things so he looked at the crowds that were that were being fooled by this world system and he had compassion on them.
He had compassion because it's a he saw them as if they were sheep without a shepherd. They didn't have a leader to teach them correctly and he had compassion on them.
And what did he do the very next sentence? He began to teach them many things. That's what it says. And so, you know, if we're going to follow and emulate
Christ and we're going to do what he says to do in the Great Commission, you know, we can sort of laugh about sort of all these people like they're just signing up to Twitter just to be lied to they're signing up to get her to be gatekeeped.
It's like, you know, get her is the gatekeeping conservative, you know, social media site. It's not it's no different than Twitter except it's a little got a conservative flavor to it that they'll tell you some things that are true, but they want to make sure to keep those gates.
They don't want you going too far into it. They want to shut down things that they want to shut down the same thing as Twitter except, you know, conservative flavored, right?
So it's like, well, why would somebody sign up for that? Doesn't why wouldn't somebody want what? Why wouldn't somebody want to be able to understand and find all the news that makes sense to them and and and just determine for themselves, you know, what makes the most sense, right?
They they market it as a marketplace of ideas. Well, if you can't talk about certain things, it really isn't a marketplace of ideas.
Obviously, we look at those people were just like, how could they be so stupid is kind of what we think but you know,
I think that's a temptation to view them as stupid. I think, you know, rather we should have compassion on them and that should drive us to teach them many things in whatever way we can and I think that we need to figure out what those ways are right because so much of this is a spiritual war.
It's not really about information. So, okay, so we understand that a lot of this is spiritual blindness spiritual battles happening in the realms that we can't see.
Okay, so we know that how do we address it? Then how do what do we need to do? Well, there's a few things that we can do.
We need to pray for them and we need to give them the gospel and we need to reach out to them according to how the scripture says we reach out to them, especially if they're brothers, right?
I mean the Bible tells us specifically what to do when a brother is acting foolishly or sinning or things like that.
And so we need to follow that. But then if you look at the scripture too, you know, so I just gave you the compassion verses, you know, when it comes to the crowd, he shows compassion and he acts a certain way and there's a lot of pathos.
There is very sympathetic, you know with the women at the well and things like that. And then when you when you see how he talks about the leadership, right?
This is the Pharisees in this case, the scribes, the lawyers. It's not like that.
It's not like the compassion he shows to the crowds. It is full of woes, woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites.
He talks about how they're whitewashed tombs. It talks about how they're full of self -indulgence and just evil and talks about when you make a follower of yourself, you make him twice the son of hell that you were.
He doesn't mince words with the leadership. He doesn't mince words with the ones that are leading the flocks astray, leading the crowds astray.
And so I think we can take that and we can make it, draw some analogies. And I think that the leadership, you know,
Twitter, Fauci, you know, Biden, all these people, these are the ones we don't mince words about and we don't mince words towards.
And in the Christian circles, you know, evangelical leaders who are all likewise, you know, pushing these same propaganda narratives without any, there's no shame in their eyes when they tell you that the vaccine that doesn't seem to do anything helpful, when they tell you that that's actually like the
Holy Spirit of God, there's no shame in their eyes when they say that. They don't know how to blush.
They're proud of it because they're serving a master and it doesn't matter that they're lying about the
Holy Spirit. It doesn't matter that they're lying about the triune God. They're serving their master and it's not
God. So that's why there's no shame in their eyes. They're not going to apologize for this. In any case,
I don't know if that's helpful or not, but that's just something I've been thinking about lately. There's one more thing too.
There's one more thing. So, you know, drawing distinctions on who you're talking about and who you're talking to and changing how you talk to them based on who it is, right?
So in other words, direct speech and don't mince words when it comes to the demons that lead our country.
But those who are being led astray by those demons, I'm not saying lie to them. I'm not saying treat them with kid gloves, but a little more compassion for them, right?
That's the example I think we get from Jesus. So that's the first thing. The second thing is those of us who are doing this, and I'm not just talking about those of us who are doing it online like myself,
I'm talking about those of you who are in your churches and you're on these front lines and, you know, you're the one that's going to your pastor kind of humbly and you're like, hey pastor, like,
I don't know about this stuff. Like it certainly sounds like you're promoting something that's not entirely accurate. Certainly sounds like you're stoking the fears like, you know, and you're going there humble.
However, you approach your pastors. I'm not telling you how to do. I'm just saying those of you who are doing that, you're bearing the brunt of this wrath very often, right?
You're the one who's out there taking all of the arrows of the enemy, right? And some of you have been slandered.
Some of you have been lied about. Some of you have been drug through the mud. Some of you have been excommunicated. Some of you have been removed from your positions of authority.
You can't teach Sunday school anymore because you're in subordinate. You've got a negative attitude. You're, you know, disrespecting the leadership, whatever it is.
Those of you have been kind of taking the brunt of this assault in your local assemblies, online, wherever it is, right?
Guys like that might be your lot. Okay, and you might never get the credit for steering this conversation the way it's being steered right now.
But you have to be okay with that because what does Jesus say, right?
The way he teaches about sort of, let's just say charity, for example, right? When he says, when you give, don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing.
He wasn't talking about getting a tax benefit from that. He was talking about doing it for accolades, right?
So he wasn't saying, I know a lot of people like to twist that. It's like, well, don't take the tax credit because that's not following.
No, no, no. He's talking about doing something visibly so that people will see. So you see someone coming that you want to impress and so you give the homeless guy the 20 bucks.
So you just make sure you make sure he's looking, you know, that kind of thing. Or, you know, someone's watching you when you're at the register. So you make sure to put, make sure when you put your money in the tip jar that everybody sees you.
That's what he's talking about. He says, you have your reward there, right? You have your reward, but forget about that because that's not the rewards we're after.
We're after the rewards that come later. We're after the rewards that we get and when, in the resurrection and all that kind of stuff.
And so take your arrows now, man, take the brunt of these assaults and then when others come behind you to sort of like now that you've kind of, you've breached, you've breached the castle walls and now you're getting reinforcements and you got guys that, you know, they actually used to throw shades your way, right?
They actually used to throw, you know, I don't like your tone, AD. There's a lot of guys like this who, who,
I don't like, I agree with what you say, but I don't really like your tone and like they, they just, they abandoned me out there, right?
Like they just let me go out there alone. I wasn't alone, but, but, but they let me go out there and take all the criticism.
Oh, you're evil. You're a racist. You're this, you're a white supremacist, all that. They didn't say jack, right?
And then now they're kind of coming around and they're coming and they're, they're like, oh, you know what?
This is actually pretty dangerous. Let me talk against it, right? Guys, don't, don't, don't wring your hands.
Don't freak out. Look like we're not doing this for the credit, right? The world's not going to give you credit.
I say applaud those guys, man, applaud those guys and get their backs. And even if they never acknowledge the fact that you were the one who was trailblazing here, and I'm not saying
I was trailblazing. I'm just saying using myself as an example, because this is my temptation, right? Remember who you're doing this for, right?
You're not doing it so that you can be the chair of the next version of nine marks. You're not doing it so you can be, you know, on the board.
Of the next version of the gospel coalition, right? You're doing this for the kingdom of God. You're doing this because this is the role that God has for you.
And this is, he made you born in this time. He made you born a certain way in certain circumstances.
Your history was all in his hands and it all led to this. And that's that.
And that's that. In any case, I hope that was helpful and maybe it wasn't, maybe it was just for me, but that's okay too, because it's my channel.