The Parable of the Sower: Matthew 13:1-9

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Pastor Stan Bernstein May 31, 2020


Well, good morning, good evening, wherever you're at, whatever time zone, time of the day, we're glad you're here joining us here with Faith Bible Church of Sacramento.
We are grateful to to have the opportunity to gather spiritually together.
We're not physically together, but we are part of God's kingdom and His citizens and we can worship and we can be together wherever we're at.
So we thank you that you're listening in and pray that you would be blessed by the songs this morning, by scripture reading, through the message, and we're just blessed beyond words.
So, thank you. And and this week we also have
Pastor Stan and family. They're back with us. They were away this last week and we'll talk a little bit more about that in a bit, but let's open in a word of prayer, a prayer, please.
Lord God, we thank you, Father, that you have gathered us in our various places, Lord, that we can worship where we're at.
Lord, that you would care for each one of us, Lord, in this trying time. But, Lord, may our hearts and our eyes be open to the truth of your word because that is where true peace and comfort comes from.
And may we, as we go through this service together, Lord, be blessed and acknowledge the truth and the hope that we have in you.
Lord, we pray for the message and may you help us to lift our voices to you in glad adoration and in worshiping you in a worthy manner.
Lord, may you be praised in all that we do in Christ's name. Amen. Just by a couple of announcements this morning.
Again, as you all know, the Bernsteins are... Pastor Stan is retiring and they're moving in a couple weeks, or here shortly, to out -of -state, to Boise.
But we're, as we enter into this time, it can be an uncertain time for a church, but we are really blessed to be able to...
Pastor John Cain has accepted and is willing to be an interim pastor as we go through this time of transition and seeing what the
Lord would have us to do. And so as elders, we're very thankful for that.
We're thankful that we can kind of have some stability as we go through and see what, again, what
God would have us as a church to do. So, I just want to let you know that and and I think that's that's all we have for now.
We're still, we're still, stay tuned on when we gather again. We're still working through the detail of that.
I think every church in the country is is having the same, going through the same questioning of how and and just all of it.
It's it's delicate and it's challenging, but we ask that you be patient with us and we wait on the
Lord because that's who we serve and we just want to honor him. So, stay tuned.
There'll be more coming out about that, but that was it for that. I was gonna say, please stand, but we're gonna sing,
These Things Are True of You, and this song speaks to the the attributes of God, the beautiful and powerful attributes of God, and at the same time how we as followers of Christ should emulate those attributes, that we can, that we would have a hunger to be like him.
So, think about that as you sing these words together. Next, we'll be singing,
Oh Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer. Oh Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer.
Oh Lord, My Machine that I have!
So great to be here this morning and to be able to worship back at church and worship the
Lord with you this morning and my prayer is that you will be blessed in the
Lord as we worship and through the Lord's wonderful Word. Let's open up in prayer.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for all the blessings you give us in life, especially that of Christ in your
Word and may we be ever focused on Christ and may we be doers of your
Word. We just pray, Lord, that as we hear the
Word of God today that it would be part and parcel of our lives and of our hearts and we ask this in Jesus' name.
Amen. We're going to look at Christ's parables in chapter 13.
It is a chapter full of parables and they are teaching us about the kingdom of God and I think basically the focus of Christ on the parables is the heart, emphasizing the heart, that if we are a kingdom citizen and we do know
Christ, we should not only have a heart for Christ but we should have a heart for God's Word and it should bear fruit.
It's not enough just to go to church. What the
Lord wants from us is to bear fruit from the heart by hearing
His Word this morning. So that's the emphasis on the first parable that we're going to hear.
The emphasis is not only on hearing the
Word of God but on bearing fruit from the
Word of God, showing that we are indeed Christ's disciples.
So we want to look at that this morning. We're in Matthew 13, verses 1 through 9.
Matthew 13, 1 through 9. We'll read. On the same day
Jesus went out of the house and sat by the sea and great multitudes were gathered together to Him so that He got into a boat and sat and the whole multitude stood on the shore.
Then He spoke many things to them in parables saying, Behold a sower went out to sow and as he sowed some seed fell by the wayside and the birds came and devoured them.
Some fell on stony places where they did not have much earth and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth.
But when the sun was up they were scorched and because they had no root they withered away and some fell among thorns and the thorns sprang up and choked them.
But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
He who has ears to hear let him hear. So as we look at this parable this morning that's commonly called the parable of the sower, the first thing we want to look at is the parables verses 1 through 3.
Verses 1 and 2 we look at the sower and this is an incredible chapter as I said it is a chapter full of parables.
There are seven parables here and they basically are going to teach us spiritual truth.
The word parable actually in the Greek comes from two
Greek words that means to throw alongside. So that has the idea of comparisons and parables are exquisite.
The Lord uses so many of them in his teaching and they really speak to us because they're drawn from everyday life usually from nature or the human condition or our circumstances and they speak truth, spiritual truth.
And so this morning from the first parable we are to learn some incredible spiritual truth about what it means to be a believer and about our receptivity toward the
Word of God. That we need to have diligence not only for the
Lord but for God's Word because there's so many factors that go against not only hearing the
Word of God but also bearing fruit for the Word of God.
So it's going to take not only a good heart, receptivity of the heart but great diligence by the power of the
Holy Spirit to not only hear the Word of God but to apply it.
And so we see here in verse number one that as you remember the
Lord Jesus was in a house and we see that in chapter 12.
He was teaching and there were so many there that his own mother and brothers could not even get to him because there was such a crowd there.
And we see that in chapter 12 verse 46. And because of that the
Lord went down to the sea. Now he went down to the Sea of Galilee to kind of, you know, getting away from the crowds and then he went in to a boat and he sat down and the crowds came to the sea and they were all flocked around him at the sea.
If you could imagine. And so we see that he sat by the sea and we see in verse number two not only were there the great multitudes gathered together around him but he got into a boat and it says he sat.
Now this is the posture of an ancient Jewish rabbi. When they taught they sat down.
Now generally we as preachers we stand up when we preach usually.
Unless I'm doing a Bible study I'll sit down. But a rabbi sat down and his disciples were around him listening and so our
Lord is sitting down in the posture of a rabbi, teacher, to expound the precious
Word of God. And so as we go into the parables in verse number three this first parable of seven parables is a parable of the sower which is interesting.
In one sense if we look at a sower what we think about is a farmer. A farmer sowing seed.
Very, very hard work day and night sowing the seed. But here supremely the sower is
Jesus Christ the Lord from heaven the great shepherd of the sheep who had come to those that he created and he came to the lost sheep of the house of Israel teaching and preaching the things of the kingdom of heaven.
And so in that sense we see him as the sower sowing the very words of God right here in this circumstance with the multitudes gathered around him listening to him.
And what we want to remember is one of the reasons why the Lord told his disciples he was using parables is because of the dullness of the people's hearts that many of them weren't receptive to the
Word of God and they were dull of hearing so he used parables.
Now even as Christians we can be slow of hearing can't we of spiritual things.
I speak for myself I think sometimes the Lord has to knock me over the head and say hey come on look what
I'm trying to show you. But we know the Lord's merciful isn't he and long -suffering the way he deals with us.
And so we see in verse number three it says behold a sower went out to sow.
So not only do we see the Lord Jesus here in the sower but we can see a preacher.
A preacher of the gospel that is what a true preacher of Jesus Christ does is he sows.
He sows the precious Word of God and a true preacher will sow the true
Word of God and teach it in truth. And that is the only way that it can bear fruit that we can bear fruit is through the
Word of God that is taught in truth. Now as we look at a farmer who labors very hard he sows the seeds right but he cannot cause the seed to grow.
He cannot give life. Only God can bring life.
The farmer sows the seed but God causes it to grow so much like us in the spiritual realm.
And even for the preacher of God's Word all the preacher can do is preach the
Word of God truly and not corrupt the Word of God and sow the
Word of God by the power of the Holy Spirit. But it is only
God who brings growth and the increase from the
Word of God. That's why we need to be like farmers and patient for the crop.
Often we're impatient aren't we? Not only in our own lives but in the church because we want everything to grow our way and happen really quickly but God grows his church and spiritual things in his way and his timing.
Look at 1st Corinthians chapter 3 verses 5 -7.
I think for us as a church these are important verses to grab a hold of to understand that God is the
Lord of the harvest and we are mere workers in his field.
Servants that he uses by his grace and he brings the crop not us.
Look at verses 5 -7. Who then is Paul and who is
Apollos but ministers through whom you believe as the
Lord gave to each one. I planted Apollos water but God gave the increase so then neither he who plants is anything nor he who waters but God gives the increase.
How profound how important for us to understand. Paul says we're ministers or we're servants right?
Each one of us and each one of us has different giftings we all have different functions spiritual functions that the
Lord gives us by his grace and he wants us to use them but he says here clearly
God brings the increase and so that's what we see also in our
Lord's parable we go back to Matthew chapter 13 the sower or the farmer merely sows the seed but God brings the increase.
That has profound implications for us.
Number one we need to be very very diligent when we hear the
Word of God so that we will apply it to our lives and seek by the
Holy Spirit to bear fruit. Also a preacher needs to be very diligent because there are all kinds of obstacles and trials that he will endure and he needs to be diligent and trust the
Lord and be committed and realize that God will work and that he gives more grace and so we see in verse number four as he sowed some fell by the wayside.
The word wayside in the Greek means a path or road. Now a farmer doesn't want his seed to fall on a path or road because it's not going to grow right?
It would just be on the surface and that's what we see here.
Now in verses four through seven what we are seeing is four different kinds of soil which really speak of four different kinds of people that hear the
Word of God and these four different kinds of people do not change.
The Lord said there are these kinds of people they were there listening to our
Lord then and they are still here in the world today and I believe these different four different types of people or soils are evident in every church and that's the idea here.
Now verses four through seven are the unprofitable hearers and they are basically unprofitable in the sense that they have no root in Jesus Christ and so the first one the shallow ground that falls by the wayside what happens here is
Satan will come after somebody hears the Word of God and take it from his heart and he will not bear fruit.
I remember hearing Billy Graham give the greatest illustration of different kinds of people who come to his evangelistic rallies to hear the
Word of God and he said there was one guy that was there and he was listening to Billy Graham while he was reading a newspaper.
In other words his head was down and most the time while Billy Graham was preaching he was reading his newspaper and hardly ever looked up and there was another guy
Billy Graham said that wasn't very far away from him that was always looking up and looked like he was about to run and couldn't wait until the altar call came so he can receive
Christ as his Savior and he ran down the altar call. When Billy Graham gave the altar call the casual disinterested man who was reading his newspaper folded his newspaper simply looked up and didn't do anything.
You see he had a hardened heart he listened but didn't really hear.
He had ears but didn't hear. And so this parable applies to all of us in the sense of what is our spiritual appetite really like and how can we or how do we hear the
Word of God and how can we profit from hearing the
Word. So we see the one that's on the shallow ground the hard heart that hears the
Word and then we see the stony ground verses 5 and 6.
Now a preacher here has to understand that when he's serving
God and he's preaching the Word there are different kinds of people out there at different levels who are going to respond to the
Word of God in different ways and even in a church some may not even be believers and that's what this parable is teaching that now there are the stony soil people.
This is really interesting. They didn't they don't have much earth.
In other words there's no depth to the soil. They don't have any root.
No root in Christ. They're emotional. They love hearing the sermon.
They love hearing preachers preach and they may get emotional about it but that's as far as it goes because they don't have any depth of heart and it's just shallow and we have to be really careful because we can be emotional.
We can even want to hear a sermon but there's no depth to our hearts.
We don't come to church prepared not only to receive the
Word but seek to say okay what is God saying to me through the
Word? What does God want me to do through His Word? And seek to have the
Word implanted in our hearts to be so careful. As a pastor and even in this church
I've seen people come to our church really excited and really excited about the church and really excited about the
Lord and often I know that when they're really excited they can really get cooled down.
They get really cold then they get really hot. No I mean excuse me the other way around.
They're really hot then they can get really cold. I've seen people you know really excited about the
Lord and even want to go out with me doing door -to -door evangelism and then they're gone and then they're just off because it's just an emotional high.
It's just an emotional thing. There's no depth of love and grace for Jesus Christ in their hearts and that kind of a person and that kind of a hearer like I say comes really hot and then cools down really fast.
Comes to the Word of God and hearing the Word of God they're very excited but that's as far as it goes because the minute the emotions wear off there's nothing left because there's no spiritual depth in their hearts and that's what
Jesus says here and when the sun was up they were scorched and because they had no root they withered away.
This reminds me of what a deacon said to me in another church.
We walked outside and he said to me pastor you know we were in the parking lot of the church.
He said a lot of these people that come out of here, he wasn't saying it judgmentally, he said they're gonna come out holding a cup and it's full but the minute they get into the parking lot they're gonna turn it over and spill it all out on the ground.
I thought wow what an illustration. In other words it's so easy for us to come to church right and hear the
Word of God and we're really excited and then the minute you get home you go what did the preacher speak about?
I can't even remember the text. We forget. So human to do that.
I drive home and I ask my kids how was
Sunday school, children's church? What did you learn? What did they talk about?
I can't, I don't know. I can't remember and then
I might go to church somewhere else or when
I used to go to other churches and then I go home and I'm going well what what was it about?
I'm forgetting it. Takes diligence beloved doesn't it?
It takes a heart that loves Jesus that's open to the
Word of God and the Holy Spirit for us to really bear fruit.
You know you can tell in our own lives or with someone else the spiritual state of a person.
What is his or her response to the Word of God and I'm not just saying in church
I'm saying in general. What is your response to the
Word of God? If you're more like me you can't go without eating food for one day and snacking throughout the day.
Ask my wife. But can we go without the
Word of God for a day and it doesn't make a difference in our lives?
Actually the Word of God is more important than our physical food and so if we don't have an appetite for the
Word of God we don't have a desire for the Lord and it says something about our spiritual state.
And so we see those on the stony ground verses 5 and 6 and then verse 7 the thorny ground.
So far we've seen shallow ground verse 4 shallow hearers, stony ground verses 5 and 6 the emotional hearers or superficial hearers really.
And now we see the thorny ground verse 7 and some fell among thorns.
Well a farmer does not want to scatter seeds among thorns.
You all know that if you do gardening. You want to get those thorns out of there first.
You want to get those weeds out of there first. Before you plant your crop a farmer is going to dig out those thorns, dig out those weeds, fertilize that ground and try to grow his crop in good ground.
Now spiritually the Lord is telling us something really impactful.
Verse 7 and some fell among thorns and the thorns sprang up and choked them.
This is talking about the person who is distracted when hearing the
Word of God by all the worldly cares and the world.
Well we're all affected by the world aren't we? You know we got to be honest but if you're in my focus is totally the world and the cares of the world that chokes out the
Word of God and leaves us fruitless. It reminds me of our
Lord's words in Matthew chapter 6 right? A man can have one master.
Let me read that. Let me get it. Let me quote it right because it's so important. Matthew 6.
We can't serve two masters. That's what the focus is here.
Matthew 6 24. No one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and mammon. Isn't that true? Where is our allegiance?
Where is our allegiance this morning? Is it to God? Is he our number one priority?
Is our relationship with Jesus Christ and the Lord the number one thing in our lives or is it material things and money?
Like someone once said, money is a great servant but a horrible master.
Isn't that true? The word mammon not only means money but it also means material things and when material things and money are our master it just takes us away from the
Lord and so we have to be careful by way of application.
When we hear the Word of God that the worldly cares and desires of our heart do not consume us to the point where we not only don't hear the
Word of God but the Word of God is choked by the thorns of the world.
The thorns of our cares. We all have cares but we have to give the
Lord our cares and seek to make him number one in our life because how do you grow?
How do I grow as a believer? We grow through the
Word of God. That's how we grow. Look at 1st Peter 2, 2 and 3.
1st Peter 2, 2 and 3. These are very vivid verses.
Every time I read this I think about my children when they were born and how right after they were born they couldn't get enough to eat and with my wife feeding them and I was just watching like one of my sons and it's like almost all day wanting to eat and what an example that is an illustration that Peter uses that should be our desire that kind of insatiable desire that a newborn infant has for his mother's milk should be the same kind of desire that we have for God's Word.
We can't get enough. When I first came to know Christ I couldn't get enough of his
Word. Now I'm kind of I wish I was back there in some ways had that kind of desire
I had when I first came to know Christ. It says as newborn babes desire the pure milk of the
Word that you may what grow there if indeed you have tasted that the
Lord is gracious. Oh that the Lord would be gracious to us as we seek to walk with him that our hearts would be tender toward him and the
Word and desirous for the
Word of God knowing that it is our very life like the baby's milk is that baby's very life that the
Word of God is more important to us in a sense than even our lives.
So we see the the thorny ground. So we've seen the four unprofitable hearers of the
Word and now we're going to look at the profitable hearers.
Verses 8 and 9. Verse 8 and 9 the good ground.
So now we get to the good ground. Now may I say again that there's four kinds of hearers, four kinds of soils, which mean there are four different kinds of people and those four are unprofitable and there's one kind of soil that's profitable.
Well to me that's a one in four percentage.
That's a low percentage. What that says to me is that we should want to be that one.
We should want to be the good soil. We should want to have the good hearts and this soil from one who is born again, one who is redeemed and has trusted
Christ, we now have a new nature and now we should have receptive hearts and allow the
Holy Spirit to work in our lives so that we bear fruit.
Now what this verse is saying is that people on the good ground with the good soil will bear fruit on different degrees.
Each of us bear fruit in different ways and different degrees because God has created us differently, right?
But the main focus is on bearing fruit.
In other words, a true believer in Jesus Christ will be identified by what thing?
The fact that he or she bears fruit for God and that fruit comes from the heart hearing the
Word and that's the mark. See? That's the mark of the good soil.
It's bearing fruit, spiritual fruit.
What is spiritual fruit? It's basically, in a simplistic way, it's bearing fruit for the
Lord through the Holy Spirit and abiding in Christ.
That's how we bear spiritual fruit is by being led by the
Holy Spirit and abiding in Christ, John 15, the vine.
And so what we see in this parable is that the only way a person can bear fruit, and that's the emphasis of this parable, is through Jesus Christ, knowing
Jesus Christ, being redeemed by Jesus Christ, and now having a humble and receptive heart toward the
Lord and his Word, and desiring the
Word of God. You see, the emphasis here in this parable is not only hearing the
Word of God, but it is the response that we have to the
Word of God, which is bearing fruit to the
Word of God. It does not have to do, beloved, with the preacher's style and the preacher's effectiveness.
If the truly preaching the Word of God, the important emphasis is that we bear fruit, spiritual fruit.
So the question is, are we bearing fruit for the
Lord? The Lord desires that we bear spiritual.
It's a great privilege to be back here and to be preaching, and we trust that God will give grace as he does to the preaching and will give you blessing and grace to live for the
Lord and to bear fruit for him. If you have not trusted
Christ as your Lord and Savior, trust him. He came into this world to die for your sin, and he paid the price for our sin on the cross, and he rose again from the dead to give us new life.
And this morning, if you don't know Jesus Christ, put your faith and trust in him, and he will save you and give you a new nature, and now we can live an abundant and fruitful life.
And so it's my prayer for all of us who know him, that we could really experience that abundance and that fruitfulness that only
Jesus Christ can give. So I want to go to the
Lord in prayer before we have our closing song. Let's pray.
Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you this morning for this parable that speaks to all of us about what's really important.
And we have to question not only our motives but our priorities and see where our heart really is and see that we need grace, we need diligence for you to apply and to receive your word and to seek to bear fruit for your word.
And we pray, Father, that you will make us those kinds of people and give us the humility and the grace that we need to bear fruit and to live for you.
Help us to be people of the book, people of your word, people who bear fruit for you.
I pray for your blessing upon each and every person that hears your word this morning, that you will give them comfort and grace in this very difficult world right now, that you would give us peace through Jesus Christ and we would have a great hope of heaven no matter what kind of trials we face.
We know that we do not face them alone but we face them with Jesus Christ and we can now be of good cheer for he has overcome the world.
And so I thank you for that and I pray that you will give each and every one peace, grace, and joy through Jesus Christ.
We ask this in his name, amen. For our last song this morning, take my life and let it be.
I could say wonderful singing and I'm sure it was, but as we go from here and as you go forth, and some of you that's about at your front door right now, but may we abide in Christ, may we have the opportunity, and we do even in our homes, to bear fruit.
It's in our thoughts, it's in our actions, it's everything that we are. And may we bear fruit and may we trust in the
Lord in all things and what we're going through. And I would just ask you also to keep the, hold the
Bernsteins up in prayer as they are going through a real transition time in their lives as a family and as a pastor and Lord that they would just, that you would consider that in your prayers and that they would have rest and peace and strength and wisdom and what's ahead of them.
And we're excited, we're sad on one hand, and we're excited for them that this is an opportunity for them, another opportunity for them to serve the
Lord because I know they're gonna serve the Lord wherever they go. So be with them, pray that God would be with them in this time.
And that is all we have today. We will again get back to you as things progress and we understand more of what this reopening of the church is.