Witnessing Using the Intelligence Test
Here is a good way to use a fun intelligence test to open a conversation for the gospel. Here we are on a college campus as part the Change Collegian Network's (www.ChangeYourCampus.com) Campus Mission's Tour.
This is one of many ideas that we use to draw a crowd and witnessing to people.
- 00:08
- Yeah, what is the name of the race print that deaf people use? Is it possible to end a sentence with the word the?
- 00:15
- No, okay. Spell the word Chuck without looking. What are you doing to get to green light? Fork fork fork fork fork.
- 00:30
- Yeah say fork five times. Fork fork fork fork fork. What do you have soup with? A spoon.
- 00:38
- Go. Okay, Chan. What about the first three? Oh, we should have.
- 00:44
- Okay, how many of each animal did who take a seat? Oh, wow What is the name of the race print that deaf?
- 00:53
- Again. Is it possible to end a sentence with the word the? That is a sentence
- 01:03
- Did you get it? If you could be wrong about something like so small
- 01:13
- Here's a big question Where do you think you go when you die?