Tape 3 - Death & The Christian View Series


Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


We welcome you to our final session concern Christian the view of death or death the
Christian view For those of you that have been here and our discussions afterwards and our question -and -answer period we hope that it's been beneficial to you
I believe that we have learned some things concerning the
Christian view Concerning that which is so reticent To be spoken of by so many people
Tonight I want to cover a couple of important topics the first one being what and where is
Heaven what and where is heaven where is the final abode to be?
This is a matter about which little is known for it's generally neglected One seldom hears heaven mentioned in conversation in religious circles and even in church services
It is rarely discussed because there is such a lack of knowledge of heaven people entertain a variety of opinions
You hear very few sermons and there's not much teaching concerning the subject some claim there is no heaven
It is here on earth in goodness and it's enjoyed here This is it some say they do not know whether there is a heaven or not
They're agnostic concerning the subject Some do not regard it of sufficient importance to devote much consideration to a subject about which so little can be known
Many people in Christian circles say that if there is one They will be there when they die and if not, there'll be none the worse off for not bothering about it
Many professing Christians take that particular position But to refuse to consider the subject of heaven order to neglect to do so is not far short of dealing
Deceitfully with the Word of God now I have a tape on the subject of heaven that we go into it quite extensively and I Trust that you might want to study further with that subject
For those of you who are enrolled in our study league to But there are many people
We find who are willing and want to know all there is to know about heaven and they welcome any help to the scene
Well, let me begin by mentioning the word heaven It does occur some five hundred and fifty times in the scripture
Jesus Christ himself referred to it quite frequently Declaring more than one time that he came down from heaven that in in due time.
He would return to it The Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos in the vision that he had when getting the wonderful and comparable book of the
Revelation Was permitted to see into the heavenly realm Because of that vision we have this incomparable book which is filled with truth about the heavenly realm
There is no language to portray fully and there is not sufficient Capacity within man's being to receive a full understanding of what life will be like in the heavenly realm
There are some difficulties in this first of all That is one of the serious difficulties of understanding even the facts which
God has been graciously kind enough to reveal concerning heaven
Another difficulty is some people feel that they must make it a strange unreal sort of place
It is amazing how strange and unreal sort of place that people try to make the heavenly realm
I think they forget that the personal qualities that make up the human soul are the only personal qualities of which one knows anything about Well think with me.
What is revealed about heaven? What facts do we have? First of all, it is real very simply it is real
The Lord gives us the assurance in John chapter 14 verse 2 in my father's house on many mansions
Some translations have it many abiding places if it were not so I would have told you
I go to prepare a place For you now, he already came from the father So obviously he is going to prepare a particular place for them with this assertion
There can be nothing more certain than that heaven is real Secondly, it is not far away
Many people think that it is they sing about the faraway land of the blessed but in reality it is not far removed from this life
There is no great distance between that world and this one King David called it only the valley of the shadow of death
Jesus told the thief on the cross today shall thou be with me in paradise. There was no long painful journey
It is not far away for the scripture says to be absent from the body is to be present with the
Lord It is real and it is not far away But also thirdly it is a state of permanency
Permanency now don't make the mistake. It does not mean stagnation or fixation
Permanency means freedom from all anxiety of change and defeat The believer in the
Holy City will be blessed with a sense of infinite protection and repose They will be where the limitations of earth and the checks and hindrances of falling time and disease and weakness and death are unknown
Where every hope and plan that is conceived will find complete fulfillment. It is a state of permanency
It is also a definite location There are those who argue that heaven is a state or condition of the mind
To be sure there is a state or condition involved But that does not prove there's no such thing as a place nor does it conflict with it?
Indeed I think the one implies the other for of what value is a state or condition Without a place to exercise that state or condition a right state is a preparation for a right place
For example Abraham's bosom that we read up in the scripture suggests a place Paradise to which
Christ took the penitent thief denotes a place our Lord called it a place We just saw it.
I go to prepare a place for you John 14 2 He most certainly gave the impression to his disciples that he meant for them to understand that it was a definite place a real location in Matthew chapter 6 verse 19 20
He said our Father which art in heaven now I understand as you the word heaven is used in a variety of ways both in the
Old Testament portion to the scripture and the New Testament portion of the scripture and the chief of these are three
First of all, it is used as the dwelling place of God Secondly the abode from which
Jesus Christ came and to which he has returned Thirdly, it is the destination of the perfected
Saints Now Jesus urges believers to lay up treasures in heaven You recall in Matthew 6 verse 20 says where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through and steal
Moth and rust do not operate in a state or condition of the mind nor do these break through and steal in an intangible situation
Heaven is often referred to as the Father's house in the scripture Also, heaven is spoken of as the heavenly city of the
Old Testament believers. I Read in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 22
These all died in faith not having received the promises but having seen them afar off and were persuaded of them and embraced them and Confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth
They that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country and then for further explanation
We read if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out They might have had opportunity to have returned but now they desire a better country
That is and heavenly wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a city
And then in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 verse 2 the wonderful Apostle Paul Relates how he was caught up into the third heaven and he found himself in as definite a location as he had ever been
Well, since it is a place what kind of a place is it? Well, first of all it is a place of ideal order and Government ideal order and government the
Apostle John in his vision of heaven When the door was opened and he was permitted to see within he noticed among other things a throne set in heaven and one sat on the throne
Revelation 4 verse 2 Now the word throne when it's used in Scripture primarily denotes the seat of authority and regulated government.
Heaven has a throne But not only is it a place of ideal order and government it is commodious
One of the objections sometimes urged against the heavenly city is a lack of space to accommodate the vast number of people
Who are supposed to have had their habitation in the Holy City? From the death of righteous able down to death of the person who dies just a moment ago
Uncounted millions have fallen asleep in the hope of a blessed immortality and to give them all a place would require enormous space
But John in the book of the Revelation gives the dimensions of the Holy City He tells us it is 1 ,500 miles square a perfect cube
That means that it is as far as from Maine to Florida and from the Atlantic Ocean To halfway across the continent and an equal distance from top to bottom
Consider the significance of these distances Someone calculated that if the world stood as it is for a hundred thousand years and a billion people died in each generation
There would be ample space for all in heaven Allowing 15 feet to the story.
The city would be five hundred and twenty eight thousand stories high Every one of the stories would contain two million two hundred and fifty thousand square miles
All the stories combined would total one trillion one hundred and eighty eight billion square miles
It is utterly impossible to conceive the immensity of the city In the thousands of years since Adam and Eve were created there had been one hundred and eighty generations
If we allow thirty three and a third years to each generation Now the mathematicians say that suppose every generation were as large as the present one.
And of course it was not 360 billion would be the total population of earth since the creation of man
Dividing these billions into families of five to a family There would be 72 billion families and then dividing the number of families into the number of square miles
There would be for every family an area of 16 and one -half square miles room for mansions walks driveways fields forest orchards
Gardens lake streams and everything that the heart could wish now this distribution of space is
On the supposition that every generation was large as the present one and all were saved and safe within the
Jasper walls The Department of eugenics of the Carnegie Institute has estimated the total population of the world since man first began on appeared on earth at 30 billion on this estimate of population.
There would be an area of 198 miles for every man woman and child from Adam to the present time 198 miles
Now these estimates as the space and population give you an idea of the size and possible number of inhabitants that this place can accommodate
But I will you notice also it is a place of beauty God loves the beautiful or he would not have put so much beauty in this world
The Bible does not go into details, but it tells us enough to let us know that beauty in heaven has reached perfection
The Apostle John caught a glimpse of it. Did he not and tried to describe something of its beauty? But the best he could do was to use a few familiar symbols such as the walls or Jasper the foundations garnished with precious stones
Every gate of pearl and the city is a pure gold like under clear glass. It is a place of majestic beauty
Also, it is a place of perfect service Since heaven is where God's will is fully done
Then it must be a place of perfect service to be sure heaven is a place of perfect rest
But that is not the rest of inactivity but a perfect satisfaction in activity But what kind of activity well for one thing there will be intellectual activity
It is a place of never tiring thought But not only so it is a place of congenial social activity
There is nothing more delightful to you and me than human association Man is not normally a solitary creature preferring to be alone.
He was not created to live alone man must have congenial associates to be his best self in Heaven there will be no gossip
No backbiting no meddling the lewd the vulgar the obscene the liar the slanderer the mean and contemptible will all be excluded there'll be no friction no misunderstanding, but perfect appreciation a perfect environment with perfect people in in it will constitute the social life of heaven and I say unto you that many shall come from the east and west and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the
Kingdom of heaven Matthew 8 verse 11 What a wonderful and exciting thing to take place, but also it is a place of open vision
Here the child of God walks by faith there the glory vision shall be his dimly now
He traces the dark outlines of heavenly things seeing through a glass darkly but then face -to -face now knowing in part, but then fully and Seventhly, it is a place of unhindered worship.
John saw the worshiping throng before the throne on Earth worshipers gather in small groups and amid much weakness and the feebleness of our praise is painfully obvious It is only his matchless grace that encourages the believer to know that his poor worship is even accepted
But in heaven how different it will be what glorious unison of full -hearted pure untainted and unceasing worship the redeemed shall be able to render as they sing the song of Moses and the
Lamb and then eighth It is home it is home the eternal the abiding home
Christ described it as my father's house a Father's house is also the children's house
You and I know that home is one of the most tender words in the human language That is heaven.
It is at home with the Lord gather up all the word home means to you here
Multiplied a million times and that will give you some faint idea of what heaven is to every weary homesick child of God Heaven is home the word home that has meant so much here is to mean even more over there
It is heaven what joys are lost what hopes are given as through this death -struck world
We roam we think a while that home is heaven. We learn at length that heaven is home
What and where is that place? Wherever it is and ever how it's worked out
We'll be with our wonderful blessed Lord But you say well
I Want to go but how do I get there? Well, we know we are saved but We also know that there's a problem.
We know that even though we are born -again believers We are aware that as we are constituted
We could not just enter heaven in this fleshly being which we have so a pertinent question is how are we fitted for heaven?
We ascertain the requirement for a place, how do we meet the requirements to be a dweller in that place?
It is very clear that nothing that is at all incompatible with the purity and holiness of that habitation can enter into it
Nothing that is ungodly or impure shall ever be found there With such qualifications required.
How can anyone become fit for such a place? The question is an overwhelming one How can any mortal man with his old nature still clinging to him ever feel that he is fit for heaven?
where the The four living creatures rest not day and night saying holy holy holy
Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come Revelation 4 8
Heaven is peopled by those who have come from every nation and kindred and tongue on the earth It is certain.
No one can go to join that happy throng without duly being fitted to go Now there is another fact which adds to the difficulty of the situation
The scripture tells us of people being admitted to heaven who appear to have no fitness for it whatsoever
Moses for example was a great and good man in many respects yet His life was far from correct because of sin
God would not permit him to enter the promised land and yet Moses is there for he appeared in glory as he talked with Jesus on the
Mount of Transfiguration About his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem Luke chapter 9 verses 30 and 31
To the penitent thief on the cross beside him. Jesus Christ said today shalt thou be with me in paradise
Luke 2343 who was this man? What was his history? He was a common thief.
He had a long record of crimes to his credit. He was so bad He had been arrested and condemned to death for his misdoing because this was the penalty for habitual crimes
There was no time for him to make preparation. Now. His life is fast ebbing away for every good deed
He has ever performed he has dozens of bad ones to account for yet Jesus Christ tells the dying thief that he will take him along with him to paradise before the day is over And the
Lord never promised a poor trusting soul Anything which he did not do how could such a one as this be made ready for heaven in so brief a time and under?
such distressing circumstances well in the epistle to the Colossians Paul sets forth both the believers inheritance and His fitness for it as clearly as to be found anywhere in the scripture in Colossians chapter 1 there is a very long sentence
It begins at verse 9 and it ends with verse 17 and in the very center of this extended sentence
You find these words giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the
Saints in life who hath delivered us from the power of darkness and that Translated us into the kingdom of his dear son in whom we have redemption through his blood
Even the forgiveness of sin now a question who were these
Colossians of whom such wonderful things could be said Well, they were a group of people who had recently been gathered together from paganism through the preaching of the gospel
The great majority of them were no doubt Gentile people But a radical change had been wrought in them
How did these Colossians receive this fitness if the secret of their acceptance can be discovered?
Then the answer to the question for fitness for heaven is found There is a word used in this scripture, which gives us a clue to the answer.
It is that word inheritance inheritance an Inheritance is an apportioned possession allotted to one on the basis of heirship
Something which becomes his by virtue of his connection with the one who is able to bestow it
Simon Peter describes this remarkable inheritance more fully in his first epistle He says blessed be
God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ Which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that fadeth not away
Reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of God through faith
Unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time read again first Peter 1 3 through 5
What a wonderful inheritance. Well, let's think for a moment about this inheritance. First of all, it is incorruptible in This life in which you and I have
Everything is tending to decay and corruption But this holy inheritance of the Saints in light abides incorrupted and incorruptible
It is forever incorruptible But not known as an incorruptible. It is also in undefiled
The inheritance is undefiled there is nothing on earth that is unmarred by imperfection
There is nothing that is untainted by impurities, but not so with the inheritance of the
Saints There is not the least suggestion of defilement on it, but also it will not fade away
Earthly possessions and glories fade but the inheritance remains forever the same for it is reserved in heaven for those who heirs of it
It will not fade away and then fourthly it is the inheritance of the Saints None, but the blood -bought children of God can ever have part in it
It is reserved exclusively for the Saints in light for Saints revealed manifested shown as Saints Saints are in the light now and walk in light, but our life is hid with Christ in God They are yet to be made manifest and when they are manifested it will be in the likeness of Christ with whom they are joint heirs
So in view of the purity and perfection of the inheritance the wonder grows as to how anyone can ever be
Qualified to come into possession of it But that there are multitudes of poor frail human beings fitted for it and kept securely for it cannot be doubted for a moment
How is this fitness secured? Jesus Christ the last
Adam through his atoning sacrifice brings back all who receive him into fellowship with God and Into eternal life and thus they become sons of God and joint heirs with Christ Jesus to this glorious inheritance of the
Saints But who makes one fit for this inheritance one ask? Does he do it himself or does another do it for him or does he do part and someone else the remainder and thus by both?
Working together the fitness is finally secured many think this fitness depends entirely on what they do themselves
But according to the teaching of the Holy Scripture One's qualification for entering heaven his right to become partaker of this inheritance which belongs to his
Only to the Saints in light is not secured by anything which he may be able to do for himself
What could that dying thief on the cross do for example, which would admit him into paradise? Oh To be sure the kind of reward one will have in heaven depends on the character of the deeds done in the body while on But the point
I'm making is so far as one's Admittance into the heavenly realm and his fitness to be there are concerned.
There is not one single thing he can do The scripture very definitely teaches that one is in the heavenly realm
Will be no more saved than another insofar as admission is concerned But there will be those who will not have stored up any treasures in heaven and hence have no reward
All their works are burned up, but they are themselves saved yet. So as by fire 1st
Corinthians 3 15 But the subject I'm discussing is not rewards but fitness to enter heaven and that fitness one does not provide for himself
Well does one's fitness then depend partly on what he does and partly on Christ does for him
I suppose a majority of professing Christians think this is the way fitness is secured They suppose that Jesus Christ provides some of it for them and they add the balance if they work long enough and hard enough at The task it is well known that people generally think that fitness for the future life is due to some gradual
Improvement during life or to some sudden change at death while others expect a process of purification
To be affected in another world But despite all opinions and views to the contrary
There is only one thing no more and no less that makes one qualified to enter heaven and that one thing
Is the atoning work the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ? One's fitness depends not on what he has done, but solely on what
Jesus Christ has done There is just one thing that will separate persons from God and that is seeing
Remove that and there is nothing between any soul and God There's only one way back to God and that is the removal of sin
This could be done only by Jesus Christ first Peter 224 Who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live under righteousness
The full penalty of sin was visited on him not a portion of it And since he paid that all who believe on him are freed
From the condemnation of sin This freedom is theirs for the taking they do not earn it, but that's not all he offers not only forgiveness of sin
But righteousness to all who will accept it the scripture says for by one offering he hath perfected forever
Them that are sanctified whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us for after that He had said before this is the covenant that I will make with them after those days saith the
Lord I will pour my laws into their hearts and in their minds will I write them and their sins and iniquities will
I remember no more? Now where remission of these is there is no more offering for sin Hebrews 10 verses 14 to 18
So the believer is made perfect in Jesus Christ and by Jesus Christ If this is true, what are some of the things which
Christ bestows on the believer now in the way of fitness for heaven? Well, first of all, he has peace with God Romans 5 1
Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord.
Jesus Christ We're no longer enemies and separated from God But also the believer is sanctified 1st
Corinthians 6 verse 11 The Apostle Paul reminds you are washed but you are sanctified
But you are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God But not only does he have peace with God and not only is the believer sanctified but the believers reconciled to God No one is fit for heaven until this reconciliation is effected
Colossians 1 verses 21 and 22 you that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works
Yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and unblameable and unreprovable in his sight
Fourthly man's bondage to Satan is broken as long as this bondage continues.
He is no wise fit for heaven Giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the
Saints in life Who has delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us in the kingdom of his dear
Son in whom we have? Redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sin Colossians 1 12 through 14 again read that over and over again
The power of darkness is broken The transfer is complete and the believer is no longer in bondage to the
God of this world Well, when is this fitness secured one ask is it a process or is it an act?
No, not by a long process, but by one definite act God translates the believer out of the power of darkness in which the whole world life and Instantly translates him into the kingdom of the
Son of his love What is one to do? Someone says to become fit for heaven again, just one thing
Romans 10 8 through 10 The word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart
That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead
Thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believeth under righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation
Jesus Christ alone provides the fitness and the believer has only to accept that payment
One of the great tragedies is so many people live so close to Christianity and yet to never come to know the
Lord Jesus. I ran across Several things I want to share this with you t 'was the night before Jesus came
T 'was the night before Jesus came and all through the house. Not a creature was praying not one in the house
Their Bibles were laying on the shelf without care in hopes that Jesus would not come there the children were dressing to crawl into bed not once ever kneeling or bowing ahead and Mom in a rocker with baby on her lap was watching the late show while I took a nap
When out of the east there rose such a clatter I sprang to my feet to see what's the matter Away to the window.
I flew like a flash tore open the shutters and threw up the sash But what to my wondering eyes should appear but angels proclaiming that Jesus was here with a light like the
Sun sending forth a bright Ray, I knew in a moment. This must be the day the light of his face made me cover my head.
It was Jesus Returning just like he had said and though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth
I cried when I saw him in spite of myself in the book of life
Which he held in his hand was written the name of every saved man He spoke not a word as he searched for my name when he said it's not here
My head hung in shame the people whose names have been written with love. He gathered to take to his father above With those who were ready he rose without a sound while all the rest were left standing around I fell to my knees, but it was too late.
I had waited too long and the sealed my fate I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight Oh, if only
I had been ready tonight in the words of this poem The meaning is clear the coming of Jesus is drawing near There's only one life and when comes the last call we'll find that the
Bible was true after all Revelation 19 11 13 and 16
Then I saw heaven open and behold a white horse and he who sat on him was called faithful and true He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood and his name is called the
Word of God and he has on his robe and on his thigh a name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords One of these days our precious
Savior is coming to receive us unto himself That where we may that where he is we may also be
May God grant you the confidence that you belong to him as you walk with him day by day
May he bless your way. May his light be upon thy path and may the light of his presence
Be yours in these critical and crucial last days of human history
Let's summarize Where we are The question we're dealing with is how will we spend eternity and of course some people make the question so difficult that many people are
Reluctant to answer and of course as we've said it cannot be answered completely But it is of incomparable importance that we have understanding of the subject the sad preoccupation of nearly all men is with this present evil world you might read
Galatians 1 4 and Most people have no concern for the eternal ages to come
It is certainly the strangest paradox of modern times after all. I believe man was created for eternity and everyone who has ever born
Who's ever maybe even conceived in the womb will continue to exist forever and Nothing can possibly be more important than a proper understanding of eternity and adequate preparation for it
Now science does not deal with the distant future very much
But there is a strong implication of eternal existence that is found even in the most basic laws of all sciences
The law is that of what they call conservation of energy This conservation of energy is a law and it simply means that nothing is created or destroyed
But everything is conserved and if the natural phenomena of which are Studied and comprehended by human consciousness are eternally conserved
Then surely one could say that the consciousness which studies them is conserved.
Also Now the nature of the perpetual conservation of each human personality is revealed only in Holy Scripture It is closely correlated with God's primeval purpose in creation
The earth was created primarily for man I believe that man was created for personal fellowship with God The interruption of an age of sin and rebellion then has temporarily delayed the accomplishment of God's purpose
All in the plan in the realm of God's control but nevertheless the incarnation of the
Son of God in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ when he came in human flesh and Gave his life as a substitutionary death on the cross for our sins and then his triumphant resurrection for our justification
Have all together the finished work of Christ purchased Salvation and restoration of all who receive him by faith as personal
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is thus not only the Redeemer But he is also the great divider
Between those who desire to be restored to God's eternal fellowship on the one hand and those who prefer to remain
Separated from him on the other hand you recall the scripture in John chapter 3 verse 18 19
And then let me add verse 36 He that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten
Son of God and This is the condemnation that light is coming to the world and men love darkness rather than light
Because their deeds were evil he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life And he that believeth not the
Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him So there are therefore than two distinct categories of inhabitants of eternity the saved and the unsaved
Those who have received everlasting life and those upon whom God's wrath must abide forever
It is most sobering to realize that most people are in the second category
Those upon whom God's wrath must abide forever Matthew chapter 7 verse 14 few there be that find that way that leads to eternal life
John 5 40 he said ye will not come to me that you might have life
So you and I know as Bible believers that those who reject or neglect the Lord Jesus Christ and his great salvation
Hebrews chapter 2 verse 3 will spend an eternity in Everlasting separation from the presence of the
Lord and from the glory of his power 2nd Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 9 Since they have shown that they do not want his presence and authority in their lives
They will actually be less miserable this way than if they were forced to go to heaven however, you and I know that such a total absence of God's will will mean the perpetual presence of darkness and evil and suffering their existence is described as one of Wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever like raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame
Jude verse 13 Jesus said that they would be where their worm never dieth and the fires not quenched to mark 944
Beloved the anguish of regret and hatred will be with him forever Revelation 14 11 says the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever and they have no rest day or night
Jesus also said he which is filthy. Let him be filthy still Revelation 22 11.
This is only a glimpse of what hell will be It is everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels
Matthew 25 41 Yes, it would be an actual physical existence in a real portion of this created universe
But it will be infinitely removed in space from God's presence. The location is called the lake of fire
Revelation 20 verse 15 I don't know that possibly a vast dark nebula of burning gases in some remote and inaccessible corner of God's marvelous universe
But whatever in glorious contrast those who are saved shall ever be with the
Lord first Thessalonians 4 17 and they will not only be there but in unending joy
Isaiah 65 verse 17 and 18 are beautiful verses For behold,
I create new heavens and a new earth and the former shall not be remembered nor come to come into mind
But be you glad and rejoice forever in that which I create the earth and all things will be made new revelation 21 5 purged forever of all the age -long effects of sin and There shall be no more curse revelation 22 3 the heavenly city in the
New Jerusalem will descend out of heaven from God Revelation 21 10 and will then be established forever on the new earth
And there it is that God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death Neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away revelation 21 4
He will bring in everlasting righteousness Daniel 9 24 they that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars forever and ever
Daniel 12 3 They will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23 verse 6
It will not of course be a place as I've said of eternal idleness Revelation 22 3 says his servants shall serve him
Just as man when first created was given responsibility over the earth I believe that redeemed man will be given the privilege of serving
God in the new creation And lest anyone doubt that there are enough tasks to occupy eternal time they might remember that there are numberless worlds to explore throughout infinite space and that he can never exhaust the intricacies and potentialities of a universe created by the omnipotent and omniscient
God Even the study of the inexhaustible Word of God itself may well occupy many ages to come
Then of course there will also be the joy of reunion with loved ones and friends of other years With ample time then for fellowship and sharing of testimonies of a meeting and getting to know
Adam and Noah David and John the Baptist and Paul as well as John Bunyan Charles Spurgeon All the other disciples of the
Lord small and great from all the ages But the most glorious prospect of all is that of seeing the
Lord Jesus himself Revelation 22 4 says they shall see his face and his name shall be in their foreheads
Then shall Jesus's prayer be answered when he said in John 17 24 father I will that they also whom thou has given me be with me where I am
That they may behold my glory Which thou has given me Thus we shall spend eternity with Christ and will never cease to praise him for his great love wherewith he loved us
Ephesians 2 4 Therefore we reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us
Romans 8 18 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages world without end
Amen Ephesians 3 21 because we
Have our faith and trust in God and God's Word let us continue to trust him and let us continue to be sensitive to what the
Lord does and you know, let us make sure That man doesn't persuade us and that to the point as to where we let what someone says interrupt what we believe let's trust and pray and walk in God's Word and let us do what is that which pleases
God and Trust in him and we know that he will do the best thing for us.
There are many questions that we have and Wish we had time to answer them Will there be animals in heaven and things of this nature and the scripture doesn't give a lot of information on it but it does give us some exciting intimations and what you and I need to do is to just trust
God's Word and you know and to let God be God and we're his children and he's going to take care of us but before we close
I do want to share a thought or two with you concerning a
Subject that someone asked me about the other evening and asked would I make a comment about it if we had some time?
so I thought I would just share a few thoughts with you about my view because It doesn't deal with the subject of the
Christian view of death, but it is Dealing with with what
I'm talking about about having other people, you know, there are some Groups within the
Christian realm and certainly in others but within the Christian realm who make great use of relics and great use of Articles and icons and holy pictures and holy things
They say and these are used to hold the allegiance of the people These are used to capture the minds of people these are used to take hold of the efforts and energies of people and to keep them if if I can say under control and So people are constantly looking for something.
They're constantly looking for something. They can see they're constantly looking for something They can feel they can touch they can hold on to people want something material to substantiate that which they have in their heart and yet we know our
Lord said Unblessed are those who do not see and yet will believe and one of the most amazing things has come up is a thing called the
Shroud of Turin now the Shroud of Turin is It's been called one of the greatest treasures of the
Christian world The Roman Church has made a great deal of this one man said it was the most important relic in the history of Christianity and Someone else even went so far to say that it is a self -portrait of Jesus Christ Others have said and they've dubbed it the world's strangest mystery
Someone called it a false persuasion Someone else said it's a harmless piece of bullfoolery
So there are contradictory Opinions concerning the Shroud of Turin.
I have not handled the Shroud of Turin I have not examined the Shroud of Turin I've not been able to go and touch it and feel it and I do not have scientific background
So consequently I could not put it to scientific tests But I think that there are several things that we can come to conclusions concerning the
Shroud of Turin from August 27 through October the 8th 1978 it was on public display and 3 .3
million people paraded past to catch a glimpse of it Many books have been written about the
Shroud of Turin One of the most well known is entitled the Shroud of Turin the burial cloth of Jesus Christ question mark
That's the title the Shroud of Turin colon the burial cloth of Jesus Christ question mark
And it's by Ian Wilson who is an Oxford graduate in history in February 1980.
There was a film concerning The Shroud of Turin and it was called in search of the historic
Jesus and it was released in Los Angeles, California So here's the question. What is the
Shroud of Turin and why all the commotion and controversy? concerning it
What it is let's think for a moment. The Shroud of Turin is a frail piece of course yellowed linen 14 feet 3 inches long and 3 feet 7 inches wide
It is housed in the Cathedral of st. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy This might be just another old rag
Except for the two images that are found on it It appears that a man was placed on his back at one end of this long linen cloth and the other end was draped over Him the man was thus sandwiched between the linen halves
The Shroud contains two images the front and back view of a man whose height had been variously estimated by many people who've examined it between 5 feet 10 inches and 6 feet 2 inches and What makes this so interesting is that the man apparently was scourged and crucified?
Such as this described in the Gospels of the New Testament portions of the scripture Now for centuries people have claimed that this
Shroud was the burial cloth of Jesus Christ you see it isn't anything new It is something that's brought about some commotion in recent days, but it has been around for a long time
Recently scientists however have examined it and some have concluded that it is authentic Newsweek reports that the coordinator for an
American team of scientists who examined the Shroud Kenneth Stephenson said and I quote
Based on the scientific evidence to date most of us would agree that it is the authentic burial cloth of Jesus Christ close quote
Well, can you imagine the excitement that would go through the world? Especially the
Roman Church that majors and has great emphases on relics and icons and images and things of this nature
Well, but is it really the burial cloth of Jesus Christ is it fact or is it fake is it fact?
Or is it fiction? Let's you and I consider the arguments. First of all, let's look at the pro position those who say that it is
Three of the major arguments used in favor of the shrouds authenticity are the cloth the image and the pollen
That's pollen the pollen the linen fabric is woven in a herringbone pattern called three -to -one twill
This sort of weave was common to the Middle East during the first century So that fits the remarkably precise detail of the image is most impressive the wounds display an uncanny correspondence to the biblical account of Jesus Christ scourging and crucifixion the back shoulders sides and the legs are covered with over 100
Dumbbell shaped marks such as scourging in the first century would have produced These marks are in the shape of wounds inflicted by a short -handled
Roman whip called a phlegm I'll spell that for you Flagrum, I notice many of you are taking quite extensive notes called a phlegm
So meticulous has been the investigations of the shroud that some have even estimated the height of the man doing the whipping
Amazingly on the shoulders now of the image are bruises that could have been caused by a heavy object estimated to weigh up to 125 pounds
Scientists say that would have been the weight of the cross being Jesus Christ was commanded to carry to Golgotha There are apparent
Head blood stains on the shroud on the hairline and forehead such as would have been caused by the crown of thorns that Jesus Christ wore
The wrist and the feet are pierced. We're talking about the image that is on the shroud Furthermore between the fifth and sixth ribs on the right side of the body
There is a slant wound that could have been made by a lance a spear Now there are three explanations of how the image got on that linen
First of all one explanation is it was painted on there Secondly, it was caused by body vapors or thirdly.
It was produced by a sudden burst of energy or light First of all an examination of some of the threads under an electronic microscope
Revealed that whatever caused the image affected only the surface of the thread
Experts thus conclude that it was not caused by paint or dye Let's deal with the second one.
It was caused by body vapors Body vapors have been ruled out because such vapors do not rise in a straight line, but diffuse in the air
Experiments and body vapors achieved blurred images the images on the shroud of Turin are too sharp to have been caused by vapors
So we go to the third Explanation that leaves the burst of energy theory which scientists from Los Alamos scientific laboratory in New Mexico Have concluded caused the imprint
The pollen is also used to support the authenticity of the shroud
Max Frye, that's F. R. E. I a Swiss botanist and well -known criminologist
Found traces of pollen on the shroud like that found in Palestine in Turkey One other argument that might be worth at least mentioning in our conversation is that some say the shroud can be traced
Historically all the way back to the first century now. We do know that it was in Turin for 400 years
Again I say it isn't anything new it has been around you it may be new to you But if we know it was there for 400 years as a matter of fact in 1978 when it was put on public display it was done in commemoration of the 400 years.
The shroud was in Turin, Italy Prior to that we can document and demonstrate that it was in France Prior to that the history then begins to get spotty.
There is a legend dating back to about 600 AD That there was something like this in Turkey so that the history that I have read would suggest that there is not an unbroken line and We can document only its journey from the last four to five hundred years that I think it would be extremely difficult
I've not seen any evidence for someone to say there's an unbroken line that we can connect it all the way back to the first Century, but some have used the historical argument to support the claim that the shroud of Turin is authentic But let's go to the con position or the against we've talked about the pro those who are for let's go to the composition against Let me just very quickly state that I am against this being the real thing.
I do not believe it to be true Three of the arguments used against the authenticity of the shroud are the cloth the image and the blood
Jesus was buried in linen The Bible says the shroud of Turin is linen true
The weave however is a herringbone twill and swatch such a weave
We say was used in Palestine during the first century, but that was the common weave for cotton at the time of Christ One author has stated
No linen cloth of that herringbone twill weave dates back to the first century
The condition of this cloth is consistent with an age of 600 years, but not 2 ,000 years
The first documented appearance of this shroud that we know of was in Lire France.
That's L -I -R -E -Y Lire France in 1353 AD Now Lire was a prime linen manufacturing center as a matter of fact
There was a manufacturer of herringbone linen in Lire at the time the shroud first appeared there Experts have not
Experts have been unable to apply the carbon -14 dating methods to determine the age of the shroud
Because those who own the shroud say the swatch of cloth needed for the test would destroy the shroud
But now let me say the image does not fit the facts of Christ's crucifixion
In the first place 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet 2 inches is much too tall for the first century
Palestinian The imprint also indicates the man wore a cap of thorns instead of a wreath of thorns such as Jesus wore
The nail wounds are through the wrists and not the hands in the shroud
Joe Nickell a photographer using only 14th century materials and methods has duplicated the shroud of Turin imagery
What he did was this man soaked a cloth in hot water. He then molded it to a bas relief
Then using a pigment of mixture of myrrh and aloes he stroked on it stroked all this mixture on with a dauber like one does when they rub a
Gravestone and what that does it produced an image that explains the shroud of Turin including the pollen from Palestine Because the pollen came from the pigment of aloes and myrrh the blood
Nickell also said Repeatedly sophisticated test. I'm quoting Repeatedly sophisticated tests capable of detecting ancient blood matter indicated.
No blood was present The blood stains would not even dissolve further proving that they are not genuine in -quote
So let me share with you my conclusions concerning the shroud of Turin Obviously both sides have points to be made in this kind of a debate
But personally I've reached three basic conclusions concerning the shroud of Turin First of all after considering the biblical data
I have concluded the shroud of Turin is not the burial cloth of Jesus Christ The problem simply put is this the synoptic
Gospels say that Jesus was wrapped in a clean linen cloth Matthew 2759 mark 1546 and Luke 23 53 if those verses mean that Jesus was laid in one single cloth
Then the shroud of Turin could be authentic However, that is not the picture the Bible presents
John says that Jesus Christ was buried according to the manner of the Jews John 19 verse 40.
That means three things First of all, the body was washed Secondly, the body was wrapped and thirdly the head was wrapped with a separate cloth
When you read the rest of John's account, it confirms that John further tells us that Joseph Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus Used a hundred pound mixture of myrrh and aloes to prepare
Jesus's body for burial John 19 verses 38 and 39 Now, why did they do that?
to wash the body of Jesus Thus all the bloodstains were washed clean now.
Remember the shroud of Turin is purported to have bloodstains The picture that John paints is that Jesus's body was wrapped after the manner of the
Jews and his head was wrapped in a separate Piece from the rest of his body John chapter 20 verses 6 and 7
You recall when Peter went into the tomb, he saw the head wrappings and the body wrappings
Other verses indicate there was more than one cloth used Luke 24 12
Many Bible commentators have concluded that the statements in the synoptic Gospels about his being wrapped in a linen cloth
Are a summary in nature and the details are given then by John So on that basis the shroud of Turin is not authentic Jesus's body was washed and wrapped in at least two separate pieces of linen
My second conclusion is that the film in search of the historic Jesus watch. This is
Mormon propaganda. I Saw the film the introduction was like a documentary a man with a beard standing in front of bookshelves
Came out and he asked some penetrating pertinent questions After concluding the
Bible was historically reliable the film traced the life of Jesus Christ It dramatized the biblical account it then included the traditions and the legends of the 18 silent years
It portrayed Christ going to India and England between the ages of 12 and 30
Then very subtly and carefully it injected the Mormon teaching that Jesus Christ visited the
American Indians seeing the Acknowledgement at the end of the film stating that it was filmed in the state of Utah provoked me into investigating and The producer of the film and that is
Sun classic productions as you in in Sun classic productions Sun classic productions of Park City, Utah is a
Mormon organization The February 3 1980 issue of parade magazine even call
Sun Productions quote a Mormon organization close quote and in my opinion the film in search of the historic
Jesus is subtle slick, but very capable Mormon propaganda Finally, I personally doubt that God would allow the preservation of such a relic
He would not allow the children of Israel to know where Moses was buried Deuteronomy 34 6
Why they would make his body a relic Furthermore God does not need nor does he want to use something like the shroud
He works through his word in Luke 16 the rich man asked Abraham to send someone from the dead to witness to his brothers
Abraham replied in Luke 16 31 if they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded the one rose from the dead
Unbelievers do not need the shroud. They need the Holy Scripture Jesus told Thomas because thou has seen me thou hast believed
Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed John 20 29
Augustine said this faith is to believe what we do not see and the reward of this faith is to see what we
Believe the issue very simply is this God is spoken is our people going to believe his word
Or are they going to follow the concoctions of man? May God grant you and me the wisdom to do that which pleases him by following according to his word
God bless you, and we'll see you again Father I pray that you'll take our time together as we study and share and teach father
I pray that you will bless us and encourage us and that we'll be the people you want us to be Thank you for the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus.
Thank you for the forgiveness of sin Thank you for your love and patience. Thank you for your kindness and grace to us.
Thank you for your goodness Thank you for your benevolence Thank you for being our creator and our salvation