Matt Slick Bible Study - Kenneth Copeland Heresy-fest




when we're ready we're live we're live all right good we're live not memorex no wait is that what it is that's the old commercial you know what that is probably yeah okay bad commercial hint all right i'm going to pray but jump right in as you can see we've got kenth copeland up here and i'll tell you why we're doing this and what's going on and hopefully um people are going to be watching and paying attention and we can have a discussion let's pray lord jesus we come before you and we are very thankful for your grace we're thankful for your truth we ask lord that you would anoint the words tonight the time tonight and everything that uh that's going to be happening lord just ask uh that uh people who are watching would understand what the truth is as well as what the lies are we ask this jesus in your precious name amen all right it's okay and so uh as you see got kenneth copeland up here on the screen hopefully everybody can see that fine uh so the hurricane is what prompted this um actually it was my wife uh my wife's been with me for more we've been married 30 years almost 31 and uh years before that and so she has learned a great deal she really knows a lot a lot of people don't know that but she does and so um she's getting ready for something and she was listening i don't know how she found it and she comes out of the room and i'm working and she goes you have got to listen to this and it's kenneth copeland right and she goes it's a heresy fest and uh i said really and so the next day i finally got to it and i'm like you have got to be kidding me some of this stuff is just dumb and um there's some worse heresy in other places but what i did was i said i'm gonna just use some clips and so i've never done this before where i embedded video into powerpoint so this is kind of an experiment and this is only after two days of research and probably only four or five hours total of material and research because i got other things to do and and stuff and so there's a lot more to go i'll get about 30 or 40 slides and with some scriptures with some videos and mainly it's just the video mainly the video is just from this one source that my wife found and that i found on his website and stuff like that so whenever i do these things and i document out of videos i always copy the videos and keep them for use there's fair use laws we'll get into that but that's the next thing as you can see here it's fair use laws this presentation may contain copyrighted materials such material is made available for educational purposes only this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in title 17 usc section 107 of the u .s
copyright law so something could be copyrighted but just because it's copyrighted doesn't mean you can't use it you can quote it it's called fair use and that goes with video as well all right so i can take segments to illustrate things i've had people say if you quote one word i'm gonna sue you dude you know what fair use is no what is it but i'll sue you fair use is i can quote you for what you just said even you know you can't you can sue me but you won't win you know that kind of thing all right so i've got a little speaker i bought today so we can hear the video audio really nice actually and um see how that goes and with that what i'm gonna do is just jump right in now i would like to spend probably a week or two just on one person kenneth copeland joyce meyer joel ostein and put these together so that people can hear and see and uh and do more so what i'm going to do just jump right in and you can see uh words are the most important things okay that's what he's saying so let's just check this out okay okay see how nicely that's working yes okay here we go let me try it again and god's word okay let's try i guess it turns off i just got this a few hours ago and okay we words are the most important things on the planet the most important things are and god's word is the most precious thing on the planet now are words the most important thing on the planet uh no uh it's not that's not true words are not but what he's saying from his context is that and we'll get i think i got the quotes here as well on the issue of faith and it'll make more sense later on but they believe that in the creative word and that you're able to speak the word and make things happen and so words are some of those important are the most important thing then he kind of qualified it you know god's word the most important but he goes words and then god's word well no the words just words are the most important thing on the planet the most important thing in the planet i would say is the glory of god you know god says in isaiah 43 7 he created us for his glory so we as christians are to glorify god the glory of god is the reason we're here and um i would say that i just propose that that's really um the issue now there's a you know i got a lot of these quotes here uh okay we'll get back to what too far oh there we go so he says god has never taken anyone now that's what he said just god has never taken so check this out so what he says god has never ever taken anybody well you know there's small points but could you hear me saying something like that i'm preaching teaching god's never taken anyone go in my little program and put the word taken and see if god's taken anyone um enid walked with god and he was not for god took him and it didn't take me long to find that and it's an issue now look second kings 2 11 through 12 as they were going along and talking behold there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire which separated the two of them and elijah went up in a whirlwind to heaven elijah saw it and cried out my father my father of the cherries of israel and its horsemen and he saw elijah no more then he took hold of his own clothes and tore them into pieces so god took elijah to heaven now when he says don't take it anybody he could mean the issue of in death which i don't have any any stuff there but obviously we'll get into some things where god does bring judgment because if that's what he means he's obviously wrong so uh these are small things but the point is that these are such small things that they in my opinion reveal his lack of ability to properly understand the basics of a lot of things and they will do that these positive confession people will just say things like this and then continue on nobody checks for as far as i'm concerned i know except apologists and people like like me will check but nevertheless um check this out all right there's only one human being that he ever made sick his name is jesus hmm there's only one man that he ever sent to hell he's never sent anybody to hell ever his name is jesus i can prove it to you now hopefully my spiritual
Tourette's won't kick in and uh start saying things like moron uh heretic false teacher things like that but um and with with uh with anger i don't want to say that but uh does god ever make anybody sick uh yes he does i'll show you um but he only made jesus sick that's not in scripture not there in scripture the bible says in first corinthians 4 6 you're not to exceed what's written so for him to say he made jesus sick is wrong it's not in scripture period he said he's never sent anybody to hell except jesus now what they're teaching here in the issue of hell is they actually talk about the place of torment you'll see some more stuff later the issue of torment as a place that jesus went and basically there it's what they kind of teach these this group of people the positive confessionists and this heresy they teach that jesus finished the atonement in hell and um they mean the place of punishment but unfortunately a lot of this doctrine has come out some of the creeds which said jesus went to hell and just meant the grave and the afterlife and it doesn't mean the place of torment and judgment and so this is a basic very fundamental error on his part exodus 4 6 the lord furthermore said to him now put your hand into your bosom so he put his hand into his bosom and when he took it out behold his hand was leprous like snow would you say leprosy is a form of being sick yes did god make him leprous yes did god make anybody sick yes exodus 4 11 the lord said to him who has made man's mouth or who makes him mute or deaf or seeing or blind is it not i the lord okay now about this particular verse i have a friend from san diego and we're over his apartment and he was in he's into this still to this day if i remember correctly and um so uh i was over his apartment and we're discussing this stuff and i said uh to him i said look this is bunk it's not true and i showed him exodus 4 11 you know because he said god would never make anybody sick it doesn't happen like that he would never do that so i showed him this verse and i could still remember him sitting about 12 feet from me i'm standing up and he's on his couch and he's got a bible open and he's looking at the verse and he's reading it and for for a full minute he said nothing i just waited just in silence waited a full minute and he looked at me and said well i don't know what it means but it doesn't mean what it says now that is a person's agenda interpreting the word of god not the word of god shaping their agenda obviously so there was 12 9 through 10 so the anger of the lord burned against them and he departed but when the cloud had withdrawn from over the tent behold miriam was leprous as white as snow and uh as aaron turned toward miriam behold she was leprous so uh he cured her but um he did this so does god make everybody's anybody sick yeah it's what it what it is okay you can do it now i got a question for you guys uh if those are watching just a basic question just a basic question would you say that god is uh sovereign okay would you say he knows what he's doing okay would you say he is in control are you sure that you would say that he's in control how little do you know how little do you really understand god is not in control put your gun up that comes from religious brainwashing he's not in control what do you do with that i mean what do you do with that guy's not in control and now i could just see myself in the crowd you know i'd be like as this happened before for some unknown reasons i've been in situations where my hand will not listen to me it shoots up on you stop stop stop gee you know and then all of a sudden i want to say things like heretic a heretic you know i said you're a heretic and um i can't help it uh god's not in control just armenian kid does he explain any of that further what does he say anything after that yeah yeah we could go through the whole thing and stop here listen i get the whole video but the point is this is the things he's saying they're taking these clips here i you know i want people to check the context the whole bit you can find this video uh kent copeland and irma hurricane irma go on your own you can find it from the breath of god ice is made and the expanse of the waters is frozen also with moisture he leads the thick cloud he disperses the cloud of his lightning and it changes direction turning around by his guidance that it may do whatever he commands it in the face of the it on the face of the inhabited earth whether for a correction or for his world or for loving kindness he causes it to happen okay proverbs 21 1 the king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the lord he turns it wherever he wishes daniel 4 35 all the inhabitants of the earth are counted as nothing but he does according to his will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth and no one can ward off his hand or say to him what have you done ephesians 1 11 also we have obtained an inheritance having been predestined according to his purpose who works all things after the counsel of his will i'm going to conclude that god's in control now there's more verses i could go into you do a whole i do a study on is god sovereignly in control of things and there's tons of verses about this um now as far as uh god not being in control god's out of control wow i mean it's just so stupid it just to me it's like how can anybody sit take him seriously for that i i what this is my wife she comes out of the the room and she's like you can listen to this you can listen to it she goes oh i'm listening to a couple minutes in the next day she goes oh wait there's more you know so i'm thinking that's pretty attractive my wife knows about heresy yeah i like that you know yeah okay so uh here's some more stuff uh jesus is in control of the church more or less okay jesus is in control of the church and there's a whole lot of that he doesn't have much to say about it i mean this is a heresy fest this is stupidity and people love this guy oh this is the easy stuff this is the mild stuff you wait so let's look at the scriptures again we've already gone over ephesians 1 11 also we've obtained an inheritance having been predestined according to his purpose who works all things after the counsel of his will ephesians 5 23 uh for the husband is the head of the wife as christ also is the head of the church he himself being the savior of the body now we don't have to go into much detail obviously jesus is in control of the church and to say he doesn't have much say so in a lot of what's in the church he doesn't have much say so this is ridiculous he doesn't have much say so i could just see jesus you know i got some ideas folks no we don't have much say so in that lord look we'll tell you this is the kind of thing that implies it had much say so now um so i got another question for you um does god need our permission for anything are you sure because maybe you just don't know what you're talking about maybe permission to your heart yeah right okay check this out the earth does not belong to god it doesn't belong to jesus he gave it to men and what we do here he god if you study the scripture closely you begin to realize that god is pretty well bound up to whatever we ask him to do he can't just come button in here and stop that storm somebody on earth's gonna have to start speaking to this stuff hey where's the lightning bolt when you need one i wish that right how do you take care of a lot of these well it happened in my radio show um lightning bolt dig it out uh so what we have here is god is bound up to us on earth okay he needs uh people's authority uh here on earth this is part of their overall theology i could expand this into one to two hundred slides of showing stuff they're quotes takes a lot of work but they teach the idea that man's sovereignty or is here on earth and for god to work effectively he has to have someone here on earth he has to work with to reduction of god obviously but nevertheless psalm 135 6 whatever the lord pleases he does in heaven and in earth in the seas and all the deeps does he need our permission does he need a man here no and we've already gone through daniel 435 he does according to his will and the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth and of course acts of course acts 4 27 28 for truly in this city that were gathered together against your holy servant jesus whom you anointed both herod and pontius pilate along with the gentiles and the peoples of israel to do whatever your hand and your purpose predestined to occur so god doesn't need our permission now i don't know about any of you but god is never and i have a masters of theology a method of divinity and god's never asked me for my opinion on things he's never consulted with me he's never asked me for advice he's never asked for my permission um i figure i got an mdiv you that made me qualified right yeah so anyway of course not um but this is the the idiocy that's being taught now i don't have any problem with him having a lot of money it doesn't bother me i don't care if preachers got lots of money if they've earned it that that's their business i don't have any problem with that he's got a seven million home private jet cars uh things like that and it's because of the prosperity gospel and this elevation of man that god wants us to be healthy and wealthy and this is what's going on this is this is this is a sliver of some of the stuff that the positive confession movement is teaching overall it's a sliver it is heretical now what gets me is that people just sign up for this they just go for it they love it they think it's wonderful and it's appealing now so what i was doing i have kindle and uh so i i bought some of his kindle books and it's really kindle's awesome because i can uh accept you need to be able to alphabetize the collections come on amazon and so uh i could get his books i could do word searches like god jesus adam church i just see a list and i can glance through and so it really helps me to uh to do my research pretty quickly and um so i was able to find all kinds of things and just and you'll see some of the stuff here but uh it doesn't take much to do the research and what gets me is that people buy into this and the reason is because it makes you feel good so while i'm doing this research i noticed i'm reading all these positive things and i started feeling good yeah that's right oh i like what he has to say and it's the truth now i gotta be fair because just because he's things like god wants us to be successful which i believe he does in many areas doesn't mean because he said it doesn't mean it's not true we're going to be careful we don't want to commit what's called the genetic fallacy this wacko guy says it so therefore it can't be true it's not the case and i believe there's a lot of truth in what the positive confessions people are teaching but they wed it with so much error that we have heresies now um more questions for you we've got a few more clips then we'll get into some um writings and some quotes so uh who's the judge jesus is the judge go to john 5 20 to 23 so all judgments have been given to him on earth by 2018 um now what about god the father does god judge anybody got the father does god do this yeah god send judgment at all well god sends judgment no he doesn't send judgment judgment's coming but judgment that we know in the earth today is a process of seed and harvest of course seed and harvest you plant your ten dollar seed your thousand dollar seed and you're supposed to get tenfold back that kind of a concept so he says god does not send judgment it didn't take me long bible program genesis 6 17 behold i even i am bringing the flood of water upon the earth to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life do you think that's a judgment i i think it is first chronicles 21 15 and god sent an angel to jerusalem to destroy it that's a judgment of god second samuel 24 15 so the lord sent a pestilence upon israel from the morning until the appointed time and 70 000 men of the people of dan to bersheba died does god send judgment yes he does now this is not rocket science this is not difficult you don't need some master's degree you don't need to have anything other than just sit there and research type in a word look figure things out is he what he's saying true people are buying into this what is wrong with them what's wrong with them so many thousands upon thousands of people they don't care now um i got a clip it's an old clip uh jan and paul crouch and kenneth copeland is on set with them and the heresy that is going to be spoken it will be spoken by by uh paul crouch and then copeland agrees so this is all focusing on copeland but this is what copeland is agreeing to and you'll see okay so here we go you know what else has settled then tonight this hue and cry and controversy that has been spawned by the devil to try and bring dissension within the body of christ that we're gods i am a little god yes yes i have his name i'm one with him i'm in covenant relation and i am a little god critic you are anything that he is yeah now we've heard heresies we've heard some false teachings this one disqualifies him completely from being called a minister of the gospel flat out he is disqualified and he should not be in the positions he's in if people knew their bibles and knew their doctrines and weren't out to serve their own flesh by going into the positive confession lotto ticket system hoping that they'll get the right combination of whatever it is in the celestial realm to get rewards and riches they weren't into that and they believe the word of god they would know that we are not little gods and for him to say we are everything that he is is blasphemy it's blasphemy now i don't need to go into this very deeply but here's some of the documentation isaiah 44 6 uh thus says the lord the king of israel and his redeemer the lord of hosts i am the first i am the last and there is no god besides me are we little gods no you're my witnesses declares the lord and my servant whom i have chosen so that you may know and believe me and understand that i am he before me there was no god formed they'll be none after me isaiah 45 5 i am the lord and there is no other besides me there is no god i will gird you though you have not known me now what they'll commonly do is go here however john 10 31 through 35 the jews picked up stones again to stone him jesus answered them i showed you many good works from the father for which of them are you stoning me the jews answered him for a good work we do not stone you but for blasphemy and because you big man make yourself out to be god jesus answered them has it not been written in your law i said you are gods if you call them gods doom the word of god came and the scripture cannot be broken so they very often say the bible says you're gods now yes it does right there i said you are gods and that's uh jesus his words but he's quoting psalm 82 verse 6 so here's the entire psalm 82 god take uh god takes his stand in his own congregation he judges in the midst of the rulers how long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked selah just means like a pause vindicate the weak and fatherless do justice to the afflicted and destitute rescue the weak and needy deliver them out of the hand of the wicked they do not know nor do they understand they walk about in darkness all the foundations of the earth are shaken i said you are gods and all of you are sons of the most high nevertheless you will die like men and fall like any one of the princes arise oh god judge the earth for it is you who possesses all the nations this is what's called an imprecatory psalm an imprecatory psalm is a psalm of condemnation and judgment to imprecate is to wish harm upon somebody judgment upon somebody so it's an imprecation these are imprecatory psalms there's many it basically is where the psalmist says god get them judge them destroy them it's imprecatory and they are in the word of god this is an imprecatory psalm and it's dealing with the unrighteous judges and they were in the power of life and death over people it says yeah you are gods you have life and death power things like that i just call them really gods obviously nevertheless you will die like men you know there's lots i can go a lot more on this but this is just a cursory this is the intro if i were to do a course on this i could go into details to jesus show more stuff but this is basic all right now uh this is only a portion of his books that he sells i have no problem with him making money off of his books that's fine make money i make money out of my books that's not a problem but the problem is his books are not sound theologically so um quotes from the teachings of kenneth copeland so there's from some of these books audiotapes and stuff and you're gonna see it's gonna amp it up a little bit more here on what's going on what kind of things he teaches so we don't have any more audio except for one repeat of the uh when he said their little gods be gone we'll go back to that once so now we're going to be doing some reading here what i would love to do is find excerpts of him saying these things but it takes a lot of research to get all this material which is fine but it's a lot nevertheless faith is not the product of reason but of the reborn human spirit it is not the product of the mind but of the heart faith is a power force is a tangible force a conductive force this is copeland the force of faith 1983 kindle edition uh locations uh 163 165 so i got these documented from the sources so this is what i found in his books kindle's awesome just go through and i have a whole section that i copied out which is just you just can't believe he's saying some of the stuff he said and i extracted some stuff out of that as well check out the force of faith must be behind your words for them to cause things to come to pass so your words have that force of faith that causes things to occur this is sorcery okay this is sorcery faith like any other force must be applied in order to to gain any benefit from it in the same way the spirit man consumes spirit food god's word and that spirit food produces spirit power which is called faith so faith is a force like energy like magnetism and you can use this faith to do things by your word and your command witchcraft sorcery that's what it is faith is a force that has to be developed the same scripture says that we are to be sound in faith patience and faith are individual forces they work together the way faith and love work together i wasn't even sure okay which ones of these do i want to copy and put in here they were just one after another after another after another just this gives you the sufficient gist faith is a force all right now i'm jumping around a little bit i put this together not so to speak on the fly but i was putting together i'm going to be expanding it some other things so uh you'll bear with me as we go through some of the order of things for example about adam the lord allowed me one day during a season of prayer to see a vision what happened when man was created in a vision what happened i've not had many visions this dramatic and detailed so it marked my thinking forever in my spirit i saw god standing up holding adam's body in front of him the first thing i noticed was that they were the same size adam's form was just like god's except it was limp and grayish looking it didn't have much color to it in alien parlance we call those grays but uh at any rate so uh they're the same size god's body and adam were the same size all right god spoke adam into existence in authority with words okay these words struck adam's body in the face his body and god were exactly the same size well he doesn't say so here's the one of the problems with doing research um if it's on kindle i can get 10 books and we're talking a couple 300 dollars okay on kindle okay and then i have to get books like this as well um and when you see quotes from various sources and i've got books that have these things quoted in them and i've seen them before so they're good quotes okay this is where they're from but i need to verify and see all contexts of all things it takes a lot of work a lot of research i list i had a friend back in southern california perry perla greeney and lost contact with him and i was over his house one time he's the guy who did the research for all this stuff back in in the 80s and he told me that he had cassette tapes and he would just listen to them all the time hour after hour day after day week after week for months and he's the guy who found all this stuff back then these guys not just copeland but others and he gave the research to people at cri which became the um the uh the the the foundation for a lot of books that people have written so these quotes are going around and certainly going around going around anyway okay so uh god's reason for creating adam was his desire to reproduce himself i mean a reproduction of himself and in the garden of eden he did just that he was not like a little like god he was not almost like god he was not subordinate to god even adam is as much like god as you could get just the same as jesus adam in the garden of eden was god manifested in the flesh yeah mormonism yeah oh you wait there's more this is does this disqualify him as being a decent teacher of course he's gone why is he still being followed this stuff means he doesn't know what he's he's obviously wrong yeah the only difference between man and god was this unlike god who was eternally sovereign and independent man was dependent on god in all other ways god and man were so exactly alike that when the angel saw god and adam together for the first time they must have thought they were seeing double what a shock it must have been to see the eternal almighty god in all his radiant light and glory standing face to face with someone who looked just like him someone who had the same radiance and the same fiery presence someone who was as we say in my part of the country the spittin image of god so god copeland says that god wanted to reproduce himself the bible tells us that god created us for his glory for his glory not to create an image of himself he was a spirit an image of god himself he wasn't just a little like god he was exactly like him he didn't contain any part of god he contained everything god is he was absolutely filled with god now you know how many times do i have to read heresy different forms of it before people get it well it's already obvious that uh this is just just a heresy fest this is ridiculous and yet this guy is extremely successful just tells you how bad off the christian church is now let's turn to jesus and see what he says about jesus conceived in the womb of a virgin jesus was not just a spectacular and spiritually successful member of the fallen adamic race he was god's own son the second member of the godhead clothed in a body of flesh that pulsed not with the sin contaminated blood of adam but with sinless blood generated by the word of the of his heavenly father well that's not a problem it's okay he doesn't say everything heretical i could pick only heresy stuff he actually says a lot of good things he does that's not bad how about this one though after jesus died physically his sin deadened spirit descended into hell oh come on now someone might say jesus didn't go to hell he finished the work of redemption when he was on the cross he said so himself no when he said it is finished he wasn't talking about redemption everyone who served the gospel knows that the plan of redemption wasn't finished until after the resurrection now you've heard me teach um on the issue of the nature of the atoning work jesus was made under the law galatians 4 4 sin is breaking the law of god first john 3 4 jesus equates sin with legal debt in matthew 6 12 and luke no i think 6 12 and luke 10 4 he equates sin with debt and paul the apostle says in colossians 2 12 and actually 13 14 that jesus canceled all of our sin excuse me having forgiven us all of our transgressions having canceled the certificate of debt um so he canceled it and first peter 224 says he canceled um he bore our sin in his body on the cross in john 1930 jesus says it is finished and the wording is finished in greek is totalist i which literally means um a debt paid in full so he finished the atoning work on the cross that's that's what it is but um he wasn't talking this is what he says no when he said it's finished he wasn't talking about redemption and what he goes on to say is that he was talking about the old testament covenant that was done that was finished it's not what's going on this is heresy i mean this is just ridiculous how is it that he could be taken seriously by anybody the angels spoke the words of the covenant to her mary now check this out listen to this she pondered them in her heart and these words became the seed so the angel's words became the seed and the spirit of god hovered over her and generated that seed which was the word that the angel spoke to her and there was conceived in her the bible says a holy thing the word literally became flesh now that's a denial of the atone of the incarnation by this statement alone now he says in other places that we already read jesus is god in flesh but you see this is why you have to sit with them and say wait a minute you said this and then you said this now let's let's clarify what are you saying and you got to ask detailed questions and you have to know what to ask but what he's saying is an angel spoke to mary and those words the angel spoke were embedded in her womb as it became a seed and then the god activated that seed that is a denial of the second person of the trinity entering into the womb of and we had the doctrine of the hypostatic union this is damnable heresy because it violates the true doctrine of the incarnation he goes on don't be disturbed when people put you down and speak harshly and roughly of you this is what jesus said jesus in a vision to him they spoke that way of me should they not speak that way of you the more you get to be like me the more they're going to think that way of you they crucified me for claiming that i was god but i didn't claim i was god i just claimed i walked with him and that he was in me did jesus claim to be god unless you believe that i am they'll die in your sins john 8 24 before abraham was i am john 8 58 those are two places very clearly where he claimed to be divine so that jesus had appeared to him supposedly said i never claimed to be god because he did for jesus to become our substitute he had to go through the same kind of separation he had to die not just physically but spiritually and descended into hell to suffer the whole penalty of sin obviously that's not true he went into hell to suffer the whole penalty of sin no he did not um he goes on it was it was when the power of god resurrected jesus spirit in the pit of hell and he was born again that he became the first begotten of the dead so now jesus is born again he's the first one to be born again now in john 3 3 through 8 it talks about being born again literally it means born from above the earthly the heavenly born again sinners are the ones born again so what he he's implying without saying it is jesus to such a degree was so sinful he had to be born again but this is a heresy jesus was imputed legally with our sin he was not um sinful but our sin was reckoned to his account imputed him he bore our sin in his body on the cross first peter 2 24 that's more theology but let's go on the same is true for jesus he can't do anything on earth without us become without us because we are his representatives here so this is reminiscent of what was said earlier he can't do anything without us god had no avenue of lasting faith or moving in the earth he had to have covenant with somebody he had to be invited in in other words or he couldn't come god is on the outside looking in in order to have any say so in the earth he's gonna have to be in agreement with a man here now what this does is it elevates man's sovereignty man's ability if god's gonna do anything he's gonna come to us i mean you know almost in joking i want to joke you know about god hey god you need to come to me but i'm afraid to even joke like that you know make fun of this and show it's stupidity how could anybody say anything like this you know it's anyway all right let's just move on jesus left no doubt about man's authority over the earth he said that when god spoke his word of dominion into mankind he made us gods little g over all that he had created little gods god is the most high there's no argument about that but if you think that lowers our spiritual status consider this through jesus the most high god lifted us up to his level by seating a born -again resurrected man at his right hand as an eternal member of the godhead the most high has included all of us who by faith are in christ in the godhead too so now in christ we are in the godhead he doesn't have any idea what it means to be in christ it's a federal headship representation this is foolishness okay now uh you're gonna enjoy the next quote it's it's a nice quote i say this with all respect so that it don't upset you too bad but i say it anyway when i read in the bible where he jesus says i am i just smile and say yes i am too where is the tar and the feathers this guy saying that you wish the elders of his church should rebuke him soundly they're built elders of the church that you were disqualified we're going to go public we're going to expose you as a heretic for what you really are this is on tbn the bull network bull crap network i used to drive by it um regularly on the 405 freeway in irvine and uh you'd be driving down to 405 you guys been there right seen it oh yeah for those of you who know and uh so going down to 405 you know it's on the south side of the freeway and um this gaudy lights everything it just i was like oh jeez and what was really interesting is maybe a mile maybe two miles away maybe was calvary chapel you know and um i remember when i didn't when i was new in the faith i didn't know much i didn't know really what church to go to i went to robert schuler's church which was in san anna off the 22 freeway and so uh i went there and one thing i knew i wanted to hear about jesus i want to hear about jesus you know just tell me about him that's what i want to hear so i sat there listening to robert schuler sunday morning service preach and 20 minutes into a sermon he mentioned jesus 20 minutes and i said i'm not coming here i'm going to try that calvary chapel place out i heard about chuck smith i go there on a sunday morning and i see him walk up to the pulpit that worship time is done he walks up first word out of his mouth jesus said i went i'm here i said i wanted i went there for a few years my wife and i were baptized by chuck smith we attend to calvary chapel yes even though i'm reformed in my theology so the self -exaltation is of the devil the exaltation of christ is the spirit of christ now just as a reminder let's take a look at this again oh maybe this thing is times out after a bit let me see try and bring within the body of christ go back get it here we go do you know what else that's settled then tonight this hue and cry and controversy that has been spawned by the devil to try and bring dissension within the body of christ that we're gods i am a little god yes yes i have his name i'm one with him i'm in covenant relation i am a little god critic you are anything that he is okay i need a uh spiritual barf bag to fill up and just pass through having a little puke in it um all right that is that's bad now let's just get into some stuff that's just kind of whacked um ridiculous i mean what are we gonna say it's just just blasphemy it's just blasphemy and this guy is highly successful and revered by thousands upon thousands and thousands and thousands of people heaven has a north and a south and an east and a west consequently it must be a planet uh you don't think earth was first do you huh well you don't think that god made man in his image and then made earth in some other image there is not anything under this whole sun that's new are you hearing what i'm saying this is all a copy it's a copy of home it's a copy of the where god lives he made a little one just like his and put us on it yeah mormonism so um mother planet and uh that's where heaven heaven is a planet what do you say to this what do you what do you do with this i mean i don't have to expound on this this is so bad it's just we all know it how can anybody buy into this guy how can they do that i was shocked when i found out who the biggest failure in the bible actually is the biggest one is god i mean he lost his top ranking most anointed angel the the first man who ever created the first woman he ever created the whole earth and all the fullness therein a third of the angels at least that's a big loss man now the reason you don't think that of god is a failure is he never said he's a failure and you're not a failure till you say you're one that's just a little yeah that's bad so it's bad yeah it's it's similar to mormonism yeah yeah yeah mother planet uh adam was god uh god him the same size this is it's your little gods uh it's mormonism now um so i was doing more research and uh we're almost done here um got three more slides so let me ask you uh is the catholic church a good church the catholic church is it's a good church i would say no would you say that the catholic church is full of heresy yeah would you also say that uh as christians true christians we should not uh approve of the roman catholic church as a christian church correct we should denounce it and rightfully so um now if somehow i were invited to the vatican by the pope i'd go i wouldn't call him father i can't do that i wouldn't kiss his ring i'd shake his hand i'd take a picture with him i've done it with atheists i've debated not a problem doesn't mean i approve of them well on his kenneth copeland website kenneth copeland ministries .com