What Does Sheep's Clothing Look Like?

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You know, as I grow up in the faith, one of the things that I find very helpful to me is that I, you know,
I talk to more unbelievers and I engage in social issues and I get a more thoroughly biblical worldview.
And all of a sudden, passages in the Bible that I understood kind of logically, I start to feel the passages more, like I start to know them more.
And it's one thing to know what a passage means, it's another thing to have experienced what the passage is explaining.
I'll give you a perfect example, Isaiah 5, verse 20. This is not a very difficult passage to understand, but on the other hand, it's very difficult to, well,
I mean, it's a different thing to experience, I guess I'll say. I'll read from the New King James. It says, woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
And it's like, man, how could, like, I understood what that meant, of course, you know, Isaiah is prophesying about people who are essentially, you know, exchanging what's good for what's evil.
And it's like, in my mind, I'm like, you know, most people would, and even every villain in every movie thinks that they're on the right side of things.
They say that it's good. So how does this happen? How does it get so twisted up that somebody is promoting as good something that's pure evil?
And the more you think about and the more you engage with, and the more you talk about the abortion issue in the
United States, you start to feel and understand how this happens. You look at how these people justify killing their own children.
And you see how twisted that is, like, you should be repulsed by that, that should be revolting to you.
The fact that there are people that are otherwise, they seem to have their heads on straight otherwise, that are saying, yeah, it's actually the best thing since sliced bread to kill your children.
Because you know, you need to you have a career after all. And it's like, you think about that, if you aren't like, like sick to your stomach thinking about what kind of a mental place you need to be into to reason in that way.
There's probably something wrong with you. Like that's disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. And personally,
I would say if you if you like, if you like need a babysitter for your kids, and you choose that person who thinks that it's cool to kill kids in the womb, as your kids babysitter, like you, you probably need to reconsider, you know, your your whole reasoning here that like that's twisted, man, that's twisted to think that it's okay to kill your children.
You know, one of the things that you have to recognize about God's law is that God's law addresses Israel in a certain context.
And so that's why in God's law, it says you shall not let your kids pass through the fire. Like that doesn't really mean much to us today, because there's not a lot of kids being sacrificed to bail by passing them through the fire.
And so what you need to do is look at the general equity of that law, right. And so just because you're not literally saying that you're worshiping bail, when you kill your kids, doesn't mean that the moral general equity of that law does not apply to abortion.
And so we need to understand that when God says to the people of Israel, you know, don't kill your kids and sacrifice them to bail.
There were people that were justifying sacrificing kids to bail in almost the exact same way that people justify killing their children today, that it's a moral equivalence.
There's really no question about that. And so, you know, as you get more experience engaging in a pagan culture, you start to understand a lot of these verses more intimately.
Another passage that I'm starting to understand more is a passage that comes from Deuteronomy.
Deuteronomy, this is chapter 25. And listen to what it says here.
Again, there's a moral equity here. There's a general principle that you need to kind of draw out of the text.
So here's what it says. God says, you shall not have in your bag differing weights, a heavy and a light.
You shall not have in your house differing measures, a large and a small. You shall have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure, that your days may be lengthened in the land which the
Lord your God is giving you. For all who do such things, all who behave unrighteously are an abomination to the
Lord your God. And this is an application of God being a
God of justice, right? This is a passage from Deuteronomy as well. It says, you shall not follow a crowd in wrongdoing.
When you testify in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd. Don't show favoritism to a poor man in his lawsuit.
Don't accept a bribe, for a blight blinds the eye who sees and twists the words of the righteous. You must not pervert justice.
You must not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the rich. You shall judge your neighbor fairly.
And this is something that, you know, those are easy words to understand. You shouldn't have unequal measures so that, you know, with one person that you like, you use the fair measure and maybe someone that, you know, is maybe out of favor with you, you use the unfair measure to your advantage.
And we see so many examples of this. This is just a quick stroll around Twitter. Here's Twitter.
Here's Washington Post publishing an opinion piece. And it says, this is the headline.
Both the namesakes of Washington and Lee University perpetrated racial terror. The school should be renamed.
So a school named after Washington should be renamed because Washington perpetrated terror.
This is an article produced by the Washington Post. I mean,
I'm not the only one who's seen the irony there. Again, there's an unequal weight here. He's they're using the weight for Washington, the school, not for Washington, the post.
This is a tweet from Ryan Fournier. And he says, in 2008,
Barack Obama visited Mount Rushmore. CNN called it quote majestic and quote, quite a sight.
This year, Trump visits Mount Rushmore and they call it quote, a monument of two slave owners on a land wrestled away from Native Americans.
What changed? You see, there's unequal weights here. There's unequal measures here.
The media is treating Obama differently than Trump. And you could come up with endless examples just like this.
This is even true in the Christian community. Even true in the Christian community. Here's David Platt promoting a protest for black for black lives and racial injustice, where he's encouraging you to march, pray, and sing with other followers of Christ from churches around the district.
Today at two, right? And he hashtags it, faith that works in DC. And this was to be held on Sunday, June 7th, at a time where David Platt's church was not meeting for worship because it was too dangerous to worship the
Lord of glory because the coronavirus is going to get you. There's unequal weights and measures here.
That's the thing. Like on the one hand, you can go protest Black Lives Matter, but you can't worship
God. On the one hand, it's too dangerous. On the other hand, it's not too dangerous. There's something going on here.
This is puts flesh and blood on it. When it says you have unequal weights and measures, we're treating people with partiality.
And in this case, it's very grievous because you're not doing your duty before God, but you are doing your duty before the world.
Here's another one, Gospel Coalition. I did a video about this yesterday. The title of this article is the church doesn't need online watchmen from an online watch blog.
That's what the Gospel Coalition is. It's an online watchman. The article is all about how online watchmen don't operate in the realms of church polity, neither does
Gospel Coalition. And so you see there's unequal weights and measures. And this puts flesh and blood on the scriptures for me, because this is exactly what
God warned us not to do. He said people that do this kind of stuff are an abomination to him.
That's what he said. Here's the last example that I found just today. This is
Denny Burke. He's quoting Ligon Duncan. And here's what Ligon Duncan's quote says. He says, thank
God that a flag that has offended and even threatened black citizens and Christians is no longer endorsed by the government of Mississippi and that the
Lord use Bible believing Christians to bring it down. These are the same people that will hashtag
Black Lives Matter, knowing full well that Black Lives Matter offends many people.
It doesn't offend me because I'm not scared of hashtags, but it offends many people because it's a
Marxist hashtag. And it's threatening to white people. As you know, Black Lives Matter protesters go around trying to find white people to beat up on occasion.
I'm not saying it's legitimately common, but what I am saying is that it does threaten white citizens and Christians.
So on the one hand, a symbol, a flag that doesn't do anything is the worst thing ever. We must bring it down.
But on the other hand, a Black Lives Matter flag, which is essentially what the hashtag is and all that, that's totally fine.
In fact, that's a gospel issue. You got to say Black Lives Matter, like J .D. Greer said. You see there's unequal weights and measures here.
That's the point. Big Eva and the culture at large is all about inconsistency.
I could have given you 100 examples probably within an hour. I just don't have the time to look for them.
100 examples of inconsistencies in the fake news media and in Big Eva in particular.
This is just all over the place. On the one hand, conspiracy theories are evil, according to Joe Carter. On the other hand, he promotes conspiracy theories of white supremacy and all this kind of stuff.
And so you see what I'm saying? Like, that's what I really appreciate about this woke church tsunami of apostasy is that it helps me to understand and to really know what
God's talking about in the scriptures. And that brings me to my final scripture, because you might be asking yourself, how did this happen?
How did this happen? It reminds me of that Seinfeld episode. I'll just play the clip.
So what are you saying? That we're wrong? Oh, everybody's wrong but you. You know, this is like that Twilight Zone where the guy wakes up and he's the same and everybody else is different.
Which one? They were all like that. Yeah, that's what people keep messaging me.
How did this happen? I feel like I just woke up and everyone's all of a sudden crazy.
You know what I mean? And this is the thing. I've always known what this verse said. I always known what it meant, but I had never experienced it before.
I'd never really known, you know, with my soul, with my heart, what it is to experience this verse.
This is Paul bidding farewell to the Ephesians. And he says this, he says,
I know I'm going to read from the New King James. For I know this, that after my departure, savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.
Somewhere else he says, he says this, this is actually the words of Christ.
He says, beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
So you see a couple things here, because I knew what that meant. Like he meant, you know, you're going to think that they're like you.
They're wearing sheep's clothing, but on the inside they are, they're there to devour.
They're there to destroy the flock. They're there to eat the flock, essentially.
And the reality is we need to come to terms with the fact that many of our big evil leaders are like this.
Outwardly, they look like, they look like us. They speak like us. I don't mean racially, before you get all crazy on me.
They look like us. They speak like us. They're evangelical. I mean, they use the evangelical buzzwords and they're lovely and they're nice.
That's the other thing. Like we think false prophets are going to come in and they're going to be, you know, kicking and taking names, you know, but no, they're going to be nice.
They're going to flatter you. They're going to make you feel good. And I think we're experiencing that now.
I mean, Matt Chandler has made me feel so good in the past. Russell Moore is just, I watch his content.
I just feel lovely about myself. I mean, he promotes and he wants to empower women and he wants to empower minorities and stuff like that's wonderful.
Tim Keller, I've learned so much from him, but these people are living in topsy turvy land.
Like, yeah, they're nice. They have some great things to say, but then you can see how they are going with the spirit of the age.
They're just basically parodying the talking points of the mainstream media, of progressives, of liberals, of Marxists even.
These are not compatible worldviews with Christianity. So how is it that they're so nice and they look like sheep and they act like sheep and all of this, but then all of a sudden we wake up and they're promoting enemy doctrines.
And I'm not talking about oopsie kind of doctrines, like these overturn the law of God.
I'm talking like making good evil and evil good and sweet bitter and bittersweet, all of that stuff.
That's what's being promoted here. We've got, I mean, if you look at Russell Moore's Twitter feed, it's going to be a combination of a few things.
It's going to be a combination of triviality. So he does the reading rainbow thing. He's still doing that. If you can imagine in a time when religious liberty is being threatened ridiculously, he'll still do his reading rainbow things.
You know, put out, look at this one. This is his Russell Moore podcast. Cross of the jukebox.
I talk about one of my favorite songs, Johnny Cash's ring of fire. That very helpful, Russell Moore. Thank you.
So that's some of what you'll get, but then you'll also get a triviality or I'm sorry, spirit of the age type stuff.
You know, he'll talk about taking down the, the, the flag, like that's his big thing. Oh yeah, we got to take down the flag.
It's scary. It's a scary flag and all of that kind of stuff. And that's what you'll get from him. It's just absolutely spirit of the age capitulation.
That's what it is. And so, you know, we have to recognize that, that, you know, we've always kind of known that the wolves in sheep clothing, like it's very easy to be like, oh yeah, that's people from that other group over there.
Like, oh, those are those charismatics. Yeah. You can easily see the wolves over there. We got Benny Han, he's over there.
And it's very easy to see that. But when we read Acts 20 verse 29, and we, and we read
Paul warning the Ephesians, that wolves are going to come in among you. They're going to be among you.
You're not, they're not going to be identified. When we hear the words of Christ in Matthew seven, wolves will come to you in sheep's clothing, but on the inside, they're ravenous wolves.
We need to understand that he's talking about our groups. He's talking about evangelicals.
He's talking about reform circles. He's talking about our group. It's not just those groups over there.
He's talking about our groups. And so when we think, okay, what would that look like? I, I, I, I'm, I'm, I'm trying to find the right words here, but it would look like this, where people that have had a track record, you always hear that.
Oh, how could you say that about that brother? He has a track record of gospel ministry. And it's like, okay, that's his clothing.
That's the sheep clothing, right? His track record of consistently helpful gospel blogs and gospel books and gospel conference speaking, that's the sheep's clothing.
And now it has become revealed that on the inside, he's a ravenous wolf.
He wants to make a meal of the flock. He wants them to follow him into all of this woke cult stuff, where there's different definitions of reconciliation.
There's different definitions of atonement. There's different definitions of unity and brotherhood and all of these things where you come to the table and like there is actually a sep, we don't just come to the same table.
That's, that's, that's colorblind theology. You can't have that. That's colorblind theology. Oh, you're a racist for even bringing it up that our identity would be in Christ and Christ alone and skin color doesn't mean anything.
They like all of a sudden that becomes evil. When it's the teaching of Jesus Christ himself, his teaching becomes evil.
You can be sure that you're dealing with a wolf and all that track record of ministry is just the sheep's clothing.
That's the thing that gets me so frustrated when someone says, how could you just, if one, if one comment about Marxism is enough to make me a
Marxist, then well, I can't even, I can't even, I have a track record of ministry. It's like, yeah, look, I have a track record as well of being a
Christian. And if I decide to one day say, oh, whatever that is, inshallah, whatever it is.
Yeah, that's right. I learned that from Dr. White. If I say that one day online, it's just one sentence, but it actually means that I've left the faith.
That means that I've been a ravenous wolf. Do you understand what I'm saying? Like one sentence can do it.
And it's not just the sentence that doing it, but it's the sentence that reveals it, you see. And so all of this track record stuff,
I'm just like, what are you trying to say that because of your track record of gospel ministry, that now
I have to accept this doctrine that you're teaching me that actually overturns the doctrine of Christ?
The answer is no. The answer is no. And that's a really weird flex because when
I hear Christ talk about wolves in sheep's clothing, I hear Christ talking about someone who has taught you well for years, maybe decades.
And then they seek to entice you away from the Lord that bought you.
That's what the sheep's clothing is. That's what a wolf is. He tricks you. He tricks you into making you think he's actually a good guy.
He's on the side of the saints. He's on your side. He's on Christ's side. But then he reveals himself that he isn't.
You think about Judas. He walked around with Christ for years, and he probably said all the right things and did all the right things.
And then at the critical moment, he revealed himself for what he was. And so if you feel like Seinfeld felt like he woke up, he's the same and everybody else is different.
I'm not saying that that's definitely the case. You should examine yourself. You should have the conversations.
You should talk it out with people and all that kind of stuff. But recognize that there is a distinct possibility that the what you're experiencing is actually real.
And these are wolves in sheep's clothing. I think that they're going to reveal themselves more and more as the days come.
I saw Duke Quan talking about how Marxism he's, you know, a couple like last year, we were we were insane for calling people
Marxist and we were slandering people today. They're like, well, there's a long history of Christian Marxist.
And you know what I mean? Like, we've been vindicated so many times at this point. So many times at this point that it's almost embarrassing.
It's almost I almost feel embarrassed for like bringing it up. It's like it's just so obvious that we've been vindicated again and again and again and again.
And it gives me no pleasure to tell you, my friends, that there are fierce and ravenous wolves among you right now.
And they look like sheep and they walk like sheep and they talk like sheep. But every wolf, because they have an agenda, will eventually reveal themselves.
They'll eventually reveal their real desires. And oftentimes it's money, oftentimes it's prestige, oftentimes it's power.
But when you see evangelical leaders in droves going with the zeitgeist, going with the spirit of the age, you can be sure that the wolves have done their work and they've done it well.
And we must stand firm, do not consent, and always seek to honor the
Lord in everything, even our dealings with those who have called themselves our brothers for decades.