#CalltoPause? - Response to Jemar Tisby and Propaganda - #NoCompromise

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This is a short review of the #calltopause that is making the rounds. This actually is a call to surrender. Propaganda and Jemar Tisby's contributions are particularly disappointing. This is a partisan hustle, don't be fooled. I don't think many will. We know a hustle when we see one. These political ideas are not grounded in Scripture and we will continue to resist them. There will be no compromise. #wokechurch


Alright, here is an article that I saw, it's actually a, hold on a second here, actually kind of like a press release, and it is called
A Call to Pause, Evangelical Men Join Women's Call to Hit a Pause on the Culture War. And what this is, is basically a request, or really a demand, that all evangelical men basically stop their plans to sort of have a pro -life
Supreme Court justice, and basically appoint a Democrat, or what they call a moderate, this is essentially a call to have a liberal justice appointed even though Trump's a conservative supposedly, and everyone else wants him to appoint a conservative judge.
So this is basically a call to surrender, is what this is. And it starts off and it says, a rising chorus of evangelical women called
America to stop the Senate from rushing to confirm a replacement for Justice Anthony Kennedy. Now this is important, evangelical women, because the primary thing that people are hoping this justice will do is help overturn
Roe vs. Wade. Now we can argue if that's gonna be an effective strategy, I don't really, that's not the point of this,
I'm not really trying to determine whether or not that's an effective strategy. But I don't think anyone would deny that it would be good to have a
Supreme Court justice that said, you know what, abortion is actually killing people, and we don't do that here in the
United States. We don't kill people for no reason. And so, the idea that we should pause that plan, it seems pretty preposterous to me.
But basically, the argument that this thing makes is, if you outlaw abortion, it'll actually increase the amount of abortion.
So what we really need to do is be truly pro -life, and we all know what that means. That means welfare, that means social justice, that means all kinds of money for the poor.
Because what they say is, the reason people kill their babies is because they're too poor. I think that that is an absolutely horrible view of poor people.
You don't kill people just because you're poor. You kill babies because you hate God, you hate the image of God, and so you're trying to destroy that image of God.
There's nothing biblical about this article. So anyway, this makes the point that if you are truly pro -life and consistently pro -life and you agree with healthcare for all and welfare, all these things, then we'll have less abortions than we do now.
I think that is preposterous, naive, and overall, I think it's a political scam.
I think it's a hustle. And I think it's pretty obviously a hustle. But anyway, this is what
I found so interesting about this. These are the three steps that they're calling for here with this call to pause. The first thing is, we need to fast for God's discernment to decide should we continue the culture war or not?
And it makes the argument here that in a culture war, there are only allies and enemies, no human beings. You cannot be wrong in war.
You're always right. The other is always wrong. There's always collateral damage in war. So they want you to really think about this and fast and seek
God should we continue the culture war. The second point is to listen to the stories and testimonies of the people of color in the pew right next to us.
Always. Listen and believe. That's always what they want to say. And then they say, act on our prayerful, informed discernment by calling our senators to demand they replace retiring
Justice Anthony Kennedy with a moderate independent justice. And so what I found so interesting about that is they want you to listen and think about this.
But really what they want is just for you to listen to obey them politically. They don't really want you to think about it. They just want you to do what they say.
They don't really want you to listen and talk to black people and Latinos. No, they just want you to do what they say politically.
This is a hustle. There's no question about that. This is a political partisan hustle.
They don't want a conservative Supreme Court justice. And so they're going to emotionally manipulate you and say, just fast and ask
God fast. Then you got to take this seriously and listen to your people of color. But in the end, it's really just do what we say politically and everything will be fine.
That is a scam. That is an absolute scam. It's a hustle. This is a political hustle.
Just like so much of this social justice is. What I found also interesting about this is the supporting statements here.
There's some supporting statements of people that say that we should pause the culture war and they think what they're saying is biblical.
Listen to this. I want to show you this one in particular. There's two that I want to show you, but this one
I thought was particularly preposterous. This is from Propaganda, who is a hip hop artist, a spoken word guy.
I like Propaganda. I thought his songs were pretty good in general. I thought his spoken word was pretty interesting. Well, actually, it was part of a small church that brought him to do a concert in New York.
It was a pretty cool concert. Anyway, here's what he says. Propaganda, hip hop artist, Christian and podcaster.
He says, first, it's important to acknowledge that in all our rhetoric that I nor any man in office has ever nor will ever be pregnant.
We can only understand by proxy. We must defer to the queens of our culture. I suggest for men that we hit the pause twice.
Maybe for once, let's let the ladies be experts in something that they are already experts in. Wow. Wow.
Propaganda just used the argument that men, you know what, in the abortion issue, just shut up.
You've never been pregnant. You're not a woman. So how can you know about this women's issue? That is the most preposterous, ridiculous thing.
With respect, Propaganda, that is not a Christian way to think. That is not a Christian way to think because we don't, men don't have to be experts at pregnancy to know women shouldn't kill their own children.
It's really just that simple. We don't need to be experts on pregnancy to know that killing babies, that's not okay according to God.
And so that's preposterous. That's a preposterous, secular, progressive type of an argument.
Propaganda is not thinking straight there. It's just that simple. And that's, it's a really sad thing to see because I, like I said,
I do like propaganda, but that is preposterous. It's absolutely preposterous. Secondly, he says the culture of war for Christians should be a misnomer.
The culture is not some monster that comes from the mountains. It's us, all of us. We are the culture and our
God loves the culture. How can I be at war with what I'm called to love? This is, this is a, just a sneaky rhetorical trick.
Nobody's saying we're at war against culture. Nobody is saying that. What we're saying is that there are two cultures.
There's the culture of Satan and the pagans, and then there's a culture of Christ and they're at conflict, constant conflict.
And so the pagan culture says, you know what, ladies, kill your babies and all will be okay.
Especially if you're poor, you can't afford it. Just kill your babies and everything will be fine. Oh, you want to go to school?
You're stressed out. Kill your baby. It's totally fine. Hey, you just don't want a baby. You want to go travel the world?
Kill your baby. That's fine. That's the pagan culture that the Christian culture must war against.
There's no question. This is, this is what the great commission is. We absolutely are trying to beat down the gates of hell and plunder the kingdom of Satan.
That's what we're trying to do. We're trying to plunder the kingdom of Satan, pick people out of the fire, and that's what we're trying to do.
So to say that this is a culture war should be a misnomer. God's not against the culture. That's insanity.
God is absolutely against the pagan culture. And that's the point. So there will be no compromise. There will be no end to the culture war.
That's crazy. Um, and so, and then propaganda finishes up, maybe be pro -life by general principle, womb to tune.
I'm not just talk, not just in talking points and say, that's this one. You should be truly pro -life and it acts as if being against abortion means you have to be for welfare.
You have to be for open immigration. You have to be for all this stuff. And the answer is you just don't. That is preposterous.
In fact, if you are truly and consistently pro -life, you will be against welfare. You will be against all kinds of ungodly economic policies.
That's the reality of the situation. I would be glad to talk to propaganda about that.
I'd be glad to have him on my show to discuss what the Bible actually says about this stuff. We'll see if he'd be open to doing it.
Um, the other one I wanted to talk about was Jamar Tisby. He's the, he's the president of the witness, the black
Christian collective. And he says the Supreme court selection will impact all Americans, but it will not impact all
Americans in the same way for people of color, especially black people, issues such as affirmative action, gerrymandering, civil rights protections form an interconnected complex of issues.
The record of a potential Supreme court justice on these topics must be carefully scrutinized while reducing abortions is a worthy goal.
Research reveals that the pro -life stance for all life from womb to tomb is the best way of ensuring safety of children, both before and after they are born.
Again, this is, you gotta be truly pro -life. You gotta be for affirmative action. You gotta be, uh, for, uh, civil rights protections and all of these things.
Otherwise you're not really pro -life. And, uh, unfortunately that's an emotional manipulation. That's an emotional manipulation.
It's not biblical at all. No. And in fact, I don't even care about being called pro -life I'm anti abortion.
I'm sick of babies being killed with impunity. So you can have the term pro -life if you want it to mean all this other stuff, because I'm not for all that.
I'm just against abortion. How do you like that? Jamar Tisby? I think that's what we should just do. We should just say, okay, fine. You want to be pro -life and you want to call me something else?
Fine. Just call me an abolitionist. Call me an anti -abortion. I don't care. That's what I want. He says, as an
American citizen who is also black and evangelical, I desire Supreme court justice that will make decisions with compassion towards those who have been historically marginalized and not repeal the hard won rights we have secured.
You see, this is what it's all about. This is a political hustle. Jamar Tisby is trying to manipulate you politically. He's trying to say his political views are the ones that are biblical and your political views are the ones that are not.
I say, prove it, Jamar. I say, come and let's have a conversation about what the Bible says about affirmative action.
Let's have a conversation with the Bible says about civil rights protections and welfare and gerrymandering and all of these things.
Let's talk about it all. Economics. Let's talk about it all. What the Bible actually says about these things, because I'm confident that the
Bible does not approve of these kinds of schemes that you're talking about here. I'm confident. And so if you want to talk about this, let's do that because otherwise this is a political hustle and I'm sure that you don't want to be seen as a political hustler.
Just that simple. This is this whole thing, this whole thing called to pause is just an attempt to control your vote and to control
Christians politically speaking. They want Christians to be more Democrat. They think that's more biblical and I can guarantee you that it is not.
All this stuff is just seems to be a manipulation and it's very sad. I'm not surprised that some of these people are doing this.
Some of these people are mainline Protestants and things like that. Jamar Tisby should know better. He's supposedly reformed.
He should know. He should have a high view of the law of God such that he would see very clearly that some of the things that he promotes are just not biblical propaganda.
I don't know what to expect from him, but the reality is that what he said was just completely secular progressives, no, no hint of Christianity in it.
This whole thing is just not, it's not really a call to pause. It is a call to surrender. They want you to willingly surrender.
And the answer to that is no. In fact, I will take your call to pause and I will take it as a call to put the pressure on, turn the heat up because it sounds like we're winning.