Ask a Pastor: August 2024


Sunday school from August 25th, 2024


Let's pray and we will get into our study Lord Jesus again as we open up your word We ask you
Holy Spirit to help us to rightly understand what is revealed there so that we may properly believe Confess and do according to your
Holy Word. We ask in Jesus name. Amen okay, so we're gonna start with a question from an anonymous question asker and Anonymous question asker asker asked this question.
What is the fundamental rather the fundamental differences between? Confessional Lutheran Church bodies like the
EL like the Missouri Synod the AALC the ELS Wells and the the church body called the
ELCA the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and I would note that the primary difference has to deal with Theologically what we call material and formal principles and let let me explain what
I mean by that So if we were to if I'm gonna pull up a web page because I just did a little bit of work here
Okay, so in Lutheranism in theology, we talk about every church body has a material principle
This is like their core central doctrine so in confessional Lutheranism the core central doctrine the material principle is the synopsis and summary of the
Christian truth that people are Justified by God's grace through faith in Christ alone Okay, so salvation by grace through faith apart from works.
That's the central core doctrine of confessional Lutheranism when it comes to the
Formal principle this has to do with then. What is it? That's authoritative.
And by the way, I'm hearing an echo It's like there's like sound coming out of this television Yeah, is it?
Got it Okay Okay.
So again, the material principle is what do you consider an authoritative word from God?
Well, you know by what is your church? You know What is what is considered to be the body of work that you recognize as God's voice and in God is speaking so it the the the formal principle in Lutheranism in confessional
Lutheranism Then it's going to be scripture alone is the formal principle of the faith and the final authority for all matters of faith and morals because of its inspiration authority clarity efficacy and sufficiency so formal principle scripture alone material principle
Salvation by grace through faith apart from works. Those are your two core doctrines of confessional
Lutheranism and it doesn't matter which confessional body you are a part of those are your core doctrines and Everything else kind of emanates out from that Center By comparison if you were to go with Mormonism, what is the formal principle of Mormonism?
Well, their formal principle is the King James Bible insofar as it is correctly translated the
Book of Mormon doctrine and covenants the Pearl of Great Price and Any of the prophetic utterances of any of the
Mormon prophets from Joseph Smith to today? Okay, that's considered their formal principle
Does that sound like solo scriptura to you? No Okay, very fluid and then in Rome are they solo scriptura folks like not even close.
Okay, not even close at all I mean, you've got tradition. You've got the the when the
Pope speaks ex cathedra, you know all this other stuff and and then you know, and then you got the interpretations of the ministerium of the church of the different passages of scripture and all this kind of stuff and So that becomes their formal principle.
So when we talk about the ELCA They they are Lutheran in their name, but I would note that they are not confessional
Lutheran They're not a confessional Lutheran church body So the question that I have been kind of racking my brain over for the past few years
And I think I've come up with the correct answer in reading some of their theologians is the question is what is their formal?
Principle because so if you were to it if you were to apply today to attend
Luther seminary in Minneapolis, Minnesota All right, would you be accepted if you believe that the
Bible is the inerrant infallible? Word of God No No, yeah, you know they might dump you off in a bad neighborhood and leave you for dead, but The the reality is is that if you believe that you will not have your application admitted
You cannot attend their seminary if you believe that the Bible is the inerrant infallible Word of God That's absolutely forbidden.
So the question then comes down to what is Their formal principle and I think
I have an explanation for it And it requires us to go back a little bit in the history of Luther Now, here's the thing what
I'm going to convey to you is not in the Lutheran confessions But I think something that Luther said they have misinterpreted and turned that into their formal principle
Let me explain so you familiar with? The account of something called the diet of worms.
You have to pronounce it that way because it's spelled W -o -r -m -s and I'm not about to eat any of those things
Okay I don't care how much protein is in them. I'm not eating worms.
Okay, you know Yeah Nobody likes me. Everybody hates me. You think
I'll eat worms fat one skinny one anyway No, I'm not gonna do it. I won't do it. Okay So it's called the diet of worms.
And if you remember if maybe you've seen a Luther movie or you've read a
Book regarding the history of Lutheranism, by the way, I should say this Don I I'm kicking myself for not saying it in our meeting yesterday
I really think we need to send out an email and say everybody attending The our trip to Germany since we're doing a tour of the
Reformation sites of the Lutheran Reformation They need to read Roland Bainton's book. I stand here.
I stand by Roland Bainton I consider that to be the best Biography written about Luther and it reads like a novel.
It's and it's a great read great read Okay, because that way we can all be on the same page, you know
Cuz I know so we're going to Erfurt and you know, and it didn't dawn on anybody Why are we going to Erfurt because that's where Luther was in the monastery?
Okay, so, you know think anyway But that that's a whole other story. So any of you listening who are going to Germany read
Roland Bainton's here I stand So in in the history of Luther when the
Reformation got up and running Luther was one of these guys who Really jumped on the technology of his day and it was his use of the printing press
Which I think saved his bacon and kept him from suffering the same fate as John Haas. All right, so Luther became a prolific
Publisher of books He was prolific author and they he wrote books and pamphlets and treatises and tracts and things like this
And what happened is is that you know, once he really understood salvation is by grace through faith alone.
He went at Romanism hard. I mean really really hard and his books
And his tracts and treatises they sold for pennies All right, you know and they were they were bought up by peasants and people in the middle class alike
And they just went like wildfire. So Rome became really annoyed
With Luther and so they invited him to come and to come and appear at what was called the
Diet of Worms now in the Holy Roman Empire the diet a diet was when you had like the government all the different princes and the different electors and from the different regions of Germany and the
Holy Roman Empire, they would come together to conduct Governmental business and the person chairing the meeting would have been you know, the
King Charles You know, he would have been the one chairing the meeting and so Luther was called to appear
Before the king at the Diet of Worms and when he showed up he thought that he was going to be able to give you know a defense a rigorous defense of Salvation by grace through faith and what then
Christ bleeding and dying for all of our sins and that and and that he merited our Salvation on the cross and by his vicarious, you know
Sinless life death resurrection and things like this. No, he was not allowed to speak
So what happened is day one when he came in? They had a table set up with all of his books and tracts and treatises and stuff like that and they basically asked him one question do you recant what you've said in these things and He was not given any permission to explain anything and he knew that He knew he was in deep kimchi is the best way
I can put it and so he asked for a day to Think things over and then give a response and when he came back the following day he gave his response and made a note that his books and his tracts and the
Catechism and things like this were not all of the same type and that there were things in those books that even his opponents in Rome agreed were true and So he couldn't recant those because he can't recant the truth and in fact, they hadn't specified anything
They just wanted him to make a blanket statement to recant everything he'd written and so he makes this famous Statement and the statement goes like this
I cannot and I will not recant anything for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe Here I stand
I can do no others. So help me God And here's how the
ELCA has taken this and turned this into their formal principle it is
Okay to go against conscience is either neither right nor safe That's where the emphasis is and so in the
ELCA what determines truth your conscience
So if you want to self -identify as the Eiffel Tower Okay, then, you know you have every right to talk to the
Olympic Committee and have you photographed and filmed as part of the Olympics right Because to go against conscience is neither right nor safe now in there in their other
Principles, so their material principle the question that would be what then is their central doctrine their central doctrine is love is
God That's their central doctrine. Not what scripture says that God is love their central doctrine is that love is
God and so the idea then here is is that the message that the ELCA has to proclaim to the world is that God just Loves you the way you are and you be you and don't do anything against your conscience you want to self -identify as Somebody who's skinny when you're not well praise
God for your six -pack abs, right You get the idea so that's the primary difference which then when you take the center of this
This then explains has explanatory power To why why do they affirm and promote the
LGBTQ? XYZ LMNOP people. Okay. The reason why is because you can't go the human conscience is the determiner of what is true and So when it comes to the scriptures then because you cannot in their way of thinking make the scriptures have
Have the ability to Reign over your conscience. They say that the
Bible isn't the Word of God that it Contains the Word of God Well, which parts contain the
Word of God whichever parts your conscience says so right?
It's it's a very slick and elaborate form of relativism What's true for you is may not be true for me what's true for somebody else is true for them but I who am
I to say that they're wrong kind of stuff and so this is why they do what they do and You'll note that the the moves that they've made
Didn't happen all at once they just did not happen all at once and what happens is is that when you unbuckle yourself from sola scriptura
When you unbuckle yourself from the Bible is the Word of God and it's the authority here
Then when you unbuckle yourself with it, it's just a matter of time That all this other stuff comes creeping in.
It's just a matter of time You know, so in Rome, they don't believe in sola scriptura.
So you sit there and go All right, where do you get this idea of the perpetual virginity of the
Virgin Mary? Oh, it's real simple There was a 4th century document and during the time of the patristics called the pseudo
Evangelion of James that talks about Anna second safe sorry second century document that talks about Anna who's the the mother of The mother of the
Virgin Mary and how she had an immaculate conception and then how she like Samuel was raised in the temple until she got to our adolescence right before she started to menstruate and then she was passed off to to an older man by the name of Joseph who became her husband and he never
Consummated the marriage because he dared not violate the vessel of the of the Son of God Kind of stuff and he said there.
All right. Do you have a biblical text that says that no, no, we don't but tradition says and then you point out the obvious you sit there and go you do know that the the pseudo you on galleon of James was absolutely panned by the
Church Fathers as as a forgery and a Gnostic one at that who were the ones who wrote that thing.
It was the Gnostics and they said It doesn't matter that did the sola scriptura is is evil.
It's bad. It's better than that, right and so alright, you kind of get the idea by the way in Mormonism the the central doctrine the the material principle is what's called the law of eternal progression as God As man is
God once was as God is man can become the idea that men can become deities
Yeah, it does it does so that's the prime if you want us if you want to understand what is the real difference between confessional
Lutheran Church bodies like ours and the ELCA it comes down to the difference between the material and formal principles of each and what confessional
Lutheran Church bodies hold in common is that sola scriptura as the as the sole authority and and then the central doctrine of salvation by grace through faith in the
ELCA Love is God and there's nothing you need to be saved from Not a thing you need to be saved from God wouldn't harm a fly the only people he's at he's angry at are bigots
You know in their way of thinking right So that's the big difference
Hopefully that answers the question. Okay. All right next question.
We're doing ask a pastor here today By the way, this one's a real quick one. Give me a second here.
Let me find this All right, so this this question came in I got it was sent this link to this blog post the shine blog
Hang on. I just spit up a little bit in my throat Okay And the question is is this true?
So talking about the name of God, okay God chose a name that is always on our lips
There was a moment when Moses had the nerve to ask God what his name is God was gracious enough to answer and the name he gave is recorded in the original
Hebrew as Y H WH otherwise known as the Tetragrammaton over time we arbitrarily added an a and an e to get to Yahweh presumably because we had a preference for pronouns but scholars and rabbis
Sorry So I say pronouns vowels a preference for vowels, sir Sorry, I was just thinking about the
LGBTQ XYZ people and just I don't know what just happened there, okay Yeah, that's right
I Was watching the fat electrician if you haven't seen his YouTube channel, it is a scream.
He's a he's a retired military grunt and Holy smokes the way he tells things the stories he tells in the phrases
You know, he talks about the men in the artillery as the Yiddis to lead us group, you know
And he says that when they when the Yiddis to lead us get into into combat that the enemy they change their pronouns to To over there and over there and over there
That's a Yeah No, I haven't read that, okay
Anyway coming back to the question so the claim is is that we arbitrarily added an a and an e these vowels to the
Tetragrammaton, but but scholars and rabbis. I don't know which ones I we need a footnote here
Don't we right noted that the letters? YHWH represent breathing sounds or aspiration consonants when pronounced without intervening vowels
It actually sounds like breathing inhale exhale Okay, this is just bovine scatology
This is not even scholarship and the fact that they're not quoting the scholars here and giving us footnotes should be this by the way
I've seen this nonsense before and where it really is taken off is in the in the
NAR groups All right This is really taken off in the NAR groups and like people who are into the passion
Translation and nonsense like this and all I have to say is is that it's absolutely false
The scholars are agreed on this that the reason why there are no vowels in the
Masoretic text Regarding the name Yahweh is that the original
Hebrew texts didn't have vowels Okay, so if we were to get a hold of like a thousand year old manuscript of the prophet
Isaiah All right, and that not a thousand. Let's go back farther 2 ,000 how about three we got if we come up with a 3 ,000 year old manuscript of the prophet
Isaiah You know what's gonna be missing through the entire manuscript vowels
There are no vowels Period the valve system itself was invented by the the
Masorete's the ever heard of the Masoretic text and that's like for fourth century fifth century
BC before they invented it and so this the the the point the valve point system that is in the
Hebrew language developed during the intertestamental period and During the intertestamental period what was a notable group that also came up during that time the
Pharisees and the Pharisees were the ones who? Said well, I know the but says you shall not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain So we have a very clever way to make it so that you will never break this command we're gonna make sure that nobody knows how to pronounce his name by not adding his vowels to the
Masoretic text and Then nobody can say his name and therefore take his name in vain.
It's really that simple and So that was part of the tradition of the
Pharisees now, how do we know? God's name is
Yahweh. It's actually quite kind of simple. Okay? Have you ever heard of this word, okay, this is just one example
I can produce many here's the word hallelu Yah, which means what
Praise to you. Yahweh. Yeah, hallelu. Yah Right.
There are many words like that in Hebrew where God's name. Yah The first part of Yahweh is invoked.
Okay, Yeshua Right, that's that's Yahweh saves and so when you look at how
Moms named their kids and dads named their sons and things like this and and there are certain words like hallelu
Yah, praise you Yahweh Okay, we know for a fact that that's exactly what
God's name was So this claim that we have a preference for vowels What a stupid nonsensical completely unscholarly narrative that is who concocted this and were you smoking weed when you did it?
Okay, it's just nonsense Okay, I have I've gotten to the point as I've gotten older I have this much no
No, I have no patience anymore for stupid scholarship. Okay. Yeah I used to have a little bit of patience for it, but this is just nonsense
Okay, so the and again, this is taken off in the in the NAR circles.
All right next question Here's a question from Jack Rollins. What is the difference between faith belief and trust?
Okay. Now he says here's the background and our adult Sunday school class is in Galatians Our pastor is very knowledgeable to say the least
But as I have heard pastor Roseboro allude to it in the past words to this effect I want to listen to a pastor who has some time in the trenches and isn't wet behind the ears
So his pastor is kind of new to the pastoral office. It's kind of nice being a pastor now for 10 years
I have some battle scars and you know, I have some t -shirts too. So I He says
I know that isn't even a quote But it is alluding to the maturity of the pastor when it comes to teaching our pastor is 34 a second career guy
By the way, it's those second career pastors. They're worth their weight in gold Usually when it comes to teaching and this is his first pastorate he is married and has four very young kids
Oh, which means his theology is going to mature very quickly and all of them are under six.
I hope he's on meds. Okay So All right, so he's
Okay, but he's he's well taught and can reference the scripture during the class he was using faith and belief as Interchangeable I kept thinking this isn't really correct
So after class I asked him about this his response was to ask me what my understanding was good rabbinical answer
I said faith and belief are two sides of the same coin They are joined together and we really cannot separate them.
I added faith is a gift from God We cannot add anything to that belief is our response to the gift of faith in short
I can reject God's gift of faith and therefore I will not have belief if If I do not reject
God's gift then belief comes with faith Additionally faith is is a is a constant we have that through our baptism
Okay, I see where he's going with this and I'll tell you what the issue is. Okay? You want to know the big difference between faith and belief?
One is a noun and the other is a verb I kid you not that's the difference
Which is why they can really legitimately be used interchangeably. Let me explain and I'll show you this in the
Greek language Okay, when we let's see here. So in today
I preached from Galatians chapter 3 right a portion of it.
Alright, so here's what it says The scripture imprisoned everything under sin so that the promise by faith in Jesus Might be given to those who believe notice in the sentence faith and belief
Okay, so if I were to go with the I'll go with the second word first believe
Okay, let me show you this in the Greek. That is the verb pistou Okay to consider something to be true therefore worthy of one's trust to believe
That's the verb. Okay that but let me come back to the text scripture prison everything under sin so that the promise by faith pistis
The related word that's the noun Okay, that which evokes trust and faith
So to believe is the action Faith is the description.
It's the noun. So that's really the difference in why? Christianity and the scripture oftentimes uses pistou and pistis interchangeably
If you sit there and go those the noun and the verb sound like they're like from the same root and everything they are
Okay that that and that's the big difference between so faith is the noun Belief is the verb.
That's the difference between the two And and so I would note Jack Rollins as young as your pastor may be and as as many small children as he has
I think he was right. Okay. So yes, sir. Who is saying that?
Who is he? Oh Okay So it should be referred to as allegiance is what he's saying
I pledge allegiance to Jesus Christ Whoa, he's our king.
We have to have allegiance to him. Um Wow Okay So I I would first and foremost go no
We're gonna go actually with the lexicons on this and not with your theologizing, you know, so Here I would know so Luther had a good point that the theologian who errs in grammar and definitions necessarily errors in theology and so so already,
I don't know who this master Bates is, but They said that loud. Yeah, I don't know who he is, but I'm gonna make it very clear that His idea is not the church's testimony
This is not what the church is historically believed taught or confessed regarding what faith is and as a result of it
His new definition is exactly that it's new and the reason why the church has held on To the idea that faith is trust faith is belief is because the grammar the lexicon the
Greek the both the Hebrew and the Greek all Use those types of terms
Does that make sense Yep, and then my immediate question is what's with the focus and the emphasis on allegiance to King Jesus?
This sounds it almost sounds like that that begins to start to creep into a weird form of Christian nationalism
You know Christ is King kind of weird stuff that we're hearing from the Nazi crowd Yep Yep, and then so here here's where I would
I would argue then That if we're going to talk about a proper understanding of this
We have to go to Ephesians 2 Ephesians 2 8 9 and 10 and my
Greek students know exactly where I'm going to go with this It says this for by grace. You have been saved through faith.
This is not your own doing It is the gift of God. Now. Here's my question for you my
Greek students. What's the gift of God? What's the gift of God?
Everything the faith the salvation the grace it is a package deal
So that being the case to say that faith is allegiance and therefore something I have to do
I have to make that I pledge allegiance to King Jesus That makes that makes faith into a work that I do
Rather than a gift given by God So so he's got a lot of strikes against him number one the clear lexicons disagree with him and even if he can find lexicons that say that one of the potential definitions of Pistis is going to be allegiance or pistou is going to be allegiance even if he can find those that doesn't mean that that's the definition used in Scripture and You know when you now make this an act of my volition an act of my will now you're into the
Pelagian heresy Yeah Yeah, yeah, right you're saved by grace
For by grace you have been saved through allegiance and this is not your own doing it's the gift of God Just plug it into some of these passages.
It doesn't work Yeah, well, well here's here yeah
Right Thing everybody who saved does believe and they are the ones believing
Okay, the best way I can put it since faith itself is a gift The ability to believe is a gift given by God That being the case
Until you are converted you are regenerated by God. It goes like this. No, no
And you go yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, okay Hang on I got something stuck in the back of my throat.
Ah Hopefully I can get rid of it. Okay, so the idea then You cannot believe until you are regenerate
Everybody who believes they have been as we saw in John 6 they have been
They have been roped and drug into the kingdom of God Okay, you do not become a
Christian by a volition of your will Okay, you do not have free will when it comes to God you have a bound will and God has to unbind that and give you faith and You'll note then that when somebody is brought to faith
God is the one who gives it in repentance as part of that So when we in fact, there's a question here about repentance and let me let me let me pull up a text here acts chapter 11 in Acts chapter 11
When Peter explains what happened in Antioch and how the
Gentiles believed The the circumcision party went silent in verse 18 of chapter 11 says when they heard these things they fell silent and they glorified
God saying then to the Gentiles also God has granted repentance that leads to life
Okay now This then you sit there and go. What does that have to do with faith?
It's actually quite simple The the reason why this has to do with it is because faith is properly defined as having two components contrition and sorrow for sin and Confidence in faith that God forgives sins for the sake of Christ.
So the second part of repentance is faith itself belief Okay, it is not it is not sufficient to be sorrowful for your sins
That is insufficient Judas was sorrowful for betraying Christ and Yet Christ says it would have been better had he never been born and he despaired of God's mercy and took his own life right so You look at then
Peter Peter also felt sorrow for denying Christ but he ultimately had faith that Christ would forgive him and So his faith did not fail and as a result of it that gift that Christ had given him withstood the storm of his temptation and his and his denial of Christ, so God is the one who grants repentance and repentance is going to include sorrow for sin and Faith and belief in Christ for the forgiveness of your sins the two go together
And so God is the one who grants that God is the one who gives it Repentance is not your part
The text says God granted it, right? That's the idea So we we'd like to point out especially in the
Hebrew Old Testament that in when it is describing things in terms of repentance repentance is oftentimes in the in the
Old Testament described using passive verbs and It in a better way to translate some of those texts would be
God is repenting them It's a fascinating thing Repentance is done passively to you by God through the means of grace if God didn't repent you if God didn't give you faith
It then you would have no ability to trust and believe in him. You do not have that ability
In fact, let me give you a text on that Is it Romans 5? Hang on a second here Hmm.
Oh, it's 8 Listen to these words To set the mind on the flesh is death
To set the mind on the spirit is life and peace now watch this the mind set on the flesh is hostile to God It does not submit to God's law indeed it cannot
Those who are in the flesh cannot please God so this text legitimately says
The mind that is set on the flesh Doesn't submit to God's law and it cannot
What's the first command? You shall have no other gods before me You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength.
You can't do that You can't obey it. And so the person who believes that you make a conscience -free will decision
Towards God or you make a decision to make to give allegiance to King Jesus or any such nonsense it's a denial of the doctrine of original sin, and it's the heart of the
Pelagian heresy and You're basically saying I Can love
God with all my heart. I Can do it I can obey him.
No, you cannot God has to give you that right, so does that answer
Why does this keep cutting out That's weird does that answer your question
Dan Okay Then restate the question so that I can
Huh You're fine. Okay. All right Okay Coming on moving on here
Dorothy Bressler asked what is our obligation as Christians to vote in an election? Should we choose the lesser of two evils?
Well said Um, so I would note that we first and foremost when we talk about Civic duties we have to talk about what we have freedom to do first Okay, so when we talk about Christian freedom
We have to recognize where our consciences are bound. Okay, so for instance,
I Am bound by God's law So if somebody were to come up with some weird platform, you know
They were running for political office and they've decided that what we're going to do is we're going to kill puppies
That's part of their thing. Okay, since we are obligated by God's law to care for the creation
Anybody who had a platform that said we're gonna kill puppies. I Do not have the freedom to vote for that person.
I just don't Okay, and I don't care what their party is because you're gonna note here in the course of my lifetime
Have you seen how party platforms? morph and change and You know,
I I remember the platform of Ronald Reagan. That was a pretty good platform. I Don't see many platforms like that today
All right So the idea then as Christians we have a lot of freedom a lot of freedom and then there's certain things we can't do
Absolutely can't and here's the issue. Is that in the scriptures? Representative Republic like ours isn't exactly in Addressed in Scripture Paul was part of the
Roman Empire and the the Roman Senate Absolutely did elect people but it was still at its core and you know an imperial system that was that was in place and So Paul never addresses voting never addresses it as you know, what what a
Christian should or shouldn't do and So we recognize then in Scripture in Romans 4 it says where there is no law
There is no sin So the Christian with the Christian who says you can't vote
You have to stay away from the kingdoms of the earth we sit there and go no There's no commandment that says we can't so I would note then that Christians then this is all going to come down to freedom and Freedom that is bound by our conscience in this sense not in the
ELCA sense our conscience being bound to the Word of God So I can't support certain political people just straight up.
I can't because their platform is the endorsing of things that God forbids and the normalizing of sin and abominations that God's law speaks against so I can't
I Can't promote that but I would note neither party is sinless in this regard neither party is
So sometimes the Christian like Dorothy Bressler asked Will find themselves in a position of picking between Rank evil and Developing evil.
Maybe that's a better way to put it Right because I'm gonna be blunt one party is full -on
LGBTQ XYZ Okay, and it's pushing on us this whole idea of you know gender
Pronouns and trans and all this kind of stuff, but the other party they're only 15 years behind And there's already members of that party that are pushing for that right and so That being the case.
I foresee a time in in my lifetime if I make it in another 15 20 30 years where I'm in conscience, they might not be able to vote for either party and instead
I might just prophetically be calling people to repent and And and you know, but is that happening right now?
I don't know I I legitimately don't know. I Yeah, Maryland Yeah Platform of both are evil packs on both your houses, right?
But here by the way, what's the reason why we're experiencing this?
Right. Let's be blunt I'm gonna I'm gonna place almost all of the blame on the church
I Work with me here. I'm gonna prove my thesis, but I have to go
Oh Man I just look I ran out of time. It's real simple back in the 1800s.
The church began to to depart from the Word of God and embrace the spirit of the age and Has been doing so ever since the mainline denominations that were the bulwark of Christianity in this nation up until a hundred years ago
They've abdicated their belief that the Bible is the inerrant and fallible Word of God and call sinners to repent and as a result they have
Deviated from preaching Christ and him crucified for our sins and calling sinners to repent and as they have done so evil has increased exponentially it is the gospel that that God uses to make believers and When the church doesn't preach the gospel and call sinners to repent
People don't become Christians and so the number of pagans in our country per capita has grown exponentially and as long as the
Christian Church continues to abdicate its Responsibility and instead is you know sending out people who claim to be prophets who claim that that God told him that Trump's gonna win
The election all this nonsense We're gonna continue to see evil increase until the church repents and gets back on task.