How the Media Used Racism to Divide Americans During Covid-19

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Good evening. My name is John Harris. I'm the host of the conversations that matter podcast and in this short video
I'd like to express a concern I have regarding the current situation in the United States of America regarding the coronavirus pandemic and quarantine
Oftentimes in cases of national emergency the media comes to us with a message of unification and tightening our belts
Sacrificing getting the job done and I could not agree more I lived outside of New York City during 9 -11 and I saw the local community as well as the state as well as our
Country come together and it was a beautiful thing and it's something Americans have been known for over the years
However, since the election of Donald Trump, especially there has been a message coming from the media about the threat of division caused by right -wing nationalism xenophobic racism, etc and All mainstream
Americans understand the threat that can come from division We don't want division coming from the right or the left when it comes to national priorities things that actually matter and need to get done
We might differ on what those priorities are in certain situations But in general over the years
Americans in times of national emergency have come together broadly speaking In the current situation we're in though It seems to me that division is being caused
But it's not by the usual suspects the media would have us believe caused division
Since January we've been hearing of the threats posed by xenophobic racism against Chinese Along with a growing number of infections the corona virus is spreading fear and discrimination against Asian Americans It's not just in the u .s.
Asians around the world have reported discrimination linked to corona virus Well, the community feels like you know, they're fighting two diseases exactly the disease of corona
But also bigotry the corona virus is impacting communities across the globe, but here at home
It's also leading to some disturbing occurrences many in our Asian American neighborhoods are reporting that foot traffic is down and business has slowed to slow
To a halt even more troubling. We're seeing a disturbing rise in hate -filled attacks the
CDC also weighing in now saying that being of Asian descent does not increase the chance of getting or spreading kovat 19
This was the first time that I've ever felt I was being treated differently for being Asian The American media was not alone in pushing this narrative
Heidi Chao was on a train in London last week with her husband and children when she noticed a man leave the empty carriage
To move to another one the rejection that this whole house demonstrates to any racism and Insensitivity towards the
Chinese community focus is on containing this deadly disease But thousands of miles away even those with no symptoms are feeling the effects
You essentially tweeted about your fears of the racism That's related to the coverage and what people are saying about the corona virus
There was a statement that was sent out by the York District School Board and York region is just north of Toronto There is right now petition
Circulated in York on social media where where some people are asking that the board tell students who've been to China not to go to school for 17 days essentially
Self -isolate and this is about their concerns regarding the corona virus, but look at this response.
This is from the school board They said to these individuals Individuals who make assumptions even with positive intentions of safety about the risk of others
Request or demand quarantine can be seen as demonstrating bias and racism
What's your reaction to to that message from the York District School Board good for them? Panic about the corona virus outbreak is fueling a global rise in anti -asian sentiment
But is kovat 19 really to blame for people's racism? Inevitably to fight anti Chinese racism and xenophobia which could cause division both media and global elites decided to downplay the
Seriousness of the virus if you look at the United States, we have had a flu epidemic here since October 1st and the media does not report report on it 10 ,000 people over 10 ,000
Americans have died between October and January 5 million cases of our influenza a and B have been reported since October 1st of 1999
Children elderly have died 60 ,000 people have been hospitalized This is the moral virus we're having right now, which is even probably more dangerous than the corona virus itself
Coronavirus is spreading infection But is it also spreading racism a French newspaper just called the virus yellow peril while Coronavirus is a health emergency so far.
It seems to have low fatality rates Some people without compromised immune systems have actually recovered in fact if you live in the
US the common flu kills between 12 and 61 ,000 Americans each year and is actually a much bigger threat than coronavirus
This doesn't underplay how serious the outbreak is in China But it also certainly isn't an excuse racism and fear -mongering videos like this one in New York City in which
Chinese attempted to disassociate themselves with the virus by hugging pedestrians were given a platform on mainstream media outlets
We all pop then President Trump put in travel restrictions from China on January 31st and from Europe on March 12th taking early intense action
We have seen dramatically fewer cases of the virus in the United States that are now present in Europe the
European Union failed to take the same precautions and restrict travel from China and other hotspots as A result a large number of new clusters in the
United States were seeded by travelers from Europe After consulting with our top government health professionals
I have decided to take several strong but necessary actions to protect the health and well -being of all
Americans To keep new cases from entering our shores We will be suspending all travel from Europe to the
United States for the next 30 days The new rules will go into effect Friday at midnight
When President Trump initially banned travel from China the reaction from the media was what one might expect
Liberals accused Trump of being nuts and agitating racism the World Health Organization and Chinese officials portrayed the decision as Unnecessary.
Well, he has basically banned all not only a travel ban on people from coming from China to the
United States But he's conflated our immigration policy with a travel issue
So that if you're a Chinese citizen now, you can't come to the United States one of the outcomes of that which is just Incredibly nuts is that almost all of the active pharmaceutical ingredients used in the formulation of medicines in America frankly for the whole world
Come from China. There's no answer. There's no solution and now the tension between the
United States and China has gotten so high you may feed a kind of racial response a kind of xenophobia that is always in America just You know this close to the surface give it a little scratch and boom out comes the racism at an executive meeting of the
World Health Organization in Geneva China condemned what it said were excessive restrictions
Well health organizations temporary recommendations do not recommend any travel and trade restrictions
We are all in this together if it weren't for China's efforts The number of cases out
China outside China would have been very much higher Chinese officials and media personnel went even an extra step on March 12th under the headline what is he afraid of Trump's European travel ban prompts scorn in China Time magazine reported that as a result of President Trump referring to kovat 19 as a foreign virus and senior officials in the administration doing the same as well as Conservative media in the
United States referring to it as China virus and Wuhan virus China's Foreign Ministry Called such labels despicable and said that there is no conclusion regarding the origins of the virus
The piece goes on to claim that the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo Reportedly sent a message to its nationals who are residing in Japan last week on how to deal with the
Japanese coronavirus That's right the Japanese coronavirus the piece stated state media has also taken to highlighting the number of new kovat 19 cases that have arrived in China from overseas and Welcoming Beijing's own travel restrictions as essential measures even as countries that have closed borders with China are denounced the piece also states that Beijing is trying to spin its
Unprecedented containment measures as evidence that its political system is superior to Western style democracy
It would be impossible for European countries to adopt the extreme measures that China has implemented to fight the virus
The Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece Global Times argued in a recent editorial Many of the sources the piece refers to actually predate
Donald Trump's European ban However, so this has been the talking point in China now for at least the last few weeks at minimum
The same day March 12th AFP reported that the Foreign Ministry spokesman for China had tweeted out
It might be US Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan be transparent make public your data
US owe us an explanation The piece goes on to state that u .s.
Officials have angered China by linking the virus with the country Of course as the virus worsened media and global elites changed their tune just a little bit in the past two weeks the number of cases of kovat 19 outside China has increased 13 fold and The number of affected countries has tripled
There are now more than 118 ,000 cases in 114 countries and 4291 people have lost their lives
Who has been assessing this outbreak? around the clock and we're deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity and by the alarming
Levels of inaction We have therefore made the assessment that kovat 19 can be characterized as a pandemic and that brings us to where we are today
Almost overnight the narrative switched from Donald Trump overreacted because of paranoia and potential racism to The administration fumbled early on and President Trump didn't do enough to protect
Americans The one thing that has remained though is the accusation of racism
Why do you keep calling this the Chinese virus? There are reports of dozens of incidents of bias against Chinese Americans in this country your own
Secretary Azar says he does not use this term. He says ethnicity does not cause the virus
Why do you keep using this because it comes from China, it's not racist at all. No, not at all
It comes from China That's why it comes from China. I want to be accurate Great I have great love for all of the people from our country
But as you know China tried to say at one point Maybe this stuff now that it was caused by American soldiers that can't happen
It's not gonna happen. Not as long as I'm president It comes from China. Do you think using the term
Chinese virus that puts Asian Americans at risk that people might target? I think they probably
Would agree with it a hundred percent it comes from China, but then you get that his anger at China Leading him to he's almost deliberately
Using the term in his tweets and in the briefing as if to poke but some people take great offense now
What's truly amazing about all this to me is how far this narrative is penetrated outside of the mainstream
For example, I focus a lot of my attention on Evangelical sources and within the last few days
Christianity today on the 17th put out a story in which it was stated Covid -19 and the fear it generates must not be exploited as a means to marginalize and mistreat
It is not a foreign virus But endemic to our common nature as humans and thus a means of drawing us together for the good of all on the website
Coronavirus and the church which has trusted resources from churches from leading experts. So it claims
The PDF they have available for churches to download states people of Asian descent have faced
Stigmatization and discrimination because of Covid -19 outbreak and because it has its origins in China your church has an important role in promoting faithful awareness and also in renouncing fearful panic and Prejudice and maybe you're not an evangelical
Christian But perhaps your community groups are saying the same thing and my concern in all of this is if we get our microscopes out and examine each other and our government and our health care system and our churches and our businesses by the standard of whether or not we are adequately fighting xenophobia and racism in our response to Covid -19
Then we will inevitably disrupt the harmony that we are trying to create right now in the context of this pandemic
I mean think about it If you're accused of something that you didn't do or didn't think simply because you correctly identified the country of origin from which the virus came from then you're gonna be sensitive and if we get our eyes off the mark of trying to defeat this virus and instead we're looking at each other and whether or not we're adequately anti -racist enough then we can make other mistakes and perhaps those who are causing this wedge in Communist China, especially are aware of that fact
They're not necessarily our friends, but perhaps the script we're seeing play out right now isn't actually new
In epidemics the damage comes from other people and the microbes spreading through their blood and breath
Natural disasters bring communities together, but outbreaks tear them apart
They make people frightened of their neighbors to counter that Communities need clear -headed leaders reliable information and a unifying spirit
Mary T Bassett, New York City's Health Commissioner exemplifies those skills.
In October 2014 when physician Craig Spencer was diagnosed with Ebola after returning to New York from Guinea Bassett stood out as a voice of calm
She appeared on the news assuring New Yorkers that they had nothing to fear from the virus She held town hall meetings with the
Liberian community to ensure that they weren't being discriminated against She joined the mayor and his wife in eating meatballs at the restaurant that Spencer had visited in the days before he was admitted to The hospital and tweeted a photo of the meal.
There were people lined up around the block She told me that was part of tamping down public panic and speaking out against stigma
Meanwhile television personality Donald Trump had also taken to Twitter. He called
Spencer a very selfish man He described Barack Obama as a psycho for not banning flights from the
Ebola afflicted countries Even though no direct flights existed counterintuitively such bans actually
Increase the odds that outbreaks will spread in part because they discourage health workers from helping in foreign outbreaks for fear that they will be
Denied re -entry and Trump clearly felt that such Americans should be denied re -entry.
Keep them out of here They are great, but must suffer the consequences
Trump is now president when he faces his first major epidemic as his predecessors have he will likely project his impulsivity xenophobia and cavalier attitude towards facts to over 52 million followers with a speed that no virus could match the president's readiness to buy into Conspiracy theories could sway a populist that during the time of Ebola were already prone to disproportionate
Paranoia his tendency to label what he disagrees with as fake news will zip through social media networks
There are already struggling to stop malicious parties from seeding inaccurate information to vulnerable people and his
Isolationist rhetoric will spread among an America already polarized by extreme partisanship and a world increasingly given to nationalism such nationalism could be
Catastrophic because diseases demand global cooperation Viruses spread too easily.
No travel ban will stop them No wall, no matter how big or beautiful will hold them back
So the best way of preventing pandemics is to contain outbreaks before they get a chance to spread the u .s
Cannot possibly consider itself protected if other nations are not America first cannot mean
America alone now that video from the Atlantic put out in 2018 seems almost prophetic at this point even down to the exact talking points being used currently against President Donald Trump And I can't help but wondering whether or not there were some media elites who are waiting for an opportunity like the current coronavirus
Catastrophe in order to undermine Donald Trump's nationalist policies his administration and perhaps his election possibilities
But one things for certain even if that's the case as the media keeps reminding us Isn't this the time to come together and haven't
Americans traditionally come together during times of national crisis? It's time to defeat this virus and get the country back to work.
So we don't defeat our economy in the meantime But if we're accusing the president and each other of racism and xenophobia and not being adequately
Anti -racist enough during this time We're certainly taking our eyes off the goal and we're not helping in the real battle, which is to defeat this enemy the coronavirus
I don't know about you But I am a traditional American who believes that we should go back to coming together in the time of national crisis