Pastor Exposes the Pro-life Industry


Watch this clip from the recent event in Austin, Texas. Pastor Jeff Durbin spoke at the rally for the Equal Protection bill. Listen as Jeff speaks to the fatal-flaw of the Pro-life industry. Tell someone! You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:


States can defy the federal government over marijuana. We can defy the federal government saving babies and not killing them anymore.
Ignore war and defy it! Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, South Carolina are all happening by March.
And it's the pro -life industry that has fought against all of these. The pro -choice movement had barely needed to lift a finger.
The pro -life movement has failed to build upon the solid rock.
They have built their objections to abortion on sinking sand. There is only one abolition bill in the state of Texas, and that is
HB3326 by State Representative Brian Slate. We filed the bill, and the head of the church of Satan is against me, so I guess that's how you know we're on the right side of this one, huh?
Where's the pro -choice and the pro -aborts here today? Where are they? Nowhere to be found because they cannot sustain an argument against us.
Praise God. Thank you, everybody. I'll try to go as fast as I can because we all know that's impossible. Proverbs 17, 15.
He who justifies the wicked, acquits the wicked, and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the
Lord. I'm going to say it again. You've read it before. You've heard it before. But really take a moment to consider what's being said here.
He who justifies the wicked, acquits the wicked, and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the
Lord. I believe that this is the fatal flaw. This is the fatal flaw of the pro -life industry.
This is why it must be the church of Jesus Christ that actually ends or abolishes abortion, not a neutral, non -Christian organization or industry that refuses to stand on the word of God, refuses to be self -consciously
Christian, refuses to be consistent. The pro -life industry boasts in the fact that it is not fundamentally
Christian. Jesus said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit, and he says, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Make no mistake about it.
Coming to Christ is coming to Christ as Lord and King. Jesus is not merely a savior from sin.
He's the King of kings and Lord of lords. This is not a pithy Christian slogan merely for T -shirts and signs and coffee cups.
He's the King of kings and Lord of lords, which means that Jesus is the King over this state capital or this city capital.
Jesus is the King over the state of Arizona. He's the King over New Mexico, California, these
United States. Jesus is King of the world. That is the fundamental proclamation of the Christian church.
You know this. When we say Jesus is Lord, we're proclaiming his authority.
We're proclaiming his lordship. And evangelical Christians in the West have been duped to believe that Jesus is concerned with the higher spiritual story, those spiritual things, but he's not concerned with the things here.
Tell that to the Father in Psalm 2 when he speaks to the Son. He says to the Son, Ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, the very ends of the earth for your possession.
Jesus did not forget to ask because before he ascended and was seated, he said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been, past tense, given to me.
Go, therefore, because it's all mine. Go get the nations. And he says,
Baptize them and teach them to obey. What we're talking about here is a fundamental aspect of what it means to be consistent and what it means to be
Christian. Jesus says, If you're not with me, you're against me. And so when we take on any issue of justice or sin in society around us, we need to answer that question.
Are we with Christ on this or are we against Christ? Now we know that there are faithful Christians serving in this legislature and in legislatures across the country.
Brothers and sisters who love Jesus, who love these children, we need to call them to be consistent with their profession and their allegiance.
You say that you're a follower of Christ. You say that you've died and risen again. You say that he's
Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Act like it. Be Christian in your profession and your practice.
Be consistent. The law of the Lord is the answer here. The law of God.
You've heard it come from here already. Abortion is murder. We need to be honest about that.
And interestingly, this shows how we can be so indoctrinated by our culture that within the space of about 50 years of Roe versus Wade, we have believers who love
Jesus who are afraid to say that because the pro -life industry has taught them not to. We'll never end abortion if we're not honest about abortion.
We would have never ended slavery had it not been for the Christian church that called slavery the evil that it was.
It was the Christians who were abolitionists that were saying, God's law says man -stealing and enslaving is worthy of the death penalty.
You're in sin. I don't care about your profession of faith. This is a sin and a violation of God's law.
You need to repent. We end an evil by telling the truth in saying what
God says about it. Abortion is murder. And the fatal flaw, here it is, the fatal flaw of the pro -life industry beyond refusing to stand on God's revelation and submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ, the fatal flaw of the abortion industry is saying that mothers and fathers who lead their children to death, mothers who bring their child, their little boy and little girl, into an assassin and pay that assassin to tear the arms and the legs off their little boy, to disembowel their little girl, to crush the skull of their little boy, to burn them chemically, to suffocate them, those mothers and fathers are victims also.
There's the fatal flaw. There is the fatal flaw. And God says regarding that kind of mindset, when you justify the wicked, it is an abomination.
When you acquit the guilty, when you acquit the wicked, what's this look like in terms of our mission as a church?
If we buy the pro -life industry's lie that mothers and fathers who kill their children are also victims, then that means that number one, we're never ending abortion, ever.
And number two, there is no gospel now for those mothers and fathers. And here's why.
If we adopt the false gospel of the pro -life industry that the mothers and fathers who kill their children are themselves victims, there is no message of grace and hope for those mothers.
Because if they're victims, there's nothing to flee to Christ for. If they're victims, they're not guilty.
They don't need the cross. But every Christian in the pro -life industry knows that is inconsistent with the
Christian message. Because I know women and men who are in the pro -life industry that will tell mothers who are post -abortive that have killed their children, you can come to Christ for that guilt and shame.
You can come to Christ for forgiveness, denying how they fight against abortion daily.
They say, you're victims in the legislature, and you need Jesus and the gospel. There is the fatal flaw.
I want to announce this to you because I think it is vitally important. We need to raise up together as the church of the living
God and preach the gospel to our culture across all these different categories, but especially in this issue of abortion.
Christ is the only answer for hope in abortion, and he's the only answer for ending abortion. But you need to understand this.
This is very important for us as the Christian church who believes this book, who believes this message. The pro -life industry has unfortunately become one of the greatest enemies to ending abortion.
I want to announce to you this. It is now March. I've been now involved in four different bills for abolition in March of 2021.
So first of all, praise God, yes? That's a big praise to God, victory, that's amazing. Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, South Carolina are all happening by March.
And it's the pro -life industry that has fought against all of these. The pro -choice movement had barely needed to lift a finger.
Where's the pro -choice and the pro -aborts here today? Where are they? Nowhere to be found because they cannot sustain an argument against us.
It is the pro -life industry that says, no, we can't work for bills for equal protection because it would mean that mothers and fathers who murder their children should be penalized.
The pro -life industry has been the industry that has killed every bill of equal protection.
And watch this. The pro -life industry says, they say, that they believe that from conception it is human.
But they will not fight for equal protection for all humans. Why? Why? If it's fully human from conception, then does it deserve equal protection?
Isn't it interesting that in our context, think about this guys, in our context, we are the group that is saying all humans, all humans deserve equal protection.
So where does black lives matter? They should be with us. Because we're saying all humans are equal.
Red and yellow, black and white, we're all what? Precious in his sight. We're the ones with the message that is consistent, saying human equal.
Doesn't matter where you're from, doesn't matter your size, your level of development, your environment or degree of dependence, if you're human, you deserve equal protection.
The pro -life industry says they believe you are human from conception, which means this should be the no -brainer bill.
That should be the new title of the bill, by the way. The no -brainer bill. Is it sophisticated or aerodynamic enough to say, um, duh?
This should be something that everyone in this legislature and legislatures across the land, they say obviously.
If you're human, you deserve equal protection. Doesn't matter social, doesn't matter color, doesn't matter size, all humans deserve equal protection.
That's all this bill says. Equal protection. So we have the consistent position.
We need to be willing to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ to come into this fight with us for the glory of Christ and for the sake of the gospel, and we need to encourage our legislators with humble boldness, be consistent.
You said that you were pro -life and that you believed it was human from conception. Be consistent. Protect these children.
Equal protection, that's all this is saying. And so I'm going to give you one word of encouragement. I think that's about three minutes.
Here's the word for the people of God. This is a promise from God. This will end one day. Please hear me on this.
It's going to end, not because I say so or because I'm the optimist, because the word of God says in Isaiah 42 about Jesus, Behold my servant whom
I uphold, my chosen in whom my soul delights. I put my spirit upon him. He will bring forth justice to the nations.
He will not cry aloud or lift up his voice or make it heard in the street. A bruised reed he will not break and a faintly burning wick he will not quench.
He will faithfully bring forth justice. He will not grow faint or be discouraged till he has established justice in the earth and the coastlands wait for his law.
There's the promise. It is a process, and it's a process that we, the bride of Christ, participate in with the
Lord Jesus as he's bringing forth his good news in his kingdom and his dominion around the world. It is his bride that is his helpmeet in that mission, but the word has to come from the mouth of his bride.
Will you preach it? Will you preach it? Will you lay your lives down for the lost?
Greater love has no man than this, than a man lay down his life for his friends. Lay your lives down.
It's worth the sacrifice. Thousands and thousands of thousands of children have been saved through the work of local churches and end abortion now at those abortion mills.
We need to stop where it's being fed. So be courageous enough to speak the truth in the gospel here and pray for your legislators that they would be consistent.