A King for Better or Worse

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Sunday school from July 9th, 2017


Let's pray a little bit of an update and then we'll get into our Bible study Lord Jesus again as we open up your word
We ask you open our hearts our minds that we may rightly understand it know we were to believe teach confess and do we ask?
In Jesus name. Amen. Now where we left off last we are again working our way through the book of 1st
Samuel and When we last left off we talked about the story of How the
Ark of God was captured how Eli Eli's The high priest how his son
Hophni and Phinehas died in battle and then we noted that God himself
Doesn't play kindly with other so -called deities in particular
Dagon of the Philistines suffered great harm at the at the hands of Yahweh after they captured the
Ark of the Covenant and All of this is to in order to kind of tell the bigger story the bigger story be talking about what the kingdom of God is and I keep will keep coming back to remind us
What you know what we're looking at here because you cannot understand the concept of the kingdom of God apart from and I mean this apart from looking at how scripture discusses these things and So we're going to be actually being in 1st
Samuel chapter 8 today. I was you know, making sure that I got our A wrapped a wrap -up there
So this chapter now begins really kind of the real turn in the narrative regarding Israel as it relates to the kingdom of God and what it is and we will note that Judges the last sentence of the book of Judges makes it clear that in this time
There was no king in Israel a physical King. God is technically King actually, not even technically he really is and The people of Israel are going to demand that they have a king just like all the other nations and There's a theology involved in that that we will take a look at as we dive into 1st
Samuel chapter 8 today Here's what it says when Samuel became old. He made his sons
Judges over Israel the name of his first son was Joel the name of his second
Abijah They were judges in Bera Sheba I don't know, you know, if you're looking for a biblical name for your kids grandkids
Abijah, you know, it's like It's a biblical name just say
All right, his sons did not walk in his ways but turned aside after gain
They took bribes and perverted justice and again, I'm going to highlight the fact that over and again scripture refers to those
Whose lives are conducted? According to how God would have us
Act and do it is described as walking You know, so these guys didn't walk like their father
Samuel They walked in a different way their life was conducted Well by turning aside after shameful gain, so they took bribes and they perverted justice
So then all the elders of Israel gathered together Came to Samuel at Rama and they said to him behold you are old and your sons do not walk in your ways
Now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations But the thing displeased
Samuel when they said give us a king to judge us Samuel prayed to Yahweh and Yahweh said to Samuel Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you
For they have not rejected you But they have rejected me from being king over them that's
Critical they have rejected God as being their king.
We don't want God to rule us. We want a king So this isn't just a matter of them mimicking and having leadership
That is similar to the leadership that other nations have this is ultimately theological
God we don't want you to be our king We want to have our own king a king who will do what we want him to do
So they can Lord. Oh, they can be kind of Lords of themselves You would and this is really the human.
This is the human condition. And so God you're gonna notice he Acquiesces to their desires.
It's kind of along the lines of be careful of what you ask for Buyer beware.
All right, you guys want a king fine. You can have a king I'd be happy to let you have a king and this doesn't work out.
Well now From there, you're gonna note this. I'll kind of set it up this way the first king of Israel is
Exactly what? Everybody would want from a king and we're gonna see this as the story progresses in just a little bit here
That the king that God chooses for them, he's tall He's handsome and his parents are loaded.
He's rich. Let me ask you a question
Are not those who are tall Handsome and rich today.
Do they not live like royalty? They don't have to be monarchs to live like royalty do they right
What do we do with people like that we make a movie stars We throw money at them.
They don't have to work a single day in their lives. They're complete spoiled brats
Well, I'm not wealthy definitely not tall I've got a face and a body for radio.
Um, I've got nothing going for me. So I know you were referring to yourself
David. I yeah, and I know you've you yeah, I know I get it. Yeah, so So the first king that they're gonna get is exactly what the world is looking for Somebody who's young tall rich well to do we idolize that person and this is the king
They're gonna get be careful what you ask for because it's not gonna work out Well, the second king they will get will be as a result of God rejecting the first king
And you'll see that and the second king they get is going to be the pinnacle archetype of the
Messiah in relation to his kingly Aspects and that's King David and he's the high -water mark really in the monarchies in the monarchy of Israel and so from David until the time of the
Babylonian exile you see this steady decline and With the
Babylonian exile what also ends the king the kingdom of Israel Kingdoms gone and So it's disappears during the intertestamental period also as well that's when the the
Seleucids reigned in Israel after Alexander the Great and That you know so you you lose all that when the scene opens
With the first with the Gospels who's reigning over Israel Rome is who is
Rome's Basically who's the guy put in charge of the region by Rome Herod and He's an
IJ me and he's not he's not Jewish and He is not in the line of David at all
But you know through his political machinations. He's the quote King of Israel but after his death
None of his sons actually are given that same office You have Tetrarch's and things like that, but King Herod as it was doesn't exist
It was a blip on the map. So when we come into the New Testament There is no king.
There hasn't been a king and the people living there are frustrated They are oppressed
They are under Gentile pagan rule and authority and so when
Jesus begins his ministry his first words are Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
So kind of bookend it then Here you see Israel jumping the tracks.
They reject God as king. They reject the kingdom of heaven as rule over them and When Jesus shows up he says repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
He's literally announcing The that God as king Is at hand.
That's the idea you see it So that's kind of vital part.
So where the kingdom is is where God reigns But it's not geographic today.
So as we continue this thought we'll continue to flesh it out So God says they've not rejected you they've rejected me from being king over them
According to all the deeds that they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt even to this day forsaking me serving other gods
So they are also doing to you now then obey the their voice Only you shall solemnly warn them and show them the ways of the king who shall reign over them
So Samuel told all the words of Yahweh To the people who are asking for a king from him and he said these will be the ways of the king who will reign over you
He will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots
He will appoint for himself commanders of thousands commanders of fifties some to plow his grounds and to reap his harvest to make his
Implements of war and the equipment of his chariots He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers
He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants
He will take the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants and he will
Take your male servants and female servants and the best of your young men and your donkeys and put them to his work
He will take the tenth of your flocks and you shall be his slaves and In that day, you will cry out because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves
But Yahweh will not answer you in that day now note
This is designed to make them see Just how wicked their request for a king is and what's going to be the result of them having a king?
They'll be slaves to that King. That's how monarchs rule, right? And so you'd think that the people sit there go.
Whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa Yeah We didn't know that we were bargaining for that But watch what their people say the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel.
They said no There shall be a king over us Well, that's great.
So, you know their wickedness now, let me I Got to find a passage in the
New Testament here It is it is Matthew 17.
I want you to compare this To what we just read So, you know that the kingdoms of humanity
Have a tendency to enslave the their subjects and I want you to consider this by way of contrast
Here's what it says Matthew 17 24 when they that's Jesus and his disciples came to Capernaum The collectors of the two drachma tax
Went up to Peter and said does your teacher not pay tax? Does Jesus pay his taxes
Uh -huh. He does but watch the theology on this So Peter said yes, and then he came into the house and Jesus spoke to him first So Jesus knew what was going on outside So you see
Peter coming in going I gotta find Jesus and no sooner does he find Jesus Jesus begins talking To him and so he asked
Peter a question. So what do you think Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth?
Take toll or tax from their sons or from others
From them others so back in the day the Kings sons did they pay their taxes They didn't have an
IRS form to fill out. Did they they were exempt because they were sons so He said well from others
Jesus said to him so then the sons are free Yeah, right.
However Not to give offense to them go to the sea Cast a hook take the first fish that comes up and when you open its mouth
You'll find a shekel take that and give it to them for me and for yourself Jesus pays his taxes and Peter's taxes notice that and you'll see a little bit of a idea then about the kingdom of God Are we citizens of the kingdom of God?
Yes What's our status as citizens in the kingdom of God are we sons and daughters or are we other
We're sons and daughters now Understand this then who is king of kings and Lord of lords?
Jesus is there any human government on this planet that is not established by Christ? Nope, either for good or for judgment of the people underneath him, right?
That being the case Note the theology here We are exempt from paying taxes
Because we're sons however We must pay our taxes
For whose sake According to this text read the text it tells you whose conscience do we have to be concerned about?
When it comes to paying our taxes, okay
However, not to give offense to them Go to the sea and cast a hook
So here's the reason why we pay our taxes. Are you ready? Because it would be scandalous
To our neighbors if we didn't so for their sake we pay our taxes
Uh -huh, isn't that interesting? Yeah, the them is them
It's an us them thing, right? we Citizens of the kingdom of God who are adopted sons and daughters of God We are exempt from taxes in God's kingdom
That being the case we are not exempt. We must pay our taxes because of other people's consciences
Although if we decided we just we're gonna pay our taxes just gonna stop altogether send a letter to the
IRS and uncle Sam saying Just read that. I'm a son of the kingdom Jesus says
I'm exempt from paying taxes. So I've decided this year. I'm not going to do that I'm pretty sure the
IRS might send somebody to your home or they just might Find a way to siphon the money off of your bank account directly or whatever.
I think they have these ways of doing things, right? but They would be offended. So there's that atheist guy at the
IRS because everybody knows nobody can be a Christian work for the IRS Tongue -in -cheek
Yeah, so there's that atheist at the IRS going. This is horrible I can't believe that this person claiming to be a
Christian. It's not gonna pay their taxes, right? They would be offended Is that an interesting theology
Have you ever thought of it that way they have a form for that Make sure you fill it out in triplicate
Right. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah So and then after you've sent that thing in ten times you might get a response, but that's a different story altogether
So we as Christians we are exempt from taxes and we're not exempt We're exempt in the truest sense and the only reason why we pay our taxes is for the sake of our neighbor's conscience
Isn't that interesting? So even paying your taxes is a good work
For the sake of your neighbor Have you ever considered that on April 15th?
Uh -huh. Now that's the best part about it. So here's the fun part. So the Day of Judgment arrives There you are standing before Jesus and the books are opened and Jesus is looking through the books
Right and since all of our sins are atoned for not there's nothing there to accuse us All that's left are our good works and literally
Jesus says to you David Fagin. Oh, whoa. Check you paid your taxes And you say oh, yeah
Of course I had to and he says good work I'm gonna reward that and you go really
Really? Yeah No for real, no, this is these are good works so that so knowing that then
Think about this knowing that you now have the freedom That come
April 15th when you write that check to the government or you know You know that you've got you owe and you have to send in money and stuff like that That you can sit there and go.
This is to the glory of God this is a good work for the sake of my neighbor and his conscience and God sees it as that and Good news also
When Jesus returns in glory to judge the living the dead he makes all things new and we were in his visible kingdom
Will you pay taxes from that point forward? never again
Never again you are exempt. So this idea that in this world, there's only two things that are for sure death and taxes
That's I mean, that's really true. I mean, yeah, I don't know how to avoid either So in the in the kingdom that it will be revealed
There will be no death and no taxes It'll be life tax -free
That's right. Can't wait
So let's go back here. So here Samuel he warns them about how their King is going to enslave them
That's how the Kings Kings of the earth operate They say no there shall be a king over us so that we also may be like all the nations and that our
King may judge us and Go out before us and fight our battles and when
Samuel had heard all the words of the people He repeated them in the ears of the Lord and Yahweh and Yahweh said to Samuel obey their voice
Make them a king Samuel said to the man of Israel go every man to his city.
And so what happens next It's kind of a fascinating story kind of everyone that goes back to the city.
God's gonna choose somebody So I think this is like America's Got Talent. This is Israel's next monarch, you know real -life television show coming up that's kind of the idea here is that everyone heads back and there's this expectation that God's going to do something and Give them the king that they want
So the narrative steers then in this way there was a man of Benjamin Whose name was
Kish the son of Abiel? son of Zeror son of the
Korath the son of Afia a Benjamite a man of wealth
He had a son whose name was Saul a handsome young man
There was not a man among the people of Israel more handsome than he from his shoulders upward
He was taller than any of the people. So he's wealthy. He has a six -pack
He's got Fabio hair and though every time he walks into a room the woman go
This this is the fellow we're talking about a prince on earth All according to the world's standards not
God's Notice that men judge on appearances
God judges the heart. So by all the appearances this guy has
Everything going for him, but appearances can be quite deceiving. Can they not?
Now the donkeys of Kish you kind of have to think of it this way donkeys are quite expensive in the ancient world and If your family owns one of them
You're doing pretty good They have several donkeys go missing Which kind of the ancient worlds of version of a
Ferrari? All right. I know it doesn't seem like that way because you have to clean up after him, but there's donkeys plural
So he this guy's very wealthy when they came to the okay. So the donkeys of Okay, now the donkeys of Kish Saul's father they were lost so Kish said to Saul his son by the way
Fascinating that the Hebrew pronunciation for Saul is Shaul It's fascinating that it doesn't actually come across.
We just translator it transliterated. It's Saul. Technically. His name is Shaul So Kish said to Shaul his son
Take one of the young men with you arise go and look for the donkeys And he passed through the hill country of Ephraim passed through the land of Shalisha But they did not find them they passed through the land of Shaaleem, but they were not there
Then they passed to the land of Benjamin, but did not find them. So they're on a wild donkey chase
Pun intended when they came to the land of Zuff Saul said to his servants who who was with him come
Let us go back lest my father ceased to care about the donkeys and become anxious about us And we're gonna note here.
This whole donkey chase was orchestrated by God God Organized this in order to get
Saul to a particular place So he said to them behold. There's a man of God in this city, and he is a man who is held in honor
All that he says comes true That's kind of an important note right there because Samuel is the first of the prophets from this era
All that he says comes true True prophets always prophesy and what they say comes about You're gonna see what a true prophet sounds like and the type of specific details that a true prophet gives as opposed to the
People running around the landscape today claiming to be prophets, but you know all that he says comes true
It says of Samuel not one of his words that the Lord gave him ever fell to the ground So now let us go there perhaps he can tell us the way we should go so then
Saul said to his servants But if we go What can we bring the man for the bread in our sacks is gone.
There's no present to bring the man of God What do we have? The servant answered Shaul again here.
I have with me a quarter of a shekel of Silver and I'll give it to the man of God to tell us our way formerly in Israel when a man went to inquire of God, he said come let us go see the raw the seer for today's prophet
Hebrew word is Navi was formerly called a seer now this little aside here in the text may seem a
Little odd and somewhat out of place What does this tell you about When this account was written down was it at the same time that the events took place or was it later a
Little later and the reason why is because the language had changed a little bit formally. They were called seers rah the rahim
Now they are called the nabaim prophets and so Whenever this was recorded
It was recorded after the fact and after enough time had passed in Israel's history
That the language had modified just a little bit This kind of information is actually very helpful and helping us
Kind of pinpoint when it was written who was writing it and things like that and we know from other internal data that the these books were compiled by the prophets themselves and So this little aside gives us interesting historical
Insight so Saul said to a servant well said come let us go So they went to the city where the man of God was as they went up to the hill
Up the hill to the city they met Met young women coming to draw water and said to them is the seer here
They answered he is Behold he's just ahead of you hurry He has come just now to the city because the people have a sacrifice today on the high place
As soon as you enter the city You will find him before he goes up to the high place to eat for the people will not eat until he comes
Since he must bless the sacrifice Afterwards those who are invited will eat notice kind of like a precursor to table blessings.
It's right there in Scripture So now go up for you will meet him immediately So they went up to the city as they were entering the city
They saw Samuel coming out toward them on his way up to the high place now the day before Shaul came
Yahweh had revealed Samuel tomorrow about this time. I Will send you a man from the land of Benjamin.
I Consider the implications of this for a second From Saul's point of view and his servant
Donkeys went missing they went to find them They couldn't find them.
They're now seeking the aid of the prophet from their point of view Everything they're doing they decided upon doing but the whole time who was ordering their steps
God This tells you a little bit about How our lives operate?
consider the implications Well, the bondage of the will is actually dealing with the doctrine of original sin.
This has to do with God's providence and In scriptures it talks about the one who loves the
Lord Who meditates on his word walks in his ways? That person
God will make his paths straight Scripture says
Proverbs explicitly talks in this in these terms. Have you consider these things? So as we walk in our lives, we are hit by a series of different circumstances
Some good we always love those and some just God awful
Pull you through the ringer Your life is in turmoil. Your family is upside. It's just awful
None of these things happen Outside of the will of God and God in his providence and his sovereignty is actually working all of this out and Oftentimes the suffering and the difficulties that we go through God brings them into our lives in order to humble us
In order to help continue the work of sanctifying us to lead us to repentance and other things so we can see here that God's hand is upon all of these events and And Through these events.
He's exact. He's exactly what he wants to have done is happening There's just no way around it
So I will send you a man from the land of Benjamin you shall anoint him to be
Prince over my people Israel now don't think for a second that that because it says
Prince in the ESV that somehow that doesn't mean that Saul is going to be king the Hebrew word here
Naguide it could be it's like a It can mean Prince. It can be it can mean leader
You know the head honcho chief of state kind of that's kind of the idea And so it's a synonym to King but it that's really what it is
You shall anoint him to be Prince and anoint is the Hebrew here Hebrew word my shock
Which should sound a lot like the Hebrew word? Mashiach Messiah So, you know that Kings are anointed
He'll be anointed Prince over my people Israel. He shall save my people from the hand of the Philistines So there's a salvation
Motif in here for I have seen my people because their cries come to me and when Samuel saw
Shaul the Lord said to him here's the man of whom I spoke he it is who shall restrain my people then
Saul approached Samuel in the gate and said tell me where is the house of the seer?
Samuel answered Saul I am the seer go up before me to the high place for today You shall eat with me and in the morning
I will let you go and I and tell you all that is on your mind as for your donkeys
That were lost three days ago Do not set your mind on them for they have been found and for whom is all that is desirable in Israel Is it not for you and for your father's house now before we see
Saul's answer note here This prophet of God knew exactly why
Saul was there without Saul having to tell him Because it was told to him by God shows you the quality of God's revelations when
God gives gives prophecy You have specific details so Saul answered
Samuel says am I not a Benjamite? From the least of the tribes of Israel and is not my clan the humblest of all the clans of the tribe of Benjamin Why then have you spoken to me in this way?
Samuel took Saul and his young man Brought them into the hall gave them a place at the head of those who have been invited
Who are about 30 persons and Samuel said to the cook bring the portion? I gave you of which
I said to you put it aside So cook the cook took up the leg that was on it and set them before Saul and Samuel said see
What was kept is set aside before you eat because it was kept for you until the hour
Appointed that you might eat with the guests So Saul ate with Samuel that day and when they came down from the high place into the city a bed was spread for Saul On the roof and he lay down to sleep and at the day break of dawn
Samuel called the Saul on the rooftop up that I may send you on your way So Saul rose and both he and Samuel went out into the street and as they were going down to the outskirts of the city
Samuel said to Saul Tell the servant to pass on before us and when he's passed on stop here yourself for a while that I may make known to You the
Word of God Then Samuel took a flask of oil poured it on his head
Kissed him and said has not Yahweh anointed you to be
Prince Naguide ruler over his people Israel and You shall reign over the people of Yahweh and you will save them from the hand of their surrounding
Enemies and this shall be the sign to you that the Lord has anointed you to be the prince over his heritage
When you depart from me today You will meet two men by Rachel's tomb in the territory of Benjamin at Zelza And they will say to you the donkeys that that you went to seek are found
And now your father has ceased to care about the donkeys and is anxious about you saying what shall
I do about my son? Then you shall go on from there farther and come to the oak of Tabor Three men going up to God at Bethel will meet you there one carrying three young goats
Another carrying three loaves of bread and another carrying a skin of wine boy, is that type of typological a
Sacrifice and bread and wine always pay attention to those things in the Old Testament They will greet you and give you two loaves of bread, which you shall accept from their hand after that You shall come to Gibiath Elohim Where there is a garrison of the
Philistines and there as soon as you come to the city You will meet a group of prophets coming down from the high place with harp tambourine flute lyre before them prophesying then the spirit of Yahweh will rush upon you and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man now when these
Signs meet you do what your hand finds to do for God is with you then go down Before me to Gilgal and behold
I am coming down To you to offer burnt offerings in the sacrifice peace offerings seven days
You shall wait until I come to you and show you what you shall do notice the minutia of these signs
You're gonna be at this place. You're gonna see three guys ones carrying goat bread wine He's gonna say this this that and this notice the specificity
And there isn't a single person in the charismatic movement claiming to be a prophet who can give this this who gives these types of prophecies
The the stuff they they talk about is nonsense. They'll say things like The Lord is telling me that in this season.
He's gonna be giving you a breakthrough Anointing so that you're suddenly will happen.
This is how they talk. You say that what does any of that mean? Doesn't mean anything. This is nonsensical words Compare their prophecies to a prophecy like this and you can see
Wow And the text basically goes on to say that those signs all came to pass that exact same day
Exactly how Samuel said they would because Samuel's the true prophet kind of get the idea now.