Abolition, Rick Warren, Bill Craig, PWC, Honorius


Late day show today wherein we covered the North Dakota abolition vote, Rick Warren's horrific eisegesis, Bill Craig on Jesus' "re-incarnation," Eric Conn and the PWC, and then to a lengthy discussion of Honorius, Francis, and world's most useless dogma, "Papal Infallibility." 0:00 - Getting ready 1:13 - Abolition vote in North Dakota 11:30 - Rick Warren’s horrific eisegesis 21:14 - Bill Craig on Jesus' "re-incarnation” 31:58 - Eric Conn and the PWC 35:24 - Honorius, Francis, and world's most useless dogma, "Papal Infallibility” 59:29 - Closing


off remotely here and At five o 'clock. I hit the music and nothing happened.
So I don't know what to say Probably means when we go out it won't work either but I it worked it worked 45 seconds ago and then this time gone nothing happened.
So I don't did that play What cuz I hit I hit it
Anyway, not the way to start things, but sorry, thanks for being with us today We're doing stuff late today and Rich isn't here.
That's why stuff's being done remotely. No, well, I Hit play. I Don't know what happened it
Literally, it worked 45 seconds ago But there you go, so I'm not even about to be the outro that's not gonna work
We'll say hasta vista and and we'll go from there. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna mess with that. Okay, so Can't can't change things 60 seconds beforehand in my mind just goes me gone.
I have no idea what's going on right now. I Saw that today
The vote was gonna be taking place in North North Dakota on A bill of equal protection now, let me for people who aren't up to speed on all this stuff
The pro -life industry that has existed for decades
Wants to limit abortion, but not abolish abortion and The pro -life industry does not want to bring the gospel as The solution for abortion and wants to give women carte blanche as Far as having no guilt for the murder of their own children
So there's no you can't bring the gospel to bear and Talk about forgiveness when there's nothing to be forgiven for if women are just Victims then there's nothing to be forgiven for so you don't need to have the gospel
You don't get that doesn't need to be part of it. And this is changing You know when the abolition movement began, you know it sort of went wonky and went out into you know attacking churches and I remember
I was at a church in Texas and They're outside with signs and stuff like this. And yeah, it was it got a little messy but Especially through The extensive labors of Jeff Durbin a
Lot of that has has changed and now abolitionism is Very much front and center in In pushing forward the narrative in regards to abortion.
So End abortion now, which is a ministry of apology at church Is working with all sorts of people across the country
Jeff is flying around all over the place as best he can he still has to You know, he's investing a tremendous amount of time in the twins they adopted special needs and so on so forth but he's definitely burning the candle at both ends and So what happened in North Dakota today is something extremely unusual it not only came out of committee, but it came to a floor vote and you need to understand that for many many years the the pro -life industry has killed these
Before they ever got to the floor We had the votes for a equal protection bill in Louisiana it was killed by the pro -life groups and it was killed by the
ERLC, which was one of the many groups that signed on to to try to kill this and So what
I wanted to show you it came up for a vote today it lost But as Jeff has posted a video.
He's very excited Because we're making progress and and if you you understand a lot of bad stuff that has happened in our country
Started off with legislators introducing bad stuff and it just got blown out of the water and then they
Reintroduce the next year the next year next year by the fifth year it passes That's just sadly how things work and how things are done
And that's what's going on right now so What's interesting is
I have a have the audio here I actually have the video, but it's a teeny tiny little video So I'm not gonna blow it up I have the video of one of the
Pro -life folks in The senator house. I think this is a senator.
I'm not sure which in North Dakota and She is repeating the same material from the letter that the
ERLC signed To kill the bill in Louisiana. So here's
Here's someone speaking against The Equal Protection Bill in in North Dakota.
I hope I can hear this. I don't know if I will I'd like you to keep in mind that the top four pro -life advocacy aid
Organizations in North Dakota did not support House bill 1373 and yet they already invest significant amount of time and resources into battling the abomination of abortion in 2022 pro -life leaders around the country signed an open letter to state lawmakers and it says
We state unequivocally that we do not support any measure seeking to criminalize or punish women and we stand firmly
Opposed to include such penalties in legislation Okay, so that is the letter that Mike Johnson the current speaker of the house
Used along with others to kill the Louisiana bill in 2022 now it's being used again in 2025 in North Dakota.
The damage just keeps rolling on and so first of all Tremendous thanks to everyone who keeps working and Fighting for equal protection.
This is the only way to deal with this It gives opportunity for you know
More and more people for Jeff to get out there and to be able to speak and to you know Jeff would take on any pro -life person
Any of the people are representing those groups in North Dakota? He'd take on Mike Johnson. He'd take on any of them in moderated public debate.
They won't do it They will not do it. He'd love to but they won't do it because they know they can't
They know that they would just get Run over because the only way to promote the perspective they're they're they're presenting is to disconnect this issue from the gospel itself and Say that women are just merely victim and You know, we've watched so many of these videos of these women you know talking about their 24 abortions and how they just love it and it's just great and all the rest of this stuff it and You can't bring the power of the gospel and forgiveness to bear if there's nothing to forgive and The pro -life industry is not based on the gospel and it's interesting, you know
I I don't think Jeff was involved this stuff. No, I couldn't couldn't have any well I don't know in 89
When I represented as spokesperson Operation rescue and was arrested outside Finkel's Abortion mill in Phoenix one of the best things
I've ever done in life he eventually was himself was arrested for sexually abusing his his Patients and convicted and shot up in a prison where he belonged.
I think he died in prison as I recall anyway, I Ended up having to not work with operation rescue anymore because the fact that I had just written two books on Roman Catholicism and We've all got to stay we can't be talking about stuff like that Can't can't talk about the gospel.
No. No, no keep that out of there and And The the regular
Testimony of our folks when we go outside abortion clinics is we're the ones crying out. We're the ones preaching
We're the ones bringing the gospel to there The Roman Catholics are staying over there fingering their rosaries They're not they're not calling out they're not talking about forgiveness or not
No, there's just a massive difference and one's bringing the gospel of air. The others bring Mary to bear which
Does absolutely positively nothing? It would be right now that a number of my signal chats are all going crazy
So you're hearing being me on my phone on my watch Imagine there probably is a way to turn that off, but there's still a lot of things about this watch
I haven't figured out. So anyway So Jeff is very happy about that There are many other bills going in Praise God for the senators and legislators and representatives who are willing to put on the line to put these bills in Very often they they lose
Support in other areas Again because you're you're fighting the system.
You're not just it's not just the the pro aborts. It's not just a Pete It's not just a culture of death.
You're fighting You're also fighting the significantly Corrupted pro -life folks who don't understand the only way to end this is application of the gospel, so Many thanks to all of all the people who you know people
North North Dakota Every other state where I think I forget how many like 18 bills or something like that right now and just flying around meeting with people and and Encouraging them to you know, stay in the fight and So pray for him and for end abortion now and what's going on there?
Okay, then we have Let's go to the from the sublime to the absolutely absurd
No, that's interesting. Who's Yeah, there you go There's Michelle Leslie, hi
Michelle Talking about Brent Leatherwood and Speaker Johnson All of them against equal protection that needs to be kept in mind
But today I was at this morning that I first saw it it may have been man a lot of stuff gets posted on On X in a short period of time
But I didn't think I'd have to worry about that. I'd be able to just scroll back to this but there it is
I knew it there somewhere This morning I Get up and Here is
Rick Warren Now, you know ever since Warren retired from Saddleback and put a man and a woman in charge there
Haven't heard a lot about him other than when the Southern Mass Convention gets together, you know, he pulled that stunt last year
You know, he's talking about Training a million pastors and stuff like this. You're just like Your definition of training is strained a little bit, but okay
He had posted a tweet So what's it again? It's still a tweet.
It's it's an X post. What's it? That's this doesn't make any sense Anyway, he quotes
John chapter 19 verse 18 they crucified Jesus with two others one on each side and Jesus in the middle and quote
Then the guys on both sides were thieves Okay if you're looking for the hashtag real
Jesus Not a caricature disfigured bipartisan motivations
You'll find him in the middle not on either side And then he included a picture of the crucifixion well, obviously a artist rendering of the crucifixion now
He has gotten ratioed and if you know what that means, that means The vast majority of the responses have been are you nuts?
You've got to be kidding me As well he should be
And you know, I can just imagine, you know, how do you apply this do you apply this to abortion? Evidently the
RLC does Do you apply this to Homosexuality gay mirage
All the rest of this kind of stuff do you do that by the way, I'm just sitting here thinking a
Couple years ago. I would have had to have been watching my language Because the censorship and It sort of looks like for a while anyways, we might be able to Not be thinking as much about that as we once did thankful for that, but we'll
The only way to Believe that's going to happen long term is if there is fundamental change in the society
And I don't see that happening Vibe Vibe and repentance are two different words right now.
I see a lot of Christians that don't want to think about that We're enjoying the vibe we're enjoying the
Seeing seeing the people who've been haranguing us for so long Getting shut up and their massive money spigots spigots turned off Yeah, that's that's great that's cool that's wonderful, but we'll see how long it lasts anyways
What an astonishing thing You know if you want to make an argument that Christians should in some way
You don't want Jesus as a character caricature disfigured by partisan motivations.
Well, you know what who can argue with that? But you don't derive that from the fact that Jesus's cross was between the other two
What if Jesus's cross was only on one side that was up to the Roman soldiers? He didn't have to be in the middle.
There's nothing prophetic the the the writers don't make any kind of you know
Big thing about Jesus being in the middle rather than the right side or left side or anything else. Well, you know it
Where does it even come from? And if you want to talk about? Caricatures Every week we are regaled with the rainbow -stoled priestesses of the
United Methodist Church and PC USA and and ELCA and Episcopalian Church and the
United Church of Christ and and You know, there are ultra leftist liberal Baptist groups, too
There are and We listen to them blathering on and just the starting scripture right left and center
And there there's your caricature disfigured by partisan motivations. And hey,
I Ain't no big fan either of the big Southern Baptist Church that has worship service with American flags hanging from the rafters and patriotic music
And and just 99 % politics and 1 % Jesus. I'm that's
I think it's the way things supposed to be either No, no question about it. So Yeah, you can have a caricature disfigured by partisan motivations, but John 1918 has nothing to do with it
And you know, I remember when the purpose -driven life came out a lot of us were going
This is this is the very definition of fluff I mean
It's just there's no substance to it. Why is this selling like hotcakes?
Because people like fluff because you can do what you can make fluff say whatever you want fluff to say
Basically is what that's all about so Yeah, you'll find him in the middle not enough that you know, that's that's the kind of just so surface -level
Sermon illustration ish I said Jesus Says a lot says a lot.
It really really really does so anyway There's there's that now
I am going to I Shouldn't have done this.
I'm a terrible person, but I'm the reason we're doing the program so late is I've got to go pick up my wife at the airport and she gets in around and 720 730 but she's in the back of the plane and she may check bags and and So, you know eight ish is probably when
I'll 745 date and I just didn't want to drive all the way home then drive all the way back out there because the office is on the way
To the airport, so why double back and do all the rest that fun stuff? So we're doing it later today
Hence the lack of music, but anyway So I had put her flight number into I still have one
One program on my phone that will track a flight I Delete all the rest because I don't fly anymore.
So why should I be updating it all the time wasting bandwidth and Man, I used to use those programs all the time and it's like now
I'm using programs that We just just had a new Solar controller installed on the
RV and a new inverter installed in the RV. They've got Bluetooth programs I'm gonna need to be working with starting
Sunday Monday To make sure I'm able to monitor that kind of stuff. So it's not that the programs have disappeared
It's very different kinds of programs now which is I Don't want to have to be having programs about the airplane but I happen to look at the flight and it's a
Boeing 737 max and I'm like I Seem to remember something about Boeing 737 maxes
So I sent a little note to our family chat and I said, let's all pray for Nani She says
I need all the prayers I can get so she's gonna be Be flying flying home here.
Lord. Will him and I'll be picking her up. She was Spent a week in California with her dad and her sister her dad 84th birthday and the guy's still working
At a hardware store, that's hard work at 84 He was a lot like my dad, you know
My dad worked until he couldn't work anymore and then he kept trying to work from a easy chair. So, yeah
That's just how people were. It's that's that generation, you know My my worth is related to my work and I've got a lot of that in me, too.
So People say when you're gonna retire and I'm like when I die basically, it's sort of how it works
So, yeah, all right Did some of you don't remember this so I'll have to give you just a little bit of background
What was it about 10 12 years ago, you know probably about that I Ran across Bill Craig dr.
William Lane Craig's use of Kerberos The three -headed dog from Greek mythology as an illustration of the
Trinity and I was like How why
What's going on here and I did a video about it and and you try to say this is really misleading and it's and then
You do some more reading and you find out that he openly says he's a neo
Apollinarian so he doesn't hold to a will be considered a historically
Orthodox Doctrine of Christ and It it just strikes me That people like N .T.
Wright William Lane Craig, in fact, I just saw the fact I sent that out
I'd have to pull it try to find it here and I'm not gonna take time to do it, but I guess he's doing a Systematic Philosophical theology in multiple volumes
Whoo So That'll be intriguing.
I'm sure these guys especially those two guys. My feeling is They think they are so much smarter
Than anyone else alive or anyone else who hasn't almost almost ever lived
That they don't mind just Coming up with their own stuff, even if they're the first person to ever come up with it
It's like Okay, and So I was reading through another friend's
Feed on Facebook, which I rarely do but that's where this friend and I have relationship and he's the great guy so I was just seeing what he was posting and And let me see if I can zoom in on this and make it a little bit bigger
I Just gotta get up and start. I need a prescription for that far away
Here's a Guy wrote in a question. This was years ago. This is 2021. I hadn't seen it.
I hadn't seen anybody quoting it The guys Asking about the incarnation and resurrection and Jesus physical nature human nature and stuff like that And he's actually talking about Jesus as a zygote
Which isn't the central thing here, but let me let me read some of Most of Craig's response with respect to Jesus when he was still a zygote in Mary's womb.
We want to affirm that he was fully omniscient The reason is because he was fully divine the second person of Trinity now in human form.
It's crucial We understand according to Orthodox Christology. This is strange Why does he quote this here, but then ignore it when he's a neo -apollinarian?
I don't know Jesus is not a human person There is only one person who is
Jesus and that person is the Logos to pre -exist in the eternal second person Trinity That's actually has a part of his apollinarianism in it to think that in addition to the divine person there is another human person
Jesus is to fall into the air of Nestorianism and So to the five divide the single person of Christ into two persons one human and one divine
He's not It doesn't get into this right here. This is not even the actual problem right here, but he's he's not in line with calcinedon
And I think he's misrepresenting Nestorianism as well But the the issue is one person with two natures
And Craig is an apollinarian Neo -apollinarian so he's not in line with calcinedon and what comes afterwards either anyway, so The church rejected
Nestorianism affirming that in Christ incarnate state even as I go There is one person a divine person who has two natures one human one divine, but he doesn't believe he has a divine
It doesn't it does not have a human will So he's not a full human person
Jesus had all the essential properties of God including omniscience obviously as a zygote and even later He was not consciously aware of all that he knew
He needn't say we needn't say it the zygote had a subconscious But that it was simply unconscious and that needn't affect the divine nature of person as to the second question
We want to affirm that Jesus has a human nature even in the ascended state
Agree The incarnation is not a temporary state of Jesus 30 odd years on earth
Rather his resurrection shows that he has permanently assumed a human nature agree
The strongest possible affirmation of the worth of human corporeality One could say that in his ascended state
Jesus is spatially located somewhere Perhaps in another space -time different than our own
Yeah, we normally get a lot of problems when we start speculating about stuff that we the
Bible itself tells us our minds have never known and if If we can't imagine these things and we obviously can't apply language in a meaningful fashion
And you know, we just get it all lots of speculation but like you I'm inclined to say that between his ascension and Bodily return
Jesus while having a human nature does not have a body. I read that again
But like you I'm inclined to say that between his ascension and bodily return Jesus while having a human nature
Does not have a body. How do you?
How do you get through first Corinthians 15 with that? Okay, the reason is because he has exited our space -time manifold
By way of analogy imagine a tuning fork placed inside a vacuum jar If you were to pluck the fork, it would vibrate but there would be no sound because there is no medium to conduct sound waves
Were you to introduce air in the jar than the vibrations we manifested as sound the vibrating fork remains
Intrinsically the same in both scenarios, but its manifestations are different depending on the medium
Similarly Jesus's human nature is not now manifested as a physical body Because since he's not in space -time
There is no medium for the expression of his human nature in a three -dimensional form What's gonna happen to us if we're united with him and we are resurrected in our?
glorious incorruptible bodies Are we gonna be in space -time or is only he isn't in space -time when
Crichton? This is where really you thought it was strange up to now when Christ re -enters our space -time
Manifold then voila His physical body will again become manifest
This will be in a literal sense a re -incarnation That's his term reincarnation, but not a second assumption of a human nature since that remains constant throughout
So evidently all the emphasis on On the physical reality of the resurrection
Is only an emphasis that has relevance in a specific space -time manifold medium something thing
So that Well, well what what happened to Jesus's body that that's what
I need know what what happened to Jesus's body But if you can hear that little ding, it's it's
I've told you and Rich goes crazy when I do this cuz he abandoned Apple a long time ago went back to Worshiping Bill Gates and so So you're hearing this ding ding ding, it's my
Apple watch But Rich just asked a question, which he normally would ask through the window, but there's just an empty chair
There right now the rich cam is there we got to remember to that. I need those cameras back I need them on the road.
I'm sure we'll you'll be working on that. But anyway, um, he just asked this deep theological question via signal
Does he need 1 .21 gigawatts to re -enter You knew
I'd read that if you sent it to you you knew that I I lacked the self -control Yeah, so Yeah So when
Christ re -enters our space -time manifold then voila His physical body will again become manifest
This will be in a literal sense a reincarnation but not a second assumption of human nature since that remains constant throughout so the human nature is
Disconnected from physical body, I guess depending on What manifold you're in?
Yeah Okay. Hey, there you go. Um, I Don't even again.
I'm not thousand percent sure what to say about a lot of this stuff but There it is.
Um Next real quick here. Wow, it's already 530. How'd that happen?
Eric Kahn up in Ogden a Few hours ago Posted something interesting.
He said under the post -war consensus PWC Nationalism love for particular people in place blood and soil in other words is
Strictly forbidden. They're Bolton Gotta be careful. Which language we use there
Yet since love for people in place Blood and soil is a natural instinct.
It must find an outlet Hmm, okay,
I mean I could We could make an argument that scripture actually says we're pilgrims and we don't have a homeland and that we're looking for That homeland which will be in heaven in the presence of God you could make that argument.
I suppose The So so it says yet since love for people in place is a natural instinct.
It must find an outlet Then this is the next sentence The only acceptable outlet is love for the
Israeli people and nation. There you go so And I'm just sitting here going
Okay Obviously PWC is a wonderfully malleable term that you get to use for every whatever you want
You know, I've been told that I'm sola PWC It's still one of the dumbest things that's ever been said to me but and even if you use the
Roman Catholic Reno's definition from the strong return of strong gods
Y 'all know he's Roman Catholic, right? Okay, just you know wrote wrote a book and soul script Just want to make sure that you understand sources here, you know sources are important But even then let's say that the post -war consensus is
Open borders Anti -nationalism globalism I was never raised with that That was certainly not what my people believed that's certainly not anything
I've ever promoted So It's rather vague along those lines
But here you have an application where you're literally trying to come up with a speculative explanation
That what the PWC and whoever is in charge, I wonder who came up with the
PWC. Oh Those guys Those guys are behind Those guys want the only acceptable outlet for love for people in place to be for Israel and these and the
Jews That's wow, I didn't I didn't see that. Did you see that?
I never saw that. No, that's a amazing insight
I'll just let that Stand there for anybody who wants to do anything else with it. Okay.
Um All right, finally to the deep stuff now. I don't know
What triggered it? I made some comment. I make lots of comments Roman Catholicism in this context what it was.
Okay, what it was was Pope Francis's letter Not sure if you heard about this but yesterday
Pope Francis sent a letter to American bishops basically Indicating that from the view of the
Holy See What is happening here with the arrest of Illegals And I live in Arizona we've we've had illegals from the day
I moved here in 1974 That The arresting of illegals is sinful it's it's not in accordance with Christian morality and So evidently from the
Pope's perspective The laws we have about how people are supposed to come here. And by the way There are laws as to who gets to go in the
Vatican, there's a big old wall around the Vatican It would be interesting if Governor Abbott from Texas would
Charter a whole bunch of really long -distance Chinook helicopters to fly over to Rome and To just start dropping the illegals that have come across the border into Rome It'd be really interesting to see how the
Vatican would handle that Would they shoot the helicopters down How many could they take is the real question, you know
You know, would they try I don't know it's possible but anyway
So the Pope is basically telling the United States you cannot have laws
That restrict people from just invading your country Now we all know that historically the
Leadership of the Roman Catholic Church has not Said this in the past Um Popes have led armies in defense of borders in the past Now Francis probably would say that they were sinful to do so, but there you go
And so I made a comment About faith and morals the
Bishop of Rome is supposed to be infallible when defining the faith and morals, right and And so in response to To that and again,
I'm just gonna be pointing out Francis is charting his own course Francis doesn't care about what's come before him
Francis is making sure that what comes after him reflects him and not the people who came before him so there has been a fundamental disruption of any meaningful definition of Infallibility consistency apostolic tradition, whatever else it might be whatever vague terms
This is development hypothesis put on steroids in essence and So I just made a brief comment and evidently a bunch of people picked up on it and somebody posted a 24 year old
Almost 24 year old article that I had never seen before from Catholic answers called white is wrong by Stephen O 'Reilly and So there was some comment about there were some comments going back and forth about Stephen O 'Reilly's
Insights credentials, whatever else it might be. I don't know him. So if I did back then I've forgotten him
I don't know if he's still around or what anyway, I Looked through the article again, and it was
Discussing The condemnation of The Bishop of Rome Honorius by the
Third Council of Constantinople 681 ish went over the through January so 681 and It's talking about how
Bill Webster has talked about this and of course if you've read almost any of the history of Vatican one the development of papal infallibility
The debates that took place the formation of the old Catholic Church where people are like now we can't we can't go there
It's just too plainly obvious that This isn't what?
was intended Historically and you know Newman's just taking us too far the development hypothesis that Newman comes up with It just doesn't work and so These things were debated at Vatican one.
And of course people go. Well, it was debated and they lost Yeah, look almost every single one of these councils especially in the modern period
Are little more than rubber stamp parties for the Pope I mean aside from something like Council of Constance Which had to recover the papacy because it split into three sections and each one was busily anathematizing the other and and the you know, eventually they had to fix all that kind of stuff, but It's not like People come into this thing without a position and they're just sitting there listening to one side and then they listen to the other side
Oh, well, I don't know. Well, that's that's a good. Oh, that's good, too. You know this kind of thing. No These are political events and The the
Pope was going to get what the Pope wanted at Vatican one as far as his own infallible authority and so the debates were a formality and You know, like I said people like to say well, yeah, but they they lost in whose eyes
Well the majority. Well, you know the majority wants to keep their job. The majority wants to advance the majority wants to Maybe have a shot at becoming
Pope in the future. So But anyway, so so the the story of honorius is
Is nothing new if you go back and it came up in both the debates I did and what was that like 2000?
I think I think it was around the year 2000 I debated
Tim Staples of Catholic answers, and then I debated Bob St. Genes not of Catholic answers
On the subject of papal infallibility and you can go listen to them the conclusion of both the same thing
This dogma has no meaning Because you can never know when it is to be invoked you never know now it's interesting, you know in 2000
Yeah, July November of 2000 John Paul II was still on the throne. He had been on the throne for quite some time.
There was stability and consistency and So you could you know?
Roman Catholic apologetics Could function within that stability. This is long before Francis And so My fundamental argument at the end of both debates was
You have no way of knowing You cannot know while you were alive Whether what the
Pope who is alive in your day is saying is true or false you can only know Decades after he's dead and decades after you're dead.
So What's the use of it? In essence the
Pope is infallible except when he's not That's it
It's the most worthless Push a Roman Catholic apologist on this and that's what they're gonna end up saying.
They don't want to say it But that's what he end up saying. So honorius is a awesome example.
So the the parallel here is that Francis has written a letter as the
Bishop of Rome addressing a matter of morals Remember Francis talked about the capital punishment issue
Before he changed the universal Catholic catechism and then came out and said it's always been sinful
To engage in capital punishment. He closed the door And In doing so said
I'm right all the posts before me were wrong All there is to it all the posts before me are wrong
Okay, that's interesting So now We have a letter written by Francis To the bishops in America on a matter of morals
Saying that it's immoral to have borders It's immoral to arrest people who illegally enter your country many years ago
Pope on Aurea receives a letter from Sergius the patriarch of Constantinople now you need to understand that by the 7th century
The western half the Roman Empire has fallen it's disintegrated and As a result
Rome Has gained a Tremendous amount of political power
Now Rome is heading for what's called the pornocracy hasn't happened yet.
It's gonna happen in the late 10th century middle 10th century that time period in there that hasn't gotten that bad yet on that level, but it's coming but Constantinople is the hub
When you would think when you think about the first seven ecumenical councils, they're all around Constantinople Well, you got
Ephesus. That's not too far away But Nicaea is basically almost a suburb and you have
Constantinople one two and three So and I see a one and two so they're all in the east
And They're they're all very much influenced by whatever the political situation is in Constantinople which is the head of the
Byzantine Empire and so Sergius as the patriarch of Constantinople pretty important person very important and so Where'd that go
I Love how things just you know, they're on they're on your screen and then then they go poof and they disappear
Where'd you go? Where'd you go? There you are. Thank you So what happens
I just want to check something here He did eat to eat to eat to eat to eat it. It was yeah.
Yeah, I know I know I know about that Go back to here. Sorry about that No, no
No, I started seeing lights changing See what happens is rich gets bored and so he wants to He wants to play around with cameras things like that, okay, so I just was just verifying some factual information here that I had
So Sergius Sergius I know things about you.
Okay, and I have the camera and I have the microphone Sergius is promoting
You see the Council of calcine met in 451.
So that was a long long time back but Chalcedon had failed to unify the church
You still had a great deal of division Over the nature of Christ and the relationship of the divine and human in Christ and the current controversy
That Sergius was addressing is did Christ have one or two wills that he have a human will and a divine will or only a divine will so Duothelitism two wills
Monothelitism one will okay 99 .9 % of Christians have lived their lives without ever giving a second thought
But it was the debate du jour and Sergius was a monothelit
That and probably He was a monothelit
Because this would In his area in biz in Byzantine Empire, and this is
Right around the time of the rise of Islam not quite to where they're bursting out and taking over thing
I'm hearing someone in the other room, which I didn't know anybody was going to be in here
So this is a strange feeling to have that going on but anyway
Talk about el distraction. Oh, this is el distraction. Oh right now. Um So Sergius is probably
Trying to find a way to bring everybody together keep the
Byzantine Empire Unified Because you know the biblical evidence for the argumentation is pretty much limited
So Sergius writes to Honorius Bishop of Rome and when honorius writes back
To the patriarch of Constantinople the letter he writes back is supportive of Sergius's monothelitism now
What happens today is people play around and try to come up with excuses and Honorius just was deficient in his teaching or there's you got to find a way around it, but listen to what ends up happening
He writes to Sergius nothing happens in his lifetime he dies a happy old man
Until the Council of Constantinople in 686 81
Constantinople 3 meets and They meet to condemn
Monothelitism as a heresy and they do so but honorius his letter is still around and it's read in the council and So they condemn
Honorius the Bishop of Rome as a monothelit Not only that and this is what this is what's important this is what's normally missed by Catholic apologists not only that But for the next 400 years when you ascended the throne of Peter and You became the
Bishop of Rome you had to Work through these formularies these you had to swear in if you think the
The inauguration oath is long and it's not This would take a whole lot longer the things you had to agree to Everything else to take your office for 400 years
Every Bishop of Rome even during the pornocracy, which is Maybe they could care less
But for 400 years It was part of the formularies part of the the official documents
You had to condemn Honorius Bishop of Rome by name as a heretic for 400 years every
Bishop of Rome now Why do I emphasize that well for the obvious reason that the standard argumentation today is well, you know he actually wasn't a heretic and when
I debated Staples Staples tried to say he wasn't a heretic and So Jenna said yeah, he was a heretic.
There's been lots of popes were heretics So you you get all sorts of different answers as to how that works, too but it's painfully obvious that historically
For almost half a millennium that now just because they stopped doing that Doesn't mean that all saying they decided honorius wasn't a heretic.
It's just that that was a long time ago and There's more important things to be talking about now
But for almost half a millennium Every single
Pope Condemned honorius as a heretic not as someone who just hadn't taught with enough clarity or all the
Rigmarole that's been developed now now So here's the connection
You have a letter from Francis to the bishops of the
United States of America In which he speaks as the
Bishop of Rome on a mission on an issue of faith and morals and Says that this nation does not have the right to have its own borders or to arrest people who break it lock break its law
How can any living Roman Catholic today know whether that is?
true teaching from the infallible Vicar of Christ Because you see there was a number of decades between when honorius wrote to Sergius and When honorius was condemned by the
Council of Constance noble three I Think what was it 50 60 70 or somewhere somewhere in that I could look it up right here real quick.
Oh Okay Yeah had to be at least 50 some odd years So If you lived in that time period
So honorius dies in 638 All right. Let me see here
Did he did he did he did he did he? Where did it I'm not sure exactly what the date
I have it someplace What the date would be Um if you lived in the year 640 okay.
It's two years after honorius is dead. How could you have infallible guidance on the subject of monothelitism?
Because if you're gonna make that a dogmatic thing Make it or break it if you're a do if you're a monothelite
You're condemned going to hell anathema How could you know
What the truth was if you listened to the letter of honorius to Sergius You'd go.
Well, there you go Monothelitism is the way that there's there's the Vicar of Christ Bishop of Rome saying this is what we should believe
And for the next few decades, that's the way it is You have no way of knowing and if you die during that time period you will die in error
Right because you don't know you can't tell that's the problem
Same thing now, how do you know what Francis is saying is infallibly true?
Simple fact matter is you can't know while he's alive While you're alive
It'll be 50 60 70 80 100 years down the road He may be condemned as a heretic
By a future ecumenical council, you don't know honorius was and Man honorius was probably a whole lot more innocent than all this
Francis is doing this on purpose Francis knows what his predecessors have taught and believed and he's changing it on on purpose there are a lot of Roman Catholics today who are saying he's an antipope and They are hoping in the not -too -distant future for a council or at least a
Pope with a backbone to basically say No, we're reversing everything that he said and did
But how are you supposed to know what if you die a year before that happened So the whole concept of Papal infallibility is so often used by people to say hey
We've got this infallible source. You all you Protestants have is all this differing interpretation and hey
Look, you were picking on Rick Warren today. Hey, it's his interpretation versus your interpretation. Well, no, it actually isn't
Not on that one But well, what do you offer in its place we offer
Papal infallibility and We go. Yeah, it doesn't work that that that dog don't hunt and Here's why and It's right in front of us.
So Francis keeps providing these incredible examples That we can connect with history and go.
What do you do here? There's a reason for solo sculpture. There's a reason why we believe these things there really really is so anyway
There's the program for today right now We're still looking at doing a program tomorrow,
I'm not sure exactly on what There are other things yet to talk about there really are but we're gonna try to get one in tomorrow and Then next week
I leave Tuesday Not a not a super big chance of doing a program
Tuesday evening From somewhere in New Mexico, I won't mention exactly where But we will
Be on the road, so we're doing Dividing line on the road
What you mean what it means is you need to have the Alpha Omega app You need to we'll let you know when that it's gonna be happening
And it can be at odd times. It might be at 615 and maybe Whenever I can get set up Road conditions weather conditions all sorts of stuff can get in the way as as you know, but we do our best to keep doing the program and Keep commenting on these things as they they come up as best we possibly can all for the honor of the inspired infallible and sufficient
Word of God That's always been the dividing line and it truly is so thanks for listening today