Revelation 13 & The One World Government - Part 3 (WVNE Life Changing Radio - Worcester / Boston)

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Habakkuk - Part 4

Habakkuk - Part 4

Thank you for listening to this message from the Ministry of Morse Corner Church in Leverett, Massachusetts.
Morse Corner is a non -denominational church that is committed to the preaching and teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our church was founded in 1896 by two students of the famous evangelist
D .L. Moody. We seek to encourage and edify the body of Christ through the proclamation of God's Word through the ministries of the local church.
If you'd like more information, visit our website morsecornerchurch .com. We hope you enjoy the message.
So what is the role of the false prophet? Well again, Jesus had his prophet
John the Baptist who prepared the way, make straight the paths of the
Lord, and he directed people to worship Jesus. You know, he must increase,
I must decrease. Don't worship me, don't follow me, follow him. Worship him.
And that's what the false prophet is going to do. He is going to direct people to worship the
Antichrist. He even makes an image of the beast. And this image has the appearance as if it's alive.
And it can speak. And some have suggested that this image is an idol, like a carved image.
But with modern technology, it wouldn't be difficult to imagine that it had the ability to talk.
Some theorize that it could be a hologram. You know, we don't really know.
We don't really know what it is. We don't know what the mark of the beast will be.
We'll talk about that in a moment. But here is the point. It doesn't matter necessarily for us what it is.
People who are living during the end times, they will know. At least the redeemed of God will be able to recognize that's the
Antichrist, that's the image, that's the mark. Okay, so we might not know, but this is for the people living in that time period.
So they will know. So there is this one world religion, and it's going to be established, and the object of its worship will be the beast or the
Antichrist. And again, he sits in the temple of God, declaring himself that he is God.
Now here's the challenge. Here's the question people ask, and it's a good question. It's a reasonable question.
How can a man bring all religions together? How is that possible?
Well, there is a motivating factor. You do realize that. A few things.
First of all, the beast, he has ultimate political power. He's going to be an impressive figure.
There's no question about that. There is also satanic deception going on.
There's false miracles, a false resurrection event, or maybe an actual resurrection.
We're not exactly sure. So no doubt the false prophet, when he talks about the beast, he's going to tell people what they're inclined to believe and what they want to hear.
That's what all false prophets do. And you know, if all that doesn't work, there's one thing that will seal the deal.
What is that? You either worship the Antichrist or you will be beheaded. You either worship the beast or die.
And the Bible says that the fearful or the cowardly will be cast into the lake of fire.
So even if you don't want to believe, these people don't believe in God. These are the people of the earth who have rejected the true
God. They've rejected Christ, God for his people. He has not given us a spirit of fear.
But Satan, according to Hebrews 2, controls the people of this world through the fear of death.
So the Antichrist, when he says either worship me or die, the people of this earth will be cowardly.
They won't stand up for him. They've rejected the true God. They rejected the spirit of God. They will try to preserve their own lives, which is what you would probably expect.
They will be fearful even if they don't want to give in and worship the image and take the mark and bow to the
Antichrist. They will do it. Of course, most of the world will be happy to do it because the
Antichrist is going to come on the scene at a time which will be there'll be warfare and pestilence and disease.
And he's going to be the guy who appears to have all the answers. He's going to be able to solve the world's problems, or so he says.
So the threat of death can be a real motivator. Of course, this is why true believers in Christ during the tribulation, this is why they will be persecuted and many will die because they refuse to take the mark.
They refuse to bend the knee. And I suspect that the beast, here's my theory on how he's going to bring all religions together, he will probably allow all religions to keep their traditions, their headscarves, their incense, their idols, their temples, all of those that keep doing what you're doing.
There's just one thing I want to add, one requirement, that's all. Either worship me or he'll say worship me, most will do it, and the ones who don't want to do it, well, either worship me or die.
And again, that will be a real motivator. So I suspect that's how he's going to do it.
Keep doing your religion. Practice your religion. I'm just going to have one request, just one little thing, right?
And consider that many religions are very open in adding new beliefs.
It's called liberalism. It exists within every religion. And also consider that just about every religion, they have a place, they have an opening for, or they are looking forward to the coming of a person.
So this man, the Antichrist, there's a place for him in just about every religion.
Let me explain. The Jews don't believe in Jesus, right? So the Jews, in their mind, they're still looking for the
Messiah. They are waiting for the Christ. Now the true Christ already came, they rejected him, but they're waiting for their
Christ, and they'll get him, the Antichrist, okay? So that's the Jewish religion.
Of course, the Islamic religion, they have their Messiah figure, the Mahdi, or the 12th
Imam. Catholicism, of course, has the papacy, where the
Pope is considered to be Christ on earth. He is the Vicar of Christ, the
Holy Father. Buddhism and Hinduism, by the way, the term
Antichrist doesn't just mean you're against Christ, it means you're an imitation of Christ, one who stands in the place of Christ, and that's what
Vicar of Christ means. Buddhism and Hinduism teaches reincarnation, so any of their religion, he could say,
I'm the Buddha reincarnated, and that would fit within their system. So all the world religions have a place for this man, and he will appeal to all.
No doubt he will be a charismatic figure, and again, if it were possible, he would even deceive
Christians, but that's not possible because of eternal security. God protects and preserves his own.
So the Antichrist will likely attempt to use a biblical phrase to be all things to all men, and he will be successful at it.
Of course, the Lord's going to eventually cast him into the lake of fire, where he will be tormented day and night forever and ever, but he will have his time period upon the earth.
And of course, the earth will be in a state of chaos. Again, warfare, pestilence, disease.
So he will be welcomed as the man poised to solve all the world's problems.
You know, this is what the world is looking for. The world is looking, see, Christians are looking for the
Christ. The world, whether they know it or not, they're looking for their Savior, who will be the
Antichrist. Now, one major problem will almost certainly exist at this time period of the
Tribulation. What's this problem? What is this thing that's going to be on people's mind?
It's always on people's minds. The economy. Money. This is what drives the world.
Lust and greed. So everyone's always thinking about money and the economy, and this leads us to point number three.
Point number one, the dragon's plan for a one -world government. Point number two, the dragon's plan for a one -world religion.
And now point number three, the dragon's plan for a one -world economy.
Take a look at verse 16. And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.
His number is 666. So the number of 666 is very well known, and people often identify it with the devil, which is understandable.
But notice what the scripture says. It is the number of a man. So in the scripture, seven is the number of God, and seven represents perfection, completeness, but the number of man is six.
So man falls short, right? So what is 666?
What does that mean? Well, the bottom line is we don't, we don't really know. But when these things happen, there will be some way to identify the beast with this number.
But the point is, nobody will be able to do business. Nobody will be able to buy or sell.
You won't be able to shop. They won't allow you into the grocery stores. You won't be able to, you know, get your medication.
They won't allow you to do just, just about anything. You need the mark of the beast. And if you don't take the mark, what are they going to do?
They're going to, the Antichrist will kill you. So you're not going to be able to buy or sell, and considering we're moving towards a cashless society,
I never have any cash on me. Most people don't even carry cash anymore. You know, if a mugger tries to rob me, he's going to be pretty disappointed.
But you can understand if we're moving towards a cashless society, it would be very simple for a government to control all of this.
You have the mark or you don't have the mark. You can't get in, you scan it. And Hey, this is very possible.
Even now with the technology we have, it's very possible. We can see how this could take place.
So the government could control this, the means of production and distribution, buying, selling of food, medicine, merchandise, et cetera.
So in conclusion, what's the takeaway, right? What's the takeaway just to give you a detailed description of the end times?
Well, that would be valuable enough, but no, that's not the main concern on my heart.
Uh, not really because the odds are, whether it's, uh, uh, the rapture of the church or, uh, whether it's just the timing of all this, you know, we might not even be here for this.
So, uh, if we're not here for this, then why worry about it? That's probably the thought someone might have.
Well, you might be here. That's, that's another thing. You want to know these things, but number one, all scripture is profitable for doctrine.
So these are important truths one way or another. Uh, but point number two, my immediate concern here is that many professing
Christians are starting to buy into exactly what the Bible warns us against, whether you call it statism or socialism or globalism, the world coming together under one banner, you know, a rejection of borders and nation
States. You hear about multiculturalism, a world community instead of independent nations.
We just have a, a coming together, a part of a one world system.
You know, it sounds so good to people. It sounds so appealing to people, but you know what it is.
It's really just Babylon all over again. And what's the
Lord's response? Revelation 18 verse four. And I heard another voice from heaven saying, come out of her.
My people, let's close in prayer. Heavenly father, we just thank you for your word.
We thank you that you preserve your people. Lord, if someone has trusted in Jesus Christ as their
Lord and savior, if they have believed that Jesus died on the cross for their sins and rose again the third day, if they have called upon the name of the
Lord, there is a promise for them that they shall be saved and they are not appointed to wrath.
Lord, your people are not appointed to wrath, but wrath is coming. And I just pray if somebody does not know
Christ, their trust in him today to be delivered from this horrific hour that is coming upon the earth and Lord let no one say that, well, this isn't possible.
Oh, it's possible and it's coming in every day. It's one day closer.
But the good news for us is that every day, the coming of Jesus Christ is one day closer and he will establish a kingdom upon this earth, a kingdom of righteousness.
As we pray in the Lord's prayer, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
We pray all these things in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen. Thanks for listening.
I'm Pastor Michael Grant from Moores Cornick Church. If you'd like to listen to the complete message or if you'd like more information about the ministry, visit our website moorescornickchurch .com.
And we'd love to have you join us some Sunday morning here in Leverett. Until next time, with the grace of God be with you.