Why Joyce Meyer is Still Super Popular (She Lied)
I was shocked to hear about Joyce Meyer, John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, Steven Furtick, Elevation Church, Chris Tomlin, Brylan Riggs, Paul Washer, Justin Peters, Wretched, Beth Moore, and Steven Lawson.
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- 00:00
- Faith is something God gives you that you need to use and release in your life. He says that anyone can create by faith and words the dreams he desires.
- 00:10
- Health, wealth, happiness, success, the list is always the same. It's a powerful force, but it's not just an automatic.
- 00:16
- The message again is this. You have so much power in you that you literally can create reality by speaking it.
- 00:25
- You put your trust in God. You put your faith in Him. I'm glad for what I learned about prosperity, but it got out of balance.
- 00:32
- I'm glad for what I learned about faith, but it got out of balance. No, that's just kind of a, you know, hey,
- 00:39
- I maybe said some things about being fabulously wealthy and modeled it for you by living in a $4 million estate.
- 00:44
- But hey, you know, I got a little out of balance with this. She doesn't explain it, and she certainly doesn't recant it.
- 00:50
- And so every time somebody had a problem in their life, it was because they didn't have enough faith. If you got sick, you didn't have enough faith.
- 00:55
- If your child died, you didn't have enough faith. That is awful. And Joyce should be saying, and I want to apologize to anybody that I ever said that to.
- 01:04
- That's just cruel. Why isn't she apologizing? Why isn't she taking it? But you need to stop doing that. If I taught you, we're pulling all of these materials from our shelves.
- 01:11
- All of my books that have it, I'm pulling them. All of the shows, there will be no more reruns teaching that. Hardly. Well, that's not right.
- 01:18
- You can't. There's nowhere in the Bible where we're promised that we'll never have any trouble. I don't care how much faith you've got.
- 01:23
- You're not going to avoid ever having trouble in your life. Jesus said, in the world, there will be tribulation.
- 01:30
- Cheer up. I have overcome the world. But repentance is where God opens your eyes to his holiness.
- 01:38
- And he opens your eyes so that the least sin in your life becomes a vulgar thing that you can see should condemn you to hell.
- 01:47
- Joyce Meyer is one of the most popular Christian teachers in the country today. Stephen Furtick says she is the greatest
- 01:54
- Bible teacher alive today. You get to hear Joyce Meyer preach the
- 01:59
- Bible. Are you greatest Bible teacher alive today?
- 02:05
- Came to Elevation Church, Conarch Revival, New York Times bestselling author, written over a hundred books.
- 02:13
- I know this must be revival because God doesn't send Joyce Meyer to us anywhere.
- 02:18
- Would you welcome to the stage, the one and only, Joyce Meyer. Joyce is also fully endorsed by Joel Osteen.
- 02:28
- We are so excited to have one of our favorite ministers in all the world, Joyce Meyer, here today.
- 02:33
- We know how much you love her. We love her so much. Give her a great big handclap as she comes.
- 02:39
- Joyce Meyer. Joyce is also a frequent speaker at TD Jakes' Megafest conference. You know, it's like the people who don't fall out in the spirit until they see if there's a catcher behind them, don't you?
- 02:51
- She is so mainstream that even Chris Tomlin, one of the most famous Christian music artists and worship leaders in the world, was happy to lead worship at her conference.
- 03:00
- You know, it's really disappointing that someone like Chris Tomlin, the most influential Christian singer in the world, would be a part of this.
- 03:07
- And then on his Instagram over here goes and points such a, you know, a beautiful word towards Joyce Meyer, where he says things like,
- 03:17
- Wonderful night at the 40th anniversary of Joyce Meyer conference. Grateful to be a part of the celebration.
- 03:24
- Many Christians believe that Joyce has repented of the heresies she used to teach and no longer teaches them. However, there are at least two major problems with this argument.
- 03:33
- First, the only supposed repentance I know about is the very short Instagram video that we saw in the introduction.
- 03:38
- And that was far from true repentance. Saying that some of her teachings were, quote unquote, out of balance is not at all the same thing as saying they were wrong, apologizing for them and completely turning away from them.
- 03:49
- And second, there are so many more atrocious heresies that Joyce has taught that she has not addressed or repented of.
- 03:54
- In this next section of the video, let's take a look at six of these teachings. Number one, Joyce has taught that after becoming a
- 04:00
- Christian, she no longer sins. I am not. The religious world thinks this is heresy because it is heresy.
- 04:30
- If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.
- 04:35
- Now, here's our verse for this morning. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
- 04:46
- What verse nine is teaching us is that one of the distinguishing marks of a true
- 04:51
- Christian. And when I say a true Christian, I mean not just one who goes to church but has never been born again.
- 04:57
- I mean, one who actually knows the Lord, a true Christian. One of the distinguishing marks is he regularly confesses his sin to God.
- 05:07
- An authentic believer has an acute awareness of sin in his own life because he has an acute awareness of the holiness of God.
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- Rather than being blind to his sin, he is convicted by his sin and he confesses his sin with humble contrition.
- 05:24
- Number two, Joyce has never truly repented of teaching the prosperity gospel. Joyce's teaching here about getting a receipt from God is one of the worst
- 05:31
- I've ever heard. This teaching isn't merely getting something out of balance.
- 06:08
- This is prosperity gospel heresy that needs to be directly and completely repented of. There are people who, in the name of Jesus, pervert the gospel and misrepresent
- 06:18
- Jesus. And they must be contended with. They must be refuted. They must be exposed.
- 06:24
- Why? Because if you pervert the gospel and misrepresent Jesus, you undermine salvation.
- 06:30
- And here's Joyce saying more about her prosperity gospel teaching. She has never repented of saying this either.
- 06:55
- Yes, absolutely. I think that's what they mean by prosperity gospel. No, but you worry at all that sometimes your message will be heard by someone in the most dire circumstances.
- 07:05
- It's a sort of roulette wheel, a sort of gamble with God. Okay, well, I can't pay the rent, but I'll give it to Joyce and we'll see what happens.
- 07:12
- Do you worry at all that that happens? I totally know. I don't worry about that. Joyce Meyer says, no, I totally don't worry about that.
- 07:19
- Well, I'm sure she doesn't. But she should. Because right now, even as we speak, there are thousands of people all around the world who are watching
- 07:27
- TBN and Daystar and Laseah Broadcasting and the Word Network and all these things. And they are hearing this endless drivel of saying, you send us your money and God will give you a harvest.
- 07:37
- And there are people at home, they are poor, they are sick, they are desperate, they have sick children. And so in desperation, they get out their checkbook or they get out their credit card and they send in money to these multi -millionaire preachers who fly in private jets and who live in multi -million dollar homes.
- 07:55
- Number three, Joyce has taught the heretical little gods doctrine and has never repented of teaching this either.
- 08:00
- You know, I was listening to a set of tapes by one man and he explained it like this. And I think this kind of gets the point across. He said, you know, why do people have such a fit about God calling
- 08:09
- His creation, His creation, His man, not His whole creation, but His man, little gods? If He's God, what's
- 08:14
- He going to call them? But the God kind. I mean, if you as a human being have a baby, you call it a human kind. If cattle has another cattle, they call it cattle kind.
- 08:22
- I mean, what's God supposed to call us? Doesn't the Bible say we're created in His image? The little gods doctrine, the belief that you are in fact a little god.
- 08:29
- And if I remember my Bible correctly, wasn't the desire to be just like God kind of what led to the whole fall thing in the first place?
- 08:35
- And yet they are teaching it as truth. They want you to believe it in outright blasphemy. The belief that we are gods.
- 08:41
- What other cult does that remind you of? Mormonism. Mormonism. It's the same basic heresy. It's just packaged a little bit differently for different audiences.
- 08:49
- Number four. Joyce has taught something absolutely disgusting about Jesus going to hell after He died.
- 08:55
- Of course, what
- 09:25
- Joyce is teaching here is absolutely not found anywhere in the Bible. Number five. Joyce has taught that on the cross,
- 09:31
- Jesus was no longer the Son of God and needed to be born again, which is a term that refers to people being saved.
- 09:55
- These teachings by Joyce are simply heresies. Dear friends, this is heresy. This is heresy. If there was ever a time in which
- 10:02
- Jesus was not God, if He ceased to be God, dear friends, then Jesus never was God to begin with.
- 10:07
- Number six. Joyce says that she is proud to be part of the Word of Faith movement, which is a heretical movement.
- 10:14
- I had the privilege of being part of what is known as the Word and Faith movement, and I've been a Christian for a long time, but there was a great outpouring of the
- 10:21
- Holy Spirit in the church and a lot of, just a lot of teaching about faith and a lot of teaching about healing. And you know, it was wonderful.
- 10:27
- It was a wonderful time. Immediately after this, Joyce makes another quasi -apology about her Word of Faith teachings that, like what we saw in the introduction of this video, isn't really an apology at all.
- 10:37
- But I also want to tell you, and I do it respectfully, some of the truths that were being taught were taken to such an extreme that they then began to be a problem.
- 10:47
- Even like the teaching that God wanted to bless us. And He does. And God wants us to have our needs met.
- 10:52
- And He wants us to have an abundance of things. Why would He want all the sinners in the world to have all the good stuff while we sit around and just have nothing all the time?
- 11:00
- God wants to bless us, but He doesn't want nor will He bless us beyond our level of spiritual maturity.
- 11:06
- So Joyce still teaches that physical blessings are a key part of the Christian life, but now she just tries to qualify that with the idea that God will not bless us beyond our level of spiritual maturity.
- 11:15
- And this is really the key problem with Joyce's ministry and what she teaches. She does not teach that people should come to Jesus because they are sinners who deserve
- 11:22
- God's wrath and hell, but rather because Jesus will bless them, which is the classic heretical prosperity gospel.
- 11:27
- You better believe the topic was not the gospel. The topic was not, you know, come and have your sins forgiven.
- 11:33
- Come and repent and believe. No, you know what it was. Come get your blessing. Come get your miracle.
- 11:40
- Come get your deliverance. Come get your, and the list goes on and on. These are the things that thousands flock to.
- 11:49
- And just like Joel Osteen, Joyce teaches that people can be fully confident in their salvation after they pray the sinner's prayer with sincerity.
- 11:55
- And I'd like you to pray this prayer with me right now. You just, I'm just going to pray a few words and then you pray it out loud.
- 12:00
- Father God, I love you. I believe in you. I believe that you sent your son Jesus to die for me.
- 12:06
- I believe he paid the price for my sins. Please forgive me. I surrender my life to you today.
- 12:12
- Take me just the way I am and now make me what you want me to be. I believe I'm forgiven. I've been born again and I'm looking forward to my new life with you.
- 12:20
- Amen. Well, congratulations. You have just become part of the family of God. However, the
- 12:26
- Bible warns all Christians to make sure their faith is genuine and true and that there is no guarantee of salvation after praying a simple prayer.
- 12:34
- How men today are trusting in the fact that at least one time in their life, they prayed a prayer and someone told them they were saved because they were sincere enough.
- 12:43
- And so in their salvation, if you ask them, are you saved? They do not say, yes, I am because I'm looking unto
- 12:50
- Jesus. And there is mighty evidence giving me assurance of being born again. No, they say one time in my life,
- 12:57
- I prayed a prayer and they live like devils. In addition to all of this, Joyce has absolutely no problem teaching men in the context of church, which the
- 13:05
- Bible clearly prohibits. Well, I totally, when I started it, I wasn't even cognizant of the fact that women didn't normally do that.
- 13:12
- I mean, I was just so caught up in what I felt like God was telling me to do. And it was being successful. I was teasing,
- 13:18
- I say, I didn't know women couldn't teach till people started telling me that they couldn't. Right. And so in this church that we were going to, they felt like that I wasn't supposed to be teaching that Dave should be teaching.
- 13:30
- I remember going out of the church one Sunday and the pastor looking at Dave and he said, brother, you should be teaching that Bible study, not your wife.
- 13:36
- At the same time him saying it, I'm thinking, you know, that, you know, why did
- 13:42
- God not give me the gift? Why did he give it to her? The arguments Joyce and her husband give for Joyce teaching men are clearly answered by Votie Bauckham.
- 13:49
- I wanted to know why women are not allowed to preach in the church. And if a woman feels that she has the gift of preaching, why isn't she allowed to preach?
- 13:59
- Thanks. All right. First Timothy chapter two and verse 12. I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man.
- 14:06
- Rather, she is to remain quiet. So because the Bible says so. And that's it. The other thing is, well, what if a person feels like they have gifts to do that?
- 14:14
- No one gets to do everything they feel like they're gifted at. No one does. What if a man who has several wives feels like he's gifted to be a pastor?
- 14:22
- The Bible says he must be the husband of one wife, right? So just because you feel like you're gifted to do something, that doesn't give you the right to overthrow biblical qualifications.
- 14:30
- The office of the elder. Paul says, you know, when he's talking about the elder, he must be the husband of one wife.
- 14:36
- He's talking about man. Okay. That office is exclusively for men. That's the office of the pastor teacher.
- 14:41
- So if the office is exclusively for men, and the Bible is very clear that women are not to teach or exercise authority over men, there's absolutely no room for women to be in that office or to exercise that authority.
- 14:53
- It seems clear that Joyce is working very hard to polish up her image and to hide or obscure the things she taught in the past without actually repenting of or renouncing them officially.
- 15:02
- Joyce wants to be seen as a mainstream Christian teacher, while at the same time teach at least some version of the heresies she has always taught.
- 15:09
- And to a large degree, Joyce has been pretty successful. Listen to the praise that popular Christian teacher
- 15:15
- Beth Moore gives to Joyce here. However, Christians, we should not be deceived.
- 15:45
- Joyce has not truly repented of nor renounced the many, many heresies she has taught in the past.
- 15:50
- She is still a dangerous false teacher who should be avoided by all Christians. What caused him to write this letter is false teachers had come into that area and apparently gone from church to church proclaiming a false gospel.
- 16:06
- Paul is profoundly exercised over this. This is very early in his ministry, very early in his writings.
- 16:14
- He knows immediately, even though the churches are truly established, they are genuine believers and they have had the influence of this great apostle.
- 16:23
- They are subject to false teaching. They will be assaulted.
- 16:28
- They will be attacked. And in some cases, they will fall victim to false teachers.
- 16:34
- Thank you so much for watching. If you like these videos and want to help support this channel, the best way to do it is to just watch these videos until the end and click the subscribe button.