Sheologia Radio on Self-Government & Roles within the Family Structure


Today we have a fun show for you as we do an Apologia Radio/Sheologians mash-up. We will be defining good self-government and how it should look within the family governmental structure. Please take a minute to visit our sponsor Armored Republic and get yourself some Tools of Liberty today at: Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free account to receive access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen Ph.D. catalog of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Instagram:


One Non rockabotas must stop. I don't want to rock the boat.
I want to sink it Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?
Delusional yeah delusional is okay in your worldview. I'm an animal you don't chastise chickens for being delusional You don't chastise pigs for being delusional so you calling me delusional using your worldview is perfectly okay.
It doesn't really hurt What Desperate times call for faithful men and not for careful men
The careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men lauding them for their courage
Go into all the world and make disciples not going to the world make buddies not to make brosives right don't go in the world make homies
Disciples, I got a bit of a jiggle Nick That's a joke
Master when we have the real message of truth, we cannot let somebody say they're speaking truth when they're not
Teacher which is the greatest commandment in the law and he said to him you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart
With all your soul with all your mind This is the great and first commandment and a second is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself
And these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets that is Matthew 22 36 through 40
What's up, y 'all? Welcome back to another episode of apology or radio and we actually have a very special show today for you guys we're doing a apologia sheologians
Mashup thought it'd be fun to do. We're gonna talk about all manner of things But mainly one thing but before we get into that man nailed the timing on that today, didn't they?
Yeah That's good. Really? Yeah, it's hard to do sometimes. I don't know you're talking about. We're listening to stranger
Think he's talking about the music versus like Versus the verse.
Yeah So sometimes you have this like very powerful verse that's kind of Bolstered by the music and then the music just like stops and you know, like finishing the last
Words of the verse just kind of I mean it doesn't you nailed it. Good job.
Thank you. Good job. Oh so Sorry, it's probably mine
Summers in my chair. I am in the captain's chair today because pastor Jeff is at the SPC conference in Anaheim Which probably is the last day of SPC as we know it?
So officially, right they may continue to Go by the SPC.
Yeah, but We know they're yeah, yeah, we won't get into that today. Anyways, thank you.
So I want to be a fun show Okay, great. Yeah No one came here for that today
Yeah, okay. So all that to say Welcome summer to my seat in the beard hairs.
Thanks. I appreciate it I'm normally in that seat when we do she allegiance. So this is like a real swap real swapper.
Yeah, and this is where I sit She's comfy why mess with her headphones her mic levels just leave it there
Yeah, summer was wise. She said I'm not even putting these headphones on until you cut the volume in half Yeah, cuz
I think your hearing is not good. It's not okay So like Luke's headphones will be hanging on the microphone and you can hear it without yeah, like from over there.
Yeah from a lot of metal shows, yeah working in construction and Yeah, that's why
I mean that pretty much covers that makes a lot of third reason yeah, okay You know in my older age
I've learned like when I go to show still which is not very often But I bring earplugs and yeah,
I'm like I can actually hear the music better with earplugs in Yeah, someone tell me static.
Yeah when I was 19 years old cuz you still wouldn't have used them when you're 19 Probably not because they're not they weren't cool.
They weren't cool Somebody's invent cool earplugs. You would have worn some if they were if they had a
Some with little like nautical stars totally back in the day. I've been like, yeah, these are my
But you know such as life So this if you're listening
YouTube and you're trying to copyright me, this is copyright free. This is stranger think So don't even try to shut me down because it says royalty free
So I like bored people in their basements that do that probably. Oh, yeah. Yeah, there's so much royalty free stuff
Pictures music. No, I mean like just they're just here to like try to kick us off YouTube Why do you think there's so many dudes living in their mom's base?
Yes playing video games They just go through YouTube stuff and when it's live and oh, that's a copyright strike
Like what's the Karen version like the Karen name for a dude Ken I think they had established it.
Yeah, there's got to be what's the male version of a Karen? Well, cuz I remember they came up with a like modern version.
So like the millennial version of a Karen Oh, but I for I think maybe it was like Britney Britney. Sorry any
Britney's out there. It's absolutely That makes a lot of sense actually, but I don't know what the man version is.
Yeah, I don't know Kenneth Kenneth, that's it. What's the frequency? Kenneth You guys are too young for them, yeah,
I don't know it's an REM song my wife will get it She's actually gonna listen today cuz you guys are on. Thanks Joke I made a second ago about the earplugs
I was like as I was saying and I was like, I really hope Cheryl's listening cuz she will really get it She will yeah, so you're welcome
Nope, sorry, I miss called so Don't remember. Oh, yeah, so Speaking of Karen videos besides the calm down.
You've seen that one. No No, oh the the dude. No, it's a chick and she reaches into they're like a uber driver and She like the uber driver almost hits her or something and she stopped
It's like they're at a stoplight or something and she like it's I'll send it to you. It's Amazing, but there's bad language in this
I can't play but okay, just he's going calm down calm down Like a cat or something
Karen But my favorite one is the one Jeff sent the other day
I think Jeff's in it, okay, she's like you killed me Yeah, you didn't see that one. It was on the radio.
It's one of those like she's she's stealing somebody's mail. Yeah Then she's like, what are you doing?
But she's trying to make it seem like he Hurt her why she cuz
Narcissism, I don't know Because they're having in a confrontation so she's she just suddenly starts acting like he hurt her
She falls way right way worse than he like didn't doesn't do anything
Yeah, and she's rolling in the street. She literally goes you killed me and it was like You know,
I don't be that questionable That's question. I was like talking to somebody this morning because we both used to work at the same place ten years ago uh -huh, and she was kind of like filling me in on like what's happened in the last ten years and My job is like on the floor because like the standard way that the new generation
Works and like thinks and interacts is so different Oh, yeah, then even just ten years ago and she was explaining to me like how kovat like change so much about the workforce
She was telling me things like I couldn't even like I couldn't wrap my head around I don't think that I have gotten which
I'm not trying to be a Karen here But I don't think I've gotten customer service like good customer service
Oh, yeah in a long even from places where you kind of you expect it right like Chick -fil -a or in and out or Costco Just places that used to kind of be known but I think yeah, and I don't necessarily know that it's all the employees fault
But they put big plastic sheets between yeah the employee and the customer and man, right
And so like, yeah, I don't know. I think it just it's weird ruined it because it well there became no
If I tried to start a conversation with the Costco cashier Yeah They're they're wearing a mask behind one point like all the customers at Costco are wearing man
Yeah, and then there's a plastic sheet and it's like just scan my card and let's just get this over with Yes, I want a box.
I know you don't want to give me a box Costco, but yes, I want one It gets to the point where you're writing messages
Except for breath is box. Yeah Don't leave your breath. Well, I mean that was yeah when there was mass that wasn't possible
But right they took the masks away now you can't Anyways So all these things we're talking about good self -government today and within the family structures, but Karen's typically have bad
Yes And I think it used to get away with it more but now because of cell phones and everyone having a recording device immediately at their fingertips
It's become less flattering than it ever was No to be a Karen, yeah
Like you might ruin your whole life for being a Karen nowadays not that that should be your motivation for like getting canceled shouldn't be your motivation for being pleasant, but Yeah, you think it would help?
Yeah one would think So we were discussing briefly. We didn't really plan this but we thought maybe for funsies we would briefly discuss stranger things.
I Know how do you discuss it without spoilers? I think if you haven't watched it at this point, you don't care.
It's sort of like Too bad Someone in the chat did recommend that Terry be the
Karen Terry. I do think Terry is a very good Millennials aren't named Terry, but then
I think I got that one
Yeah, so, okay, we'll just say spoiler alert if you haven't seen
Season four yet Shame on you, but also Spoiler alert because we're gonna spoil things
So if you haven't seen it, you might want to pause this before if you plan on watching it, so Thoughts it's awesome.
It's really they Stepped things up quite a bit in this season. It was like legit horror at times where I was like, yeah
Yeah, definitely not as much of a kid which is I think it's not only fine as they get older They're not really kids as much anymore, right?
Well, cuz they're actually like in their 20s and they're supposed to be like right. I mean there is that of course They're not in their 20s
Some well, not the main five. Well, yeah No, yeah,
I do know that Joe Curie is 30, which is crazy. No, I looked it up Who is in their 20s?
I believe Mike and They're like,
I think their ages are like 21 20 19 something crazy somewhere.
Yeah, I looked at it. I was like, no Well, it's not so I mean they told us like in each of the seasons
They're riffing off of certain like 80s films. So it's yeah, it's not weird that when they like told us for it came out like Some of the 80s films were riffing this season are like Nightmare on Elm Street Which you know if you watch
Nightmare on Elm Street now, it's kind of hilarious like it's funny Yeah, so bad like it's so cheesy, but I've actually never seen it.
Okay. Well, you're not missing Yeah, I wasn't allowed to watch it and I've never watched it one time when I was a kid
I had a dream. I had never seen Freddy Krueger, but I knew like what he looked like from yeah pictures or whatever
Yeah, and I had a dream That we were riding on a parade float together and he was like really nice He was like,
I don't know if he was like Edward Scissorhands. Well, I don't know if he was nice to everyone So I was like, well,
I specifically don't yeah afraid I did like how Freddy Krueger was in this season for sure
That's right So I listen my thing has been for a long time. I think all through season three
They're telling you that where the story is going is messing with time, right?
Like all through season three There's all these Easter eggs and then it isn't an Easter egg so much anymore when you have like a clock as the symbol of the season
Well, and the whole I mean if you think about it the whole Show is about time. Yeah, it's about the whole show transported back
Yeah Used to be yeah, and then the season starts with L saying like in a way
We're all time travelers and back to the future was the movie of season three. And so So observant,
I didn't catch that maybe nerdy That's okay Maybe that's where that this is gone.
But yeah, I'm just I have so many questions and I think they're gonna be answered I know it's only two episodes
Yeah, but they're like one of them's two and a half hours, you know, oh the second volume is two episodes
Oh, okay, but I think it's I didn't know one of them is like 90 minutes and the other one is like two and a half Hours, so there's a lot of show left.
I just think that it doesn't get much more 80s then like music
Which by the way, the soundtrack The soundtrack is pretty bad that that journey remix.
Oh, yeah Even then like the music. Yeah the 80s, right and I know that the
What's the song? Is like become oh, yeah, it's a name is happy.
Yeah She was a little alternative Yeah, so now she but she you know, she's probably like yeah,
I had a nice career Yeah, and then all of a sudden Stranger Things. Yeah Well, they said the
Duffer brothers said that like she'd had never allowed her stuff to be used and really On her
TV before and they approached her and lo and behold. She was a Stranger Things fan Okay, and then when they like told her the whole concept of the song and what it would be used for She was like, okay, but yeah,
I'm just like the power of music is a theme is a weapon and power
So what against evil? Yeah, like that is the most 80s Well in the first volume when
Eddie goes They gave you an Easter egg that Eddie's gonna use his guitar if you remember in the first episode
He sees his guitar. Yeah, and he like talks to it like a person. I absolutely believe his guitar is gonna end up In the upside down.
Yeah some point like he's gonna have to save someone's life with his guitar is my Yeah pitch
That's gonna happen. I mean that Kate Bush song like I was listening to it I actually like the song and I'm like this could totally be a current -day song and like no, yeah.
Yeah, absolutely I mean, I'd never heard of her before in my life. She was like, you don't remember I was like, no Yeah, but I do like the you know, obviously didn't talk about Story arc and you know from a
Christian worldview and stuff. I will say I was really starting to get annoyed It's big. Okay, so the whole Like gay agenda they throw went through in last season and then it starts off with that and I'm like if they make this whole
Season gay, I'm gonna yeah But I appreciate the fact that they just like I don't like that They threw it in there because it doesn't fit it doesn't even fit in the storyline
But at least they were like we dropped it now we're moving on and it's not any part of this It's like every show now has to have some sort of nod that there's someone gay in this universe
Like we just have to say this person is gay and then they don't do anything more with it
But they had to like do that much. We just have to say that there were people that were
Openly openly gay during the 80s. I was like no there Right. Yeah.
Yeah. Okay only Freddie Mercury Yeah, it was dumb
I'm glad that well, I hope that they yeah that was I was a little I was During the first episode.
I was kind of ready to bounce Honestly, I was like if by the end of the second episode This isn't so yeah on the nose heavy -handed.
Yeah, I'm probably good. Yeah, but But they didn't this is where filtering services might come in right?
Yeah but if you only if you're listening and you only watch the first episode and you were like, this is so just Like silly.
Yeah It doesn't actually they're heavy -handed in the first episode, but they don't actually
Show anything or they just basically allude to yeah That one as long as the filtering services keep offering like filtering out
Sexuality then we'll be good. And if the filtering services aren't allowed to filter out homosexuality, that would be interesting
That would be very interesting if Filtering services were suddenly not allowed to filter out certain things
But I think there's enough of a market though for people that want to remove despicable, yeah
Did you guys cry when there was the when Hopper and And her reunited
I didn't did I didn't I loved it But I I'm just so curious about what's gonna happen.
Yeah, I mean, what's there now? Yeah, they like I mean, yeah, they're well Enzo is gonna be a part of the show
I think I think Enzo is going with them. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think Enzo is gonna become a new character and I think that'll be interesting because he he has a leg up on what the
Russians are doing, right? He might have like information that could be helpful. So I think I think those four and he's already a traitor.
So he's already yeah He pretty much is gonna go with them or he's gonna be murdered so like right he's gonna go with them is
I think what's gonna Happen. So I move from move away from Russia to the
United States Do it No problem. I'm really I really know that they're gonna get back.
I don't know. Yeah, they are I'm really starting to enjoy Murray's character. I love his character.
At first. I was like this guy's so annoying. Yeah favorite character Hopper I mean
I am hopper basically. So yeah hoppers definitely up there For me you're not ready for this question
Hopper is up there for me. Although not so much in this season He was kind of a kind of a dork.
No, I like hopper a lot. I mean like he kind of was like being like a Kind of wussy like yeah
Steve is my favorite character. I mean I was gonna get to Steve. I think I think Steve's my favorite.
I've really been liking Lucas Okay, I feel like they're developing his character a little bit more.
Okay, but also I think they're going to kill Steve. Oh, so well, that's what okay, so I Was gonna bring up really sad, but I think they're
I feel like Steve's on the Redemption are great Like yeah, the redeeming character. He's a complete jerk at the beginning
Yeah, now like I think this when we go to this next episode sacrifice going back in to rescue
He's gonna sacrifice himself. Yeah, that's what I think too Y 'all I'm way too pregnant for letting go of Steve right now
I think the only reason I think that is because that tends to be that is a
Sort of a current cultural way to wrap up. I am all for Sacrifice like Redemption and sacrifice and then they live and they're all just like happy.
They're happy together. Please can that happen? but I feel like it's more common nowadays for people to Like Go the whole way if they kill
Steve. I will write it. Well So that's just all there is to it.
I might join you. I'm gonna write them a strongly worded letter I'm like y 'all messed up.
I'm like in labor leaving them a voicemail. We have women that leave us voicemails in labor It's like a thing. Yeah, it's happening on the
Shia Logen's line Never had that happen. Well, maybe you can change your son's name to Steve Steve grow his hair out all along and teach him how to play baseball
I Know who what character who every time he opens his mouth
I just crack up laughing but ultimately has really bad self -government Yeah, the guy with the long hair.
Oh He does too, yeah. Yeah. No, I was gonna say Mike and Nancy's dad. Oh, he's the worst
It's like he's a trope dad. Yeah He's the trope of like the sitcom dad that totally is awful at life, right?
Like horrible at life Did you guys notice I I had to rewind and watch it again when the kids all left, you know
They snuck out when the cops there and then when his dad ran after them. Mm -hmm. Did you catch how hilarious it was?
No, okay. Go back and watch. Okay. I promise you'll watch it. It's hilarious.
I was like, oh my gosh I was like rewind and I was watching with my wife and even we were like we round it and we were just crying laughing
Anyways, yeah, so he has a really bad family governmental structure. Yeah, he's not good
This is the point of this show today. So I think we'll it's a good transition to there. Yeah from stranger
Think it was a little rough, but okay Well, you know I can yeah, I do it for flying from Alaska to Russia right now.
Yeah Not as rough as when Steve dies, that's gonna be For sure
Well, we'll see, you know, we'll see What is it? Certainly not gonna sacrifice himself
Jonathan. What happened to Jonathan? He was the wrong choice. It should have been Steve all along Okay, so So we we want to talk about Seriously here on about self -government, what does that look like and it's funny cuz joy and I were like It's kind of scrambling a bit cuz
I just could not find a topic for this week And then I was like, hey, let's do a mashup. She's like, okay great And then I was like, she's like, what do
I do and I was like self -government. She's like perfect I was like, all right, let's do it So I've actually been preparing to teach through this book for musty
Thomas if you don't have it You should have it called biblical strategies to abolish abortion. So I'm gonna be teaching on a chapter in here on the
God's spheres of government chapter 3 governments of God and so it's kind of fresh my mind but something we talked about a lot but just so to leave
Just a kind of General outline of the of the spheres of government of God There's basically four spheres of self -government family government church government and civil government
Some people add to others vocational and educational which are legitimate spheres of government.
Just not the four basic ones There's definitely jurisdictional authority in those in those spheres but one thing
I really like that I've just appreciated from rusty in this book is you know, ultimately he's saying the
Because this is all about in an abortion ultimately the this the civil government It's their job to to end the murder of our pre -born neighbors
But he makes a great point to say that it has to start and the individual has to start with self -government, you know, and so we will talk more about that and then kind of into the family governmental structure, but Yeah, so like I mean
I live I it's funny funny not funny I was working on my notes yesterday, and I had to have a talk with my children
Because my wife wasn't feeling good. She was laying down and it was like They all of a sudden went
I was in my office They know if I'm in there working and studying they're supposed to knock and not just barge in but they apparently
Think they needed to do this They kept barging in and we're fighting and being lazy and all this net and it was like so I have a talk with them
I was like, you know, we're trying to teach you a good self -government So what that means is like when mommy has to lay down because she's not feeling good
That doesn't mean that you are no longer under any governmental structure and you write act as you still have to adhere to the self -governmental rules and laws that we have tried to raise you up in and So just funny it was like it was like I'm preparing to teach on the guys like well, here's a good example
Yeah, your response whether you're doing it well or poorly You are governing you are yourself.
Yeah. Sure. It's one of those things that's just in place. Can't get away from it yeah, so that's why the verses
I read at the beginning, you know, ultimately, that's the The founding principles on good self -government is love guide and love neighbor
You know, so if you're acting selfishly, you're not doing either, you know And so, you know, obviously you're probably just getting into that with Georgia maybe you're past getting into that with her.
But yeah, I mean we started early probably. Yeah Well, I don't know when people start
But my son just turned one and he's he's already getting spanked. I mean basically we started when
She was sitting yeah, so Right, she's doing what she was told not to yeah, which is like Yeah, yeah, that's probably about right well and then
I think you know, then there's the Right away there's this, you know, you're teaching them like Self -control and then you have to teach them quickly be self -controlled.
Yeah quickly. Yeah govern yourself quickly Obedience now all the way joyfully, right?
Yeah, I had the situation with Jonah's probably about Three weeks ago where he was trying to touch something.
He wasn't supposed to touch. It was my phone He you know, as soon as we put our phone down, he's like like beeline
Yeah, and I'm like don't do it. I'm watching you don't do it. He's like Like don't do it and he just kept looking at me and he was like having like a legit like internal And I was like I'm watching you don't do it and so finally he gave up and he just sat down which is like Yeah, but he like he did the right thing, yeah, but it destroyed
So January which she's six right now when she's told something that she goes against what she wants to do
She gets this little like I twitch. Mm -hmm she does it but she's like Like she doesn't like hearing it and her eye starts doing this and my husband says
I do the same things. Oh Don't don't let her play poker No, she's got a very definite.
I do not Yeah, I don't think anyone from that. No illogical line
Yeah, I start laughing
That is so funny, well actually Danny said something that I think about all the time but she was like Her directly
You know when you don't want to eat your food, which is a janny thing.
Yeah when you don't want to eat your food You take a deep breath And you do it.
Anyway, she was giving advice to Georgia Speaking of governing. Yeah yourself
You do it anyway Excellent Obedience is required and you just don't want to be obedient.
You just take a deep breath and you do it Anyway, that's really good. Yeah Yes from the mouth of babes
Well, hey before we go any further We're gonna take a quick break.
I'm actually gonna play a commercial here for reform con Form con org coming up four months away now coming up very quickly
If you watch last week's episode We basically just cut what we talked about last week put links in there for everyone
So we're gonna drop that real quick. Summer's pregnant and probably needs to go to the bathroom. So Gabe you got that ready my dude
Yes, I guess so cuz I hear an echo So go ahead and play that Gabe and we will be right back and get back into this conversation the conference is by this standard and We're gonna talk about how we use the
Word of God to transform the world and to Increase and spread Christ's glory his gospel his supremacy and his dominion into every area of life
Whether that is the arts whether that's economics whether that's education, whatever. It may be Christ is
Lord there one thing Andrew Sandlin said that I think is sort of like the highlight of what where I want to sort of express you and I've talked about this a lot at reform con as we talk about by this standard is that all of life is worship
And so we played a clip once of Andrew Andrew Sandlin talking for us about a minute long talking about how one of the things the
Reformation did is the Reformation took away the idea that that Roman Catholicism Had started to exalt and promote and then like the real spiritual stuff takes place in that building and that priest
He's really spiritual like that's the high spiritual work there everything else there everything out there in the world
That's you know, yeah, whatever is God really concerned with that know all of life is worship And so he said something
I think probably shocked people there He said you should you should play professional basketball for the glory of God.
That's worship and all of life is worship owning a business running a business is worship, you know, whether you're
You're owning a laundromat do it for the glory of God do it as worship And so we're gonna do that. We're gonna do it in so many different areas.
We've got live performances We've got after parties. We've got great teaching who's coming to teach You yes, dr.
James White Joe boot Toby Sumter John Sampson David Bonson Did I say
Andrew Sandlin no, okay Andrew Sandlin I think you automatically add like 25 points to because we have a
Bonson. Yes We have a box also true and we just We can now officially announce that Ben Merkel is also teaching for us.
Oh nice, and he'll be doing education It's a reform con dot o RG get your tickets because we've got a great venue
It's not like some people hold conferences that we know where it's like, you know No horse stable where you can't see anything and you can't even see the screens or see the speakers and you know
Treat you like cattle. They treat you like cattle some plus I've also heard you get extra reformed points if you go to a conference on Reformation, that's true.
It's actually it's bonus. It's absolutely bonus. So for those of you keeping track of your points
This is actually really cool Hotel prices right now are like through the roof because of everything.
Yeah, and thank you sleepy Joe Not ours not for a form come because we have prices locked in Before all the stuff started raising up so we have you can get your rooms there at the hotel
Where we have a ton of sponsorship opportunities Whether it be exhibitor booths, whether it be t -shirts water bottles all kinds of stuff so you can go and get your if you want to if you're sitting that you can do that plus like Jeff said we have
We're gonna have a number of podcast booths available as well. We have podcast row. It's gonna be separate from the exhibitors
Hall And the really cool thing that we haven't really talked a lot about is the after party which you mentioned
So the after the opening night, we're gonna have a special Ticket for the after party
It's gonna be just a chance to hang out with us and it will include at least We're still working on this at least one drink token possibly to Part of that part of the package for apple juice
Yeah, you want apple juice apple juice. Amen. Happy juice juice
Yeah, so reform con org. Yep. That's where people get hooked up get tickets get them as soon as you can
All right, so that's it guys reform con dot o RG. Make sure you get your tickets We're looking forward to seeing you guys all out there.
It's gonna just be a great time again Christian conference We're hoping to do like no other We're hoping that you don't just have to sit there for you know
Two days and just get you know hour after hour after hour after deep deep deep deep hard -pounded truth
Been to conferences like that where you're by the middle of the day. You're just exhausted You haven't had a chance to digest any of it or to fellowship and enjoy really your time
We want to make sure that this is an enjoyable experience we're getting solid really great teaching stuff that'll transform your lives and also at the same time get some
Christian entertainment and Enjoy one another's fellowship. And so that's what's up Alright, welcome back
To apologize, yeah, she a low GI radio The dad jokes, yep for days, so Yeah, come to reform con.
It's gonna be awesome. Just you just watch private commercials. I'm like a sending else if you're still with us So back to our conversation
Like when I was talking to my kids Yesterday, you know, I said hey look we want to I Mean, I want to teach you to have good self -government and you know, and then mommy and I need to have good self -government
You know, and so then I swing him and then it's the family government So if we don't have good self -government, you guys can't have good self -government, you know
And then the church if there's not a lot of good family governments Then there's not gonna be any good church governments.
And if there's no good church governments, which is what we're seeing Then the civil government is just it's just tyranny
That's the end result. Well, they're basically the idea is that the civil sphere just takes over the government
Yeah, they're gonna have to fill in the vacuum, right? so that's why they are in charge of things like helping poor people all the way to You know
Like education. Yeah, right like managing Healthcare general beliefs about morality and things like that.
Yeah, because they're trying to take over well, yeah, we They're trying to take over slash
We have willingly given them because yeah what that indicates is people who don't want to self -govern
Don't want to govern their families and churches that don't I would say churches more kind of abdicate their role to yeah the civil.
Oh totally here Here's a quote this rusty starts out this chapter with this quote. It's from Robert Winthrop who was
Congressman house or speaker of the house like in the 1840s He said all societies of men must be governed in some way or other men in a word must necessarily be controlled either by a power within them or by a power without them either by the
Word of God or by the strong arm of man you but either by the Bible or by the bayonet and and yeah
I love that quote and I mean That's what we're seeing right like our nation was founded on those principles.
They had overall had really great self -government They left England so they could have that liberty and freedom to do so You know and we've gotten to the point where the government's grown the civil government's grown so much that they just Then and people have such bad self -government that it's you know, literally his
Bible or bayonet Are you gonna follow God's Word and his standard on how to live or are you gonna let the the state?
Tell you how to live and rule you by coercion and force Yeah, and you see that with your kids to explain to my kids all the time like being
Self -governing being responsible means that you're gonna be free in a way that if you will not self -govern
You're not gonna be free So either you're going to self -govern and enjoy freedom or I'm gonna have to come rule over you.
Yeah And I will always win just FYI So like it's in it and like you said
Bible or bayonet like it's either You are submitting to the Word of God or someone else is going to make you submit
Yeah, like those are really your only thing spoon. Maybe it's not coming to play whatever it is.
Yeah No, that's it. That's a great point and There's another quote in there somewhere, but it's like basically like you you have
God gave us ten ten rules to follow Basic self -government you can follow those.
Yeah, or the option. The other option is thousands of rules Yeah from from some subjective governing body telling you how to live.
Yeah Subjective Yeah key the most key for yeah, oh totally well
We've talked about it a lot like when you actually had someone say to me the other day like, you know
The first waves of feminism like weren't so bad. It's like these feminists now that are really bad and I like Didn't have an hour to explain to her why
I don't agree with that but You know ultimately when you look back at what the early feminists were fighting for They were fighting against the lack of self -government that men did have
Right. So when they were fighting for prohibitionism, what were they asking for? like basically the men were not self -governing and they were there were a lot of drunks and there was a lot of abuse happening because The men were not self -governing the church wasn't governing over the men that were in the church
And so the women asked the state to step in and do something that we don't support because ultimately why are we against prohibitionism?
Well, cuz that's not the civil government's job like telling you how much you can drink is not the job of the government
Do we agree that it's a problem if like an entire society of men by and large could be called drunkards?
Yeah, that's a problem But feminism was asking for the state to step in and ever since women did get the right to vote
There's this really interesting to statistic that the under the since women have been granted the right to vote
The growth of the government has been exponential and why is that it's because women are asking
The government to step in and do what the men are not doing Yeah, isn't it?
So when the women were fighting for the right to vote to wasn't it it was like to household votes Isn't that how it went?
It was household votes at the time Still a fan that's still what he wants. We argue for the household vote.
I like the idea. Yeah all the time Which in our view would we would say like a single woman is the head of her household.
So that wouldn't preclude That wouldn't preclude women from voting but we agree with the household vote as an idea because it's true
Many households are split you have the wife voting Democrat or and then the man voting Republican in a lot of households.
Yeah But yeah, just a lot of the things it's not just prohibitionism, but you know the government
The the early feminists were did want to abolish slavery Which the government should have done
So you have this kind of weird movement where it's like they're asking the government to do things that the government ought not do and they're
Also asking the government to do things the government should have done already So I think that's why it's hard for people to even think about the first wave feminists
But you can't talk about them without understanding what we're talking about which is who is responsible for what?
Well at that time at the time of the first wave feminists, it would have been Totally acceptable for there to be spheres sure of government and the family government was it was a
Recognized right mental structure rights as well as self -government. Yeah, you were actually required to govern yourself
Largely according to scripture whether or not you would have said it was scripture.
I mean, yeah And most people would have would have said they were
Christians. Yeah Everyone said they were right. Yeah, a lot of the first wave feminists were
Quakers which interestingly really Quakers already had female pastors at that time Too interesting.
So that's an interesting little But yeah, but it's interesting Something I didn't want to talk about is that when you see the so there's a breakdown of the spheres and obviously certain spheres are in charge of legal matters and some are not so not only is there a
Problem when you abdicate all authority to one sphere There's also a problem and this is how you get a lot of laws
Yeah that are not necessary is by jumbling up the spheres and all of a sudden self -governing something that You should be able to accomplish on your own.
Hence the name self -governing Suddenly becomes against the law or And then all of a sudden you have this the civil government and tempting to or the state
I guess in a lot of these instances attempting to enforce In force laws that would not actually have ever been laws
But wearing a mask for example, yeah There I guess
I guess what I want to have a conversation about is how there is a difference between Governing yourself poorly in a way that requires legal action and governing yourself poorly in a way that does not
Like the gut that sure the legal entity is gonna come in and try to legislate morality and ethics and try to in a way they are like They they don't they deal with laws, but not everything
Regarding self -government requires a law like being right kind to people for example, right?
We're not discriminating or being partial against people those like technically in the
Bible. Mm -hmm that Partiality is a sin sure, but as far as I know there is no law against partiality, yeah, and so there is at the heart of it there is a lot obviously lacking in belief in the scripture to be
You know a full resource for and the ultimate authority for how we create our laws But it's just all kinds of all messed up whichever way you kind of cut it and I Don't even it's gonna take reform
Starts yeah, it starts in the cell starts in the individual government with the gospel, right? Yeah, exactly
Well, we've we've talked a little bit about this when it comes to abortion but kind of like on the flip side of what you were just saying because Christians have had a hard time realizing that there's a distinction between Like we were just saying a sin and a crime, right?
Right, and so like we've had people were that are very upset that like women who have an abortion should be penalized, you know
Well, it's like well they what if they you know, what if they repented? Why should we still punish them and it's like well, it's still a crime.
Yeah, there's still a difference between it Yeah, you know they repented they're good with God now like yeah, they've been reconciled with Christ, but they still committed murder and they there's still a
Criminal penalty for that but sometimes Christians like conflate the two and they can't see a distinction
Yeah well and The Apostle Paul said that if he was found guilty under Roman law a capital punishment that he would accept the capital punishment
Like if that was if he was lawfully found guilty like give him the just punishment of his crime
And I like you said, I think a lot of people to think that for whatever reason we want to like go back and find
Every woman that's ever committed an abortion and then prosecute and that's not what we're saying
But you have to think about what you're saying When you say I don't think a woman who has hired someone to kill her child is guilty of a crime
Mmm, like if that is your position you need to evaluate where you got that from right?
Yeah, it wasn't the Bible right? Like that's not where you got that from right? So, where did you get that from and why is that your standard and that's actually a big discussion at SBC this week
You know, I'm gonna get him. We're not gonna get into that. But that's that's been a very big big conversation, you know within with an
American Christianity The last well, it's but we've talked about Yeah, that's to her.
That's to our shame. Yeah Totally Yeah that that's even a conversation is
I that that that that is even a conversation is a judgment on American Christianity.
Oh, it's 100 % Yeah, so, you know going back to something joy was saying like ultimately we talked about this a lot
But you know the civil government their role in the eyes of God, right is to protect the innocent and punish the evildoer
They are God's Avenger his literally God's Deacon and that's it.
That's the responsibility they have before God And so anything outside of that Jurisdiction they are overstepping their
God -given Rights to rule and so, you know ultimately there can only be one supreme being and that's
God obviously, but what we're seeing is The our our civil government our federal government is becoming they're trying to make themselves
God They're trying to be the ultimate authority where they are they determine what's right and wrong.
They determine morality and and they punish at will and We have a fight on our hands
Yeah, it's rather insidious because well we're talking about like you guys were talking and you kept mentioning like governing and freedom
Mm -hmm, which I think some people would see some sort of contradiction there
Like if you're governed you can't be free, but the point of biblical self -government is freedom
Yeah, and that is so you even you're even looking at A bad definition of some really really like key terms in terms of even understanding.
Yeah What we're talking about here we like that's how far it goes we've allowed even the language and the idea
We don't even have a biblical idea of what governance and what freedom looks like But what's insidious is that the that our current culture and the current government?
They are Promising freedom. Yeah, it's all done in the name of freedom and that is such that that's such a lie of all the
CRT critical race theory intersectionality stuff is that you You they're making themselves look like the hero sure of the story, but they're not only
Failing to govern well and in their sphere They're not the outcome is not freedom at all.
It's total slavery to right sin and It just propagates the idea that whatever works for you that there is no truth.
Whatever works for you we obviously talked about this when we talked about a Matt Walsh's documentary and And we we just we really do believe that we should like in a weird way there
They're selling self -government like you are free. Yeah to do whatever you want.
Yeah That's not so that's not governing yourself. Yeah doing whatever you want.
Yeah is rebellion Yeah, but we've repackaged it into like no really governed free people are the ones that do whatever they want
And we're here as the United States government to give you the ability to do whatever you want
Well, ultimately, you're either gonna be under man's law or God's law Yeah, which is what you're gonna have autonomy or you're gonna have theonomy that's there's that's the only two things you're gonna be governed by ultimately and so I think the choice isn't so much like It's not whether you will be governed.
It's by what are you going to be governed? There's only two options and I would even argue.
I mean, I agree with you completely. I would even argue that the You know, obviously I think if it was complete autonomy, we just have complete moral anarchy
But it's still a form of theonomy. It's just which God are we listening to?
We definitely live in like the last dregs of a Christian culture like the final gross swig at the bottom
We're enjoying like that, you know the nasty like oh, it's still it it only was there because of Christianity But it's like gross now and it's morphing right something else.
But yeah, the illusion is still working Yeah But we're casting it off so quickly
We're getting to a point where it's going to stop looking It's going to become very apparent that doing whatever you want is not freedom and it's not good governing
Well, and I would even argue that those that are like you said the Marxists and the CRT people
They they say one thing it's rip my daughter made this observation she was like, you know, I Hear all the time like believe whatever you want to believe and you know
Go out there and see what's out there and just it's up to you you figure out and she's like But when they're saying that what they're really saying is like believe everything, but Christianity.
Yeah Yeah, and so they're even in their fake like whatever you want, whatever like makes you feel warm inside Even a small child hears it and knows
Just don't believe in Jesus because there is no neutrality. Like there's no neutrality
This is a war between two gods Essentially the god of this world and the true
God and you can't escape it and doesn't matter if you say Oh, whatever you want to believe or whatever makes you happy.
Whatever works for you That's not what you mean because if someone was like well what works for me and what I believe is
Jesus That would be a problem for the person saying that totally I believe that truth is
Objective and not subject, right? Well, that doesn't work for me Well, I think again of the
Matt Walsh documentary where he like where the guy he's interviewing is like Are you invoking truth?
Yeah, I was just like what a word Invoking truth. Was that the wolf guy? No, somebody else that was
Oh, yeah, yeah that guy. Yeah Vanderbilt. I think I think so. Yeah.
Yeah, so I'm senior in the comments People are bringing up even exile and a really good conversation actually on Adam and Eve and the eating of the fruit
And so I'm gonna jump in here for a second on this because this is a very good conversation They actually taught on this quite a bit recently.
So This is really important because a lot a lot of people everyone always, you know
Of course blames Eve and she's responsible for her sin of eating the fruit but this is this is what
I always like to point out is like Let's back up a little bit because before that ever happened when
God said do not eat of this tree He wasn't even around that was straight to Adam.
He had even created Eve yet, right? So So when we get to that point, you know and in Eve obviously then it's a fight for autonomy, you know
Because she's she's trying to make up her own moral standard Well, God said that we'll die, you know, it's like well, that's not what he said
So here's here's my point. I always make is one Adam was sitting right next to her Obviously because she turned around and gave it to him.
So talk about bad self -government Adam failed and to have self -government and then he failed to have good family government because either he didn't
Relay the information correctly to Eve. He could have been the one that told her I mean, obviously the serpent was there and everything but You know, he could have been part of that like at least letting her believe that that was a lie, you know
We don't know so either he either he didn't Govern her properly as head of his home or he allowed her to believe a liar
Whatever like that's why it's Adam Adams the one that you know Everyone's line of singles back to him not to her.
Yeah, but everybody always misses that it's like no Adam was sitting right there That was actually, you know, he probably actually sent first, yeah, you know
Right then yeah, he should have gone to war and killed the dragon and got the girl and he didn't yeah exactly so hopefully you guys listening here and check that answers some some question and he
He really I know there's a conversation happening about whether or not he blamed
Eve But he did he did blame Eve but mostly he blamed God for giving exactly right so it's really not even about Who Adam If Adam blamed
Eve, it's more about who he did. Absolutely. Totally woman. You gave me. Yeah. Yeah, you obviously
You obviously made a faulty woman out of my You picked the worst
There's there's your original Victim hood mentality right there. Oh, it was a man. It was a man.
He said no was you eat your fault You gave me this woman. Yeah Which you know to this day
I still have to deal with that marriage comes. I know it's hard to believe But we're married we still
I have to tell dude like yeah, stop blaming God for your sin I Literally had someone say like it's all these kids that God gave me
Let's not say that The world definitely says that mom mommy culture says that a lot.
Yes, really really awful and gross Which is why I think it's so important I do think Obviously, there's a reason why these spheres
Work together, but I think there's such a huge Just the fact that you're talking about Counseling families within the church obviously a huge points for church proper church government because they just like every time you see a sphere of government right in the next sphere is
Someone of authority looking over that yeah And so it's this like it really is this system of checks and balances where yeah
The proper authority is overseeing the sphere right behind it or however you want to imagine that But yeah, it's
I mean self -government is I honestly do I think there are times just because of sort of the weariness of life some and Circumstances and sometimes it's circumstances regarding our own sin or sometimes you're the victim
But church government is is Absolutely necessary.
Yeah for family and self -government. Yeah It's there are times when it's not possible
Without without that. Yeah. Oh, yeah And this is this is one reason why you see in the
Bible such clear and strict Qualifications of an elder like ultimately if an elder isn't self -governing and if an elder can't govern his home
Then he can't be governing in the church Like this tells you something like step number one really is self -governance you don't get to grow and become a godly parent a godly mom or dad if you haven't first practiced self -government and Then you don't get to grow into leadership in the political sphere or in the church sphere if you haven't practiced the preceding
Disciplines like that's how it works. That's why you start with your 10 month old That's why it's so important that the two -year -old and the five -year -old the six -year -old and the 15 year old can practice self -government because they're gonna grow and they're either gonna be a godly leadership or they're gonna be
Tyrannical leadership if they even get a leadership position at all, right? Yeah Speaking of bad self -government.
We've literally never had this happen before. I know there's like a what there's like somebody keeps Bombarding our chat with like Yeah, I never had that happen before this is
So you guys did mention that the there are boring people living in their basements that do stuff like right so apparently
Yes, that is true Well, I would like we're getting close to the end here it's been really fun discussion
Um, I want to end with a quote from my dude Toby Sumter He he once said something along the lines of if God is not our father
Then the state will be our mother And I love that and it's a perfect quote for this conversation so when we forego
God's standards of living For something else then we need a nanny. We need someone
To someone else to tell us how to live in and that's what we're specifically not someone of authority
Yeah, so even in self the reason why self -government and doing what you want are completely different things is because one of them involves a proper authority
So if you're self -governed You are your ultimate standard is an authority above you.
Yeah Whereas if you do whatever you want, you're just a little child in rebellion.
Yeah And so it yeah, it absolutely makes sense that we would pick the role between the the headship of the father and the subordinates of the mother it absolutely makes sense that we would pick the
The player that doesn't have yeah, that's yeah, that's a great point. Mm -hmm to actually
Govern in that way. Yeah Amen, good point Thank you.
This was fun Thanks for inviting me, yeah, thanks, this is flu we had fun it's been a while it flew.
Yeah So this was flu and I was like, what is that? Term the young kids are using. Yeah, I had to Google like no like cap the other day.
Oh, no I don't even know. So like a cat Carmen knows of course like Not no lie, right, right.
Am I right? No lie. No lie. No cap No, it's like if people will say like cap or no cap kit like I'm not joking
I am I'm still not ever heard that. Yeah. Well, I'm learning something. Oh, yeah. Thank you for that.
You're welcome Speaking of being educated you can go to apology of studios and sign up for all access.
It's a 995 a month. I think it's less than $10. We'll say that It's awesome.
There's all kinds of great things there You can also get a free account of Bonson you which is gonna blow your mind if you want to be educated
That guy can teach you all about proper self -governing and the spheres of government So go check that out.
And as always, thank you everyone for your support for for this studio And for in abortion now a lot of stuff
Jeff is doing this week in Anaheim is for in abortion now I'm gonna be some really really great content coming out there
I know for a fact and it's not gonna look good for some people in the SPC If you saw my face
I did they want emoji I Don't know what that I don't what the name of that emoji is, but I don't either
Yeah, but good stuff coming out of there and man,
I'm guys doing a lot on that front to end abortion and I know it seems like kind of hopeless at times
But we made some we've made some great progress this year and a lot of things are gonna
Potentially change here depending on the Dobbs ruling which we're patiently waiting for Which they keep saying is gonna come in any day now, so we'll be watching for that.
But thank you for your support in abortion now And everything else we do can't do without you.
So summer. Yeah You can join our book club join. I talk about self -governance all the time
Yeah, that's at patreon .com slash eulogians and all of our stuff is that she illusions calm so it's a great name by the way
Yeah, he's tapping himself on the back Luke came up with that.
He also does which I feel like we always have to share that. He's the screamer. I am Yes, he does this she'll ogen scream.
I did it one time. I'm not ever doing it again I've been asked to do it. I'm like, nope. I didn't you've been asked to do it.
Yeah, I'm kind of flattered. All right I just found out the other day people listen to our intro music
I always skip it when I'm like listening to our audio to make sure it's good and I'm like Right through it but not because your scream isn't worth it or Completely get it.
Lots of we get voicemails women saying like when they start playing it that they're like kids will be like Definitely you're definitely the kids favorite part.
Yes Yeah, good job. It's just like the stranger things enter. I skip through That little thing comes up Unless you need a snack
It's funny I always tell pregnant women like everything you're complaining right now is my life 24 -7. So I don't know what the problem is.
I Don't sounds really uncomfortable. I don't have a stranger thing growing in my upside down though Do you have someone like kicking you cuz he's been kicking me this no time.
No, I don't have that that I can't that I cannot Sympathize very uncomfortable and sweaty.
Yeah that I can sympathize with For sure Joy thank you as always.