Sweet 16 Update!


Review of the first four matchups in Day 1 of the Sweet 16 in the Reformed Podcast Bracket 2024


What up, what up guys what's going on? Can you hear me out there? Check one two, check one two, check one two.
There we go Yeah, so update for the sweet 16 the first day
Wow, boy, did we have some great brackets here? So we had dividing line verse knocks unplugged was the first round first bracket
Cooper stuff podcast first cultish Was the second one your Calvinist podcast first haunted cosmos the third one and then just thinking verse
Theology podcast was the last one for today. We have four more coming up as soon as this video ends
And after that, it's a 24 -hour vote for those four matchups and then we will be into the elite eight tomorrow but first Dividing line verse knocks unplugged.
I mean chocolate knocks Jason Farley. Those guys gave it a good run for their money. They actually They gave
Dividing line James White. They gave him the biggest run for their money James White was 91 percent in the first round 85 percent winning in the second round this round.
He wins with 72 percent 28 percent to knocks unplugged with Two thousand one hundred and eighteen votes being cast but Crazily enough not the bracket with the most votes cast.
So the first time so far that The reigning champ did not have the most votes in his bracket.
We're gonna get to what bracket had the most votes So congratulations to dividing line In dr.
James White, they're moving on to the elite eight And very good showing by knocks unplugged for someone who was going up against the reigning champ and was not even in the bracket last
Year, so made it to the sweet 16 great showing and for all these podcasts and even make it to the sweet 16
That's still something, you know, it's a great showing Second bracket Cooper stuff podcast verse cultish
I thought this one was gonna be really close and I think I said that on a live video I said, you know
Cooper stuff has a large following cultists has a large following It was actually one of the lower vote getters.
It actually was the lowest vote getting in these four one thousand one hundred and seventy votes cast But still a blowout by cultish who came in at sixty six percent
Cooper stuff came in at thirty four percent. So even though it was only about twelve hundred votes
Two thirds of them were for cultish. So congratulations to cultish you are moving on to the elite eight
Handily taking care of Cooper stuff podcast The third bracket we had was your
Calvinist podcast first to haunted cosmos. This one was one of two to watch
Just because we needed to see if Keith could translate all of those millions of tick -tock views into Twitter X votes and he was going up against I would say
Probably the podcast to beat in this bracket at the very beginning I said dividing line reigning champ huge Twitter following but boy
Has haunted cosmos just really come through this was the largest vote getting bracket with three thousand one hundred and three votes
With the winner going to haunted cosmos 61 % to 39 % I did see something by Keith earlier this morning.
I said, hey guys, can we at least just get to 40 %? I'm admitting defeat, but can we get to 40 because no one else?
Event even got haunted I mean haunted cosmos was 90 10 in the previous round 919 in the round before that.
I mean they were in the 90s just like dividing line for most of their rounds and Keith Foskey and your
Calvinist podcast game a run for their money. I mean Got him to 39 % got him down to 61 % for the win, but haunted cosmos three thousand one hundred three total votes 61 % of those votes so haunted cosmos
Look out guys if you're going up against them because that is the podcast to beat I think this year and they get to the elite
So congratulations, and then the last one that I was watching because I look at I can't you know
As as the host of the bracket, I don't I tweet out equally. I retweet equally
I tag each of at least one Podcaster when it first goes out in the podcast or if the podcast has a
Twitter handle we'd tag them and I can't really Have you know, I don't want to sway anything.
So I'm not out there going Hey vote for this guy or vote for that guy But I am a theology podcast
Listener for years. They really got me into historical Just just looking at things from from history perspective
I mean these guys are extremely smart, but just thinking was that for me to when all the when all the
Floyd stuff was going down years ago and listening to image bearers and in the talk between Daryl and Virgil just thinking was a really favorite one of mine, but I would have liked as a reformed
Presbyterian I would have liked to see theology podcast pull it out and it was so close you guys it was 50 50 for almost the entire
Bracket for the almost the entire 24 hours It was they would get you know Just think you would get five votes
Then theology podcast would get six and then then just thinking would come back with eight or nine votes and you're like it was within The margin of error to where it was 50 50, you know could have been like forty nine five fifty point five like that But you know
Twitter only does even numbers until it comes to the very last thing. So 50 50 so close So it's not like they were tied in voting
But they were within that margin of error to where it wasn't calculating a half percent with one thousand seven hundred and eighty six total votes
Just thinking pulls it out 51 % to 49 % in the end just thinking was just a little too much for theology podcast a final four last year
Contender theology podcast out in the sweet 16 just thinking upsets them.
So just thinking is in the elite eight Wow, so the first four in the lead eight are dividing line cultish haunted cosmos just thinking right after this video goes silent after I get off this video
I'm going to put up the next four matchups for the final part the second half of the sweet 16 and here's who you have
Today you have cross politic verse cannon press that's going to be an in -house battle to get to the elite eight
You're gonna have our podcast dead men walking up against the Kings Hall. I will concede now
Because yeah, I don't think I can beat the Kings Hall and let's just say awesome podcast
Go vote for Kings Hall if you got a vote for someone out of those two That's a battle for the elite eight.
The third matchup is apologia verse the plot cast. We've got Jeff Durbin Versus Doug Wilson Doug Wilson was not in the bracket last year.
He's now in the sweet 16 apologia took second place last year So Doug is up against the second place contender from last year
Can apology a studios pull it out against Doug Wilson in the plot cast podcast? That's for the third spot in the elite eight.
And then finally, this is Foster verse 80 Robles That one's gonna be a battle that is two outspoken dudes with hardcore followers
That is going to be a tough one You know and they're kind of similar You know the ad just coming off a big win off of the sword in the trowel in the last round forty fifty point five percent to forty nine point five before that he was 77 to 23 percent in the bar.
So handled the first round pretty well barely got by in the second round meanwhile Foster 69 to 31 against Reformation red pill in the first round and then blew out real
Christianity 84 to 16. So I Don't know here. This could go either way.
They both have a low round and a high round kind of flip -flopped So I'm excited to see what happens in this is
Foster with Michael Foster And of course the 80 Robles podcast and guys that will round out
Our elite or our sweet 16 going into the elite eight, so I won't stay on here too much longer
I love that. You guys are voting that you're retweeting. I mean people are getting into it. Like I said haunted cosmos
Unbelievable videos Keith Foskey with your Calvinist. He did a bunch of videos. I know the piano money podcast
He's retweeting stuff and now he's getting into Theological debates within the comments with people
I saw I got about a hundred comments going down underneath one of the votes which a look at if we're being respectful and In its glorifying to God then yeah, let's why not debate but I've always said, you know
Theological debates happen so much better in person or at least face to face in zoom where you can see the person
It's so hard to talk about deep philosophical theological doctrinal Spiritual issues, you know 140 characters at a time, which
I think you get more than 140 now on Twitter That's showing my age. I was around when it was 140 boys and girls. All right, none of this
Pay 11 bucks or something and get extra characters. All right, you had to be concise
You had to fit in your soteriology with 140 characters or you were not a
Christian on Twitter But okay guys, I won't keep you too long. So there we go
So just a review real quick for a hop -off coming up as soon as I end this video cross -politic verse can't impress go vote
Deadman walking verse the Kings Hall go vote Apologia verse podcast go vote. This is
Foster versus 80 Robles podcast go vote Let's get thousands of votes for these guys
Show them your support if you've got one in the bracket that you just love more than the other vote If you don't like one in the bracket and don't know the other one vote against that one then and vote for the other guy
Vote for the other guys to vote against the other guy, right? So, I don't know whatever you want to do. Maybe you don't even like any of these guys who really cares go vote
Add to that total and then tomorrow around this time tomorrow around noon We're gonna be announcing the elite eight and it is gonna be a doozy.
Some of these matchups already are crazy real quick, I will just Let me show you let me show you this slide real quick.
Do I have it up here? Is this the right one? Let's see. Come on. Come on Am I sharing it what am
I doing what's going on here? Yeah, that's the updated one there guys
So this is what I'll be posting. I'm putting the percentages in there as well, too A lot of people were messaging me going.
Hey, can you put the percentages so we can look back? So in red you'll see the percentages of what you know
Not how many votes which I guess I could be including that too but just a lot to type in there, but the percentages of that but like I said this one right here the
Calvinist podcast and haunted cosmos 30 to 30 over 3100 votes.
I mean, it's only gonna get worse And right now haunted cosmos and the lead aid is up against just thinking
Dividing line up against cultish talk about an in -house battle. They're dividing line in cultish
That is your number reigning champ number one, and I think believe cultish came in number three last year.