Steve Lawson update - G3 Ministries claims He was a member of Trinity / What is "Big Eva"?
Several issues intersect on this podcast. First, I talk about recent claims by Josh Buice of G3 that Steve Lawson was in fact a member of Trinity Bible Church. This contradicts the article from Protestia as well as the "With All Wisdom" podcast.
Next I give a definition of "Big Eva", basically the conference circuit where organizations like TGC (The Gospel Coalition) are able to get their woke liberal ideology into the bloodstream of Evangelical Christianity. One of the most dangerous teachings of Big Eva is how some like Paul Tripp have tried to blend "Social Justice" with the gospel (see podcast linked below). John MacArthur put out the Dallas Statement against social justice, men like Voddie Baucham and others signed but Steve Lawson refused to sign, to make matters worse Lawson endorsed Tripp's book! Was this another red flag people missed?
Here is a link to the podcast I reference by Jon Harris of Conversations that Matter -
- 00:00
- Hello, and thank you for watching this video. We're going to be doing two things today first giving an update about Steve Lawson Was he a member of Trinity Bible Church after all and then the second thing
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- I'm going to give a definition of Big Eva What is Big Eva a lot of people have asked me that I use that term
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- Big Eva basically stands for big Evangelicalism, this is the conference circuit, you know celebrity
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- Christianity David Platt Russell Moore Alistair Begg you know the
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- TGC crowd Really the gospel coalition is the epitome of Big Eva big evangelicalism, but we'll get into that afterwards
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- And we'll talk a little bit about Social justice and Steve Lawson does sort of connect to that so Stay tuned, but let's first deal with this
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- Issue about Steve Lawson so last week. I think it was last week Maybe the week before is when it came out
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- But this was the big story last week where? Steve Lawson Protestia reported on it.
- 01:02
- They did an article. I read it on my video my video has somewhere like 90 ,000 views at this point a lot of other videos were made this was the bombshell report that dropped
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- This podcast I forget I forget the name of the original podcast that released the information
- 01:18
- But they discovered that Steve Lawson. Not only was he not the pastor of Trinity Bible Church, which
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- Was an open secret. I mean it was on the website and the people I guess that Trinity knew that but here's what people didn't
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- Know he wasn't even an elder of Trinity Bible Church a matter of fact He wasn't even a member of the church, so that was the big news
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- Steve Lawson wasn't even a member of a local church, so That is now contested information
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- That's why I'm doing this video the main reason because people are saying no that's not true He was a member and when
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- I say some people basically one person Josh Bice. He is the head honcho over there at g3
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- Ministries so he reported that no Steve Lawson was in fact him and his wife were
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- Members of Trinity Bible Church well, I mean my question would be Were they are they because if they were they should be under or Steve Lawson should be under Church discipline right now.
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- He should be in the process of either discipline or restoration that does not seem to be happening which further confirms
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- The fact I'm gonna say fact because that original podcast they said this has been confirmed by two or three witnesses
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- We call Trinity Bible Church. He was not a member so I Don't mean any disrespect to Josh Bice But if I have to go with one man
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- Josh Bice saying this or the two or three witnesses who actually called Trinity I'm gonna go with them
- 02:52
- But all of that to say this there is some new information or at least a new claim by g3 ministries that No, Steve Lawson was in fact a member of Trinity Bible Church So I'm calling this contested a contested fact right the fact is he wasn't a member
- 03:11
- But now this is being contested by Josh Bice Hopefully we'll get further clarification
- 03:16
- Trinity Bible Church really needs to release a statement I think that would be good for everybody because they see well
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- Steve Lawson that that's his business It's Trinity Bible Church's business. It's not no one else's business.
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- I Was a Minister there. He was a minister at Ligonier. He was a minister
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- At Shepherds Conference grace to you or at least master seminary He was all over the internet one passion
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- Ministries, so he's everywhere. He was teaching all these different people influence and books and seminaries uses books, so He has a lot of influence and I think the body of Christ Does deserve at least to know a little bit.
- 04:05
- We don't need the details nobody's asking for tabloid gossip, but just Hey, what is the situation?
- 04:11
- What is happening? I think the I think the body of Christ deserves to know at least the basics so That's the update with Steve Lawson and again.
- 04:20
- He will sort of tie in to the next story a little bit But let's talk about Big Eva. What is
- 04:26
- Big Eva as I said? It's big evangelicalism There was a definition.
- 04:33
- I pulled off the internet It says Big Eva is a term that refers to the network of large evangelical organizations and conferences that seek to shape the thinking and strategy of the
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- American even Evangelical churches so the term was coined by Carl Truman the first time
- 04:52
- I ever heard it used was by Let's see it was 2019 Shepherds Conference Phil Johnson the right -hand man for John MacArthur at Grace to you
- 05:02
- Phil Johnson used the term Big Eva That's the first time I heard it, and I've been hearing it ever since so yeah these are the
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- This is the conference circuit the the big more left -leaning ministers like David Platt Russell Moore and Paul David Tripp would be another one they basically
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- Represent what is called Big Eva so they speak at the conferences make a lot of money selling books
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- And they are sort of re I would say they're reshaping the way that American evangelicals
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- Think and one of the big issues With Big Eva and this was in the context that I first time
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- I heard it again Phil Johnson 2019 Shepherds Conference the big issue at hand was social justice and Social justice you say well
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- We all want justice But what's this term social in front of like what does that mean?
- 06:01
- We all want justice right we believe in justice the Bible talks about justice true
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- But when you put that term in front of a social justice Here's how I tell people
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- I say you know think of it this way social justice Think of the term socialism like socialism like yeah leftist
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- Marxist socialism that's more what we're talking about with social justice, and it's really a synonym
- 06:30
- With the term woke right woke Liberal social justice, it's pretty much the same thing and here's how this
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- Ties in with Steve Lawson so Steve Lawson. You know hindsight is always 2020
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- I Remember John Harris from the conversations that matter podcast which is a great podcast if you don't listen to it check it out, but John Harris from the conversations that matter podcast he mentioned this how
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- Steve Lawson You know in hindsight looking back Steve Lawson really wasn't in the fight back in 2020 2019 when the social justice
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- BLM all that stuff was raging Steve Lawson He wasn't in that fight.
- 07:14
- He wasn't speaking up matter of fact Steve Lawson actually, there's there's some clips where Steve Lawson seems to be almost in favor of Social justice now.
- 07:26
- I saw some other clips where he was he seems to be speaking against it, but John Harris again conversations that matter here's the video
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- I saw in the latest podcast John Harris says I talked about a recent book by Paul trip
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- Called do you believe and here's the thing Steve Lawson actually endorsed
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- Paul trips book now The reason why this is significant why you should care is because Paul trip and you can check out this video
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- I shared it on my community page, so I did a post on YouTube about this.
- 07:59
- I'll read it in a moment, but Paul trip like so many of these other guys David Platt they
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- Came right up to the line and maybe even crossed the line into what some people thought
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- Was false teaching because at least with Paul trip He said I don't have the full gospel, or I didn't have the full gospel
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- Until I realized the need for social justice so let that sink in for a moment
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- He said I have a trunk. I had a truncated gospel. I did not understand the full
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- Gospel until I recognized you know the need for social justice
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- Which some people said does that mean I'm not saved that I don't understand the true gospel
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- Because I was believing in Christ and this atoning death and resurrection And I was believing in the gospel of Christ right grace alone faith alone in Christ alone.
- 08:57
- That's the gospel But because I wasn't marching with BLM, or I'm not involved in social justice
- 09:04
- Which a lot of these crowds and what they're saying seem pretty you know progressive Liberal or woke and all that like are you saying?
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- I don't have the full gospel Unless I'm like advocating for it and involved in this stuff
- 09:18
- And well, I'm not gonna make the claim that that's what Paul trip was saying that you have to march with BLM I don't think he ever said that But he did say he did not have the full gospel until he
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- Got into social justice. That's a concerning statement so because of that I posted this on YouTube so today is
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- November 18th Monday morning I said talk about social justice has died down a bit since 2020
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- But we still must remain vigilant knowing that some high -profile preachers and authors
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- Are blending social justice with the gospel for example Paul trip who's part of Big Eva, right?
- 10:03
- This is this is the tie -in Paul trip is part of big evangelical ism
- 10:08
- You know TGC the conference circuit so Paul trip. Let me just check this out
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- I just want to be sure because again. I always try to be accurate and everything that I say
- 10:21
- Paul trip TGC what's gonna come up? Okay, so Paul trip is an author at the gospel coalition.
- 10:30
- That's what I thought okay, so they are Big Eva, right? Liberal woke right stuff that you should avoid so Paul trip said that this is back to my post
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- Paul trip Said that he didn't have the full gospel until he understood the need for social justice
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- And I said see the video and I posted John Harris's podcast I Said this at best comes very close to the
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- Galatian heresy where if a teacher adds anything to the gospel The Apostle Paul says let them be anathema
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- Galatians 1 1 through 10 So if you have the gospel here and Paul David trip says well
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- Christ is death burial and resurrection That's what I was trusting in but it wasn't the full gospel until I had social justice now you're adding something and that Does seem to be or at least come close to the
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- Galatian heresy. This is this is serious That's why I'm talking about this I said back in 2020 many churches were shut down for months months and months some for a full year or more
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- Christians were not allowed to worship our church never shut down by the way But that's another story
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- Christians were not allowed to worship if they did gather on Sunday They were often rebuked
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- Sometimes by the very same people who are gathering on Saturday or Friday for the
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- BLM rallies Many of these same high -profile leaders. They admonished churches that remained open while Praising the protesters.
- 12:08
- So if you were gathering with the Saints and going to church During Kovac you were a horrible person.
- 12:15
- You were going to kill grandma, right? But the people that were gathering by the thousands packing the streets
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- Oh, they were they're just fighting for justice same people were attacking Christians while defending these
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- Protesters I wrote I am thankful for the you know The 7 ,000 who did not bow the knee so to speak the small minority who spoke up and stood against this hypocrisy
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- Social justice continues to be a threat to the true gospel yet Big Eva Big Evangelical ism
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- Continues to promote it in books and sermons Christians should reject
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- Social justice and instead embrace God's justice, which is revealed in Scripture PS I said
- 13:04
- Big Eva stands for Big Evangelical ism a network of large evangelical Organizations that seek to reshape the thinking of American evangelicalism through conferences books websites such as TGC of the gospel coalition
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- Etc. I said in hindsight. It should also be noted that Steve Lawson did not take a strong stand against social justice
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- On the other hand his mentor John MacArthur John MacArthur did take a stand.
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- He preached sermons put out that statement. Remember social justice and the gospel that was a Great statement that MacArthur and others
- 13:43
- Vodie Bockham. They put that out, but Steve Lawson did not sign the statement and What did
- 13:50
- Steve Lawson do instead? He endorsed a Paul trips book. So I Said check out this podcast.
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- It really shines a light on the problem. So in conclusion I'm just gonna say what
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- I said last week this whole problem of you know celebrity Christianity at the conference circuit
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- I Think conferences for pastors are helpful, but conferences just for hey
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- Let's bring everybody together to go listen to David Platt and Paul trip and gospel coalition
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- I think this does more harm than good because what they're doing is they're bringing critical race theory
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- Social justice they're bringing in these really woke left -wing ideas
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- They're bringing them into the church and blending them together With the true gospel of Christ and once you blend the true gospel with this other stuff
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- Then you have a corruption of the gospel. So in conclusion if you have any questions about this, maybe
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- You've never heard some of these connections before you've never heard the term big Eva If you have a question reach out to me the email is
- 14:59
- We'll send a message through the website or my email Morse corner church at yahoo .com
- 15:05
- the best way because sometimes that goes into my spam folder So the best way to get through to me is just leave a comment on The podcast and I will try to get back to you
- 15:14
- But this is a serious issue and we want to fight for the truth and for the purity of the gospel of Jesus Christ.