Why I Soured on Neil Shenvi

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, so here is the Neil Shenvey video. Some of you have been waiting patiently, others not so patiently.
I for one am glad that I've had some time to think this one through, because I think that the events of last week with the
Stephen Wolfe tweet, really it was the reaction to the Stephen Wolfe tweet that was the event. I think it's all related, and it's helped me kind of think through what
I want to say about the tweet. So if you remember the weekend that my son was born, on that Friday, Neil Shenvey came out with this tweet.
And I instantly recognized this as a very slimy tactic, weasel -like, snake -like, and I still believe that to this day.
And I just kind of quipped about it. I didn't think it would need a video. I thought it was very obvious why it was like that, why
I felt it was slimy. But it was very clear instantly that a lot of people who normally get it, didn't get it.
A lot of people did, so it's not like I was all alone in this analysis, of course, but, and if you know me,
I'm not worried about being all alone on an analysis, right? So a lot of people got it, but a lot of people didn't.
So I figured I'd do a video about it. Neil doesn't want me to make this video. He thinks it's not right for me to impugn his motives and things like that.
And that's true to an extent. I mean, obviously I don't know the desires of his heart. I don't know what his true motivations are.
But, you know, you can judge a man by their actions. And this is a consistent pattern with Neil Shenvey.
And so I'm going to just, you know, tell you what my thoughts are on this. And there's a lot more that could be said about this tweet, but I don't want this video to be too long.
So here's what the tweet says. First of all, you need to know it's a screenshot.
He didn't retweet ZeroHP Lovecraft, but he screenshotted something that he said. I didn't know who
ZeroHP Lovecraft was before this tweet. I may have seen, you know, prior tweets of his.
I have no idea, but I just, I didn't know who he was. I knew nothing about him, but he screenshots him here.
And the screenshot is a picture of a beautiful, you know, adorable little black child.
It looks like a little girl cause she's wearing pink. And it's from an abortion article from lifenews .com.
And the headline says, breaking, abortions dropped 96 % in states with abortion bans, quote, babies are being saved.
And again, it has the picture of an adorable little black child. Now I'm assuming that that percentage is probably not correct.
I'm sure it eliminates lots of abortions that, you know, doesn't count as abortions for some reason. Maybe I'm wrong.
So let's just take it for face value. Let's just say that 96 % of abortions have been eliminated in states that have banned abortion.
That's great news. Great news. Zero HP Lovecraft's comment on this is interesting photograph.
Catholic bros, are you sure this is what you want? The idea being that, you know, shouldn't you want less black babies?
Like, shouldn't you, like, are you sure? Like, you really want to be that hardcore against abortion? Because after all, it's only going to lead to more black babies.
That's a disgusting sentiment. You know, I obviously would not agree with that.
I don't like it. I find it abhorrent. There you go. I mean, it's just as simple as that.
I see a lot of things on the internet that I find abhorrent. And you know what? Sometimes I comment on them. Sometimes I move on.
That's really just my prerogative. And if I would have seen this from Zero HP Lovecraft, I probably just would have moved on.
You know what I mean? This is obviously an idiot. It's obviously someone who has no morality.
He's inverted. He's upside down, satanic, whatever it is. Now, it doesn't mean that everything Zero HP Lovecraft has ever said is evil.
Doesn't mean that everything Zero HP Lovecraft has said is wrong. It doesn't mean that someone couldn't retweet
Zero HP Lovecraft favorably if he says something favorable. But what it does mean is that from a morality perspective,
I'm really not interested in what he has to say. You know, I've said this many times, and it applies here as well.
If you get the easiest moral question anybody's ever been asked, should you be able to kill babies with impunity?
If you get that wrong, I'm really not interested in your more complex moral takes.
It doesn't mean they're all wrong, but I'm really not interested. That's just my opinion, but hey, you know, you do you.
So there you go. And so Neil Shenvey comments on this, and he says this. If we don't draw clear, explicit, non -negotiable lines, our theology will be shaped more and more by our political allies.
We all saw this happen on the social justice left. Be warned, it will also happen to the based right.
Now, the based right, you know, that's obviously a term that a lot of Christian nationalists use.
I believe this is just a proxy for Christian nationalists. This is a warning that Neil Shenvey is warning about the
Christian nationalists. This is a warning that Neil Shenvey is intending to use as essentially a smear job on Christian nationalists, and I'll explain why
I say that in just a moment. The reality is that if you go to the zero
HP Lovecraft tweet, the original, right? So this is a screenshot, so you can't just easily click through Neil Shenvey's comment here to find out what's actually going on with the tweet.
Is that intentional? I mean, it's definitely intentional. I don't know what the intent was, but it's not as easy as just clicking, right?
But if you do go and find this tweet, what you're going to find in the responses is person after person, many of them
Christians, person after person rebuking this insanity. This is insanity.
It's like, even if you're like, you know, like even if you think that, you know, black people are not good for your society, like let's say you have that awful opinion, you know, and you don't like that, right?
Obviously that doesn't justify murder, right? I'm not saying that that opinion is good either, but what
I'm saying is even if you do have that opinion, it doesn't justify murdering children, obviously.
And you'll see comment after comment after comment rebuking HP Lovecraft, zero
HP Lovecraft. That's what you'll see if you click through. So it certainly seems like we have drawn clear, explicit non -negotiable lines that make this a bridge too far.
And you know, a lot of them were Christians because a lot of them were quoting Christian scriptures to zero
HP Lovecraft and zero HP Lovecraft says in response, dude, I've never been a Christian or I've never pretended to be a
Christian. I'm not a Christian. That doesn't convince me, right? So zero HP Lovecraft is not a Christian.
People were calling him out for this. And he's like, well, what do you want from me? I'm a pagan, you know, and rightfully so.
I mean, you can't expect pagans to act like Christians. I mean, you can still hold them to the same standard, of course. But Neil Shenvey, like when he throws this smear out there, he compares it and he's talking about theology here.
So again, he's talking about Christians. He's not talking about run of the mill pagans. And he's comparing this to the social justice left.
And he's saying, look, you know, I mean, Christians fell for the social justice left. And unless we draw these clear indistinguishable lines,
I'm sorry, non -negotiable lines, this is gonna happen to the Christian nationalists, the base right. But the example he uses, it is most certainly not happening.
Not to mention the fact that when it comes to abortion and these weird ethnic and racial, you know, arguments and comments and things like that, not only might that affect the social justice left in the church, but it has.
In fact, it's affected and taken over Neil Shenvey's own pastor.
Neil Shenvey goes to J .D. Greer's church, a woke church pastor. And so it's a beautiful smear job because he's playing on a very emotional topic for many
Christians, abortion. And no matter what you think about demographics,
Christians are so galvanized, especially on the base right.
Again, I think that's just a placeholder for Christian nationalists, but we'll give it to what he says. He says base right.
If there's one issue where we're solid and strong and unified, it's on abortion.
Now, Neil Shenvey has said, oh, and before I miss this point, and so he's using the issue that we're strong on, the strongest on, as evidenced by the comments to the very tweet where he's claiming, we gotta be warned, we have to draw these strong distinctions.
We have drawn strong distinctions. And he's using the issue of abortion to emotionally kind of connect to the people on the right to say, oh, this might be a real problem.
And meanwhile, they can't really click through easily to see if it's a problem or not. It isn't, but now they've got this emotional tie here.
This is masterful stuff. And he uses an issue that the left is completely given over to.
It's actually in the church too. You'll find idiots in the church, leftist, progressive, fake
Christians in the church, nuancing abortion. You'll find that. It's already in the church.
And yet he inverts everything and says, no, no, no, you gotta watch out on the right, guys. Now, Neil Shenvey has been gracious enough to clarify to me that this tweet really wasn't about abortion.
Obviously, it is about abortion as well. He uses abortion because he knows that it's a nice emotional hook.
But I'll give it to him. It's not actually about abortion. He doesn't think we're gonna be fooled into supporting abortion. But what he does think is that the
Christian right, this is the smear, the Christian -based right, the Christian nationalist group, is so either squishy on racism or racist themselves that they might fall victim to some of this kind of argumentation.
That's the smear. He wants to connect racism with the Christian right.
I mean, after all, every sitcom does it. I mean, every, you know, the West Wing does it, you know, things like that.
After all, we all know from the propaganda that Christians be racist, right? They're racist.
That's the smear job. Neil Shenvey has, in my opinion, this is sophisticated stuff.
He's inverted reality, trying to make a warning about abortion for the right, even though it's completely infected the left.
And what he's doing is, by doing that, he said it's not about abortion. I believe him.
But what he's doing is he's saying, look, you guys are so freaking racist that you even have to worry about abortion.
I mean, zero HP Lovecraft. You guys like that guy, right? Not only is his warning irrelevant in this particular case.
I mean, maybe if he chooses a different case, that would have been fine. But in this particular case, there has been a clear, explicit, non -negotiable line.
People are rebuking zero HP Lovecraft all in the comment. You'll never know it because you can't click it.
But they are, but it's not enough for Neil. It's not good enough for Neil.
Now, why is that? Why isn't it good enough for Neil? Neil is in the midst of a smear on Christian nationalists, and he's not the only one.
G3 is doing the same thing. Sadly, G3 is doing the same thing. I have been urging
G3 to stop, and I hope they'll take my advice. I don't know that they will, but I hope that they do, because these smears don't fool anybody anymore.
Like Room 101 used to have a white nationalist in it, but for a lot of people, that is no longer the worst thing in the world.
People, this is how they smear you. They say, look, you need to respond and rebuke right now this racist tweet, and if you don't, now you've been smeared with the stench of racism.
It doesn't matter if, here's exhibit A, according to Scott O 'Neill.
Stephen Wolfe, we've covered this. Stephen Wolfe says something about how white evangelicals vote. And here's what
Scott O 'Neill says. This is why some of us are concerned with Christian nationalism, and if you use the term for yourself, you need to repudiate this stuff.
You need to repudiate this stuff. Why? Well, this is that racist stuff.
You need to repudiate. I'm in the midst of a smear right now. Someone's trying to smear me, and it's a very sad little attempt.
This guy has, he used to have 80 followers, but he got the 80 Roblox bumps, and now he has 120 followers.
I'm worth about 40 followers over the course of a week and a half. He said that if I don't block the people that he blocks, if I don't repudiate, if I don't stop retweeting certain accounts that are anti -Semitic or racist, if I don't, he's got a list of demands.
This is like these ridiculous demands, right? If I don't do, if I don't use Twitter the way he uses Twitter, if I don't block all the white nationalists he blocked.
And he even said, I'm announcing my blocks for you, AD. I'm making it easy on you. I'm announcing my blocks. See, I blocked this guy, and the reason is because he's a white nationalist, and he goes in this whole thing.
And because I don't do that, now, I've got the stench. I've got the, you heard
AD? He might be at one of those crypto Nazis. It's a smear job.
It's a smear job. And the thing is, I can repudiate it too. This is the best part about a smear job, right?
Because you can deny it. They did the same thing with Trump, right? And they say, right now, disavow
David Duke. Disavow white nationalism. And he'll say, you know,
I've disavowed white nationalism my entire life, since I was like 13 years old. Was it enough?
Did they say, oh, I guess he's not racist. Of course not. That's not how a smear works.
You can disavow a smear, but you still got the stench. You see, you just throw out an accusation, and even if you walk it back later, the accusation is there, and the suspicion is there.
Stephen Wolf, I mean, it's a sad situation, but no matter what happens, no matter what happens, unless he becomes a fully fledged woke church, you know, foaming at the mouth leftist, he will never, ever, ever shake the stench that guys like the guys of G3, and unfortunately,
James White, he's now a racist. And he's got that stench for the rest of his life.
Luckily, nobody really cares anymore. That's a good thing. I mean, honestly, nobody freaking cares because they've seen how the term racist can mean anything under the sun, which means it means nothing under the sun.
Nobody freaking cares. But the point being is that this is a smear job.
The base right, Neil wants you to associate the base right with squishiness on racism at the least.
And to be honest, my opinion, again, I can't see into his heart, but my opinion is that he actually wants you to associate just straight up racism with the base right.
That's what he wants. He's trying the tried and true tactic that racism is in room 101.
It's the worst thing in the world. So if you want to become a base, like in order for you to become, this is what they want, right?
This is what they want. They want for you to become a Christian nationalist, for you to become a member of the base right, you have to be willing to wear the mantle and put that stench on yourself.
He might be one of those races. Probably he just is, but at the very least, he's squishy. Because you know,
A .D. Robles didn't block zero HP Lovecraft after this. He didn't. You might not know that, but I didn't block zero
HP Lovecraft after I saw this disgusting tweet that I don't know anybody that would agree with it.
I didn't block him. Maybe he's one of them. Maybe he thinks there should be less black babies born.
That's the whole point. This is a smear job. It's a smear job.
That's my opinion. That's my opinion. I think it's intentional.
Neil Shenvey, when you see, you know, William Wolfe out there and he says something's base and you see, you know,
Matt Pearson out there and he says something's base and maybe he puts a Pepe meme up there. Who knows?
Who knows? When he sees, you know, Bonaface option out there and he follows zero
HP. Some of my friends follow zero HP Lovecraft. Can you believe that? He wants you to think, oh, oh yeah, this is what
Neil warned me about. They're racists. The idea is to make, this is the issue guys.
The issue is that the right flank is, who controls the right flank is up for debate right now.
We've moved the Overton window so much, so much.
They're trying to, they're desperately trying to regain control of that right flank and they can't do it.
Because this whole smear job about, oh, he might be a racist.
Nobody cares anymore. Nobody cares. It doesn't make it easy. Like, I've never talked to Steven about this.
I've never talked to Steven. Maybe I will one day. It's not easy to feel these accusations again and again and again and again and again and again and again especially when it's brothers, especially when it's people that are supposed to have your back, right?
They're supposed to have your back. It's not easy, but they don't freaking care.
They don't, they've seen this tactic work and they're gonna try it again and again and again.
It's not working, but it's still not easy to swallow. And so people are wondering, how did you go from thinking
Neil was a good guy, but genuinely trying to help to thinking that this is what he's up to?
This is what he's doing. And this is how I've went there. I've just watched him for a long time, for a very long time.
And for a long time, you know, I was trying my best and I'm still trying my best to keep my integrity.
And lots of my friends are like, dude, AD, you're being duped by this guy. You're being duped by this guy.
And I won't deny that maybe that has had an effect on me over time, to consistently be told you're being duped by this guy again and again, even as I'm defending him and saying, ah, he's a good guy, he's a good guy.
Neil is not my enemy. Let me just say that, Neil is not my enemy. If the woke mob came for him, and they do from time to time,
I'd get his back, I would. My opinion,
Neil, is that if you had the opportunity to destroy me, you would.
And you wouldn't even think twice. If that's not true, Neil, you've got a huge PR problem on your hand, because that's the impression that if you had a way to tar and feather me as a racist, you would attempt to do what
Blake Collins is attempting to do. He's got this pathetic little crusade on me, he's trying to convince everyone that I'm an anti -Semite and whatever.
Neil, I think you would have jumped on that by now if you thought it had any legs whatsoever. You're a smart guy, you know it doesn't.
But this is what I think you're up to. I think you're up to smear the right. I know you consider yourself part of the right, but I think that you think that the people to the right of you, again, they're squishy on racism, and probably racist themselves, and you want to smear those people as much as possible.
If you didn't, and this is why I think I'm right in this, you wouldn't have chosen the example that you chose.
The example that you chose was chosen to maximize the emotions, and to maximize the danger of, oh,
William Wolfe, he might be one of them.
It's just, in my opinion, it's very dishonest, Neil. It's very dishonest to pretend like we don't have clear, explicit, non -negotiable lines.
And this is the thing, though. The thing, though, is that what he'll likely say is you're not repudiating it the way
I would repudiate it. It's basically what it boils down to. It's like Blake Collins' pathetic list of demands.
I need to block who he blocks, I need to stop retweeting who he, I retweet so many people, it's unbelievable.
There was an atheist the other day that I retweeted, the amazing atheist, and it was just a, by the way, if you have little kids listening to this, maybe you don't want them to hear this, but, so, here's your warning.
Little kids might not want to hear this. There's this guy who was an atheist that I used to follow, and just to hear his arguments, and he actually used to be somewhat, like, as reasonable as an atheist can be.
I mean, obviously it's insane, but whatever. And he just had a tweet, and all it said was, like, girl dicks and boy vaginas, or something like that.
I don't know, pregnant men and girl dicks, or something like that. And this guy's lost, he's lost his mind now.
And I retweeted it, right? I mean, I retweet lots of stuff from lots of accounts that, for different reasons.
I mean, this is obvious, everybody knows you do this on Twitter. But no, to Blake, though, in order for me to even, for him to even consider my repentance valid,
I've gotta block the accounts he blocks, I've gotta repudiate the way he thinks I should repudiate. Like, it's not enough for me to say zero
HP Lovecraft is a freaking, this is a demonic tweet. Like, how much, what more can
I say? This is a demonic tweet inspired by demons. It's a demonic tweet. That's not enough for a guy like Blake Callens, right?
But the thing is, like, that's what Neil would say. He's like, well, you're not, you need to draw, if you look at the comments here, we've drawn clear, explicit, non -negotiable lines.
We don't have to do everything the way you do. See, he's trying to control the right flank and say, look, you need to, there's a list of demands and you need to repudiate
Stephen Wolf and you need to stop using the term white evangelical even though we all freaking do it.
That's the thing, it's just so funny. Like, I haven't retweeted too much of this because I don't think this is a very good argument, but it's just hilarious.
Like, Samuel will say, we'll get out there and he'll put on his white robes, his holy robes, and he'll say,
I repudiate using the term white interracial marriage and white evangelicalism.
And it's racist. And he flew off the deep end with this Stephen Wolf tweet as well. And it was easy enough for a few guys to just look through his tweets.
And yeah, he talks about interracial marriage. He talks about black evangelicals. And of course it was a few years ago, right?
It was a few years ago. So, you know, he can say, well, I've changed my opinion. Right, well, if you've changed your opinion, that's fine.
How about a little grace though? How about, because you believe this yesterday, you used these terms yesterday, maybe, maybe, call me crazy, maybe it's not automatically branding you as a racist to use terms like this.
Everyone who came out strong, oh, they're racist, they use the term white evangelicals. Pretty much to the man has used the term white evangelicals in their life, right?
So even if you disagree with the tweet, maybe, you know, don't lose your head because you believe this yesterday.
I mean, you can try. I mean, Neil's gonna continue to try. He's gonna continue to try, in my opinion, to smear the base right
Christian nationalists as racist. That's what I think his main strategy right now.
This is the main strategy. It's not just Neil. It's the main strategy. The main strategy is to smear the
Christian right as racist, to connect them as racists. He chose one of the dumbest possible tactics to do it.
However, I can see the genius in it. I can see the genius in it, but it's easy to destroy it.
All you gotta do is click on the zero HP Lovecraft and you'll see that we've done what he's claiming we haven't done already.
Neil, we don't have to repudiate everything that you repudiate in the exact way that you repudiate it.
We just don't have to. You are not as good at spotting the racist as you think you are,
Neil. You're not. So the question is, do I think
Neil's a good guy? I feel like I've softened a little bit on that. I have sympathy for Neil.
I do. I have to walk that back a little bit. I have,
I don't trust Neil. That's, this is my bottom line. I don't trust Neil. But I have sympathy for him.
And I think he's trying to do the right thing. But Neil is a product of decades of propaganda, just like I am.
Just like I am. Just like all of you are. He's not good at having this discussion.
He's not. He's gonna find racism under every rock. He's gonna find racism under every tree.
You're just not as good as you think you are at spotting the racists. You're not.
Let's just, and just to finish here, let's cool it with these lists of demands. You must repudiate this other one.
Like the whole point of this is like, if you don't repudiate this, maybe you're one of them,
Scott says, maybe you're one of them. Your lists of demands are pathetic.
We don't care. It makes you look stupid. I mean, what else can
I say? I think I'll have to leave it at that. I think I've rambled long enough. A lot of people say that my videos are 20 minutes, 25 minutes, and it could be five.
You're probably right. Maybe I talk too much. In any case, so that's my point.
I think Neil is very slippery. I think he's very weaselly. I think that he should be more honest that one of his missions is to smear those to the right of him.
He never will be. I know he probably doesn't think he's doing that. That's my opinion. That's what I think he's doing.
He's trying to smear those to the right of him with the stink of racism because it works so well for the woke church.
In any case, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. You know,
I think another part of it, just to kind of be a little bit more generous to Neil, is that I think that even though he repudiates and he recognizes that the, like, because a lot of the woke left will call
Neil racist, right? They'll call Neil racist, if you can believe it. And so he recognizes that they, the accusations of racism, they're spurious.
You know, they don't make a lot of sense most of the time. It's just a tactic. He recognizes that.
But I think Neil really wants to have a hearing with those people. And there's nothing wrong with that.
You know, I want to have a hearing with those people as well. The difference between a guy like me and a guy like Neil is, I'm not going to jump through their hoops in order to get it, right?
You don't like when I use the term synagogue of Satan, well, that's just too bad for you. Because, you know,
I'd like to have a hearing with them, but I'm not going to drop certain things in order to do it, right?
Like, I'm not gonna jump through your hoops. And I think that Neil is still kind of in that paradigm where he does want to jump through some of those hoops in order to do it.
He does want to be the racism hunter to those who are racism hunters.
Yeah, I think maybe he would even justify it that way. You know, I want to be all things to all people. So when
Neil kind of smears the Christian right, of course he is trying to control that right flank,
I think, but I think there's a part of Neil, this is my opinion, this is my analysis of him. There's a part of Neil that thinks when he does that, he gets credibility with those over here on the left, right?
So he tries to control the right flank and the added benefit is that he gets to write for Gospel Coalition still.
And the added benefit is that he gets to talk to Amin Hudson still, Amin Hudson still likes him and all of that kind of thing.
Like, again, this is just my opinion, but I think that it's a performance, I think, to some degree for Neil.
To criticize a guy like Stephen Wolf, it doesn't cost him anything. And to throw shade someone like William Wolf's way or my way, it doesn't really cost him anything, at least that's his opinion, but it maybe gives him a little credibility with a guy like Amin Hudson.
And he thinks that that is the primary mission field. A lot of this guys,
I saw somebody on Twitter comment on this. A lot of the discomfort that we have here comes from the fact that we've been trained and taught as evangelicals for a long time, that really the only mission field out there is like the woke left, like the liberal left, the progressive left.
And when they see people treating the right, like a guy like Zero HP Lovecraft, right?
As not someone to just like, he's just a whipping boy to heap scorn upon, that's literally all he's for.
He's actually a mission field. Guys that follow Zero HP Lovecraft, guys on the right, disaffected guys on the right, are actually a mission field that you don't have to treat them like they're the ones in room 101.
They're the worst person in the world. You don't actually have to treat them that way. When people see that, it does not compute because the way we've been trained is that those unbelievers on the right and racists and things like that, they're only good for heaping scorn on and scoring points on.
They're not a mission field. If we're honest with ourselves, a lot of us treat them that way.
And many of us are now stopping, not doing that anymore. And there's a lot of discomfort there.