Jen Wilkin Is a Complete Disaster - Public School Mission?

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Jen believes: 1. Trying to make public schools more Christian would be bad. 2.Public schools are a good mission field. So the obvious question.....what kind of mission is she on? She is a freaking mess.


And so even if my own children were not able to be in that education space, I would want to do everything within my power to support it.
So it's unthinkable to her to not support pagan public school. It's, she thinks that a
Christian public school would be bad but it's unthinkable to her to not support a pagan public school.
Like it's just the upside downness of this is just so palpable.
It's insane. And so it just feels like a really easy local missions effort that's right in front of us all the time.
Local missions effort? Why would Christians have a positive influence on this? I guess if they're
Christians and not acting Christianly, then of course, maybe I guess they could in her twisted weird universe.
But Christian, a mission field. So she does think the public school is a mission field, just not for the kids.
Okay, gotcha. So as long as you're not acting too Christianly, like because the minute you're actually a
Christian in the public school and you want to make it a Christian public school, that's bad. So if you're doing Christian missions,
I guess it's bad. If you're doing missions but not explicitly Christian missions, then it's good.
So I guess you can give the guy a cup of water but as long as you don't say it's in Jesus name because if you say this is a cup of water in Jesus name, then it's
Christian and it's bad. But if it's just a cup of water, you're good to go. That's essentially what
I've got from Jen Wilkin here. It's a Christian mission field, but just not too much. It's like a Christian mission field if you drop the
Christian, then it's good. It's a mission field and that's good for you to do as a
Christian, but just as long as it's not a Christian mission field because that would be bad. Cup of water, not in Jesus name though.