From Harari to Barber: Trying to Make Sense of the Fast Moving World Around Us


Talked about a lot of topics again, from Harari’s “AI can write a true Bible” to an atheist saying Augustine inserted the Trinity at the Council of Nicea to transgender insanity and finishing up with developments at the Southern Baptist Convention.

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Well greetings and welcome to the dividing line a little bit easier for me to do today because I've got somebody else take care
Of all the you know the menial labor just a little stuff. You know that's uh I I know you know
Rich was just off You know relaxing and sunning himself and stuff like that all last week actually he didn't do any of that stuff
Which is why I don't bother with vacations vacations are exhausting Just just stay you let you've got eternity to rest, you know
I've just never really quite gotten how that works. But hey if if apologia didn't have a two week four sabbatical
Rule for the full -time guys. I'm not a full -time guy. So it doesn't apply me but I wouldn't have gotten to preach this past Sunday and If you haven't caught that or have interest in that it really
I Hope no one minds. I I was primarily preaching to our own folks
I think that's sort of appropriate sort of sort of how preaching has always been done through the ages until cameras invaded our space but spoke from Revelation chapter 2 and Abandoning your first love the epistle to the church at Ephesus and Tremendous text and I hope it get a chance to listen to it.
You'll be edified by but I'm just sitting here and I just discovered That My son -in -law
Eric was on apology or radio and the funny thing this you know how old
I'm getting how slow I'm getting these days They gave response to the theocast guys and I had only just recently gotten that episode
Downloaded and put into my to be listened to list. I just can't get to there's there's too much
I can't get to everything at any type of pace anymore and Partly because I'm not spending nearly as much time on the bike as I used to I used to spend
You know 11 12 hours a week and now I'm doing about eight And most of it's not outdoors.
So Not necessarily getting as much Listening time in so anyway So now
I don't have to respond to that Episode I can take that list because somebody else did now I have to listen to their response though But yeah
With this next trip coming up. I'll have plenty of hours on the road to catch up on everything. I would assume
Since we're going all the way up to Eli, Minnesota What what what what what what?
What do you remember how to do this, so yeah, I uh, let's do that.
Hey, I Have received phone calls regarding your pronunciation
That is Ely Minnesota and and they apparently rather sensitive about this and So it is is
Ely, Minnesota at the same time. They really want to know where you're speaking and so that's
That's what's going on Ely, huh Ely Ely, Minnesota, well, there's only three letters and You know
Okay, cool So anyways as I was saying before I was most rudely interrupted for irrelevant stuff
We're gonna be doing a lot of traveling Driving all the way up to someplace in Minnesota.
I'm not going to mention anymore and And then back again So what's what's what we're doing strangely is
I'm going to Colorado I'm speaking there at Redemption Hills.
We have the really nice graphic on the website right on the front page and I discovered most people don't bother looking for stuff like that because people are asking where is it?
Well, it's on the front page of the website anyway, and then instead of staying in Colorado I'm leaving and heading all the way up.
Like I said to someplace in Minnesota and Then back again to Colorado, so it's
Unusual to stay in the same place twice on the same trip but that's how that's working out on this particular this particular jaunt that's coming up very very quickly and As soon as I pick up the unit,
I imagine you're gonna be heading over and there's gonna be all sorts of stuff to do Yeah rolling up the sleeves and I gotta get that AC running and I'm trying to figure out how much of the background you think is already peeled down to the floor.
I really wonder that's that's that's gonna be one of my projects is getting that wall completely cleaned and Using some new stuff to try to get get that stuff up.
And I'm just afraid that you're gonna have to hang a sheet No, the reality is if if the stuff that I've bought doesn't keep it up there then the next thing to do is you can buy the very same kind of background as a photoshoot background and We'll just have to it'll be a flat
So it won't it won't it won't go with the curvature and we'll have to put it up that way That's so that's kind of what
I've wanted to do is have something that we can you know Through a little tension put back there and it's yeah straight flat and true
Yeah, that's that's that's the next shot if this works. That's the easy way if it doesn't work, then
That's the only other option that we've got really is to is to go that because I don't really think right now
The cameras really see any of the curvature at all So it probably wouldn't put people wouldn't notice but it would it would be an extra thing that we'd have to be
Careful of over right the camera is strangely actually have a bit of a curvature in them because they're round, right?
So there are times when you look at that straight line behind you and it's got a little bit of a boat, you know, right?
Yeah, some of the photo programs. I'm not high enough on that stuff to do much with it
But they they will fix that kind of stuff and take the lens Distortion out and all that kind of stuff, which is great
Anyway, so once I pick up the unit We're gonna have some work to do and then it's off on the road and Lots and lots of stuff to do on this trip.
It's gonna be exciting. It's not gonna be cold If it'll be warm and well,
I don't know who knows what it'll be once I get up to Colorado It's been fairly cool.
I was looking up there It's only in the 70s and the highs and 50s at night, but it's supposed to warm start warming up It's supposed to warm up here to to a little bit under average
It's just been There's been no summer so far in in Phoenix and I'm not complaining about that at all
I'm just waiting for the global warming crowd to declare victory Yeah, yeah for what? For having done it's the windmills that did it all those
All the eagles were killing all the whales were killing everything else it's been worth it because Global warming is over.
That's how it works. Anyway, I am watching a lot of the stuff Popping up on my screen, especially now that I have tweet deck set up lots of stuff going on at the
Southern Baps convention and I'm only watching it from afar it
I Will see what happens at the end, but I have a feeling I know where it's gonna be going
But I can't really make too much comment about it from there I did want to get to a bunch of stuff that has been posted one of the first things that came up a day for Yesterday, I think
Okay. No, this was posted June 8th, but I didn't see it until about the day for yesterday
I have More than once spoken about Yuval Noah Harari Who is a
Jewish atheist secularist futurist big guy at the
WEF so When you when you imagine all the dystopian futures that you've read 1984
Brave new world Fahrenheit 451 this perfect day, whatever it might be
There's always in the background these Terrible people
I actually saw a movie That you would go you watch that yes, it was called
Alita Angel warrior warrior angel something like that and you go
Why did you watch it? Because when I went to my normal place where I get spaghetti and meatballs It was on the
TV But the volume wasn't So it's one of the things where you're you know, you start watching you start going what's going on in this
I'm not really sure and before I left I said by the way, what's the name of this and they put the
Thing on the gave you the information I'm like So I looked it up It was really well done
CGI actually it was another just so many of these dystopian movies have this
Like Elysium you have the space station and getting up to Elysium is what everybody wants to do and this was like a cloud city type thing and Again there had been except this wasn't we didn't destroy ourselves via the environment
It was a war with the Martians believe it or not The create this one, but there was one sky city left type thing and everybody down on the ground.
It's your standard No law and order type, I don't know how to describe it.
Anyway, they're all the same they're all it's all the same plot And it's the people up on the the space station or the cloud city or whatever
That's no, that's that's Yuval Noah Harari I Mean they could they could put him in any one of those dystopian novels or movies and he would fit perfectly
He wouldn't have to put makeup on he wouldn't have to change his voice He would just Absolutely fit in perfectly in any of these movies
Especially when you listen to what he's saying and the worldview that he is helping to promote through the
World Economic Forum And these people Klaus Schwab does does view him.
I mean he is a James Bond villain and This is his henchman. I mean and and people just applaud them and think they're great and they're wonderful and It's like okay.
All right, so Harari is a big exponent of AI and No matter
How hard you try? You are not and I've sort of been trying
I have never used AI I've never gone to chat GP or whatever it is and because I figure
I'm just helping to train the thing So I why should I help to train my future masters?
I've never I've never worn a virtual reality thing, you know on the face where you do the the game stuff
You think it is? Well, see I never I never have so I am better. I am I'm more virtuous than you are
I've never You're trying to figure out why that is. Okay No, I'm not.
No, I've I've I've never done that either because You know the new
Apple thing Immediately, there's some really interesting articles that I saw from non -christians
Going this will destroy mankind and You know, most people just look at it as old
It's just just a new a new thing. No, it goes beyond that It is and hey you should recognize this because O 'Fallon's been talking about this for years now but the the combining of the cyber the digital and the analog and blurring the distinction between the two and When you have people
Who have been raised within the secular system? They're made in the image of God the secular system cannot give them reason for living so they're miserable and That's why they glom on to all this insane stuff like transgenderism and everything else they're looking for something to give their life to and you give them something like this where they can escape into a
Analog digital combination realm Because one of the things that I'm gonna
I'm gonna get back to Harari here in a second But one of the things I this Apple thing They were showing you
Using this to be in digital meetings online and having conversations with people and stuff and I'm sitting there going
I'm watching it and everybody That they're showing isn't wearing one of these things
So, how can you be the only one wearing one of these things and then it points out that what it does is it creates a digital picture of your face and So what it's actually projecting isn't you it's your avatar
It's avatar and that's how the ends and so even the conversations that you're having people aren't actually with them they're with a digital representation of them and That's how everybody in the you know, zoom meeting or whatever all have regular faces.
They don't have these goggles on their face Because it's not really their faces. You're not really actually talking to them and so All this
AI That is coming at us at warp speed once again,
I've said this before maybe there are Lots of Christians who have written on this and stuff like that, and I just haven't seen it
I'm way behind the curve on all this kind of stuff. I'm slowing down I get it but We really really need
Some well -thought -out you you want statements that will have meaning down the road a
Christian theology of a natural body and a natural mind living a natural world
That's important that's gonna become really important because Elon Musk Wants to make it possible for you to have stuff stuck in your head
To where you'll be able to start seeing the internet without wearing something on your face and interfacing with the internet wherever you are anytime at 10
G speeds and stuff like that, right and That's exactly where they're going and There's a reason not to do this
From the Christian perspective, it's a fundamental alteration It's one thing to use a tool.
It's another thing to implant a tool in your body and I can say that but We have to there's there's a lot of discussion needs to be taking place and I'm not sure if it is taking place
I'm not sure where it's taking place. I'd like to get involved with it if it is But Back to you know, so AI is heading your direction
AI is heading my direction as a professor And It is interesting, you know couldn't
AI teach better than a human being could If you're only talking about data content probably
But man my best professors Were not there the best professors I had because of data content they had solid data
They had salt they knew their their subject it was the passion with which they communicated it was the
Application it was it was the humanity that they illustrated in in how they they spoke and how they taught and so these are all things we need to be thinking about and so Harari obviously is real big on AI and sees
AI as the future of of everything and that most of us He would say already the vast majority of mankind is irrelevant and Once you accept that as a given worldview, there's
Elysium. Okay, that's why the med beds That can heal any disease are only on Elysium and nobody from the earth is left because they don't they don't matter they're they're a drag on the system as it is and Think about Government entities that have a worldview that say that the majority of human beings are irrelevant
They have no meaning they have no purpose What are you gonna do in situations like that well, you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna lower the world's population
By a long shot have to right just got to so you you see the predictions of the
Massive downfall of human population that's coming You know the guy from the 1970s was wrong about everything
Just like the climate scientists are long wrong about everything right now total climate scam 1 ,000 percent but The crash is coming
And it's purposeful it's very very purposeful because these people See no reason in having anybody with an
IQ lower than maybe 140 and Once you've got AI What what does it matter what your
IQ is It's who you know the elite so anyway here is now did
I Hopefully we that we didn't change where the sound was going so hopefully this is gonna work but here is the quote that came out of a
I think it was somewhere South America Ferraris being interviewed listen to what he says.
It's only 40 seconds long and then we'll we'll interact with it AI can create new ideas can even write a new
Bible We you know throughout history religions dreamt about having a book
Written by a superhuman intelligence by a non -human entity Oh every religion claims our book all the out books of the other religions.
They humans wrote them but our book No, no, no. No, it came from some Superhuman intelligence in a few years.
There might be religions that are actually correct That just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an
AI that could be a reality in a few years Their holy book is written by an
AI and that would make it correct According to him because right now none of them are because he's an atheist, of course
Now there's a lot of frightening stuff in Harari's thought and The fact that he has such influence at The World Economic Forum is enough to make most of us go.
Wow, that's really really bad and Let's let's try to do something about that exactly what we're gonna do about it.
I don't know But I want to leaving that aside for just a moment I Want us to think about?
What is what is the? Current probability of A worldwide religious movement
Focused on AI just think about for a second
What would be necessary well, you'd have to prepare the environment and so People would have to be taught that they are
Cosmic accidents That they have no transcendent meaning but there is no ultimate purpose in life and Therefore they would have to be looking to the natural realm
To fill in the big gaps and so they would have to be taught to honor and believe and in a sense venerate science and if science begins to speak with encyclopedic knowledge and Offer for example a great medical advancements
Because AI could Very well result in medical advancements.
It could also result in the exact opposite But it could and so everything
I've been describing is what's been going on So, I think there is a high high probability that You could see exactly this kind of a
Scientism based AI oracle Exaltation of artificial intelligence technology
Now as we all know AI is still a computer and While the programs that they're developing and the processor speeds they're developing
Make it look like these things are sentient themselves The fact is they are programmed they're given parameters and And What we know is right now you can ask
AI things and It just gets it completely wrong Partly because of the data is fed into it garbage in garbage out partly because of the obvious bias of The designers themselves
Google is Google Facebook whoever They aren't even close to unbiased and so there are
Prejudices built into the mechanism, but even laying that aside
I Could easily see People who are disgusted with their lives disgusted with the emptiness
The secularism forces upon us They're living in God's world, but they're living in rebellion against that and therefore there's fundamental disharmony in their lives finding a
Voice that speaks with constant wisdom I could see
Something coming out of that very very easily very very easily and And Most of us have not given much thought
How do you how? How would you go about? evangelizing a devotee of the religion of AI Might want to be thinking about that What's not here yet?
Yeah, it's happening awful fast it's happening awful fast and We're we're always on the on the back end of of the curve
You know trying to respond to something that is now way ahead of us I think it's something you might be thinking about even now how to How to do that Okay, the next thing
I've got here I Oh A fellow by the name of MTI's Mahmood MTI's Mahmood Posted a tweet.
I don't know how it ended up going across my thing, but And I was like Wow, we really really really need to talk about this.
I'm not gonna be putting it on the screen That's why I'm facing this direction Again this is the kind of stuff that is out there.
This is the kind of stuff that is being Repeated over and over again it's it's the kind of thing that it's a little bit like the the letter that ended up on the
West Wing, you know about the Holiness Code and Mocking God's law and stuff like that.
These things take on a life of their own sometimes I don't think this one will but elements of it You'll find all over the place this guy's an atheist quote -unquote free thinker and Here's here's here's what he says.
He says We know that Jesus Christ was a fictional character created by the
Council of Nicaea in The year 325 AD and modeled after Julius Caesar to pacify the poor in their own
Empire We know this to be true for independent historians born in the same time period
Hold no records nor is there physical evidence Jesus Christ and the twelve disciples ever existing in real life
Joseph Atwill who is the author of a book entitled Caesar's Messiah the Roman conspiracy to invent Jesus Asserts that Christianity did not begin as a religion, but was actually a sophisticated sophisticated government propaganda exercise
Used to pacify the subjects of the Roman Empire I know
I know I know to hold on. I gotta get it read. I know Augustine was long after Nicaea I know
I know I know to hold on. I gotta get it read. I know Augustine was long after Nicaea We all know that but this guy doesn't and There were many aspiring prophets wandering Judea during the occupation of Jesus lived and was killed for overturing the money exchange the temple
He would likely not have garnered any significant notice on the part of the contemporary Romans If Rome hadn't commandeered and utilized the whole theme the man would have likely have faded from history
To believe that Pontius Pilate was bothered to interrogate Jesus for claiming to be the king of the Jews is equivalent to believing the governor
Abbott would bother Into interrogating some psychotic homeless man spewing the end is near pure fantasy
But this scene is described in the Gospels because he was written by the Romans and the Romans smell so sweet in the
Gospels It also supports Pax Romana given to Caesar. What is Caesars or pay your taxes?
so there is there is a s
Stupidity Artificial stupidity But it gets repeated
So many times That it'll end up in your kids freshman classroom either high school or or or beyond and so Let's let's take it apart and just think about the various errors
Jesus Christ was a fictional character created by the Council of Nicaea in the year 325 and Modeled after Julius Caesar to pacify the poor of the
Roman Empire so Everything that we have from before the
Council of Nicaea all the way back to the did a K Clemens letter to the
Corinthians Ignatius's epistles Trajan Papias Polycarp the letters
Pliny and Trajan Which were not Christian sources? all that material from the first and second centuries and Then beyond that into Justin Martyr and his letters to the
Emperor Tertullian Theophilus everybody until Council Nicaea Pure fiction from 303 to 313 we have all sorts of Roman documents
Documenting this from before the Council of Nicaea About the persecution against the Christian Church why would they be persecuting the
Christian Church if Jesus didn't get made up until the Council and I see in 325 it is it is
You you truly wonder how an adult? Could write this kind of utter insanity
Because Anybody who knows anything about history at all knows that the statement is absurdity
He says we know this to be true from independent historians born the same time period Hold no records nor is there physical evidence
Jesus Christ told disciples ever existing in real life once again You have to be so abysmally ignorant of history if you ask for physical evidence of Anyone who exists in the first century there is none and what would you define as physical evidence
I? Mean these people are thinking that well we need to have some mp3 recordings or some pictures or something 99 point nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine percent of Human beings that existed for more than a thousand years ago.
We have no evidence of you might find some bones someplace and I could find
Jesus's bones for some strange reason, but That's all you've got you don't have anything else the vast majority of human population has lived and died without leaving behind their names and social security numbers and So we do have
Materials such as Pliny Making reference to this
Christian movement at a very early early period of time, so it's just not true But there's very little discussion outside of Josephus of The history of what's going on in that backwater part of the
Roman Empire to begin with There may have been other historical records, but the vast majority of historical records don't exist anymore either so it's just this kind of mythicism is fantasy and it only is able to exist because of the ignorance of The internet populace
That has never been forced to do serious historical study of anything on any context
And then you know Joseph Atwell, right? It was a sophisticated government propaganda exercise used to pacify the subjects the
Roman Empire the best subjects the Roman Empire were Christians Even the
Romans recognized these were people who even though they thought they were very strange and weird They took care of their families and they adopted children and they cared for the poor and Pacify the subjects the
Roman Empire. That's why they're persecuting them and an empire wide from 303 to 313
That that's why there were periods of persecution before that that were extremely widespread and prevalent and they this
The Roman Empire was persecuting people for following what the Roman Empire had made up The persecution had ended 12 years before the
Council of Nicaea None of this makes a lick of sense. It just it just makes you sit there and go
Why why would anybody ever write this? it Then again, look at what's going on United States right now
Then you have most certainly most Certainly, you just have to be confident Augustine inserted the virgin birth
Jesus God the Holy Trinity original sin forced conversion and Holy Wars all of which were adopted and I see
I'm sorry. It is just it's so hard when when you have this kind of Comical fiction then again, how many copies of the
Da Vinci Code You want to get a little bit more of Luther in there? Okay. All right and What and the lava lamp?
Okay. All right, just just I just saw the camera panning out a little bit and I just Fine with me.
You see the back of my monitor and stuff like that I'll start putting stuff messages on the back of the monitor and see if anybody sees that anyway
Um Everything mentioned here You can trace to the
New Testament period obviously the Trinity Jesus God You know that this is this is
Da Vinci Code level fiction that is Astonishingly bad and so easy to refute.
I was gonna pull it up and I and I forgot to do it but I Don't know if any of you remember years and years and years ago when the
Da Vinci Code was extremely Popular I mean when
I was flying back then every airport gate I went to somebody was sitting there reading the Da Vinci Code and so I started doing presentations on it and one of them was from the
P -72 the papyrus that Rich and I saw in Denver, Colorado in 1993 my goodness
That was 30 Years ago this summer That was 30 years ago this summer
What I it might have been June. Yeah, I could be exactly 30 years ago.
It's probably right right around spot -on 30 years ago We were sitting at a
Winchell's Donut place in Denver, Colorado And I was doing something
I almost never do I was reading the newspaper I Think maybe it had been left like left on the table or something because we don't you know,
I don't I'm not but yeah, I don't think so and I had seen something about the papal visit and I'm reading it and I'm like We're going to the papal treasures exhibit and he's like what
I Said we're going to the papal treasures exhibit look and I handed the paper to him and it said
That they had a page from p72 on Display there in Denver, and I knew what that was p72 is the earliest handwritten manuscript.
We have a 1st 2nd Peter and Jude and So You know, you've never
I don't know if you ever heard I tell this story all the time and I Mean I have now for 30 years
But But it's true it was one of the first things on display as soon as you walked in and I just started
Slobbering on the glass. I mean, I'm I'm going. Oh look at all the Nomen Sacra and and I'm doing all this stuff and I'm wishing
I had my Nessie Allen Greek New Testament with me and And You know people would come up and they they'd look at it and then there's a description up on the wall
But then they see me sitting there talking about this talking about that. I'm ignoring everybody else and they look over at rich they go
Can he read that and you'd go? Yeah, and they're like look at this
Harold This man's reading this ancient manuscript and people started gathering around and and the security people are starting to look at us
And so rich drags me off to go look at a tiara or a diamond someplace and then right back again
We go till they finally said we need to move on So I've told the story over and over again
That's the page that I use in my presentations I blow up the
Because it like I said, it's the end of first Peter the beginning of second Peter second Peter one one You have a
Granville sharp construction identifies Jesus as our God and Savior Jesus Christ. So I blow that up I make that come real forward and get big on the screen and I'm like remember this was written a 125 years before the
Council of Nicaea Here you have the deity of Christ being presented over a century before the
Council of Nicaea long before Constantine was a gleam in his daddy's eye and so It's so easy to document
The utter foolishness of The Da Vinci Code Well, it was fiction.
Yeah, but everybody thought it was true. This is fiction Augustin inserted
Jesus as God Okay, Augustin dies in the early mid 4th century
He may have an old but on that old. I mean, it's not even close. It's so absurd and Thankfully people added context and pointed this out on Twitter, which is nice, but still
All of which were adopted at Nicaea. Yeah, right Original sin had no point whatsoever at the
Council of Nicaea and neither did the Holy War So yeah, that was just amazing. Just absolutely amazing
Um The rest of it again. Hey Pontius Pilate, for example We know that he did exist from Roman records and we know that any basically getting sent to represent
Rome in the ancient nation of Israel was suicide
I mean Try that there is no way To keep all of the
Warring groups happy with each other just couldn't do it So you were gonna get?
You're gonna get yours one way or the other and Pontius Pilate did But given the time frame and of course he ignores
Pontius Pilate is just one person Herod was involved the Jewish leaders were involved
This was all gonna lead to what was gonna happen in 1870 as it was and so again completely and utterly
Disconnected from reality everything that was said the Romans smell so sweet in the gospel
Right. Okay. Yeah, sure Wow, it is amazing what people will believe who call themselves free thinkers
There's only one problem. They're obviously not thinking very well Very clearly at all
Okay, let's this worked out for the other one so I think this is the best way to do it actually
Let me see if I can pop this over here and play it that way
Someone asked me why this guy was sometimes speaking in German and sometimes speaking in English and that is because this is the closing ceremony of the
German Protestant Church Congress in Nuremberg I'm not sure why I'm not sure
Nuremberg would be the best place. I would want to have almost any meeting given historical realities
But the German Protestant Church Congress now the German Protestant Church went apostate a long long long long long long time ago
And the comment that I made about this was This is why in the
Christian nationalism discussion If you listen back to the last two sweater vest dialogues that I did with Doug Wilson Which were both on this topic
My emphasis and he was pretty much in agreement with me my emphasis was on the necessity of a worldwide
Movement of the Spirit of God to bring about massive conversions true
Not external not nominal true conversions of the heart is the only way that Any of all the stuff that people and people are talking about what we need to have
Christian laws Look you live in the world Christ made if you reject his laws, it ain't gonna work.
Okay, that's fine but the only way that that's gonna function is if you have a
Christian consensus in the society that is born of the Spirit of God and There are people who say no no, no, no, no, we can do it with a minority and all the rest of stuff
Well, here's the problem when you do state churches That are primarily filled with unregenerate people this is what you get
This is what you get look at Europe Look at the state churches in Europe. I can't think of a single state church in Europe.
That is not apostate I can't think of a single one When I was over there when
I was in a number of these countries What did I hear from the faithful that were there? The state church is not our friend.
The state church is our enemy The state church is the enemy of the gospel in this country, that's what I heard over and over and over and over and over again
Doesn't seem like we actually learn anything So here's some dude.
I don't know who it is This was actually it looks like in Yeah, the 7th through the 11th of June.
So yeah, it's just just this last week Here's now You might have to look at this if you don't
People are confused because he's speaking both German and English. Remember something keep trying to tell people this and this is what's gonna help my brother
Jeff when he goes to Germany is That the Germans speak better English than Americans do
That's been my experience it very rarely if I've ever run into a German that was not an excellent
English speaker Now they of course have run into a lot of Americans that are lousy German speakers like me but they've never
Caused a problem about that because they're actually happy to run into any American who even tries To speak a language other than English Including their own and at least
I pronounce it fairly well that I have been told numerous times I have a good accent when I speak German anyway
So here here's here's our guy Listen listen to what He has to say yes, it's the time to Sagan Via then
I'll add the next generation We are the last generation
I'm not really sure what the context of that was but Yes, it's the time to bargain black lives always matter
It is the tight to bargain God is queer
So I just want to make sure you caught that Now is the time to say God is queer
That's what he said. I think it's a sort of hard to tell I think it's he He just said God is queer now is the time to say
God is queer Yes, it's the time to Sagan we leave no one to die
But yes, it's really tight to Sagan. Yes chicken. I'm sure for not feel me
The infamous mention I'm good. It's a great thing. I'm sick. I'm half Safer spaces for all
It's really confusing when you throw Because he's always making he's clearly making references to a
German audience the German eyes Understand then then you throw in safer spaces for all but but here you have a state church and Now is the time for us to say
God is queer God is queer this is
What state religion separated from regeneration Always devolves into Okay, okay always devolves into all right, let's be honest we live in a day where we have hit new lows
So a state religion without regeneration always devolves into heresy in our day
It's devolving into such a level of absurdity That you have this kind of thing or you have what happened at the
White House day for yesterday with Topless transgender people running around the
White House lawn Just Depraved on a level that well, any any pride parade would show you the same stuff these days,
I suppose Marching through all of our cities in every state in the Union We we literally have made you can take it down we literally have made
Sodman Gamora blush By the way, we we have been behaving we really really have speaking of which
That's Germany then outside of Germany I Was afraid that was gonna auto start outside of Germany here in the
United States Notice that everyone but the speaker and the two people in front are
Masked up again. Here it comes again folks. I don't know. I didn't didn't someone say it's all over Doesn't seem to matter you'll notice the people in the audience are all
Masked up, but here we have Richard Levine. Oh, that'll get you kicked off of YouTube.
It will Candace Owens everybody's been being kicked off YouTube If you do not
Join in the transgender insanity, you will be kicked off of off of YouTube. That's just that's all there's it they're just they're putting their foot down and Say and that's it
You have to you have to ignore science you have to reject science you have to accept this delusion
You need to be delusional like we're delusional There can only be one voice and it's a voice of delusion and we are
YouTube. Yay That's what we've got here So here is
Richard Levine Who pretends to be a woman? And here's what he's saying
Necessary safe and effective for transgender and non -binary You adults that is a bold -faced lie
That is a bold -faced lie. It is not necessary.
It is not safe. It is not effective on any level The mutilation of these bodies
I again am Deeply tempted.
I just don't know. I all I could think there's only one place I can think of that we could post it or even stream it
To talk about some of the fundamental physical results of The mutilation surgery of the human body the things that people have to go through To maintain the fiction that they have bought into Honestly, I Think there are a number of people in the audience that would vomit
At the at the description of what people have to go through on a daily basis to maintain the fiction
The infections The the medical the constant need for medical intervention
Disease sickness drugs Hormones Never again, no not a good day ever again of health and vitality
You're starting to see Some of the D transitioners
Expressing what they've gone through The medical community which made hundreds of billions of dollars off of kovat and Making all sorts of money in this field as well doesn't want you to know they they are your enemies.
They truly are The almighty dollar which isn't gonna be the almighty dollar much longer.
I have a actually have a Thing over here just in passing Yeah, Kenyon president.
Williams Ruto is calling on African nations to stop conducting internal trade in the US dollar
For 80 years America's unparalleled prosperity has been built on the unquestioned global dominance US dollar
It's taken less than three years for Joe Biden to destroy that well It's it's started before Biden he certainly has this regime has certainly accelerated it
But why ask yourself the question? Yes, you and I in America have benefited greatly from the dollar being the international standard
They're going to other Standards now mainly China now that's going to come with strings attached that they can't even begin to imagine
They can't begin to imagine There's great foolishness and going that direction, but the
Africans I think figure hey, we know we're getting with China with America You're running your
Multicolored gay pride flags up on your flagpoles outside of our embassies and trying to force this on our people and there is nobody here as any interested at all and You're trying to force that with your money
How are we supposed to trust you people with anything? you're a divided nation and For all of your military might
You're losing that position Because your military is now primarily concerned with DEI and Flying pride flags and the
Chinese aren't and the Russians aren't and the Indians aren't So why not go with people that will
Might be somewhat consistent ten years from now Whereas you people are changing so fast.
We have no earthly idea Why should they and you and I are gonna pay for it big -time? You when when the dollar collapses
Get get ready for $150 loaves of bread because that's that's what we're looking at and justly so Justly so When when when you when you're flying that pride flag in the center of the
White House Not below the American flag not to the side it's taken the place of the
American flag You've told the entire world. This is what we're about This is what we're about.
And so this is why you have a guy Pretending to be an admiral or something
Lying just lying through his teeth About horrific medical experimentation
It's just astonishing so when
He goes on to talk about attacks upon Everything's that if you push back at all if you say no, this is insanity
Then you're attacking they never attack anything the the hypocrisy the double standard is
Unbelievable and I just wonder rich. Will you will you get a note of notification when we get cut off?
Okay. All right, just just just one just let me know Just just let me know when it when it all all comes crashing down because because it will
It's just a matter of matter of time D D D D D D.
Oh The average, oh that was in 2020, okay I had somehow bookmarked something about the average high temperature and I thought it might have been relevant to I'm looking
I'm looking at a quotation here from oh Okay.
Sorry. I Thought had something to do with me. It didn't all right Let's um, oh my goodness have we got an hour?
Oh Uh -huh. I wasn't even looking at the clock.
Sorry about that Well, you know it It'd be good to do this on Thursday on Thursday What I would like to do is
I What was it
I was oh somebody was looking for a possible debate partner someone to debate
Next year and I was looking for stuff for them online and I Just started to discover just how many videos there are out there of People taking snippets from this program and taking potshots at it and Especially of course,
I mean if if I if we shut this program down if I got into a traffic accident or something and This program was shut down So teary ology 101 would shut down within two weeks
Because they have nothing to do Go back and start over. I don't know
That the man that it's just astonishing. It really really is Talk about living rent -free in someone's head and I I just didn't
I mean I knew that there was a lot of stuff but a Whole lot more than I thought there was Anyway I ran across this
He calls 20 -minute long videos shorts And most people consider five minutes to be a short.
But anyway and It was it was Calvinists Cannot Calvinist stumped by Colossians 212.
No now what caused me to go Huh is You know, I didn't
I did an entire sermon on Colossians 212 call months ago but Colossians 212 isn't it for most of us anyways is not a
Soteriological text in the sense of the ordo salutis Colossians 212 is key in the pato baptism
Arguments Because Having been buried with him in baptism which you were also raised up with him through the faith through faith in the working of God who raised him for the dead
So actually go back to 11 in whom you were also circumcised with a circumcision made without hands in The removal the body the flesh in the circumcision of Christ Having been buried with him in baptism in which you were also raised up with him through faith and working of God Who raised him for the dead?
So the issue is Calvin makes the connection between circumcision and baptism here now
I think Calvin was wrong in his understanding what the application was and That in fact, it's regeneration that's in view.
That's the that's the removal of the body of the flesh That's the circumcision of Christ. That's the the work that Christ does it's that sovereign work of God in regeneration but Then baptism pictures this
Pictures this divine work but somehow and I don't even know if Flowers is aware of all that stuff.
I've never Heard him addressing Pato Baptist arguments or anything like that at all
But his whole thing is that you were raised up with him through faith in the working of God and that therefore
Your faith precedes being raised up with him with Christ So it's a he uses it as an attack on Our understanding that the work of the
Spirit comes first in bringing spiritual life so that we can then have true saving faith and tries to turn this text into an ordo salutis verse and So he says
Calvinists have no answer this well We'll find out next time whether Calvinists have an answer to that and I've already sort of given you the answer if you've
Been listen been listening. Even what I just said just now in That in which you were raised up with him is in reference to baptism
It's not a reference to regeneration in the first place. So there's sort of your answer already, but Yeah, we'll uh, we'll play some of what is what he what he posted and Respond to that.
I am seeing some interesting things here really quickly Al Mohler just nuked
Rick Warren from space Okay, I am seeing a couple references to I guess
Mohler just spoke in regards to women as elders and Evidently Let me let me go ahead and make this comment since it's happening right now
Okay Don't start the music quite yet I Made it.
I made a comment about Rick Warren a couple days ago. I Don't remember When when did purpose -driven life come out wasn't that in the 90s?
think was in the 90s and I don't know that we have much archive material from that period of time but We did make reference to the fact that the purpose -driven life while it had
Standard Normal good things to say, you know quote the Bible enough times it was fluff
It wasn't it did not have any you know, where's where's the beef You know, you're most of your to know don't remember that one either
It's a great Wendy's commercial. Look it up. Look up. Where's the beef and you'll you'll know what that was about There was no substance.
There was it was fluff Warren has never been an exegete and The stuff that I've been seeing from him.
I mean there was literally I didn't bookmark it I'm starting to use the bookmark thing in Twitter now that I have tweet deck set up so I can find stuff again
But I should have bookmarked it Where he's going There there's
I he I think he said somebody count the number of words in the Baptist faith and message and Said we only disagree on one.
We disagree on 99. We agree on 99 point nine nine nine percent We're only disagreeing on one word man
Or men and I and I'm like who could possibly be swayed by that kind of argumentation
That's like saying that's like having a a Mormon Trying to apply for position at a
Southern Baptist seminary and going we agree on nine nine point nine nine nine It's just we disagree on one word
Trinity I Who buys this kind of stuff?
The the more I the more I listen to Wow Bart Barber has been reelected as president of Southern Baptist Convention that tells you everything you know right there basically
Huh? Yeah, well, okay, that's rich will be doing a a a
New feature of the dividing line called riches insights all by himself very soon explaining his his
Perspectives on the Southern Baptist Convention come out be separate and there it was and there it's done
So that's his that's his view But anyway
It's a it's amazing to me What Warren is allowed to get away with and they do have women pastors they have for a long time and This is a
Again, it's a dividing line Historically when you look at what they've literally been trying to find is some denomination that has women pastors
That isn't going liberal well assemblies of God does and The Salvation Army does and They haven't gotten liberal and and and it's like okay.
Can we talk about the United Methodist? Can we talk about LC MS? Not Missouri Senate ELCA, sorry.
Yeah, sorry, Missouri Senate guys ELCA PC USA The Anglican Church as a whole
Which my people are breaking off from it. I have to have to be breaking off there's been a huge division just in just last month where a majority of the
Anglican community told the Archbishop of Canterbury to Stick in his ear basically and they needed to they had to they were gonna start doing same -sex marriage blessings and You know the
Anglicans in Africa aren't going there. God bless them and The Anglicans in Sydney aren't going there, but the
Anglicans in Brisbane and Perth will so there you've got the divisions in Australia itself but anyway
Historically, this is this is how it happens. This is where it goes and When Saddleback was put out
I wondered the time is is this not purposefully to bring this up and and get the the desired result and The Scottish realist in me says
We're seeing what's gonna happen in the convention right now, we saw it last year and we saw it the year before that and I would be interested in knowing what the vote was but Anyhow, it's it's it's sad.
It's sad to observe. All right with that we Lord willing. We'll be back on Thursday here on the dividing line.