F4F | Michael Brown Rebukes Bill Johnson's False Doctrine


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been told that because Jesus taught us to pray in the
Lord's Prayer, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, that that means, well, there's no cancer in heaven, so there can't be any cancer here.
That's what we're supposed to be doing. There's no poverty in heaven, so that means we've got to eradicate poverty.
That's by the way a twisting of God's word. Just about every heretic in the world uses that twisting of the
Lord's Prayer, but go ahead and hit the subscribe button if you've ever been taught that because you've been deceived by a false doctrine and a twisting of God's word.
What we're going to do on this installment is, let's just say, oh so fun. The reason
I say it is because we're going to head over to Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, and we're going to listen to Bill Johnson spew this false teaching regarding the
Lord's Prayer, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, and he's going to just spin this thing out, and then we're going to have none other than Dr.
Michael Brown rebuke him. Yeah, it's just going to be so great because little did
Michael Brown know he'd be rebuking Bill Johnson, but we help facilitate the rebuking here, so let's whirl up our magical YouTube machine here, and let's get to it.
Here's Bill Johnson on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural. to explain to us kingdom culture and what it means when we pray on earth as it is in heaven.
Here we go. Explain to me what kingdom culture is. Well culture is the way you do life.
It's your value system. It's how you respond to relationships and money and all these things.
It's just, it's the preset values that you carry in your heart that determine how you do life. But kingdom culture is how heaven functions, and when we pray this prayer on earth as it is in heaven, it's not just a prayer about eternity.
It's actually a prayer for right now. It's God's intention right now to influence my circle of influence with a manifestation of his presence in such a way that it mirrors heaven.
That means there's no cancer there. There's not to be cancer here. Oh, it just sounds so plausible, right?
Yeah, but I'm going to let Michael Brown do the rebuking here, but I want you to hear what he's saying here. There are a lot of things that aren't in heaven that are here, but we'll talk about that more in a minute.
When we pray for someone to be healed, we do it based on the example given us in that prayer.
There's none there. There's not to be any here. Besides the... No, no, that's not true at all either. It's a commission of Jesus to heal the sick, but it goes farther than that.
All right, I got to back that up so we hear it in context. Listen again. To be healed, we do it based on the example given us in that prayer.
There's none there. There's none there. There's not to be any here. Besides the obvious commission of Jesus to heal the sick, but it goes farther than that.
What are relationships like in heaven? In heaven, every person is honored, is celebrated.
There's no marriage in heaven. So when we pray on earth as it is in heaven, yeah, we're asking
God to eliminate marriage, right? Is that what we're saying? In heaven, everyone celebrates another person for who they are without stumbling over who they're not.
So when you learn how... What text says that? And is that Charlie Chomp? It looks just like him.
Yeah, I just... Heaven functions, and you pray that prayer. This is my point of pursuit is
I want to see a manifestation of the kingdom of God in a measurable fashion, not just the theory of prayer, which is a good place to start, but I want it measurable.
Yeah. By the way, if you're noticing that what he's saying is kind of hard to follow, that's kind of the whole point.
He's engaging in doublespeak and obfuscation at this point, but we got the gist of it.
We pray on earth as it is... There's no cancer in heaven, so voila! That means that when we pray that, we're getting rid of cancer here.
Well, Michael Brown, Dr. Michael Brown, he's rebuked this false teaching, and by doing so he's rebuked none other than Bill Johnson of Bethel Church of Redding, California.
But let's let Michael Brown do the rebuking here, because if I did it, this is a bunch of charismatic...
You're just a cessationist! You're a mean, old, gunky head! Well, here's a guy who isn't a cessationist who's taken on this false doctrine, and let's listen to what he says, and funny enough,
I agree with him, but here we go. But first, I want to open up a passage to you that is commonly misquoted, misunderstood in some charismatic and Pentecostal circles.
Yeah, like at Bethel Church, Redding, California. Bill Johnson, the apostle Bill Johnson.
Again, I say that as a charismatic Pentecostal myself. So Matthew 6, the
Lord's Prayer. We also have the Lord's Prayer in Luke 11, but a little bit more fully in Matthew 6.
Matthew 6, beginning in verse 9, Jesus gives us a pattern for prayer, and from what we can tell in the early
Church, this was prayed on a regular basis, sometimes several times a day. Yeah, that still happens today.
We pray this prayer in our congregation verbatim every week.
I pray this prayer every day, verbatim, several times a day.
It's not just the ancient Church there, by the way, Michael Brown. So the Lord begins by instructing us to pray that we ask our
Father in heaven, we pray that his name would be hallowed, and we say, our
Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. So there's a teaching that's become very popular today to say, how do you know what
God's will is for the earth? Well, look at his will in heaven. Is there sickness in heaven?
No. Well, there shouldn't be sickness on earth, therefore we pray for the sick. That's exactly what we heard
Bill Johnson say, there's no cancer in heaven. Is there a depression in heaven?
No. No. Therefore we pray for freedom and liberty and healing for those who are depressed. By the way, we're to pray for healing, we're to pray for the depressed, and using this passage as proof that it's always
God's will or we're pulling the kingdom down to earth, that doesn't compute, that doesn't follow.
But regardless of the twisting of scripture here, we are to pray for God to heal people.
That's what Christians do. Is there sin and bondage in heaven? No. No. Therefore we pray for people to get set free from sin and bondage here on the earth.
Now, I agree that we should pray for healing. I believe in divine healing being for today. When I pray for the sick,
I don't say, Father, if it be your will, heal. I say, Lord, I'm asking you to heal, or sometimes following the biblical pattern will rebuke sickness or disease if I feel led to pray or minister in that particular way.
I do absolutely believe that Jesus brings freedom to the captives. In other words, all the things that others say on earth as it is in heaven, therefore pray like this.
I agree that these are things we should believe for and pray for. All right. Again, I'm charismatic
Pentecostal in my theology and understanding of scripture. But Jesus is not saying the way things are in heaven is the way they're supposed to be on earth, as if that's a universal state.
I saw someone post that the other day, and it reminded me of this, hence my discussing it. I have an article up on the
Ask Dr. Brown website, askdrbrown .org. If you want to post it for others or link it for others, you'll find it very helpful.
The real meaning of on earth as it is in heaven. But as I mentioned in the article, simple biblical logic would tell you it doesn't mean, well, the way things are in heaven, that's exactly the way it's supposed to be on earth.
For example, there's no sex in heaven. Yeah, that's that's right. Be careful what you pray for.
Yeah. So should all married couple couples stop being together? That's it.
There's no sex in heaven. Is that what I mean? What about evangelism?
There are no lost souls to be saved in heaven. So yeah, that's right. There are no lost souls in heaven.
So we pray that will be done on earth as it is in heaven. That means we can't evangelize.
I love this. This is a great argument. And the person he's rebuking is Bill Johnson. We cease evangelism, say, well, there's no evangelism in heaven.
Or what about the trying of our faith? God appoints certain things in our lives so our faith will grow and it will be strengthened by it.
Well, presumably there are no such trials in heaven where God is seen in his glory. There are no faith trials there to prepare us for the world to come.
So it should be there. There'd be no faith trials here and there's no death in heaven. So should we try to resurrect all the dead all the time?
And as often as they die, we keep trying to raise them up. I know you're 411 years old, a little tired, great, great, great grandma, but we're going to keep raising you from the dead.
Yeah. A little bit of a note here. We have yet to see a verified raising from the dead by anybody who is in the charismatic movement.
He makes it sound like, you know, oh, we're raising people all the time, man. But at some point out of compassion, compassion for the aged and the old, eventually we just stop resurrecting them.
No, Michael Brown hasn't raised anybody from the dead. No. Now, again, I believe in divine healing is
God's will. I believe that Jesus purchased our physical healing at the cross along with our spiritual redemption.
But I deduce those things from elsewhere in scripture. So what does it mean your will be done on earth as it is in heaven?
The same way your will is carried out in heaven perfectly and without hindrance, may it be carried out on earth.
That's what it means. And now in the long run, it ultimately means the abolition of death.
It ultimately means the return of Jesus, the establishing of God's kingdom on earth, because that's all. Yeah. The eschatological promises that are not for now in under the curse.
His will as the centuries and ages unfold. But it doesn't mean, well, there's no sickness in heaven.
There's no sickness. That's not what it's saying. Well, whatever it is in heaven, it should be on earth. As I said, just gave you some examples that simple logic, biblical logic tells you can't be the case.
I mean. Right. Simple biblical logic. So in other words, none other than Michael Brown has rebuked and corrected the false teaching of Bill Johnson of Bethel Church, Reading, California, because he's made a lot of hay teaching that false doctrine on earth as it is in heaven.
Meanwhile, there's no cancer in heaven. Yeah. So thank you, Michael Brown, for providing that rebuking function that you just gave us and rebuking the apostle
Bill Johnson. Good on you. Glad you did it. It helps us out a lot. Now, if you found this helpful, please feel free to pass it along.
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Bill Johnson, Bethel Church in Redding, California. So hopefully you found this helpful until next time.
May God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.