Defending Todd White is Defending the Indefensible

Justin Peters iconJustin Peters

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A few weeks ago I did a podcast on Todd White and his shocking use of 2 Corinthians 5:21. There was a surprising number of people who tried to defend him against his blasphemy. Here is another clip of Todd White that is utterly indefensible. This one is worse than the other. Let me say, though, that the clip of Todd White in today’s podcast is very, very disturbing.


Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Justin Peters. I hope that you and your family are doing well today
I want to thank you very much for joining me for this video Let me
I've never said this before never thought I would really have a need to say anything like this but if you have young children
You might want to watch this Video before you let them watch it.
And I know I have a number of families who who watch my youtube channel And they watch them along with their families and their children, and I'm very grateful for that There goes me even me and those she might need to step out for this one
In all seriousness, please watch this video first. It'll be pretty short And then make a judgment as to whether or not you want your children
To see it I'm doing this video as a follow -up to the video that I posted a few weeks ago a month or so ago on Todd white
And the title of that video was something to the effect of Todd Todd white should step down Needs to step down and this sermon proves it something to that effect
I mean if you watched it, it got a lot of views, but I'll notice that there were an abnormally high percentage of people
Defending Todd white. I mean I always get people that disagree with me on Every video that I do but they're a very small minority, but the those disagreeing with me on this one
Was was still a minority, but was a higher percentage Than is typical and I've I've seen a number of the comments from people defending
Todd white so for all of those who defended Todd white and what he said about Jesus when he was on the cross and He was using 2nd
Corinthians 521 as this as his proof text that Jesus literally turned into all manner of horrific sin bestiality child pornography
Child molester. He literally said that Jesus became a Child molester on the cross
Jesus became bestiality on the cross Jesus became lost on The cross and if you doubt that if you haven't seen my previous video
I will have a link to it down below in the description, but for all of those who are defending
Todd white I want to show you this Want to show you this short clip from a sermon that he posted a little over a year ago
I think it was August of 2020 and and Try defending this
I'm like you think that like well Lord to be transparent. I got news for you Nothing's hidden He sits in the theater room of your soul and sees everything that goes across your screen guys
Your whole pornography thing you think like no one knows it. God's watching it with you He waits till you reach climax
God if he only knew me if he only knew me If he only desired to know me
I Would be his climax He's not mad
Todd white says that God is watching pornography with you
That through your eyes God is in you and through your eyes. He's watching pornography with you and Then at another point in the video.
He actually says that God is in the bed watching pornography With you in The frenzy and in the heat of a husband that is cheating on his wife.
He sees he's right there in bed with you He's right there in bed with you and he's seeing it all he's watching yet He is watching you look into the woman that you're not in covenant with he is watching through your eyes and then and then he says speaking for God if Speaking on behalf of God in relation to this man in the bed watching pornography
Oh, if this you know, if this man only knew Had intimacy with me. I would
I would be his I Can't even repeat that I Can't even repeat that and if if you if you can in any way muster any kind of defense of that kind of filth
Any kind of defense on behalf of Todd white for what he said in this clip.
I Don't know what to tell you. I mean, I really do not know what to tell you and Then he said that God's not mad
He's not mad Really God's not mad
God's not mad at you for watching pornography Really God is angry with the wicked every day.
His wrath burns against sin What are you talking about?
God's not angry That is just unbelievable to me. This is a man who does not understand even the basics of the gospel does not understand
Christianity 101. I mean I'm talking about not even a first grade Vacation Bible school understanding of the gospel this man has no
Business being behind the pulpit. This is a man who claims that he is sinless
This is a man who claims he has not sinned at all Since he was supposedly converted about 16 years or so ago.
Are you kidding me? He came and gave me this blank canvas He came and gave me this pure heart and I've never violated it with anything
Because I love Jesus. My hands are clean. My heart is pure. I love him with all my heart I'm gonna stand before him and he's gonna say well done.
What's he gonna say when you stand before him? You can actually have the word so strong inside of your heart that you never have to slip
People are like well, that's false. That's not true. Well, you're wrong. I live with me so for 13 years.
I've been free from that. I've never looked lusty with lust at a woman ever I live with me.
My kids will tell you that I'm a man of God I'm a father because God doesn't say he wants you 97 % pure.
I Mean was Jesus 97 % pure. I'm not holier than thou. I just love Jesus 24 -7
Any man who would say he has not sinned at all since the moment of his conversion
I can That's a man who does not understand what conversion is That's a man who does not have any comprehension of the exceeding deceitfulness of sin
That is a man who has no business being behind the pulpit and shame on those Shame on those who have given
Todd white a platform shame on those Who have come to his defense in any way shame on those who have tried to in various interviews tried to help extricate
Todd white from the holes that he continues to dig for himself
Shame on those people who have done that because they know better Todd white has absolutely no business being in the pulpit.
Not only is he Not only is he deceiving the people that he is to whom he is speaking
And some some people ask me what do the false teachers know they're deceiving people or they deceive themselves
The answer that is yes second timothy 3 13 Men will grow from bad to worse imposters deceiving and being deceived.
Yes, Todd white is intentionally deceiving people Yes, he is deceived himself But shame on those who have given him a platform and come to his defense and these people know better and By being in the pulpit
Todd white is just continually heaping condemnation upon himself one final clip
God's in you watching pornography. He is seeing it. The eye is the lamp of the body
If the eye is single the whole body is full of light, but if that light that's in you is darkness See there are christians that say they love god, but they're stepping into these areas
Because they don't have intimacy with god You know what?
I find interesting. Todd white says that there are Christians now, he should have said there are professing christians not that he would even understand
That kind of a theological nuance, but there are professing christians Who step into these areas areas of pornography?
He says because They lack intimacy You know, what's ironic?
Is that Todd white and Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn? Both of those men by the way,
Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn are men that he has endorsed credited even for his own conversion
In his own growth in christ, he endorses them partners with them You know, these are all men who who claim intimacy
With jesus so I mean they're so and they have such an intimate relationship with jesus that you know They just talk to him on a regular basis and conversationally
Talk with him and and uh, so intimate is their relationship with christ That uh at times during the conversation god will just interrupt and Kenneth Copeland has been interrupted by god a number of times
Regularly conversations to the point that it almost annoys Kenneth Copeland when god interrupts him how you want
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I remember that lord.
Yeah, I remember i'm embarrassed doing it Yes, sir. Yeah. Yeah, I do
I do so intimate But these people who claims it to have such an intimate relationship with god they would look at people like me
And Many of you not all of you, but many of you watching me right now Who are cessationist and they would say we don't they would say to us
You don't have intimacy That's that's the claim to make we if you're a cessationist like I am you and I don't have real intimacy
With god because we're cessationist If that's what your intimacy gets you
Mr. Or mrs. Word faith slash nar person I'll pass
Hard pass Thanks, but no, thanks I am quite content with having the inerrant infallible inspired
Authoritative all -sufficient word of god Indwelt by his holy spirit who helps to illumine the meaning of god's word to my heart to my mind who gives me the ability
To obey god's word to the glory of christ I'm quite content with that quite content that With the the fellowship that I have with the saints the love for the brethren that the holy spirit has given me
That is That is intimacy to me That is having a relationship with christ is knowing his word reading it studying it obeying it to his glory suffering
Counting it as a privilege to suffer For the name of christ for that is something that according according to philippians 1 29 that even that has been granted to me as a privilege
So if intimacy as they define it if that kind of intimacy gives them all manner of false prophecies
Putting words in god's mouth that he did not say Teaching heresy teaching blasphemy bringing reproach upon the name of christ distorting the true spiritual gifts from the holy spirit
Exploiting the poor the sick the desperate the widows for personal financial gain if that is what your intimacy gets you
I'll pass I'll pass. Thanks But no, thanks If your kind of intimacy todd white results in you intentionally
Deceiving people out on the street with your fake signs and wonders You know if you're watching this or if you are a todd white supporter
Todd white has been doing this for over a decade Intentionally deceiving people with his fake signs and wonders
Lengthening people's legs that is intentional deception and he knows it is todd white if you're watching this, you know it is
You know, you have been intentionally deceiving people for over a decade and lord willing i'll soon have a video up proving that If that's what your intimacy gets you
No, thanks hard pass I just don't understand how anyone can defend todd white
And as I said in my last video critiquing todd white I don't hate Todd white todd if you're watching this,
I don't hate you. I do hate what you're doing Because you are distorting the gospel. You have no business being behind the pulpit
I don't hate you. I hate what you're doing and if you truly Want to know christ
Reach out to me. I will help you And if god grants you repentance The first sign of that repentance the real fruit that it will bear if it's real
Is you will come out and you will tell the world that you have been intentionally deceiving people for over a decade
And you'll shut your ministry down because you'll understand That you're not qualified to be behind the pulpit
All right, dear ones until our next time together May the grace of our lord. Jesus christ the love of god and the fellowship of his holy spirit