Jesus Can Make You Clean


Sermon: Jesus Can Make You Clean Date: June 4, 2023, Morning Text: Luke 5:12–26 Series: Luke Preacher: Brian Garcia Audio:


Good morning church. That's loud. Are you awake yet?
Now you are right. Well, praise God if you can please turn to your
Bibles in Luke chapter 5 We're gonna be examining verses 12 to 26 this morning Again we'll be preaching the word from Luke chapter 5
Starting in verse 12 when you have that please do stand for the reading of God's Word Luke 5 12 hear ye this morning the word of the
Lord While he was in one of the cities there came a man full of leprosy when he saw
Jesus he fell on his face and begged him Lord if you will you can make me clean and Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him saying
I will Be clean and immediately the leprosy left him and he charged him to tell no one
But go and show yourself to the priest to make an offering for your cleansing as Moses commanded for a proof to them
But now even more the report about him went abroad and great crowds gathered to hear him to be healed of their infirmities
But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray and in one of those days
He was teaching Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem And the power of the
Lord was with him to heal and behold some men were bringing on a bed
On a bed a man who was paralyzed and they were seeking to bring him in and lay him before Jesus But finding no way to bring him in Because of the crowd they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the midst before Jesus When they saw their faith, he said man
Your sins are forgiven you and the scribes and Pharisees begin to question saying who is this who speaks blasphemies?
Who can forgive sins but God alone when Jesus perceived their thoughts he answered them.
Why do you question in your hearts? Which is easier to say your sins are forgiven you or to say rise and walk
But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins He said to the man who is paralyzed
I say to you rise pick up your bed and go home And immediately he rose up before them and picked up what he had been laying on and went home glorifying
God and amazement Sees them all and they all glorified God and were filled with all saying we have seen
Extraordinary things today. Amen. This is the word of the Lord. You may be seated
Father as we come before you this morning. We asked father that you would help us to remove every idle thoughts
Every sin that may so easily entangle us away from the good measure of grace We asked
Lord that you give us now even your spirit to be able to discern the words that are spoken The words that you've laid before us this morning and we pray father that your spirit would be strong in this place
That we would be reminded of the forgiveness of sins that we have in Jesus who alone can make us clean
And it's in his name that we do pray. Amen Beloved do you know that you and I Because of our sin
Because of the sin nature inherited by our father Adam We're all filled with Not only sin
But the mar the dirt the filthiness that comes along with it We're all in need of a good cleansing
We're all in need to be touched and healed From our infirmities from our sicknesses from that which has affected us in our sin nature
And I want to tell you today that there's good news for us There is good news because Jesus is the
Savior who saves us from sin Jesus is the one who makes us clean from the effects of our sins and Jesus alone is the one who can touch us and heal us from all of our infirmities
Here in this junction of Luke chapter 5 by God's providence lines up perfectly of what the reading passage was in Mark's gospel as Mark and Luke and Matthew are part of what's called the synoptic gospels meaning that they are all
Saying or are telling and sharing of the same major accounts of the life and ministry of Jesus Mark being the more abridged version
Luke and Mark and Matthew being the more detailed versions But both gear towards different audiences
Matthew towards a more Hebrew audience and Luke's gospel towards a more Gentile audience and yet here we come to this junction of the gospel narrative where Jesus let's recap where we've been so far having been
Delivered through the wilderness 40 days of temptation coming out of those temptations after his baptism going now into the towns of Jerusalem Judea Galilee and sharing the good news of the kingdom of God He is now calling he had just called now his first disciples going into the waters of the lake of Lake Geneser et
And calling his disciples to be fishers of men He now goes into many cities in verse 12
It says while he was in one of the cities there came a man full of leprosy Understand this
Jesus was attracting a certain type of person Jesus was attracting crowds of people all sorts people who are rich people who are poor people who are clean people who were dirty people who were of Great means people who were of no means he was attracting people of all sorts of all kinds and Jesus As he's preaching in the cities
There comes a man full of leprosy Once you didn't understand this about leprosy
Leprosy is not a disease that we often encounter here in the West anymore It is it is still something that is prevalent and more underdeveloped countries.
It's a skin condition Maybe you've had a skin condition before I've had several where Your skin starts to get crackly and you you begin to see warts or boils start to develop on your skin
But can I tell you leprosy is far worse than any of those things? Leprosy is where your flesh literally begins to rot and in ancient times such as even now in places around the world people who are afflicted of leprosy or The leprosy is so severe that they often bandage wrap their bodies just to Avoid getting more infections in your skin because the skin begins to open and crack
Infections start to pour into the skin and they begin to smell even a rot the rot of their own flesh and so in order to to to Mitigate that disgusting smell they will bandage themselves put ointments and oils just to avoid that stench of death
And here's a man coming to Jesus full of leprosy
Full of leprosy not just infected in one area, but completely in every area of his body.
He is full of leprosy and when he saw Jesus He fell on his face and begged him and he said these words
Lord If you will You can make me clean
We don't know anything about this leper We don't know about his past life.
We don't know about his Upbringing. We don't know about what he believed
But what we do know about this leper is that one he had leprosy and two
He saw Jesus and you that Jesus was the only answer to his leprosy
He didn't know probably anything else about Jesus other than this That he was preaching the kingdom of God and that he was healing the sick and that was enough for this man full of leprosy
To leap to him to run to this Jesus fall on his face and beg the man he did not know
Lord and call him by his proper title Lord Lord if you will
You can make me clean the faith of this man with leprosy
Was of such grand Example to us today
It's such an example for us today to learn from a man who probably knew not much about Jesus But knew enough to run to him because he was the answer to his problems
If you're following in the notes, I want you to write this in a man with leprosy begged Jesus to make him clean to make him clean
Now according to the Old Testament law This man with leprosy was unclean unfit
Therefore unfit to be the presence of God's Holy Temple once you write those three things in the first line
Jesus came to Jesus to make him clean Because he was unclean therefore unfit to be in the presence of God's Holy Temple when you look at the
Levitical laws concerning those who have infirmities such as leprosy these were laws that helped that dealt with cleanliness
Dealt with preserving the cleanliness and integrity of temple worship
So for instance in the Old Testament if a man had leprosy he could not come into the city
He could not come into the tabernacle. He could not come to the temple. Why because the temple represented life and Leprosy is a disease of death.
It will ultimately destroy you It will ultimately kill you and so leprosy was a disease in which there was there was there was nothing that you can do
Other than wait and die And so you could not go to the temple you could not be in the presence of holiness similarly other
Old Testament laws Having a deal of death such for instance If you had touched a dead person you could not immediately go into the temple presence
Instead you have to go through a ceremonial process of cleansing Cleaning yourself outside the temple walls for up to seven days same thing for women their menstrual cycle they could not enter into the city gates and go into the temple because of their uncleanliness all these laws had to deal with Cleanliness and promoting life and if you weren't in the temple and you were unclean you would surely die
And you will contaminate wholly clean space similarly to how in hospitals today if a person comes and they're sick and with a mysterious illness so often quarantine that person and the individuals dealing with that sick individual would have to also wear certain garbs in order to protect the integrity of that space and so too was
God's holy space the temple had to be protective its integrity Therefore those who had certain infirmities such as leprosy could not enter into God's temple but here we have something incredible happening
Though this man is unclean Though this man is struck him with leprosy
He is approaching God's new temple in Jesus and Jesus being the new and better temple is
Able to make him clean you see for all of its rights for all of his rituals The temple in Jerusalem could make no man clean if you had leprosy you would continue to have leprosy
If you were unclean unless apart from the ceremonial cleansing laws you continue to be unclean a temple in itself could not cleanse anyone and Yet here comes on the scene the new and living temple in Jesus Christ and He could make people clean
Jesus full of compassion in Luke chapter 5 verse 13 it says and Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him saying
I Will be clean and immediately the leprosy left him
Jesus Was not afraid of being made unclean
You see in the Old Testament law as part of the cleanliness laws concerning Relating to leprosy was that that's person that had to be an outcast they had to live outside the tent outside the community
Because if not they could contaminate the whole Congregation they can contaminate the whole town they can contaminate the whole community with their sickness
Therefore they had to be cut off and quarantined away from civilization and Jesus knowing full well this man has leprosy isn't shrinking back isn't running away
But instead is moving towards the man, and he says to the man. I will be clean
And he touches the man and the leprosy of the man does not infect Jesus But rather Jesus's cleanliness
Jesus's righteousness infects the man and the man is made clean you see
Sometimes in life we think of ourselves as too unclean to come to Jesus sometimes in life
We think that our sins are too big for Jesus to touch and heal and what we'll do is that will isolate
We'll move away from God's people will move away from the congregation of God's people We'll say we're not worthy to be in this space.
We're not worthy to be in this midst But I tell you this beloved Jesus is able to make you clean
There is no sin that Jesus Can't touch There is no there's no thing that you have in dealt with that you have struggled with in your life
That Jesus cannot handle Every single thing that you've encountered in your life every single uncleanliness every single sin
Every single wickedness every single depravity Jesus is able to overcome
That's our Jesus This Jesus that we know this Jesus who we encounter in Scripture is able to make even the most vilest wicked disgusting sinners clean
That's our Jesus and he touches the man and Saying these words
I will in response to the man's begging in response to the man's words of declaration that Lord if you will
This man full of leprosy Acknowledges Christ as Lord acknowledges that he is sovereign that he has a decree and will he says you can't make me clean
And that you might make me clean that that you that you you might be able to do so in the future
After I do certain things, but know that Lord at your will at your word at your decree. You will make me clean
Do you believe that when it comes to your life? Do you believe that Jesus has the authority the power and the willingness to make you clean?
I Don't know what all of your sins are. I don't know what it is that you have encountered in your life
But I do know this Jesus is able to overcome all of it all of it
He's able to touch you and make you clean. He transfers his holiness his righteousness his goodness his cleanliness over to you
So that what happens even in this store is a picture of the imputed righteousness
That Christ grants to all believers that though we are all full of spiritual
Leprosy, though we are all full of the sin of Adam and a sin of our own doing
Jesus is able to touch us and transfer his cleanliness his righteousness to us
He imputes it to us You see the uncleanliness and the leprosy of the man did not infect
Jesus It didn't touch it didn't it didn't make Jesus unclean but rather Jesus being so clean
Jesus being so righteous Jesus being so holy at his touch
He's able to transform the man full of leprosy to be healed
Completely without a trace of the fall without a trace of leprosy
That's the power of Christ And I love how even nature must obey this
Christ because it neatly after that touch it says the leprosy left So much you're right this
Jesus being full of compassion reaches out to touch the man and healed him
And his leprosy left You see we're not very different beloved from the leper
We have become unclean due to our sin and we are unable to achieve cleanliness on our own ability only by being touched by true holiness and Compassion can we experience healing from the brokenness of our hearts and of our experiences?
Jesus again is the only one who can make us clean Can you imagine all the things that this man had tried to do before in the past and failed?
Imagine what you would do in similar circumstances You would look for all the best treatments all the best ointments all the best things that you can do
You would even turn probably to to superstition to try to heal yourself from these infirmities
But once he heard Jesus was coming he knew that Jesus would be the answer
You might try a lot of different things in life to get yourself right with God But I tell you promise you this nothing will be able to remove the stain of sin except the blood of Jesus You might think that if I do enough if I feed the poor if I go to church
If I do X Y & Z, these things will earn me God's favor These things will earn me
God's cleanliness, but I tell you this you cannot be made clean on your own efforts It is not by works or by works of righteousness or by obedience to the law that you be made right before God But it is only by faith in Jesus Christ This man had nothing of his own ability to bring to contribute to his healing other than this
Lord If you will make me clean it was faith Faith is what was operating in this lepers heart
So when he saw the Lord Jesus Christ coming he knew that the Lord had the power to make him clean
Faith is all is the is the thing that we need in order to be made clean It is faith in Christ and faith in Christ alone
Now, why is it then? That this Jesus is able to make the leper clean.
How is it that he is not himself? infected by sin infected by leprosy infected by the fall
It's because of this Jesus was not made unclean by touching the unclean man
Because he is the new temple once you write this in the notes Because he is the new temple.
What do we mean by that? What do we mean that Jesus is the new temple as Jesus was preaching as Jesus was touching the leper there was a temple standing in Jerusalem a
Temple that was built originally by Solomon and then again rebuilt by Herod and that temple was the
Central place and part of true worship. It was a citadel of true worship in the
Old Testament It was a centerpiece of Jewish worship So then how can it be said that Jesus is the new temple?
Because he said this concerning himself in John chapter 2 he says
Tear down this temple and in three days, I will raise it up and The Pharisees at that time questioned him saying what do you mean?
it took us 46 years to build this temple and you say you can rebuild it in three days and John illuminates us by saying in John chapter 2 verse 19 that he was speaking of the temple of his body
Jesus is the new living temple the temple that was standing in Jerusalem had now become obsolete
It was no longer needed In fact, it was fading away and Jesus prophesied its destruction in the
Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 in Luke 21 He prophesies the doom the demise of the old temple worship pointing to the new and better way
The new and better way that would be in his flesh That would be made possible through his shed blood and through his death burrow and resurrection of Jesus Christ was the new better and living temple
Jesus is the true temple because he is the Incarnate One God Veiled in the flesh.
Why was there a need for the temple and the Old Testament? Why was there a need for a tabernacle in the wilderness?
It was so that God's presence could dwell with his people beloved in Jesus he is
God now dwelling with his people for it says in John chapter 1 in The beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was
God and all things came into existence through this word and yet This word became flesh and dwelt among us that word
Dwelt in the Greek literally means he pitched a tent. He tabernacled Amongst us and we beheld his glory the glory of the only one from the
Father full of grace and truth Jesus is the Incarnate One. He is that he is
God tabernacle with his people He is God dwelling with his people. He is indeed
Emmanuel God with us He's God veiled and manifested in the flesh and he alone can heal us of our diseases physically emotionally and spiritually when we encounter the living
Jesus we encounter the answer for the malignancy of the soul and Meet the only one who can truly make us clean.
That's Jesus. You see all of us have a disease Whether it's external or internal we all have it
It's sin Sin has so infected the human experience that from the moment that we are born.
We are already destined to die We're born with an expiration date and all of us are heading towards that ultimate statistic that ultimate number
Ten out of ten people will die Everyone in this room a hundred years from now will not be here
Likely unless Elon Musk figures out a way to grant us a little bit more time
But nonetheless most of us will not be here a hundred years from now
Where will you be in a hundred years? Brothers and sisters. I know where I'll be
Do you know where you will be? Because I'll be in that place where the Sun doesn't set I'll be in that place where there's an unbroken unceasing
Succession of Praise to the one true and triune God I'll be in that place in which his face shall shine as brilliantly as brightly as the
Sun I'll be with the Lord who is able to make us clean because he made me clean
Yesterday he's making me clean today. He's gonna make me clean tomorrow. Do you know him? There's Jesus who's able to make you clean who's able to heal the malignancy of the soul
Who's able to heal the malignancy of the human experience in the human state so that one day though these bones will one day rot away
He's able to make those dry bones live again, and we have the hope of the resurrection from the dead
That's our hope That's our stay. That's our anchor is that Christ is able to raise the dead
And he begins by raising you spiritually from the dead Raising you from its spiritual malignancy and one day it will come to a full culmination
By raising all those who are in Christ from the grave Jesus is the true and new temple
He is also God the place in which the whole fullness of deity dwells
I want you to write that in there as well as it says in Colossians chapter 2 verse 9 The Apostle Paul writes in him dwells the fullness of deity in bodily form
Jesus is God veiled in human flesh. He is the new and better temple. He is
God dwelling with his people Therefore he's able to make his people clean because God desires
To dwell of his people. That's the story of the Bible beginning in Genesis when God creates man his own image
He places them in his garden Eden perfect paradise He wants to dwell with mankind so much so that even after he sins that Adam sins
He's walking in the midst of the garden wanting to fellowship with his creation Wanting to to dwell this people because of sin.
He must now retract himself because he's true Pure holiness and sin defiles holiness defiles a holy space.
Therefore God Pulls back from humanity, but gives them a hope through the gospel that through the seed of the woman he would now overcome the effects of sin overcome the serpent destroy the serpent in its effects and Bring forth again ushering in everlasting righteousness
Through this particular seed who is God and human flesh even the
Lord Jesus Christ Jesus is a true better and new temple
And as Jesus continues to touch the sick heal the sick
He charges this man in verse 14 he charged him to tell no one but go and show yourself to the priest make an offering for your cleansing as Moses commanded and for a proof to them, but now
Even more the report about him went abroad and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed their infirmities
But he would draw withdraw to desolate places and pray. So what ends up happening is
Jesus tells the guy Okay, I cleanse you now go do as the law commands you but keep quiet But as it is so often even now
When a person is touched by Jesus, it is hard to keep quiet. Amen When you experience the divine when you experience the healing touch of Jesus You can't keep silent
It becomes almost like a well of water welling up in your soul that springs up into eternal life
It is that good word that good cheer that you just must share with others good news
Is meant to be shared. Amen It's like trying to Keep a secret.
That's just too good to keep You want to share it with the world? Jesus is indeed that good news that we want to share with the world and we are also however
To learn from the example of Jesus as word spreads of Jesus abilities crowds gathered
But he would rather but he would withdraw what you write this in the notes he would withdraw so that he could pray
You see Jesus was not motivated by pride or power He was motivated by love and compassion and his commitment to fulfill the will of his father
Now Jesus is here setting a great model for us He's setting a model of what true spiritual self -care should look like which centers around our relationship
With our Heavenly Father there were times where Jesus although he was God in human flesh had to withdraw from the crowds
And what would he do in that time of withdrawal? He wouldn't be found on the side
Doing sinful things or being idle of his time But instead he would be found in the intimacy and presence of his father
That's what it says in verse 16 says he would withdraw to desolate places and pray
You see he'd go to desolate places meaning places that didn't have much distractions And he would then center himself in prayer with his
Heavenly Father Though he would go to desolate places Christ was not desolate He knew that his only source
Would be to be in his presence of his father And so friends the same should be true of us sometimes the anxieties and cares in this world become too much even for us and We often have to withdraw from the crowds
We often sometimes have to withdraw From even those in our midst in a congregation or the family members, and I know this is a challenge sometimes for parents, right?
sometimes Kids can be a lot and it can be difficult to withdraw and have that time intimacy with the father
But I tell you this beloved Jesus is setting for us a great model for us to follow It is appropriate at times to withdraw from the crowds and spend one -on -one time with our
Heavenly Father not to the Detriment of ourselves or others but in order to draw closer and intimacy with him not that we would become desolate
But rather we'd go to desolate places knowing that only Christ only God can fulfill the need of the soul
Jesus sets a perfect model for us in self -care and spiritual discipline We must take time for ourselves also brothers and sisters for personal
Bible study for personal prayer For spending good quality time with our
Heavenly Father who loves you do not Grow weary in your commitment to spending quality time with our
Heavenly Father And ask yourself the question How often am I going in prayer to my father?
How often am I withdrawing in order to spend time in the word in prayer in?
spiritual disciplines Brothers and sisters, let us not grow weary in these things
But in some regard we got to go back to the old way of doing things We got to be a little bit more like the
Puritans in much respect Who their days would often start at 4 or 5 in the morning?
And what would they do they would spend the first few hours of their day in prayer and Study in spiritual disciplines and then they would take care of the needs of their home
Then they'll take care of the needs of their businesses But what first came was spiritual discipline spiritual matters in the same way
We too may not necessarily have to take a huge chunk of our day like that But we too should Center ourselves with spiritual disciplines.
That should be the anchor on the way to where we start our days So when we start our days, the first thing shouldn't be
Facebook. The first thing shouldn't be Instagram The first thing shouldn't be the cell phone, but rather Connecting thanking our
Heavenly Father for another day of life Going to him going into his word grounding ourselves for the day to come
So that we have the spiritual power and discipline to withstand the evil attacks of the enemy
And so let's learn continue to learn from our Savior and what he has modeled for us He continues on in verse 17 of chapter 5 of Luke On one of those days as he was teaching
Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there could have come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem the power of the
Lord was with him to heal and Behold some men were bringing on a bed on a bed a man who was paralyzed
And they were seeking to bring him in and lay him before Jesus. So here you have another example In the previous example, you have a man full of leprosy
Who cannot no matter what he wants to do no matter what he tries to do. He cannot heal himself
He cannot make himself clean Here you have another man. Who's a paralytic
Paralyzed he literally cannot move All movements have to be done for him.
So therefore they have him in his bed and they're trying to bring in the Jesus The crowds are filling in so much so that they they can't even get through the door so they do is if they go to a roof of the house and they they cut a hole through the tiles and they bring
They anchor the man down to meet Jesus He can do nothing of his own initiative.
He can do nothing in order to be made well again and Yet Jesus has mercy and pity even on those who can do nothing for themselves
It says in verse 19, but finding no way to bring him in because of the crowd They went up to the roof and let him down with his bread through the tiles into the midst before Jesus And when he saw their faith, this is interesting
Jesus didn't just see the faith of the man who is paralyzed But he's seeing the faith of those who are associated with him who are bringing him down to him
When he saw their faith, he said man Your sins are forgiven you
You know what Jesus addresses first it isn't his physical state
But rather his spiritual state He says to the man your sins are forgiven
Once you write this in notes when a paralytic man was seeking Jesus to be healed Jesus saw his what?
Faith he saw his faith and Forgave his sins and forgave his sins
Now the next logical question that is raised by the Pharisees who are hearing
Jesus who are seeing this miraculous work They began the question saying Who is this who speaks blasphemies?
Who can forgive sins but God alone? You see the astute religious leaders of the day knew this
God and God alone Had the authority to forgive sins
So when Jesus comes and he says to the man Your sins are forgiven
Clearly, they know that Jesus is making a claim of divinity and because they didn't believe in Jesus They thought that this
Jesus was making a blasphemous statement That he was claiming authority. That was not his own that he was claiming the power to forgive sins
And indeed Jesus claimed such authority and Jesus had such authority and notice how it how verse 22
The answer that we get from Luke's gospel when Jesus perceived their thoughts Again According to Jeremiah chapter 17
God alone is what who could perceive the thoughts and intentions of the heart
Jesus is able to perceive their thoughts. He's able to perceive their intentions
He's able to perceive their very hearts And he goes on to say he answered them.
Why do you question in your hearts? Jesus knew the hearts of man.
He knew their sinful inclinations. He knew what they were up to He answers with this in verse 23, which is easier to say
Your sins are forgiven you or to say rise and walk
But that you may know that the Son of Man has Authority on earth to forgive sins.
He said to the man who is paralyzed. I say to you rise Pick up your bed and go home
Jesus Has such authority and he confirms it to the Pharisees and the scribes
Because he is God The opponents of Christ believe that Jesus blaspheme because who could forgive sins but God But the
Lord could perceive their thoughts and Revealed that the
Son of Man has authority to forgive sins and to heal
You see not only does this Christ have the power to heal the sick the leper the paralytic
He also has the authority to forgive sins Because he is again
God veiled in flesh He is that true you and living temple this
Jesus is able to take sinner Leper and the paralytic and is able to make him whole and able to make him clean
Therefore beloved know this Jesus today is able to make you clean He's able to make you clean the
Lord Jesus Christ again being God in flesh can judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart and has indeed the
Authority to forgive sinners and to heal us so that we can be made clean now again
I don't know where you've been or what you've done in life. I don't know whether your sins
By human sinners have been great or small But I do know this at the foot of Jesus.
There's power for you to be made clean Now let's remember this
This man who was paralytic Had no ability to make himself well
He couldn't get even he couldn't even get into the door of where Jesus was
But he had to rely on others to make a way for him brothers and sisters a way has been made for you to be made clean a
Way has been made through the gospel of Jesus Christ That though you're a sinner though.
All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God God has made a way for you and I to be made clean to be made whole to be healed of the infirmities of our soul and human condition and That is through the gospel the good news of Jesus Christ that through his life
Jesus lived a holy perfect blameless life a life without sin a life without error a life that was
Totally pleasing to his father who is in heaven. He lived the life that you and I could not live but he was also persecuted and tortured and led to a
Roman execution of death on a cross He died a death of a criminal next to two criminals who was mocked.
He was flagged He was beaten. He was spat on he died the death that you and I deserved
Because we truly are guilty and if God's perfect justice were to be applied to us who could stand
He died a death that you and I deserved. He lived the life that we could not live holy perfect and blameless, but Jesus Didn't stay dead, but instead he was raised again on the third day
Demonstrating that he had authority not over not only over life, but he had authority even over death and That because of his resurrection from the dead he could have now mastery over death itself
So that death no longer had power over him and over those who were his disciples this
Jesus Was raised on the third day And he ascended on high to the right hand of God the
Father where he now lives forever As our high priests as the one who is able to intercede on our behalf and make us clean even now brothers and sisters friends
Unbelievers who may be in our midst if you have not come to know this Jesus now is the time to know him
Because this Jesus Loves you he gave himself for you and he's able to make you clean
In fact, he is willing to make you clean all you need to do is approach him in faith as did the man who was a leper who saw
Jesus from afar and Said this one can make me clean This Lord can change my life in the same way and how the faith of the paralytic man
Impressed Jesus so much that he was willing to do anything just to get in the presence of Christ. It was his faith
Which healed him it was by his faith that God through Christ can declare him forgiven therefore
Come to this Jesus today approach him by faith and Receive the forgiveness of sins that he offers and the promise is this that he will grant you the gift of eternal life
He'll transfer you from the domain of darkness into the dominion of light he'll transfer you from death to life and you will be called a child of the
Most High God and friend If you've already repented of your sins if you've put in your trust in Jesus know this
While we are in this world while we're in this flesh. We will still continue to wrestle with sin and God through Christ by the power of spirit will continue to sanctify you until that perfect day
When we see him face to face and we shall be like him No longer Marked admired by the fall, but instead we shall be as he is
Truly perfect and made perfect once and for all through the shed blood of his son
Jesus Christ This is for you and for me and for all those who will call the name of the Lord for all those who call the name
The Lord shall be saved. May you call on him today and be made clean by his sovereign touch.
Let us pray Benevolence sovereign
Jesus Indeed you are the one Who alone can make us clean?
Lord Jesus, thank you for these examples in your gospel narrative in your in your story
Where you touched the unclean man and you yourself did not become unclean but rather your righteousness was imputed to that poor sinner and your cleanliness transformed him from the inside out
Lord just For a touch of your glory We call upon you today
That you would make us sinners us lepers clean That you would touch us and that we would receive your touch by faith even now
That we would be made clean in the inward man and be made clean even in the outward that you would transform us
Renewing our mind through the power of your spirit Father God in the name of Jesus, we do approach you and give thanks to you for all things in Jesus We pray
Lord that you would help us Lord to internalize this message Know that there is hope for us know that there's hope for us who are sinners
Know that there's hope for us who have gone astray that there is hope for us who have been made unclean
Because there is hope in your good news in your gospel of a Jesus who is able to make us clean
Lord help us to approach this Jesus by faith and help us to receive the power of his spirit
Who's able to sanctify us set us apart? Just as these individuals were set apart made clean for holy use
May you continue to use us even now for your kingdom's sake and for your glories
We pray these things in the name of our most blessed and beautiful Savior even